Howl at the moon

by Kyle Falls

12 Aug 2022 845 readers Score 9.6 (30 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Reader discretion is adviced, this story contain graphic content depicting violence which may not be suitable to all readers. This is a fictional story and do not portray real events or real persons.

The Moon is Still Full

30 mins earlier…..

“I’m what?” asked Skylar stunned by his mother’s confession.

“I’m so sorry for not telling you. But you are both a Lorenzo and a Salvador. It was the only deal our pack could make in order to spread peace. Please try to understand, this was the only way.”

“Mom!” Skylar yelled, stunned by learning the truth.

“I wanted to tell you the truth so many times but I was scared. Scared that if you were found out others would try to hurt you. That’s the reason you can transform in daylight, you have the blood of two clans coursing through your body and that makes you so powerful. Please forgive me son.” Selma’s voice was cracking.

“We can discuss this later, but we need to head to the Salvador’s compound. They have a school friend of mine and I need to get him back.”

“I’ll alert your brother, the pack is already looking for them now.”

A few moments passed and Skylar received a text from Miguel, his brother, it read: “Old Lumberyard, meet in 10 mins.”

Skylar ran back inside the hospital to check up on Dave. When he returned to the room Dave was asleep. A nurse was walking out of the room and assured Skylar everything was alright.

“His heart rate went up a little bit and he was complaining of some pain, so we gave him a light sedative, he’ll be up in a few hours. Why don’t you come back in the morning.” The nurse said, as he walked away from Skylar, patting him on the shoulder.

Skylar knew the pain was from the sex they just had. He walked into the room and placed a kiss upon Dave’s forehead.

“Sweet dreams.” Skylar whispered as he hurried out of the room and towards the old lumberyard.

Skylar met up with his brother and other nearby clans. They noticed the lumberyard was full of the Salvador clan, all ready to fight. They were transformed into the wolf like selves, nails at the ready. The cold damp air created a slight mist over the gravel and the lumber piles did nothing for their obstructed views. At the top of the building was Hector, he stood nude in the moonlight, red eyes gazed on the woods. Skylar knew that he had already spotted them from miles away.

“He knows were here Miguel.” Skylar said to his brother.

“How can you be so sure? We might be able to sneak attack them.”

“No. He wants us to do that. Hectors not dumb. He’s not once dropped his gaze from the woods. He knows were here. Our best bet is to attack from the front.”

“Fuck! Fine. Everyone get naked, be ready to transform. Stay in the moonlight and watch your backs. The Salvadors are sneaky and don’t expect them to play fair.”

After giving the orders, Miguel stripped away his clothes. Skylar couldn’t help but notice his brother. His body muscular in nature, his arm veins bulging down to his forearm, his hairy uncut cock and low hanging balls dangling in front of him. Skylar turned around to see a few more of the clan members undress, each muscular, all hairy. He especially noticed one of the more mature looking ones, very similar to what Dave looked like. Skylar stripped too, he started to pitch a tent, but the fear of the ensuing battle stopped his impure thoughts.

Miguel marched forward, his tan ass lit up by the pale moonlight. The rest of the pack followed suit, with each step making their cocks sway back and forth. Skylar followed last as he wanted to get the jump on Hector.

“Impressive display. Not just your cocks but the fact that you came out of the woods showed me you’re not all cowards.” Hector said, his impressive cock dangling in the cold air.

“We don’t have to fight Hector. We can end this peacefully. Turn over the human and surrender. We will let you keep your territory. We can act like nothing ever happened.” Miguel bargained, as he watched Hector with every movement.

“What human?” Hector said sarcastically as he pointed to the naked twink on the ground below him.

“Fucker!” Skylar yelled, as Hector caught wind of his voice.

“Ha ha. I knew the pup would come. See after I fucked this pathetic human, I thought it’d be a shame to let a faggot with a hole as good as his go to waste. So, I gave him something that I rarely give others. The curse.” As soon as Hector said the word all the members from both clans were stunned.

“Fool! You can’t give the curse to someone on a full moon. It is forbidden. There is a chance the curse will become something else.”

“I know about the full moon curse Miguel, I’m counting on it. I hope to create a stronger, more power werewolf than all the alphas combined. And what better way to give someone this gift than a subservient faggot like him.”

“There is a chance he will reject the transformation and turn on all of us. For the sake of both clans, kill him before the transformation ends.” Miguel pleaded as even the Salvador clan was now turning their backs on Hector.

“Sir please.”

“Sir please.”

“Let’s kill him now sir.”

They wailed to their alpha but it was too no avail. Hector ignored his clans’ pleas.

“Fools! Don’t you understand my father lied to us. He created a cross-breed wolf with another clan. This wolf will be stronger than all of us by now. That’s the abomination we should be focused on, not this cursed one below us. Trust me when I say by tonight is over, we will have what is rightfully…………”


Hector looked down at his stomach. Coming out of him was a hand, a hand he didn’t fully recognize but looked familiar. Hector looked up from behind him and stood Steve, eyes black as night, his teeth sharp like razors, and a grin of pure malevolence.

“Enough talking sir. I’m the alpha now.” Steve said in deep voice as he retracted his hand from Hector’s stomach and tossed him from the building as his body crashed on some nearby lumber, his legs breaking from the fall.

“Kill him!” Miguel yelled as both the Lorenzo clan and Salvador clan charged at the cursed Steve with all their might. Little did they know that Steve was superior to their every move.




Heads rolled on the lumberyard, Steve was unstoppable with every cut he made. He jumped on top of the lumber dodging every attack that came his way. He got on top of a werewolf’s head and with a quick stomp, the wolf’s brains laid all over the floor.

Miguel did his best to throw some punches but none of them landed. Miguel began his transformation as did the other members of both packs. Skylar watched in the distance as he went to look for Hector. He climbed on top of the lumber where Hector was dropped and he was missing from the spot.

“Fuck! He got away.” Skylar said to himself as he diverted his attention towards the cursed Steve, who was starting to grow stronger.

“Steve!” yelled Skylar from the ground, as Steve was in the middle of choking a fellow pack member to death.

“My love.” Steve mumbled as he dropped the wolf down and sprinted towards Skylar.

“Leave him alone!” Miguel yelled as he tried to intercept Steve.

Without any hesitation Steve used his claws and thrashed Miguel across the chest and sent him flying into the woods. Skylar watched in horror as he saw his brother get beaten. Unable to get to him Skylar stood his ground to confront Steve.

Skylar stood in horror. In front of him was not the cute twink he knew from school, but a disfigured body, with sharp claws, a haunting grin, black eyes, a hunched over muscular back, and legs bent like a wolf but in human form. It was an abomination.

“Seeing you like this make me hard Skylar.” Steve said, his voice as dark as his eyes. He slowly touched Skylar’s hairy thighs.

“I didn’t mean for this to happen.” Skylar admitted as he moved closer to Steve.

“Hector was a good fuck, but you are better.” Steve admitted as his began to drool from his mouth as he slowly laid Skylar on the ground.

“We can be together now.” Skylar said as he began to touch Steve’s disfigured body.

“That we can.” Steve began to play with Skylar’s foreskin, massaging it between his claws.

“Kiss me.” Skylar demanded as he could feel Steve’s sharp tongue move near his mouth.

“Yes sir.” Steve obliged as he moved to kiss Skylar.

“I’m sorry.” Skylar said as water came rolling down his eyes.

Steve looked down and saw that Skylar’s arm had transformed into its wolf like state and was inside his chest. With a quick squish, Skylar had broken Steve’s heart. Steve’s disfigured body returned to normal. Skylar’s hand transformed back into its human form and he went looking for his brother.

“Miguel! Miguel!” Skylar shouted, as he tried to sniff for his brother’s scent.

“Here.” Miguel answered, his voice weak.

“Miguel! No, oh god no!” Skylar said aloud as he gazed at the mess that was his brother.

Miguel lay on the cool ground, his neck bent, almost broken, his chest bleeding out, his legs broken. His right shoulder was impaled by a branch, his body was refusing to heal.

“I need to get you out of here, mama will know what to do.” Skylar said as he tried to lift his dying brother up.

“That’s not an option. The damage is too strong and my body wont heal in time. I’m going to die here Skylar.” Miguel admitted as he looked at his brother with tears.

“No fucking way am I going to let that happen. I’m going to get you home! You are the alpha of our pack and we need you!” Skylar yelled, as water ran down from his eyes.

“You are the alpha now. You have always been it seems. You will do what is right for the clan and I’m not worried one bit. I love you Skylar, you are the best brother…..I could have ever wished………for.” Miguel spoke for the final time.

Impaled by a branch, body broken, Miguel lay motionless, as his body bled out. Skylar howled at the moon, transformed and picked his brother up. The surviving members of the clans followed Skylar as he led them all into the woods and back into the Lorenzo clan territory. Steve’s body was buried beneath the lumberyard, returning back to his human form. The clans spit on his grave, as he was an abomination.

2 days later

A funeral was held in Miguel’s honor. All members of the nearby wolf packs showed up, as did a bruised-up Park Ranger Dave. Sitting around a fire, the clans spoke some kind words, and all agreed on keeping the pact intact. Skylar placed his brother’s body upon the fire and they all watched as his ashes were floated up into the sky.

“Thanks for coming.” Skylar said, as he was now inside his home, washing plates from the funeral dinner.

“He was a good kid. He would’ve made your father proud.” Park Ranger Dave admitted as he helped give a plate to Skylar.

Dressed in a black suit, Skylar not once gazed at Dave, still feeling guilty for everything that had happened. Dave tried to get Skylar to look at him but nothing was working.

“Should I leave?” Dave asked, picking up his black jacket from the table, his white shirt accentuating his muscular arms.

“No.” Skylar said in a somber tone.

“Then why wont you look at me? Did I do something wrong? Do you just want to be around family?”

“No it’s not that.”

“Then what is it?” Dave asked in sharper tone.

“I DON’T WANT TO GET YOU KILLED TOO!” Skylar yelled, finally looking into Dave’s eyes.

Dave stood silent. He could see the rage and fear in Skylar’s face. His eyes red from crying, his skin, pale from losing his brother.

“I wont.” Dave said quietly moving towards Skylar.

“You already have. You entered my world of monsters and you got hurt, look at you,” Skylar said as he gestured to a bruise on Dave’s forehead, “you already got hurt.”

“It was nothing. I’m okay.” Dave replied moving even closer to Skylar.

“It was everything to me. I really fucking like you Dave and the thought of you getting hurt again will kill me. I don’t want Hector or any other thing getting ahold of you! I can’t lose someone I love, I just can’t.” Skylar fell to the floor, his body giving up.

Dave moved down to kneel with Skylar. He moved his face with his left hand to make Skylar look at him in the eyes. The two faced each other. Dave smiled before planting a soft wet kiss upon Skylar’s lips.

“I want to be with you for as long as you’ll have me. I’m yours for eternity. That much I know.”

Dave led Skylar upstairs to Skylar’s bedroom. The room was small, posters of musicians he liked, a picture of Dave on his wall. Dave smiled at Skylar. He slowly removed Skylar’s black jacket and started to unbutton his white dress shirt. Skylar did the same.

Skylar admired the furry chest that stood before him as he used both his hands to touch Dave’s fur. Dave closed his eyes and leaned in for a kiss. The two locked lips, tongues massaging each other’s mouth. Skylar could feel himself bulging up.

After kissing, that seemed like forever, Skylar pulled away slowly and began to lick his way down Dave’s muscular hairy torso. Licking the nips on the way down. He got near Dave’s belly button and proceeded to lick around it.

“Hoo!” Dave said as he giggled.

“Knew that’d get a reaction.” Skylar said with a smile before continuing his way towards Dave’s crotch.

Skylar was kneeled in front of the massive bulge that was tucked away in Dave’s black dress pants. Skylar put his face in the crotch area and began to take big whiffs of his lover’s scent. Dave leaned his head back and placed his right hand on Skylar’s head.

“Fuck yes.” Dave moaned silently, as he could feel the warm breath of Skylar fill his crotch area.

Skylar stopped his smelling and rubbing of his face in Dave’s crotch and backed away some. He slowly undid Dave’s brown belt and undid his black dress pants. Skylar slowly pulled the pants down and Dave’s massive bulge was covered by some tight white briefs, which were wet from Dave’s pre-cum.

Skylar smiled at his man’s impressive meat and pulled down his briefs slowly. Dave’s meaty hairy cock came bouncing out from the briefs, cum oozing from his cock head. Skylar used his tongue to lick up the salty juices.

“Uh!” Dave moaned as the feeling of Skylar’s warm tongue made him weak.

Skylar had Dave’s underwear pulled down to his ankles. He looked at the impressive meat dangling in his face. The way his balls drooped low was enough to get Skylar to leak a bit in his pants. Without anymore hesitation, Skylar placed his mouth on the erect cock that was staring him in the face.

“Fuck!” Dave moaned as he moved both his hands on his hairy chest and began to pinch his nipples.

The feeling of Skylar’s warm moist mouth was intoxicating to Dave. He could feel his cock reach the back of Skylar’s throat, making him gag with every time he deep throated it. Dave’s dick was spewing small jets of pre-cum into Skylar’s mouth, something Skylar couldn’t get enough of. His animal instincts beginning to take over.

“Dave, I have to stop or I’ll lose control.” Skylar admitted as he leaned up, wiping his mouth from the excess saliva.

“I want you to.” Dave said as he bent over Skylar’s bed, spreading his hairy ass cheeks for Skylar to see.

Dave’s beautiful brown hairy hole winked at Skylar. Skylar could feel himself wanting to ravage Dave. Without thinking, Skylar ripped his pants completely off, tearing his underwear off in the process. He leaned on top of Dave grabbing his muscular hairy tits.

“Ready?” Skylar asked, as the tip of his uncut cock touched the rim of Dave’s hairy hole.

“Yes.” Dave whispered, as he pulled a nearby pillow to cover his face, hoping to muffle his screams.


Spiting on his hand, Skylar rubbed his cock a few times, hoping to get it wet and make the experience less painful. He stuck his cock inside Dave’s hole as he felt the linings of Dave’s wall encompass his cock.

“Ugh! Ugh!” Dave moaned, head drowned in the pillow.

Skylar thrusted his hips fast, something Dave wasn’t prepared for. Skylar’s cock moved in and out faster and faster, his cock slowly leaking pre-cum. Dave did his best to stay still, but the feeling of Skylar’s cock hitting his prostate made him convulse on the bed. Dave wiggled and tried to kick, but Skylar used his werewolf strength to hold him down.

“Fuck yea! Fuck yea!” Skylar screamed as he moved his hips back and forth, watching his cock go in and out of the hairy hole.

Dave continued to moan from the penetration he was experiencing. Dave’s cock began to leak, landing on the floor below. Dave could feel himself getting closer to release, something he’s not experienced before by getting anal stimulation.

“I’m gonna cum Skylar!” Dave yelled as streams of jizz shot down his muscular hairy legs and down around his ankles.

Skylar never let up. He continued to slide his cock in and out, making sure to squeeze Dave’s hairy nips in the process. Dave continued to spew cum from below and Skylar could feel Dave’s hole contract and restrict his engorged member.

“I’m getting close.” Skylar admitted as he could feel a sensation down near his groin.

“Cum inside me.” Dave moaned as he could feel Skylar’s cock jiggle inside him.




“Ah yea! Fuck! Fuck!” Skylar moaned as a river of cum entered Dave’s insides, filling his hairy hole up.

“Fuck Skylar!” Dave moaned as the warm jets of liquid felt so good.

Skylar’s body convulsed as he continued to empty his load inside of Dave. Something Dave was eager to do. Skylar’s cock slowly gave up and started to shrink a bit inside of Dave’s hairy anal cavity. Pulling out Skylar saw his masterpiece. It was a sloppy gaped hole, with cum dripping out slowly.

Dave laid on the bed as he slowly pushed out Skylar’s cum, feeling it drip down his ass. Skylar sat down and watched Dave at work, as his very own cum was hitting the floor of his bedroom. Dave’s hairy brown hole would squeeze and then retract as he tried to push all the cum from his ass. Soon the jizz filled ass slowed down and Dave was finally able to get back up.

“That was fucking incredible.” Dave admitted, sitting down in Skylar’s lap, their cocks retuning to a flaccid state.

“You made this dreadful day better Dave. I really mean that.” Skylar admitted as he looked at his lover.

The two men smiled at each other, Skylar holding Dave in a warm embrace. The two began to kiss each other, as rain started to come down outside their house.

In the woods nearby was a figure. The figure watched from the woods at the scene that went on in Skylar’s bedroom. With an evil grin and dark red eyes, the figure turned around and headed back into the woods.

“In due time.” Hector said as he vanished into the woods.

by Kyle Falls

Email: [email protected]

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