Hero Worship

by Jaradon

12 Aug 2023 3258 readers Score 9.5 (45 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Jim Lopez had been obsessed with Thor for a long time.  His friends might have liked other superheroes like Spider Man or Bat Man, but he loved Thor, The God of Thunder. Jim never missed an issue of any comic book in which Thor appeared. He also became interested in Norse mythology and learned all he could about the origins of the real Thor myth that was different from the comic book version.

“You are Thor crazy,” his friend Mike would tease.

Jim did not care Thor was his hero. His fantasy about the character changed, as he got older.  Thor has been a friend and protector when he was kid but once he became a teenager Thor became a love object. He would jerk off dreaming of the God of Thunder satisfying his teen-age lust.  Jim had searched for real life Norse muscle god in vain. He was an attractive but nerdy gay young man. The muscle dudes who he saw at the gym never gave him a second look.  Thor as his lover would always remain a fantasy.

One night he was walking home after work. He lived in a neighborhood that had been safe until the city had made budget cuts in the police force and crime had increased. He always took the same route through the park,

“You got a light buddy,” the man said from the shadows.

“Sorry no” Jim said.

“What’s the rush bud? “ a second voice

Jim had seen these two men before. They were both dressed in jeans and tight t-shirts.

“Sorry I don’t have time” Jim said but the men blocked his way.

“You don’t like us? “The first thug said.

“No, it’s not that.”

“I think he likes you.”

“Yeah, I see the way he checks out my bulge.”

“You go the wrong idea,” Jim said.

“Come on I know you want this, “the man said grabbing his crotch.

Jim knew he had to get out of the situation.

“You live near here? “

“No, I’m meeting a friend “Jim lied.

“Is he is a fag too?”

Jim hated that word.  He wished he would have punched the guy in the mouth, but it was two against one and he knew he would not stand a chance, so he ran.

“Get the queer!” the tall one shouted.

Jim was faster than two thugs but, in his speed, to get away he stepped the wrong way and twisted his ankle.

“Shit!’ Jim said as he smashed his face on the pavement.

The two out of breath thugs stood over him.

“You are going to get it now homo!’

The tall one said kicking Jim in the stomach.

“Going to teach to respected real men,” the other said brandishing a switchblade.

Jim  became terrified.

There was rumble of thunder in the distance.

“You are going use your mouth on this “the tall one said unzipping his fly.

Jim tried to stand but the pain on his ankle was too strong.

“Hold him down,” he said.

A second rumble of thunder right over their heads

“Get off me! “Jim tried to fight back.

There was loud crack of thunder.

Jim could not believe who was standing in front of him Thor himself wielding his massive hammer.

“What the fuck?!” the thug was startled by the giant standing in front of him

Thor turned and with one powerful punch sent the thugs flying.

“Who are you “Jim asked.

            “The God of Thunder” Thor said in a deep masculine voice.

“Thor.” Jim could not believe the sight of this 6’11-inch, 240 lbs. giant whose body seemed to be made of rippling muscles.

“Are you hurt?” Thor asked examining Jim.

“I think I sprained my ankle” Jim tried to stand up.

“Let me help you “Thor said and lifted Jim in his massive hand. 

Jim was 5’6’’, 150 lbs. and felt like a child next to the God of Thunder

“I’ll be OK Thor “

Jim felt Thor’s powerful arms embrace him.         

“What are you doing” Jim asked.

“Taking you to a healing place” Thor said as he picked up the weakened human and in one leap vanished into the sky.

Jim looked down and down and saw the ground disappeared beneath them.  

“Oh my God “he thought “This can’t be happening.”

But it was real not a dream.

Jim clung to Thor as they dashed across space and time. The cross dimensional journey was too stressful on the human body and Jim and he lost consciousness.

“Are you feeling better my friend”?

Jim opened his eyes and saw Thor.

“What happened to me? “Jim asked.

“The journey is not easy on humans,”

“Journey?  Where are we? “Jim was confused.

“Asgard” Thor said and pointed to the windows of the chamber. Jim could not believe his eyes. A city of gold and silver towers stretched as the eyes could see.

“Why did you bring me here? “

“You called for me, “Thor said.

“And you saved my life.”

“That is what heroes do “

Jim noticed that someone had bandaged his ankle.

“I should get back to Earth.”

“No need to rush. Time is different here. You need the healing waters, removed your garments, and join me.”

Thor had a very masculine but gentle tone.

“My name is Jim.”

“I like that name is suits you.”

Jim pulled off his shirt.

“You have a lean but strong body” Thor said and touched Jim’s shoulder.

“ Can I have a robe? “

“A servant will fetch you one “Thor said.

“Where are you going? “

“I have duties, the servant will show you the healing waters.”

The bath chamber was a large bubbling tub, which had been carved from the rock.  Jim removed his robe and stepped in. He felt the water relax and heal his aching muscles. Jim leaned back and enjoyed himself. The water was stimulating his cock and balls. He was getting a hard on as if someone were massaging him. Jim started to jerk off.  He closed his eyes and imagined what Thor looked like naked. The Norse giant had a ten-inch cock. Jim imagined how it would feel to suck on that massive shaft.

“This feels good” Thor said.

Jim opened his eyes and saw the Norse God sitting on the other side of the tub.

“How long have you been watching me?”

“Pleasuring yourself?” Thor winked at Jim.

“Yes -I mean no!” Jim said.

“Don’t warriors bathe together on Earth?”

“Sometimes but I prefer privacy.”

Thor laughed and sat next to Jim.

“You can see I’m aroused too” Thor said pointing to his hard cock.

Jim was trying not to stare at Thor’s huge dick.

“Don’t’ you enjoy another man’s touch? “Thor said and placed Jim’s hand on his hairy chest.

“Yes, I do” Jim loved the feel of Thor’s furry muscles.

“I’ve never been with a human man before” Thor gave Jim a deep kiss.

“Well, I’ve never made love to a God” Jim felt Thor’s cock beneath the water.

Thor reached in between Jim’s legs and squeezed the human’s ball.

“Oh’ Jim moaned.

” You like that my friend?”

“Yes” Jim said as he felt Thor’s huge fingers on his ass.

Thor lifted Jim and placed him over his hard cock.

“Relax Jim relax” Thor whispered into his ear as he slowly introduced his massive cock into the human’s tight ass.

Jim felt no pain as the Norse god’s thick tool penetrated him.  The magical healing waters had lubricated him enough to feel only pleasure.

“This is how men make love Jim.”

“Fuck me Thor” Jim said loving the feeling of the cock thrusting in and out of his willing ass.

“Thor turned Jim around until they were face to face.

Jim wrapped his arms around Thor’s thick neck and kissed him.

The water in the pool changed colors with the lover’s growing passion from blue to gold.

Jim was in ecstasy as he rode the Norse God’s engorged cock.  He had never felt pleasure like this before; it was so intense he came without touching himself.

“Ah yes” Thor flooded Jim's ass with his cum

Jim did not want to get off Thor’s cock that was still hard within his now sticky ass.

“Oh, Thor fuck me again please.”

“Later my boy we must rest now.”

Thor carried Jim to his bedchamber.

“I want more “Jim said feeling Thor’s still hard cock.

“Pleasure me then” Thor said caressing the human’s sensuous lips.

Thor spread his massive hairy thighs letting Jim have full access to his cock and balls. 

“Enjoying yourself?” Thor caressed the back of Jim’s head.

Jim kept milking the Norse Gods shaft he wanted to feel Thor’s cum in his mouth.

“You are a skillful lover,” Thor was enjoying the pleasure Jim was giving him.

“I want your load Thor!”

“Take it lad!” Thor said as he orgasms into the human’s mouth. 

Jim loved the feel of the warm liquid flooding his throat.

“Are you satisfied now? “Thor asked.

“Yes” Jim said licking his lips.

Thor kissed Jim. He knew he had the made the right choice by bringing this human to Asgard.           

“I love you Thor” Jim wrapped his arms around Thor’s hairy chest.

“Sleep now my sweet lad” Thor kissed Jim on the forehead.

Jim heard a woman’s voice calling him.

“Mr. Lopez?”

He opened his eyes and came to face to face with a nurse.

“Yes?” Jim was disappointed that Thor was not around.  He was in a hospital emergency room.

“How are you feeling?” the nurse asked checking his chart.

Jim realized he was in an emergency room.

“You were lucky the police officers stopped the assault.”

“Police brought me here?” Jim asked.

“Yes, one of them is outside he wants to talk to you” the nurse said.

Jim was trying to remember what happened after the two muggers hit him but all he could think of was Thor.

“Mr. Lopez?”

Jim looked up and gasped.  The police officer standing by his bed looked like Thor well as close to Thor as the average human could look.  The man was tall with blonde hair and neatly trimmed beard.  His police uniform barely contain his well-muscled body.

“Yes” Jim stammered.

“I would like to ask you some questions?” the police officer said in a very soothing masculine voice.

“Sure Officer? “

“Osborne, Dave Osborne” he said.

“Did you bring me here?” Jim said sitting up.

“My partner and I interrupted the attack,” Osborne explained.

“I was lucky you guys were passing by,” Jim said.

“Tell me what happened?” Osborne asked.

“I was minding my own business, on my way home taking a short cut through the park when these two thugs started harassing me.”

“Why do you think they did that?” Osborne asked.

            “They were gay bashers!”

“That’s a different kind of crime.”

“I should have fought back.”

“They might have killed you” Osborne said.

“I’m no wimp,”

“Listen I’m gay too” Osborne said.

“You are?” Jim said and noticed the police officer had rainbow flag pinned to his jacket.

“Yeah, and I get where you’re coming from.”

“Well, I’m sure nobody would try to beat you up?”

“There are different forms of gay bashing my friend” Osborne said and touched Jim’s shoulder.

“I guess” Jim looked at the detective’s handsome face and imagined  what it would feel like to kiss him,

“You’ll be fine Jim” Osborne said. Jim felts as if the officer wanted to hug him .

"Thanks" Jim touched the officer's muscular shoulder

The nurse walked back into the room.

“You can go home now Mr. Lopez.”


“Is someone picking you up?” Osborne asked.

“No, I’ll get an Uber.”

“I can give you a lift,” Osborne said.

“Sure, if you don’t mind?”

“No problem”

“Thanks again”

“I’ll be waiting outside “the police officer walked out of the room.  

 Jim got out of bed. His body ached from the beating but had a feeling that Officer Osborne would soon make him feel better. And then he heard the rumble of thunder in the distance.

 The End