
by Lil Olme

3 Nov 2022 3286 readers Score 8.8 (31 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Years ago, I had a great little one-bedroom apartment in the downtown area of a small town in Ohio. I was all of 18 and making my way in the world. I've always been known to help people out, sometimes even if it's not necessarily to my benefit. One of these times, I let a friend of a friend move in for a while, so he could get on his feet while he was starting school. I knew he partied a bit, but he seemed OK. At least not more trouble than I could handle. I made it clear from Day 1 that if he acted a fool, out he would go. I didn't have time for that nonsense then, don't now.

My apartment was sparsely furnished...meaning barely. A loveseat and chair in the living room, a TV on a milk crate, a stereo, a single bed and dresser in the bedroom, and a toaster oven and mini fridge in the kitchen. My guest roomie brought his bed and set it up in the kitchen, in what normally would have been a small dining area. Things went along just fine, for the most part. Every now and then, I'd bring a gal home and he was sometimes just an ass about it. He would interrupt us...almost every time. Nothing mean or anything, just lacking social skills. Or so I thought.

No no. He wasn't trying to get into my pants (at least I don't think he was). But it seems one of his friends from school was! I guess the reader will need a little more backstory at this point. My guest roomie never said if he was gay, straight, whatever. I never asked because I really didn't care. I was pretty convinced of my straightness at the time. He had been in and out of some trouble and got himself into cosmetology school. Hey, I'm all for someone trying to better their situation in life, so all well and good. Every now and then, he'd have a friend over from the beauty school, just to hang out, have a beer, talk about class, the usual. Some of his friends/classmates were guys, some gals. If I was home, I'd be friendly because that's just who I am.

One of his friends, Jimmy, was a chubby, dark-skinned black guy...and a bit of what we used to call 'a flaming queen'. Jimmy was over the top and effeminate as anyone. Nice guy though. Don't get me wrong, I had no problem with him. I was surprised at his inability to figure out my guest roomie's schedule. Jimmy seemed to always call when dude wasn't home. I'm not much for talking on the phone. Never have been. But Jimmy would call, and it seemed like he would just try and try to get me into long conversations with him. Maybe he was lonely. I dunno. Like I said, he was a big fella. Nice as pie and every bit as sweet, but from what I gathered from the few gay folks I knew, chubby wasn't really 'in'. So, nice guy I am, I'd chat with him.

At one point, guest roomie had to go. Long story short, he did a few things that pissed me off, so out he went. He went and stayed at his mom's place, so I didn't have to feel guilty about leaving dude homeless. My life went on as normal. I was doing construction work and as the weather was getting cold, I was working less and less, just waiting for the seasonal layoff. It finally came in November, a few weeks after I asked the guest roomie to evacuate the premises.

One morning, after a late night of hanging out at the bar with friends, I heard the doorbell ringing. I tried to ignore it but whoever it was just wasn't giving up, so I got up, put on my robe and answered the door. It was Jimmy. He was looking like his usual perky self, dressed nice for school and honestly wearing way too much cologne. I told him that his friend was no longer staying there, sorry, couldn't really be of any help, and I just wanted to go back to sleep. Jimmy, known for his ability to drag me into conversations, managed to do just that, so I invited him in. I was just too tired (and mildly hungover) to argue.

We walked into the living room, me holding my robe closed (I usually sleep naked) and went and sat on the couch. Jimmy just kept yammering on in his upbeat, over the top, effeminate way. I just really wanted to go back to bed. He apologized for getting me out of bed. He said that he hoped he hadn't interrupted anything. I told him, nah - all good. We're alone.

"So, what can I do ya for, Jimmy?" I asked.

He asked if things were OK between me and the former guest roomie. I told him they probably were, he just wasn't going to be staying here. If Jimmy was trying to get him back in here, it wasn't happening. Jimmy then changed the subject.

"I've always meant to ask," Jimmy said, "Are you seeing anyone? I mean do you have a girlfriend...or maybe...."

"Nope, mostly riding solo these days" I laughed in response. "I try to get a piece of ass when I can, but I'm in no rush to get into a relationship."

Jimmy's expression seemed really happy about this, especially when I mentioned getting a 'piece of ass'. I think he took that as meaning gay sex, when I just meant getting laid. It was just an expression.

"Can I tell you something, honestly?" Jimmy asked me.

"Sure man, what's on your mind?" I answered.

Jimmy moved a little closer to me on the couch and said, "I really like you. I mean LIKE YOU like you." He had put his hand on my thigh at this point. "I think we could have a lot of fun together if..."

I stood up, holding my robe closed, and told him, "Hey, sorry Jimmy, I'm just not really into guys. You seem like a great guy and all, but I just don't swing that way." I was trying to be as nice as possible about it. In reality, I really didn't have anything against the idea of gay sex...but IF I were to try it, I don't think Jimmy would be my first choice.

I was expecting him to look kinda crushed, but he wasn't. "Oh, it's ok, never hurts to ask, I guess", he said. "But can I ask if you've ever thought about it? I mean really."

I don't know why I said what I said next, maybe it was due to being tired and hungover, I dunno, but I told him, "Well yeah, I guess most guys have wondered about it...but like I said, just not how I swing."

The look on his face seemed to say, 'Challenge accepted!' but what he actually said was, "Well ok. I hope I didn't freak you out or anything." I told him that I hadn't and that I was glad he felt comfortable enough to ask. Not sure why I said that, but I did. I won't lie, my dick twitched just a little wondering what riding that big ass would be like...but just as quick, I put that thought out of my head.

"Hey man, I know a couple of gay guys, maybe I can try to fix you up or something" was the next thing out of my mouth. Again, not sure why I said it. Jimmy just laughed and said that he could probably handle it himself, but he thanked me anyway. "Are we still friends?", was the next thing out of his mouth.

While I hadn't really thought of us as 'friends', hell, barely even acquaintances, I assured him that we were all good. I then told him that I just wanted to get back to bed, explaining that I was tired and a little hungover. I walked him to the door, and he turned and gave me a big ol' manly hug. I sorta gave him a hug back and was really getting a whiff of his excessive cologne at this point. It felt like he might have had a semi-hard on too, but I can't say for sure.

"Ok, well I guess I'll see you around, OK? Keep in touch!" he said on his way out. I said "Yeah sure" or something like that and I won't lie, as he walked away, I found myself staring at that big ass again. He looked over his shoulder, and I think he caught me looking. He just smiled and waved this girly wave. I closed the door and went back to bed. As I laid down, I noticed that I could smell his cologne on my robe. Not sure why, but I didn't take it off. It kinda smelled nice.

A few hours later, the phone rang. Surprise, surprise. It was Jimmy. He wanted to apologize for being so forward. I told him it was OK, no big deal. He offered to pick up lunch as a peace offering, as he was finishing school early that day. I told him, it really wasn't necessary. I was just gonna go back to bed and sleep until my eyes opened. He just laughed and said, "OK just rest up. Who knows, you might need it." and then he hung up. I wondered if he was gonna try again. Would he? Nah, he seemed like he'd take no for an answer...or did he?

About 11:30am, I woke to the doorbell again. Dammit, it was probably Jimmy again. Now what?

I was right, I opened the door and there was Jimmy, with a pizza, a couple of cokes, and a 6 pack of beer..."In case you need a little hair of the dog!", he laughed. I think I just shook my head and invited him in. Having just been laid off, who was I to refuse a free lunch. If nothing else, Jimmy was never dull conversation. I walked him to the living room and then excused myself to go brush my teeth and put on some clothes.

"No need to get dressed up on my account!" he chimed in. "It's your place, be comfortable" So I just went and put on some slippers and found the belt to my robe.

When I walked back out to the living room, Jimmy was sitting on the couch with his legs kinda curled up under him. The way he was sitting made his ass look bigger and rounder, and I could see the crack of his ass at the top of his jeans. His thighs looked really meaty too. Why the hell was I thinking like this?

"I got pepperoni and sausage, if that's ok. Who DOESN'T like sausage, am I right???" he laughed. Geez, was he really being this corny? I just smiled, lit a cigarette and sat down on the chair. I didn't need Jimmy reaching for any more sausage!

"Really Jimmy, this wasn't necessary but thank you. Very kind of you." I said, as I cracked open a beer. "A little hair of the dog just might help"

We both chuckled a bit and then had a chat about what a drag hangovers are. Jimmy asked about my night, where I went, how late did I stay out, how much did I drink, stuff like that. He was very attentive to my responses. It seemed like he really wanted to know about me. He asked about work, what I was going to do with my time off, and if I'd spend it all 'looking for a piece of ass'. He seemed to find that expression really amusing.

I pointed out that I really didn't know him well at all and asked about his life story. He seemed genuinely touched that I cared to ask, so he gave me more than just a basic backstory. He told me about being raised by an auntie, about realizing he liked boys when he was just a kid, about why he decided to study cosmetology, and that yeah, he gets lonely sometimes. His auntie accepted him being gay but worried about him being alone.

Jimmy handed me another beer when I finished mine and opened one for himself. "Over the lips, across the gums, look out tummy here it comes!" he laughed as he was getting ready to drink. He really was corny but in a cute, funny way. I got up to turn on the TV, just for some background noise, being sure to keep my robe closed as I was still naked underneath. I stretched my back a bit as I stood too.

"Sore back?" Jimmy asked.

"Just a bit. Working construction, I guess it comes with the territory" I replied.

"Maybe you need a rub down. Would probably work wonders for you!" Jimmy suggested.

"Yeah maybe, but I don't have a girlfriend and I really don't like the idea of going to a massage parlor so..." Jimmy cut me off.

"Oh, I can do it! I give great backrubs!" he offered up. "I'll behave!" he giggled.

I just laughed along and told him I'd think about it. I ate a slice of pizza along with my beer, as the conversation continued. Jimmy really did seem like a nice guy. Kinda corny, but friendly, fun to hang out with, at least once I got used to how over the top he could be. When I told him I was done eating, he offered to put the pizza and the cokes in the fridge. When I told him he didn't have to, he told me to 'shoosh' and he'd take care of it...but I think he said he'd take care of me. What the heck? He suggested leaving the beers though, as he might have another.

As he walked to the kitchen, I found myself looking at that big ass again. You guessed it, my dick twitched again too. I had to get my mind on something else before I started tenting my robe. So, I stood up and tried stretching my back again.

"Want me to crack your back for you?" Jimmy asked as he walked back in from the kitchen. Without waiting for a reply, he was behind me with his arms wrapped around my chest. "You ready? Just relax." He sounded like he knew what he was doing. He felt pretty strong too. I could feel the warmth from his chubby belly against me and I won't lie, it felt kinda nice.

"Ready when you are" I replied. He giggled a bit and lifted and squeezed just a bit and cracked my back good! Again, I think I could feel his dick against me through his pants, right against my ass. It definitely felt bigger, warmer and harder than before.

"Whew! Thanks man! I needed that!", I let out. Jimmy kept his arms around me for just a bit and gave me a little squeeze. "You sure?" he asked. Yep, I was definitely feeling a hardon through his jeans...against my ass. Oh jeez, now what. I could feel myself starting to get hard. I had to get my mind off this. I sat back down on the chair, trying to make sure my cock didn't decide to make an appearance. I could see a bulge in Jimmy's pants, and I think he caught me looking again.

"Do you have HBO?" Jimmy asked. That was one of the nice things about my apartment. Utilities and cable TV were included in the rent. I told him I did. He suggested we put on a movie. He walked over to the TV on the milk crate, and bent over to change the channel..."What channel is it on?" I told him how to dial it in on my weird old TV and told him if he switched on the stereo next to it, we could listen to it through there. I'd swear he was swishing that big ass, knowing I was looking. And yep, I was. I set my beer in my crotch for a sec to settle things down, down there. What was happening? I was getting turned on by a chubby black gay guy!

"Are you ready?" Jimmy asked. What was he gonna do? Was he gonna make a move right there in my living room? He had to have known I was looking at that big ass. "Hello! Anybody in there! Are you ready for another beer?" he asked again, giggling a bit.

"Oh yeah, sure man, thanks! I just kinda zoned out for a sec" I replied. Jimmy handed me a beer and again, I could smell his cologne. This really wasn't helping. I had to fidget in my seat a bit to control my dick. It knew it wanted attention and wasn't seeming too particular about who gave it.

We watched whatever movie was on (I honestly couldn't tell at this point...and didn't care) and I had to keep fidgeting in my chair because between chatting with Jimmy, smelling his cologne and thinking about that ass...plus getting a mild beer buzz...I was having a heckuva time keeping the ol' John Thomas under control.

After fidgeting a few times, Jimmy asked if I was ok.

"Your back still sore? Would you like a rubdown? I really AM good at them. I have some lotion in my bag. I keep it with me to keep my hands soft." Jimmy really seemed to want to help.

"I dunno man...but tell ya what, I'll leave it up to you." I figured that would keep me from sounding too eager. I was really liking that thought of him massaging me all over.

"Well alright! Where do you want to do this? Here on the couch? On the floor? Your bed would probably be easiest for me" I'm pretty sure Jimmy had a plan, and it was coming together.

"Ok, the bed will work. Do you need me to do anything?" I asked.

"You just go lay down, face down. You can put a towel or something across your butt if you're worried I'm gonna sneak a peek" Jimmy giggled. "I'm gonna go wash my hands first, ok?"

Jimmy headed to the bathroom, and I headed towards my bedroom. I was mildly embarrassed at how messy it was, but oh well. I kicked some dirty clothes under the bed, took off my robe and laid down. I covered just my ass with my bed sheet. My 7" was fully erect with excitement and I tried to find a way to lay on it comfortably. I could hear Jimmy coming from the bathroom, and I could smell his cologne even stronger. I guess he put more on. Maybe he figured that with such close contact, he'd want to smell nice.

"Wow! Your back and legs are really muscular! I'm impressed!" Jimmy said as he knelt on the bed. "Must be all that manly construction work" He giggled at that. Lord knows why...but I was too busy trying to figure out why I was so excited to really give it much thought.

I could hear Jimmy squirt the lotion into his hands, and then start rubbing them together. "Gotta warm it up a little first"Little did he know, I was already feeling warmed up.

Jimmy's soft hands started rubbing the lotion all over my shoulders and upper back. It was warm and slippery, and I could really smell his cologne. He was kneeling beside me as he rubbed my muscles, lightly as first and then deeper. I just laid there moaning and groaning each time he dug into my muscles.

"Sounds like you're really enjoying this!" Jimmy, said, almost asking. "Do you want me to give you a full body rub?"

"Sounds lovely" I muttered, not knowing what the hell else to say.

"Happy to help!" he giggled.

Jimmy put a little more lotion in his hands and started to rub my lower back, then back up my spine, up to my neck, out to my shoulders and down each arm. He massaged my biceps, my forearms, my wrists, my hands and each finger, one by one. It almost felt like he was jacking off my fingers.

"Excuse me a minute, do you mind if I get more comfy?" Jimmy asked as he stood up and dropped his pants to the floor before I had a chance to answer. He straddled my legs and started to massage the back of my thighs. I know I had to be groaning. It felt so fucking good! Feeling his now naked legs against mine didn't feel at all unusual. They were a little hairy but felt warm against my skin. He then straddled one leg at a time, working his way from the back of the thigh, down to my calves, and even rubbed my feet.

"You'll probably think this is weird, but I like feet" Jimmy giggled. "I like toes. Is that weird?"

"We dig what we dig, right?" was my answer.

"Oh, I'm glad you think so! Do you mind?" he replied as he started to suck on my big toe. I felt my leg twitch, but he didn't stop. He was really into my feet."Oops! Sorry, couldn't help myself" Jimmy apologized. He sounded genuine. I just laughed and said it was no big deal.

Jimmy got back up and straddled both of my legs again. There was that warm feeling like his legs were hugging mine. "Can we lose this?" Jimmy asked as he began to lift the sheet from my naked ass. "Really should massage your glutes" He really sounded like a professional!

"Ummm, sure, I guess" I mumbled, not really sure what happens next. Jimmy took the sheet all the way off my ass, and I heard him say "Mercy" half under his breath. He was breathing a little heavier now. He squeezed lotion directly on my exposed ass cheeks. It was a little cold yet somewhat invigorating.

Jimmy began to slowly rub the lotion all over my ass with both hands. He was doing this much slower than everything before. He would rub, squeeze, rub a little harder, as he squeezed, I felt his thumbs work their way up and down the crack of my ass, slowly spreading them just a bit each time. "Is this ok? Do you want me to stop? Jimmy asked, sounding very sweet and like he cared. He kept rubbing my ass as he asked.

"Oh noooo, this really feels good! Keep going! Please!" I was practically begging.

Jimmy squirted more lotion right down the crack of my ass and began to work it between my ass cheeks. He had a cheek in each hand, and he worked his thumbs deeper between them with each rub. I was in ecstasy. I'm sure I was moaning the whole time, and this probably directed Jimmy's moves...at least that's what I like to think.

His right thumb reached my asshole. It was like fireworks going off inside me! He slowly and lightly rubbed lotion on it with his thumb. My body tensed a bit.

"Is that ok? Does it feel good?" Jimmy asked as he kept rubbing my asshole with his thumb. He started to add a little pressure. "Do you like that, baby?" My body tensed again when he added more pressure. He kept rubbing my asshole with his right thumb while rubbing my ass cheeks with his left hand. "Do you want me to stop?"

"God nooooo, that feels amazing..." I muttered. Why I did what I did next must have just been instinct. I pushed my asshole against his thumb. I don't think my cock had ever been that hard before.

Jimmy moaned a little himself and kept rubbing my asshole with his thumb. I kept pushing against it. He stopped for a second and I heard him squirt more lotion into his hands. It sounded like he was rubbing it into his hands, but his right hand was back on my ass, thumb working its way back to my asshole. I could still hear him rubbing lotion...was he rubbing it on his cock? Oh man! My mind was racing!

His left hand was back on my ass again. I felt his body shift. It felt like he was sliding off the foot of the bed. I was really in no position to take a look. His hands kept rubbing and kneading my ass cheeks, spreading them apart. I felt Jimmy start kissing and licking my ass cheeks. This felt so intense but nothing like what came next.

I felt Jimmy lower himself more and then he pulled my cock behind me and started licking it, starting at the back of the tip, along the shaft, licking my balls, and then licking my perineum. I heard him "mmmmmmmm'ing" the whole time. Then I felt his big, warm, wet tongue lick right up my ass crack. I tried not to tense up as I guessed what was coming. I was right. He worked his tongue to my asshole!

I'm not sure which of us was moaning more at this point. He started to lap at my asshole like I'd done to many gals' pussy. It felt incredible! I can see why the gals like it so much! Then I felt the pressure of his tongue working its way into my asshole! DAMN! My mind was shattering. He started to tongue fuck my ass! Between what he was doing with his thumbs and his tongue, this could well be something I'd need to revisit a few times.

Like the old TV commercials always said but wait - there's more!

I was grinding my ass into Jimmy's chubby face. Jimmy kept licking and tongue fucking my ass, all the while rubbing my thighs and grabbing and stroking my cock. How I kept from exploding is beyond me. Every now and then, I'd feel one of his hands disappear. I managed a peak back, and it looked like he was jacking off during all of this. That Jimmy was so turned on got me even more turned on.

He slowed to a stop and stood for a minute. He asked, every so sweetly, "Can I lay on top of you?"

Holy shit! Was Jimmy gonna try to fuck me? He took off his shirt, so now we were both completely naked.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." I answered, figuring he was probably getting a little worn out from giving me an amazing massage, plus everything else.

He was heavy, about 225. I should have guessed that from his chubby build. The pressure of his body, along with his warmth, and the almost overwhelming smell of his cologne had me feeling oddly comfortable. I could feel his large cock, covered with lotion, up against my ass crack. He started to squeeze me and kiss my neck and nibble my ear. "Mmmmmm, this is nice...what do you think?", he asked quietly in my ear. Before I could answer, he started to slowly rub his cock against my ass crack...up and down in little strokes as he moved his hips. I just moaned and instinctively pressed my ass against his dick. What was going on? Was I about to not only get fucked in the ass but was I really welcoming it?

I just laid there and enjoyed every second of this new level of intimacy. Jimmy wasn't pushing boundaries; he was just going with the flow. He probably could have just rammed it in my ass at this point and had his way with me, but he wasn't. He was being very sweet about everything. Feeling his weight on me, the kisses, licks, nibbles...his hands all over me, and damn...feeling that big, warm black cock rubbing against my ass was like nothing I'd ever felt.

Jimmy giggled and spoke softly in my ear, "I told you...I really LIKE YOU like you." I'm pretty sure I was blushing hearing this. He reached down and spread my ass cheeks wider and started rubbing his cock on my asshole. There went the fireworks in me again! He pulled his hips back a bit, grabbed his cock and started to rub the massive head of it against my asshole. I'm not sure if that was lotion or precum, but it was pretty wet and slippery. He started to push a little more, pressing the tip of the head just inside my ass. My whole body clenched.

Jimmy could have kept trying, but as sweet as he was, he stopped. "I don't think you're ready for that just yet. Besides, I haven't finished your rubdown yet." he said, with a smirk in his voice.

Jimmy put more lotion on me and gave me a cursory once over, from feet to shoulders. Then he asked me to roll over on my back. As I lay flat on the bed, face up, my hard-on was at full attention. He wrapped his well-lotioned right hand around it and slowly stroked me. "This seems pretty stiff! It's gonna need a lot of attention, I think!" Jimmy giggled, corny as ever.

"I guess it will...luckily I'm in good hands" I shot back, half expecting a rimshot. Jeez, his corniness was rubbing off on me. Speaking of rubbing...

Jimmy straddled me, with that big, bouncy black ass sitting right on my dick. Looking me straight in the eyes, he moved his hips and started to grind my cock with his ass. It was obviously having the effect he'd hoped for. He started to rub his nipples and asked, "Do I turn you on, baby?" Speechless, I just nodded yes.

"Touch me baby. I want to feel your hands on me." This was part plea, part command, and I was completely unable to say no. I started to rub Jimmy's meaty thighs. This made his still hard, 7 1/2" cock twitch. "Touch it. Show you me you want to feel it", another command. "Stroke it, baby"

I did as I was told, especially with that big ass still grinding me.

Jimmy bent down and kissed me deeply, and passionately. This sent jolts of lightning through me. I'd had a lot of great sex with women but damn, nothing had felt like this!

Jimmy still had lotion on his hands. He told me to close my eyes and just relax. He said he was going to take care of me. He ran his fingers through my hair, pushing it back off my face. Then he began lightly rubbing my eyebrows, outward towards my temples. He started to rub my temples and then my ears. If I wasn't so fucking horny, I probably would have passed out. Jimmy started gently pulling upward as he rubbed my ears. He scooted further up my body too. He started to rub his cockhead across my lips. He was just about oozing precum at this point.

"Open your mouth, baby". This was definitely more of a demand than anything so far, and my mouth opened for him. He told me to lick the head, to lick the precum and taste him. Again, I did as I was told.

"You're going to suck my cock, baby. Any time I want, right?" Swirling my tongue around the head, I just nodded yes again. Jimmy gave me the sweetest smile.

"Have you ever sucked a cock before, baby?" Jimmy asked, sounding as sweet as ever. I finally got to answer.

"Nope, first time for everything I guess", then I went back to licking his cock. Jimmy smiled, moved forward a little more and started pushing his cock into my mouth. His chubby belly was on top of my head, and I had to try to not giggle at the mental image.

"You really DO like me!" Jimmy exclaimed, sounding almost like a girl. He was fucking my mouth now. I reached around and squeezed those big, beautiful ass cheeks while he did so. He was hitting the back of my throat and making me gag but we weren't stopping. I could feel his load building up in him. He pulled out of my mouth, sat back and jerked gobs of his spunk onto my chest. I was speechless. I just gave this chubby black guy a blowjob!"I marked my territory, I guess you're mine now!" Jimmy giggled. Reaching for my bed sheet to wipe myself off, I just looked at him, winked and giggled myself. Once cleaned off, I reached for Jimmy and pulled him into my arms. I guess I've always been a cuddler.

"You know, we're not done with your rubdown yet, you know that, right?" Jimmy sheepishly inquired. He reached out for the lotion and set it on the nightstand. "We'll be needing this soon." He winked at me as he said it.

Jimmy laid next to me and started to rub my chest. Somehow, there was still some lotion on his hands. Not a lot but enough. I've always been blessed with big shoulders and a muscular chest, so Jimmy seemed to really be enjoying this. He would stop now and then to play with my nipples or lick them and nibble on them. This was really getting me turned on again. I reached for my cock and started to stroke it some. Jimmy slapped my hand away and said, "No, mine!" as he took over stroking it. "I told you it was stiff and was going to need lots of special attention." Jimmy gave me that smirk that I was coming to know oh too well.

He kissed his way down my stomach and down to my pubes. Then Jimmy just went down on my cock! All 7" down his throat, no gag reflex. He came back up and gave me the blowjob of a lifetime! I've had many since but none this good. He licked it, sucked, kissed, occasionally working a finger into my ass. Then two. Jimmy definitely knew what he was doing. I felt like I was being taught a whole new way of living, and I guess I was.

Jimmy slowly repositioned himself, sucking my cock the whole time, so that his big, beefy, black ass was in my face. He arched up so I could get to his dick, which he promptly told me to suck. "Suck my cock baby!" he practically yelled. Who was I to say no? Here was another first for me, having a 69 with a chubby black gay guy. Hint: it wasn't the last.

I worked my tongue all over his dark 7 1/2". I worked my way to his balls and then finally to what I'd wanted all along. That big black ass! It was almost comically big, and really meaty and jiggly. He had some rough hairs in his ass crack, but this was just turning me on. I just started kissing it, and squeezing it, and rubbing it. It was now or never. Time to give as good as I got. I started running my tongue up and down Jimmy's ass crack, causing him to moan in delight. I pushed those big beefy cheeks apart and worked my tongue into his ass. I spit in it. I wanted it wet and sloppy so I could fuck the hell out it. I reached for the lotion on the table and squeezed it on his ass and on my cock. Jimmy knew exactly what was going on and repositioned himself on all fours on the bed.

"Yes baby! Ride this big ass!" again with the commands. I rubbed my cock on his ass crack just to tease him like he did me. He pushed back with each stroke. It was almost like that ass was ready to devour my cock. I pushed Jimmy's shoulders down to the bed while fucking that ass up in the air. It was a work of art! Two big bouncy black orbs with a warm, tight hole. Soon I was thrusting long and deep, then faster and faster. I didn't want to cum so quickly, but I just couldn't stop. I wanted to shoot my load all over Jimmy's ass, but I was too excited. I shot it so deep in him, he could probably taste it. I held my dick in his ass until it went flaccid, and my cream started to ooze out. "Ohhhhh baby, that was good! I knew we could have some fun!", Jimmy said just before he hopped up and went to the bathroom to clean up. When he came back, we laid and cuddled a while. Later, Jimmy walked to the kitchen (butt naked...what a view!) and got the rest of the pizza and the cokes and brought them to the bedroom. "I told you I'd take care of you!" he said.

Years later, I can still smell that cologne.

by Lil Olme

Email: [email protected]

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