Fort Drum

by Jake1120

17 Jan 2023 2088 readers Score 8.5 (47 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I remember the day I found out I had received orders to Fort Drum, I had to find out where it was, I had never heard of it.  It's in upstate New York, about 27 miles from the Canadian border.  A relatively northern, very rural area with a lot of farms, undeveloped land, and very old buildings.  I arrived in late summer 2007 and upon check in, I remember the words "welcome to Fort Drum, you'll probably deploy in thirty days".  My first thought jumped home, to my sister, who had just been rediagnosed with cancer.  Our family discovered the news while I had been home on leave in between AIT and reporting to my duty station. 

It took a few months for me to settle into a routine and for things to start to settle down for me.  I really started to enjoy the soldiers I worked with, the surrounding area, etc.  It started to feel like home.  I lived in the barracks then as a single soldier, had a suite mate (we shared a bathroom), but it was like a roommate you only see in passing.  On the weekends, we usually went to his room, drank, played cards, bullshitted, smoked cigarettes, other guys came in and left, there were a few rooms in the barracks like this but I always stayed near Alex's room, because it was right next to mine, and again, I liked the people.

There was one soldier who stuck out to me, and I remember the first day I saw him.  We were on a mass barracks inspection so we were cleaning our rooms, polishing the floors, helping each other finish up because we had to share supplies.  So i was on my way to the laundry room to get more cleaning supplies and he pooped out.  We almost ran into each other and I must've gasped because he smirked, skirted around me, and went on about his way.  He was shorter, younger, darker, nothing like a guy I would normally take notice of, but there was something about his smile that gave me a tingle in my nether regions and I remember thinking he was really good looking.  He and Alex were friends, so Travis, (not his real name) was always at these gatherings in Alex's room, I wanted to know more about him.  If nothing else, he was easy on the eyes.

Fast forward a few months, I discovered Travis was from Vegas, on the weekends, he would drive us to get more beer in my car (which was a stick), I'd let him borrow it to go hook up with girls etc.  I liked the guy, just as a dude.  He was funny, genuine and one of those guys you just like being around.  I believe it was New Years Eve that year, there had been traffic in and out of Alex's room all night, the barracks were relatively quiet though as people were out celebrating.  I decided to get up and get some air, we had drank quite a bit, and for whatever reason, was walking the hall with Travis we ended up in the emergency stairwell at the end of the hall and were just sitting there chatting about nothing in particular as I recall when I found myself being pinned up against the wall receiving what is to this day the hottest kiss I've ever received from a guy, passionate, Travis was a sexual magnet and I knew right then I wanted more.  And then, as fast as it happened, it was over, we joined the rest of the group, exchanged a few glances, I went to my room and we never spoke of it again.  It was so hot, and so out of the blue, and so taboo so neither of us ever mentioned it.  I figured it was the alcohol and his curiosity had been fulfilled.  Until several weeks later.

I was sitting in another friend's barracks room, female, (it was coed, we had our own rooms, but we shared the floor) she was buying herself with laundry and housekeeping stuff, I was watching something on TV and we were chatting when there was a knock at the door.  It was Travis.  I didn't think anything of it, we all knew each other except I can't think of a time before he had ever been in that room, was he looking for me?  How did he find me?  Anyway, she continues doing her thing popping in and out with laundry and folding and he mentions a pulled muscle or sorness and I think Tamara suggested I rub his back and shoulders which I surely thought he would immediately shut down, or we would all laugh, but he didn't.  So I scooted to the edge of the bed where he was standing, he turned around and backed into the area in between my legs and I started to rub this straight man's shoulders.  I don't have the stamina to give an extensive backrub but in this case, Travis was so grateful, I was in no hurry to "get it over with" like in previous scenarios.  I feel like this went on for about forty-five minutes or so, me still watching TV, making small talk, getting knots out, and Tamara walks out once again to grab a load out of the dryer, he takes my hand, sticks it on his crotch, and he is hard as a rock.  It is still unclear to me how such a little dude could have such an impressive cock.  This is unexpected but I go with it, alternating between his shoulders and his package every time she leaves the room. 

By the time Tamara went to sleep that night, we had sex on the extra bed.  I'm no bottom, but he knew what the hell he was doing, his cock felt amazing inside me, it lasted the right amount of time, he was gentle and just the right amount aggressive and I can say that is the only time in my sex life I felt "empty" when he pulled out and left that night.  We never talked about it, I saw him one other time when I let him borrow my car.  He brought back my keys and my bf at the time was in my barracks room.  Luke asked, "what was that all about?"  I said what do you mean, he said "that dude wouldn't even look at me" I just explained that Travis was really shy.  Then I played the movie of that night I had with Travis in my mind.  That was a fantastic fuck.

I have more stories if you guys liked this one.  Some names were changed, and we used first names.  This story is true, to the best of my memory.