I Said Yes

by Matt Lawrence

4 Mar 2020 373 readers Score 9.4 (15 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was about 6 am when the University of Michigan fight song was blaring in my ear. It was time to get up and get ready for the show. I really, really did not want to get out of bed on that day…I wanted to spend it just lying there with Michael, relaxing, playing around, eating in bed and watching cheesy television…but that was not to be. I leaned over and kissed the top of his head, wandered into the kitchen to start the coffee, and then headed back to the bathroom to shower. When I was finished, I dried off and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into the bedroom where Michael was sitting on the edge of the bed drinking a cup and holding one for me.

“Well good morning Mr. Man…how are you?”

“Good Morning…I’m good…how’s your butt?” (Michael)

I cracked up laughing…stuff like that outta left field from him just made me laugh.

“It’s a little…uh…tender…but I will survive…the pleasure way outweighs the pain”

“Good to know” (Michael)

“I gotta tell ya though…”

“Ah…you didn’t like it?” (Michael)

“No…that’s not it…I mean yes…but I was a little surprised”

“Surprised?” (Michael)

“Listen…I was just sure that the time and place was going to be way more dramatic than here in my own bedroom…that’s all I am saying…and please don’t get the wrong idea…it was amazing…but I was thinking…”

“You were thinking I was gonna do ya in the back of the pick-up in Pioneer Square or on Pier 56…” (Michael)

“Well…to be honest…sort of”

(Would you have gone along?” (Michael)

“I made the rules, so I guess…in all fairness…as long as we had no chance of getting arrested or being seen by your mom, then uh…yes”

“Did you think about it all evening? I mean did you obsess about it like you do? I know you were thinking about it at the Met and the guys were giving you a bad time…Is it all you thought about all night?” (Michael)

“Uh…yeah…what do you think?

“Ha…it’s what I know. I knew you would stew on it all night…I had no grand plan…I mean don’t get me wrong…Doing you…Making Love to you in the middle of Pioneer is something that gets me hard…but I don’t think I could ever actually do it…but you thought about it the whole night…so…that was the punishment part…remember that was not part of our thing yesterday…it was the guys that started that part rolling…that wasn’t me…I was supposed to just come up with time and place” (Michael)


“Listen…two things…I wanted you to loosen up a bit…I mean…blowing me in the truck was a huge step for you…ha-ha…and I was actually surprised you went there…not complaining at all…just surprised you really did it…and #2…I wanted an entire evening or night with just you…where we focused on just us…however that turned out…just the raw and real part of us…”( Michael)

“And the ropes?”

“Well…now you know that was kind of a little fantasy of mine…I didn’t want to freak you out but I wanted to show you how hot I thought it could be…especially for you, the guy who needs to maintain his control all the time…ha-ha” (Michael)

“Where did they come from…I mean I never saw you bring them?”

“The last time I was here I stashed them under your bed…they have been there for months…just in case I ever felt like the time was right…did you like it…or not like it?” (Michael)

I pointed towards the growing tent forming in the towel that was wrapped around my waist…and he smiled the smile.

“I guess I would say…junior liked it, obviously, and it is something I would like to explore with you because it is your fantasy…but we can talk about that more later…we kind of gotta get going…but hey…last night was amazing and I love you for how you did things…all of it!”

“Now you are talking…and I am glad…Love you too!” (Michael)

I knew if we kept talking about it, we would likely end up right back in bed. I took the coffee cup out of Michael’s hand, stood him up…kissed him and pushed him towards the bathroom telling him to get showered. He stood there for a second, with his back to me, and did his best impression of a strip tease…sans the pole…slowing lowering his underwear…ah…there is that ass…. yum. I promptly smacked him on the butt and moved past him to get my clothes. I got the dirty look and he moved into the shower.

I knew we wouldn’t have time for the water taxi…it ran on set schedules every half hour but took 20 minutes or so to cross the bay so I told him we would just call an Uber. I took scooter out while Michael finished dressing. He had another presentation that day, so he was in a nice dress shirt…some brand-new black jeans and a sport coat. He brought along a sweatshirt to change into if we were doing anything after. Our car arrived and it was a quick trip over the bridge to the convention center. We were dropped right in front and we went in and made our way to the booth. Corey & Chris and Chef Rob were there. I knew, going in, I was going to get a world of grief from those guys after last night…all the hazing and assumptions. I had mentioned that to Michael and he just laughed and told me to deal with it…I had set the stage for all the razzing so I should just take it. I knew that was going to be his response, so I resigned myself to just let it be part of the day and move on from there. The joke, however, was on all of those guys because it was an amazing evening and even all their joking around would not take that away.

As I thought, the salvos came flying at me before I was even at the booth. “Look…he seems to be walking ok”, “Yea…but can he sit down”, “No bruising…that we can see”, and on and on and on. Thank god I had set a meeting with a couple of wholesalers so I had to excuse myself and go meet them…otherwise it would have been a long morning. Michael gave me a peck on the cheek, and we went our separate ways. We likely would not see each other for a few hours. Sometime about mid-morning I realized I had gotten a text from Michael, but it was about a half hour before I could open it. I had gone outside to have a smoke and when I looked I was blown away and caught off guard…there in the message was a selfie…a picture of himself with his shirt open and his pants down…sporting quite a hefty bulge in his white Calvin’s…the caption said “Thinking of you” . I didn’t know whether to laugh or respond or what…it clearly had an effect on me as I felt ole junior react…funny thing was it was clearly a picture he had taken in one of the public restrooms here in the center…I thought to myself that he was really an exhibitionist at heart…and he had some balls! I responded by saying “Yum can’t wait to slip those off of you” and, almost instantly, I got the classic thumbs-up emoji in response…then a second message that told me to meet him in a specific bathroom, on the second floor, in exactly one hour! Holy cow…this guy was in a mood these days…but I had to admit…I was kind of liking it!

I wandered over to the booth where I continued to be razzed by the guys…it just kept going. There was quite a crowd assembled as Chef Rob had made bruschetta and the patrons were chowing on those. The line for wine samples was long and, though the guys were quite busy, they still had time to give me crap. I observed for a little while…entered into conversations with some of the folks…saw some professionals that I knew…and…before I knew it, it was time for a bathroom break. I excused myself and slowly made my way to the bank of elevators where I would go to the second floor. Other than some classes and a hospitality suite, there was not a whole lot of activity of there, so I wasn’t too concerned about mobs of people. Just as I got to the appointed bathroom door, I got a text…

“Last stall”so I pushed open and went in. I was puzzled for a minute until I saw Michael open the stall door. It was the handicapped stall and when I moved towards him he turned to me and planted a big old kiss on my lips.....our tongues were competing for position as he was slowly removing my suit jacket and running his hands all over the outside of my shirt. I had taken my tie off and he was unbuttoning my shirt.... reaching inside to flick my nipples as his tongue continued working in my mouth. Junior was quickly reacting as Michael ran his hand over the front of my pants and started to undo my belt and all the while I was wondering what the hell we were doing....there were people in the building and we were in a public bathroom...surely someone is going to notice...When I tried to say that to him he put his hand up to my mouth to quiet me…at that point the only thing that I was noticing was that my shirt was wide open and my pants and underwear were down around my ankles.

Michael was now mounting an all-out assault with that gifted mouth and tongue... he grabbed my ass with both hands and went to town. The only thing I could really do was lean back against the wall, put both hands on his head, and enjoy. One would have thought, as he bobbed back and forth and up and down on my cock and balls, that it would have taken a little doing to get Junior up and going...what with the anxiety, the pressure, the people in the building....but no - Junior was ready to go. Michael was taking me deep into his mouth and exerting a certain amount of pressure on my shaft when he came off it...it felt like a hand jacking me off - the force and pressure felt like a vacuum pump. At one point he put a couple of fingers in my ass and began working the button up there....fuck, this guy was good - he really knew how to pleasure someone...I am not sure words can adequately describe the intensity of the feeling as the pressure in my nuts mounted - he already knew me too well as he took his other hand and ran it up my chest....tweaked my nipple and then moved both hands back to my ass.....his speed and pressure increased and I almost doubled over as I erupted in his mouth...shot after shot hitting the back of his throat....he was squeezing my ass so hard I am sure he left marks.......I banged my head backwards a couple of times as I felt junior softening up a bit....right to that point where it gets a little sensitive.....I had both hands on the sides of his head again and tried to ease him up a bit.....that wasn't working so I nudged backwards a bit and put my hand under his chin and urged him to move up towards me......

Michael looked up with that evil little sparkle in his eye and smiled.....he moved up and ran his tongue up my chest and around both nipples and then we kissed....a long, passionate kiss.....and I was still able to taste a bit of me in him...and then I looked down and realized he had cum too…all over the toilet and wall…I was so into the pleasure I didn’t realize he was so close…nor when he actually blew.

As I got myself together, there in that bathroom that smelled like raw sex, It seemed as though I could never get enough of this guy and, in spite of all that was going on today....I couldn't get it out of my mind. I was falling and falling hard for him and it was totally unexpected.... almost as unexpected as us opening the door to go out and running into a smiling...no, smirking Corey!! GREAT!

by Matt Lawrence

Email: [email protected]

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