How I Got My Revenge

by Derek D

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Chapter 42

Meeting Matthew

It was late afternoon on Friday as I returned from a late class. Chris pulled up a few minutes later and parked out on the street. I smiled as he got out of his car with a bag in his hand. As we walked inside, I said, “So, you decided.” Chris smiled and said, “Yeah, I know Elijah wants to break the news to Josh just as much as Josh wants to introduce his boyfriend to Elijah. I want to support him.” I smiled and said, “The shy boy has decided to crack the closet door open a little more. I guess we’re both taking baby steps in that direction.” Chris gave me a kiss and asked, “So, you’ve decided you’re gay?” I said, “No. I’m still a little confused about that, but I’m not confused about how I feel about you and Elijah.” The front door opened, and Carl walked in with Elijah behind him. Carl said, “Looks like I picked up a stray.”, indicating Elijah. Elijah laughed and said, “You should be careful about that. I might pee on the floor or worse, the furniture.” We all laughed at Elijah’s quick retort. Carl then said, “I’m going to get a shower. Chuck is going to stop by later for a little while. I’ll probably follow him back when he leaves.” Elijah said, “I really appreciate you giving up your bed for Josh and Matthew this weekend, Carl.” Carl smiled and said, “It’s my pleasure, Elijah. Besides, I get to sleep with Chuck all weekend.” I rolled my eyes, and said, “Like that’s something new.” Carl laughed and said, “Yeah, yeah, but it’s usually in my bed.” I said, “I’ll make sure to order enough pizza in case Chuck arrives in time for dinner.”

An hour later, the doorbell rang, and I answered it. There stood Josh and behind him was this cute guy. He was about two inches taller than Josh with curly, light blond hair. He looked nervous as he made brief eye contact with me. I gave Josh a hug and said, “It’s great to see you again. It’s been a while.” Josh grinned and said, “Yeah, I know. I’ve been a little busy. By the way, this is Matt, my boyfriend.” I said, “I’m glad to meet you, Matt.” He smiled shyly and said, “Nice to meet you too. You must be Jeremy.” He held out his hand and it took me a couple seconds before I shook it. His voice caught me off guard. It was as deep as Chuck’s. He also had a firm grip while shaking my hand. I smiled as I thought about the concern we had and then chastised myself for even having that concern. Matt was a little thinner than Josh, but Josh had described his swimmer’s build accurately. Josh broke me out of my thoughts, “Are you going to let us in or are you going to keep blocking the door while holding my boyfriend’s hand?” I laughed and said, “Sorry, I zoned out for a second. Come on in. Everyone wants to meet Matt, or do you prefer Matthew?” Matt smiled, “Matt is fine. I don’t know why Joshua used my full name on the phone.” Matt had an awesome smile and I had to laugh when he called Josh, Joshua. The guy was quick-witted.

As we walked inside, I couldn’t wait to see the expression on the other guys’ faces when Matt talked. Definitely not feminine in any way. As we arrived in the living room, Carl was seated in one of the chairs, and Elijah and Chris were sitting on the sofa. Elijah immediately jumped up and stepped over to hug Josh. Chris and Carl stood up as well. As Elijah hugged Josh, he said, “Dude, it’s been like forever. I’m really glad you came. This must be Matthew.” Matt smiled and said, “Call me Matt.” Elijah shook his hand and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Matt.” I was surprised that Elijah seemed nonplussed at hearing Matt’s deep voice. Chris grinned and I was about to ask Carl if he needed help picking his jaw up off the floor. After everyone was introduced, I asked what kind of pizza everyone wanted, then ordered it while Carl brought everyone a beer. We then sat down. Carl offered Matt the chair he was sitting in, but Josh said, “Thanks, Carl, but Matt and I can share the other chair and Josh sat between Matt’s legs in the other chair. Elijah and Chris slid over making room for me to sit between them. Elijah then said to Matt, “It’s good to finally meet you, Matt. Josh always talked about you when we talked on the phone, but he always called you Matthew when we talked.” Matt smiled and said, “My professors always call me Matthew. I think it was Joshua’s idea to rib me having you guys call me Matthew.” We laughed and Elijah said, “I guess all those years being around me have rubbed off on him.” Josh smirked and said, “Yeah, all the bad traits.” Matt leaned forward and kissed Josh’s cheek. I asked, “So, how did you guys meet?” Josh smiled and said, “We have two classes together, English writing and Programmable Logics. We ended up as partners on a programming project. Most of the time we worked on it in the library, but one night Matt said his roommate was gone for the night and asked me if I wanted to come to his room instead.” Josh turned for a moment and grinned at Matt before continuing, “I didn’t realize he was luring me into his lair.” Matt protested, “I didn’t even know you were gay! I just thought we could concentrate better by being alone. It was you who kept touching my knee!” Josh grinned, “We were sitting close together at your small desk, and you were the one who kissed me first.” Matt grinned and said, “It wasn’t like you pulled away. You had your tongue in my mouth a few seconds after I first kissed you.” Josh grinned sheepishly and said, “Yeah, I did. I wanted to do that with you since I first saw you.” Matt grinned and said, “Me too, but I had no idea you were gay.” Josh said, “I guess I wasn’t really sure who or what I was until several months ago.” Matt looked at me and then Carl and said, “I guess I should thank you two for that.” Carl asked, “What do you mean by that?” Josh looked at us and said, “I hope you’re not angry, but I told Matt about what Elijah and I did to Jeremy, and what the two of you did to us.” Carl lowered his eyes and said, “Yeah. I regret that I talked Jeremy into that. I’m still really sorry we did that to you.” Josh said, “Don’t feel bad. We deserved it and..” Before Josh could finish, Matt interrupted, “Yes, don’t feel bad about it. It may not have been the right thing to do, but some really good things came from it. I probably wouldn’t have this hot boyfriend here if that hadn’t happened.” Elijah broke in, “And I wouldn’t have these two hot guys as boyfriends.” Josh looked at Elijah, wide eyed and said, “Wait! What?” Elijah reached his arm across my back and Chris did the same linking their fingers. I then put an arm around each of their waists as Elijah said, “Yeah, you heard what I said, boyfriends as in plural. Jeremy, Chris and I are a throuple.” Josh asked, “A what?” Matt grinned and said, “I’ve heard the term before, but I never met anyone who was part of a throuple. I always imagined it to be two girls and a guy or two guys and a girl, but three guys is not something I had imagined.” Josh asked, “How can that even work?” I said, “It’s a long story, but we’re making it work. I love both of these guys.” Elijah and Chris looked to each other and said simultaneously, “Same here.” Josh grinned and said, “Wow! I have missed a lot. Why didn’t you tell me about this before, Elijah?” Elijah replied, “We just became a throuple the other day. You know I had a crush on Jeremy and apparently so did Chris. Jeremy didn’t want to hurt either of us and Chris and I liked each other, a lot.” As Elijah said that he locked eyes with Chris then said, “It just made sense, and we agreed if either of us ever wanted to end it, there would be no hard feelings.”

We heard the doorbell, so I got up, figuring that the pizza had arrived. As I paid the delivery driver, Chuck walked up. As we came in with the pizza, Chuck walked over to Carl and gave him a kiss, and then looked over at Chris and gave him a huge knowing grin. Chris turned a little pink. Carl then said to Josh, “I’m not sure if you’ve met Chuck before. I think he was working the weekend you played ball with us.” Chuck said, “Hi.” He shook Josh’s hand and then Josh introduced him to Matthew for which Matt grabbed his ribs causing him to jump and say, “Ok! Ok! Chuck, this is my boyfriend, Matt.” Chuck grinned, amused at their playfulness, then shook Matt’s hand, “Nice to meet you, Matt.” Matt said, “Likewise.” I then said, “Grab some pizza. Let’s eat.”

We finished the pizza off and then went out back and threw the football around. As it grew dark, we lit a fire and sat around it drinking beer. Chuck said he was leaving after he finished his and Carl said, “I’ll follow you home. Josh, you and Matt can sleep in my bedroom this weekend. I’m going to be staying at Chuck’s.” Josh said, “Thanks, Carl. We could have slept on the floor as far as I was concerned. You don’t have to sacrifice your bed for us.” I laughed and said, “It’s not a sacrifice, Josh. It’s a good excuse to sleep with his boyfriend.” Josh grinned and said, “I really have missed a lot.” Chuck and Carl finished their beers and on their way out, Carl said, “I’ll see you guys in the morning.” Chuck said, “I’ll stop by after work.” They left, leaving the five of us by the fire. I then asked, “So, Matt, do you play basketball?” Matt replied, “I do. It’s not my favorite sport but I can dribble and shoot. I’d rather be in a pool playing water polo or swimming. Why?” I said, “We’ve been playing basketball with some other guys at the park on Saturdays. I wondered if you guys would want to play tomorrow.” Josh said, “Let’s play, Matt. I had a great time the last time I was here. The guys all play hard but then we all have a beer or two at a local bar afterward. They always mix it up so there doesn’t form any animosity. It keeps it friendly but competitive.” Matt said, “Sounds like fun.” We let the fire die down and went inside before it got too chilly. Even though there was an open chair, Josh and Matt sat together. It was getting late, Josh and Matt took their bags into Carl’s room, and I said to Chris and Elijah, “I should have asked you guys first before inviting them to play ball tomorrow, but I figured it wouldn’t be a problem.” Elijah grinned and said, “I was pretty sure Josh wouldn’t be seeing someone that acted overly feminine, but it was hard keeping a straight face when I heard that deep voice.” Chris said, “I know, right. I thought Carl was going to need a shovel to pick up his jaw.” I laughed and said, “I was thinking the same thing.”

As Josh and Matt came back out from Carl’s room, I got up and said I’d be right back. I wanted to make sure the fire was safe. Josh said to Matt, “I’ll be right back.” He followed me outside. When we got outside, I said to Josh, “Matt seems like a really nice guy. I’m happy for you.” Josh said, “Thanks. Matt’s great. What’s going on with you and Carl?” I asked, “What do you mean?” Josh said, “Well, I thought you two were a thing.” I explained the relationship that Carl and I now had and that we were both happy for each other’s current situation. It seemed like he was a little sad by it. I assured him that Carl and I were fine and that I was happy for him and his relationship with Chuck. I think I eventually convinced him there were no hard feelings between Carl and me. Then Josh said, “I like Chris, but I don’t want to see Elijah get hurt. How can this three-way thing work? I know Elijah really likes you. Fuck, after the last time we were here, all he ever wanted to talk about on the phone was you. Please don’t hurt him, Jeremy.” Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at Josh, “I meant what I said in there, Josh. I’ve been so torn between them. I didn’t want to have to choose. Carl saw the agony I was in. I didn't want to hurt either of them, but I knew I would if I had to make a choice. Carl told me I didn’t need to choose, at least not right away, to just enjoy what we have. But it’s not the same thing as just having sex with someone. With Elijah and Chris, it’s more than the sex. I love them. I love them both so much.” Josh said, “I thought you loved Carl, too.” I smiled, “I do love Carl, but as a best friend and brother. We both came to that conclusion a while back. Look, I know you’re looking out for your best friend’s interest, but I assure you I’d never intentionally hurt Elijah. That’s the whole problem I’ve been dealing with. I don’t want to hurt either of them. That’s why we came up with this idea.” Josh asked, “So then this is just a convenience thing between them?” I smiled, “I had a concern about that at first, but I don’t think that’s the case. More than once I’ve awakened to find their heads on either side of my chest.” Josh interrupted, “That’s not surprising.” I said, “No, let me finish. Their heads were on my chest and their fingers were linked together on my stomach. I’d have taken a pic, but I couldn’t exactly move without waking them.” Josh smiled, “Thanks Jeremy. I’m still not sure about this throuple thing, but now I know that you really do care for Elijah and that’s what’s important.” I smiled and said, “I really do, Josh.

We came back inside to the sound of laughter. Elijah then said, “We thought you two were kidnapped by space aliens.” Josh laughed and said, “We were just catching up. I didn’t realize we were out there that long. What was all the laughter about?” Elijah grinned and said, “We were joking about you two being abducted by aliens.” Matt broke in, “Elijah asked what the aliens’ reaction would be when they did an anal probe to you and you begged them to go deeper.” The room howled and Josh turned bright red and said, “Fuck you, Elijah! Asshole!” Josh couldn’t help but grin. Then Josh asked, “Do you mind if Matt and I use the shower?” I replied, “Of course not. I guess we all could use a shower after tossing the football around earlier.” Elijah said, “Yeah, I could use a shower. I guess we should shower together to save on hot water.” Josh joked, “Yeah, Elijah, I’m sure that’s your excuse.” Matt asked, “Do you mean all five of us are going to shower together?” He looked nervous. The rest of us laughed and then I said, “No. You and Josh can use the shower in the main bathroom. The three of us will use the one in my ensuite. Even that shower isn’t big enough for five.” Matt looked relieved. Elijah asked, “What’s the matter, Matt? Afraid one of us would cop a feel?” Matt grinned and turned a little pink.

Matt and Josh playfully stripped each other as they prepared to get in the shower. Josh asked Matt, “So, what do you think of the guys?” Matt smiled and said, “I can’t believe every one of them is hot as fuck! I could bounce a quarter off any one of those three butts.” Josh laughed and said, “Hey! Are you trying to make me jealous?” Matt kissed him and said, “You’ve got a hot butt too, Josh, not to mention that smile of yours. I noticed Chris has dimples too. Your friend Elijah cracks me up. He’s great with throwing out digs. Now I know why he’s your best friend.” As they stepped into the shower, Matt said, “You and Jeremy were out back for a long time.” Josh said, “Yeah. It took us a while to escape from those space aliens, haha.” After he began washing Matt’s hair, Josh said, “I was kind of interrogating Jeremy. Josh is my best friend, and I don’t want to see him get hurt. I was a little concerned when I heard of this throuple thing.” After rinsing his hair and turning to wash Josh’s hair, Matt asked, “Are you no longer concerned. You seem more relaxed.” Matt said, “I’m still a bit concerned. I mean, a three-way relationship seems like it would be difficult to manage, but I’m sure now that Jeremy would never intentionally hurt Elijah. He really does love him. The problem is that he loves Chris also.” Josh rinsed his hair and Matt began soaping him up as Matt said joking, “What would you think about a five-way relationship. I mean the four of you are fucking hot.” Josh turned quickly and was about to say something until he saw the mischievous grin on Matt’s face. Josh grinned and said, “Well, I already told you that Elijah and I had sex with Jeremy and Carl. It was pretty lit. I never had sex with Chris though. It might be a hell of an orgy.” Matt’s eyes grew wide as Josh began soaping him up, “Are you being serious?” Josh grinned, “Maybe. Have you ever fantasized about being in an orgy?” Matt said, “Maybe as a fantasy, but I never thought I would ever seriously be a part of one.” Josh turned Matt around to face him and said, “You’re hard as a rock just thinking about it!” Matt stammered, “It’s just all this sex talk. I mean, yeah it sounds hot, but I don’t think I could really do it.” Josh grinned as he grabbed Matt’s throbbing shaft, “Looks like this guy thinks otherwise.” Josh then dropped down and took Matt’s cock into his mouth. Matt grabbed Josh’s head and groaned, “Ohhh, fuuuck.” Josh lathered Matt’s balls and played with them for a bit before inserting a soapy finger inside Matt’s pucker. Matt moaned and grunted his pleasure. When Josh added a second soapy finger, he was rewarded with a creamy mouthful seconds later. Matt hung onto Josh for support as his cock throbbed and pumped Josh’s mouth full of his creamy seed. Matt’s knees were still shaky as Josh slowly stood up and shared Matt’s own cum in a tongue-dueling kiss. As they separated and smiled at one and other, Matt said, “My turn.” Josh said, “I’ll take a rain check. The water’s getting cold. Let’s get out and dry off before we turn into prunes.”

Meanwhile, in the other shower, as Chris and I were soaping up Elijah’s body, he asked, “So, what do you think of surfer boy.” Chris laughed, “I could see him pictured on the cover of a surfer magazine. I wonder what he looks like shirtless.” I couldn’t help but grin at the comparison. Surfer boy was a pretty good description of Matt. I said, “He seems to be a nice guy. I haven’t had that much time to get to know him.” Elijah said, “That’s because you were out back with Josh for so long. What was up with that?” I rolled my eyes and said, “Let’s just say that you have a very great best friend, Elijah.” Elijah looked to me smiling and said, “Josh gave you the daddy to boyfriend talk? Oh, my fucking God. That’s so funny.” Chris asked, “Am I next?” I replied, “I don’t know. Maybe, but the three of us have more of a history.” We finished our shower, dried off, and then pulled on some boxers. As Elijah pulled a pair of my boxers out of my dresser I asked, “Do you even own a pair of your own?” Elijah grabbed a pair he liked and as he slid them on, said, “I like wearing yours.”

We were sitting on the sofa when Josh and Matt came out of the bathroom with towels wrapped around their waists. Elijah gave them a cat call and Matt turned red, then he glanced over and his jaw dropped, seeing the three of us wearing nothing but boxers. He quickly turned his head and followed Josh into Carl’s bedroom. I said to Elijah, “Be careful, Elijah. I think you’re embarrassing the hell out of Matt.” Elijah grinned and said, “I know, right? Isn’t it great. He’s so adorable when he’s embarrassed.” Chris laughed and said, “You’re incorrigible, Elijah.” Elijah laughed and asked, “Where do you come up with these words, Professor Chris?” Chris laughed and said, “I try to learn a new word every day and then use it in a sentence at least once during that day.” Elijah asked, “When did you have time to look up incorrigible today?” Chris rolled his eyes and just shook his head.

Minutes later, Josh and Matt came out of Carl’s bedroom. Josh was wearing only a pair of boxers, but Matt had on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. Elijah grinned and asked Matt, “Do you need Jeremy to turn the heat on or something, Matt?” Matt didn’t get the sarcasm and replied, “No, I’m warm enough, thanks.” Josh grinned, knowing Elijah was being sarcastic. Then Elijah asked Josh, “Does he wear those to bed?” Matt grinned, now realizing that Elijah was fucking with him. Josh turned to look at Matt with a grin on his face and said, “No, he wears his grandfather’s pajamas.” We all laughed, and Matt turned bright red and grabbed Josh’s sides to tickle him. Josh wriggled away and ended up on the floor in front of Matt. Then Matt said, “I don’t even own a pair of pajamas. Don’t believe anything he tells you.” Josh then said, “You should have seen the look on his face the first time I hit his prostate.” Matt’s jaw dropped, his face went redder, and he said, “I can’t believe you brought that up!” He was on top of Josh immediately, tickling him without mercy as Josh squirmed beneath him, laughing and screaming. The three of us just watched, grinning. Josh started yelling, “I give! Stop! I give! I won’t tell them!” Matt stopped tickling Josh and slowly got off him and helped Josh get up. Matt sat back down, and Josh sat in his lap. I grabbed each of us another beer and we talked, getting to know Matt a little better. When Josh and Matt finished their beers, Josh got up, took their empty bottles and said, “We’re going to call it a night.” I noticed Matt’s hands drop in front of his crotch to hide his obvious hardon as Josh took the empty bottles into the kitchen. I couldn’t help smiling as Matt looked to us to see if anyone had noticed. When Josh came back into the room, he held out his hand to Matt to help him up. Matt got up and quickly turned toward Carl’s bedroom, but his hardness was obviously tenting his sweats as they walked. Josh was hard as well but didn’t seem to mind that we noticed. By the time Carl’s bedroom door closed behind them, the three of us were hopelessly trying to contain our laughter. Chris then said, “That reminded me of me when I stayed here the first time. I was shy as hell.” I said, “Yeah you were. It’s pretty funny when you see someone else act that way.” Elijah said, “Looks like Matty boy was packing some grade A wood there.” Chris said, “Yeah, there was no hiding that tent.” As I laughed, I said, “He looked so cute trying so hard not to be caught staring. Epic fail on his part, but you two both failed as well.” I reached over into both their laps and grabbed their stiff cocks through the fabric of their boxers. Due to the movement of my hand and the buttonless flys, their bare cocks were soon in my hand and leaking precum like an open faucet. I worked their cocks slowly as they began kissing me, alternating between my neck and my lips. I soon felt a hand pull my own rigid cock from the fly of my boxers and another reach inside to play with my balls. Chris then suggested, “Maybe we should take this to the bedroom.” Elijah grinned and asked, “Are you afraid surfer boy will come out and catch us?” I grinned and said to Elijah, “I’m sure you’d be thrilled if he did.” Chris agreed, “Yeah he would. He probably would try to get him to join us.” I asked Chris, “Would you object if he did?” Chris grinned and said, “I would if the three of us were being intimate. Otherwise, hell no!” Elijah then said, “You’re right, Chris, and right now I feel like being intimate. Let’s take this to the bedroom. We went into my bedroom and dropped out of our boxers, climbed on the bed, and sucked each other’s cocks, switching positions after a few minutes while also fingering each other. Chris then said, “Fuck me, Elijah.” Elijah smiled and said, “My pleasure, Chris. Will you fuck me, Jer?” I grinned and said, “Jer, huh?” Elijah said, “Yeah, Chris told me that he started using that so I thought I would too.” I said, “I’m more than good with that, and yes, I’ll fuck you, or I’ll let you fuck yourself on my cock while you fuck Chris.” Chris lay on his back at the end of the bed with his butt hanging over the edge. Elijah pulled Chris’ legs up on his shoulders and slowly entered him. Once he bottomed out inside him, I slowly sank into Elijah until I was buried balls deep inside him. Elijah then began moving back and forth sliding into Chris and then pulling back and impaling himself on my steely shaft. He was taking his time while looking into Chris’ eyes as he made love to him. I in turn was kissing Elijah’s neck and jaw and periodically tonguing his ear. Several minutes later, we switched it up. Elijah took Chris’ spot on the bed, and I reinserted my cock into him while Chris stepped behind me and slowly sank deep inside me until I felt pubic bush firmly against my buns. I then began moving in and out of Elijah while riding Chris’ hard shaft. Elijah and I locked eyes as Chris kissed my neck and shoulders. Chris whispered behind me as the slapping sounds of me contacting Elijah’s buns and then contacting Chris’ abdomen behind me echoed in the room, “Fuck yeah, Jer. Give it to Elijah while you take it from me. This is so fire.” Elijah agreed, “Fuck yeah, Chris. This is so fucking lit! Gimme that cock, Jer!” We again switched things up. I took Elijah’s place on the bed and Chris moved in the middle and after Elijah sank into Chris once again, Chris began to fuck me and himself on Elijah’s cock. The three of us were in synch and minutes later, Chris and Elijah switched places as Elijah fucked me while impaling himself on Chris’ throbbing meat. Our breathing was steadily getting heavier and more rapid. Elijah then climbed back on the bed, taking my place and Chris was once more in the middle. We ended our session of lovemaking with Chris on the bed while I fucked him and rode Elijah’s cock. By this time we were all close to climax. “Chris moaned, “I’m gonna cum.”, and reached for his cock. I blocked his hand and took his cock in my own hand and slowly stroked it in rhythm to our fuck. Chris suddenly cried out, “Fuck!” His cock erupted, blasting ropes of cum first on his chest, then his mouth and chin. The remaining blasts coated his abs and my hand as I felt the pulses through his cock ebb. Elijah had been watching over my shoulder and was rooting him on, “Yeah! Shoot that fucking cum! On your face, yeah! Cum for us, baby! Oh, fuck! I’m getting ready!” Elijah quickly pulled his cock from me as I felt my own nuts ready to empty my seed. As soon as Elijah pulled clear of me, I pulled out of Chris. We moved up beside him and after a few strokes, Elijah and I began bathing Chris with our baby batter. Chris held his mouth open as Elijah and I each shot a wad of cum to his face and into his open mouth. The rest ended up mostly on Chris’ chest. Elijah and I both leaned on the bed until we caught our breath and then bent down to lick some of the cum mixture. We then shared it with each other, continuing to alternate between licking it up, and snowballing it between us until we had consumed all of the mixture we could. We then climbed on the bed and shared a passionate three-way kiss. We eventually got in the shower to rinse off the sweat, and also the remaining cum from Chris before climbing into bed for the night.

As soon as Carl’s bedroom door had closed, Matt pulled Josh toward him, dropped to his knees, and said, “About that rain check.” Josh smiled as Matt yanked his boxers down. Josh’s stiff rod sprang out and slapped Matt’s right cheek leaving a spot of clear precum. Matt grinned before taking the cock in his left hand and lifting it up against Josh’s abs as he leaned in and began licking Josh’s balls. He took them in his mouth, sucked, and licked them before moving to lick the underside of Josh’s cock which jumped as soon as the tip of Matt’s tongue came in contact with it. Josh smiled as he looked down to see Matt looking up with mischief in those beautiful light blue eyes which reminded Josh of the waters of the Caribbean. Those eyes were one of the features that caught Josh’s attention the first time he had seen him. Matt’s light blond curly locks as well as his gorgeous, sculpted face with full red lips were the other things that caught his eye. Josh had almost cum within seconds the first time he watched Matt wrap those lips around his cock and look up at him. It still caused precum to pour out of his cock like an open faucet every time Matt’s mouth was about to be taking his cock inside its warmth. Josh’s smile widened as he said, “You are so fucking hot, babe. How did I ever get so lucky.” After licking the precum that was hanging like a string from the tip of Josh’s cock, Matt said, “I think I’m the lucky one. I wanted you from the first time I walked into the English Writing class and saw you sitting there, hot as fuck. I think I popped a woody and had it the entire period.” Matt then took Josh’s cock into his mouth. Josh groaned, “Fuuuck. I remember that day. I saw you come in and tried not to let you know I was staring. I went into a bathroom stall after that class and jerked off fantasizing about you.” After Matt had sucked and tongued Josh’s cock for a while, Josh pushed Matt off. Matt asked, “What’s wrong?” Josh said, “Nothing’s wrong. Stand up so I can get the rest of your clothes off. I want to fuck you.” Matt looked up at Josh and said, “They might hear us.” Josh grinned and said, “So what? I’d bet that’s what they’re doing right now. One of them is probably getting spit roasted right now or they’re chain-fucking.” As Matt stood up, Josh grinned at him and said, “Thinking of them doing that has you wetting right through your sweats.”, indicating the wet spot at the tip of the tent in Matt’s sweats. Matt grinned with embarrassment and said, “Shut up.” Josh then pushed Matt backward onto the bed and then yanked down his sweats and briefs. Matt’s cock sprang out and slapped his abdomen hard, spattering some drops of precum as it did. Josh climbed onto the bed and licked up the precum from Matt’s abs and cock. He then raised Matt’s legs up and bent down and began licking at his balls and taint. Matt grabbed his legs under his knees and held them up as Josh went to town licking his way past Matt’s taint to his little pink pucker. Matt gasped, “Oh, fuck!” Josh lapped at it for a bit, then began jabbing the tip of his tongue into the tight ring. Matt gasped once more, “Holy fuck!” Josh tongue-fucked Matt for a while as Matt moaned in ecstasy. Josh reached into Carl’s nightstand drawer and pulled out some lube. Matt said, “You knew exactly where that was.” Josh said, “I already told you the four of us had fucked around.” Josh squeezed some lube onto his middle finger and worked it inside Matt’s tight ring, soon adding a second and then a third. Matt said, “Stick your cock in me already.” Josh grinned and pulled his fingers out. He then lubed up his rigid cock and slowly sank it inside Matt as Matt drew in a deep breath. Once Josh bottomed out, he looked into Matt’s watery blue eyes and asked, “Ready?” Matt smiled and just nodded his head. Josh began a slow deep fuck as Matt moaned in pleasure while looking up at Josh. Josh slowly increased his pace as Matt grunted with the fuck, “Huh! Aaahh! Hu1 Huh! Fuck yes! Huh! Huh1 Aaahh! Fuck me, Josh! Yes! Harder! Fuck yes! Fuck me!” The bed squeaked beneath them as the slapping of hips into ass echoed in the room in rhythm to Matt’s shouts. Then Josh slammed deep into Matt and began pumping his seed inside him. Matt felt the throbbing of Josh’s cock and the increased pressure as Josh’s swimmers filled his guts, breeding him. As Josh’s throbbing cock finished depositing his seed inside Matt, he collapsed down onto Matt, trying to catch his breath. After a minute, Josh lifted his head and gave Matt a kiss, then said, “That was fucking awesome! What a nightcap.” As Josh began to roll off of Matt, his cock slid from Matt’s hole, but Matt surprised Josh as he rolled on top of Josh and said, “We’re not done yet. My turn.” Matt pulled Josh’s legs up onto his shoulders and then he grabbed the lube and spread it on his already precum slicked cock. There was no preparation. Matt just slowly sank his rigid member inside Josh, watching his facial expression, and hesitating when there was any indication of pain. It went slowly, but Matt was soon pressed tightly against Josh’s firm buns. Matt began slowly rocking, tugging outward and then pushing back inside while watching Josh. Josh moaned and encouraged Matt, “Yeah, Matt. Fuck me. Fuck me deep. Fuck my ass. Yeah, faster. That’s it! Harder! Fuck me, Matt! Fuck! Fuck yeah! Slam that cock in me, Matt! Harder!” The noise from either bedroom could be heard throughout the house, but each was oblivious to the other. Sweat was dripping from Matt’s forehead onto Josh’s chest as his orgasm approached. Matt soon cried out, “I’m gonna cum!” Josh yelled, “Cum inside me, Matt! Breed me!” Matt yelled, “Oh, Fuck!”, as he began firing ropes of cum deep inside of Josh and felt Josh’s anal muscle clamping down on his cock, helping to pump out Matt’s seed inside him as his own cock blasted its own ropes of cum across his chest and abdomen. Josh cried out, “Holy shit! You fucked the cum out of me, Matt!” Matt smiled down at Josh as he caught his breath. He slowly lowered himself down onto Josh and they kissed while their chests still heaved from the exertion. After a few minutes, Matt broke their kiss and asked, “Want to get another shower before going to sleep?” Josh said, “Why bother, we’re going to have to wash these sheets anyway.” Matt smiled and said, “Well, at least let me give you a tongue bath to get some of that sticky mess you made.” Matt then got on his knees and began licking the smeared cum from Josh’s abs and chest. When he was done, Josh pushed Matt onto his back and said, “My turn.” Matt grinned and said, “You know that’s your cum on me, right?” Josh grinned and said, “Yep.” Josh then leaned down and licked up his own cum which had smeared on Matt’s chest and abs after their post coital kiss. After he was done, they shared a cummy kiss before cuddling together, Josh being the little spoon.

End of Chapter 42

by Derek D

Email: [email protected]

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