Jake's True Love

by 138b

25 Dec 2023 3385 readers Score 9.0 (44 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Author's Note:

While I am still writing how Toby and Jake's story started and evolved to where it it gets to where their "relationship" becomes more intimate, I am adding a bit of a teaser to it in that I already have it down (may take a bit of retconning and story edits though).

If one has been keeping up with this story, then they will know, if not well then enjoy the read.

The party was at the lacrosse team captain’s very permissive parent’s lake house with his stepfather sitting his SUV down the road to it and holding on to the car keys for everyone who drove to it.

After a couple of hours of first were drinking beer, then munching on food, and then sipping on whiskey while the lacrosse team captain, Jake, and the rest the guys were playing pool, video games or streaming on their cell phones.

The lacrosse team captain then noticed that Jake was rubbing on his injured knee a lot and was experiencing a bit of discomfort. He guessed that was hurting Jake from his recent torn ACL surgery and needed to warm it up some and to allow for some relief.

The lacrosse team hears Jake say, “that sounds good Toby.  My knee is killing me.  Mind helping me into it.”

Jake and Toby go outside to it and Toby fires it up to get the water heating. In the meantime, they just talk and drink on their whiskeys.

Toby sees that Jake is still rubbing on his knee and offers to massage it for him. 

Jake has had a few beers and bourbons, so he says sure as he places his injured leg on Toby’s.  Toby then massages on it some while the hot tub heats up.

Maybe it was the booze or Toby’s hands massaging his injured knee, but Jake starts to bone up under his shorts.

He casually tried to adjust his swelling manhood that is trapped beneath his boxer briefs and khaki shorts because he doesn’t want Toby to see that he is getting an erection. 

Jake then sees Toby take a hand to his crotch and do some “male adjusting” as well.  Jake looks down at Toby’s crotch and sees that he has a very visible erection going on as well.

Toby says to Jake “the hot tub should be ready for us by now. Let me get us a couple more whiskeys so can sit in for a bit.  Hopefully that will help out your knee some”.

Jake says, “sure but I didn’t bring a bathing suit.  Knee brace and all.”

Toby says “neither did I but then what’s the point of them in that we have seen each other naked in the showers since our junior year of high school on the lacrosse team. 

Jake nods to concede Toby’s point.

Toby takes off for a moment and returns with two double shots of bourbon. He sets them down by the now heated hot tub. 

Jake says thanks. 

Toby then begins to strip off his shirt and shorts and underwear. He has a pretty good semi-boner erection going. 

Jake does the same thing and as he struggles to get his shorts and underwear off Toby says “let me help you out some Jake with it since you are injured and all. 

Toby pulls down Jake’s shorts and sees that he has a pretty good boner going in his white boxer briefs as well as a big wet spot where his hard cock is leaking pre-cum in them. 

Toby then slowly lowers Jake’s underwear from him and struggles a bit because of the knee brace that Jake has on.

Jake says “if we are going in there I have to take it off.

Toby says “I’ll take it off for you and help you in the hot tub” as he undoes the Velcro strapping of the brace around Jake’s injured knee before removing it and lowering Jake’s underwear totally off. 

Jake has a pretty good hard on going at the moment and Toby sees it. 

Jake tries to step into the hot tub but from the alcohol and his weakened knee he stumbles some before Toby takes a strong hold of him and eases Jake into the hot tub. 

Toby says, “maybe this is too much for you right now with your bum knee and all.”

Jake says thanks to Toby for keeping from falling into the hot tub as he settles into the it and finds the hot water relieving. 

He takes a sip of the bourbon that Toby brought over and begins to massage his knee some.  Toby gets in as well and lifts Jake’s injured leg onto his lap as he helps Jake massage his knee and leg.

Jake notices that on occasion Toby removes one hand from massing his knee and leg to grab on his own crotch before going back to massaging Jake’s knee.  Toby does this several times and each time Toby’s hand go up higher and higher on Jake’s leg until Jake feels Toby’s hand touching his already semi hard cock.  Jake gives Toby “the look” but doesn’t say anything but just take another sip of whiskey.

Jake then feels Toby’s hand gently touching and running along on Jake’s cock and balls and gets immediately hard from Toby’s hand on his man junk. 

Jake slams the rest of his shot and says to Toby that he needs a refill. 

Toby slams his drink and says the same thing and that he will bring the whiskey bottle.  Toby exits the pool and as he does Jake sees that Toby has a full-on erection as well. 

Jake doesn’t know what to make of the situation and the bourbon is clouding his judgement some.  While Toby is gone Jake feels his cock and can tell that he has a full-on boner going on.  He gives it a few quick strokes and hopes that Toby doesn’t come back to find him jacking off in the hot tub, but it was too late.

Toby returns with the fresh bottle of bourbon, and he saw Jake jacking off in the hot tub. 

Toby says, “I brought us refills Jake”, as he pours two more shots into their glasses before stepping into the hot tub and sitting right next to Jake and saying “want me to help you out with that bro?  I saw you jacking off in the hot tub.”

Jake said, “yeah sorry.  I’m just drunk and horny at the moment bro. I haven’t been laid since Monika went back to Finland and the surgery has ruined my sex life.”

Toby says, “then let me help you out with that”, as he gently takes a hold of Jake’s hard dick and start to stroke it off some.

Jake is shocked to hear Toby to ask him that in that he thought that Toby was the toughest and most straightest guy in school and is even more shocked when Toby starts jacking off his cock. 

Jake then says to Toby to stop jerking off his cock by saying, "I'm not a homo Toby so stop it please."

Toby then confesses to Jake, “I am Jake.  We are going to graduate from high school soon and may never see one another again after that.  I just want you to know how I feel about you."

“I have loved you Jake since the first day we met on the lacrosse field.

“I know that you are not like me Jake.  I’m gay. I just wanted to let you know because I trust you and I know that you will not tell anyone else.”

Jake doesn’t know what to do.  He stands there looking into Toby’s eyes and sees that he is weeping and says, “I won’t tell anyone about you Toby and in a ways I always knew that, but that didn't bother me. 

"Your secret is safe with me.  You have my word.  You are my brother.”

Jake then gives Toby a hug because he could just outed himself to him and in is a way honored that he trusts him with his secret. 

Jake feels Toby’s massive 9.5” cock erection against his and Toby bends down to give Jake a kiss on the mouth before saying “thanks for being my friend Jake.  There is no one I trust more with this than you.”

Jake keeps hugging on Toby for a bit but his still freaked out by him outing himself to Jake. 

Jake then says, “we better get back inside.”

And just at that time the outside floodlights turn on and eight other naked class and teammates rush out of the house and jump into the pool. 

One guy shouts out “fuck the water is cold.  My balls just shot up into my throat!” while another team member replies back, “you have to have to have balls to begin with ‘cause from what I hear your whore of a girlfriend keeps them next to the dildo ‘cause your pecker is too small.”

Another guy chime and says “oops guys It think we just interrupted two homo lovers here.  Is that Jake and Toby?”

Jake gets immediately irate and shouts back and says “fuck you man.  Toby was helping me out of here because unlike some of you self-centered dicks Toby is our team captain and a classmate, so he looks out for all of his team active playing or not!! So, show him some fucking respect!!”

Toby then helps Jake out of the hot tub and helps Jake get his underwear and knee brace on before pulling on his own underwear and are toweling off the offending person say “sorry Toby and Jake.   Was just kidding guys.  I meant no offense.”

Toby assists Jake back into the house and as they walk past the smart ass who made the crass comments about them. 

Jake stops a moment and says, “good thing Dean that neither Toby and I have to hear your gay bashing comments in a couple of more week but if you have to project your own faggot lusting for guys because I saw you blowing Tommy Wilkerson from the football team under the bleacher team then by all means keep it up while I was running laps” as he keeps on walking by.

As Toby and Jake enter the house Jake can hear someone ask Dean “what the fuck does Jake mean by that?  You homo for Tommy?” and “Hey Dean I can use a good blow job right now”.

Both Jake and Toby are silent as they enter the house and Toby offers to help Jake up the stairs.

Jake says that he can manage himself and as he takes a couple of steps up to his room, the pain in his knee as well as the alcohol he drank have impaired him some that he struggles to walk up the stairs.

 Jake caves in and asks Toby for help. 

Toby then helps Jake upstairs to his room.

Jake got lucky in that he has own private guest bedroom to himself with a bathroom attached to it while the other guys at the party have to bunk together while Toby has the Master Bedroom.

Toby helps Jake to his room and gives Jake another hug. 

Jake hugs him back and says “you are who you are bro. I still won’t think of you differently”, as he looks into Toby’s light blue eyes and sees that he is crying again.

Toby says as he wipes his tears away “thanks Jake. I appreciate what you just did back at the pool and standing up for me and also outing that dick Dean. 

“He is just jealous because he has been hitting on me for this past school year since he and Tommy broke up, but I just ignored his sexual advances, even in the showers where he would wait until we alone in them and then have a massive hard on, so I just ignored him. He is not my type, but you are.”

Jake is very buzzed at the moment and his knee is aching in pain, so he really didn’t hear all of what Toby said but he just nods his head and says, “Toby I need a shower and get to bed. Had too much to drink and my leg is killing me.  We can talk more tomorrow.” 

Toby says “ok” and departs for his room. . .

by 138b

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