From Cock of the Walk to Cum Dump

by Slutty Texas Btm

16 Sep 2023 5222 readers Score 9.4 (40 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Zane’s thoughts….

My slutty boyfriend is so fucking hot. I love watching these guys slam his perfect cunt full of cock and cum. Ever since he spread his legs for my dad, it’s made me like him even more. His not realizing that those guys giving him money and gifts made him a whore kept me horny as hell. 

Last summer with my dad in Germany brought up something I didn’t know was there. We fucked guys together every chance we got and we gained a closeness I’d never expected. It turns out, we both get off on slutty guys. We were in the leather bar in Berlin and this hot muscle stud was going from man to man offering his slack protruding cunt to be fucked. He was my first cumdump slut and I wanted one of my very own. I didn’t think I’d find someone like that until I was a lot older. I thought I’d have to make do with guys with less experience and the handful of willing guys dad would find for us. Now here I am, seventeen years old and hooked up with this hot little pretty boy that thanks to a fluke of nature, is a total cum slut that I can’t get enough of. The best part is I think Ant might be a little in love with my dad, he at least has a huge crush on him. I love getting up in the morning to find my dad making love to him. At first it was just raw sexual magnetism and he’d just fuck the shit out of him but now that the three of us have taken up sleeping in in one bed, Dads gotten even closer to him. I know for sure he’s very protective of him and I think it worries him when Ant disappears down to the dunes to get his cunt fed. He mentioned once that he was afraid someone would grab him and disappear. He had visions of Ant being hauled off to be a sex slave or being forced to do those live sex shows he and Stone had seen in Mexico years ago so he tried to keep him close when he was wired up and needing it badly. I wouldn’t tell my dad this but I’d love to see him getting fucked by a horse. I know, I’m a sick mother fucker but it’s just a twisted fantasy. 

Cold Turkey

So far it had been an interesting summer. My hunger for more cock and cum had become an obsession. It was true, the more I got the more I wanted only now it was a physical need, my body required it. If I didn’t get it on a regular basis, it would start to hurt up inside my pussy. Dr. Stone said he had no idea how this was going to affect me and I was seeing that it could be a huge problem, I had to do something. It’s strange because you’d think I’d be worn out from all the wild sex but it wasn’t as if anything I did seemed to relieve me. He thought I should try to see if I could cut back, he said school was going to be really difficult if I was constantly hunting cock. Daddy and Zane said they would help me, Daddy said he thought I should taper off and slowly decrease my activity. I thought I should do it cold turkey and neither of them agreed so I had to talk them into it. Reluctantly, they agreed and plans were set to start the next day. I thought I should keep busy by working out and doing activities. Normally, I’d do my laps in the pool and then go for my morning fuck with Daddy but instead I went for a run on the beach in the opposite direction from the dunes. I didn’t want the temptation. When I got back, I took a cold shower and we had a big breakfast. I think I worked out four times that day and did several more laps in the pool. Between working out and eating I got through that first day. By lunchtime, my hole was itching but I ignored it and kept going. By dinner, it was throbbing and I couldn’t sit still, we tried to watch a movie but I couldn’t sit that long. By bed time, I was sweating it big time. I pitched, tossed and turned all night. Finally, I got up and went to Zane’s room so they could sleep. I spent most of the night pacing the floors and finally crashed around four that morning, waking at ten. I drug my tired ass to the pool and started my laps before Daddy made me get out before I passed out and drowned. I tried to go for a run but  I was too tired. Zane said I looked like I was in a trance but I wouldn’t go sit down. All I knew was my my hole was hurting and I had the worst headache I’d ever had. This was the longest I’d gone without a cock in me in a long time and I was on edge. I figured I just needed to make through the day and one more and I’d be normal but I was wrong. Zane was starting to freak out and Daddy wouldn’t let me out of his site for more than a few minutes. I was walking around like a zombie, I couldn’t stand to sit because the pressure in my ass seemed to pulse from there to every point on my body. They tried to get me to forget all this but I was stubborn and determined to do it. Daddy called Dr. Stone and he thought it was worth trying since I’d made it that far but Daddy wasn’t so sure. I’d gotten to the point clothing drove me crazy, the feel on my skin was like I was being sandblasted. I could lay for short stents on my stomach but I had to keep my ass propped up and my legs spread. The thick lube that had been dripping from my hole dried up and my ass felt kinda chapped and crusty. They tried to massage me with oils but I couldn’t take it. By the middle of the third day, I was nearly blind with a headache and all I could do was lay there and cry. I’d given up working out and swimming or even sitting up. All I could do was lay in bed on my stomach and go in and out of consciousness.

Dr Stone shows up…

I’d sent an email inquiry to Dr. Carter, the guy that Anthony’s syndrome is named for. I gave as much detail about the boy and explained how he was trying to go cold turkey seeing how long he could go without. I thought I’d hear back in a day or so but within two hours of sending the email, I got a call from the good doctor himself. First of all, he explained that now that his prostate was fully bloomed and producing the thick fluid substance, there was no turning back. His body required a regular diet of cum. In other words, he needs to be fucked and bread numerous times a day. He said it was like denying the body of food and it would pretty much drive him out of his mind. Anthony could go into a catatonic state if this was allowed to continue. I thanked him for the information and ran out of my office in a hurry. I drove like a bat out of hell and arrived in record time. I had to see him fast. Zane was surprised to see me at the door, I pushed past him and ran in to find the boy out of his head. He was burning up with a fever with the covers kicked away from him. They said they’d tried to cover him but the boy would kick them off, he couldn’t stand anything on him. I told them what Carter said and that he needs cum in him and needs it fast. I told them to strip down and fuck him before it gets worse. They did as I said but neither could get hard, they were too freaked out by everything. I stripped off and hot hard, spit in my hand and worked myself up inside him and started pumping. i yelled at them to take a fucking Viagra or something but to get ready to fucking him so his natural lube could soften his hole, it was dry. Once I finally got my cock past the outer muscle, it felt like I’d stuck my cock in a vacuum and bottomed out instantly. I had to literally push his ass off me so I could start fucking him. I’d never worked so hard at fucking anyone in my life, his ass was actually sucking my cock into his hole. I remembered the first time I fucked him was shocked by how tight it was and he’d just been gangbanged. This was like trying to fuck a crack in a concrete wall, it was so tight it hurt to penetrate him in the beginning but then it seemed like his ass was sucking my cock. The boy was unconscious, he didn’t move and his breathing was shallow but his tight cunt was responding as I worked my thick cock into him. After a little while, that thick fluid started forming around my cock and it was slipping in and out as smooth as silk. That perfect snatch I’d fucked before was still tight like I remembered but it was getting easier to plow and before long I’m pumping a load in him. I pulled out and looked into his gaping hole and saw my cum being sucked up inside him. I looked over at Zane and told him he was up, to be careful because he was still out of it and I didn’t want him getting hurt. Zane moved into place, scoped some of the fluid dripping from his hole and covered his big cock with it and pushed in. It was the first time the boy responded, he moaned. He let out a few more as Zane took control of his ass and soon he had a second load in him. His body was getting there but his brain needed to catch up. I checked his vitals and his pulse was normal again and he was breathing better but he hadn’t opened his eyes. I took a cool wet washcloth and wiped his face and body. His body temp was dropping as his fever broke, I was sure he would rebound soon. I looked over at Atticus and nodded him over. He turned the beautiful boy over on his back and lifted his legs over his shoulders, kissed the head of his cock against the relaxed hole and slid easily in. He leaned down and kissed him gently and Anthony responded a little. 

“Anthony, can you hear me baby? Open your eyes and talk to us”

He slowly fucked the boy as he talked. 

“I hate to do this but that boy needs cum in him. Pick it up”

He’s bigger than his son and it shows. Anthony is getting pounded pretty hard which is knocking the air out of him, making him breathe deeper. By the time Atticus breeds him his eyes are fluttering, he’s awake but still dazed. He finally spoke…

“Stop, I’m trying to quit…..” he mumbles 

I looked over at Zane and told him to run down to the dunes and see if any of the boy’s regular fucks were around and get them up to the house to fuck him. He needed more, he was conscious but still out of it. Then I told Atticus he should see if Cody was available and if so could he come and stay the night. A few minutes later I hear him on the phone telling Cody what happened and asking if he could come out and stay over. From the look on his face I could tell he was on his way. Zane comes back with three guys. They were told it was just a gang bang and didn’t ask any questions and were soon fucking the hell out of the boy. By the time they got off and left Zane was ready for another round and within an hour Cody and Cameron arrived. By that time Anthony was almost back to normal and Cody took his place between the boys legs and slid it home. When he finished breeding the boy, Atticus had him go wait in the living room and the boy looked up at us standing by the bed and busted out in sobs of anguish. I sat beside him and he lay down and took him in his arms. The boy was inconsolable and cried himself to sleep. We got up and pulled a sheet over him and let him rest. We walked out and the three of them looked at us all worried. We had to explain everything to the brothers and I assured them he would be better and back to his normal self before they knew it. We sat and talked, had a bite to eat and waited. After a while we hear him moving around and Zane runs back to check on him. Then we hear the shower start up and a little bit later the two walk out in robes and wet hair. Anthony looked worn out, even his deep tan seemed washed out and he was moving slow. The boy took one look at all our worried faces, busted out crying and ran back to his room. We were all a little stunned and then Cameron, the only one of us that had never touched him got up and said he would try and talk to him and left the room. We heard the bedroom door open and the sound of crying the the door shut and then silence.

Cameron offers help….

“Hey, let me give it a shot. Can’t hurt”

When I opened the door, I find Ant curled up in a fetal position on the bed crying his eyes out. This whole thing has really shaken him badly. 

“Can I come in”

He just barely nods. I walk over and get on the bed and pull him into me. His sobs haven’t stopped but they aren’t shaking his little body and he relaxed into my embrace. I hold him until he quiets down as I stroke his face. 

“Thank you” he whispers 

“For what?”

“Just being here. For not hitting on me”

“Gotta tell you, even as a fellow bottom, I get what they feel around you. That fragrance you put out is intoxicating and that’s not a cell phone in my pocket”

He laughed a little 

“You’re funny, don’t make me laugh”

“Wanna talk about it?”

“I guess……….. I feel like such a big ole whore. Nothing but trash that can’t keep my legs together”

“Seriously? Hardly. You can’t help what’s happening, god knows you tried and ya see what that got you. You should’ve seen Cody’s face when he heard. I swear he broke every traffic law trying to get here. We get here and everyone is in a panic. Doc said you could have slipped into a coma. Sweetie, you have a biological condition, you didn’t do this, nature did”

“In my head, I know all that. It’s just a lot to take sometimes. I can’t even imagine what everyone thinks of me”

“All I know is what I see. All those guys in there care a lot about you. I’m pretty sure three of them are in love with you”

“Three? Who?”

“That hottie boyfriend, his stud dad and my brother”

“Cody is not in love with me. That’s crazy talk”

“If he didn’t have me, he’d move back to Dallas to be close to you. He has fallen under your spell. We were at the grocery store when we got the call about you. There’s a full cart of groceries sitting in dairy section. He grabbed my wrist and we ran for the car. Trust me, he’s got it bad. He’d move you in with us in a heartbeat if he thought he’d get away with it”

“I think you exaggerate. I think it has more to do with sex. He just wants to fuck me. Don’t get me wrong, I love that but that’s it”

“Agree to disagree. About the whore thing. Oh and just so you know, the only whore around here is my big himbo brother”

“Don’t say that, he’s such a sweet guy”

I get up, go to the door and call Cody in and come back and sit beside Ant. Cody peeks around the door…

“Come in, answer a few questions for us”

He nods as he stands like Hercules with his arms crossed over his massive chest, waiting.

“Who’s the biggest whore you know?”

He kinda blushes and his whole posture changed. He dropped his arms and all of a sudden he doesn’t know what to do with his hands. He even dropped his head a little. He’s the big strong man in our relationship but truth be known, I’m the boss. He leaned on me for everything. His dyslexia was really tough on him and he looked to me to make sure everything was done correctly. 

“I am. You know that. We talked about it already”

“I know, this is just for Ant. Okay?”

“Okay. What else?”

“What about him, you think he’s a whore?”

“Jesus Cammy, what the hell?”

“Just answer the question”

“Fuck no he ain’t no god damn whore. I should know, almost everyone I knows a fucking whore. You know, that’s why I like you guys so much. You don’t treat me like one. Understand, I like what I do I just don’t like how some guys treat me”

“One more thing and tell the truth”

“I always tell the truth”

“If you didn’t have me. You know, like I didn’t exist. What would you do?”

“Probably go back to Texas”


“Because that’s where you live”

He pointed at Ant and looked kinda sheepish. I looked at Ant

“I know my brother and how his mind works”

“Did I say something wrong?”

Ant got up and went to hug him and Cody wrapped his arms around him and gave him a bear hug. 

“You okay little dude?”

“Better now. Thank you”

He broke the hug and I looked up at my big handsome brother with a smile. First thing I noticed was Cody was hard and tenting his shorts. Before he could make a move on Ant, I told him…

“Okay ya big old himbo. Take yourself and that big donkey dick back out and talk to the guys. We’ll be out in a little while”

He just nodded and left the room. I just had to smile. Sometimes Cody’s just a big kid. One of the things I love about him. Just a great big hunky kid with a donkey dick. 

“He really is a sweet guy once you get past all the bravado and muscles”

“I can’t believe he said that”

“What, that he’s a whore?”

“No, that he’d follow me back to Texas thing”

“I’m telling you, he’s falling for you”

“Doesn’t that upset you? I’d think you’d be pissed off at me yet here you sit”

“You forget, I’m his brother. If things were different, we’d be married but he’d still want you. When you head home, I can promise you he’s going to morn you like mad. Just so you know, I was jealous as hell of you that first time we met. He kissed you and my nose was out of joint and yet I was so turned on as well. Watching you two together mixed me up big time”

“I’m so sorry”

“You didn’t do anything, that was all on me and my insecurities. When we got home, Cody pulled it out of me and we talked it out. I’m good now. I came to find you a welcome change. It’s like having a wonderful little brother”

“Just what you need, another slutty brother”

“Will you stop? You got so much going for you. Take Atticus for instance”

“What about him”

“You are aware the man’s a billionaire, right?”

“I knew they have a very comfortable life”

“I didn’t find that part out until I started working for his company and I’m just a summer intern until I can come on full time when I graduate in December. You would be blown away and what he arranged for me but this is about you. He can do anything he wants, he didn’t need to take you and your condition on. Paying for everything to make sure you’re taken care of. He worries about you and the way he looks at you speaks to how he feels about you. Don’t forget, it’s because of him you have Cody in your life. I was there the day he made the proposition. We almost walked out because you’re underage, he had to convince us. You see how that worked out. He’d move heaven and earth to get you anything you want”

As we talked, he couldn’t relax or sit still.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, so much better now we’ve talked”

“Not that. You’re as fidgety as hell. You need more I’ll bet”

The little nympho blushed and nodded

“I can’t help it”

I got up and went back out front. 

“How’s my boy?” Atticus asked

“He’s much better. In need of a little personal help right now. Cody, can you come help me out a little?”

He practically flew across the room. His big old cock halfway up, bouncing in his loose fitting shorts. He was nearly on top of me as he followed behind…

“Hey sweet thing. Cody’s gonna help you out. You want me to wait out with the guys?”

Almost in unison, the both said no. Cody looked at me…

“I want you both at the same time. Is that okay?”

“Me too” he softly said. He really is a hot little stud. So fucking good looking. Cody looked down at him as he pulled off his shorts and got on the bed. 

“I’ve wanted you and Cammy together since that first time”

“You know I said I was a little jealous of you that time? He told me that day after we got home he wanted both of us”

“Then I guess you better get those clothes off and join us. 

Cody to the rescue….

When Zane called and told me what’s happened, I didn’t even think twice. We ditched our grocery cart and headed for the door. I said to Cammy... 

"Ant needed us"

In the car I explained everything Zane had told me and we took off like a bat out of hell. It scared the hell out of me, I had it bad for the kid and now he’s in bad shape and needed me. When we got to the house, I was shocked to see him like that. He looked awful and kinda gray, I scared me. Doc told me what he needed and he needed it fast. I was out of my clothes on on him in seconds. First thing I noticed was his skin felt strangely dry but I had my orders. He was on his side so I spooned up behind him and second strange thing was his normally wet dripping pussy was dry as sand so for the first time ever, I had to work harder to get inside him. I spit on my fingers a few times and put it around his hole but nothing, then Doc handed me some lube, I've never once had to use that on him but I'd a ripped him, he was so dry. I finally got it in him and bottomed out, getting a deep sigh and whimper. Once I started fucking, his juices started flowing and within minutes I had a good hard fuck going. Doc reminded me it wasn’t about my enjoyment but the goal was to breed him as much as possible to get him back to normal. I’m famous for my huge cock but I’m also well known for the massive loads I shoot. I knew my massive load would help him a lot. I picked up the pace when Doc said that and it wasn’t long and I was blasting off deep inside him. I instantly felt his bloom sucking up my load and it was harder to pull free from his hungry cunt. When I finished up, I just slipped on my baggy old shorts and headed out to wait with the guys. Cammy looked up at me as I walked out and I went and sat beside him. He leaned in and asked…

“How is he?”

“It’s weird, he looks so weak and his skins sorta gray and dry. It’s just strange. I’m really worried about him”

“I’m sure he’ll be back to normal before you know it” said Doc

Later on, when Ant finally came out and lost it, Cammy went in to see if he could help. He’s such a smart guy, he’s got this way of making everything better. If anyone can help, he can. When he called me in I wondered what was up but I knew he had it covered. I answered his questions hoping I could stay but he sent me away only to call me back. He did look better and he smelled good again, making me so fucking horny. The bedroom reeked of him and sex and my dick was getting harder with each beat of my heart. When he said Ant was needing me I went full mast. When Cammy said he would give us time alone, we both told him to stay. I’d wanted to have them at the same time for a while. I’d already dropped my shorts and started undressing Cammy. Ant watched us as he lay back it the bed. We both crawled up beside him and I had them making out. It was so fucking hot to watch them, I’d longed for this. Both such beautiful boys, one my smaller more passive version of me, the man I loved and adored and the other so sexy and athletic with an unusual mix of cocky self confidence and sweet gentle boyishness that I was so infatuated with. I got Ant on top of Cammy so I could work both of those perfect asses. Ant’s cunt was on fire and a steady stream of his pussy slime was leaking out and into the crack of my little brothers ass. I got down and started eating out  those needy holes, going from one to the other. I scooped some of that fantastic pussy juice out with my fingers and pushed it in my brothers cunt. minutes later I’m using my  my cock the same way. As soon as Ants slime was inside Cammys cunt, he got a rush none of expected. He gasped and moaned like mad. I pulled out and slid four fingers in Ant and pulled more of that sweet smelling slime out and literally poured it in Cammys open hole and it was sending him over the moon. He was practically devouring Ants mouth as they kissed. I went back to fucking the little hottie which made his pussy churn up more and more of that slick honey and it was running freely over my brother’s hungry hole. By the time I shot my load, Cammy was like a wild animal under him. The funny thing was that he’s as big a bottom as Ant is. Never interested in fucking but as soon as I got off, he had that kids legs over his shoulders and proceeded to fuck the hell out of him. 

Needless to say, between the long talk and the last two fuckings, Ant was feeling more like his old self. We walked out to join everyone and he was a different person from what he was a while back. I seriously doubt he’s ever going to do that again. He needs it or bad things happen. 

It had been a wild summer. Between sightseeing and his constant need to be fucked he was a little worn out. A few weeks before school started, it was back to reality and home. He’d stayed in constant contact with Todd. He told him all about his condition and of course Todd gave him some shit saying he was gonna up his game to keep him satisfied among other things. He’d loved the time in California and hoped to come back again…

by Slutty Texas Btm

Email: [email protected]

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