Fucking in Hollyoaks

by HollyGuys

5 Jul 2023 444 readers Score 9.0 (5 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


It was time for Sid to leave, and though it was difficult to tear himself away from Romeo, he had a life to get back to. They both spent the night together, taking turns fucking and sucking each other, before one last fuck in the bathroom, Sid riding Romeo's dick as they Romeo sat on the toilet. The two dressed and left, leaving to meet Ollie and Imran at the Love Boat for a drink before Sid left. When they arrived, Ollie was sat outside on his phone, two drinks on the table, but no sign of Imran. "Gone to the loo," Ollie said before they could ask. Romeo went and ordered some drinks as Sid settled into a seat across from Ollie, and raised an eyebrow at the smirk on Ollie's face. Ollie looked around to be sure no one was watching, before raising his leg onto the table, to let Sid see he wasn't wearing underwear under his shorts, and he could see his semi rest on his leg. Sid laughed, and licked his lips when he saw no-one was watching.


After they'd left the McQueen's, Ollie had been invited to join them at The Dog for a drink then go back to Romeo's. He jumped at the chance, and the three had a few drinks in The Dog, chatting and laughing as they caught up with each other and talked about what had happened earlier. They all grew more excited as they talked, before finishing their drinks and heading out, happy that it wasn't too far to get back to Romeo's. When they arrived, Romeo led them upstairs, but walked to James' room instead of his own. Sid looked confused, until Romeo pointed at the larger bed. Romeo sat back in the bed, leaning back as he spread his legs showing his tenting jeans. The two lads stripped down quickly, getting to their knees between the spread legs. They worked together, opening the jeans up before pulling them down and off, throwing them away, leaving Romeo in just his shirt. Ollie and Sid looked at the large dick in front of them, before Ollie watched Sid lean forward and begin licking over it. Ollie decided to join him, so copied the movement on the other side.

Romeo groaned, watching the two lads licking over his dick, loving the feeling of two tongues pleasing him. Ollie moved up and took the dick into his mouth, as Sid moved down to suck his balls. Then they swapped, Sid bobbing his head as he sucked, as Ollie took over sucking his balls. It felt so good having two mouths sucking him, and Romeo fell back, lying flat as the two worked him over, swapping over every few minutes. Sid tapped Ollie on the shoulder, and he pulled back watching as Sid ran his lips over one side of Romeo's 9" dick. Ollie understood, and did the same on the other side, their tongues meeting as they licked over the large shaft. When they both reached the tip, they kissed each other, letting their tongues slide over the head as they kissed. Romeo moaned at the feeling, his hands falling onto their heads, holding them in place as they licked up his precum during their kiss.

Sid pulled away, and moved lower, licking over Romeo's ass. Ollie climbed up onto the bed, kneeling down as he resumed bobbing his head over Romeo's dick, Romeo now tangled his hand in the lad's hair. Romeo grew louder as his ass was rimmed at the same time his dick was sucked, and he spread his legs wider to give Sid better access. Ollie moved his hand to Sid's head, pushing it further into Romeo's ass, as his own head was pushed down by Romeo. Romeo finally came, firing into Ollie's mouth as Sid continued to hungrily eat his ass. Romeo breathed deep, as Ollie sat up on his heels, his 8" erection sticking out and Sid stood up showing his own 7" dripping precum. He jerked it slowly, as he looked at the two on the bed, before he spoke. "Romeo?" Only a grunt in answer. "Romeo? Can we try what you did with the twins?" Romeo opened his eyes, and looked up at Sid, before turning to Ollie, who looked confused but excited.

Romeo grinned wide, "Fuck yeah, why not." He jumped up and kissed Sid, the two locked in their embrace as Ollie sat there, unsure what to do. The two broke away, and Romeo pulled Ollie up to kiss as Sid led on the bed on his back. Ollie sighed as Romeo stopped their kiss, and could only watch as he mounted the bed, and straddled Sid sitting his ass down on his dick. Ollie watched, unsure where to join in when Romeo waved him up onto the bed. Ollie climbed up, until his dick was pointing at Romeo's mouth, who swallowed it and began licking and sucking him. For Ollie it was great, but about to get better, as Romeo spat the dick out and told him, "Get behind me Ollie."

Ollie was confused, before he realised what Romeo was saying, "Really?! Together?"

Romeo laughed, before nodding, "Fuck yeah, man. Feels great, and if I can take the twins, you two will be easy." Sid thrust up at that comment, making Romeo shout out, before he smiled, and leant down and kissed his mate. As Romeo bent down to the kiss, Ollie saw Sid's dick stretching his asshole, and moved to sit on Sid's legs, and let his dickhead rest against the opening. Romeo pulled back from the kiss, and gripped the sheets and told Ollie, "Go slow." Ollie did, he pressed forward struggling to get his dick in, before feeling it slip in alongside Sid's. All three groaned as Ollie slowly sank in, letting Romeo adjust to the second dick filling him up. When he was finally buried completely, he stopped. He could feel Sid's dick as it pulsed against his own, the two being squeezed by Romeo's ass as it stretched to accommodate them both. Sid ran his hands over Romeo's body, telling him how amazing it felt, and Romeo finally said, "OK guys, I'm ready. Just go slow, alright?"

Sid started to move first, moving his hands to Romeo's ass and lifting him off their dicks, before letting him sink back down. Romeo groaned, at the feeling, before Sid repeated the move. Ollie had remained still, letting Romeo move his ass over the dicks, but finally started to thrust slowly. He timed his thrusts to Sid's rhythm, so when Romeo raised up, Ollie thrust forward. This meant that as Ollie pulled out, Sid was pushing back in. Romeo was moaning loudly now as both dicks worked his ass. It didn't hurt as much as it had with the twins, so he was able to take both dicks easier as they moved faster in and out of his ass. Sid had a firm grip on his ass, and was pulling him down harder. Ollie came first, firing into Romeo's ass. Romeo and Sid both groaned as they felt his seed explode, filling the ass as Sid continued to thrust up into his friend. Ollie pulled out and collapsed against the pillows, watching as Sid sat up and Romeo moved so his legs circled Sid's waist but kept the dick in his ass. The two kissed like lovers, as Romeo and Sid gently rocked their hips together, passionately making out until Sid added his load to Romeo's ass.

They finally broke apart as Ollie wolf whistled at them, saying "That was hot as fuck. You two totally forgot I was even here." Romeo and Sid blushed, as there was a lot of truth in Ollie's words. They'd fucked a lot over the last few days, but that just then had been almost love making. They cleaned themselves up, and spent the rest of the day playing video games. Obviously more sex was had, Romeo taking a turn on Ollie's ass as he bent him over the sink in the kitchen when Sid went out to grab them some drinks. Ollie pressed Sid back against the door as he walked back in, and dropped to his knees to suck him off, thinking it only fair Sid should get rewarded for going for the drinks. They watched a film later, and Sid and Romeo spent most of it kissing each other so Ollie left, leaving the couple to spend their last evening alone together.


Romeo returned with the drinks as Imran joined them, Ollie dropping his leg so Imran wouldn't see his little peep show. The boys chatted, before Imran said he was also leaving today, heading down to see his brother Sami for a few days. Sid grew hard as they talked about Imran's older brother, remembering their time together. He asked, "Hey can I join you? I've got another day free, and it'll be good to get to London for a night out." Romeo smirked despite the pang of jealousy, he knew of Sid's encounter with Sami, and knew what his friend was likely planning. Ollie asked if he could join also, as he had no plans, and a night out in London sounded like fun. Imran accepted, glad of the company, and the three turned to Romeo, who said he couldn't as he had to check in on Juliet, but he'd walk them to the station to see them off. They finished their drinks, and headed off, arriving at the station with half hour wait due to delays. Romeo and Sid made some excuse and left Imran and Ollie on the platform. They both stumbled into a disabled toilet, Romeo holding Sid to the wall as they made out, telling each other how much they'd miss the other. Neither wanted to admit it, but the sexual part of their friendship had grown, and it was no longer just about sex any more. They finally broke apart as the train was announced, and ran to the platform just in time.

Imran asked where Sid had got to, but Ollie just smirked at him. He could tell from Sid's flushed face that he had just been saying bye to his friend properly. They waved to Romeo as the train left, before finding their seats. The guys chatted, but Ollie noticed Sid fidgeting as he reached under their table, and guessed he was still aroused from his time back at the station. Sid finally had enough and excused himself to the toilet, Imran laughing that he'd just gone back at the station. Ollie followed, saying he'd check on him, and for Imran to keep their table. Sid didn't notice Ollie following him, until he felt the other lad push in behind him into the toilet, locking the door behind them. Ollie sat down on the toilet, pulling Sid's trackies down and took the hard dick into his hand. Sid was about to speak, when Ollie said, "Gotta be quick, or Imran will come looking for us." He began bobbing his head, sucking and licking it hard as Sid began to thrust forward. He had been close to cumming in his boxers back in the station just from kissing Romeo, so knew he wouldn't last long. He lasted only a few minutes as he quickly shot into Ollie's mouth, who swallowed it down, before standing up as he pulled Sid's trackies up. He gave him a smile, before unlocking the door, stepping into the corridor to find a group of college age guys standing there. He held up his hand to stop the first guy who stepped forward, who looked confused until Sid stepped out of the toilet as well. The guys all looked at each other, before bursting out laughing and slapping Sid and Ollie on the back as they squeezed past. At least one of them grabbed at Ollie's ass, but there was no way to tell who did it.

They returned to their seat, Imran oblivious to what his friends had gotten up to, and they all started talking about what they'd get up to when in London. To their relief, the group of guys never came up to their carriage, but they did see them through a window as they got off the train. They all made rude hand gestures as they shouted at them, but luckily Imran did not notice, and Ollie and Sid finally laughed as they followed Imran up the platform.


They got a taxi from the station to Sami's place, and arrived a little after 4pm. They walked up to the door, and pressed the intercom, which buzzed as Sami opened the door for them. They jumped into the lift, heading up to Sami's floor, to be met by the man as he stood waiting to greet his brother at the door. His face burst into a grin as he walked forward to hug Imran, but the smile slipped as Ollie and Sid stepped out of the lift. He avoided Sid's eye as he welcomed them in. "Sorry guys, only the one spare room, so you'll have to camp out on the sofa's if that's cool. Unless one of you wants to share with this foghorn," the lads all laughed and said the sofa was fine as it was only for one night. Imran went up to drop his bags, and Ollie said he was gonna run down to the shop on the corner and grab some beers if that was OK with Sami. Sami said it was fine with him, and reached for his wallet, but Ollie waved him off as he left. Sid and Sami stood there alone awkwardly for a while, before Sami said, "Imran never said who it was he was bringing. Didn't expect you."

Sid smiled and stuffed his hands in his pockets, and replied, "Yea I was visiting when Imran said he was coming down to see you, thought I'd tag along before I head home." He looked up at Sami, taking in the man standing there. He was wearing smart trousers and a nice tight t-shirt that showed off his muscled arms. "You disappointed to see me?"

Sami shook his head, as he looked Sid over. His trackies hugged his ass and by the looks of him, he'd been hitting the gym since he'd last seen him, seeing better definition under the lads shirt. Sid walked over slowly, approaching the older man, "It's good to see you too, I've missed you." At the last word, he reached out and cupped a hand over Sami's dick, making the man jump back as he looked down the hall to make sure they were still alone. Sid looked also, and seeing no-one, he stepped forward again and whispered in Sami's ear, "Can I share with you tonight?"

Sami paused, torn between saying yes or no. "What about Imran? And Ollie?"

"Imran will sleep through anything, and Ollie won't know as long as we're careful." He placed his hand on Sami again, before asking, "So can I?" Sami heard Imran's door open, and pushed away, circling around the counter to act natural as his brother entered and started talking. Sid never broke his stare from Sami's face, but smiled as Sami gave him a nod, just as Ollie arrived back with a bag of drink.


The lads got ready, and headed out. They visited a few bars, had a few drinks, and got chatting to a few girls. It was a fun night, but by 2am, they decided to call it a night as Ollie and Sid had a train to catch later. They got back to the flat, and tried to keep quiet as they each grabbed a drink, chatted for a bit, before Imran announced he was going to bed, and he'd see them both later. Sid and Ollie said night, before stripping down to their boxers and laying on the sofa's. Ollie had hoped for a bit of fun with Sid, but knew it wasn't worth the risk of getting caught out here in the living room, so settled in and gradually drifted off to sleep. Sid led there, waiting until he was sure Ollie was asleep, then stood up and crept down the hall to Sami's room. He saw Sami in bed, sheet down to his waist as the moonlight shone through the window letting Sid look over the man's naked chest. He went in, careful to close the door silently, and walked over to the bedside, kneeling down as he rested a hand on the man's chest. Sami sighed in his sleep, as Sid caressed him softly, using his other hand to pull the blanket down further. Sami was sleeping in only a pair of loose shorts, and they were already tenting, so Sid was sure the man was having a pleasant dream.

Sid ran his hands over Sami's body, listening as Sami moaned at his touch and his dick grew more. Sid leaned down and risked licking at his nipple, and heard Sami's breath hitch at the feeling. Sid did it again and Sami moaned, head turning on his pillow, so Sid stopped. He shuffled down until he was next to Sami's shorts, and peeled them down, letting his growing dick spring free. As he held it in his hand, he pumped it slowly, hearing Sami groan at the touch but a look at his face assured Sid the man was still asleep. As he felt it harden, he leaned in and took the head into his mouth, giving it a couple of gentle sucks, as his hand jerked it harder. Sami, still asleep, began to moan as Sid slowly began bobbing his head over his dick. The dick was now hard, at its full 10", and Sami was beginning to wake up as he was sucked off.

Sami opened his eyes slowly, and realised someone was indeed sucking his dick, and that it hadn't been a dream. He had been dreaming about fucking Sid, reliving that first time together, and now as he woke up he saw the lad kneeling next to his bed sucking him off. He knew he should stop him, but couldn't help but rest a hand on his head and push him down further, both groaning quietly as his dick hit the back of Sid's throat. Sid pulled away and smiled up at Sami, who smiled back as Sid climbed onto the bed, and tugged Sami's shorts all the way off. Sami let Sid strip him, before he crouched on the bed between Sami's spread legs, and resumed sucking the large dick. He took as much in as possible, relaxing his throat as he attempted to deep throat it, but gagged. Sami placed his hands in Sid's hair, and began pushing it down, trying to keep quiet as he fucked up into Sid's mouth.

Sid let this continue for a while, before pulling off and crawling up the bed. He kissed Sami, who hesitated a bit before letting Sid slip his tongue into his mouth, before pulling his boxers off and settling on all fours. He had not come all this way just to suck Sami off, he wanted that dick in his ass again. Sami moved behind Sid, and reached over to his bedside to grab a bottle of lube from the drawer. He poured it onto his dick, and applied it to Sid's ass, pressing a couple of fingers in. Sid moaned and wiggled his ass at Sami, and felt Sami press his dick to the hole, and began to push in. Sid's moans grew louder, but he knew he had to be quiet, so he buried his face in the pillow to muffle himself. Sami pushed onward, amazed at how good it felt, as good as he remembered. He finally had it all in, and held still as he listened for any other sound in the flat, but the only thing he could hear was Sid's muffled moans.

They both did their best to keep quiet, Sid moaning into the pillow as Sami did his best to bite back his own groans. His thrusts sped up as he moved his hips harder and faster, until the sound of his hips slapping against Sid's ass could be heard out in the hall. Standing there was Ollie, who had his dick in his hand as he wanked off to the sight of his friend getting fucked by his other friends brother. He had awoken to find Sid gone, but heard noises down the hall. He'd crept down and found them like this, and couldn't help but wank off to the sight. He had been tempted to join in, but they looked so good together with the moon shining on them both, he settled for a wank in the door.

It felt so good to fuck this ass again, and Sami couldn't hold back his moans anymore. He reached down and grabbed Sid's boxers and shoved them into his mouth, using them to muffle his own moans as Sid was moaning louder into the pillow, biting it to prevent him screaming in pleasure. This was so hot, fucking in secret like this, and he looked over his shoulder as the strong, powerful man fucked his ass, and saw his boxers hanging out of his mouth. It pushed Sid over the edge and he came, shooting his load all over the bed below him. Sami felt Sid clamp down on his dick, and started to fire deep into the lad's ass, his shout of ecstasy muffled by the boxers in his mouth.

Out in the hall, Ollie exploded all over the wall, biting his lip to stop crying out. It had been such a hot scene, and he watched as Sami pulled the boxers out of his mouth and curled up next to the younger man. They stayed like that, until they fell asleep, and Ollie closed the door and returned to the sofa. He struggled to sleep after what he'd seen, but finally drifted off.


Sami and Sid slept for a couple hours before Sami's alarm went off, waking them. Sid reached out and turned it off, before feeling Sami wrap an arm around his waist and pull him closer. Sid pushed back, his ass rubbing over Sami's hardon, as Sami kissed over his shoulders gently as they slowly woke up. Sami whispered, "Do you really have to leave today?"

Sid nodded, "Afraid so, been away too long already." Sami rocked his hips, letting his leaking dick run over Sid's ass, before turning his head to meet Sid's in a deep kiss.

"Guess we should make the most of this then." He reached down and guided his dick into Sid, using the cum from earlier as lubricant. He pushed in, and began to thrust slowly, before building up speed. Sid groaned as Sami fucked him again, and he worked his ass muscles over the shaft, both groaning as they moved against each other. They knew they didn't have long before the others woke up, so Sami sped up his thrusts before finally exploding a second load in Sid's ass. Sami reached down and grasped Sid's erection, and jerked it as he kissed Sid's neck, until the boy finally came all over his hand. They held each other for a while, before Sid stood up, and grabbed his boxers from the floor. He held them before tossing them to Sami, who caught them. Both smiled, and Sid checked the hall was clear before running to the bathroom opposite.


By the time Imran woke up and emerged, Sid and Ollie were sat on the sofa eating cereal, and the shower was running, so he assumed that was where Sami was. He went to the fridge to grab some breakfast, but found there was no milk left. He decided to run down to the shop while he waited for Sami to finish in the shower, and Sid offered to go with him as he'd finished his bowl and fancied grabbing some snacks for the train ride home. Ollie cried off, saying he hadn't finished his cereal yet, but gave Sid a list of a few things he wanted. Sid considered the list, and realised they'd be better off going to the supermarket instead of the shop on the corner, so they should be gone about an hour. Ollie said he'd tell Sami, and let the guys leave. He gave it a few minutes to make sure they were alone, before taking his bowl over to the sink, ran down to Sami's room. He entered the room, looking for what he had seen last night, and found the bottle of lube on the floor. 

Sami turned the shower off, and wrapped a towel around his waist as he left the bathroom. He looked into the living room and saw no-one, so guessed the boys had nipped out for a bit. He walked back to his bedroom, and stopped as he saw Ollie kneeling on his bed, naked and pushing at least three fingers up his ass. "Ollie, what the hell?"

Ollie looked over his shoulder, before removing his fingers and standing up. He walked over to Sami, who couldn't help but look the young man over, as Ollie said, "I saw you two last night, not as quiet as you thought." Sami reddened, but watched Ollie approach. The lad was fit, and more muscled than he'd expected, and he gasped softly as Ollie began running his hands over his wet chest. "They've gone to the market, so we've got about half hour." Ollie reached down and untied Sami's towel, dropping it to the ground, exposing Sami's growing dick. He wrapped a hand around it, and jerked it slowly, before leading Sami to the bed by his dick. Sami watched as Ollie led back on the bed, and lifted his legs to expose his ass. Sami couldn't help but look, and saw Ollie had prepped his hole ready. It looked so inviting, he acted on instinct, bending down to insert his dick into the younger man. Ollie moaned as he was filled up, and he reached up to grasp Sami's strong arms.

Sami got halfway, before he started to thrust into the hole, pressing further in with each thrust. The two groaned, and Ollie moved a hand to his dick, wanking it as he was fucked. Sami was propped up and watched Ollie roll his head about at the feeling, and bent his head to kiss him as he finally he bottomed out. He ground his dick into the tight hole, before rising up on to his knees to fuck him harder and faster. He took hold of Ollie's legs, and spread them wide, thrusting in to the moaning lad as his own moaning increased. They had the flat to themselves, so neither had to keep quiet. Ollie's phone rang in the other room, and Sami froze, but Ollie moaned. "Told Sid to call when they start back, so we've got about 10 minutes."

Sami pulled out and flipped Ollie over, raising his ass before pushing back in, Ollie gasping at the change of position. "Better finish up then." He started to thrust harder, Ollie gripping the sheets as he moaned louder. Sami felt so good in his ass, he would be sad to leave, so made the most of it now. He looked over his shoulder, and locked eyes on Sami, and began talking dirty to him, egging the man on as he told him how good it felt and to fuck him harder. Sami pulled Ollie up, and grabbed his hips as he pulled Ollie back to meet each thrust, Ollie moaning loudly as Sami sucked a hickey onto his neck. Ollie came as Sami hammered his prostate, shooting all over the bed as Sami exploded in his ass. They stayed in that position, holding each other as both knelt on the bed with Ollie sat in Sami's lap as their dicks softened.

They heard the front door opening, and jumped apart. Sami grabbed up his towel, and started to chuck some clothes on. Ollie ran across the hall, and turned the shower on, before locking the door. He wasn't quick enough, and Sid saw him darting out of Sami's room naked, but Imran hadn't seen a thing. Though shocked, he was hardly surprised. He'd seen the cum outside Sami's room this morning, and as he cleaned it up he knew either Imran or Ollie had seen them together last night. While out shopping, Imran had been completely normal, so Sid assumed it wasn't him. He watched a quickly dressed Sami come out of his room, and try to act natural, Imran walked down the hall, banging on the bathroom door for Ollie to hurry up.

Ollie walked out, a few minutes later, wearing one of Sami's robes, "All yours Imran."

"Finally, why are you wearing a robe?" Imran asked as they passed each other.

"Forgot my clothes when I went in," Ollie answered, as he looked to the kitchen where Sami and Sid were making coffee and talking. Imran laughed, before walking in to the bathroom. When he heard the door lock click, Ollie walked into the kitchen, as both men turned to him. Ollie opened up his robe, letting it fall open and expose his nakedness. Sami stuttered, before Sid pulled him into a kiss. Sami resisted, before he felt Ollie press against him, and turned his head which allowed Ollie to kiss him also. The three kissed, losing track of time as they swapped between each other until they heard the shower turn off.  They sprung apart, and Sid and Ollie walked to the living room, where Ollie dressed quickly. He threw the robe to Sami, and said, "You might want to change before he gets out." Sami looked down and saw half his body was damp from Ollie's body pressing against him, and he ran to the bedroom as the two lads laughed.

The rest of the morning was uneventful, until finally the taxi arrived to take Sid and Ollie to the station. They all said their goodbyes, and Sami told Sid and Ollie they were welcome anytime they wanted a night in the big city. Imran thought it was a strange of his brother to offer, but assumed he was just being nice. He had no idea it was because Sami wanted to spend more time with his mates, fucking them both. They waved at each other as the taxi drove off, and they made it just in time to catch their train. They found some seats, and settled in for the journey home. They finally had a chance to compare their sex with Sami, and laughing as Ollie admitted he'd left his boxers in Sami's room as a souvenir.

They both agreed they'd arrange another trip down London soon, one where they could take their time with their mates brother.


by HollyGuys

Email: [email protected]

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