Hiring a handyman

by Rex

15 Sep 2023 4803 readers Score 9.0 (93 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I live in a major city that has tons of night life, great places to eat and meet people for happy hour.   In addition, my city has top notch medical care and options for surgery, rehab and long term care.  However, my nephew is a senior in college and truly doesn’t want to go to a rehab facility primarily for senior citizens.  

My name is Brian.  I’m forty two years old and own a professional cleaning service.  During college I got a part time job cleaning a day care in a church.  It was flexible hours and a job that I grew into.  As a business owner I have a staff of eighteen employees who make my job very profitable and enjoyable.   

My nephew was in a horrible accident and now has a broken leg and had to have pins and screws in his hip.  I agreed to take medical leave at work and take care of my nephew.  I left the hospital and told Christian I was meeting with the handyman one of my employees recommended.  
Around 5:30 I received a text message from Alex informing me he was on his way to my house.  When I heard the message of my ring doorbell I knew Alex had arrived.  When I opened the door this stud of a man stood in front of me that make my pecker jump.   I extended my hand and greeted Alex.  He took a pair of disposable footies out of his pocket to cover his work boots before he walked through my house.  This man was a mix of a biker guy and a retired rugby player.  I suggested we meet at the kitchen island.  I had my kitchen, primary suite and bath remodel when I bought my house five years ago.  It’s a craft man’s style home and is very comfortable for me.   Alex took out an iPad and started making notes asking what needed to be modified.   He was very impressed with my renovations, however….when I explained in detail my nephew would be living with me at least three to six months and making my home handicapped accessible Alex was very attentive and asked probing questions.  
I explained I needed handrails in both bathrooms, railing on each side of my stairs leading to the great room.   I have decided Christian will take the guest bedroom across the hall from my primary bedroom.  
Alex asked permission to make pictures using his phone.  As we entered the bedroom wing I told him I had a large walk in shower that I’d like to replicate in the guest bathroom.  I live alone and I don’t concern myself of putting everything away.  As an after thought…I probably should have spot checked my bathroom counter, double sink, etc….Alex had to have noticed my cockring, butt plug and lube on the counter placed on a hand towel.   I sheepishly offer a weak apology….but Alex grinned and said….hey, every man needs a collection of cockrings.   
We returned to the kitchen island and I offered him a water, soda or cold IPA. We sat at the counter and he pulled some designs off his website to show me previous designs he had recommended to past customers.  
He stated he would work up a bid, suggestions for gutting the bathroom and adding grab bars and other modifications for my home to make it accessible for my nephew.  
Alex was in no hurry.  He took his time to show me sit down shower seats that accommodate safety concerns and look pleasing to complement the design. 
Alex told me he would text me with 48 hours to follow up.  As he was leaving he stopped, extended his hand with a professional hand shake and handed me his business card with a website link listed.  My god…it was all I could do for me to shut the door….jump out of my clothes and aggressively stroke my cock thinking about this man.  

That night I lubed my toys….teased my ass and enjoyed stoking my cock being curious what Alex would do to me given the opportunity.  The next day I visited Christian and told him about the meeting with the contractor.  In fact, I pulled up his website on my phone to show my nephew some of his photos.   Christian who is gay just like his favorite uncle….he looked at me and said….this handsome man was in your house and you didn’t get him to fuck you.   I wanted to blush but hell….he was correct.   Christian and I have become super close since he was a great support to me the past year when my partner took off with a friend we both knew.  Some so called friend who skips town with my boyfriend.  

The next day I received a message from Alex.  We meet at a home improvement center that’s not a big box store.  In fact…this showroom is designed for contractors and repair workers.   Alex pulled up beside my Volvo SUV.   He drove a four door Ford F250.  I noticed a bearclaw sticker on his rear window.  Alex shook my hand and thanked me for meeting him across town.  We walked into a gathering room with very samples of displays.  We looked at ceramic tiles and options of open shower spaces or glass doors, etc….Alex asked about open vanity’s in case my nephew will be in a wheelchair or using a walker, crutches, etc….Alex was extremely knowledgeable about function, cost of materials, labor and most importantly timeline to get the materials and complete the project within a month to six weeks.  

I assured Alex cost within reason is not a problem.  I’ve already spoken with my bank about a home equity loan, etc….Alex suggested I take some space from the bedroom beside the hall bath and make the bathroom larger to accommodate any future needs in the future.  After the meeting I suggested we grab a bite to eat.  With an immediate response he said his favorite burger spot was close by.   As we ate our mushroom Swiss burger and onion rings we chatted.  I told him I owned my own business….recently split up from my boyfriend and focusing my attention on my nephew was a good thing.   Alex shared his partner took a job six months ago with an off shore drilling company and he stays busy with work.   Unlike my break up ….Alex and his partner have an open relationship and casually added that information.  After our meal Alex picked up the check.  He said it was a business expense and that he wouldn’t take no as an answer for me trying to pick up the check.  When we got outside we walked to our vehicles.  I eyed his bearclaw sticker and he said….yes….it’s represented what I was thinking.   I said hey…that’s fine with me.  He winked and said…hell, with your toys on your bathroom counter who am I kidding…..I think your hot.  The next thing I realized was he leaned in closer to me and asked….may I kiss you?  Hell, I had no objection.  His kiss was nice….very comfortable and reassuring this guy is nice on so many levels.  

The next week Alex pulled into my carport with a couple of crew mates.  They started demo on the bathroom and knocked out the wall next to the bathroom and took about six feet from the guest bedroom.  Alex left his crew to perform the demolition.  I was working at the counter when Alex returned from outside.  I offered him a coffee, etc….his tshirt was a v neck and I could see his hair peeking out of his shirt.  Damn,…he’s so handsome.  I left him to it and I put some laundry in.  A couple of hours later he came back to the kitchen and I was folding laundry.  He noticed a couple of my cell block jockstraps.  Alex smiled and said….I bet you look amazing in those.  He raised the hem of his tshirt and I got a peek at his cell block waistband.  Damn. This guy was something else.   I’ll admit….it’s pure attraction and walking sex stud in my home.  

The next day I visited with Christian and his caseworker.   The social worker thinks he will be released from rehab in three weeks.  Christian asked about Alex…not the work progress but my flirting and lusting over my contractor.  I can’t deny ….Alex is a guy I’d enjoy exploring with in my shower…my bed or hell….in the back of his truck’s backseat.  I am not a man whore….but I’m not bashful either.  

I returned to my home and Alex was still upstairs.  He was covered in dust, drywall pieces, etc…..I offered him a water.  When I returned with his water he had taken his tshirt off and he was sexy as fuck.  His hairy chest was phenomenal.  I couldn’t help it….I just had to look.   I offered to him he was more than welcome to jump in the shower.  He said he had a change of clothes in his truck.  I told him….by all means clean up and I’ll order us a pizza.   I entered my bathroom and got him a fresh towel, wash cloth and I offered him my robe.   As I walked out of the bathroom….I stood in the doorway and got a side view of his purple jock on the floor.  Within five minutes I heard the water running.   Alex yelled for me ….I walked in ….he said….could you wash my back please.   Hell…I was naked and in the shower with him.    I washed his back….let my hand slide down his beautiful bubble butt and I was very excited to wash his hole.   As I inserted a finger he moaned,  stood a little wider and gave me access to his ass.  I let my tongue go to work.  I rimmed his hole.  He turned around and started fucking my face.   His cock was uncut and thick.   He kept himself trimmed and his hairy chest had much more hair than his crotch.  After we got out of the shower I led him to my king size bed.  We got in sixty-nine position and he swallowed my cock down to the base.  We finished just in time as the pizza delivery guy had arrived.  I went to the door wearing a loose fitting pair of gym shorts.   
We sat in the den and ate pizza and washed it down with a couple of beers.  By the time we finished I told him he was welcome to stay over.   He said he would love to but didn’t have anymore clothes.  I told him I would toss his stuff in the wash.  Alex agreed to stay.  I hadn’t had someone to stay over night in months.  The next morning when his crew arrived….they both grinned and said….Alex…didn’t you wear that yesterday?  One guy sniffed and said…but this shirt is fresh.   After a good laugh Alex told them to fuck off.  Everyone moved about and got to work.  
The next couple of weeks Alex stayed over at least two or three nights.   He was a talented lover.  Definitely a top and it had been so long to be serviced by a top who was so skilled.  
Two months later Christian is living in my home.  Alex still stays over at least two nights a week.   One night I helped Christian in the shower.  Alex offered a hand.   The three of us washed, hugged and enjoy each other’s company.   I wanted to suck both of these men’s cocks but I was surprised when Alex and Christian treated me to an amazing blow job.  It’s been over six months since I met Alex.   Christian has continued to live with me.   The three of us are figuring this out as we go along with this arrangement.  Needless to say…..I’m liking this.