Frat Boys Initiated to BBC

by GayMadison

23 Jul 2023 13520 readers Score 8.5 (114 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Reader discretion is advised: This is a fictional story and does not portray any real events or people. It is a fantasy containing graphic content, coercion, and racial language/content which may not be suitable for some readers. If you think this is not for you, please do not read.

Author’s Note: This story is about a series of fraternity initiations involving different pledges. The first chapter is really an extended prologue, setting up the longer main story I have in mind. The following chapters will then switch between different pledge narrators as the story develops.

I woke up groggily, taking a few seconds before realizing I was being shaken awake by my buddy Jake. I was still a bit hung over from the night before. “Need to sleep, Jake. Leave me alone.”

“Can’t do that bro, the pledge-master called down for us all to get up.”

I started to remember… I was in the frathouse basement with the other pledges. This was our final long weekend of pledging and promised to be rough on us. Last night wasn’t too bad, though. There was a frat party with our members and some other frats and sororities. We couldn’t enjoy it, as we ten pledges were the servants. We had to parade around the frat house getting everyone food and drinks and such, while only wearing a white athletic jockstrap. There were plenty of hoots and girls flirting with us, just trying to distract us and make us spill something that would get us in trouble. And of course, the actives took those opportunities to get out the paddle. I got lucky, only getting red-cheeked once, but Matt must’ve spilled plenty as his ass was beet red by the end of the night.

The worst part really was just before, when the pledge-master took us down to our group pledge shower in the basement and told us we all had to shave our chests, backs, asses, and pubes, and that we couldn’t do it ourselves but had to help each other. We all got naked and in groups of 3-4 guys, and took turns shaving each other’s parts. The nudity wasn’t the problem, as we had been naked around each other plenty over the last semester as pledges. And I am not too hairy anyways, but touching each other so intimately made us all a bit embarrassed, and a few guys got hard which only made it more awkward.

Jake said “Sorry Tommy” and pulled the air mattress out from underneath me, rolling me to the floor. I stood up and saw we were all still in our jocks, in various stages of waking up to face the day. I looked at the wall clock and… “Shit, it’s already 1:00 in the afternoon!?”

“Yeah, they let us sleep in for real. I guess they felt sorry since we didn’t get to sleep until late, what with having to clean up after the party and all.”

“Yeah I remember,” I said. “I think those actives puked in the game room on purpose, just to make us clean it up. And the silly-string fight was definitely just to give us work to do.”

“Probably so. But this is the most elite frat at the university, so I say it’s worth it.”  Jake was right. The alumni of this frat are the movers and shakers all across the state and the country. CEO’s, white-shoe lawyers, tech-titans, and politicians of all levels. If I graduate from this university, with this frat’s connections, I will be set up for the good life forever. Like most of the other pledges, I don’t come from money, but I am handsome, smart, and athletic, which is what this frat favors. No legacy or daddy’s connections, just guys who have a drive to succeed and the outstanding abilities to make it happen. I am 5’-10”, 165 pounds, lean and fit from playing lacrosse. Shortish brown hair, lightly tanned skin, blue eyes that girls fall into easy, and a nice seven-incher for when they put out. I was exactly what this frat was about. So, I am going to do whatever it takes to be in this frat.

“OK ladies, get going. This is the last rest you are likely to get for the next few days,” the pledge-master yelled at us. “Go get clean and sparkly. I’ll have some new outfits for you when you get done.” I could only imagine what that meant, but I would endure.

We all had to take a piss, given the liquid diet we had been on for the last day. Not much food, just bread, water, and various shots of tequila or vodka. Then we took turns in the stalls dumping as needed, before going into the showers to get “sparkly” clean and ready for the ordeals to come. After I had soaped, scrubbed, dried, and given my teeth a good brushing, I felt ready to face whatever they had in mind for the next few days. I hoped.

Back in the main room, we were all given flip flops and new jocks, but these were skimpy and in a variety of colors. Mine was hot pink, while Jake wound up in a lime-green jock. Definitely not a sports jockstrap, especially since in big black letters across the front and back waistbands was the word WHORE. I wonder where they found these?

We all got dressed and marched upstairs to the main meeting room. At the front of the room the pledge-master was standing with some of the brothers, and five young black guys I had never seen before. While the fraternity was not racist (pledge Ricky was Hispanic), there weren’t many black guys at this elite university, and none in our frat that I knew of. Besides, these guys all had fraternity shirts on with different Greek letters, none ours.

“Pledges, allow me to introduce to you the guest pledge-masters for your final initiation weekend. Each of these men is a president of a black fraternity at one of the various public universities or an HBC (historically black college) from the region. Each pair of you in matching jocks are now a team. You will go with the guest who has the matching color of wristband.”

I finally noticed the wristbands. Each black guy had a different color, corresponding to the five colors of jockstraps we were wearing. I looked around and saw that Jared was wearing the other pink jock. Guess he and I were partners in this. Jared had a bit of a skater vibe; 5’-10” like me, but probably only 140 pounds, lean verging on skinny. He wore his hair cut short on the sides, but longer blond locks spilled every-which-way from the top of his head, always seeming to be down over his eyes. He was funny as hell, and everyone liked him.

For the other guys, Jake was teamed with Kyle in green. Sam and Nick had yellow jocks. Ricky and Jeff were wearing bright blue. And Matt matched Kevin in safety orange ones. Without being told to, we naturally shifted around to stand next to our partner. Jared and my eyes met and we silently agreed to support each other in whatever this odd turn of events led to.

“Pledges, these men will take you back to their frat, where you will service them completely, both as initiation and as your part in paying reparations for your white privilege, which you all hope to continue having as successful alumni of this fraternity. To be elevated, you first must be humbled. Any questions?”

I didn’t think there would be any, as it was pretty obvious what the pledge-master meant. But surprisingly, Nick raised his hand.

“When you say service, do you mean at a party like we did last night?” Nick sounded worried but hopeful. I felt sorry for him.

One of the black men, the one wearing a yellow wristband and so would be leading Nick, stepped forward toward our group and spoke forcefully to Nick, but really to us all.

“No, you stupid cracker. He means that you’ll be servicing my and my brothers’ big black cocks, with whatever holes we decide to use. And if we decide to get creative, we’ll do that as well. Understood?”

Nick glanced at our regular pledge-master in shock, but all he got in reply was a stern glare that confirmed what had been said. “Yes,” Nick whispered.

The man stepped right up into Nick’s face and yelled “You will address me and my brothers as Sir while you are in my control. Or there will be consequences. So again, understood?”

Nick was shaking, but with a louder stutter said “Yes, Sir.”

The man stalked back to his fellows in front, and another of the black men stepped forward and said “All of you white pussies, do you understand what is expected of you?”

The ten of us answered together. “Yes Sir!”

our pledge-master stepped forward again. “Good, I am glad to see we chose well, and none of you are chickening out. It is going to be rough, but this has been the tradition of our final initiation for over thirty years. I went through it and survived. You will too.”

He stepped over to the other active brothers off to the side. “These brothers are your guardian angels. One of them will go along with each pair of you. They will not participate or interfere unless rules are violated. We have two main ones. First, no pictures or recordings are allowed. We don’t want future evidence of this anymore than you do. Second, no injuries or physical violence is allowed.” He nodded to the brothers, who each also had a colored wristband. Brother Andrew had my color, and I knew he was a good guy who would look out for me.

Another of the black men stepped up. “OK, let’s get this going. Most of us have a bit of a drive back to our frathouses.” With that they all turned and started out of the room.

This was wilder and more extreme than anything I had imagined they would cook up. But I knew it was what I had to do. So I looked at Jared, shrugged, and followed them out, with my pledge brothers all following behind me.