Go home and shave

by C1aran

6 Jun 2022 4793 readers Score 9.4 (49 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

So this happened when i was in university (aged 23/24 maybe). I kind of consider it my first time even though I’d had a lot of sex before…you’ll see what I mean.

My straight housemates and I got home late from a night out drinking. I love my straight friends but they really are straight and any night out on the town with them inevitably ended with pairing off with girls and me going home frustrated. So I lay on my bed with the room spinning and pulled up grindr. Our student house was in a rough part of town but my age filters were always set to 18-25 ish. I.e I could only ever really see other students. I scrolled past my regulars but noone was online in range (it must have been after 3 in the morning). I put my phone down and tried to sleep but it wasn’t happening and inevitably I was back scrolling through the same offline profiles hoping for some relief from my blue balls.

In the end I turned off all my filters. A few blank profiles and some 30 year old muscled guy who I didn’t bother with - out of my league and I wasn’t in the mood for rejection. (I wasn’t particularly fat but I was definitely not toned or athletic or whatever his tag was).

Then I saw a guy who’s DP was just his leg in Liverpool FC socks. His skin was pale with a thick coat of curly black hair, and his calf muscles were tensed showing off his muscle. Definitely a local guy, maybe a cab driver or something. I clicked to read his bio.

“39, real man, no timewasters”

39 means he’s at least 40 I thought, but no timewasters is promising and he’s online so without much thought for why I suddenly had a straining erection behind my cheap chinos I sent him a “hey”.

Almost instantly he responded with “pics”. My DP showed my face so I figured he wanted nudes so I sent him my standard arsenal of torso/underwear pics, and a couple of dickpics.

“Not here for ya little willy lad”

Should have figured that, but fortunately had my “I’m in the mood to bottom” selection ready. A couple of pics of me lying on my front and showing off my ass.

No response for a minute or two and I feared he wasn’t impressed, but then a few shots of him came back in response.

A few more of him in football gear, no shirt, outline of his erect dick through the shorts. More thick black hair covering his chest and pits, but his scruffy beard was light brown or maybe ginger and his hair was cropped short. He was a little on the heavier side but his arms and legs were muscular.

This is not the kind of guy I was usually chasing, but I was drunk and horny and he was nearby.

“Fuck yes” I replied. I had to smile to myself sending it, felt a bit silly.

“You ready yeah?”

Guess he means douching and all that. I got up and went to the bathroom and said “yeah 5 mins” just as he sent his location. One or two streets away.

I quickly sorted myself out, threw on a baggy hoody and comfy jogging bottoms and stumbled over. His house was even rougher than mine and when he let me in it was dark and the whole place stank of weed.

I smiled at him, suddenly realising this was a potentially dangerous thing to be doing. He smirked and let me in. He pushed me (gently I guess) towards the narrow staircase and I negotiated my way up in the dark. Fortunately these shitty terraced houses are all near enough the same so muscle memory carried me to the upstairs landing and he appeared behind me to steer me into the correct room. A bedside lamp was on and I turned to get a look at him. He was taller than me, definitely in his 40s with grey showing on his beard, and still smirking.

He turned me around so I was facing his bed and his hairy face tickled the back of my neck. I could smell weed and his musk, but the sudden loss of control made me let out an involuntary, almost feminine moan. He pressed into me and his erection pushed through his shorts and my trousers. Even through all the fabric I could appreciate considerable girth. Another moan and he chuckled next to my ear.

“Fucking slut” he said in between spells of laughter and let go of me to pull his T shirt off.

I assumed I was allowed to watch and turned just in time to see the dense forest of chest hair revealed. I leaned forward and began to run my tongue up the centre of his chest. Apparently I was really into chest hair who knew? The scent and salty taste of his sweat was amazing and I looked up to more smirking and derisive chuckling.

“Never tasted proper testosterone have ya gurrl?” - my dick twitched as he called me girl - and I looked into his eyes and shook my head, trying to look sexy with my tongue still out.

“G’wed then” he said, like a kindly uncle offering me a sweet, as he put one hand to the back of my neck and manoeuvred my head into his armpit. In that moment something clicked. I recognised my own excitement as he took control and allowed me to revel in my submission to his superior masculinity. A drop of sweat was condensing on the end of a matted strand of thick black pit hairs. The scent was making my arsehole twitch as though he was sweating poppers. I extended my tongue to catch the droplet before it fell…

“What da fuck lad! Gerroff!” - he shouted this angrily as he pushed me away. I stammered awkward apologies, not understanding, and desperate to be let back in.

“Ya said ya was ready!” he growled, indignantly. He ran a massive dirty finger over my chin and scraped a nail at the short stubble. “Think yer a man, yeah?” he spat.

Jesus, he wanted me to shave!

He sat on the edge of his bed and buried his head in his hands dramatically.

“I’m sorry” I began, but he cut me off.

Suddenly he looked up and stared at me. “Ohh, you’re new?” I just stood there with my mouth open.

“Sorry lad” he went on “I thought ya was one uv Jed’s gurrls”. Now I was confused, surely he could tell I was a bloke.

“Look, this isn’t just about me gettin me dick wet, yeah? It’s about teaching you how to feel what it’s like to take a real man, yeah? Trainin ya like?”

“I understand”. Why did I say that? This was weird as fuck, but I sort of did understand. He wanted to be the alpha and he must have a few younger guys who went wild for it - I knew I was going to.

“Yeah?” He chuckled again. We indicated for me to stand in front of him and without getting up he rolled up my trouser leg. He tutted as he ran his rough hand over my downy light brown leg hairs. Then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my knees and pushed my hand up his shorts. The course hair on his thighs felt incredible.

“Wanna feel that again?”

“Yes” I said, “please”.

He smiled now, and lowered his voice as though he was sharing a secret, “Then yer’ve gotta stop fakin it. Stop pretendin to be somthin yer not”. I stood up as he started to put his T shirt back on.

“Go home and shave, faggot”, and I started to make my way towards the door. I felt extremely disappointed, but there was an excitement creeping over me too.

“Actually” he said, and I span round hopefully.

He pulled his socks off and the T shirt again too. Thank fuck, maybe he’s just teasing.

“Take these. Once you’re ready, me numbers on there. All you have to do is what yer told, yeah?” - I nodded -

“I’m Gaz, not really into the ‘sir’ and ‘daddy’ shit but don’t mind it if that’s what you end up going for - most of yous lot do eventually like. Call me when yer ready, don’t text me ever, yeah? When yer here, you do as yer told, and if ya ever forget what it is that you are, give these a huff” he handed me the pile of dirty clothes and chuckled again as he lead me down the stairs and shut the front door behind me.

I must have fallen asleep pretty quickly and with the hangover the next day I didn’t spend much time thinking about what had happened. It wasn’t until a few days later that my housemate, hungover again, was watching football with his legs on the coffee table. I sat across from him and stared at the hairs, thinking about Gaz and how he smelt and talked and what it did to me.

I went back to my room, found the shirt and socks and stuck my nose into them. That musk was powerful. Sweat and testosterone and pheromones or whatever. I turned the shirt over and realised it was a building contractors work shirt. “ACT demolition, South Liverpool” and a list of men’s names with phone numbers. There was only one Gary and I quickly punched the number into my phone. I took another huff of the shirt and then placed a sock over my face and lay back on my bed. The scent was different, sweeter, but more intoxicating.

“Hello?” Came a voice from the phone in my hand. I must have hit call, or maybe it was voluntary who knows.

“Is that Gaz?” I said - was my voice higher than usual?

“Yeah?” - I could hear the football game in the background. Sounded like he was in a pub.

“It’s Tom, we met the other night”

“Tom yeah? Guess you’re ready?”

I paused not knowing what to say, the sock still draped over my face.

“Fuckin hell…” Oh shit was he annoyed at me? But my housemate’s almost synchronous “fucking hell!” in the living room told me this was sports related.

“Sorry gurrl” he said, quieter now. “What ya sayin?”

“I’m getting ready now” I blurted out “can I see you?”

He paused and muttered something I couldn’t hear - “please?” - my voice is definitely higher than usual.

“Come the whistle after the game. Wear shorts so I can see if yer ready. No second chances, yeah?” - he hung up.

I walked past the living room, the game had pretty much only just started so I had time. The Whistle was 5 mins away.

I ran into the bathroom and began shaving my face as close as I could while the shower warmed up. When I was happy I was as baby-faced as I possibly could be I douched and then I stepped into the shower.

I didn’t have very much chest hair so I started with that, then my pits. That felt weird and almost humiliating, but my dick was standing to attention already. I smoothed off my belly and groin - my balls were already pretty well shaved so that didn’t take long and then I began working on my legs. It seemed to take forever - I was probably only averagely hairy but I guess an average man is pretty hairy. Was I still a man? - it definitely crossed my mind as I was finishing off the last of the hairs about my hole.

It seemed to have taken forever and the water bill was probably going to be catastrophic after a 35 minute shower, but I was hairless from the neck down and only one razor nick on the back of my right knee.

I put on some black briefs (I only ever wear boxers - someone must have left these in my room I guess) and comfy shorts. White crew socks and a red lumberjack shirt. The Liverpool game was at 87 mins - perfect.

I shot out the door and basically ran to the pub. It was packed but I eventually saw him in a Liverpool kit with a group of guys all between 30 and 50, some of then wearing the same building company shirt as Gaz had given me.

I figured I should keep out of the way until his mates left, but after the final whistle went he checked his phone, then looked around before catching my eye. That smirk again, and he beckoned me over.

“Got yer a drink lad” he said indicating for me to sit down next to him. All of his mates were drinking the same generic lager but he had gotten me an expensive fruity cider.

“Thanks!” I said as I sat and took a sip, all his mates had the same smirk.

“Always the same” said one of the younger guys “they love their queer beer”.

I was about to try to think of something witty to say back but felt Gaz’s hand on my knee. It gripped firmly, warning me to remain silent, but then circled appreciatively at the touch of my freshly smoothened skin.

I looked around the table and realised there was another fruit cider amongst the near-empty lager glasses. It was sat in front of a guy who looked a bit younger than me (maybe 19 or 20) and a quick glance around the table showed his smooth legs in very short jean shorts. He smiled knowingly at me before looking up lovingly at the oldest guy there as they both stood and left.

I drank quietly whilst Gaz and his mates said their goodbyes before he polished of his pint and gestured for me to do the same.

We walked towards his house in silence for a while before he put his hand down the back of my pants. I tried to look around to see if anyone was watching but he growled and I kept my eyes forward.

“Good gurrl” he said simply and removed his hand. He fiddled with something from his pocket before putting his hand back down my pants.

“Keep walking, almost there” as he pushed a finger, now lubed up, into my hole.

Walking whilst being fingered felt weird but we had reached his door. He pushed me into the door and fingered a little harder as I heard the sound of passing traffic immediately behind us. Jesus this was humiliating, but those hands though! There was no pain, just that simple tingle of pleasure.

He unlocked the door and I almost fell inside.

“What worked better the shirt or the socks?” he asked as he closed the door behind him.

“The socks I think” I said. I knew what he meant. Which made me feel more like a little bitch.

He nodded and then pointed upstairs - “you know where yer goin” and walked off into another room.

I went into the bedroom and saw a pile of dirty work clothes. There was rubble and dust on the trousers but the white shirt had yellowing pit stains that I couldn’t resist. As Gaz came back into the room I was on all fours sniffing the shirt.

He peeled off his socks and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Undressed” he said. “Keep the socks actually”. I immediately stripped down to my socks and he said “all fours”.

I obeyed without question, my knees already stained from the dirty carpet. He threw his discarded socks behind me.

“Turn and huff while I roll a joint. Wore them to work today so they should have the right effect”.

I was in heaven. Facing away, knowing he could see my arse while I lost myself in his foot scent. I licked and huffed and moaned whilst arching my back on all fours until I heard the spark of a lighter and looked over my shoulder with a sock stuffed in my mouth.

He was smirking again and blew me a sarcastic kiss which made my dick twitch. I realised then that in one hand he had a lit joint, and in the other he had his phone and was filming me.

I felt a spark of annoyance, surely he should have asked first.

“You can have a taste now”. He propped the phone on a carefully positioned stand by the side of the bed and stood up. He stood over me and blew smoke in my face. “Lie on yer back”. Any annoyance I was feeling was immediately replaced by a twinge of anticipation, not coming from my cock this time, but my nose.

I was in a haze of pleasure as he hovered a massive foot over my face and I began to lick at the rough, sweaty, manly skin.

I reached to my own dick, my belly was slick with precum. As I did so the foot pulled away from my face and he shifted his weight onto it, bringing the other foot between my legs to gently, but firmly, kick me in the balls.

“You don’t touch that. You don’t need to anymore. That’s a toy for men. You piss with it, nothin else, OK?”

I whimpered as he crouched and pulled his T shirt over his head. He rubbed a hand under his armpit and held a glistening finger out for me to lick. I did so eagerly as he gently said “I’m sorry I hurt you, but that’s how yer gonna learn, yeah?” - “yes daddy” - shit where did that come from?!

“Hahaha that didn’t take long did it? It’s OK gurrl don’t be embarrassed it’s natural. Just relax let’s try this again”.

He lay on top of me on the floor, his weight pushing me down like I was nothing, and his firm meat straining through the football shorts.

“You like me rug yeah?” He growled, meaning his chest hair. It was the first thing I had gone for the other night and now he positioned his massive hairy chest so i could bend my neck forward and huff and lick and moan and writhe underneath him.

“Yesssss gurrrl” - he was enjoying it too, that made me even hornier. “Real man, yeah?” He reached a hand between my legs - my hips were spread submissively wide - and gently slapped my balls upwards “Little. Fucking. Pussy” - slap, slap, slap. I moaned, I’m not sure with pleasure or not this time as he repositioned again and buried my face in the ripe rainforest of armpit hair. My tongue was out and lapping away, I was drooling, moaning, and thanking him all at once.

I felt his muscular arms about my neck and behind my knees and realised i was being picked up and carried to the bed. He dropped me on my back with my head flopped over the edge of the bed as he forced his crotch over my nose. The scent here was the best yet, I could almost feel myself becoming stronger just from being so close to that testosterone production line. He laughed at me as i writhed about, burying my nose and tongue in his gooch as deep as I could. I was pulling down his shorts when he noticed me touching myself again.

“SLAP” - a firm hit sideways this time as he leaned all the way over me to punish me, his dick pressing into my willing face as he did so.

“NO! NO second chances yeah?!” I nodded understandingly as he gave my balls another little flick. He smiled as he absolved me, let out some spit to fall onto my waiting tongue, and beat my retreating balls one last time, but this time he held and squeezed until they skin went purple. It made my stomach churn and I felt like I had to piss.

“We’ll talk about a cage next time - just put this on for now and come here”. He threw me a jockstrap that was obviously dirty but I obeyed and he sat at the top of the bed, naked now. He put an arm out and I thought he wanted me to lick his delicious pits again but he positioned me so i was curled up under his arm, one hand on his chest hair. He pulled a bottle of poppers out from the bedside table and took a huff himself before handing me the bottle. He told me to take my socks off and he began running his hairy alpha legs up and down over my smooth ones.

“Feel good?” He said and I just moaned in response. He picked up his dirty socks, topped them up with scent from his sweaty pits, poured some poppers onto them and shoved one in my mouth. Instantly my head swam and I felt myself being turned onto my stomach.

“Keep huffin gurrl, yer nearly there now”

He ran his tongue up and licked my hole over and over again, and I huffed and huffed. I didn’t notice the fingers going in to be honest. Then i was on my back again and his hairy thighs were either side of my face as his dick parted my drooling lips. It was probably about as long as mine, but much much girthier. I went to town like a good girl and as my poppers haze receded I realised his bush was fully untamed. I went wild slurping his fat dick, sucking his balls, breathing in the fumes of pure masculinity.

A hand between my legs and an embarrassing “plop” sound. “What was that?” I asked between mouthfulls of cock and pubes and ballsweat.

“Just changing yer plug, don’t worry yer doin great…wait, could you not feel that haha? You fuckin little cumslut gurrl oh yehh you’re ready hahaha”.

Apparently he had been putting toys in me this whole time but I was too high to notice.

He pulled me up and stood me in front of a mirror as he bent me over to reveal his hairy, strong, alpha body, ready to dominate my hairless faggot ass.

The girth meant there was no question about whether I would feel it. I squealed as he pushed his raw hairy cock all the way in, but he was gentle and went slowly all the whole way. He straightened me up, impaled on his cock, as he kissed the back and side of my neck.

“Please” I just managed to get out before the poppers soaked sock was in my mouth again.

“What?” He smirked?

We stood still while I breathed in and he caressed my smooth thighs. I spat out the sock and craned round as best I could -

“Take me, daddy”

He chuckled one last time as his lips locked over mine and I realised it was our first kiss. He’d taken me already and transformed me into something that needed him more than anything else. He allowed me to kiss as he started to thrust. The taste of his breath, all beer and weed and construction and football and poppers. The tingle of his beard, the grey flecks showing his maturity, the dark red hairs showing his passion.

He slid in and out of me as I begged for more between snatched kisses. I felt my legs buckling as I came inside the old jockstrap and it felt like I was cumming for the first time. My whole body had reacted to my ass like it was taking over from my dick as my primary sexual organ.

Gaz slowed down but didn’t stop pumping. He let me fall forward onto the bed whilst still inside me, slowing down to just a gentle heartbeat pace.

“Did you come?” I asked him.

He kissed my neck before answering.

“Gurl it’s 7 o clock on a friday night and you’re here all weekend”.

I beamed with excitement, still twitching my hips back and force so I could carry on gently milking him. He rolled me on my front, his cock going deep inside me as he reached for the bedside cabinet again. The armpit extended before my face was too much to resist despite having only just jizzed myself. I lapped away at it.

“Right let’s get this party started proper then” he said, almost to himself as bags of drugs (some I recognised, so I didn’t) began to litter the pillow besides my face.

There’s a part 2 is anyone wants to hear let me know!