If You Can't Stand the Heat

by Ty Jordan

21 Oct 2019 3530 readers Score 9.1 (84 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It began like any other summer day. My parents had left for work and I got up late. I showered, pulled on a fresh brief and headed for my second favorite room, the kitchen. Mom was always complaining that I prowled too much in the refrigerator. She’d probably buy one with a lock on its door if they made them that way! I don’t know what her problem is. I’ve never been overweight. I’m just right for my height. Can help it if I have a bunch of muscles to feed?

I picked out some things for my brunch and started in on them. I glanced at the backyard thermometer—eighty-two and not even noon yet. It was a day to just lie around, stay comfortable and daydream. As I ate I began thinking about the past school year and my upcoming graduation. Memories started to float through my mind. I thought of the good times on the wrestling team—the out-of-town meets, the parties, the excitement of getting a guy down on the mat and defeating him one-on-one.

Someone rapped loudly on the back door. It was Kevin, a newcomer to the neighborhood and also my newest buddy. Even though I’d met him only a few weeks ago, I felt as though I’d known him for years. He was the kind of guy I could relax with, goof off with. But I noticed that around others he became more quiet, cautious. Apparently he had picked me to be a special friend, maybe a close friend. That impressed me. I knew he was someone to trust.

Like me, Kevin was a dedicated wrestler. In fact, he’d been one of the regional champs at his old school in California. He was a real stud. He had the perfect wrestler’s body—strong shoulders and neck, super-developed upper arms and thighs, great abs, narrow waist, not too much height—the works. You couldn’t help but stare. Oddly enough, he hadn’t yet joined our wrestling team for some reason, and so far I hadn’t been able to talk him into it. Anyway, I was lucky to be a friend of his. He could teach me a lot.

“You just get up?” he asked, smiling at my white brief.

“Yup,” I mumbled with my mouth full. I motioned for him to step inside. He was wearing a red T, sneakers and his usual Levi’s.

“I did Johnson’s yard,” said Kevin. “What a job. Took two hours.” He peeled off the sweaty tee as we walked into the kitchen. I handed him a glass of water and enjoyed watching him guzzle it.

“God, you could fry out there,” he said, ruffling his thick black hair. “You could sizzle a brain!” He raised the glass over his head and comically dumped the rest of the water into his hair.

“I think yours was already sizzled!” I responded.

Kevin pitched the shirt into my face and widened his stance.

“Yeah—I sizzle, I’m hot! Especially on a day like this!” He crouched a little and spread his legs further. “I’m a real hot boy!” he joked, ro­tating his hips like an exotic dancer.

It was true. Kevin did have a fantastic body. As I watched him show off in front of me, I realized how much I was drawn to his physique. I stopped chewing. My eyes examined everything from the solid triceps and pec­torals to the strong lower legs. They scanned the tight jeans that hugged his muscular thighs. They studied the prominently faded fly and the bulging shape beside it. My eyes feasted. Standing with the legs spread far apart, Kevin’s crotch particularly attracted me. I suddenly had an urge to grab it, to unzip the fly and put my hand inside.

What a crazy idea! Was I insane? Was it the heat? I tried to put the thoughts out of my mind, but they wouldn’t leave. I’d had them before, whenever I noticed a great-looking guy. But in the last several months they’d become more and more difficult to block out. I was worried. What was happen­ing to me? Could I be turning into a queer?

I laughed at Kevin’s antics and asked if he wanted anything to eat.

“Sure,” he answered. “Mind if I get outa these damp jeans for a while?”

“Go ahead.” I tried to act natural, hoping Kevin didn’t notice my anxiety. I foraged for more food and drinks behind the forbidden door. When I turned around with my hands full of stuff, he was standing right next to me wearing only a jockstrap that could barely hold his rod and balls. The sight got me so excited that I dropped a bottle of pop on the floor, and nearly everything else.

“Here, give me some of that,” he said, taking the cheese, ice tray and lunch meat out of my hand. “I’ll fix us a cool drink.”

As I closed the refrigerator door with my raised knee, I wondered if he saw the growing bulge in my brief.

“Want lotsa ice?” asked Kevin.


“Good! You’re gonna get it!”

He shoved an ice cube into my stomach from behind. The freezing shock stopped me for a moment. Before I could move, Kevin had me in a half nelson, while his other hand scrubbed my belly and chest with the melting ice. I struggled to free myself, but he tightened the nelson. Frigid water trickled down onto the front of my brief, slowly saturating it. My rod grew harder and longer as it rubbed against the cold, wet cloth. It pressed deeper into the stretchy brief, pulling the waistband away from my skin.

I felt so sexed up that I had to do something. I grabbed a piece of ice and thrust it behind me. Kevin yelled as I attacked his navel with it. He jerked my neck roughly several times with the nelson to make me stop. I didn’t. Then he drove the rest of his ice into my gut. It made me feel terrifically horny. My basket hung between my legs like a heavy rock. Kevin finally wrenched my hand away by hooking his arm around mine and shifting to a full nelson. Powerful hands started to bend my neck and head forward. His stiff rod wedged between my buns.

“Give up?” he asked.


Kevin pushed down hard on my neck and shoulders. My leg muscles tightened. He was going in for the kill. I used all my strength to resist, but the pressure was too great. I gradually weakened, and my knees sank to the floor. While I sat with legs and arms helpless, Kevin continued to bear down on my neck. He couldn’t get me to submit, though. He released the hold and pushed my wet stomach to the cool. vinyl floor. In a flash he captured my wrist and hammerlocked me. He pulled the arm back until I yelled in agony.



“Think you’re a tough guy, don’t ya,” he said. “We’re gonna see how tough you really are!”

He pushed his hand between my legs and gripped my nuts. I screamed as his fingers dug into my maleness. My cries didn’t stop him—he seemed to like hearing them. Keeping his hammerlock in place, Kevin began to yank the basket back between my buns. I was stunned by an intense mixture of pain and pleasure. Yet despite the discomfort, I couldn’t make myself tell him to stop. There was something strangely satisfying about his attack on my balls, a lusty feeling of masculine power.

Kevin pulled my basket as far as he could and held it there. The strain was overwhelming. His fingers pressed into my nuts like a vise, crushing them harder, harder.

“O.K. I give!”

“I wanna hear it louder!” said Kevin, prolonging the nut claw.

“I give! You win!” I yelled.

He gave my balls one final squeeze before his let go of them. As I lay next to him panting, Kevin hit my shoulders with a friendly punch.

“You’re O.K. You really ARE a tough one,” he said.

“Do I have any nuts left?”

“Yeah, two of ‘em. You didn’t have any more than that, did you?” he chuckled. “They’re healthy bastards. They can take a lot more than you think. I bet they feel great right now.”

I didn’t admit to him that he was right. My nuts had never tingled like this before. I was so turned on that my rod felt like it was two feet long. Kevin rolled me on my back. Sitting up on his knees, he stared at my brief. The wet, mostly transparent cloth clung to my hard tool like skin. The throbbing muscle tired to lift itself toward the ceiling. Kevin spoke slowly to emphasize each word: “Check out that horse!”

I grinned nervously as the wrestler watched my cock twitch under the bikini. “He wants to come out and play!” said Kevin, moving a hand in its direction. I panicked. My hand intercepted his before it made contact.

“No!” I said firmly. Ball grabbing and dick grabbing didn’t surprise me. It was locker room stuff. But I sensed Kevin wanted more than that. How much more I didn’t know and was afraid to find out. Or was I afraid of myself instead? As I tried to push the hand away, I grappled violently with a more difficult opponent—me. Inch by inch Kevin forced his hand closer to his goal. I wouldn’t be able to hold back the inevitable much longer, and it scared me.

“Come on, man—let’s have some fun!” he coaxed. “You want it!”

“No!” I insisted.

“Sure you do. Look at your cock!”

“Back off! I’m not the one who wants it—YOU are!” I shouted.

“Yeah, I do. I want you. I wanna touch you. I wanna be with you. And you want me, too. I’ve seen how you look at me. Admit it!”

I couldn’t speak. I was paralyzed with fright. Kevin’s eyes locked onto mine, and I read them clearly: Kevin was gay, and so was I. For the first time I was faced with the real me and it was rough. I couldn’t find the strength to fight back. My arm went limp, allowing Kevin’s open hand to plunge onto my rod. His fingers closed around it.

“Relax, man. You’re gonna love it,” said Kevin, not knowing what thoughts were racing through my mind. Or did he?

I wanted to escape but knew I was trapped . It was all over. Kevin had me right where he wanted me. I looked up at him. He sat facing me at my side, still upright on his knees. He seemed spellbound by my rod. His fingers moved slowly up and down its full length, gliding easily across the wet, tightly-drawn brief.

He became increasingly fired up as he worked on my rod. The pouch of his jockstrap was molded around the largest basket I’d ever seen. His cock was a big one, too; it had climbed above the jock. It was impossible for me to turn my eyes away from Kevin. As I watched the flawlessly sculpted athlete on his knees beside me, I was no longer able to deny my real feelings. I liked what I saw, and I liked what this stud was doing to me. Looking fantastically sexy, Kevin spread his legs wider. He slid both hands under my brief and clutched the feverish, pulsating tool. One hand pulled on the tender skin halfway up the rod, and the other tickled and massaged the sensitive head. I nearly went out of my mind with pleasure.

“Feel good?” Kevin asked.

“Oh God!” I answered, in a daze.

He winked. It’s gonna get even better!”

Kevin’s touch was irresistible. The feel of his hands inside my brief was an incredible thrill. My fears and despair drifted away in an ocean of ecstasy. Kevin began to rub the cockhead back and forth across the tight, thin fabric. Soon it became rock hard and throbbing with excitement. A load of pre-cum spurted into the brief.

“Good boy!” he said, spreading the warm liquid onto my anxious muscle. “You’re doin’ fine,” he said. “Just take it easy, ‘cause we’re gonna enjoy ourselves for the rest of the afternoon.”

His fingers worked on the slippery shaft until I thought my whole body would burst. A titillating spasm fluttered deep in my crotch. Then a stronger one. My breathing speeded up.

“I’m gonna getcha, cowboy,” he said.

I felt the hot juice churning between my legs, ready to erupt at any second. I was going crazy. I lifted my butt off the floor, bridging up high.

“Come on, jock, let’s see what you’ve got!” said Kevin.

Ecstasy gripped the straining shaft. My muscles tensed. I let out a loud, raucous yell—the kind of deep, gutsy yell you hear in a shower room when a guy gets his nuts squeezed by someone who really knows how to do it. Only this time I was yelling from the delirious pleasure that ripped though me. Creamy lava bolted upward and exploded from the hysterical cock.

My rod bucked madly as tingling jolts of delight swept through it. I didn’t think it was possible for anything to feel this good. I pushed my butt higher. Kevin squeezed the fiery shaft like there was no tomorrow. Thick, hot cream plastered my brief. His fingers drove my cock on and on. I screamed in pleasure, reveling in the rapture of young sex.

My tool jumped for a long time after the juice ran out. I lay on my back, feeling absolutely great and thinking about what had just happened. I didn’t care anymore about Kevin being gay, or me either. It didn’t seem to matter now. I had found a whole new world, and I knew I belonged there.

I looked up at Kevin. “How did you learn to do it like that?”

“Lots of workouts,” he said with a sparkle in his eyes. “I figured you’d go for it.”

“Pretty sneaky, turning me on with those sexy moves, then stripping to your jock!”

“Well, it worked, didn’t it?”

“You bet! Now it’s MY turn!” I stood up and tempted him with a few sexy moves of my own. I slowly peeled off my soaked brief while he clapped and whistled his approval. We went into the den and sprawled on the shag carpet by the fireplace.

“Too bad it’s summer. We can’t sit by the fire together,” I commented.

“We don’t need a fire with you here, hotstuff!”

“You really think I’m hot?”

Kevin rolled onto his side and faced me. “Are you kidding?” he said, piercing me with those clear blue eyes. “You could be a model: tall, good face and build, blond hair, green eyes. The girls must have heart attacks when you walk by in your tight 501’s.”

I liked the compliment. Somehow it meant more to me than the flattering things girls sometimes say.

“There are guys going ape, too, only they’d never tell you.”

“Come on!”

“Sure. They’d love to get their hands on you. They see that long bulge and wonder how much bigger it could get if they…..”

“Think so?”

“Yup. There are always guys around who think about stuff like that. I did. I fantasized about your cock a lot.”


“Hell yes! You’ve got a prize-winner—eight inches plus.”

“But you’ve got TWO prize-winners,” I added, pointing to his nuts. Kevin looked down at his jockstrap and spread his legs. He smiled. I reached toward it.

“Not so fast, cowboy. You have to do something first.”


“You’ll have to wrestle it off me!”

I immediately lunged for the waistband. Kevin caught my arms and tossed me backward in an impressive show of strength. He got hold of my right foot, jumped up, then pinned my other foot under his own.

He began to spread-eagle me with my right leg. “Make a wish!” he said.

It was a tough spot to be get out of—legs spread and back to the floor. He looked at my hard rod and grinned. “Ready for more?”

“If you are!” I responded.

Kevin threw down my foot and dropped to his knees between my legs. At the same time he went for my crotch. I slid backward to get beyond his reach, but didn’t go far enough. His hand clamped onto my balls and began pulling in in his direction.

“You can’t get away from ME, man!” he said.

His fingertips crawled behind my basket and found the thick, rigid base of my shaft. They buried themselves in the depths of me. My cock reared up. Kevin’s palm pressed tightly around my rock-solid basket. “I’m gonna make ya pump til it hurts!”

Flexing his muscles, he squeezed the root of my shaft with tremendous force. He eased up, then squeezed again. My mouth fell open from the power of his grip. He did it over and over, squeezing the shaft like a wrestler trying to choke his victim into submission. A stinging pleasure shot through me. My crotch was on fire. I was hypnotized by the gorgeous body planted between my legs. Kevin’s nuts had grown even bigger. They looked like golf balls jammed into his jockstrap. I started to raise myself to go after them, but it was useless. Kevin’s fingers were about to trigger a second orgasm. My shoulders hit the floor. I felt a shudder inside my crotch. A single squirt of pre-cum fired onto my chest. Kevin bent forward. He focused all his attention on my cock, eagerly anticipating the big blast to come.

I had to make one more attempt before I climaxed. I shoved a foot into Kevin’s gut, catching him by surprise. I leaped up and slammed a foot into him, while an indescribable pleasure penetrated my cock. He toppled sideways, letting go of my shaft just before I could shoot off. Even so, my cock pumped out another hefty spurt of pre-cum as I made a grab for his jock. I hooked a couple of fingers around the elastic and yanked until I had it down to his ankles. We collapsed on the floor in a riot of giggles.

“I didn’t think you could do it so soon,” he laughed.

Kevin kicked the jock away, then stretched out close to me on his left side. He propped his shoulder off the carpet with an elbow. He bent his left knee and swung it upward, hoisting the thigh and opening his crotch to my full view for the first time. My eyes opened wide.

Considering all my hours in locker rooms and on wrestling mats, I thought I had seen just about every kind of dick and basket there was. I’ve also seen my share of hard ones, mostly during matches. It’s fun to see a guy get hard when he’s wrestling, because he can’t do anything to hide it. The rod and nuts stick out for everyone’s inspection through the thin supporter and singlet. Once I even saw a guy get juiced, a new guy on the squad named Brian. I guess someone got carried away initiating him. We were in the showers after practice, feeling rowdy, and a guy with very soapy hands grabbed him from behind. He really gave Brian’s meat the business We all got a kick out of watching his dick firm up, then splatter the shower wall with his cream.

Yet, despite experiences like these, I sat up and took notice of Kevin’s equipment. Now that his balls were freed from the supporter’s tight pouch, they seemed especially massive. They were separated by a well-defined rift in his basket, which made them stand out even more. His cock rose above them like the trunk of a huge tree. It wasn’t as long as mine but it was incredibly thick and topped with a giant, cut head. I slid my fingers slowly across the wide, curving nuts. I checked them out thoroughly, massaging with more and more pressure. Kevin loved it.

“Hey, that’s great,” he said. “I knew you’d be good at this.” He paused. “You sure are sexy. I go crazy when I’m around you.” He tickled the end of my rod.

“It’s only a stem compared to your trunk,” I said.

“But it’s a long, sexy stem,” he responded, moving his finger down my rod and up again. “You can do great things with a cock like this.”

He gave the tip of my rod a painful pinch, then released it. The rod bucked way out to his delight. He seized the head again.

“How about a little cock torture?”

“How about a little nut torture?” I countered.

We both went at it with a passion. Kevin started twisting my rod while I found out what it was like to wrestle a wrestler’s nuts. My cock ached from Kevin’s hold, but I kept pulling and squeezing and having the time of my life. I could see his tree trunk begin to throb. Then it became flushed. I couldn’t believe it: I was actually going to make this hunk shoot!

Kevin dropped flat on his back, rocking his raised thigh back and forth in pleasure. “Yeah, oh yeah,” he whispered over and over. I felt a powerful spasm deep inside his basket. I jerked the trunk upward with both hands and squeezed.

It overwhelmed him with pleasure. He groaned and squirmed, unable to withstand the sensations I was unleashing within him.

“Ah, you’re gonna get me, cowboy.”

I felt the juice shoot up through him. Kevin made the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard—kind of a low, whispering scream. He writhed on the carpet in ecstasy as his cock hurled stream after stream of man-juice into the air.

It took a while before Kevin could calm down. “You’re hot shit, man!” he said at last. I brought him some towels. “Too bad I waited so long to do this,” he said, drying himself off. He smiled. “I should have jumped you the week we moved in—when you were in my room looking at my wrestling photos…..or when we went swimming. I wanted to tear the bikini right off you!”

He looked up at me. “I’m glad we finally got together,” he said in a more serious tone.

“So am I.”

Kevin directed his eyes to the outstretched cock hovering above him. “I think I’m gonna call you ‘Rob the Rifle’!” he said. He took hold of my tool and gave it a few tugs. Some cream oozed from the head. He pressed a thumb to the warm liquid and moved it around the tip in slow circles. My balls tightened. He fingered them as only a guy can.

We continued our fun in the soft comfort of my favorite room, my private world. We had the whole afternoon ahead of us, and made good use of the time. We pulled the shades and locked my bedroom door.


by Ty Jordan

Email: [email protected]

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