Growing up

by Gaz

9 Apr 2019 1877 readers Score 8.3 (33 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

His eyes shot open, he rolled his head to look at his alarm clock, 6:34 am in digital figures on the display. Casey groaned, his room stunk of sweat even though the air was cool he was drenched and he knew why. 5 weeks had passed since Christian had made the hockey team and was slowly getting popular,  he  was so busy with training in the gym, running and friendly matches that they had spent very little time. Casey was missing his friend which didn't help his restless nights. However it was his fantasy that was causing him most discomfort now.

He kept revisiting the afternoon in the shower with Tom and his cronies but the outcome was getting more and more intense. The first fantasy happened 3 weeks previous, it was brought on when he spotted the 4 of them in town. That night he relived the experience exactly as it happened and woke up the next morning with his underwear being damp. The second time he sucked Tom off, even though it was a dream it felt real, he even has a dry mouth but a salty taste. As the nights passed small things changed with each dream. Last night though it was really bad.

He was knelt in front of Tom,  egging him on to suck his dick like a good little Nancy. As previous Casey did, then Tom made him lick his ass, the dream was so vivid Casey swore he could smell the sweaty hole. That was quickly dismissed as Casey realised he was totally soaked in sweat and so was his bed. After licking Tom's muscular ass, he was stood up and bent over as fingers were inserted in his virgin hole. Tom then fucked the living daylights out of Casey's teen, tight hole filling him with seed. This is were it changed after Tom finished he threw Casey to the ground, turned to his friends and said. "Nancy needs more cock. Casey ended up taking loads of cock up his ass and in his mouth. Even though it wasn't real it felt real enough. Again his underwear was soaking however his cock was so hard he had to take care of it. He took his briefs of three back his duvet. The cool breeze felt so good on his wet skin, which shimmered in the morning dusk. He closed his eyes and imagined Christian in his tight CK boxer briefs with his firm ass and huge bulge. He started tugging away for dear life as he imagined every detail of his now absent friends body, soon he was breathing heavy, his heart almost beating through his chest as his balls tightened, he couldn't help but let out a much louder moan than anticipated as his cock erupted shooting more cum than ever. It covered his tummy, chest, face, even his pillow above his head and he collapsed his tense body onto his drenched sheets.

Casey had just relaxed his breath when Cory came through the door. 

"I heard a...... wow fuck not good bro. I now know why you were moaning.  Fuck it stinks in here. Jesus look at the mess. I would change your sheets and get them started in the wash before mum see's this. I don't want another chat with dad." Cory shuddered and left the room. 

Casey quickly done what his brother suggested, changed all his sheets and threw them in the washing machine before remaking his bed. Looking at his clock again it was 7:08 am he wondered why his alarm hadn't gone off,  he realised it was the weekend no school and got back into bed.

He went downstairs a little after 9 am for breakfast. Cory was already at the breakfast bar when he entered the kitchen. 

"Casey love, why were your bedsheets in the wash?" His mum asked without turning round. 

Casey was feeling flustered. "Em they were soaked in sweat mum and smelled really bad."

"Sure, we're calling it sweat now are we?" Cory added. Casey shot him an evil look and sat down for bacon, eggs and sausages. 

After breakfast he went up to his room and lay on his bed when his phone buzzed. It was a text from Christian.  "Swimming at the quarry?" Casey beamed as he replied." Sure what time?"

It felt like hours for a response to come back but it was less than a few minutes. " 11 ok?"


It would take him 15 minutes to reach the quarry on his bike which gave him 20 minutes to get ready. He packed his swimming bag and  threw on shorts and t-shirt and  jumped on his bike.

The quarry was disused for years and had several man made beaches and picnic sites. It had places for large gatherings and small private areas. The water was always cold but on a scorching Saturday it was really refreshing. When Casey arrived it was already buzzing with family's and groups of kids. Casey found a quiet place.  It was a small beach which had a picnic table and was surrounded by trees and bushes,  he knew Christian would know where to find him but to Casey's horror Christian didn't find him first. 

"Nancy, how are you?" Toms voice was excited. 

Casey spun and froze. He looked for a way out but it was to no avail he had picked a very private spot and it was going to be his undoing. 

"What? You not happy to see us?" Again Casey didn't speak. 

"Well I had a large breakfast and I know my arse wants to say hello to your face so you can either be a good little bitch and lay on the table for me or I really hope you decide to make it hard on yourself. " His 3 goons smiled behind him. 

Casey wanted to say something but he knew if he did it would only make things worse so deflated and humiliated he climbed on the table and lay on his back and waited as Tom climbed up dropped his shorts and squatted over his victim's face and let rip. It was awful eggy smell. It stung Casey's eyes and all he could do was wait for it to finish. 

"Oh what do we have here? Nancy didn't tell us this was a date." Tom said as Christian arrived.

"Fuck Tom get off him. Go pick on someone your own size. " Christian barked. 

"That's nice Nacy your boyfriend is sticking up for you." Tom got up and pulled his shorts up. "Nancy you better suck his dick better than you have before. " Tom sneered at Christian. 

"Fuck off Tom we are not gay. He is a boy, stop being a bully and grow up. " Christian was getting angry. 

Tom walked right up to Christian's face. Christian clenched his fist ready to strike."Boys." The three other College athletes grabbed Christian. He struggled but it was no use even though he had  grown and got muscles he was only 16 and was no match for them.

Casey was on his feet again. But being small couldn't do much.

"Ok here's what will happen tou both now have a choice to make and you only have 20 seconds to do so. Because Christian here doesn't know his place he can suck my dick right now, however he did it to save his girlfriend so she has been neglecting to take care of his needs and should be punished by him. Nancy can save her boyfriend if she lets him spank her bare ass hard 100 times while bent over his knee. What's it to be Nancy? 19,18,17."

Casey hated the thought of being spanked by his friend but he wasn't going to let Christian suck Tom's dick." Let him go."

"Casey no he has bullied you enough and I don't want to hurt you. " Christian said. 

"You think I am going to give him the satisfaction of making you suck his dick no way, you are going to spank me."

"Oooo I think she will enjoy it." Tom said. "Ok let him go and if you try anything you will both be bent over spanked then fucked by us 4. You better make it hard or you will do it again only double. "


"Christian just fucking smack my arse hard."

"I don't....."

Casey shoved him in the chest." Either you fucking do it or we are both fucked here."

Christian walked over and sat on one of the benches,  Casey followed and bent over his friends knee." I don't want 300 so pull my shorts down and really mean it make my as glow." Casey ordered. Christian pulled his friends shorts down and SMACK,

Casey cried out as his ass stung hard.

"Come on boyfriend pick up the pace I am giving you 5 minutes to do 99 more starting now.


Casey felt his ass was on fire as the tears came and the pain got unbearable as Christian smacked away as his ass. By the time Christian got to 70 Casey felt like he wouldn't be able to sit down again. His eyes stung with tears so much he could taste the salt on his lips where they ran down his cheeks,  snot was pouring from his nose. Finally Christian got to 100 and stopped. Casey couldn't move he was crying so hard and his arse was bright red.

"See Christian I told you this would be fun thanks for inviting us, come on boys." Tom and his friends left laughing. 

Casey didn't know how, maybe adrenaline kicked in but he struck to his feet, pulled up his shorts and grabbed his stuff.

"Casey, wait I didn't......."

"Fuck off Christian,  I never want to talk to you again. Now you can spend all your time with your jock friends. " Casey said with more tears in his eyes as he jumped on his bike and peddled as hard as he could with his arse on fire.

Casey got home and went straight to his room lay on his stomach buried his face in his pillow and cried for so long he was tierd. Eventually his cries died to sobs he wasn't sure when but he fell asleep. 

Cory woke him up."Bro everything ok you look a mess and your pillow is drenched?"

"I don't want to talk about it. " Casey replied. Then pain returned to his ass and he winced as he tried to move.

"What's wrong? Or should I get mum?" Cory said. 

"No I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone. Promise me."

"Ok bro I  promise."

"I mean it."

"Case, I swear I won't tell a soul."

Casey told Cory everything. When he finished Cory carefully pull Casey's shorts down and whistled. "That's going to smart for a bit. Look I'm not trying to play devil's advocate here but Tom is a grade A bastard, maybe he just said that for an extra kick, I mean what could have happened if you chose not to be spanked? Christian would have had to suck his dick. I'm sure Christian wouldn't put you both in that situation. Yes you've hardly hing out but he doesn't strike me as that type of person. "

Casey understood what Cory was saying. " Still we arrange to meet for the first time in ages and this happens. I don't know what to think. "

"Well bro, what does your heart say? I'll tell mum you're not well and have fallen asleep. Besides I don't think you can sit down yet. I will bring you some snacks in a bit as you will miss dinner. " Cory smiled and left the room. 

Casey fell asleep. When he woke, Cory had left a snickers bar and some crisps, with a cherry soda. Casey still laying on his stomach devoured them all. The pain had died to a dull ache. It was dark outside,  he looked at his clock 10:36 pm. Casey took his shorts off and  got under his duvet and went back to sleep. 

That night his fantasy dramatically changed. 

by Gaz

Email: [email protected]

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