Guy after guy at hotel

by Tony

24 Feb 2024 2047 readers Score 6.5 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Hey what’s up I just found this site and am loving the stories and figured I would share one that was easily the craziest experience I’ve ever had with hooking up. 

ok so one day/ maybe around 4 years ago I would guess. I was alone just hanging out getting drunk and I’m not gonna lie doing some drugs too. So at some point I opened up my Grindr app and started trying to find a guy.

I started conversations with like pretty much every guy who was logged in but no one was responding. I put my phone away for a while and just went back to what I was doing. When I looked at it later I had at least 10 guys that wanted to meet up and come to my hotel room.

I just chose the one I liked best and told him the room number and to come over. He came over and we did our thing and he left. Then I pulled my phone out again and one of the guys said he was right down the street so I said fuck it come over and he was in my room within 15 minutes of the other guy leaving. We hooked up and then he left.

I looked at my phone again and another guy wanted to come over ASAP. I told him sure come over but I told him I had to shower first. This kept going on and on all day I bet I hooked up with around 10 guys that day.

The guys had no idea that I had already been with other guys that day but I did keep showing throughout the day. I literally did everything there is to do that day. I bottomed, I made guys cum from oral, one guy couldn’t get hard enough to fuck and I just laid on the bed naked and he jerked off and came on my ass.

It was a pretty crazy day and to be honest I probably would’ve never done anything like that if I wasn’t drunk and high on drugs but looking back on it it was such a crazy time I still can’t believe it happened and it’s pretty hot to think about.

The only thing i wish is that at some point there was more than one of them there at the same time but it’s still pretty hot that I was just at it all day one after another. 

also since I keep all of my hookups quiet and nobody knows this is the first time I have ever told this story because I couldn’t tell anyone in my real life so when I found this site I said fuck it no one has ever heard this all the random Grindr guys don’t even know what happened that day