Hollywood Edging and Tickle Adventure

by TieMeEdgeMe

25 Oct 2022 2128 readers Score 9.1 (7 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

There’s not a lot of excitement around Buffalo. There’s snow. Lot’s of snow. But, that’s about it. So, when work got out that they were going to be filming a college frat themed movie in the area, people got excited. When word got out that they were looking for local college aged guys to work as extras on the movie, certain people got more excited. AJ got very excited. AJ was sure that we was a perfect fit to blend into a frat scene. He sent in the required photos of himself, and waited to hear back. And waited some more.

Weeks later, AJ got a response from the casting agency. They were interested in setting up an in person meeting to see how well he would work on the movie. He was thrilled, and immediately replied to set up the meeting. He couldn’t wait.

The day of the interview, AJ dressed in his best approximation of preppy frat. He didn’t want to be too formal. After all, he was dressing for the part of a frat boy. He was expecting to meet with a casting agent. Maybe someone else from production. When he was called into the room, his jaw nearly dropped when he saw Josh Hutchinson and Channing Tatum waiting to speak to him.

“Hey, I’m Channing. This is Josh. Nice to meet you AJ.” AJ extended his hand to meet Channing’s outstretched arm, shaking it, trying not to look surprised by seeing these two Hollywood hunks standing in front of him. Both were similarly dressed in shorts, tank tops, and ankle socks. Neither wore shoes. First, AJ thought it was odd that they weren’t wearing shoes. Then he thought is was odd that he would notice the feet when he had these two hunks standing in front of him. Then, he realized Channing was talking, so he really should pull his attention away from their socked feet and pay attention

“So, here’s the idea of the movie. Josh is the president of a failing frat. I’m one of the alumni who comes back to hep save the frat from collapse. It’s essentially going to be an American Pie style comedy. We need guys who look the part to play new frat pledges. Sound like something you’re interested in?”

AJ nodded, still a bit surprised. “Yeah. Sounds awesome.”

“Great” Josh replied. “You have just the kind of look we’re looking for. We kind of want to run through a frat hazing scene with you, just to get an idea of how you’ll come off on camera. Any problem with that?”

“No man, not at all. I’m fine with anything” AJ replied. Josh and Channing both smiled at that, and looked at each other.

“Excellent dude,” Channing said, walking over to a bag on the floor. Grabbing a piece of fabric, he tossed it over to AJ. “We’re going a bit old school in the hazing, so the pledges will all be wearing this. Any problem doing the try-out just wearing that?”

AJ looked at the costume Channing threw at him. Costume, it turns out, was too generous of a word. They were a pair of white briefs, with Greek letters on the back to represent the frat. AJ wasn’t expecting to be nearly naked for the audition, let alone in front of these two hot actors. But, he didn’t want his nervousness to cost him the movie role.

“No problem” AJ stammered out. “I can wear these.”

“Cool” Channing replied. It seemed Channing was clearly the lead in this audition. You can change over in that bathroom”.

AJ went to the bathroom Channing pointing to. Once the door was closed, he took a second to take a deep breath, and tried to calm himself down from the thought that he was about to be standing in front of two Hollywood hunks, wearing the skimpiest of underwear. Beside being tighty whities, the fabric seemed a bit thin. AJ hoped being nervous was enough to keep his erection from popping up during the audition. He quickly. changed into the briefs, leaving his own socks on, and placed the rest of his clothes on one of the shelves in the bathroom. As soon as he walked back into the room, the two stars turned and took good, long stares at him, Josh clearly smiling at the site.

“We have the audition area set up in here,” Channing said, turning and walking into an adjoining room, with Josh right behind him. AJ followed them in, and saw an odd site in the room. Set up in the center was a padded bench like thing, just wide enough to fit a person lying down. At either end were two Y shaped protrusions, perfectly sized to fit arms and legs.

“This,” Channing said, “is one of the props that we have for the movie. It’s kind of a spread eagle bondage table. The plot is based on the idea that hazing rules at the University prohibit the use of pain or dangerous things as part of pledge week. So, my character suggests a tickling table, as a form of torture that wouldn’t violate the rules. We want to see how well you would work on the table. We want a real reaction in the movie. No fake laughing. So, we want to see how you handle the tickle table.”

AJ stared at the table. AJ was ticklish. Like, really ticklish. They were sure as hell going to get an authentic reaction out of AJ. “Um…ok. I’m real ticklish, so there’s no worry about fake laughter from me. You tickle me in the movie, you’ll have real laughter”

“Great” Josh said. Cause you have the perfect look for the role. If the laughter matches, I think you’re a lock for getting the role. Go ahead and lie down and Channing and I will lock the ankle and wrist restraints in place, and see how you react. We’d be the ones tickling you in the movie as well, so your reaction here will be the same as on the set.”

AJ wasn’t about to let easy movie money go so easily, even if it meant a couple of minutes of being tickled. It wouldn’t be so bad. These guys must be busy with auditions. A couple of quick minutes, and the role would be his. He moved and got into position on the bench, putting his hands and ankles on the extensions. He saw Josh move towards his head, and out of site, before feeling the straps locking in place around his wrists. At the other end, Channing moved towards his feet.

“I don’t remember saying socks were part of your costume. You’ll have to learn to follow directions if you want to be in a movie.”

AJ started to apologize, but stopped as he realized Channing was reaching down and slowly peeling his socks off, quickly exposing AJ’s sensitive and ticklish soles. He tossed the socks of to the side, and locked the restraints around each of AJ’s ankles. Now firmly strapped down at four points, AJ had no chance of getting up until the two actors decided he could, He felt his heart start to beat faster, knowing that he was about to get tickled, but not knowing how or where. For the first time since the interview started, he had a chance to stop and think. He realized that, with little encouragement, he had allowed two guys he had just met to have him exposed in nothing but tight, white underwear, and tie him down so he was helpless and at their mercy.

“Let’s start seeing how ticklish you are” Josh teased, as he and Channing moved to opposite sides of AJ. They each towards an armpit. Josh made contact first, lightly stroking the left armpit. Channing was a half second behind in making contact to the right pit, applying more pressure than Josh’s light manipulations. AJ started laughing lightly as the two made contact with one of his more ticklish spots. Normally when someone tickled AJ’s armpits, they tickled both pits the same. With two ticklers, they each were approaching the tickling differently. That seemed to make the tickling sensation more pronounced. AJ’s natural reaction was to try and move out of the way of the tickling, but the restraints kept him from moving very far. His giggling became a bit louder as the two changed up the pressure they were putting on each armpit.

“I think his laughter is real. He’ll be great for the tickle scenes,” Channing said. AJ’s momentary relief at passing the test was quickly dashed a moment later when Channing finished his thought. “But let’s see just how much tickling this boy can take.” Josh smiled wide, and stared down at his tickle victim. While one hand continued to work on AJ’s left armpit, his other hand moved down and started lightly stroking the nipple closest to him. AJ arched his back and sucked in some air at the surprise contact with his nipples. The reaction got noticed, causing Channing to also move one hand over to start playing with the untouched nipple. Josh maintained light stroking on both the armpit and the nipple, while Channing was digging in a little more to his armpit, and drawing light circles around the nipple under his control. The sensation of having four hands tickling him in four different places, all at a different level of intensity, caused AJ’s laughter to increase, and his back to arch up. The arching of his back made the bulge in his thin underwear even more pronounced, and quickly got the attention of his tickle tormentors.

“I think AJ here likes getting tickled” Channing commented, stopping his tickling and moving his hand to lightly brush against the brief covered bulge. “I think he likes it quite a bit. Are you enjoying yourself AJ?”

AJ just nodded, unable to speak with the laughter flowing out of his mouth from Josh’s continued tickle assault on his armpit and nipple. Channing smiled, and grabbed hold of the thin cotton briefs with both hands, easily ripping the material free, leaving AJ naked and his erection fully on display to his tickers. Josh repositioned himself about AJ’s head, and began tickling both armpits simultaneously, digging in with much greater force than the light strokes that he had been using since the start of AJ’s ordeal. At the same time, Channing slowly ran one finger up and down AJ’s shaft, before settling on the tip and slowly drawing circles around the sensitive head.

“Josh, remember what we did to that guy when we were doing auditions in LA? You know, the really ticklish one?” Channing asked, a mischievous grin on his face. AJ couldn’t see Josh’s face from his vantage point, but the tone in his response made it clear that he was smiling as well.

“I do indeed. That was fun. You want to repeat that with our new friend here?” Channing just nodded in response, giving AJ no clue as to what the two stars had planned. Josh continued tickling AJ’s armpits, while Channing started using two hands on the cock in front of him: one hand moving up and down the shaft, while the other palm just made constant circles around the head of the penis. AJ was feeling a mix of intense tickling, and intense sexual stimulation, causing him to moan repeatedly in between the fits of laughter that Josh was forcing out of him. The two continued this torment for the next five minutes, until AJ was on the verge of orgasm. Just when he was getting close, Channing removed his hands from AJ’s groin, denying him the release that he had been working up to. Josh also stopped his tickling.

“It’s getting hot in here” Channing remarked, and pulled off his t-shirt. Josh followed suit, and pulled off his shirt, tossing it aside, rubbing his now bare chest. “Rib time!” Channing yelled, as the two began digging their fingers into and between AJ’s ribs, causing the laughter to resume. The ticklers began with a moderate pace, causing immediate laughter, and forcing AJ to start rocking his torso back in forth – taking advantage of all of the limited movement the restraints offered him. The squirming did no good. If he rocked to the right, his left ribs were more exposed to Josh. If he rocked the other way to hide his ribs from Josh’s eager hands, Channing had free reign to dig into the right side. He couldn’t win, and eventually just stayed flat as the two played his ribs like an instrument, getting slightly different pitches of laughter depending on where the tickled and how much pressure they applied. During the tickling, the guys kept looking towards AJ’s groin. Once Josh noticed that the erection had started going down, and he was clearly no longer on the verge of orgasm, Josh stopped tickling, and moved down and started his turn at stroking the exposed cock. Making a V shape with two fingers, Josh placed AJ’s cock between the two fingers, and started moving them up and down. It didn’t take long for the action to bring the dick back to full size. Once it was there, Josh started rotating the head around in the palm of his hand,

“Oh” AJ moaned, the only sound able to make it out of his mouth during a brief second of no laughter. Channing moved his hands to cover both sets of AJ’s ribs, while Josh did some expert polishing on his sensitive cock head. “I’m pretty sure he’s getting more ticklish as we make him hornier” Josh commented, as his free hand moved to oh so lightly tickle the hairs around AJ’s balls. “I think we’re going to have lots of fun working on this movie together”. Josh continued his polishing in an expert way, keeping AJ horny and hard, but alternating the pressure just enough to back AJ away from orgasm without the need to stop the polishing on his cock. Channing went full force into the tickling of AJ’s ribs, putting much of his considerable strength behind the fingers digging into the exposed flesh. AJ howled out with laughter. Josh seemed to be right: being horny was making poor AJ even more ticklish. After ten nonstop minutes of Channing tickling and Josh polishing, AJ was again on the verge of orgasm when he felt Josh move his hands off his cock, and gently pulling on some of the short pubic hair, causing just enough discomfort to stay off orgasm without causing an immediate loss of the erection.

“You get a 5 minute tickle break” Channing said. But, we’re still going to have fun.” Channing positioned himself back by AJ’s groin, but not touching, just watching. Josh positioned a chair closer to AJ’s head, before plopping down and moving his feet to rest on AJ’s face, partially covering his nose and mouth. AJ instinctively breathed in the scent from the feet of his younger tickler, without any prompting. Both ticklers smiled, clearly convinced that AJ was really enjoying himself, and just thinking about all the fun they could have with him over the several months of movie production. Josh moved his feet around a bit, forcing the toes of one of his socked feet into AJ’s mouth. AJ understood what was expected, and began sucking on the cotton covered toes that had penetrated his mouth. Josh pulled the foot out just long enough to peel off the sock with his other foot, before placing his now bare foot back into the waiting mouth of his tied ticklee. As soon as the foot was back, AJ started running his tongue between the toes, and all around the available flesh, while Channing began lightly stroking AJ’s cock, ensuring that he stayed hard the entire time he was worshiping the foot of one of Hollywood’s hottest young stars. Channing enjoyed the sight of his younger co-star using his feet to dominate their new extra. It was one of the better perks of being a Hollywood star – dominating a cute young newbie who would do anything to please the established sex symbol of the big screen.

Once break time was over, Josh removed his saliva covered foot. Peeling off his other sock, he bunched up the two socks, and stuffed them into AJ’s still open mouth. “I think we’re going to start tickling a little harder now. Don’t want your screams to scare away any of the other guys waiting for their audition,” he said, smiling down at AJ.

The two actors each moved down to AJ’s feet. AJ thought he knew what was coming next – all out tickling assault on his feet. He was wrong. Josh and Channing each took a foot, but instead of driving their fingers up and down and all around, they each started licking – Channing targeting the arch of one foot, while Josh worked his tongue in between the toes of the other, mimicking the treatment AJ had just provided to Josh’s foot. It felt great, but still tickled. Especially Channing’s work on the arch. But it soon was clear why the two were licking his feet – fingers slide better on wet feet. After a short time of tongue work, the two actors started running their hands all over the helpless soles laid out in front of them. Channing targeted the arch and soles that he had been licking, while Josh pulled back the toes on the other foot and targeted the sensitive area right where the toes meet the rest of the foot. The reason for the sock gag was also clear, the two were not taking it easy on AJ anymore. They were tickling with a ferocious level much more than they had been before. The laughter was still clear, even through the muffling of the moist socks shoved into AJ’s mouth. The dual assault on his feet continued for a good 5 minutes, maybe a bit longer, until there were signs of his erection going down. Channing relented on his tickling, moving in place to keep AJ horny and erect during the tickling. Grabbing the shaft with one hand, he flat palmed the head of the leaking dick with the other hand, plenty of natural lube to help the hand easily move across the tender surface. The feeling was intense, and easily got AJ back to full hardness, and full horniness, under the experienced hand of the older actor. Josh kept targeting one foot with his fast moving fingers, but was repeatedly switching up which available foot he targeted, ensuring the AJ couldn’t possibly get accustomed to any of the tickling motions. Just when he was starting to get used to the scratching at the base of his right toes, Josh would move to running a single finger around the sole of his left foot, and then would go back to the right to scratch the heel while running his tongue in between the toes, all causing renewed sensation and howls of laughter every time he altered his tickle attack. Josh clearly loved feet, and was enjoying working over AJ’s. Channing clearly knew Josh loved feet, and worked his polishing in the right manner to drive AJ into sensation overdrive, but keeping him away from the edge of orgasm so Josh could get his extra feet time in. It must have been at least fifteen, maybe twenty minutes of this type of focus on feet and cock polishing before AJ felt himself again approaching an orgasm. Channing’s experienced hand seemed to sense this as well, as he stopped the polishing, and squeezed on AJ’s cockhead and pulled on his balls a bit to hold off the orgasm. For the third time in the last hour, AJ’s rapidly approaching orgasm had been stopped right before explosion time.

Josh stopped his expert tickling and licking of AJ’s feet once he saw Channing stop. AJ had his first real chance to breath since his short lived tickle break when Josh’s feet were buried in his mouth. He breathed in as much as he could through his nose, as well as sucking in some air through the sock gag still lodged in place. It was during his heavy breathing that Channing removed his own socks, now a bit moist, and laid them on top of AJ’s nose. Now, all of AJ’s oxygen was being filtered through the freshly worn ankle socks of two Hollywood studs. AJ breathed deep, enjoying the smell filtering through the socks, while the actors moved to their next tickle venue. Channing began moving his fingers across the taunt abdomen of the stretched out frat extra, The laughing resumed immediately, although it was becoming clear that there was some hoarseness in AJ’s voice after nearly an hour of tickling, edging, and polishing. The only time there wasn’t a laugh, moan, or groan coming out of his mouth was when Josh’s feet were in them.

Josh joined in on the stomach tickling, slipping his finger into AJ’s belly button. AJ lurched when the finger entered, the octaves on his laughter increasing by several notches. Josh smiled. “It looks like someone has a sensitive belly button.” Josh exploited the newly found weakness, focusing all his effort in and around the naval, while Channing covered all the rest of the exposed stomach. AJ was bouncing around as much as the restraints would allow while Josh went all out on AJ’s most ticklish spot. Josh looked down and enjoyed the site of the cock bouncing around due to AJ’s struggles, but couldn’t yet tear himself away from the ticklish nirvana he had found in order to pay it any attention. He continued this intense naval assault for a good 4 minutes before finally removing his hands, and redirecting his attention to the groin. Channing, clearly noting the effect naval tickling has on his ticklee made sure to expand his region of tickling to repeatedly drag his fingers across and into the belly button while they were flying around the rest of AJ’s torso. Josh’s hands now started up again on his expert polishing ensuring that AJ was as hard as possible in no time. He timed the polishing of the cock head to coincide with Channing targeting the belly button, to cause the most intense combination of feelings AJ had ever experienced. His most ticklish spot was being hit at the same time his extremely horny and precum covered cock was being tortuously polished by someone who was clearly an expert in working over a cock.

Josh was busy with AJ’s cock. One hand holding the shaft in place, while the other tormented his cock head. Channing left one hand to move in, out, and around the ticklish naval, while the other hand moved down to start tickling the underside of the previously ignored balls. Neither actor through that AJ’s laughter and moaning could get any louder. But this new combination of polishing while his naval and balls were being tickled at the same time brought an increased volume of sock gagged muffled laughter into the room. There was no indication that the actors were stopping. Josh changed up his polishing just enough to repeatedly back AJ away from orgasm, but there was no stopping on the tickling, and the polishing repeatedly resumed after only 20 seconds of pausing to give the orgasm time to pass. The two kept this up for an easy twenty minutes, keeping AJ hard, horny, laughing, and on the verge of cumming the entire time. Sweat was pouring off of his naked body, while the nearly naked actors were also sweating under their efforts at tormenting the tied frat boy at their disposal. Finally, enough was enough. The constant teasing of his cock while his most sensitive areas were being tickled was finally enough to send AJ over the edge, and his cock exploded in the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. Waves of cum flew out of his cock, covering Josh’s hands, which were still right there working the cock over. Finally, AJ stopped cumming, but quickly realized that the actors were not slowing down. Josh continued his polishing of the now super sensitive cock head, while Channing continued to tickle. AJ started moaning really loud, begging through his sock gag for the two to release him, and stop working over his post orgasm body. Every part of him was more sensitive.

While Josh seemed quite happy to continue his post orgasm polishing, Channing moved around to start tickling all over the place. He returned to the armpits that had started the tickle torment, and ran both hands through the hair that offered little protection from the renewed tickling onslaught. He moved his hands down to rub and tickle AJ’s nipples, which were now partly covered with the cum that had launched out during his much delayed orgasm. He went down and began enjoying tickling and licking both of AJ’s restrained feet, working both of them over with an increased level of enthusiasm. All of this tickling continued while Josh was providing non-stop attention to the ticklish, sensitive, cum covered cock head that was now resulting in an overload of sensation through AJ’s young body. Josh didn’t have much time for his cock to go soft after orgasm, as the constant attention and stimulation brought him hard again real fast. As torturous as it was to have been edged and denied for the first hour of tickling, this non-stop attention after orgasm made AJ long for that time. He was experiencing a level of pleasure-pain mixing that was too intense to describe. The restraints at his arms and legs were the only things keeping AJ from bouncing up so far off the table that he ran the risk of hitting the ceiling. Through it all, the smile never left Josh’s angelic face. He looked so sweet and happy providing this intense sexual torment, while his costar worked his fingers across all ticklish areas that the two had discovered during this extended audition. After ten solid minutes of the most intense post orgasm attention AJ had ever felt, he felt Channing returning to focus on his naval. Only dogs would have heard the intensity of sound that came out of AJ’s mouth when Channing began tickling his naval again, running his finger in and out of the sensitive belly button, his fingers moving across AJ’s stomach that had his dried cum on it. It didn’t take much more stimulation at this point to make AJ shoot again. After an hour of teasing and denial, AJ was now experiencing his second intense orgasm as a result of the non-stop attention to his cock. He moaned. He groaned. And, thanks to Channing, he was still laughing as the second wave of orgasm washed over him, only to see that Josh was still not letting go. After two orgasms, AJ’s dick was more sensitive than he had ever experienced, and Josh was still enjoying running the palm of his hand all around it. The sensation was too intense, and the begging through the sock gag was as loud as AJ could make it. Whether Josh had mercy, got bored, and ran out of time doesn’t matter. What does matter that only a minute after the second orgasm, Josh stopped his torment.

The sock gag was removed, and the restraints came off. Channing and Josh both looked at an exhausted AJ.

“Still want the part?” Channing asked. AJ just nodded. “Have fun?” Again, all AJ could do was nod, and smile. “Excellent. Maybe next time we play, we won’t have to go easy on you.”

Working on the movie was awesome. AJ was spending time in California, working with some cute actors, and surrounded by a bunch of college aged extras, many of whom wore nothing but underwear all day on set. After all, what else would pledges wear?

Part 2:

AJ got used to being on set wearing the white briefs with the frat logo emblazoned on the backside. It was a little odd at first. But after a couple of days, the costume was the costume. Besides, it gave Josh and Channing a chance to get a few quick tickle shots in between scenes. They were usually subtle about it. But, yesterday, AJ was sure that Zac Efron, the other star of the movie, saw the tickling. He was sure he saw Zac smiling after seeing the tickling. This morning, Zac was talking to Carlos Pena. Carlos hadn’t done much acting recently, and was by no means a lead on this frat comedy. But, he had a decent size speaking role. A lot bigger role than AJ had, even though AJ was clearly the favorite extra among stars Josh and Tatum. AJ was sure they kept staring at him. Or, maybe it was just that AJ kept staring at them, and was getting confused which way the glances were going.

Carlos was playing the role of one of the freshman pledges. He looked young enough to pull it off. But, that meant that Carlos, like AJ, also had a costume that consisted of white briefs, and nothing more. AJ kept looking over. He could swear that the bulge in the front of Carlos’s briefs was getting bigger. Much bigger. No. That’s not it. It’s getting closer. Carlos is walking right over to him, with Zac right beside him. Time to stop staring at Carlos’s crotch.

“Hey AJ” Zac said, stopping beside him. “You’ve been really realistic in those tickling scenes that have been filmed. But, Josh and Channing told me about your in depth audition process, so I guess it’s no surprise that your laughter is coming off so real.” Zac smiled. AJ blushed. They told Zac about what they put him through in auditions.

“Yeah….thanks” Aj stuttered, not quite sure how to react. I mean, the tickling is real, so there’s no real acting there”.

“That’s not true” Zac replied. “On camera, you act like you’re being hazed. In reality, you love the tickling, don’t you?” AJ just stood there, unable to respond. Zac leaned in, and spoke softly into AJ’s ear. “There’s not going to be any filming with us today. Why don’t you come over to my trailer and Carlos and I can rehearse your next scene with you. Stay in costume” Zac ran one finger quickly up AJ’s rib as he pulled away, and walked away, with Carlos in tow. AJ yelped real quick, drawing a little attention to himself. Blushing even more, he turned and quickly followed Zac and Carlos, wondering if they would tickle as good as Josh and Tatum.

Walking into Zac’s trailer, AJ got the feeling that this wasn’t going to be a new experience for Zac. Right in the middle of the living area was an adjustable height table with straps at each corner. Zac turned and stared at AJ. “Get on the table bitch. I want to see if the stories about your insanely ticklish belly button are true. Josh can exaggerate a little bit.”

AJ walked towards the table, and laid down. Carlos strapped his ankles down right away. Zac grabbed AJ’s wrists, pulling his arms about his head, exposing his ticklish and now vulnerable armpits. Carlos came around, and strapped down the wrists, allowing Zac to start slowing walking around the table, examining his newest tickle toy. Circling around, Zac let his index and middle finger make contract with AJ’s nipple, and slowly dragged the two fingers down his side, across his waist, and two quick up and down movements along AJ’s growing cock. AJ moaned a little. Nothing tickled, but the sensation of Zac’s fingers touching his cock, with only the thin white cotton in between, was enough to make AJ work this movie for free. Zac continued his slow circling, his two fingers staying in contact with AJ - first down one leg and then up the other. When he got back to his waist, he repeated the slow up and down motion on his brief clad cock, now fully hard, before bringing those fingers up the length of AJ’s side.

“We’re going to have fun” Zac said, a smile wide across his face. Carlos, who hadn’t moved from his spot above AJ’s head, leaned over and smiled down at AJ. AJ was so focused on staring into Carlos’s face, that he didn’t notice Zac move and bring his fingers towards his belly button. Until., of course, a finger entered his insanely ticklish belly button. Then, AJ noticed. Anyone within a block radius noticed. AJ howled with laughter at the touch of Zac’s finger in his sensitive navel. “Huh. Josh wasn’t exaggerating” Zac said, moving his finger in and out of the belly button, and moving it all around the surrounding area. “Carlos, how are the armpits”

Carlos knelt down, and got his face right near AJ’s left pit. They weren’t allowed to wear deodorant while filming the shirtless scenes - something about the residue appearing on camera. So, while AJ was freshly showered, the situation was causing him to sweat. Carlos breathed in. “Smells tempting”. He leaned in, and started running his tongue into the exposed pit, causing AJ to start laughing at the sensation. “Tastes good too.” Carlos resumed his oral exploration of the armpit, causing more laughter from AJ. It felt like Carlos was French kissing the ticklish pit, while Zac was finger banging his navel. AJ was sweating more now, his sweat mixing with Carlos’s saliva in his armpit. Carlos came up for air just long enough to switch sides, then dove face first into the other armpit. Zac pulled his finger away from the naval, and brought his index and middle finger together along the shaft of AJ’s cock, still covered in increasingly tight briefs, and started slowly stroking up and down the shaft, just using two fingers the entire time. Zac spent several minutes on his two fingered hand job before moving his hands to AJ’s hips, and digging his fingers into a tickle assault. AJ’s series of laughs and moans switched to all laughter at this point, as Zac’s fingers and Carlos’s tongue worked him over.

The two actors continued this unusual tickle assault for several minutes, although it seemed longer to AJ; Zac’s fingers working the hips and stomach, Carlos’s tongue tickling the armpits. A most unusual sensation indeed. Zac brought his hands back to AJ’s hips, made some quick jabs to the ticklish spots he found there, then quickly grabbed the waistband of AJ’s tented out briefs, pulling them down to his upper thigh, unveiling AJ’s erect cock. Zac resumed his two finger up and down stroking of the cock while Carlos removed his face from AJ’s armpit, and quickly joined Zac at groin level. Bending over, Carlos took the entire length of AJ’s cock into his mouth, surprising AJ and eliciting an approving moan from the tied ticklee at the table. Carlos clearly liked making use of his mouth. It didn’t take a lot of sucking to get AJ close to cumming. But, it would have taken just a little more sucking than Carlos was going to allow, as he stopped before AJ had a chance to cum. He pulled off AJ’s cock at the exact moment Zac began tickling AJ’s bare feet. AJ started bouncing on the table at the first touch on his feet, screaming with laughter. Carlos, still ready to use his mouth, placed his lips over AJ’s navel, then dove tongue first into it, hitting AJ’s most ticklish spot with his well practiced tongue.

“Oh. Too much…please stop” AJ gasped out, in between massive fits of laughter. The begging fell on deaf ears, as the two maintained their well orchestrated tickling. When AJ thought he might pass out from the tickling, he got a brief reprieve when Zac stopped tickling his feet. Brief, only because Zac moved up enough to begin his two fingered hand job on AJ’s cock again. He continued the stroking while Carlos continued giving AJ’s stomach and navel a tongue bath. AJ was on the verge of orgasm when Zac stopped. “Damn it” AJ thought. “How do they know when to stop”. He would have asked, but Carlos’s efforts on his stomach was leaving him unable to form words at the moment.

Zac moved up to have his turn with AJ’s armpits, digging his fingers into the ticklish pits. AJ now had his two most ticklish spots being worked over at the same time, with a throbbing cock aching for release. These two knew how to torture a guy. Carlos moved his head down, grabbed hold of AJ’s cock, and swirled his tongue around the head a few times, causing a high pitched squeak to come from AJ’s mouth. Carlos then moved down to AJ’s feet - the last big tickle spot that he hadn’t tasted yet. Zac moved down as well, and resumed his slow two fingered stroking of AJ’s cock. He moved his fingers up the shaft, and paused. He moved them up the shaft again, and paused. The gaps in between making it too hard for AJ to cum. But, there was no pausing with Carlos, who’s tongue was now working it’s way between each of the toes on AJ’s right foot, ensuring that the room stayed full with laughter. Zac continued his slow stroking, keeping AJ on the verge. One stroke. Stop. Wait. One stroke. Wait stop. Torturous on its own, but amplified by the tickle licking occurring at AJ’s feet. AJ was getting too close not to cum. Zac stroked up, and stopped. And waited. But AJ wasn’t going to be able to stop. Despite the lack of touch, AJ could feel his cock start to spurt, as a small amount of cum drizzled out of the tip, lacking the usual feel or orgasm that accompanies it. AJ started bouncing his hips up and down off the table, trying in vain to make the orgasm come. No such luck. Zac delivered the perfect ruined orgasm, and the evil smile on his face told AJ that he knew exactly what he was doing. Zac reached down, grabbed the spent but hard cock with his left hand, placed his right palm on the head of the cock, and began making circular motions. AJ thrashed.

Tatum and Josh put AJ through post orgasm polishing during their session with him. But at least that was post orgasm. AJ was being polished with all the same sensory overload, but without the benefit of having had the orgasm. Zac continued polishing. Carlos continued tickle licking his feet. AJ continued pulling against his restraints while laughing, screaming, and moaning. The two tormentors showed no sign of stopping. They continued this for five minutes.destroying AJ’s senses. Sweat poured off of AJ. Then Zac stopped. Carlos took his cue, and stopped. AJ needed another 30 seconds before he was ready to stop laughing and squirming. He looked to see his tormentors staring down at him.

“Carlos has been using his mouth for an hour. Let’s see how your mouth is.” Zac and Carlos lowered the table. Zac pulled up a chair, and put his bare foot right into AJ’s face. AJ turned his head away, “No no no. I hear you’re great at worshipping feet. Start worshipping or I’ll go back to polishing your cock until you’re unconscious.”

AJ turned his head back, eager to do anything to avoid more polishing. He licked the toes, slowly sucking on each one as Zac pushed it in his mouth. Carlos pulled down Zac’s shorts, revealing his hard 8 inch cock, before dropping his head down and taking all 8 inches down right away. Carlos was well trained with his mouth.

Zac was moaning, enjoying the combination of Carlos’s mouth on his cock, and AJ’s mouth on his foot. Zac was moving his foot around, giving AJ the chance to lick all parts of it, before returning his toes to AJ’s waiting lips. He worked his toes in, until all five were into AJ’s mouth at the same time. His moaning intensified as Carlos continued to suck him. Eventually, AJ felt the toes planted in his mouth begin to curl, followed by a scream from Zac as he erupted into Carlos’s mouth. Zac removed his foot, pulled up his shorts, and disappeared into the kitchen area of the trailer. He returned with a bag of ice, which he placed right on top of AJ’s still erect cock, eliciting a protesting sound from AJ.

“Oh. Cold. Please take it off” AJ begged.

“Not quite yet” Zac replied. We have to make that erection of yours go down somehow. AJ shivered as the ice remained on his cock, until it had the desired results. Zac removed the ice, and put a chastity cage over AJ’s now limp cock, locking it in place. “Channing has some ideas of a post movie celebration with you. He wants to make sure you stay orgasm free until then. Don’t worry. The movie should only take another 3 weeks or so to film.” Zac pulled AJ’s brief back into place. “It adds a bit to the bulge. That will look good on camera.”

Zac left the trailer, leaving Carlos to remove the restraints from AJ. AJ wasn’t sure which would be harder to deal with - the 3 weeks of being in chastity, or whatever Channing Tatum had in store for him after shooting finished.

Part 3:

AJ was expecting three weeks locked in chastity to be tough. But, he had no idea how tough Channing Tatum was going to make it on him.

The day after AJ’s most recent tickle torture session, he found himself getting used to having the chastity device locked in place. It was a bit embarrassing wearing it on set with his white brief only costume. Some of the other extras took notice that AJ’s briefs were a bit more filled out then when filming started. But, they didn’t say anything. At least, not to AJ’s face. By the end of the day, AJ was thinking that he could handle having the device on for the remaining three weeks of filming. He went to bed, slept soundly, and woke up the next day ready to make it through the next two weeks and 6 days. Channing, though, had no intention of making the remainder of the time as easy as AJ was thinking.

At the end of the second day of filming, Channing asked AJ to follow him into his trailer. AJ followed the actor, seeing that he had the same type of restraint table set-up that Zac Efron had used for AJ’s marathon tickle session.

“Lose the underwear and get on the table” Channing ordered. At this point, AJ had grown accustomed to being naked in front of the Hollywood studs who had repeatedly worked his ticklish body over, so he wasted no time in stripping the minimal clothing, and assuming the proper spread eagle position on the table. Channing smiled at the immediate obedience and the way that AJ naturally assumed the position. He attached the restraints to AJ’s wrist and ankles without any resistance, before pulling a key out of his pocket and removing the chastity device from AJ’s groin.

Maybe it was the freedom of having his cock uninhibited for the first time in close to 36 hours. Maybe it was the beautiful tickle enthusiast staring down at him. Whatever it was, AJ started getting hard as soon as the cock cage was removed. By the time Channing’s hand worked its way around it, AJ’s cock was fully erect. Channing began a slow two fingered hand job of AJ’s dick, while softly caressing his balls with the other hand. AJ was freely moaning at the sensation while secretly hoping for more than two fingers to stroke him. Channing ignored the silent plea, and maintained a slow but constant stroking of the cock, just enough to keep AJ horny without offering any immediate hope for release. Thirty minutes of this constant but slow teasing finally got AJ close, but that closeness was quickly evaporated when Channing stopped stroking all together.

“Not happening bro” Channing said, before grabbing his phone and walking to the entry room of the trailer. Left alone for a good 15 minutes, AJ’s cock deflated to a half erection status when Channing came back, and began his slow 2 finger taunting again. Quickly back to full mast, AJ closed his eyes and willed himself to orgasm. After 10 minutes, he was again close, and was again disappointed when Channing stopped the teasing. Moving to the freezer, channing grabbed a zip lock bag of ice, and laid it on top of AJ’s groin. Once the ice had done its job, Channing replaced the chastity device, and freed AJ from his restraints.

“I told you, I’m saving the real fun for the wrap party. Have a good night”. AJ started for a second, before realizing that Channing was dismissing him without relief. AJ returned to his own trailer, but didn’t come close to experiencing the same sound sleep from the previous night.

The next day, Channing again called AJ to his trailer, and repeated the same process. And again the day after. And the day after that. Every day during filming, AJ was stripped naked, tied down, repeatedly edged, and then put back in chastity without orgasm. After 6 days, AJ was super horny, and still had two more weeks to endure before the wrap party.

The next two weeks was more of the same teasing torture. At the beginning of the third week, AJ thought that he might actually have an orgasm, as he came so close. Maybe Channing wasn’t paying attention, or maybe he was just seeing how far he could go. But AJ was so close. But Channing started squeezing the tip of his cock hard and pulling down on AJ’s balls, fending off any possible orgasm that AJ might have had. Despite bucking his hips and begging for release, the end result was the same - ice pack and chastity device reapplied without orgasm. And, for the rest of that final week of filming, AJ experienced the same torment at the hands of his very skilled master.

There was no tickling. Just the repeated edging and denial or orgasm. No release of laughter. No release of orgasm. Just no release.

The last day of filming was a relief for AJ. One way or the other, he knew his torment must somehow come to an end. He was on set all day, but he had no more lines or scenes to film. Most of the other extras were already sent home. Channing insisted that AJ stay - and continue to show up in the white brief costume, despite the lack of screen time. Channing, Zac Efron, and Carlos Pena spent much of the day huddling together and staring over at AJ. AJ was very anxious for what was to come.

AJ was lost in thought when Zac walked up behind him, and ran his fingers up AJ’s rib cage, eliciting a loud and unexpected squelch that caused everyone on set to turn and stare at him. AJ turned red while Zac stood there and smiled, handing him a piece of paper.

“That’s Channing’s home address. Be there tonight at 7. We’re going to have loads of fun tonight. And, after your three weeks of edging, I imagine you’ll have many loads. Make sure you wear the briefs.” Zac walked away, leaving AJ to himself, to think about all the possible scenarios that may lay ahead for him tonight.

The two hours of waiting felt like forever. After three long weeks without being tickled, without having an orgasm, without being able to touch his own dick, AJ was finally outside the doors of Channing Tatum’s Hollywood home, minutes away from seeing what the stars had in store for him. He knocked on the door and waited. He waited some more. Even for something as minor as answering the door, Channing seemed set on making AJ wait. Evil bastard. Finally, the door opened, and Carlos was standing there, dressed only in the same white briefs that had been a part of his and AJ’s costume during the filming of the movie. Stepping aside to let AJ in, Carlos wasted no time in barking out instructions.

“Strip to your underwear. Leave your clothes in that closet over there, and head downstairs to the play room. Time to have some fun.” Carlos turned and headed to the basement, leaving AJ alone to quickly stripped down and follow before he got lost in this massive house. Walking into the basement, AJ was in awe. This wasn’t some quick set-up. This basement was set up as a full scale bondage dungeon. Carlos was setting up the table - one with heavy restraints at multiple points and medieval looking stocks at the head of the table. What stood out more was the chair at the end of the table. It looked like one who would see at one of those shoe shine places in the airport. A high pedestal chair with the feet platform resting right where AJ assumed his head would be. It didn’t take a lot of imagination to realize what the point of that chair was. His tormentors could sit quite comfortably while presenting their feet to AJ’s face for attention.

The sound of others entering the room caused AJ to turn around. He saw Channing walk into the room, with Zac right behind him. It was the other two people that surprised AJ, since they hadn’t worked on the movie. Nick Jonas and Mike Vogel walked in as well. AJ was so surprised to see them that it took him half a second to realize that they were all dressed the same - wearing nothing but the thin white briefs that all the pledge characters in the movie had to wear. Their attire left little to the imagination, and left those four dressed the same as AJ and Carlos. Although AJ assumed he was the only one wearing the chastity cage around his cock.

Channing spoke up to address the room. “Gentlemen, meet AJ, the entertainment for tonight. Based on the fun we’ve had with him in auditions and during filming, I can guarantee you a great night. Our little toy here has been locked in chastity for the past three weeks, since the last time we worked him over. I’ve edged him every day since then, to make sure he stays super horny. But, he hasn’t cum in three weeks. So, I assume we will easily be able to force many loads out of him tonight.” The small crowd was all smiles, all clearly looking forward to tormenting their nineteen year old victim. “AJ, lose the underwear, and get on the table. Let’s not keep my friends waiting.”

AJ stripped the last bit of clothing he was wearing, giving NIck and Mike their first look at his caged groin. He climbed up on the table, and saw Carlos move to snap the fixed ankle restraints in place. Unlike the temporary table set up in the movie trailer, this table had more restraint points. Carlos grabbed some straps and ran them just above AJ’s knees, pulling them tight and opening up AJ’s legs, making his inner thighs vulnerable and further limiting the little movement he had before. The stocks at the head of the table were moved into place, securing AJ’s wrists above his head, and locking around his neck - not enough to choke him, but clearly enough to keep him from moving his head. AJ quickly found it also kept him from seeing his body, so he wouldn’t be able to see his tormentors working his body over. Once AJ was locked down, Carlos moved to groin level and unlocked the chastity device, freeing AJ’s cock, which quickly started growing in anticipation. Carlos grabbed AJ’s balls, and squeezed hard, causing AJ to yell out. That was all the time Channing needed to force a device into AJ’s open mouth and lock in in place. AJ couldn’t see what it was, but whatever it was, it was keeping him from closing his back teeth together, and therefore keeping him from closing his mouth.

“There” Channing said. “That will make sure whoever sits in this throne here will be able to put their toes in your mouth, whether you want them there or not. Allow me to demonstrate”. Channing climbed up to the chair, and let his feet dangle right into AJ’s face. He easily inserted a couple of toes from his right foot into AJ’s mouth. AJ wouldn’t have been able to keep the toes out, although he made no effort to keep the hunk’s perfect toes out anyway. AJ started sucking on the toes, while Channing looked down. “We decided that we would try tickling you after applying baby oil to your body. We thought that would be more fun.” Channing nodded to Zac, who was barely in AJ’s line of sight. AJ’s stomach dropped. He was holding a cup full of baby oil, with a small paint brush sticking out of the top.

Nick, Mike, and Carlos all had the same set-up. They weren’t going to be quick about applying the baby oil. They were going to slowly paint it onto AJ’s body with small, ticklish paintbrushes. And, they were going to put him through that ticklish experience BEFORE starting his real tickle torture. AJ was filled with a combination of excitement and dread over that. Carlos and Zac each moved to opposite armpits. Mike and Nick each moved to opposite feet. Then, at the command of Channing, all four began using their small paint brushes to slowly, methodically, and torturously begin applying baby oil to AJ’s naked and exposed body.

With the warm baby oil and soft brushes hitting both arm pits and both soles at once, AJ begins immediate laughing at the sensation. Carlos moves his brush in soft circles, while Zac goes straight up and down on the armpit that he is assaulting. At the feet, both Nick and Mike are using similar up and down motions, making AJ move his feet at the ankles - the only real motion he has - in a vain attempt to escape the tickling on the soles of his bare and now oiled feet. Nick moves to run his small brush in between AJ’s toes, while Mike moves towards the ankle of the foot he is working on. Combined with the different strokes at each armpit, AJ is now being tickled with four different approaches, making it difficult for him to acclimate, and causing a steady roar of laughter from his mouth, muffled only by Channing’s foot rubbing around his lips.

At the top end, Carlos and Zac finish with painting on the baby oil to the armpits, and begin applying to AJ’s arms. AJ notices how much faster they apply the baby oil to his arms - clearly rushing over the areas that aren’t ticklish to get to the good parts that are. After several more minutes of enduring the work on his feet, AJ feels the two tormentors moving up to his ankles and copying the method of moving quickly over the less ticklish areas. This gives AJ a brief rest from the tickling while his arms and lower legs are worked over with the brushes, giving Channing an opportunity to switch feet and work the his toes into the free mouth. AJ eagerly, although without a lot of choice, begins the work of running his tongue through Channing’s toes, applying a nice level of saliva to his feet.

After several minutes, the boys at the arms finish up, while the two at the lower limbs make their way up to AJ’s knees. Realizing this, AJ knows that that foursome are about to embark on painting up his ticklish spots again. Channing removes his foot from AJ,s mouth, and steps down from the chair. Zac quickly takes Channing’s spot, while Channing joins Carlos in getting ready to paint on baby oil to AJ’s chest. They start around AJ’s collar bone, which isn’t too bad. But, with Mike and Nick now painting at AJ’s knees, the laughter resumes. Up on top, Channing skips ahead and begins running a paintbrush around AJ’s nipple, increasing the laugher by a notch or two, while Carlos continues working his way down AJ’s chest. Zac has positioned himself where the soles of his feet are covering AJ’s nose and mouth, forcing AJ to inhale the scent and mildly dulling the sound of the laughter once again flowing out of his lips.

Carlos has now moved his paintbrush down to AJ’s nippple. Channing is still working over the other nipple - spending much more time applying baby oil than is needed. The other two have finished working on AJ’s knees, and have slowly started working their paintbrushes to AJ’s splayed open lower thighs. The additional restraints above AJ’s knees prevent him from moving much under the tickling of the brushes. AJ’s laughter increases as the boys get further and further up AJ’s thighs. Channing and Carlos have finally moved off his ticklish nipples, but begin applying their brushes to the exposed ribs, offering no relief to AJ who is laughing heavily, his head moving back and forth ye never escaping the gentle pressure of Zac’s feet.

Down below, the boys have moved up to mid thigh, and are hitting ticklish spots that are normally not so vulnerable. Up top, the repeat tormentors have started applying their baby oil soaked brushes to AJ’s stomach and bellybutton, both fully aware that they are now hitting one of the helpless teen’s most ticklish spots. The sensation on his thighs, so close to his groin, reminds AJ how hard and horny he’s been since this most recent session started. Channing and Carlos dig full force into AJ’s naval, causing AJ to laugh in his highest pitch yet. Zac presses his feet into AJ’s nose, but nothing hides the sound of massive laughter of being tickled in his most sensitive spot.

Finally, the four paint brushes gather at the same spot, and all begin ticking AJ’s long neglected groin. One paintbrush targets just below the balls, one begins stroking on the balls, one starts working up and down the cock shaft and one begins devilishly swirling around the head of the penis. AJ can’t see who is targeting where, but he would bet almost anything that Channing is the one using his past experience to expertly torment AJ’s erect and sensitive cock head. The actions still tickle, and laughter still fills the room. But the laughter is now interspersed with moaning, as AJ feels the four sexy celebs paying full attention to his groin. AJ has spent the last hour having baby oil slowly painted onto his body. Now he just wants to cum and paint his chest with his own cum. So horny from three weeks of edging and denial and the nonstop attention being paid to his body since he arrived, he has no desire other than to finally experience an orgasm. He feels himself getting so close, knowing it won’t take much to finally put him over the edge. But, his tormentors also know that, and they stop. Damn them, they stopped.

“No relief for you just yet” Channing taunts. “That was just the prep work. With all this baby oil on you, our fingers should fly across your skin now.” The others all react well to Channing’s statement. The brief interlude gave Zac some time to get off the chair, and gives Nick Jonas his first chance to experience AJ’s tongue on his feet. Channing silently directs the ticklers to their positions, resulting in Zac at armpit level, Carlos at the feet, Mike at the thighs, and Channing saving the stomach and belly button for himself. Nick moans a little as he feels AJ’s tongue on his feet, and the lack of laughter in the room makes the moaning singer easily heard. :Yeah, even when he protests, out little AJ loves having nice feet in his face. Enjoy his tongue Nicky,”

Nick sits back and enjoys the attention to his feet, but any moaning he may make is about to be drowned out by laughter as Channing nods, and the others all dig in and begin tickling, hitting AJ’s pits, thighs, soles, and ribs all at once. A quick shriek of surprise is replaced by the renewed laughter from AJ. Nick takes advantage of the wide mouth caused by the laughter to shove even more of his size 8 foot in AJ’s eager mouth. His ticklers hold nothing back and let their fingers easily glide across AJ’s slick and sensitive skin. Channing is a bit more aggressive than the others, and digs in hard to the rib cage, getting a mixture of ticklishness and pain response as he tries to tickle in between each rib. Carlos’s love of feet begins clear as he kneels down and starts running his tongue in between AJ’s baby oil covered toes while his fingers continue to work the soles. Mike is making good use of AJ’s thighs and repeatedly uses his position to reach down and squeeze AJ’s knees, causing squealing each time. Zac’s hands move around both armpits, although he occasionally drops a hand down to spend a little time teasing and tickling the hard nipples on his helpless victim.

Channing lets up on the ribs and moves to insert a finger into AJ’s sensitive belly button, moving his index finger in and out while the other fingers brush around the opening. With his other hand, he grasped AJ’s still erect cock and delivers several up and down strokes before moving back to tickle the stomach, then back to stroke the cock, repeating the motion to maximize the tickling while making sure AJ stays horny and close to the edge of orgasm. On the fifth time of cock stroking, AJ feels a new sensation as Mike grabs one of the baby oil soaked paint brushes and starts tickling AJ’s ass hole with it.

“oooohhhhh” is the only sound that comes out of AJ at the new sensation, before the laughing overpowers him and makes the laughter return. “please….” AJ managers to beg in between laughing spurts, so desperate to cum. AJ’s begging got everyone’s attention, and made them all stop tickling and look at Channing for direction. They’ve all spent the last 30 minutes focused on their particular tickling assignment, while Channing and Channing alone teased his cock and drove the teen mad with desire.

“Ok boys. I think it’s time to see what an orgasm looks like with a three week build up. Stay clear, as I imagine this boy is going to shoot something fierce” Channing said. With a nod, Nick steps down from the foot worship throne, out of the possible range of shooting distance.

Channing starts stroking the sensitive cock up and down, while every so often rubbing his palm right around the head of the dick to cause extra sensation overload. The slow up and down motion picks up pace, and AJ is brought to the point of no return. AJ explodes into the most intense orgasm he’s ever experienced, shooting spurt after spurt of cum high into the air, coating his chest in his own cum. AJ moans all through the 7 spurts of cum that flies out of him until the orgasm completes itself. Then, the moans turn to whimpers and gasps as Channing predictably keeps a firm grasp on the shaft and brings his other hand onto the top of the dick and begins non stop palm rubbing of the now super sensitive dick. AJ was polished in his last sessions. But after three weeks of pent up frustration, AJ’s dick is more sensitive than any of those times, and the multiple restraints are the only thing keeping AJ from flying off the table and out the door.

Channing doesn’t stop. If anything, he finds new and inventive ways to alter the motion of his palm to keep the sensation on AJ’s dick head in flux, driving the poor teen to tears. After ten minutes of non stop polishing and begging, AJ is again brought to the point of orgasm and explodes all over Channing’s hand. After three weeks of no orgasm, AJ has now cum twice in ten minutes. Twice, however, is not enough for Channing. He stops his torment just long enough for Carlos to take his place. Carlos continues the assault on AJ’s dick, his arms fresh and rested and moving across every inch of AJ’s cock. AJ may be 19. He may have been denied orgasm for three weeks. But, there is still a limit to how many times one person can cum in such a short time. Sadly, that was not stopping his tormentors, as they all watched as Carlos maintained the non stop stimulation of AJ’s cock. Fifteen more minutes and AJ was still begging, but Carlos was getting tired. Mike, however, was fresh and ready to go and quickly grabbed the cock and continued where Carlos left off.

Mike focused more on stroking the cock up and down, and less on the rubbing of the dick head. It gave AJ a little relief, but just a little. Five minute after Mike started his turn at working AJ’s dick over, AJ came again. Not as intense as the first two times, but still and orgasm, and Mike’s sticky hand made it clear that AJ still had some juice to shoot. AJ sunk into the table, exhaling deeply, before he noticed that Nick moved into place to replace Mike, looking for his opportunity to torment and milk AJ’s sensitive dick. Nick took a different approach than the others. He started at the base of the cock, running his hand all the way to the top before letting go. But, by the time he let go, the other hand had started on the same path, leaving AJ with a near constant feeling of upward strokes on his cock. Nick maintained a nice steady pace that, any other time, would have made AJ cum in no time flat. But this was no other time. But Nick was determined, and for the next twelve minutes he existed for no other purpose than to maintain upward strokes on AJ’s dick. AJ screamed out, his fourth orgasm milked out of him causing more pain than pleasure. This orgasm resulted in very little shooting, AJ clearly spent. Nick let go of Aj’s cock, and, for the first time in nearly three hours, there was no one touching AJ. They all sat back and just watched the spent teen suck in air on the table. The silence was short lived, as a newcomer entered the basement and spoke loudly.

“What the hell is going on over here?” the newcomer asked. I could hear you from next door. AJ looked over and saw a new man standing there. Apparently, Channing’s neighbor. The accent and face were undeniable. Gerard Butler was Channing’s neighbor, and came over from the sound his his torment.

“It’s really ok” AJ managed to say. But, any other attempt to speak was cut off by Gerard.

“I don’t believe I asked you boy,” Gerald said, before reaching down to take off his socks, and shove them into AJ’s mouth. “Keep quiet while your masters and I speak.”

“I was worried you weren’t going to make it” Channing said. “You missed most of the fun. But, take a seat and rest up”. Gerard moved to the throne, his feet now right over AJ’s sock gagged mouth. Channing pulled the socks out of AJ’s mouth, and looked right into AJ’s eyes. “OK AJ, your choice. You either give me neighbor here the most amazing foot worshipping he’s ever had, or we milk another orgasm out of you. Your choice.”

There was no choice at all. AJ quickly began working on Gerard’s feet, both loving having the Scottish feet in his face, and desperate to avoid being forced to cum for a fourth time.

“The rest of us are going to have fun too. But, don’t you dare think laughing is any reason to stop working his feet over” Channing said, seconds before the five younger actors all dove into various parts of AJ’s body. He screamed out in laughter at the renewed onslaught, but fought hard to make sure he kept licking Gerard’s soles and sucking on his toes despite the laughter that was coming out of him. Thirty more minutes of 10 hands working over his body, and two feet working his mouth and tongue felt like hours to the helpless teen. Eventually, the tickling had no more effect on AJ. He was just spent and didn’t have any more laughter left. The actors stopped tickling. Gerard moved his feet. They all just stood and looked at the clearly spent and exhausted AJ.

“Boys, I believe we’ve done it” Channing said. “We tickled the ticklishness right out of him.” AJ just closed his eyes and fell asleep.