Final Hazing

by ClosetCase

3 Aug 2022 11892 readers Score 9.3 (226 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was the fall semester of my freshman year at Georgia Tech. Classes were hard, but going well. My roommate was a nerd and always working on his computer, but he was quiet and kept the room clean, so I realized it could be worse. Plus, I had pledged a fraternity, and between meeting, hazing, classes, and my social life, I was barely in the room for more than just sleeping. I was a young, lean jock, more of a runner’s build than bulky. I was proud of my 6 pack and lean arms and chest. I was a young man, in the prime of life, enjoying the freedom of my first year in college.

We were nearing the end of the semester, and the hazing rituals for our fraternity had gotten more wild each week. Today, our president had announced that this was the last weekend of hazing before the brotherhood initiation ceremony. The kick-off for the weekend was a Friday-night mixer with one of the sororities on campus. I met a couple of girls, danced with one of them, and then we moved off a more quiet part of the house to make out. She was hot, and I was horny, but she wasn’t ready to got all the way yet. While the evening was fun, and she was hot, I left the mixer horny and frustrated. When I got back to the room, my roommate was still up working on his computer, so I couldn’t even jerk off.

The pledges had been instructed to report to the house the next morning at 10 am. I arrived with my buddy Kyle on time, and we joined the other pledges waiting in the meeting room of the frat house. A few minutes later, several of the older brothers, led by our president Connor, walked in to give us the instructions for the day.

“First,” Conner began, “you need to strip. Everything comes off!”

This was not an unusual request. Several of our hazing rituals had begun with us all being naked in front of each other. I guess they believed that nudity enhanced our brotherhood bonds, showing we had nothing to hide from each other. I, along with my pledge brothers, began to remove my clothes. Once we were all naked and lined up, one of the brothers began walking down the line, handing out jockstraps. Connor told us to put the jock straps on. “Get comfortable,” he said, “Because this is all you’re wearing today!”

“This afternoon at 4, you are going to be the lots in a silent auction to raise money for the fraternity,” Connor said by way of introducing the last hazing ritual. “You will be wearing these jocks, and a blindfold. The bidders will be able to bid on taking you on a date, and they will have a clear view of the goods they are getting for their date!” he laughed as he gave us this news.

“This doesn’t seem so bad!” I thought to myself. I was comfortable in my body, and the idea of a bunch of girls bidding on me sounded hot! I wasn’t afraid of being a little eye candy.

“Oh, I almost forgot!” Connor said as he turned back to us. “We’ve put up invitations at the gay bars around Atlanta for the guys to come and bid on you. You will be going out on dates with the guys that bid the highest for you!”

Damn. This evening was not going to be what I thought. The idea of being on display for a bunch of guys did not sound appealing. But I also realized that this was part of what we had to go through to join the frat, and so I decided to just go with it.

“Each of you will go with your big brother this morning. He will help you get ready for this afternoon.” With that statement, Connor walked out. Brock, my big brother, walked over to me. “Come with me,” he said simply.

I followed Brock out of the meeting room, and up the stairs in the house to his room. Brock was a senior, and had one of the private rooms in the house, complete with its own bathroom. We entered his room, and he shut and locked the door. He looked at me and said, “This is about to get embarrassing for you, so just know that all of the pledges are having to do the same thing right now.”

He instructed me to strip naked, and then to follow him into the bathroom. When I walked into the bathroom, I saw a reddish bag hanging from the shower with a tube coming from it. Brock then looked at me and asked, “Did you take a shit this morning?”

“Yes,” I answered, my face blushing red.

“Good,” he said. “Step into the shower, then bend over.”

“What the fuck?” I asked. “You wanna be in this frat or not?” he asked.

Reluctantly, I stepped into the shower and bent over. Brock walked up to me and I turned to watch him grab the tube in one hand while grabbing a bottle of lube with the other. He squirted the lube on the end and then I felt him unceremoniously press it against my asshole. “Relax!” he said, as the small tube pressed into me.

After it was in, he flipped a switch on the tube and suddenly warmth invaded my ass as I simultaneously felt it getting more full. He was giving me an enema. I’d never had one before, and didn’t know what to expect. I felt nausea, and cramping, like I needed to take a giant shit.

After what felt like forever, but was probably only a few seconds, he stopped the flow into me, and said sternly, “Hold it in. Clench your ass, and DO NOT RELAX!” I obeyed, holding the fluid in me, sweating and cramping.

Brock walked me over to the toilet, sat me down and said, “Okay, release.” The fluid in my ass gushed out as the greatest sense of relief came over me. I had never crapped in front of another person, but there was no way I could stop myself from releasing the contents of my bowels.

Brock smirked at my embarrassment, telling me to wipe myself. After I was cleaned up, I flushed and then he made me repeat the entire procedure again, and then a third time. I was completely cleaned out and felt empty.

I finally got up the nerve to ask him, “Why are you doing this to me?”

“I’m getting you ready for your date tonight,” he answered smiling. The realization hit me. The expectation of the men who would be bidding on us this afternoon was to take us home and have sex. Brock had been cleaning out my ass so that I would be ready if my date wanted to fuck me.

“Dude!” I shouted. “I’m not gay. I’ll go on the date for the frat, but I’m not having sex with a guy!”

Brock shrugged and said, “You’re not going to be required to have sex with him to complete the assignment. But it’s better to be prepared anyway!” He then told me to get a shower, making sure I paid attention to getting everything really clean, and then I was to get dressed in my jock and we’d be ready to head back downstairs to the festivities. Brock also told me that I needed to remember to check in with him tomorrow to verify I had completed the assignment.

When we went back downstairs, the pledges were ushered into the small council room. We could hear a crowd of male voices from the meeting room, so we knew there were men there to bid on us. We were lined up, and our big brothers came up behind us and put blindfolds over our eyes. They then led us through the door and into the meeting room to the sound of catcalls and whistles from the men in the room.

“Gentlemen, welcome!” we heard Connor say over the speaker. The young men that you see before you are available for bidding. All money raised will support our philanthropic ventures throughout this year. You may take a few moments to inspect the merchandise, then place your bid into the jar for your choice.”

We heard movement as people moved from their seats to come around us. I was surprised to begin to feel hands touching me, and feel bodies moving close to me as the men apparently were inspecting us to make their decisions. At one point, I felt a man who must have been much larger than me, move in behind me, placing his hands on my hips. “Very nice!” he said as he touched me and pulled my ass back against his groin.

Finally, Connor’s voice again told the men it was time to place their bids. I heard movement again, and the sound of paper dropping into the jars.

I was the third guy being auctioned. The first two pledges had been won by bids of $450 and $500. Someone picked up the jar in front of me, and Connor began inspecting the pledges. The highest bid was for $1,000 by someone named Bobby. I started feeling proud that I had brought in more money, before I remembered what was happening. Then I felt a hand take mine and pull me against him. The man’s shoulder hit my midsection, and then I was lifted and carried out of the room on the shoulder of the man who won me. He walked me through the crowd and out of the meeting room, my naked ass on display to all there, framed by the straps of my white jock. I had never felt so small or powerless in my life.

The bidders had apparently been instructed to park in the back of the frat house. Bobby walked with me out of the back door, and did not set me down until he had opened his car door, and set me down in the passenger seat. Then he removed my blindfold.

I was not prepared for the sight in front of me. Bobby stood about 6’-5” and had to weigh about 250, but he wasn’t fat. He was the most muscular man I had ever seen up close. His skin was as black as midnight, and his head was bald. He seemed to be in his early 30’s, and he was smiling at me. I remember being taken with how white his teeth were. Even I could see that he was a very handsome man, and I felt very small next to him. It also wasn’t lost on me that I was wearing only a jockstrap while he was fully clothed, and shuddered at the fact that he had just carried me out of the house as if I weighed nothing.

“You ready for our date?” he asked. “They told us before you guys were brought in that you weren’t allowed to put on any other clothes in the house, so I just decided to carry you out like this.” I was grateful that his black BMW had dark tinted windows, so the people we passed as we drove wouldn’t be able to see my humiliation. He shut the passenger door and walked around. I had never been dated by a guy before, so I felt strange having this man treat me the way I treated the girls I took out. I shuttered thinking that he probably wanted the same thing from me that I wanted from those girls.

I watched him walk around the car, his muscular body moving with a confidence and athleticism that made it clear he was in charge. I again felt small compared to him, and was struck again by the fact that I’m sitting almost naked in the car of a complete stranger who is much stronger than me, who just won me in a bid because he probably wants to have sex with me. He opened the driver’s door, got in the car and closed the door, pressing the start button before he looked over at me.

“Now that we’re alone, I’m Bobby,” he said as he extended his hand to me. Shaking it, I replied “Sean.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Sean,” he replied. “There is nothing I find sexier than a little jock white boy. You are just my type! I’m so glad I decided to come to this auction.”

I smiled nervously. “I’ve never done anything even remotely like this,” I told him. “I’m not even sure what this is. I don’t know what they told you about us or what you were bidding on.”

“Relax,” he said. “We’re not going to do anything you don’t want to do. I was bidding on taking you out on a date. That’s it.” He paused for a second, then smiling he finished, “If we end the night with me balls deep in your ass, that’ll just be a bonus!” He looked at my nervous face and busted out laughing. “I’m just kidding!”

As he put the car in drive, he said, “But we do need to decide what we’re going to do. I’ve decided I’m going to give you two options, and you can decide between them.”

“Okay,” I replied, still nervous and unsure of myself in this situation.

“So here are your two options. Option one: we get you some nice clothes to wear, and then I take you out to dinner at Vini Vidi Vici. We eat together, on a date, in public, and then we will go to a club that I pick and we can dance after dinner.”

“And what is option two?” I asked.

“Option two: we go back to my place and order in a nice dinner, then watch a movie at my place. The caveat is that you remain in your jockstrap for the evening.” His smiling face turned serious as he continued: “The other thing that you need to know is, regardless of which option you choose, I am going to try to seduce you. I’m going to put on the charm, and my goal is to get you in my bed. I will not rape you, but I do want you. I love fucking young white college jocks.”

In my mind, I’m considering these two options as well as his admission of his goal for the evening. On the one hand, I’m not crazy about being on a date with an imposing black man in public. My parents and their friends frequented several restaurants in midtown, including the one he mentioned, and the possibility of being seen on a date with Bobby by my parents scared the shit out of me. On the other hand, the idea of spending the evening alone at his apartment while practically naked, scared me as well. I knew that being alone with him would make his seduction attempts more frequent and intense. Finally, the fear of public humiliation won out.

“I pick your place,” I said. “Hallelujah!” he exclaimed. “I was hoping I’d get to spend the evening looking at your fine ass uncovered!” While I didn’t find that as funny as he did, I had to laugh despite myself.

Bobby drove us to his apartment building, and into the underground parking garage. His spot was close to the elevators, but even so I was nervous about running into his neighbors while riding the elevator up to his place. He had thought about that, though. He grabbed a trench coat from the back seat and handed it to me, to cover myself for the ride up. We rode the elevator up to his 15th floor condo, and as he opened the door, I was amazed at the floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over Midtown Atlanta. “This is an incredible view!” I said, awed by the apartment and his view of the city.

We walked in and he shut and locked the door, then walked up behind me, stilled covered by the trench coat. “Remember,” he said, “nothing but the jockstrap.” He pulled the coat back and off me, and I stood there in his apartment, my ass bare save for the straps holding the pouch in front. He began walking around me, “taking in the view” as he called it.

“Enjoy the view of the city,” he then instructed, “While I go change into something more comfortable.” Irresistibly drawn to the windows I looked out, admiring the city. A few minutes later I heard him walk back into the room. “Damn!” he exclaimed. “Your white ass looks good in my apartment!” I felt him come up behind me and run his hands over my bare ass. “The only place this ass would look better is impaled on my black cock!”

He moved his hands to wrap them around my waist, pulling my body back against him. As his body touched mine, I felt the skin of his chest touch my back. I jumped and looked back to see that he had changed into only a jockstrap as well. He grabbed my waist and turned me around to face him and said, “I figured it wasn’t fair to have you nearly naked and me fully clothed, so I decided to join you.” I took in his body and couldn’t believe the amount of muscle definition and strength that I saw. This man was beautiful, and could be on the cover of Men’s Health or other fitness magazines. The pouch of his jock seemed to be straining with something large, and what concerned me the most is that this very masculine man seemed to have his sights set on me. Don’t get me wrong: I’ve always considered myself straight. But for the first time in my life, when confronted with a man who wanted me as a sexual partner, I realized I didn’t know what I would do when he inevitably invited me to bed.

While these thoughts were swirling, Bobby took my hand and led me over to the couch, pulling me with him. “The food is on the way, so let’s sit down and get to know each other better.” He sat down and pulled me down next to him, turning slightly toward me and putting his arm behind me on the sofa. “Tell me about yourself.”

It was strange, but I felt comfortable opening up. I told him about growing up, about starting college, about girls I had dated and friends that I had. He was an interested and attentive listener, asking follow-up questions and sharing about his life as well. He wanted to know my life goals, why I had joined the frat, what I was majoring in. Throughout all of it, he found little opportunities to touch me, to rub my leg. He even once laughingly pulled me into a sort of bro-hug, the only problem being that we were both bare-chested and I was immediately taken with the warmth of his skin and the smell of his body. I began to feel very safe and comfortable. He was a friendly man, seemed genuinely interested in me, and I opened up to him. The food arrived, and we moved to the table and ate, still talking, then moved back to the couch. I glanced at the clock at one point, and was shocked to realize that two hours had passed while we talked!

A few moments later, at a temporary pause in our conversation, I looked over at Bobby to see him looking intently at me. We made eye contact, and it was like I couldn’t break it. I felt Bobby’s arm reach down onto my shoulders and pull me closer to him. I watched his face move toward mine, and suddenly his lips were on mine. He pulled me closer to himself on the couch, gently kissing me, and to my surprise, I felt myself reciprocating. He opened his lips, which opened mine as well, and I felt his tongue begin to slide into my mouth.

At that moment, two realizations hit me. First, I realized I was making out with a man. Second, I felt my dick getting hard. I couldn’t handle the idea that another man was making me hard, and I pushed back against his chest and stood up from the couch, breaking the kiss and getting away from him.

“I’m sorry Bobby,” I said. “I don’t think I can do that.”

I walked over to the window, looking out and pretending I was alone. Bobby didn’t let me play that game for very long. I felt him walk up behind me again and slide his arms around me, this time his head leaning down beside mine and he whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry baby. You’ve got nothing to be sorry for. I just can’t believe how beautiful you are, and I have you in my apartment. I’ve loved getting to know you better, and I just wanted to know you physically as well, to make you feel as good as I feel being with you.” I heard him saying these things in my ear while his hands are traveling over my torso, touching my nipples, pawing me. The combination of his body pressing against mine, his talk of how sexy he found me, and his touch was having the effect he wanted. I was getting turned on. I groaned as he continued his seduction, eventually finding myself with my head leaning back against his shoulder. He lifted one hand to my head, turning my face toward him so that he could meet my mouth in another kiss. And then we were making out again, except this time I was pressed against the window, Bobby was behind me, holding me in place, and taking my mouth with his. I felt myself giving in. Gently I felt his hands turning my body back around to face him, and the next thing I knew, my arms were on his shoulders, around his neck, and I was being kissed hard by this muscular black man.

I remember thinking, “This must be how girls feel when I kiss them.” He was clearly in charge. He was directing the kiss, and by my actions I was giving him permission to continue. I was submitting to him. Then, his hands wandered down my back and grabbed my ass while we were making out. I felt so slutty in that moment, displayed before all of Midtown Atlanta as the white boy being seduced by this muscular black man. And even as that thought was running through my brain, Bobby lifted me with his hands on my ass, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist, and he walked with me toward his bedroom.

I felt overwhelmed by his strength, and so I clung to him as he walked me toward his king sized bed. He didn’t lay me down right away. Instead, he crawled onto the bed with me still clinging to him, until he could lay me down in the center of the bed, my head on the pillows. I know it seems ridiculous given the fact that I was a straight white guy being seduced by a muscled up black man, but I felt very protected in that moment.

As he laid me down, I looked up into his face as he reached down and started kissing me again. It was a surreal moment to realize that I was in bed with a man on top of me, making out.

Before it could go very much further, though, I wanted to set some boundaries. While by my actions I was clearly open to experimenting, having him fuck me was completely out of the question. I pushed him up, and said, “I’m enjoying this, but please know that I can’t get fucked. I don’t want it to go there, and I don’t want you to think you are getting something that I can’t give.”

“Don’t worry, baby,” he said gently, “We won’t do anything you don’t want.” I felt relieved. It wasn’t until later that I realized he had chosen his words carefully.

He began kissing his way down my chest, sucking on my nipples, causing my back to arch up in pleasure. He continued moving down until he was at my jock. Slipping his finger behind the bands, he began slipping it down. He sat up to pull it off my legs, tossing it to the floor before leaning down and swallowing my 6 inch cock to the base. The warmth of his mouth enveloping my cock was overwhelming, and then he snaked his tongue out and licked my balls. I’d never experienced anything like the blowjob he was giving me.

I thought nothing could feel better than that blowjob, but then, without warning he grabbed my legs, lifting them up and out, rotating my ass up and licked my hole. The sensations that shot through my body were incredible! How did I not know how good this would feel? Hearing my moans only inspired him to keep going, and his mouth began an onslaught on my virgin ass. He ate me as if it were his last meal. His tongue was incredible, sometimes working itself in my ass, other times circling the rim of my hole. I was taken to another level of pleasure as he expertly rimmed me. I even began to feel like I was on the brink of orgasm just by his tongue working my ass.

And then he added a finger. With the spit that he had used, his finger slid in easily. I was about to protest and remind him of my boundaries when his finger touched something inside of me that felt incredible! He touched that place again and it felt like I was going to cum from the inside out. I had no idea my ass could feel so good, or was such a sexual organ. He kept using his tongue and finger, or fingers, as at some point he had added a second, then third finger. I was so lost in the pleasure I wasn’t sure what happened when, I just knew it felt good.

He kept his fingers in my hole, gently rocking them in and out as he sat up and looked down at me. “Feeling good?” He asked? “Yes!” I exclaimed.

“I can make you feel even better. If you can take three of my fingers, you can take my cock. Let me put just the tip in see how it feels.” Strung out on the pleasure I was feeling, I nodded. He kept his fingers in me, rocking them gently in and out, as he reached over to the bedside table and grabbed a bottle of lube sitting there. He popped the cap on the lube and squirted some on the fingers probing my ass, resulting in the lube being pushed into my opening. He slowly slid the fingers out, and then added lube to his cock. He used his hand to place the head of his cock at my hole and pressed forward slightly. The lube, combined with his opening of my hole, resulted in the head of his dick popping in fairly easily. He looked at me as I winced, feeling stretched by his cockhead, which was clearly larger around than the combination of his three fingers.

Bobby held still, with just the head in my hole, saying things like, “Damn, baby, your hole feels so good on my dick!” and “Yeah, Sean, I love seeing you like this, spread out below me and opening up to me!” For my part, I was taking in the sensation. The burning pain was subsiding, and I was growing more comfortable with his cock at the entrance to my ass. Bobby smiled at me and leaned down to kiss me, while simultaneously rocking slightly back and forth. The distraction of his kiss allowed him to put more pressure on his slight thrusts, and I felt his cock descend further into my ass. He kept up that slight rocking motion, while still kissing me, inching his cock further into me. I remember wondering just how big that thing was, because it just kept going, seeming like it would never end. Finally, after about 10 minutes of making out and him slowing inching in, I felt his pubes press against me and knew he was fully in.

He pulled his face back from me, smiling, and said, “I’m all the way in baby! I love breaking in new white jock ass!” I was shocked at how easily I had taken his cock. He had been so gentle in getting in that it wasn’t that painful. There were a few moments of pain, but overall I just felt full. And I loved getting kissed by Bobby. I realized he had kept my attention on making out with him so I would relax and make this cock’s entry easier. It had worked.

As he slowly pulled out and then pressed back in, he rubbed against that place in my ass and my pleasure sensors went off like crazy! “Yes!!! Do that again!” I shouted. He smiled, pulling out and pressing in again, “You mean this?” he asked as he continued his slow fucking of my ass. My moans were the clear answer. He wasn’t even really fucking me, just gently easing in and out, and I already was loving it. I had no idea that bottoming could feel like this.

Sensing my enjoyment, Bobby began speeding up, until within a couple of minutes he was pulling almost all the way out, then slamming back into my ass. I heard the sound of his balls slamming against my ass, feeling them bounce with power off of my upturned cheeks. I looked at my legs, spread wide and pushed back near my chest, and saw myself as I had seen the girls I dated, open and accepting of this man who was fucking me.

He kept fucking me, looking in my eyes, watching me love what he was doing. If I moaned or shouted with pleasure, he made sure he hit that spot again. The constant rubbing of what I later learned was my prostate had me harder than I’d ever been, and I realized, I was about to cum without even touching my dick. He kept up the steady fucking, and my orgasm washed over me. It was the most incredible feeling of my life.

“Yeah, baby!” he shouted. “Cum for me! My dick in you made you cum! You were born to take my dick!” His commentary intensified the sensations for me. He kept fucking, working up a sweat and pounding into my whole. Normally, after I cum, I’m drained and exhausted, but as he kept fucking me, I stayed hard and I felt alive, like pleasure was just washing over and over me. After about two more minutes, he sped up, his thrusts became more eratic, and he shouted, I’m cumming baby!” He thrust in and held deep in me, and I felt his cock pulse as he shot in my ass.

As he came down off his orgasm, he laid down on me, resting his full weight on me. He lifted his face and kissed me, telling me how much he loved my ass and how hot I was. Finally, he pulled his still mostly hard cock from my ass and rolled over beside me.

I looked down at the cock that had just been in my guts, and I was shocked to see a dick that must have been a foot long! “Holy shit, man!” I said. “How in the hell did I take that thing on my first time out?” He laughed and said, “That’s why I didn’t let you get a good look at it before I fucked you. You would have tensed up thinking you couldn’t take it. You took it because you didn’t know, but now you know you can take it!”

“Sneaky!” I laughed. He rolled over onto his side, facing me, then rolled me away from him onto my side and pulled me back against his chest. Cuddled against him, I rested in the post-orgasmic bliss, knowing I had just experienced the greatest sex I’d ever had in my short life. “Mmm,” he moaned in my ear, “I love snuggling little white boys after sex. You fit so good in my arms.” He held me tightly as he quickly drifted off to sleep. Unable to separate myself from his arms, I felt myself drifting into contented sleep as well.

To be continued…

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