Filling Station Sexcapades

by Mighty Mouth

6 Nov 2018 3844 readers Score 8.2 (45 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This is a sequel to my story “Filling Station Glory Hole,” that appeared on Gay Demon on July 25, 2017. 

Soon after I bought a small service station, I decided to test how much sex I could have there. Since I had an assistant who waited on our customers, I had lots of free time to indulge my fantasies. The men’s room had one stall and a urinal. I discreetly installed a well-concealed camera, and a mike, to follow the action there. I mounted a doorbell-like button, near the urinal. Above the doorbell I placed a sign, "ring bell for service." I imagined that some people would just take it as a joke.  Between the bell and the urinal I drilled a round hole in the wall, at cock level. Above the hole I put a plaque that read, "release valve." I figured I would be the only one to get the significance of the release valve. I controlled the key to the toilet door, so no one could enter without getting it from me. Once inside a person was secure, because another person would need a key to get in.

If someone looked into the hole, all they could see was a tin door that could only be opened from the inside. I imagined that any guys who had seen or used a round hole in a men’s room might wonder if this one could serve the same function. Just behind my office at the front window, there was a small storage room. It adjoined the toilet. Thus the reverse side of the hole was in my storage area. I kept a chair in front of the hole, ready for business (or should I say service?). If the bell rang, I could enter the storage area, sit down at the hole, and turn off the light. When the hole was open, the person in the toilet could only see a mouth and darkness on the other side. My goal was to have the guy fill my tank.

I developed a regular clientele and sucked lots of cock. I then decided that I would make my setup even more elaborate. This was back in the days before the internet, and porno was not readily available. But I had a contact where I bought a selection of films, making sure they were full of dicks getting sucked, primarily by women, but by men also. I installed a movie projector and a large screen  in the storage room and put three chairs there. In order to increase my possibilities, I bought a pinball machine, for my front office, and put a sign in the window “free pinball inside.” After all, not every cute guy who bought gas used the men’s room. The idea was to snare more “victims.” I also ought a slot machine, a one-armed bandit, but put in the storage room because it was illegal. It took pennies, and I left a bowl full beside the machine, for clients’ use.

I decided to tell my regulars about my new diversion. I let them go to the men’s room, then appeared at the hole and said, “Come into the service station, I can give a better blow job there.” I had never spoken to any of them, so they were surprised. Some accepted, but others did not, probably because they wanted to keep it impersonal. Those who agreed,  I met at the front door and took them into the storage room and turned on a movie.

There was a high school a block from the filling station, and I could ogle the teens, many of whom cut through the station on the way to or from school. One day a kid came inside and asked, “Mister, I love pinball machines. Is yours really free? I don’t have much cash on me.” He was not  really good-looking, but not ugly either–just an ordinary Joe.

I answered his question with, “It’s all yours to use. Help yourself.” After he played for a while, obviously thrilled, I told him that I offered other free services.

“Such as what?” he asked.

“I have a porno movie in the store room, but you have to be 18 to watch it.”

“Well I just turned 18,” he assured me. “I never saw one but I’ll bet it’s interesting.”

I didn’t ask for ID, I just took his word for it. I told him, “Great, come in and enjoy the show.” We went in, I locked the door and turned on the projector. Naturally I watched him and not the screen. He soon became fidgety, and I guessed why.

“I’ll bet you would like to get a blow job like the guy in the movie,” I stated.

“Hey, that would be cool,” he answered, groping himself. So I reach over and felt a hard dick in his pants. He made no effort to stop me.

Almost commandingly, I said  “Open your fly. I want to see your package.” He wasted no time, and took out a very average cock, but looked at me as if for my approval. “Well”, I thought, “I can’t hit the jackpot every time.” So I faked it, and said “Nice.” He was in ecstacy, and shot quickly.

One slow afternoon a worn-out pickup drove  into the station. A very handsome guy in his late 20s jumped out of the truck. He seemed to be about six feet tall, and looked like a hillbilly. After he had gassed up, he came in to pay his bill. He asked, “What does that sign free pinball mean?”

Astonished, I replied, “It’s a game. See that machine in the corner? I’ll show you how it works.”

I proceeded to explain the rudiments and let him try it out. He was fascinated.  Evidently he was in no hurry, because he played for about 10 minutes, completely engrossed. I decide to push the issue further and asked, “Do you like to watch porno? I have a projector with that kind of movie in it, ready to show.”

“Sorry, man. I’m religious. I am a Pentacostal. It’s a sin to watch a flick like that. It’s even a sin to talk about it,” he retorted. He stormed out, obviously angry.

But to my surprise, he returned two days later. He parked his truck, and came inside. “I don’t need gas today, but would like to play that game again, OK”

“Be my guest,” I told him cordially. Apparently he had gotten over his anger. I developed a scheme. I went into the store room, turned on the projector, and left the door on. He could hear the moans of a woman being screwed, but he didn’t abandon his pinball machine. I wondered how much  mental torture he could take before he left. Yet he stayed. Then he surprised me by walking to the door of the stockroom and peeking it. He was obviously mesmerized by what he saw.

I said, “Why don’t you go in and take a seat. I’ll close the door.” He was obviously hooked, and did just that. I decided to wait a couple of minutes and go in to see what was “up.” He seemed shocked when I went in, and quickly removed his hand from his crotch. “OK if I join you?” I guess he was too polite to say no, so he just nodded agreement.

I sat down and glanced over at him. He seemed nervous and edgy. Probably guilt feelings were flooding his mind. A guy was getting a blowjob from a buxom blonde. I threw caution to the winds, and asked, “Have you ever had a blowjob?”

“Well, I hate to say it, because you are a stranger to me, but I did once before I got religion.” I was still a kid, and was hitchhiking. A guy picked me up and propositioned me. So I let him do it.”

“I’ll bet you liked it,” I remarked.

He didn’t answer my question but said, “I gotta get goin now. Thanks.” With that he  jumped up and ran out of the room. I’ll wager he went home and jerked off. He wore no wedding ring, so. I assumed he was still single. “He’ll be back again,” I said to myself.

A week went by and he didn’t show. In the meantime I kept busy servicing my regulars, some  while watching porno, and others through the men’s room glory hole. I began to think he wouldn’t return. But almost two weeks later he pulled into the service station for gas. After tanking up, he came into my office to settle up. I thanked him and asked, “What is your name?”

“It’s Bill,” he replied. Then he asked politely, “Is it OK if I play the pinball machine a while?”

“Go right ahead. There’s no line,” I replied jokingly. He got absorbed with his game, and I repeated my action from his previous visit. I opened the door to the stock room and turned on the projector. He pretended not to notice. After a few minutes, I told him, “Go in if you want.” And he did. And I did too.

I locked the door and sat close to him. I wondered if he would refuse me again. After about five minutes, I reached over and groped his crotch, to be surprised by a big hard cock. He pushed my hand away. But I am as persistent as a bulldog. I took my hand off him, then kneeled down on the floor in front of him, with my face near his crotch. I proceeded to unbutton his fly, and this time he accepted my intentions.

I pulled out a gorgeous big 8 inch hillbilly dick, and promptly engulfed it to the bottom. His tenseness disappeared, he relaxed, and he spread his long legs wide to give me better access. I could see by his expression that he was loving it. He probably hoped this would happen, but first had ro get rid of his guilt feelings. I was sure he was hooked.

As they usually do, because of my superior technique and my toothless gums, he shot a big load quickly. The instant I came up off his cock he buttoned up and was out the door. He didn’t say good-bye. I had fallen in love with this fascinating and enigmatic guy. It took a long time, but I was happy with my conquest.

To be continued, with the title “Hillbilly Bill.”