House of the Damned - Jake the Muscle Slave

by Layla

18 Jun 2021 10231 readers Score 9.5 (61 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

When Jake could finally open his eyes, he found himself rather in a very unfamiliar territory, laying on the floor.

The still somewhat dazed young jock attempted to raise his upper body so that he could better scan the perimeter. He was surprised to find himself fairly clothed. However, it was clear that whoever had dressed him up while he was unconscious was very meticulous in ensuring that his muscular physique continued to be presented impeccably beneath the clothes. 

Jake was wearing a white tank top that was a size smaller than his usual shirt, allowing the traces of his pecs and abdominals mounds to be visible even when the shirt is completely dry. Complementing the look was a boxer brief that appeared to perfectly fit his buttocks and package, which was unexpectedly still somewhat semi-erect. 

When Jake further scanned his surrounding, he felt a sense of eeriness given how clinically white and empty the room seemed to be. That feeling soon turned into anxiety when he inspected the corners of the area, where he saw various instruments being hanged and displayed across the vicinity.

"Good afternoon, Jake" 

A voice can be heard from the loudspeakers installed around the room, breaking Jake's focus. It didn't take a while for the jock to figure out that it was Uncle Max's voice. 

The young hunk had also noticed the room has a glass partition connected to another room, where Uncle Max was comfortably sitting in his lounge chair.  There must be about 10 feet of distance between where Jake and Uncle Max were sitting.  

"You've been out for more than five hours" Uncle Max then resumed speaking as he raised himself up to sit on chair behind what appeared to be a control system, which is connected to a dozen of computer monitors around the room. 

Jake was disturbed when he recognized that each of the screens was focusing on various parts of his body, ranging from his face, chest, abdominals, arms to even his groin. There was also a wide-screen monitor showing a full-frontal view of his entire body. Each monitor appears to be linked to a specific camera, which he failed to see any around him with his bare-naked eyes.

Uncle Max noticed how Jake was studying the control system. 

"Ah yes, you might be wondering how on earth can I have a perfect view of all your body parts. Well, I have perfected drones that could help me project these images of you. They have been programmed to move according to your movement" The professor then explained. 

Jake managed to only gulp after hearing the explanation.

"I know... I know I am amazing but you don't need to tell me that. We should probably focus on answering the biggest question you might have currently - which is why are you here now, sitting prettily in my special laboratory"

Uncle Max rose from his seat again before he resumed.

"You see, after what I deemed to be one disastrous session where you had cummed without my permission and passed out at the hands of my apprentices, I managed to convince Charlie to have you go through my own special disciplinary programme to train you into a better... hmm how should I say it, sex subject?" Uncle Max said and smiled as he stared into Jake's then furrowed eyes. 

"And given how much I have paid Charlie for the regular sessions with you, Charlie had agreed to compensate me for your disobedience by enrolling you under my care for the next six months." 

Jake felt his heart continuing to shrink every time Uncle Max muttered a word. He never felt more frightened. 

"Sir.. please let me explain what happened last time. Your apprentices had gone overboard with.." Before he could finish his sentence, Jake was suddenly cut by Uncle Max.

"Are you insinuating that my apprentices were at fault?" The lewd professor snapped while he stared deeply into Jake's startled eyes. 

The humbled jock took it as a cue to not try to explain his way out, knowing how useless would it be to reason. 

 "This kind of manner is exactly why you need this disciplinary programme."

Just seconds after the merciless old man said his piece, Jake could feel a sudden but constant jolting sensation emanating from within his nipples.

"Garghhhhhhhhhh!" Jake closed his eyes and tried to grab onto his violated chests in his futile attempt to soothe the sensation. His body continued to shudder as the prodding sensation persisted. 

"I have set it to level 2, which is a level that you need to get accustomed to throughout the session today as a small punishment for your noncompliance" Uncle Max said. "I could raise it higher if you spill those nonsensical words out of your mouth again" 

While also throbbing, the electric sensation is also causing Jake's cock to rise as his mind was slowly engulfed by sexual urges.

As it all occurred, the door that connected the two rooms suddenly opened up where Peter and Dudley emerged. 

Unlike in the first encounter, the two hungry-looking boys were uncharacteristically uninhibited in their manner as they walked closer to the writhing hunk. They stopped when they were finally stood right by the hunk sides, silently watching Jake's every movement.

Jake could feel the menacing presence towering over him. When he stared into the boys' eyes, he found nothing but thirst. He could see them seizing up his body which made him very uncomfortable.

Without saying any word, the boys unexpectedly then grabbed onto Jake's arms and pushed them away from his chests, compelling them to hang by his sides. Like a trained apprentice, they proceeded to force Jake to straighten his back, square his shoulders, and push Jake's back forward just enough so that his pectoral muscles were somewhat jutting, while driving the hunk to curl his arms until his biceps bulged flawlessly. 

Once Jake was in position, Dudley then took the honour to lift up the front part of Jake's tank top over his head and left it strained on the back of his neck, allowing the young jock's well-developed pecs and eight packed abdominal mounds to be displayed magnificently for closer inspection. 

Jake had no chance at all to respond throughout the time he was being handled, and he stood in his stance somewhat dumbfounded. The way that the room light had shined on his body, which was exhibited in the most rousing fashion, had made him feel rather exposed especially when he saw how the boys and Uncle Max were closely observing his every movement. He took it as prompt for him to contract his stomach muscles and keep his pecs taut.  

"I'll give Charlie some brownie points for teaching you the basics of the required position" Uncle Max then said. "But you have to know that this... is not sufficient for me" 

Not long after that, Uncle Max then gestured to Peter and Dudley to continue with the procession. 

The boys took the cue and swiftly moved their heads onto Jake's nipples, latching their mouth onto the erect nubs. 

"Ohhhhrgh!" Jake closed his eyes and threw his head up as he felt the sensation inside his nipples being amplified by Peter and Dudley's skilled lapping and biting. He instinctively withdrew his chests but Peter and Dudley's hands on his back were quick to keep his body steady, while the boys took their time to relish on sucking his succulent and sensitive nipples.

Jack didn't realize that his dreaded adversary had also entered the room and was standing just a foot away from him. Uncle Max's eyes were fixed on watching every Jake's little movement, including how the muscles undulate at Peter and Dudley's touches.

"This will also not do" Uncle Max then said, referring to how Jake had broken out of his required form as the procession continue - something that Jake didn't realize. To be fair, if there was any other man observing the ordeal, it's also unlikely that they would be able to spot the blunder which goes to show the level of detail that Uncle Max expected of his sex subjects. 

The lewd uncle then reached his hands onto Jake's trap muscles, and with a slight nudge, forced Jake back into required stance. He then straddled his hand over Jake's then rippling abdominals and pressure the mounds until the hunk wilfully contracted them to the fullest.

"When I said 'keep them tight at all times', I really mean at all times" Uncle Max reminded, before suggesting Jake to continue to breathe through his chest throughout these sessions.

"And don't close your eyes. I want you to see how the boys appreciate the fruits of your labour. After all, you have to understand that this is your purpose now: satisfying their needs" 

In his bid to follow the command, Jake then set his gaze down which only further reminded at how humiliating these ordeals are for him, as the boys gnaw and lick his nipples like a candy. Making the experience more mortifying, Peter and Dudley would also occasionally look at Jake straight in the eyes, which made them more aroused after seeing the hunk's handsome face writhing as they intensified their biting. Jake instinctively threw his head back up again and groaned louder, but was quick to set his gaze back as ordered.

"Good, I want you to get used to this. I'll be back in around 30 minutes and I expect you to be mindful of these rules by then. And, of course, don't you dare to cum" Uncle Max then reminded. 

"Don't think that you are any less monitored as I have all the camera watching your every movement. Of course, my boys will also let me know later how many times you are violating the rules after I come back" The lewd professor then grinned and proceeded to exit the room immediately after landing a kiss on the writhing hunk's lips, leaving the boys and Jake on their own.

When the door closed, Peter and Dudley immediately stopped sucking on Jake's nipples and looked at each other.

"Are you thinking of what I am thinking?" Peter then asked his friend.

"Great minds think alike" Dudley replied as he then set his gaze back to Jake's then somewhat surprised face. The mischievous boy then brought out a remote control, which appeared to be similar to what Uncle Max had earlier.

"No... No... Pleas.. ARGHHHHHHHH!" Jake growled as he felt an insurmountable electric sensation burning in his nipples and sending shocks to all over his body as soon as Dudley adjusted the level.

"GAARGHHHHHHHHH!" Jake groaned even louder as he felt the intensity continuing to rise. Dudley had set the level to 6 by then. 

At first, the poor hunk was still attempting to maintain his required stance knowing that was the task at hand for him. But soon enough, the feeling of pain and pleasure became so overpowering that he finally broke from his form and dropped to the ground, with his face facing the ceiling. His body continued to shudder and jerk as the electrical sensation continued to run amok in his body, bringing him close to orgasm.

Peter and Dudley watched in glee as their devious plan was coming to fruition. When they noticed that Jake was trying to cover his pecs and roll over his body, they were quick to hold his arms and keep him facing the ceiling as they resumed their advances by latching their mouth onto the then even more sensitive nipples.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRGHHHHHH!" Jake moaned in response to the rude awakening as he felt his cock throbbing wildly. Making it worse for Jake, Peter had then gripped on Jake's erect cock and started to aggressively stroke him, while Dudley rammed his fingers onto Jake's prostate. The poor hunk knew that he was powerless to contain the surge of impending release.

Not long after that, Jake exploded into one of the most explosive orgasm that he has ever had, with streams of cum shooting into the air and filling up the crevices in between his abdominal and chest muscles. The orgasm lasted for more than thirty seconds, draining most of Jake's strength. 

Undeterred by their subject's weakening stamina, Peter and Dudley had by then intensified their advances by stroking or sucking more aggressively.

"Mercy....Plea...Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jake pleaded as he was again pinned down on the floor. 

"Welcome to your nightmare, Jake fucking Lewis" Peter then said as he kissed Jake in the mouth while he brought the stud to another round of orgasm.

30 minutes later

"What on earth is happening here?" Uncle Max blurted out when he entered the room. 

Jake was by then lying on the ground, almost motionless as his arms remained curled over his shoulders and pinned down by Peter and Dudley. His eyes were half-closed and breathing laborious. His chests were slightly protruding up thanks to the small cushion padding that Peter had inserted beneath Jake's back.

As Uncle Max inspected the scene closer, he was astonished to see how Jake's muscular upper body was glistening with sweat and cum which he assumed belong to none other than his sex subject.  More astonishing than that was the fact that Jake's cock remained as stiff as rock, with pre-cum leaking out of the piss slit. 

"Uncle Max, once again he has failed to do your task" Peter then broke the silence as he looked at his friend's eyes for support. He also had his left hand fully covering Jake's mouth, muffling the stud from speaking.

Dudley nodded in agreement.

"He has failed to satisfy our desires" Peter then continued. "I believe he needs to be trained harder. Perhaps we should consider putting him on 'The Chair'' 

Uncle Max wasn't dumb enough to not know that it wasn't merely Jake's fault this time around and that boys had gone overboard with the task. But knowing how much devious the boys had become, the lewd scientist actually became more thrilled to imagine the impending humiliation and torture that Jake would have to endure over the next six months. 

So instead of actually reprimanding his apprentices, he decided to play along with the boys' game.

"He has, no doubt, failed. That I can see." Uncle Max replied as he drew a plentiful amount of the still wet cum off Jake's abs with his hand, and placed his cum-smeared hand onto Jake's mouth.

"He also definitely needs to learn much much more from us" The lewd professor said while he watched Jake's face squirm as he was forced to taste his own cum. His eyes became all teary as he saw Uncle Max and the boys grinning over his humiliation. 

"...and The Chair sounds like a nice welcoming punishment for all these mess he's done..." Uncle Max continued, before he was cut by Dudley.

"If I may as well Uncle... I find that his muscles had softened considerably since we saw him at Charlie's house this morning, even when he's trying to flex them" 

"Would it be fine if we inject him with the muscle sensitizer before the Chair session? I just want to be able to fully appreciate how hard, supple and firm his muscles are as we milk him. It makes me very happy" Dudley further elaborated without any sense of remorse or inhibition. 

Just hearing the statement coming from his boys was enough to get Uncle Max cock hard beneath his pants. Meanwhile, Jake couldn't feel more terrified than ever, as he felt his whole word shattering in front of his very eyes. 

"That sounds great, Dudley. I like that idea." Uncle Max agreed, before resuming. "...while we're at it, even though the mix is still not yet stable, I suppose we could also test the effect of the Milker if we inject it into his system"

The depraved professor was referring to another of his diabolical experiment that he had carefully crafted over the years, that would allow anyone injected with it to significantly accelerate cum production within their testicles. This may then allow for a more 'productive' milking session. 

Peter and Dudley's eyes were glowing as soon as they heard that, having witnessed what chemical could do to a man's body in Uncle Max's early experiments. 

While his adversaries were beaming with excitement, Jake was left completely in the dark which made him more anxious. Considering how diabolical Uncle Max's previous instruments were, he could only imagine that it would only make his life even harder. But the most miserable part about the situation was that there was nothing that he could do but to endure whatever is in store like a trained sex subject that he was expected to be.

"Here you go, boys" Uncle Max then handed over the two syringes, one each to Peter and Dudley. 

Once in their hands, the boys didn't waste time to marvel at the objects and proceeded to inject them into Jake's shoulders. Jake clinched his fists and grunted in response. 

As soon as they are emptied, Peter and Dudley proceeded to throw the syringe away and then dragged Jake's body towards one of the corners of the room, where 'the Chair' was. 

Despite being called 'the Chair', the apparatus did not look much like a regular chair. It resembled more like a stool that is connected to throngs of metallic appendages above it. As he was guided to sit on the stool, Jake could also see a set of phallic looking instruments, of different sizes and shapes, installed beneath the stool. He could then see that there was a circle opening in the middle of the stool. He gulped, knowing very well what those are for.

Once Jake was sitting properly on the stool, Peter then brought a metallic bar which he inserted through Jake's pits and over his back, forcing the stud to once again square his shoulder and jut his chest forward. Jake's wrists were then secured to the chains attached to the ends of the bar, compelling him to flex his globe-like biceps. Finally, his ankles and thighs were also secured to the chains attached to the stool or floor beneath the stool, giving Jake very limited room to move or jerk his limbs around, which was the main intention of the Chair.

"And now, we wait for the chemicals take effect" Uncle Max said as he sat comfortably in a lounge chair just in front of Jack with a wine on his hand. Peter and Dudley had also brought their own stools next to Jake's sides, while their hands lightly caressed the hunk's rippling thighs and arms.

The room went almost completely silent for the next minute or so. The only audible sound was Jake's irregular breathing and occasional clanking noise of the chains from every time Jake shuddered. The dull moment ended quite fast as soon as Jake could feel every muscle in his body suddenly heating up and rippling rapidly. 

"Gahhhhhhhhhhgggghhhh!" Jake clinched his fists as he felt the straining sensation becoming more overpowering, akin to being pushed to the limits when lifting weights. He began to sweat profusely and breathe more laboriously.

Beneath the skin, Jake's muscular striations are transforming very swiftly and growing larger by the seconds. It became a bit more apparent by the second minute, when the muscles on his chests appear to slowly expand, while the crevices in between his abdominals blocks became deeper. Jake's biceps and shoulders were also swelling in size like they never before.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhrghhh!!" Jake closed his eyes as he felt the pain becoming more unbearable. 

Peter and Dudley had placed their hands onto Jake's traps, to keep the hunk steady as to allow Uncle Jack and themselves watch in awe the transformation happening before their very eyes. Most of them by then had become so aroused by the sight of Jake's increasingly muscular physique, as evident from their stained pants due to accumulating precum.

By the fifth minute, the burning sensation had somewhat dissipated, allowing Jake to catch some breath. 

The final transformation had invited audible gasps from the onlookers. To be sure, despite growing in size, Jake's muscular body remained aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and proportionately sized. The muscles had, however, become more ripped than before and his skin appeared to be barely able to contain the heaving muscles beneath it, with traces of veins could be seen across his pecs, abs and arms which. It was more exceptional to see considering that Jake wasn't even flexing. 

"I can never get used to this" Uncle Max said as he reached out to touch on Jake's transformed pectoral muscles. He was pleased to hear Jake's mildly groaning whenever he stroked Jake's skin, suggesting that his chemical had appeared to have successfully made Jake's skin more sensitive.

To test how much more sensitive the skin had become, Uncle Max then ordered Peter and Dudley to carefully latch their mouth onto Jake's then also enlarged nipples.

As soon as the boys' tongues landed onto the areolas, Jake moaned and threw his head up in response. 


Jake was taken aback at how overwhelming the sensation was, with his cock springing up immediately. He felt the urge to release rapidly building up inside him as the boys continued to lap their tongues on his nipples.

When Uncle Max saw Jake's moved his head down and contracted his core, he immediately ordered the boys to stop, leaving Jake very distressed.

"Looks like you're going to have a lot of fun tonight boys" Uncle Max grinned as he moved to assess Jake's throbbing member, specifically grabbing on the hunk's testicles for closer inspection. 

"The effect of the Milker may not be as apparent, but I'm quite confident that it's already taking effect. But there is only one way you can find out"  

He then brought his hand to Jake's chin to force the stud to stare into his own eyes.

"You're going to feel a sensation that is more overpowering than anything you've experienced before. And I want you to feel every bit of it. Scream, groan all you want but I want you to also get used to this and learn to better please your masters."

"It may be difficult at first but I expect you to observe their every movement and respond appropriately. Your performance will be assessed by them at the end of this session, and we will decide on what sort of program we will need to subject you to based on that." Uncle Max then stopped before he raised himself up and walked back towards his lounge chair.

Jake was on the verge of crying after hearing Uncle Max's stern reminder. He wanted to scream so badly but held himself back from doing so, fearing of further punishment.

"Can we start already, Uncle Max?" Peter said, sounding so impatiently.

Just before Uncle Max was about to give the green light, the devious professor noticed that the milking tube was not properly fixed.

 "Wait boys, you forgot to fix the milking tube" Uncle Max then replied. "You don't want us to waste any of his precious juice, do we?"

"Ah yes, my bad." Dudley then tightened the tube onto the head of Jake's cock. The tube was connected to a container which could fill up more than 300ml of liquid.

"Good. I think you're good to go now" Uncle Max smiled before he finally gave a green light to the boys to proceed with the ordeal.

Peter and Dudley grinned widely as they proceeded to execute their wicked plan. 

Rather than going in for the kill, they started off by turning on the seven inch mechanical dildo. Jake groaned when he felt the metallic phallus penetrating into his anus, and moaned even louder when it grazed over his prostate wall. The dildo had a built-in electrical node on the tip of its head, which registers electricity every time it hit something. Jake's cock throbbed even harder as the dildo continued to ram his prostate. 

When Peter and Dudley saw Jake tensing his body, they continued on to caress over Jake's undulating abdominals and biceps. They were methodical and slow in their kneading as they gave themselves sufficient time to fully appreciate Jake's transformed physique. This was amplifying the surging sensation within Jake's body given how much more sensitive his skin all over his body had become. 

Jake yelped when he unexpectedly felt a mild electric sensation reverberating over the boys' fingers every time they intensify their touch. Unknown to the stud, Peter and Dudley had also been equipped with similar electrical nodes to each of their fingers. 

"Ohhhhhhh!" Jake rolled his eyes and threw his head up as he tried to accommodate the overwhelming feeling occurring all over his body. 

Uncle Max noticed that Jake's cock had started leaking pre-cum, which was exceptional considering that Peter and Dudley had yet to stroke nor suck on the stud's most sensitive organs. The lewd scientist smiled, knowing how his plan was coming to life in front of him. 

As it all occurred, Peter and Dudley remained careful in allowing the sensation within Jake to build up gradually, to ensure a full carnal experience. They were pleased to notice how Jake attempted to maintain his required form throughout the time, despite the difficult task. 

When they assessed that Jake had become too accustomed to the sensation, Peter and Dudley decided then to take it up a notch. They then raised the level to 3, and switched to a larger sized dildo.

"GAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jake bulged his eyes out as he struggled to accommodate the feeling of pain and pleasure at the same time. He instinctively tried to raise himself up to avoid the phallic instrument from entering his hole further, but the chains stopped him from doing so. Left with not much to move around, Jake then again raised his head up and jut his chests out as his groans filled up the entire room. 

In a surprise twist, Jake then began to explode into an orgasm. His cock continued to spew cum for more than twenty seconds into the container. 

"That's an amazing feat, boys. To have milked him even without stroking his dick or licking his nipples" Uncle Max then slow clapped to praise his apprentices' performance.

Jake let out a huge sigh as he spilled the last bit of cum into the suction tube. His body was craving for a break, but the apparatus around him continued to stimulate his senses like there is no tomorrow. If anything, it was all going to be even much worse for the hunk from then on.

The boys decided to take a more active role in the next phase of milking. In a concentric fashion, Peter quickly moved one of his hand to twist and knead onto Jake's left nipple, allowing the volt registered to accrue with the electricity generated within the nipple. 

"FUCKKK!" Jake screamed as he was shocked by the jolting sensation. The hunk groaned become louder as Peter intensified his kneading motion.

While Peter was at it, Dudley decided to take the plunge and latch his mouth onto Jake's other vulnerable nipple. Jake's mind went wild as soon as he felt both of his nipples being violated.


Given the devastating sensation, the former footballer star impulsively curled his torso and jerked his body backwards. 

Unlike in previous session where Peter or Dudley would push his back forward to bring the stud back to required position, they refrained from intervening and stayed in their position with either their mouth and hand hovering over Jake's erect nipples. The dildo had also stopped penetrating his anus.

"That's first violation. You know what you have to do" Uncle Max said.

The overly stimulated jock was still having trouble getting adjusted to the stinging sensation all over his body but with all eyes on him, he knew that time was ticking. When he looked down on his torso, he could also see Dudley's lingering tongue and Peter's fingers kneading in the air which made him all the more mortified. 

There is something more humiliating about willingly returning to position to endure the advances than having been forcefully handled into submission by his adversary like he is used to. It is as if that he was, out of his own accord, offering his body for the sexual predators to relish on, which of course was not true at all. Uncle Max, of course, knew of this and in fact had planned for this to occur as part of his effort to train Jake into full submission.  

"Time is ticking, Jake" Uncle Jake reminded.

Not wanting to invite more punishment, the young jock decided to shrug his pride and slowly brought his upper body into required stance. He took a huge breath and clinched his fists as he again prepared for the physical and mental onslaught.

"Ohrghhhhhhhhhhh!" Jake moaned when he felt Dudley's warm mouth securing itself onto his nipple and Peter's fingers resuming his twisting motion on his other nub. He then took another breath through his chest and sucked his core to contract his abdominal muscles. 

The boys welcomed Jake's first act of submission by switching on the dildo once again, and slowly easing Jake into the motion.

"That's a good boy" Uncle Jake teased while he returned to stroking his own dick. 

As the ordeal continued on, he noticed that the boys' hands had become more exploratory, kneading and caressing over Jake's undulating body. Dudley's hands, for instance, had made their way onto Jack's back and cock while Peter continued to explore and feel up Jake's arms and abdominals. This has again amplified the sensation within Jake's body, and the struggle is apparent from the hunk's quickening breathing.

Within less than two minutes of constant prodding, Jake was then brought into another orgasm. Uncle Jack was delighted to see the stud's cock spewing as much as semen as before, suggesting that his experiment was once again working.

Once Jake finished his orgasm, the boys and Uncle Max decided to again take it up the notch by adjusting the intensity level and size of the dildo. Jake roared in response and broke his form once again.

"We would continue on doing this until you finally could get adjusted to this." Uncle Max then said as he rose from his seat. "The time is 10pm currently, but my boys are more than rested to see this through the night if they need to."

"As for me - I intend to take some rest" Uncle Max announced as he made his away to the exit door. 

"I'm not sure if the Milker is working to its full capacity, but regardless of that, I expect to see the container filled up by the time I come back" He then reminded as he finally exited the room. 

"You heard that right? We're going to milk you to death, tonight" Peter then announced as he and Dudley raised the intensity level close to the highest. Jake screamed that he has never screamed before then as he once again brought into his worst nightmare.