It All Happened So Fast

by Ralphe Brandon

24 Nov 2022 24124 readers Score 9.2 (281 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Disclaimer: The following story contains graphic depiction of consensual sex between males that are related by blood. If this story offends you or is illegal in where you are residing, turn back now. This is also a work of fiction. The characters and the events that take place are non existent. Any similar occurrence in real life is purely coincidental. 

Copyright: © Ralphe Brandon, 2022. This story is not to be distributed or used without permission from the author. This entire body of work is also not allowed to be used as an NFT unless specified by the author. 

I used to think that every time they say “it all happened so fast” in movies or tv shows, it never really did and it couldn’t have happened that really fast. Boy, was I wrong. Anything could really happen in a blink of an eye.

Out of all people, it actually happened to me.

One minute I was in the shower, enjoying my old 10 inch dildo in peace, the next minute I was impaled on my dad’s huge dick. I know what you’re thinking and no, he didn’t join me in the shower and no, he didn’t do it on purpose. All of it was an accident. How you ask? I still don’t really know how it unraveled all so fast, but let me begin by telling you the events that led to me getting accidentally fucked in the ass by my father’s huge dick.

It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten laid and I was particularly horny that night. I wanted to scratch the itch that I was feeling deep inside me and there’s no way I’m hooking up with someone in my parents’ house, let alone in a middle of a worldwide pandemic. You see, ever since the COVID crisis started, I returned living back home with my parents because our school sent everyone away that’s living in campus dormitories. They didn’t want to be liable for students catching the deadly disease inside their premises so everyone was put off college until all shit was sorted out.

That was over 3 months ago, the world hasn’t returned to normal, and I haven’t gotten fucked since. What? I’m a 21 year old. I’m constantly horny and months of using my hands is not enough for me.

Anyway, when I felt like my parents were asleep, I thought I could enjoy the big dildo that’s been gathering dust in my drawers. I’ve been too afraid to use it, especially inside my room because, my mother has been constantly washing my sheets. I know! I’m a grown ass man that has my mother doing my chores. Well, perks of living at home I guess.

So I went to the bathroom knowing full well that my parents were either sleeping or busy making love to each other, took a long hot shower, before sticking the dildo on the wall, slicking it up with a generous amount of lube I brought in the bathroom with me, then slowly and deliciously impaled myself on the 10 inches of glorious silicone, trying to keep myself quiet so that my parents wouldn’t hear me. And, oh my god, it felt so fucking good. I know it isn’t close enough to the real thing but trust me when I say that it’s good enough to hit some of the best spots inside me. It’ll have to do since we all know I wouldn’t be getting laid anytime soon.

Apparently, I was too quiet, and stupid, too, because I forgot to lock the bathroom door and my dad came inside. I never really understood why he came to this bathroom instead of the one in their room. “Fucking bitch. Leaving me like this again.” He said. He couldn’t see me as I was behind the shower curtain, still impaled on the dildo, trying not to make a sound. I heard the toilet seat drop and a loud thud with him sitting angrily on the toilet. That’s when I figured out why he’s in this bathroom.

“She fucking expects me to use my hand every time? Jeez.”.

I didn’t want to be in the room where my dad was about to jack himself off, even though there’s the horny part of my brain that might have considered it since my dad was a hot guy. He wasn’t that much older than me because he had me when he was 13. I know right? He looks a lot like me, muscular from working out everyday, but bigger, so yes, I’m curious to see what he looks like wanking or just curious to see his dick in general but there are lines even I wouldn’t want to cross. That would be weird.

So, I slowly extracted myself from impalement even though I’m still extremely horny and unsatisfied, unstuck the dildo from the shower wall then placed it on the side where I can come back for it later, then spoke. “Dad, I’m in here.”

“Fuck! Dalton! You scared the shit out of me.” He exclaimed. “Were you there the entire time? Why didn’t you say anything?”

I peeked through the shower curtain and looked at him. He was looking at me while trying to hide his dick and failing miserably. My eyes went wide. My dad has a huge dick and by huge, I mean huge. He was almost as big as my dildo if not bigger. He was already hard and by the looks of it, lubed and started jacking off.

He coughed which brought me back to my senses. “Could you hand me the towel so I could get out of here and you can take care of that?” I joked.

“Fuck you, kiddo.” He laughed a little while handing me a towel. He’s always called me kiddo even when I grew up. I never really tried to change that because I like the way it sounded especially when he’s the one addressing me with it.

And this is where it all went to shit. The minute I opened the shower curtain further, it disrupted the balance of the dildo which fell towards my foot, completely unnoticed. It was still so slick of lube that when I moved forward to grab the towel from my dad, I stepped on it and slipped. I couldn’t get any traction because of how slippery it was so I let go of the towel and grabbed the shower curtain, but it ripped off and I fell towards, yeah you guessed it, the toilet. My dad who was trying to cover his hard dick forgot all about it and tried to rescue me. He extended both his arms which angled my fall towards him. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to stop me from falling because the next thing I knew, my still well lubricated hole was going down on his particularly large and hard organ.

“Oh fuck.” He stated, his cock pulsing deep in my ass.

“Unnhhh.” I moaned when he bottomed out inside me. His dick was so big, so hot, so alive and…oh so, so good. I tried to move off of him but my feet were so slippery from the lube that I just ended up fucking myself on him by repeatedly failing to stand up and falling down.

“Ohh. Dalton….unhhh…stop…ahh…moving.” he whimpered. He wrapped his arms around me to stop me and felt his warm breath on my neck. “Why is your ass lubed up?” He asked.

“I…” before I could answer, I felt him looking above my shoulder to see what caused the fall. I don’t know why he didn’t just push me off of him. He kept me in place and I could feel every throbbing inch of him rubbing against my prostate as he did.

“So that’s why you slipped.” He whispered. “How does that big black thing feel inside you?” He continued.

“I-“ I couldn’t speak. Everything was happening to fast and his third leg prodding my insides felt surreal.

“What about right now? How does this…” He moved and twitched his dick inside my ass to emphasize, eliciting a moan and a whimper from me “…compare to that black plastic thing?”

“It feels…ohhh…so wrong…unhh…but better. So much better.” I moaned out on his small movements.

“Want me to stop, kiddo?” He asked. I shook my head.

“Fuck me, daddy.” Daddy? Where the hell did that come from. I felt his dick get harder inside me when I said that.

I could feel him grinning behind me as he tightened his arms that were already wrapped around my body then started lifting me up and down his huge dick. My eyes rolled in pleasure and soft whimpers came out of my mouth as he slowly impaled his thick meat into me over and over again. He was reaching areas no one has ever touched inside me.

“This really feels a lot better than that dildo, doesn’t it kiddo?” He whispered and bit my earlobe. I nodded. Right then and there, I wanted to kiss my dad but I stopped myself. There are lines still needed not be crossed. Then again, his dick was already balls deep in me. What lines haven’t we crossed? Still, the logical part of my brain said not to, so I didn’t. I just closed my eyes while I felt his gigantic pole massage me from the inside.

“This…is…so… fucking…wrong.” He whispered to me in between moans and jabs of his dick on my prostate. I wanted to scream and moan loudly but I couldn’t. I wouldn’t want to wake mom and make her see whatever the hell we were doing. “You’re so fucking hot, kiddo.” He roamed his hands on my back while he fucked me with small movements, sending tingling sensations of pleasure all over my body.

“Daddy…fuu..” I whimpered as his hot breath grazed my neck sending more of my nerves into pleasure overdrive. I felt myself about to come and I’m pretty sure he sensed it too because suddenly, I was off of him and was gently put down on the bathroom floor on all fours. “What the fuck, dad?” I said angrily. Nobody has stopped me from near orgasm especially when sex was that good. I was a little pissed.

“I don’t want you to cum yet and nether do I.” He grabbed a towel and wiped off the lube everywhere before helping me stand up and ushering me towards the tub. He smirked. “Let’s shower and finish this in your room.”

“What about mom? Isn’t she expecting you to go back to bed?” I started the shower as he entered behind me.

“Nah. Whenever she leaves me with blue balls, it means she’s tired as fuck and doesn’t care what time I go back. She also hates it when I try fucking her in the morning even after leaving me high and dry at night, so she expects me to go back to bed no longer horny.” He winked at me then turned on the shower.

That’s when I really started looking at him, not as my father, but an extremely hot 34 year old man. His dazzling blue hypnotic eyes were also doing a once over on me. “You really grew up, huh, kiddo?” He said while running his hands over my shoulders and arms. “When did you get so…” I guess he was trying to find the right words because of the long pause. “…hot.” He winked at me as he said those word. My entire body felt like it was burning because that’s the first time I heard him speak in a sexy, sultry deep voice.

“You’re hot, too, dad.” Was all I could reply before quickly turning around. I was still embarrassed to be naked in front of my father, especially when my dick is returning to it’s hardened state. It never really went down all the way, but it’s still kind of embarrassing. I could suddenly feel him stand closer behind me, his monstrous cock nestled in between my ass cheeks. He hugged me as he washed my chest and abs, all the way to my dick. I was surprised when he grabbed hold of it and stroked it gently.

“You know I love you no matter what, right?” I could feel him kiss my head affectionately as he tightened his arms around me. At that moment, I could feel all this love emanating from him making me even hornier. I’m pretty sure we’ve finally crossed the boundaries I’ve set up in my mind. I could feel his breath near my cheeks. I felt like he wanted to kiss me but I didn’t want to push the broken boundaries further. Not yet anyway.

After washing me some more and exiting the shower, my dad literally picked me up, slung me over his shoulder and dashed towards my room. I was appalled, shocked, mostly turned on, but really so surprised. I didn’t know where that came from and I honestly didn’t think he could carry me. We’re almost the same weight, him a little heavier than me because he’s bulkier and taller. I couldn’t have imagined him carrying me effortlessly like that.

He flung me on my bed before returning to my door and making sure it was locked. “I couldn’t have your mom checking in on us if she decides to go around snooping.” He winked as he pulled me on the edge of the bed, raised both my legs and gave me the best rim job of my life. I almost screamed in pleasure. His tongue felt like a thick small dick worming its way around my already slippery hole. That’s when I realized this isn’t the first time he’d done this. He was just too good!

I grabbed one of my pillows for life support because I couldn’t keep suppressing my moans and whimpers anymore. It’s been that long since anyone ever tongued my hole and he’s doing it better than anyone who’ve sunk their tongues down my chute. It’s like he was trying to lick my soul from inside my ass and it was actually working.

“I can’t wait anymore, and besides, you’re already well lubed.” He said as he stood up and lined his enormous tool right at the end of my winking pucker. “Remember when you accidentally sat on this earlier?” He smirked then suddenly jammed his entire tool inside me in one fell swoop. It felt like the air in my lungs were sucked out and every nerve ending in my body lit up like fireworks. I let out a guttural satisfying groan. “That good, huh, kiddo?” He smiled and moved closer to me.

I wasn’t prepared for this. I know he’s already fucking me but making out with my dad will cross lines I can’t even begin to comprehend and we’ve already crossed most of them. I really thought he was gonna kiss me but instead, he just looked me straight in the eye. “You know this won’t be the last time I’m going to fuck you, right?” He looked at me with a devilish smile.

I came. He hasn’t even moved but I came. I came so hard it hit him on the chin.

“Already?” He giggled. “We haven’t even gotten to the best part, kiddo.”

“Fuck me, daddy.” I can’t believe I blurted that out again and with that word ‘daddy’ again? Although, saying that made me spurt another glob of cum from my dick. “Just fuck me already.”

“We’ve already gone this far right?” He winked. He was about to start moving when I grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss. I couldn’t stop myself anymore. I wanted everything from him. I jammed my tongue inside his mouth and he responded. He came as I kissed him. I don’t know what happened next because I blacked out the minute I felt his cum spray inside me and it made my entire being experience a full body orgasm.

When I woke up, everything felt like a dream. It was noon. “Was everything real?” I asked myself as I got out of bed. Mom and Dad aren’t home so I went to the kitchen to grab some food when I received a text from mom.

MOM: I’ll be staying in the hospital for a while. We’re understaffed and all of us are exposed so we’ll quarantine here while continuing to work until this blows over. Don’t worry. I’m ok. Will call later after my shift. Love you!

I texted back, told her I love her and to take extra care. That didn’t explain where dad was so I got back to my room and that’s when I saw something in my trash can. Upon closer inspection, it was the black dildo. “What the fuck?” I looked around the room and noticed a note on my bedside drawer.

You no longer need that big black thing. After last night, you’ll get all the dick you want from me. Love, dad

“So everything was real.” I murmured to myself. My ass twitched at the thought and out dripped the load my dad left there last night. I’m now so glad it all happened so fast and I accidentally got fucked by my dad.

by Ralphe Brandon

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024