Getting a Helping Hand

by Lee Obrien

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Chapter 3

I woke the next morning and looked over at Trent’s bed. He and his friend were still wrapped in each other’s arms, sleeping away. I quietly crawled out of bed and pulled on some clothes and snuck out the door. I took a long walk around campus and then downtown. I stopped at a small café and had a cup of coffee and some breakfast. I kept thinking about Trent, his friend, him helping me in the shower. Was I really jealous? I had no right to be. Trent was just living his life, I had given him no indication that I was interested in him. Hell, I didn’t even know if I was interested in him. I started my walk back to the dorm and about 20 minutes later I was opening the door, Trent was still in bed with his friend.

He smiled as I walked in, “hey, where have you been?”

I smiled back, “I just went for a walk and got some coffee, thought I should give you some privacy.”

He looked at the guy beside him, “thanks, oh, this Aiden. Aiden this is Zane.”

Aiden smiled at me, “nice to meet you.”

I gave him a nod, “yeah, nice to meet you too.”

Trent said, “we were just going to take a shower, if that’s ok with you.”

I said, “sure, no problem, I’ll just grab my books and head to the library.”

Aiden threw the covers back and stood, “you don’t have to leave, I need to go after our shower anyway.”

Trent stood and followed him to the bathroom, I just stood there stunned and watched both sweet asses walk across the room. I tried to look away, but I stared until the door closed behind them.

I started in on my homework, distracted by the thought of what was going on in the next room. Thankfully, they were dressed when they came out of the bathroom. They gave each other a kiss and Aiden left.

Trent sat back on his bed and said, “sorry about last night, but I wasn’t expecting to meet anyone. If I had I would have asked you before I brought Aiden back to the room.”

I smiled, “no need to be sorry, I certainly won’t stand in the way of anyone having a little fun.”

He hung his head, “we didn’t wake you, did we?”

I lied, “no, I slept right through the night.”

He asked, “so, what did you and Josh do last night?”

I said, “we went the club on West St.”

He smiled, “yeah, how was it?”

I shrugged, “it was ok, I guess. Josh met a girl.”

He raised an eyebrow, “and you?”

I shook my head, “danced with a couple, but no sparks.”

He pulled out his books and started on his own homework, “well, maybe next time.”

I asked, “so, what about you and Aiden, is he the one?”

He thought a moment, “I like him, we had a good time last night. We are going to see each other again, we’ll see where it goes.”

We talked as we got busy with our homework, then went to the student union to eat some dinner. We watched a little TV and then went to bed. My mind was still spinning, trying to understand the feelings I was having.

I was leaving my Intro to Art History class the next day, one of those damn gen ed classes that all students have to take. I heard someone say my name, it was Ella, a girl that was also in the class.

She asked, “are you ready for the exam we have on Thursday?”

I chuckled, “not really, it’s kind of hard to make myself study for a class that I have absolutely no interest in.”

She laughed, “yeah, I know what you mean.”

Ella had flirted with me a few times after class, I did flirt back but had never asked her out. I’m not sure why, she did have a cute smile.

She asked, “would you want to get together to study tomorrow night, it might help both of us.”

I thought for a minute, maybe this would be just what I needed to get Trent out of my mind. I don’t expect this to turn into a relationship, after all we are just going to study, but who knows.

I smiled, “yeah, I would like that.”

She smiled back, “my roommate has a night class, you want to come to my room?”

I nodded, “perfect, 7:00 work for you?”

She said, “that would be great.”

We said our goodbyes as we turned to go to our next class. She was good looking and seemed nice, yes, this is just what I needed.

After my next class, I met Josh for lunch.

I asked, “so, what happened with you and Wendy?”

He grinned, “we went back to her place, and I spent the night, so yeah, it was pretty good.”

I laughed, “are you going to see her again?”

He nodded, “yeah, tonight and we are going out for a real date Saturday night.”

I smiled, “good for you, she seemed nice.”

He said, “she is, and it was a good thing you left before her friend got there the other night.”

I asked, “why?”

He shuttered, “she was a bitch, and let me tell you, she isn’t good-looking enough to be a bitch.”

I laughed, “that bad?”

He nodded, “I see a lot of lonely nights and cats in her future.”

I said, “dodged a bullet then, didn’t I? Hey, it’s ok though, I am going to study for my art class with that girl Ella I was telling you about.”

He grinned, “the one you said was always flirting with you?”

I nodded, “yeah, I don’t know why I haven’t asked her out before now.”

We finished eating our lunch and each headed to our next class. I was relieved that I now had something other than Trent to think about and I was looking forward to my study session with Ella.

I knocked on her door right at 7, she answered the door with that cute smile.

She said, “hey, come on in.”

I smiled, “thanks, I hope this helps me on this test, I am having such a hard time getting motivated to study for this class.”

She nodded, “yeah, I know what you mean, I am hoping I can squeak out a B on this one.”

I laughed, “hell, I’ll be happy with a C.”

We sat on the floor and pulled our books and notes from our bags and started our study session. A little over an hour later, I was really feeling better about the next day’s exam. Ella was a great study partner and gave me several good tips on remembering the material we were studying.

I sat back against the bed and let out a heavy sigh, “wow, thanks, I think I am ready for this test.”

She smiled at me, “yeah, it does help to study with someone. Can I get you something to drink? I have water or Diet Coke.”

I chuckled, “water would be great. Thanks.”

She sat back on the floor next to me as we both opened our bottles of water, she sat a little closer to me that she had been previously. I took a big drink of my water and looked over to Ella.

I asked, “so, would you like to go out with me sometime?”

She smiled, “yeah, I would like that.”

I was stilling looking over at her as was smiling up at me. We slowly moved toward each other until our lips met. A second later our tongues were tangled together, and Ella had climbed up onto my lap. Before I even knew what was going on, we were both naked and she her hand wrapped around my stiff cock and my hands were full of her firm boobs.

We moved so that I was lying on my back, and she was on top of me as we continued to make out. Without breaking our kiss, Ella maneuvered her hips, and my dick was suddenly surrounded by her warm, moist pussy. Other than Trent’s mouth, my dick had not been in a warm hole since I broke up with Ash. I have to admit, it felt really good. She started to wiggle and broke our kiss, she sat back and started to ride me. She was smiling down at me while I was watching her boobs bounce up and down. It didn’t take long until I felt that familiar tingle in my balls and my breath quicken. I announced my impending explosion and Ella rolled off of me and started to stroke my cock. Two strokes later I was releasing my load all over her hand and my stomach. She smiled at me and leaned down for another deep kiss.

She asked, “did that feel good?”

I panted, “oh yeah, so good.”

After a little more kissing, we cleaned up and got dressed, just as her roommate was getting home from her night class. We must have had a guilty look on our faces as she grinned at us.

She asked, “so, how was your studying?”

Ella said, “just fine, Zane was just getting ready to leave.” She gave her roommate a look and I am sure my face turned red.

I grabbed my bag and gave Ella a quick kiss, “I’ll see you in class tomorrow, we’ll talk about Saturday night.”

Ella batted her eyes, “thanks, sounds good.”

I walked back to me room with a huge smile on my face. As soon as I put my key in the lock of my door, I was suddenly hit with a big pang of guilt. Trent was going to be in our room, what was I going to tell him if he asked me about my night? Shit why was I worried about that? I didn’t have to tell him anything, it’s not like we were a couple, we’re just roommates.

He smiled at me as I walked in, “Hey Zane, how was your study session?” He was sitting on his bed in his underwear, reading one of textbooks.

I smiled back, “it was good, I think I’ll do well on my test tomorrow."

He laughed, “that’s good, maybe you can take my chemistry exam for me.”

I sat my bag down and pulled one of my other books and sat on bed. I decided to tell Trent about my date with Ella this weekend.

I asked, “are you and Aiden going out this weekend?”

He nodded, “yeah, we’re going to one of his friend’s house, he’s having a party. You have any plans?”

I paused, “yeah, I am taking Ella out.”

He grinned, “that’s great Zane, it’s about time you get back out there.”

I said, “thanks, I hope it goes well, she is a nice girl.”

He said, “and you are a nice guy, sounds like a good match to me.”

I snuck a long peek at the huge bulge in his boxer briefs and went back to my studying.

To be continued…

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

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