Humiliated Biker

by Gazzaq

3 Dec 2023 379 readers Score 9.8 (7 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

John and his little brother Jock were still talking on the sofa and he looked a bit shame faced as he felt silly for feeling so emotional about his boyfriend and his brother having sex, the night before. He hated dealing with any drama and usually when his buddy’s came to him with any relationship issues, he would cut them short and make swift exit, calling them weak. 

Tony was the same, so he  knew that he could not call and speak to his no longer best buddy about this situation, as they had grown apart after his stunt with Biker Butt in the cabin.  Tony was not impressed and told him so upon his return to their home town and started to distance himself socially for him.

So knowing he was on his own with situation, he said with a grin, in order to reassure his little brother who was looking extremely concerned, “Oh don’t worry bro, I just being bit of drama queen and am behaving like jealous little bitch boy aint I Jock!” 

His brother looked at him and said quietly “no John you’re not as you love Jeremiah and I know you are hurting badly and we both caused this, I am so sorry bro!” John looked at him and said “nah Jock, it’s all cool bro. Anyways when you get so wise man, your 18 and you are far more together than me! Heck you definitely get this from mom and grandma as I can hear them saying the same thing to me just as you just have.” 

John stood up and pulled his little brother up and cuddled him and they stood there holding each other quietly. As they did so Jock looked at his reflection in the mirror and his face was flushed and he did not say what he really thought, as he knew this would cause further upset. 

As their wise old mom would say “once you say something you can’t take it back” so he chose to hold his tongue as he could see that his brother was on the verge of tears. What he really wanted to say “bro your boyfriend is not being honest with you why the hell is that?”

“Man John, you don’t want to know, but your boyfriend was gonna fuck me anyway, and his fat cock was buried halfway inside my butt hole as soon as you left us last night. And he only stop doing so,  because I told him that things would kick off if he did that. 

But truth be told, I so wanted you man to fuck me badly bro, and feel like an proper asshole, about wanting this  so much. Plus John Bro this a big time red flag, within your relationship as your boyfriend is not quite the good caring guy that he makes himself out to be!”

However wisely Jock did not voice this, as m this would have caused big time drama, so instead he said when they parted and sat back down now next to each other, “John how did you know that Lucien was Jeremiah’s son then? “

“Why didn’t say anything to him about this to him as he looked stunned when you told us this last night?”

As John had stated in the previous chapter to his boyfriend “yeah what would your family and your younger brother Lucien, who I know is in fact your son, think about you fucking my 18 year old brother who is the same age as him, in his virgin bubble butt!”

John  shrugged his shoulders and said looking at him, “little bro, we all have our secrets don’t we?”

He then took his little brother had and held it and said his voice even and steady as his eye were fixed on Jocks neutral face and he looked into his face and said “yeah, like I know for fact, that you and Jeremiah were fucking, as soon as I left you both on my bed yeah little bro?”

Jock went crimson red and started to apologise, and was stopped and was asked in muted tone, “Jock I gotta ask you, why did you not continue to have sex then, as you know how much my boyfriend wanted to have sex with you and you were so up for doing so?”

“Plus I could see how into each other you were, and you were aching for my boyfriend to fuck you with his big fat 10 ½ thick dick, in your virgin asshole, weren’t you?”

Jock looked at his older brother with startled shamed look on his face and his heart was racing like crazy. He took some deep breathed, telling himself to “calm do” then and wiped his forehead which was covered a sheen of perspiration. At the same time his teen now not fully devirginized asshole,  which was tingling with deep itch inside him as if he was feeling Jeremiah fat dark cock deep inside his asshole.

Eventually he replied doing his best to keep a straight face, “because you are my big brother and your family and important to me John!”

“We are brothers for life John!” 

John hugged him and said “I know you wanted my man to take your ass cherry as he is fantastic lover, but I am relieved you stopped and went to back to you own bed!” 

They talk some more and John told him that he found out about Lucien a while ago when he saw the boys birth certification on the living room cabinet, when he was cleaning up. He saw that Jeremiahs name was on it registered as his father. Plus it was clear that the teen was his father’s son as they were too alike not to be. Lucien was perfect mini version of his father. 

The brothers, talked some more and had showers and left the house, leaving Jeremiah fast asleep in bed snoring his head off. They went out for some brunch and then had a drive. As they drove they stopped and sat by the lake and Jock looked at John and said “sorry in advance bro, but no wonder you and Jeremiah got together, as he is a good lover for a guy’s first time aint he?” 

John replied deep in thought “yeah he is bro and is a special guy, as I had sex with loads of guys over the years, and my boyfriend, em I mean Jeremiah, really is the best lover any guy could have!”

They cuddle and later on sat there in silence and later on started laughing when Jock said “well bro I know what you mean now when you told me, that Jeremiah made wet you down there, as he did the same to me. Man I was soaking wet and my asshole was tingling like crazy” and they looked at each other both feeling themselves growing moist and clenched their bro assholes and cracked up laughing hugging each other.

They drove back home and later on that evening, John spoke to Jeremiah alone, when Jock was in bed as he was tired from the previous day and nights activity. Jeremiah admitted that he got carried away and said “I love you John, look I am stupid old guy and Jocks so much like a younger version of you and I gotta be straight with you. Sorry I was super turned on being with you both like that last night!”

John said being direct “fuck off you asshole, you mean you wanted and prefeed being with my younger brother Jeremiah, as you did not want me to be around. 

“Yes you cunt, it was clear that I was a ‘spare’ and in the way, so cut the crap ok, it’s boring yeah!”

Jeremiah nodded, flushed crimson read and looked directly at his boyfriend and said in an even tone  “John love, like I just said, I am sorry I got caried away” and he said nothing else, as he was distracted as he heard Jock moving about upstairs, and instantly his mind was full of inappropriate thoughts of banging the teenagers hot tight still in his view his tight moist teen virgin asshole as soon as. 

In fact ever since he pulled his dick out of his boyfriend brother hot asshole, all he long for was to do it again and again and again.  Jeremiah so wanted to take his boyfriend younger brother ass virginity properly, and the feeling of his cock head breaching the boys tight hole, as he sank 8 inches inside his teen boy cunt, was pure bliss.

Doing this twice as the first time he was over 6 inches inside Jocks hot tight teen hole and second time was a further 2 inches. Both time it felt fucking wonderful. Heck all had to do if Jock had not got cold feet and a guilty conscious, then darn it, I could have put the rest of my remaining 2 ½ inches inside him, and fucked him stoopid, all night long.”

As he was doing this and his cock was tenting out of his thin lounge shorts, his boyfriend was staring at him in distain, clearly seeing this was written all over his boyfriend’s face and noting his throbbing hard on. So he said coldly “good night asshole you best sleep on the sofa tonight” and he walked out of the living room area and walked slowly up the stairs as there was nothing else to be said. 

Jeremiah was still in the sofa, playing with his dripping dick and shot off the biggest load which flew across the living room splashed everywhere as he was imaging bang the hell out of young Jock upstairs, who at the same time, was jerking off moaning softly, imaging the same and shot 2 loads soaking himself, before falling inti a deep sleep. 

In the morning, Jock left them both having breakfast in silence, and got into his car and drove back to college and met up with Mass, Tony’s younger brother who had his own news. For John though he could not bear being in the same house as his boyfriend, so he left soon afterwards without saying goodbye and went to his garage. 

As soon as he got in he asked Paul at to look after the garage for a while and seeing his dejected demeanour, African American Paul knew instantly that something was not right with him. So he asked him “hey are you ok John, has something happened.”

John replied “no nothing I just need to see my folks” and not being about to hold it in any longer, he choked up and Paul hugged him and held him close, and the other workers were looking at them and mouthed “hey what is wrong with the boss Paul?” 

He mouthed back “I dunno?”

Then he said out loud as he stroked John’s muscular back and his hair, “hey John come in to your office and let’s talk in private ok.” So they did and he closed the door and said “boss I don’t know what is going on but go and take as long as you need ok. I will look after everything here until you return”. 

“Please don’t worry, whatever is the problem it can be fixed.”

“No I don’t think this can be ” John replied his voice was breaking and he started to weep.

Paul said “hey it not that bad is it, I though your brother was staying with you, and you guys were looking so forward to him being here. What happen to make you so upset?” 

“Is it is to do with Jeremiah, did the pair of them fallout or something?”

John said his voice full of emotions, “no they did not, it was the opposite in fact” and he looked even more miserable.

Paul said as the penny dropped and he guess correctly when he said “oh shit did he and your bro em, look I am gonna come straight out with it, did the two of them hook up and fuck?”

“Why did you ask that” John said looking completely shocked, the blood draining from his face?

“Oh because I was having dinner with a buddy and his girlfriend, and saw the 3 of you in the restaurant, and I saw that your man could not keep his eyes off your little brother who is cute man. Sorry John, but Jeremiah’s an fucking stupid idiot, but I not gonna say anymore because I can see that you are upset yeah.”

“I have not said anything to anyone John and wont ok. Hey man come here “and he gave him an extra big hug and John started to cry and he was held close and his muscular back was stroked for a while, and they parted and he washed his face and ran his fingers through his blond hair. 

Paul said “hey  go and see your folks ok, and it you need anything please call me.”

John said “thanks Paul and walked out of the office and drove home and packed his stuff up. He then left his and Jeremiahs home, closed the front door and got in car and drove off slowly. The drive home was long and he stopped off twice and finally arrived in his home town in the early hours of the morning .

His mom who was light sleeper, heard the front door opening came downstairs and exclaimed “John what a pleasant surprise, what are you doing home?”

He replied “sorry it so late mom, is it ok if I stay for a few days, it may be longer than that?”

She replied “John what has happened are you ok son?”

He said yawning “sorry mom I am tired I need to use the bathroom and then I need to sleep ok?”

“Sure son” and he left her and did as he stated and fell asleep on the bed fully clothes waking up hours later and getting undressed and getting into his old bed. When his mom went back to bed his dad asked, “what up with him?” Mom said “I don’t know but he looked upset and done in” and they looked at each other and said at the same time, “what on earth had happened, as Jock was stating with him?”

“I wonder if this has something to do with John being so upset?”

In the morning mom called her youngest son and said “hey son did something happen during your stay with your brother this weekend?”

“No mom why do asked that?”

“Oh because you brother came home last night in the early hours and is very upset!”

Jock thought to himself  “oh fucking hell shit!”

Then he took some deep breathes and said “mom hold on sec it noisy in here let me call you back in minute ok.” He hung up and gather his thought and called his mom back. He said “I am not sure as he seem ok when I left,” and he looked at his reflection in the mirror and  said to himself “you barefaced lying asshole.”

They talked some more and hung up and later on John came downstairs and said “sorry mom I need a few days at home with you and dad. Everything is ok, I was just missing home and wanted to see you and my old buddies.” His mom did not believed a word of this and looked at his father, who got up and said looking at middle son, whose eyes looked sad, “son if you need to talk you know we are here for you ok!”

John was chocked up and gulped “yeah ok dad sure” and knew he could never tell them about that had happened. He sat and had some lunch and caught up on the family drama and his phone rang as he finished eating, and it was Jock who said “bro what going on why are you at home, is everything ok?” 

John said “hang on a minute” and got up and went outside and said “bro I just needed to be at home with mom and dad, as I could not stay in the house a minute longer, with him.” 

“Hey heck I am sorry bro it all my fault aint it, as you are breaking up with Jeremiah aint you?” 

“Oh shit I feel terrible John.”

John replied his voice neutral, “nah bro you did me a favour it probably would have happened anyway. Look don’t stress ok, go, and enjoy yourself and get out and see your college buddies and say hello to Mass ok bro.” 

He locked the phone off and went back inside and hung around the house. He kept on checking him phone and saw that Jeremiah had call him 20 times, and he did not respond. His older brother Josh came over and asked if he was “ok”? “Yeah bro I just needed to come home for a while” and Jock looked at their father and raised an eye brow. That look said “there is trouble in those twos relationship!”

He stay and talked to John and mentioned that Tony was looking less than his usual preened up self. Josh and his wife used to call his younger brother and Tony “two air head muscle boys, always in the gym and not a hair or their clothes were ever out of place, as they are so damn vain” but over the last few months, Tony was always looking rough. 

Josh  said to him that “in fact John I saw you best buddy the other day and nearly caught him have  having sex in your, I mean his garage with that teen Kyler and your old college buddy Konrad who is meant to be his buiness partner.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah it was late one night a few weeks and I needed some urgent advice about my new car, my pride and joy, and I decided to go and see John in the garage. The noise coming out of there was crazy, grunts and moans and I thought Tony had some chick in there with him. But no, as I called out as I enter the garage, he was busy pulling up his shorts and using his vest to wipe himself up.

Kyler and Konrad were laughing as Tony came to speak to me, and when he turned round there was large wet patch in his asshole area and he stank of man cum and was still sweating. So it looks like he is having anal sex with those two in the garage and not some hot female that I first thought!”

The carried on talking and Josh left after a few hours and then as he could not sleep, John got up and left the house to go for a walk around midnight. He went for long walk out of town, and on the way back, he happened to pass Gavin’s and Butt’s new home. Gavin had moved out of Harvey apartment and he and Butt had found place together. 

There were some developments, which lead to this, but that will be covered in future chapters. 

Tony had sent him some pictures of the place, not that John had been bothered flicking though them, as he as full of anger towards Butt, for fucking around with Jeremiah, even thought they were not in relationship at the time. He walk passed the house and he heard the familiar sound of the pair of them being fucked roughly, as both were howling loudly.

His curiosity stoked he look into their home and saw both men were side by side on the sofa being fucked from behind. He looked closely at the two men who were screwing them and recognised both of them, as he had seen recent pictures of them before he left town, from Gavins older brother Gordan whose car he had worked on a few times. The pair of them would chat about the expensive cars that and Tony were working on. 

Gordan spoke about his elder brother who was estranged from the family which he was upset about as they always got on. John had no idea that the pair of them had been in the cabin, having himself been in hospital and then violated by his boyfriend, cousin Brad and his ex-client Andrew. Then he had spent a few days giving up his anal virginity and then was busy flip flopping with his new boyfriend. 

Now standing outside peering into the side window which stood away from the street, he took in the  two man and noted that 35 year old Issac’ dad bod was thick and he was much darker skinned than his younger lighter skinned brother. Next to him was their  cousin’ 33 year old Jackson, whose slimmer in shape bod and his hair was cane rowed, and he still sprouted a goatee. 

He was good looking guy and John though so much better looking in real life than his picture that he that his younger brother has shown him, where upon Jackson had a afro. Seeing him thrusting his hips into Butt fat jelly ass, which made his buttocks clenched and open with each thrust, which in turn  made John say to himself. “I wonder if he takes in in the ass as well?”

Jackson wore a beaming smile and he was shouting and joking around with his cousin calling him a “god damn fag fucker” and he was being called the same back.  Gavin and Butt whose faces were bright red, as they were being powerfully plowed into, was drenched with sex sweat and turned their heads, and looked at the pair of them and snapped” enough of the fag jokes you guys.”  

In response both men gripped their neck and pulled them even closed into their hairy chests and started chocking them and whilst pounded even deeper into their hot succulent assholes, making the boyfriend both howl even louder. 

The boyfriends in turn held hands and looked at other lovingly and started threw themselves back into the guys who was punch fucking deep as, into the hot man cunt. Gavin arched his beefy ass, forcing it upwards and this was driving his older brother wild, and he was shouting ‘Jesus Gavin I fucking love you bro” and he was pounding him down, with his 11 inches and looked over at Butt who looked at him and mouthed "me next ok?" 

John caught that and thought “hand on a sec what is going on here then?”

“Are Butt and Issac fooling around behind Gavin’s back, as that look was over intimate full of meaning and longing for each other.” 

“Heck how the hell does Gavin cope with that, as he must know that his own brother is definitely fucking around with his boyfriend, that cheating Biker Slut Butt!”

Thinking of his own situation he cried  his voice full of emotion, “what is wrong with these guys, why cant they just be happy with who their with, instead of wanting somebody else all the damn time?”

To Be Continued