Gone Fishin'

by Harrison Morris

13 May 2024 3630 readers Score 8.4 (49 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

"You thinkin' we'll try the lake again today? Maybe we'll finally have some luck." Brett turned and smirked at Alan as they sat in the detached sauna just a few dozen feet from the cabin they were renting.

The two had met in high school and hadn't initially liked each other. Eventually though, they discovered they had common interests and started hanging out between classes and even after school sometimes. The next thing they knew, they were best friends and had been for nearly 30 years now. Their friendship was unlikely to say the least. Although it wasn't exactly a unicorn situation, it wasn't often that an Offensive lineman on the school's football team wanted to pal around with a guy on the debate team. But Brett and Alan had made it work, despite all the ribbing Brett took from some of the guys on the team for hanging out with a geek like Alan. For his part, Alan wasn't immune from that either. His friends kept wanting to 'save' him from this jock who was obviously making Alan do his homework for him to get good grades. Why else would the two ever hang out otherwise?!

Alan laughed softly and turned to look at Brett, trying not to get caught with his eyes diverted to his buddy's beefy torso and thick, worked-out arms. "Some fishermen WE are! Two days into a five-day fishing trip and we've got nothing to show for it."

Brett leaned back against the wall on the bench and put his hands behinds his head. "You heard what the old timer down at the convenience store in town said. Haven't been a lot of fish biting lately. But I still think we should try. Christine and Gina will never let us live it down if we come back home empty-handed."

It was torture for Alan to turn back and see Brett's body - glistening with a light sheen of sweat - on display like that with him leaning back. Feeling playful - and perhaps egged-on by how worked up he was getting - he reached out and poked Brett in the middle of his chest. "Because of all of the bragging SOMEONE did as we were walking out the door." Alan affected his voice in an exaggerated impersonation of his buddy from three days earlier. "Make room in the basement freezer, Christine! I'm bringing back TEN big ones!"

Brett grinned as he sat upright. "Hey, I wasn't the only one with great expectations! All the way up here in the car, you couldn't stop going on and on about how you and Gina were finally going to get some use out of your new air fryer with all of the fish you'd be cooking over the next few weeks."

"At least I thought to do all my boasting out of earshot of my wife," Alan teased. "You set us up for weeks, maybe months, of merciless ribbing."

Brett leaned forward slightly, bracing both hands on his knees, grinning at his buddy. "You sayin' I don't have good sense, man?"

Alan smiled good-naturedly at him, continuing the tease. "I'm trying NOT to, but if you keep pushing the issue..."

Brett's eyes widened and he let out a roaring laugh. "Asshole! Let me ask you... Who has better sense? The guy who maybe bragged a little too much to his wife, or the guy who is low-key trying to shade the man who is his ride back home?"

Alan scoffed. "'Low-key? Shade? What are you, 43 going on 13?"

Brett's cheeks flushed crimson and it was obvious that it wasn't from the dry heat of the sauna. "I guess I picked it up from spending too much time overhearing Madison and Mayzie video chatting with their friends. Occupational hazard of having two teenage daughters, you know..."

He rubbed the back of his head and looked down, making Alan think he'd maybe taken ribbing his best buddy too far. "Hey, man. I'm sorry. You know teasing is my friendship love language. I went too far..."

For a moment, a pregnant silence hung in the air. Brett finally turned to look at Alan, the weight of the world on his face. "I'm just a human being, man. Flaws and all. You should try to remember that before you make fun." For good measure, Brett threw in a sniffle as if he was trying to hold back tears.

Alan had never seen Brett this vulnerable and raw. It just goes to show you never know what someone's buttons are until you accidentally push one of them. He reached up and touched his buddy's muscular shoulder, immediately feeling the heat from Brett's body and sending sparks throughout his own. "I'm sorry, Brett. I mean it. You know I respect the hell out of you. Are we gonna be okay?"

Brett turned and looked at Alan, stonefaced. "I don't know, man. I'll have to think about it."

Alan could practically feel the blood draining from his face. He'd been a total douchebag and he knew it. "Oh damn," he said aloud. "I really fucked things up, didn't I?" He turned away to face the door leading outside.

"Damn right you did!" Alan heard Brett's voice sounding more lively than it had moments ago. Before he could turn back to face his friend again, he felt a light thwack on the back of his head. "You tried to take me down a peg or two. I can't have that...BRO!"

Alan whipped his head around to see Brett laughing. "The fuck, dude?! I thought I'd pissed you off!"

"Yeah and it serves you right for trying to make fun of me," Brett said as he continued to chortle.

"Jackass!" Alan knocked Brett on the arm sharply with his elbow, causing Brett to stop laughing.

"OH! Shots fired! it's on now, man!" Brett shot back. Before either man knew it, they were play-wrestling on the sauna bench, halfway grappling with each other and also each man halfway trying to assert his dominance. But both men knew it was all in good fun.

Because of the heat of the sauna, it didn't take either man too long to start to feel winded and overheated. A good five minutes or more of the exertion of writhing and wrestling against each other had taken its toll. Soon both found themselves huffing and puffing, trying to regain their breath. If he was being honest with himself, it wasn't just the wrestling that had Alan worked up. It was a pretty big turn on to grapple with the man he'd harbored a secret crush on for a pretty big portion of their 30-year friendship.

"We gonna call this one a draw?" Brett broke the silence, smirking at his friend.

Still gasping for air, Alan tried to put up a brave front. "We don't have to *heavy inhale* I...I...I can go *heavy inhale* another three or four rounds if I need to!"

Brett chuckled. "Who are you kidding, man? If I wanted to take you out, all I'd probably need to do at this point is poke you in the arm and you'd fall over!"

Maybe his rampant horniness was to blame for him feeling his oats, but Alan grinned and leaned toward Brett with a cocky smile. "Oh yeah, bud? Is that so? Do it then!"

For a few seconds, Brett sat there as if he was contemplating the possibilities before breaking the tension with an easy smile, looking like it would take all of the energy had left in his body to knock Alan over with the poke of his finger. "Nah. I don't feel like it. Let's just say we're even."

"Sounds good, man!" Alan beamed. For a few moments, silence hung in the air. Looking at his friend's handsome face and feeling the heat radiating from his body was quickly overtaking his senses and becoming too much to bear. Maybe it was the heat of the sauna. Maybe it was how horny he was. Maybe it was how much he'd overexerted himself during their grappling. Or maybe it was a combination of all three. Whatever it was, Alan soon found himself leaning in to Brett and closing his eyes as he planted a soft kiss on his lips before he even realized what he was doing.

Alan got a surprise when, not only did Brett not shove him away in disgust, it felt like he was kissing him back! Tentatively, at least. Holy shit! It wasn't as if Brett had swept Alan into his arms and kissed him back passionately, but he wasn't exactly sitting there passively like a bump on a log either.

It was just a short kiss...no tongue. Just soft lip against lip action. Even though it felt to Alan like it had lasted a lot longer, in reality it had probably only lingered for five seconds or so...more than enough time for him to know he wanted to do that again, and for a LOT longer. He was certain he'd never get the chance for that, though.

When he pulled back and looked at Brett, his buddy's eyes were wide, seemingly in shock. "Wow..." was all the man said as he looked into Alan's eyes.

Alan felt his face flush and was pretty sure he was blushing. To save his own skin in case Brett was pissed at him for being so forward, he tried to look apologetic. "I, uh... Brett, I... I'm sorry, man, I..."

In yet another surprising turn, Brett interrupted Alan's self-protective blubbering in his own matter of fact way. "You know... You're not half bad of a kisser, dude!"

"What?" Alan was dumbfounded. He couldn't have heard his macho, masculine, reformed pussy chaser of a friend correctly.

"I said: 'You know... You're not half'..."

Alan sighed, rolled his eyes at one of Brett's patented brand of Dad jokes, and interjected, "I heard you the first time. I'm just surprised at you having that kind of reaction is all."

Brett shrugged his shoulders. "I believe in giving credit where credit is due." After a pause of a quick beat, he added. "And I liked it."

Alan scoffed, hardly believing this was really happening. "I swear, man... If this is another one of your tricks..."

Brett looked genuine and held his hand up in the Boy Scout salute...even though he hadn't actually been IN the Scouts. "This isn't a trick, Alan. I being 100% honest with you Scout's Honor! In fact, I'll even admit that I wouldn't mind that kiss happening again."

Alan laughed. "Yeah. I'm not buying that for a minute. You're definitely pulling my leg."

Alan hadn't meant that statement as a way of trying to goad Brett into anything, but in a flash, he felt Brett throw his arm around his back and grasp his far shoulder. "Here. Let me prove it to you." The next thing Alan knew, he was being pulled toward his ex-jock buddy. It's true he was the one leaning in, but it was Brett who initiated this kiss. And this one was nowhere near as tentative as that first kiss had been. Sure, it was still soft. But it was also more urgent and full of passion.

Soon, Alan felt Brett's tongue pressing against his lips. He parted them and received the tongue of a guy he'd known since high school into his mouth. After a couple minutes of making out and feeling each other's upper body up, the kiss parted and Brett was smirking as he pulled back. "Believe me now, man?"

In response, Alan reached up to run his index and middle fingers over Brett's chin. He gazed into his best friend's eye and said softly, almost inaudibly, "Less talking, more kissing."

This time it was Alan who re-initiated the kiss. For at least the next five minutes, the two men made out like they were two teenagers out on their first date. Without warning, Brett pulled back, wincing.

"What's wrong?" Alan asked, concerned. "I didn't accidentally bite you or anything, did I?"

His voice heavy with discomfort, Brett glanced at Alan before adjusting on the sauna bench. "No, man. No problem there. The problem is this..." Brett parted his legs farther and pushed his lower body out on the bench to make it more prominent. "Little Brett's trying to tell me he wants to come out and play."

Alan took in the muscled length of Brett's torso and when his eyes traveled down to his shorts-covered crotch, he saw a distended bulge that both terrified and titillated him. "Forgive me for saying so, but it doesn't look like there's ANYTHING little about Little Brett!"

Feeling his chest swell at the high praise from Alan, he grinned and with a twinkle in his eye, reached over to grip his friend's inner thigh just above the knee. "You think it looks impressive, man?"

It didn't just feel good having Brett's hand resting lazily where it was. It felt right. Alan didn't need a mirror to know he was blushing. It felt like this was more than flirting and a little harmless making out between married friends who - for all outward appearances - seemed to identify as straight. This felt like it was going somewhere. Alan knew one of them should put a stop to it, but the way he was feeling at the moment, he knew it wasn't going to be him. He returned Brett's smile and reached over to grip his shoulder. "Impressive doesn't quite do that bulge justice. Now I know why you never had any shortage of late night company before you settled down with Christine."

This time it was Brett's turn to blush. He chuckled softly and gave Alan an 'aw shucks' grin and wink. "I'll just say this. I've never had any complaints!" For a couple seconds, silence hung in the air until he rushed to add, "Uh...except obviously for something like," he tried to speak in a higher tone and a breathy whisper, "'Oh Brett! It's TOO big! You're going to tear me in two with that pounder of yours!'"

Without thinking that maybe he should filter himself before he spoke, Alan shot back, "Man, you need to stop going to women! No man would ever say anything like that to you!" Brett's eyes widened in shock, but he didn't seem offended. All the same, Alan decided to clean up what he'd just said. "Not that Christine is anything but an expert at taking your meat after all these years, I'm sure."

Brett reached up with his free hand to rub the back of his head as he looked away. "I wouldn't go that far," he said softly.

Genuinely feeling for his seemingly sexually frustrated friend, Alan let the hand that had been gripping his shoulder drift along Brett's back supportively. "Jeez, bud. I'm sorry. I didn't realize, you were..."

When Alan paused to figure out the most diplomatic way to finish that sentence, Brett turned back to him and interrupted. "Did you mean what you said earlier? I mean, about me going to a man instead of women?"

"Yeah. I mean... Sure. Why not?" For all of the years that he'd secretly lusted after Brett, as far as things had gone over the past 15 minutes, and how ready to take things even further he was, Alan was at a loss for words. "...if you can find a guy who wants to take care of you, that is."

The two men sat there silently for several moments, looking into each others eyes, each seeing lust, need, and hunger in the other. Making the first move, Brett reached over his shoulder and pulled Alan's hand off his back and over his head. Time seemed to slow down as he brought Alan's hand to his crotch and laid it to rest on that damn bulge, which had only gotten bigger. Instinctively, Alan began running his hand over the shifting shorts-covered mass, loving the power and heat radiating from it.

For his part, Brett finally let the hand that had been resting on his friend's inner thigh drift farther inward until he was gripping Alan's own trapped member. "Damn, man," he crowed admiringly. "You're no slouch in the pounder department either!"

Receiving praise like that from a guy who was not only his best friend but also the object of his lust flipped a switch in Alan. Putting a stop to this may have been the best idea, but he went in the other direction. Wordlessly, he leaned in and kissed Brett again. As they both continued to feel each other up, their tongues once again explored the inside of their mouths and their lips crashed against each other.

After a few minutes, Brett pulled back a few inches and said in a deep whisper. "You think we should take this back to the cabin?"

"No way," was all Alan said before leaning in to nuzzle his buddy's neck.

Finding it hard to resist Alan's lips on his neck, Brett willed himself to keep his senses. "You sure? We shouldn't stay in the sauna much longer. One of us is liable to stroke out from the heat or something."

Alan finally pulled back and looked at Brett. "Honestly, I want this to keep going. I'm afraid if we stop, the spell's going to break."

Brett reached between his legs and made a show of palming his bulging crotch. "There's no way that's going to happen. Little Brett - and Little Alan, for that matter - won't let anything get in our way." Brett stood up, the bulge in his shorts turning into more of a tent now, and extended his hand to Alan. Begrudgingly, Alan took Brett's hand and got to his feet. Brett pulled Alan close and whispered. "Let's you and me take this to the bedroom."

Alan bit his lip and ran his hand up Brett's muscular arm. "I'm holding you to that, dude."


Less than a minute later, the two men had burst into the cabin in a frenzy. No sooner had Brett shut the door behind him than Alan practically tackled his best friend, forcefully pushing Brett back against the door. The two men made out frantically, hands exploring, grabbing, and clutching, and their clothing-encased cocks pressing against each other between them.

When the fever broke and the two pulled apart - reluctantly on both of their parts, Alan had assumed - Alan was ready to suggest they take things to his bedroom. Instead, things took a turn when Brett spoke before Alan could. "Listen, man... You're not going to like this, but I think we should nip this in the bud before it goes any further."

Alan chuckled and made a big show out of rolling his eyes. "Okay, man... Nice try. I'm not falling for one of your jokes again!"

He reached up to run his hands over Brett's meaty chest when Brett grabbed him by the wrists and gently guided his hands away. "It's not a joke, Al. I'm serious. You and I doing what we both know this is leading to is a BAD idea."

Alan was exasperated...not to mention still horny as hell. "But, I just got finished telling you I didn't want the spell to break by us coming back here. You swore to me it wouldn't. 'Nothing will get in our way,' you said!" Alan gestured to the still-obvious bulge in Brett's shorts. "You obviously still want this too. What the fuck is going on here?"

"We're married, Al," Brett shot back quickly. "We have Christine and Gina to think about."

"We can think about them later."

"Maybe that's all right for you. Both of your kids are out on their own. I can't afford to be so cavalier. I don't just have Christine to think of. I've got Madison and Mayzie too."

"What do they have to do with this?" Alan questioned. "This is you and me. Right here, right now."

For a few seconds, Brett stood there, staring at Alan, breathing heavily. Alan thought maybe he'd gotten through to his friend when Brett poured cold water on that theory. "I'm sorry, man. I just can't. I can't risk this going any further and turning into something that might hurt other people in my life."

Alan opened his mouth to try and reassure Brett that he was overreacting when Brett turned on his heels and stormed off to his bedroom, leaving Alan shell-shocked at the drastic rollercoaster ride of emotions both men had gone on over the past half an hour.

Alan thought about following Brett back to his room. If only he had more time to talk to him. He was sure he could get through to Brett. But in the end, he decided not to push. Risking a 30-year friendship hardly seemed worth it. Instead, Alan went to his own room to grab some clothes and get a shower. Maybe washing some of the sweat and grime from the sauna would help his state of mind.

Five minutes later, he'd slipped his shorts down and gave a few soft tugs on his hard on, still at full mast, then bent over to pull a t-shirt and shorts out of the dresser drawer when he had that creepy feeling you get sometimes when you feel like you're being watched. He turned around and to both his shock and delight, he saw Brett standing there, framed in the doorway, still wearing those same black shorts...with that same distended tent poking out of the crotch. He still had that same hungry and lustful expression that had been on his face earlier in the sauna.

"Brett? What's...?"

Alan didn't get any other words out before Brett crossed the room wordlessly, placed his hands on either side of Alan's waist, and laid a searing kiss on his lips. The kiss raged on for what felt like several minutes. Alan clutched onto his best friend for dear life as he felt Brett's hands roaming over his back and eventually grabbing on to both of his bare buns.

At some point along the way, both men came up for air but they barely parted, still clutching to each other, their lower bodies pressed together. Their foreheads touched and they breathed deeply, trying to reclaim the oxygen that the all-encompassing kiss had taken.

Alan was the first to speak. Brett had shown him what he wanted, but now he wanted to hear the ex-jock say it. "Tell me, Brett," he gasped.


"Tell me, man! Say it. I want to hear you say what you want!"

For the briefest of moments, Brett stood there - holding and being held by his best friend - looking into Alan's eyes. It felt to Alan like the man was about to slip through his fingers yet again. But this time was different. This time Brett wouldn't let him down.

"This." Brett said softy.

"This? This what?" Alan egged him on. He was going to need a lot more than simply 'this'.

"This, man. I want this!" Brett said more loudly, more forcefully. "I don't know what this is, but I want it....want to experience it, Al. With you." To put a nonverbal fine point on the matter, Brett reached down between them, wrapped his hand around Alan's hardness, and began slowly and sensually stroking him.

"God dammit!" Alan laughed softly and bashfully looked away briefly before turning back to look his friend in the eyes. "I should kick you out of this room right now after what you did to me out by the front door." Alan could see the sinking feeling of defeat start to show itself in Brett's eyes as he realized that he'd screwed up big time earlier. In no small part due to the feeling of Brett's hand on his dick, he decided to go ahead and put his buddy out of his misery. "But I think we both know I'm not going to turn you down."

Brett's eyes immediately lit up and he grinned from ear to ear before quickly shifting to a self-confident demeanor. "Honestly, I never had a doubt about it, bud." He reached down with his other hand to palm that huge bulge in his shorts. "Not with this weapon between my legs to sweeten the pot."

The two briefly connected in another sweet kiss. When they pulled back, Alan ran his hands over Brett's chest. "Just so you know, buddy... This can be whatever we want it to be. Only what you're ready for, okay? No pressure whatsoever to do anything you're not comfortable with."

Brett playfully humped against Alan's hip, grinning like a horny teenager. "I don't think we're going to have an issue with anything being off limits there, man. I'm pretty worked up, in case you can't tell."

The two resumed their kiss, easing down onto the bed, with Alan slipping his hands into the waistband of Brett's shorts, eager to push them down and finally feast his eyes on his best buddy's so-called pussy pounder...and hopefully at the very least get a chance to wrap his lips around it!


Alan wasn't sure how long he'd been asleep. When his eyes fluttered open, he was laying on his side, facing the window. He was pretty certain when he rolled over, he'd find the bed empty. Next would come the worry about an awkward rest of the week and the hope that them fucking hadn't ruined their friendship. Instead, Alan got yet another surprise in a series of surprises that day when he rolled over onto his back to find Brett next to him, sitting up against the headboard, phone in hand.

"Hey..." Alan said, hearing the sleep in his voice. When Brett didn't respond, Alan propped himself up against the headboard and touched Brett's arm, instantly jolting him out of whatever concentrated state he'd been in.

Brett turned and noticed for the first time that Alan had awakened. His demeanor quickly changed from serious to jovial. "Hey, look! Sleeping Beauty's finally awake! I thought I was gonna have to play Prince Charming and lay a kiss on you wake you up, you were zonked-out so hard!"

"Getting fucked like you laid it on me will tire a man out, dude! I'm not a young buck anymore. I guess I know who to call if I ever have insomnia instead of taking a sleeping pill." Both men laughed and when it died down, Alan added in amazement, "I still can't believe you went back to back like that."

"What can I say?" Brett bragged. "I told you it's been a while. And actually, I don't think I got it all out of my system yet. I'm not exaggerating when I say I think I'm going to be able to go at least another dozen times before we're due to head home."

"Fuck, dude!"

"I'm a horny man, Al. A horny man with a lot of pent-up sexual energy to burn off!"

Alan bit his lip. "Lucky me!" He leaned in to give his buddy a quick kiss before pulling back. "Is everything okay? When I woke up, you seemed really into whatever was on your phone."

Brett glanced down at his phone, held it up, and then turned to set it on the nightstand. "Oh. It was just...uh...just a text from Christine. She must've sent it while we were...you know."

"Oh..." Alan turned to face forward. Unsure of how to respond.

Out of the blue, Brett finally broke the silence. "I'm not gay, Al."

Alan turned to look at him. "Never said you were, bud. And by the way, I'm not either...at least I don't think I am."

Brett seemed surprised. "Bi, then?"

"Maybe. I'm not sure what I am. I've never wanted to put a label on it. I just know what feels good to me, so I do it."

"Jeez, dude!"

Alan reached out to touch Brett's shoulder reassuringly. "Gina knows, in case you're wondering."

Brett seemed even more stunned. "Fuck! You've got to be kidding me!"

"I'm not. She's known all along. When I thought things were going to get serious with she and I, it's the first thing I told her. We talked through it and she was able to get to a place where she's okay with it...as long as I don't flaunt it around town or in her face, you know."

"Wait! When you two were getting serious?! That was right after college. You knew that long ago?"

"Yep. Even earlier than that, actually."

Brett seemed genuinely hurt. "If you knew that long ago, why didn't you ever tell me?"

Alan shrugged his shoulders and tried to walk a delicate line between being as forthright as he could without hurting Brett's feelings too badly. "I wasn't sure how you'd react. Better to keep it a secret than lose the best friend I ever had. I'm sorry if I underestimated you, bud."

For a couple minutes, the room was silent and Brett had a contemplative look on his face. Soon, he turned his body toward Alan and leaned in with a mischievous grin on his face. "I guess now you know!"

"Guess so..." Alan grinned, before reaching around the back of Brett's neck and pulling him in for another soft kiss. When they parted, Alan reached out to lazily run his hand along Brett's muscled bicep while Brett ran the back of his hand over Alan's hairy chest. "You know, bud... Not that you have to copy me or anything... But what Gina and I have... That could be you and Christine too."

Brett looked pensive. "Maybe. Maybe not. I'll leave that for later, though. Right now..." Brett leaned in for another kiss. "I want to think about something else." He ran his hand underneath the bed sheet and along Alan's hip. "...like trying for Round 3."

"Horny fucker!" Alan teased. "Before this week's over, I'm going to see to it that you find out what it means to be as well-fucked as you've made me feel so far."

Brett smirked before rollover over on top of Alan, the two men embracing before starting a make out session that would undoubtedly lead to Round 3...and maybe even 4 and 5. "In your dreams, Al!"

As they kissed, Alan didn't even think about responding. He knew the power of having a dream. A dream he'd had for nearly 30 years had finally come to fruition that day. If that could happen, Alan rationalized, then it wasn't too far out of the realm of possibilities that his former college football O-lineman buddy might one day find himself on his back, legs on his best friend's shoulders, moaning Alan's name while Alan rammed him for all he was worth.

The two men would never leave their wives. But that didn't mean they couldn't keep on having fun together. Not when there were plenty of long guys-only lunches, golf trips, and baseball stadium tours around the country to go on...and of course, plenty of fishing trips to take!

by Harrison Morris

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024