Femboi Saves The World

by Mr.X

9 Jan 2024 1164 readers Score 9.9 (13 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Wow, so here we are on Thursday, Feb 15th. Two days before the “Twink Training Workshop- TTW” Ethan and Alex had done a fantastic job sorting and organizing all the communications. When all Twinks check in they will sign the Tablet screen which updates their application green-lights them and solidifies the legal 18+ contract.

I had been busy with Josh, Nicky, Logan, Dan, Zack, Jay, Steffen, Liam, Noah, Amanda & Lisa, ordering all the items, sizes, and colors. We did decide after all on the lockers and the floor areas to assemble with all the same colours together. Also, some corral of colors for clothing bags and footwear, this way Shepherds and their sheep flock all have the same section as participant items are numbered, so kids can always check they have the right dildo or cage or what have you by the number affixed.

Luckily within the last 48 hours, all required items for the entire event had arrived and we did double checks on it all and sent messages to the participants that all their items and sizes arrived and were in order. All our furniture from the Great Room & Dining Room was in storage in the warehouse section of the complex, with a few personal favs we put in our bedrooms.  The lockers arrived and we painted in the 10 colors, so it all looked like a rainbow Flag…how appropriate is that?

Gerhard had all the flexible armored conduits assembled and updated the breaker box to draw more direct from the hall mainline for The Fuck Machine Coral all protected with GFIs and surge defense. All the hall neighbors beneath us left on Tuesday for their 10-day cruises.

We also decided that the 8 balcony sliding doors would be Mag-locked open at 4 inches for fresh air with the screens locked, so all 5 on the side and all 5 (Each slider section was 10X10) on the other perpendicular side as we were a corner unit. Gerhard also put in 2 additional HEPA filters in our HVAC system with booster fans and 2 extra HRVs for ventilation circulation. We would turn down the heat to 71F as usually at 75F, we figured with 100 sweating horny dripping panting moaning teen boys the heat will get cranked enough!

This afternoon we laid out the colored sheep mats so 10 sections 10 colours and affixed labels with their shepherd’s name, the Twinks preferred first name, and their number. Many (40%) of them had texted they were nervous, and worried they might see someone they knew. But then we convinced them that they should embrace that, as it might lead to a long-lasting relationship so that made them even hornier, and all had signed the confidentiality agreement!

2 kids confirmed they were diabetic, and 3 had Asthma, so their keys would be also painted white for quick grab from the 100 key lock boxes, as well as their locker and mat so all new pre-existing medical issues had a white dot. They all said that their conditions were under good control and would bring their puffers and insulin pens/testers and pumps. Logan and I had both done the Endo and Respiratory extras in Med school, so we had no worries. Gerhard said even with the 100 twinks in here, with the filtration, circulation, and fresh air upgrades he did, that we would still have the cleanest interior air in the entire fucking city even with 120 persons!

Thursday evening, we unboxed the 25 Fuck machines for the corral and assembled them. Lisa and Amanda filled all the color-coded and sized items into the matching zip locks, with the Twinks sizes for fitted attire and cages per their number info disclosures. Amanda & Lisa were looking about 21 weeks pregnant, so the girls were taking it easy and would only do gentle anal sex (Maybe). The 10 colors of Hankey XL Seahorse were just gorgeous! We also decided that the Team Corral Shepherd would hold all the cock cage keys in a waist fanny pouch for the cylinder-locking cock cages. We would latch up and unlatch each Twink sheep when we put on the inverted cock cages before Fuck machine time, or if they wanted later again. They were all keyed the same, but we did not want any puncture or scrape accidents with the keys.

By Friday at 1 AM the entire room was fully assembled, and we technically could have started the next day, but good to have 24 hours to tie up loose ends. The 100 cars had all been booked and addresses confirmed. We had to use 4 companies due to the volume of rides. We had timed it with the plan that 2 cars (Regular SUV’s-nothing fancy) would arrive every minute and the flow of boys would be set at regular intervals, so the shepherds had a steady color corral flock to process. The students would not know where the event was until they pulled into the complex. All was prepaid including tips, so they just needed to get in with their ID few personal belongings, and their knapsack. We reminded them all that although we said smallish knapsack it had to be big enough to hold the dildo so at least 16” at zipper tip to base bottom.

Friday, Feb 16th. Jefferey had all the signs and security briefed to assist the kids to the nearest ballroom aka “Promenade 1, right next to the large freight elevator. He also confirmed that we should go a few more than 20 per load up as 4 groups of like 26 would easily fit, so we did that with the understanding that Lisa and Amanda would come up with the last attendees and the laptops and other tattoo gear and pens & the PREP pills for day 2. If Replacement were summoned, Jefferey would have security escort them up just off the elevator and then Ethan's Dad would wave them down the hall. Once in the unit, Amanda & or Gerhard would get them all cleared, searched, and labeled and then line up in Kitchen to wait for their shepherd as we had 10 color-coded squares taped 18” X18” on the floor in the kitchen so if you where in the general line, once your color square opened the Twink would walk and wait there for the shepherd to start their stripping, douching, fingering with flavored lube and then to their mat and directed to put on all colored leather gear and silicone cock rings around balls also!

At 1 PM we had a knock at the door, in walks Ethan with Mom and Dad in tow. Ethan was just beaming; he was so excited and had tented jeans and a wet spot already from his perfect dripping cock.  

Ethan introduced them to us all in the unit with some emotion and tears, “Guys, I am so pleased to introduce my Fantastic Beautiful Mom, Kristina & my Awesome Dad Michael.” She looked similar to Megan Fox and him like an older long-haired Harry Styles. I thought wow, any Twink will like these 2, but all of us would love to get fucked by Ethan's Mom. Fuck! She is gorgeous! Amanda & Lisa were dripping especially, and they stared at each other, so we will, see.

Nicky walks in from the bedroom and Kristina almost faints! “Oh, my Fucking God! You 2 are fucking Twink twins! Wow, look at you, Nicky!” They all hug and chat with some tears, it was a nice re-unifying moment. We reviewed the plan with them, and all was good and thanked them for an awesome job on the legal and digital docs. Also, all the kids signed off on appearing in released video portions and prechosen if they wanted faces blurred or unblurred. Ethan was a brilliant IT kid and knew how to edit video by IDing the numbers on chests and ass and the program would auto blur the face, but not the body. 75% said looking forward to showing face and all whether blurred or not would share in a portion of the profits related to the event from website sales.

Michael said, “Fuck I can’t believe our Ethan & the website co. is worth more than we 2 international lawyers are! All those years of Fucking law school and bullshit cases and traveling everywhere…Fuck we could have just made porn!” We all laughed.

He continued, “Anyways, tomorrow I will just wear my tight gym shorts, tank top, and sandals in the hall.” They were both awesome and so relaxed. Although both were in their 40s they looked low 30s and both very hot, so would likely join in for some play with the Twinks. If any Twinks had Daddy Fantasies it was perfect with Michael being the oldest, Kristina awesome for Futanari fantasy with her gorgeous 9” male to female she-cock!

Kristina said, “After I have condom fucked quickly these 35 or so boys at douche, once the event starts, if they consent to me fucking them without a condom are we all good with that Yes?”

Ethan replied, “Mom although we will have like a thousand condoms of all types of colors and sizes, we only expect at most 5% use. We confirmed all shepherds and assisting /admin folks have recently tested and are STI-free (posted to the website but only accessible by number and participants), and all 100-120 Twinks are STI-free and uploaded their test results in the last 24 hours. Condom use might only be if worried about encountering feces on day 2, or they are used to the feeling and enjoy the sensations.”

Ethan continues, “Now let’s get this out of the way, and no we are not playing now, but can we all strip and show our packages to Mom and Dad and they strip also please?” We all nod and start to strip, and all get erect right away with a bit drippy.

Kristina says, “My God Ethan and Nicky your cocks are so beautiful and like over 10 or almost 11 inches fantastic!”

Ethan laughs, “Yes Mom, and wait until you see what I can get up my ass and just how big I cum now…you will die Mom! But you both need to eat some  cum tomorrow as it is life-healing and will help your cocks grow, and Dad you are looking pretty fine there at 8.5, and Mom that is a beautiful 9” cock, I wish you guys would have told me!

Michael said, “We were going to the week of the incident and of course, it was too much for all of us. As far as cum eating, I will try from some guys other than you Ethan, and Nicky. I feel like the smallest in the room, so if there is cum bar to grow my cock, I will be there all day getting cum drunk when not on Hall duty!” We all laughed and complimented both on their nice cut cocks, with triangle shaved pubes, Kristina very nice at a solid 9” s!

Amanda said, “Hi Kristina & Michael….I first wanted to say…”Michael interrupts, “Amanda & Lisa, there is nothing to say or rehash, as Ethan has sung praises of you both and he cherishes you both like sisters, so welcome to the Family, we Love you both!”

Ethan and they all hugged, it was a great moment, and good to clear that all up!

We all reviewed the plan and made minuscule adjustments with all input but nothing major. About 8 of us started sending the reminders ensuring the boys had started their purges all 120 in case some of the 20 got called. 5 of the 20 standby said they will not go this round now but will cum the next offering, so that meant just 15 as a backup. 3 from the core 100 invite said yes they started but a few hours late because of work. All others we were underway for hours blowing their ass out! 39 replied and said they even ejaculated while expelling their shit and water and found it very erotic! This would be a new anal sensation for all of them and many were enjoying it! Wait till they got through the next 2 days, these boys will not believe the anal, rectal, prostate, seminal vesicle, sigmoid, and colon sensations we will get out of them!

Finally, the big day! Saturday, February 17th. We all got up at 5:30 AM texted and communicated and did final prep and purge ourselves. We all stuck to a liquid diet the last few days and douched a few times clear!

7 AM, Amanda and Lisa were set up with their tables and tattoo pens 10 colors, gear, and collection bin for Day 2 PREP and Ziplocs. Laptops and tablets at the ready, the doors open,  Jefferey and staff all set signs and assistants. 7:21 AM The first boy runs in panting smiling almost tripping. Says he is #7 RED, his preferred name is Trevor. Amanda checked their ID and as we knew, today was his 18th birthday, so they congratulated him. All else with application matches and he is green and confirmed clean purged brushed teeth and mouth washed the night before. Lisa does a quick pocket and pats down, and he undoes his belt and lowers his pants. She did not ask him to do that, but he was so excited his hard cock sprang out and dripped some precum.

Trevor said, “Please write my name on one of my ass cheeks also with my # on the other, and number on my back, and Shepherd on my chest and Trevor on my other peck!” The girls obliged. He swallowed his 2 PREP and had the next 2 ready for our labelled Ziploc. We hoped all the boys would be so organized and eager. Amanda texted saying they decided to do this with all the boys as they wanted to see their hard cocks and sweet asses, and it is a good idea and saves search time later. So the first preferred name on ass check and # on the other, and the big number on the mid back, Preferred /First name on one chest side, and # and shepherd on the other, and finally, Shepherd name on one forearm. This adjustment was very good, and they would start to get even hornier down there exposing their dripping hard cocks and asses all around.

Trevor ran to the elevator first in line as about 6 other boys arrived. None of them had issues dropping their pants, many had no underwear on! Lisa Texted saying these boys have a lot of precum and semen running down their legs and nice cocks and cute bums! Finally, at about 7:47 AM they had 28 Boys ready, and all cleared at the elevator, so they came. Many of them in that 20 minutes in line and in the elevator chatted and smiled shook hands and licked lips. They were all dying to have sex with each other and watch all the sex acts planned. The elevator opened and they all just about skipped down the hall. Michael opened the door and they all entered in a period of less than 2 minutes.

When the boys all saw us nude in our leather colors for each of them, with our giant cocks they could not keep their eyes off us. Gerhard quickly cleared them, and they assembled along the inside of the kitchen island all smiling and chatting saying how much fun this was. The first ones in line found their 1 of 10 color squares, and without even asking started to take shoes off, strip, and assemble all to be bagged and valuables and meds to be kept for lockers. Fuck, they were so anxious and horny to get nude with other boys. Holy shit, them all stripping as soon as in and doing this organizing saved so much time, why we did not think of it? They were like kids in a candy shop for the first time. Josh whispered, “This should be a mandatory school course!” I smiled. Josh was beside me as I came upon my first student, and Josh got Trevor.

Josh said, “Hi Trevor welcome, I am Josh your Shepherd, welcome to the TTW and we are the RED corral theme.”

Trevor said, “Wow Josh this place is awesome, and I have jerked off hourly watching you and Taylor and Danny and all you guys in these videos. Fuck, your cock is so big even in real life, but it is so perfectly proportioned.”

Josh replied, “Thanks Trevor, and Happy 18th birthday! I know you are a virgin except for your 9.5” dildo, but can I have your permission to share with the 99 other boys those 2 things that it is your birthday and that you are an oral and anal virgin?

Trevor marble hard and dripping said, “Well I guess but why?”

Josh replied, “Trevor, it would be my honor to take your oral and anal virginity in front of them and breed you tonight as my present to you on your birthday!”

Trevor got very emotional and teary and said, “Josh I had ridden my dildo pretending it was your cock for a month now. Your cock is so much bigger, but my ass is starving to lose my cheery on it…please be gentle, and I will try my best to suck it too, but no way I can deep throat.”

Josh replied, “No Trevor, I will not allow you to try to deep throat me, it takes months of practice, but you can lick and suck my cock after it has cum up your ass and then I will cum in your mouth and on your face, hair and chest, ok?

Trevor answers hugging Josh, “Oh yes, please! Please! Please!  Josh do it first thing when the boys are all here!”

Josh responded, “Consider it done, now Trevor, give me those shoes and clothes, and keep in that hand as you are already organized your cell phone, keys, wallet, watch, and PREP script bottle. Now watch we will put shoes in the RED bag first, then socks, followed by jacket, shirt, pants, and done. Trevor, you are a very cute 18yo boy and you have a beautiful very hard dripping cock!”

Trevor replied, “Thanks Josh, I am so nervous and have always thought my looks were not as cute or hot as most boys. That is why I am a virgin because I have been anxious and worried about rejection,” as he tears up.

Josh said, “You are cute and very hot sweet face, lovely eyes, hair and teeth, and perfect twink body and cock. You watch what all the other boys think when I ask them. Now let’s go to your locker #7 RED and give me your bag you cute naked hot Twink. There we go and all your valuables in here in your knapsack, and locker locked, now follow me to Gerhard. Gerhard this is Trevor #7 RED.” Gerhard grabs the key and places it in the key safe in its spot and hands Trevor his #7 RED large douche nozzle and Josh leads him to the middle bath that has Ethan in it, where it is posted RED #7.

Josh begins, “Ethan this is #7 RED named Trevor, today is Trevor’s 18th birthday and he is an oral and anal virgin, so there will be a special starting event for the 2 of us, so be gentle and ensure crystal clean.”

Ethan replies, “Happy birthday Trevor, come in and don’t be nervous we are all naked friends here so relax and enjoy and you can ejaculate if you want, and by the way, my first playtime with these guys was my 18th birthday just a few months ago and had the best cums of my life!”

Josh said, “Trevor when done buddy get your key from Gerhard and come find me, have fun!” Josh leaves to get his next RED Twink sheep, already naked and organized on his waiting square.

Trevor says, “Ok Josh, thanks…Boy, Ethan you guys all have such huge cocks so perfect, how do you do it?”

Ethan replies, “Trevour just take as much semen and cum up your ass and down your throat as you can from Josh and all us Shepherds and all the boys here and I guarantee by spring you will be over 9 Inches perfect. Now up here on all fours, head down, ass up and just relax, I am lubing your douche nozzle and inserting now. Trevor I am working on the 12-inch flexible butt plug-shaped RED silicone nozzle that is 1.25” at the head and gets bigger to 3 inches at the base, once all is in your ass, it is about 11 inches deep so that we just penetrate the sigmoid with warm low trickling water. You’re doing great just relax and enjoy it. Ok, very good it is coming out now so bear down I am to the side and spray now!” Trevor bears down and sprays cups of clear water out of his ass.

Trevor says, “Please Ethan again, it feels so good I am going to cum!” Ethan repeats and Trevor moans and groans and cries out and ejaculates 4 ounces all over the table.

Ethan continues, “Good boy Trevor, now bear down and get the last water out while I condom and flavor lube my cock up here.” Trevor does so exactly and total clear water still with cum dripping. “Ok Trevour I am penetrating your anus now with the flavored pina-colato lube, here we go relax as I pump my cock and I am just lubing some more of my base…. Good boy! Balls deep Trevor!”

Ethan pulls out and trashes the condom, unscrews the nozzle and hands it to Trevor, and says, “Go to the sink and wash with liquid soap and rinse good and dry with your towel, and here is your exact towel with your #7 and RED, and Ziploc for the douche nozzle. Great Job, we will see you later birthday boy, now go to Gerhard you can dry the nozzle and your body off in the hall!”

Trevor walks to the bath entrance door, where 4 other boys are waiting and they smile and say, “Fuck buddy that was so hot, and your adorable!” Trevor beams and says, “Thanks guys we will suck later!” They are all dripping.  Other boys at the other 2 baths and 6 shower heads are all starting to assemble and process through the same routine about 12 waiting in the hallway, all of them raging erections chatting, kissing rubbing ass and all touching each other. The precum was running like a steady stream out of all of them. Taylor turns on the Enigma extended play and the boys love the rhythmic electric music as they all bounce and bob. We were all blown away at how excited they all were so hard! Trevor gets his key and headed to the locker passing Josh as Josh says, “Give me one minute buddy, I will be right there,” as Josh was leading another gorgeous Twink to the shower with a nice 8” cut cock.

Josh returned and stated, “Ok give me your key Trevor, and let’s go get those goodies.” Josh unlocks the locker and hands, Trevor, his 2 large Ziplocs placing the douche nozzle in its own Ziploc into the larger bag with the dildo, locks the locker with Trevor’s valuables all in,  and runs the key back to Gerhard.

Josh continues, “OK Buddy, do you need to squat in the RED tub or any water inside?”

Trevor says, “Better safe than sorry,” so he puts his 2 Ziploc goodies and towels down and squats over the RED tub, and nothing, totally empty.

Josh states, “Ok come over here put your towel and 2 Ziplocs goodies right here beside the kitchen island. Good, now hop up there on all 4’s ass in the air to the windows!” At this point, we are at 8:12 AM have about 48 boys in the unit and all hard dripping, and naked but some still waiting to meet Shepherd and do the process. All huge smiles and chatting and checking out their workshop mates!

Josh says, “OK all nude boys in line here waiting to meet their shepherd, when other guys are up on the kitchen island rubber pad here getting finally flavored lubing, please feel free to present your cocks for sucking, while we shepherds do ass fingering and lubing, you can cum in their mouths but it all must be swallowed by the receptive sheep!!” This was music to these Twink's ears, as all boys getting lubed on the island now started sucking waiting cocks in line. It was glorious as they put their organized clothes and stuff down between their standing feet and got cocks sucked while waiting. Many did cum and all were eaten and not one drop was lost and all boys still raging hard after cum. They were more than chomping at the bit!

Josh grabbed a fresh glove and said, “Ok Trevor, I am putting my fingers in your ass with more flavored lube.” Trevor moans and groans and cum leaks from his cock. Another boy’s raging cock is mere inches away from Trevor’s mouth, so Trevor looks at him and opens wide the boy in line puts his 7.5” cock deep in Trevor’s mouth and in just 3 or 4 thrusts cums all in his mouth and face.”

Josh says, “Good boys, now Trevor get down carefully and grab your goodies, and follow me to your #7 RED mat.” Trevor is on the moon as this is the first boy cum ever in his mouth and he is showing all the boys coming in and in line all the cum all over his face and mouth, it was beautiful. They all started doing this as it was such a beautiful boy moment in a wild feral environment!”

Once at the mat, Josh commands, “Now you must put on all the RED leather attire, studded collar, short leash, the leather studded belt, the leather studded wrist cuffs, then the RED thigh-high anti-slip socks, and now the ankle cuffs and the RED silicone cock ring and the red leather double thigh garters! Leave the Jockstrap off and do not cum too much with the other boys, you can suck and swallow until we begin, but you want a big cum when I breed you on the Kitchen Island ok.”

Trevor replies giving Josh a huge hug and kiss and tears, “Yes for sure this is the best Birthday Ever!” Josh gives him a quick peck and leaves.

The same routine happens for all the other shepherds and their Twink sheep, as more boys enter more nude, more oral sex everywhere, jerking and kissing occurring rampantly, the scent of cum and testosterone is fantastic and all of us managing this are dripping as well.

9:30 AM and 69 Boys were all in their colored leather attire on their mats, many having oral with other boys around, some kissing and so much happiness it was incredible! So far all was going splendidly, and we got word just 3 canceled due to illness and 1 family emergency, so we promised they would be the first pick for round #2 for May 24 weekend! Amanda had already contacted the 4 back up and they were on their way.

We were actually ahead of schedule, these horny Twinks ran to get it all done asap as they wanted the major events to begin like a month ago! Amanda & Lisa said no issues and almost no personal belongings or valuables and all clean of weapons, and no other drugs other than the 5 with medical issues, so very good.

 They all followed the cleanse protocol fantastically and oral hygiene. All had their 2 PREP pills ready and downed at the welcome desk. The nudity and colored leather attire were so exciting for them all, and us especially, as Josh was on the stars so pleased with his plan. Seeing these young 18yo boys many of them anal virgins dying for breeding and deflowering. The cum was definitely flowing but all being slurped up and swallowed but everybody’s cock balls thighs and legs were covered in precum and thick white cum oozing …. the sweat smell was intoxicating!

Many of the boys really enjoyed the shower with Kristina. She did perfectly douching the boys and they were begging her for more tranny she-cock! But the big Fucking would take place later.

11:10 AM and we had 98 Twinks assembled. It was the most incredible sexually hot and charged environment any of us had ever had. They all loved the Enigma music, they were so awesome in their multi-colored attires, and all raved about how much fun this was!

About 40 were sucking cock, 40 kissing and 28 or so jerking each other off or rubbing other body parts. Amanda and Lisa came in and stripped and placed laptops/tablets with Gerhard, while we waited for the last 2 boys.

Just then within 2 minutes, they entered with Michael leading them in. These 2 were Dan and Zack's flock and were young hot goth boys, so those goths were under the Goth Gods' corral! Dan and Zack quickly got them nude, clothes bagged, valuables in the locker, and douched with Nicky and Ethan. Out they came as we all watched them squat and nothing out and then both Dan & Zack 4 fingered more lube up their hot asses while Taylor and I presented our cocks for a quick suck as they gagged!  The other boys all clapped when they got to their mats and started to leather up and shake hands and got their asses slapped and cocks fondled!

Josh was in charge, so he started, “Ok you Hot Fucking Twinks, Welcome to “The Twink Training Workshop!!” They all hooted and hollered and stopped their sucking, kissing, and Jerking.

“So, I just want to confirm that we are all here and the washrooms are all open 24/7 but save that piss for the piss party ok! -They all hooted and hollered again. “I just want to say how beautiful you all are in this colored leather corral gear…do you all love it or what!” More cheers and claps! Now I am pleased to confirm that every single person in this room and 1 gentle daddy in the hall have all tested negative for all STI or infectious diseases of any sort. So, you are all free to use the lube and condoms, but it is at your discretion, not required, but whatever you are comfortable with. There will be a lot of barebacking, and you are all safe to do so. Thanks, so many guys for doing the cleanse perfectly with practically 0 residual, and you all smell of hot cum and pina colada lube! More cheers filled the room and all of us rock hard and dripping. I think most of them had already cum 3 times, still exploding cocks everywhere and soaked precum webs!

“Now you all know the rules, no means No, and Stop! Yellow and Red means stay still or very slow and Red Stop all still or full get out, is that clear!”  They all yelled back, “Sir, Yes Sir!

OK so my name is Joshua, and this here is my Taylor, my Life, my everything!” They all cheered and hollered and whistled.

One boy stood up and said, “I just like to say thanks for doing this for us horny Twinks, and that I am 18 and have been masturbating for 10 years. I have watched so much gay porn. Like I must be the gay porn jerk-off king! But I have never ejaculated like I have, as I did watch you and Taylor Make Love; it was the most beautiful ejaculatory thing I have ever watched, and have never sprayed cum like that ever. God you all really do have such beautiful huge cocks, we sheep are dying to get bred! More hooting and hollering and clapping!

Josh continued, “OK that is awesome guys, and you have all met your Shepherds but here they are: Taylor corral-team Green, Josh corral Red, Alex Purple, Logan Yellow, Dan Black, Zack Orange, Liam Blue, Noah Grey, Jason White, and Steffen team Pink!” They all holler and clap.

“Ok guys so we have a surprise event that will take place in the next hour, but per the schedule, we are going to start as the Enigma music continues, with Urethral Sounding. Now how many of you have ever cock stuffed anything and what and how deep, let us see Hands so anything up your penis ever?”  Josh counted, “Oh Ok so lots of you have been trying this since you applied, so like 27, and some of you share what you used? One boy yelled out a pencil, another a metal straw, and some bought sounds and some used fish tank tubes and fuck crazy kitchen wooden spoon or artist's brush handle with lots of lube.

Josh said, “OK great so all of you guys open the toy Ziploc and pull out the 18-inch black urethral 3/8th inch thick silicone sound with your number and colored tape at the end base. Good, now find you an unflavoured lube bottle as this is best for the urethra. The pumps in the bottles have all been tested and all the sounds washed with body-safe soap. Now place a squirt of lube at the slit of your raging cocks. They all hooted some more but were anxious to try this. The Shepherds will make their way around and help and my Red flock is right up front here. Now lube also the silicones sound from tip to base until it is really wet. Good, you guys leaking so much cum great, but guys I do not care how big your ejaculations have ever been, we are going to get cum and semen out of you spraying with such force and volume you will likely pass out!

Now slowly insert the sound into your Penis. This will burn and hurt and is normal, but the pain is worth the gain, trust me, all of you will love this. Good now very slowly over a few minutes fuck that sound in your cock pull it in and out a few times each time going a bit deeper. Perfect guys, it feels good right? Many are moaning and sighing and sort of in small pain. Okay now once in about 7 inches you will feel some resistance. That is the entry through the pipe to your prostate. Now you can’t hurt yourself but slowly keep applying thrusting pressure and believe me you will know when you have broken into and penetrated your prostate. Keep going right through to the bladder. Ok, all watch famous cum eater Dan do it here on the kitchen island. Great you all found it judging from the moans and groans now keep thrusting until the sound base is at the tip of your penis and now just enjoy this for several minutes. You may ejaculate if you want when you pull out or save your cum gusher for later. There will be sounding group parties tonight and tomorrow as well.” The boys all seemed to love this and about half ejaculated and the other half held off…. barely. Now all of you slurp up your cum and your partner's cum to both sides of you or behind you so get all clean in the next 5 mins. They all love this, and quick cock sucking started everywhere!

“OK Guys, now put your used sound in the vented pencil case for cleaning later. Once that is done, we want you all to start at Number 1 Red here, whose name is Jonathan, now Jonathan, Nicky is going to eat your ass, and number 100 in the far back corner you are going to eat Ethan's beautiful rosebud ass. Okay, so you guys all turn your heads to your partner in this snaking fashion…don’t start yet, all get in the ass-to-mouth position so kids on the row ends will have to twist and curve …right good. You are all super clean and flavored lubed assholes. By the way, the guys that have been kissing and face sucking, there are far more terrible and plentiful bacteria in the mouth more so than the anus, rectum, and colon when cleansed. Good It looks like we are all in this beautiful, snaked turning row position. What do you guys think… hot… and smells nice?” They all hooted and hollered!

“Ok Twinks, now, pull the clean ass cheeks apart in front of you and slowly but firmly bring your tongue to the anus and swirl it around and push It in! The moans and shudders that skyrocketed drowned out the music as many of them had never had a tongue on or in their asshole. Good, now guys you seem to be enjoying this, so pick it up and lick and suck and eat that asshole like you really mean it. The moaning with the licking was unbelievable. Most of them were now in minutes going just crazy aggressive and eating and tonguing so hard half their face buried in a boy’s ass they had only met the last 2 hours. I said you can now suck that clean asshole and swallow all that sweet-flavoured edible lube and ass orgasm juice. They all did that. Their mouths and faces are beautiful. After 20 minutes they did not want to stop, they all loved the rimming. OK guys, now stop and I want you all to French kiss for 2 minutes the guy in front of you first, and then in the next 2 minutes, kiss the guys behind you. Many dripped thick cum this was so animalistic.

Josh continued, “Fuck this is so hot boys, (All hooted and clapped). Now all turn the other way and eat out the ass of the boy who just ate you for 10 minutes and then when I say you will all kiss passionately again both boys in front and behind all sharing our sweet lubes and ass cum. 40 minutes so did you all love that? The boys clapped and many said, I want to eat more ass right Fucking now!

Josh replied, “Guys there will be rimming groups later, and before we get inverted cock caged for the dildo Fuck-machines, we have a special boy here. Trevor, would you please cum up?”

Trevor comes up smiling raging hard and gorgeous, sweet, so hot, cute, and innocent with his red Leather get up and dripping cock.

Josh Continues, “I know about half of you were 17 when you applied and turned 18 in that 5-week time, but today guys, Trevor is the youngest participant, as today Trevor just turned 18!”

They all clap and holler. Trevor’s hair is dark brown shoulder length and so a perfect face with blue eyes and gorgeous teeth …was just like a younger Joshua.

Josh said, “Now the rest of you, I have a question…and be honest there is no penalty here. Trevor is an oral and anal virgin, Of course, he just sucked some cock here this afternoon for the first time and ate cum, but Trevor here has anxiety and some self-esteem concern because he thinks he is not cute or sweet or hot enough for boys to find him attractive. So, would you ask him out on a date, or If Trevor was to ask any of you out, knowing that he is looking for sucking and fucking, how many by standing up would in a heartbeat go out with Trevor and no liars ok now stand if you would love to go out with him on a date and do all sorts of sex!” Every single 99 other guys, Twinks, and Trans stood up so fast smiling pulling, and jerking their cocks. Trevor started to cry just buckets. 4 Boys ran up and licked his tears and a third started to suck his cock and the 4th ate his ass as he laughed and hugged them all as the group clapped and cheered! All of them tearing up because they had all been in that exact feeling at some point. It was a cosmic sexually emotional male bonding, never before seen!

I hugged him and told the other Twinks to sit down.

Josh continued, “Now guys, as my gift to Trevor (And he has agreed and signed off), I am going to at first gently breed him balls deep, and then pound his ass like he and you all won’t believe until he has his first hands free cum as I take Trevor’s anal virginity. I will fill his ass with my semen and then spray his mouth throat and face, so all want to see that?” The 99 Twinks all stood, and the cheering and shouting were unbelievable, even Michael popped his head in from the hall!

“Now I know you are all staring at my perfect over 12-inch raging cock that never goes down.  Trevor does have a 9.5” dildo of medium thickness so he has some loosening, but never hands-free cum and never anything as big as my cock in his ass. I will be entering his sigmoid and all of you will experience this same pleasure tonight and tomorrow many times. You will all see, just what you can get up your ass, and the incredible pleasure and cum you get!

So, Trevor sweety, get your ass up here on the kitchen island doggy position, and let’s get you a pillow. You will not touch your penis at all understand? – he nodded as I saw his heart beating so fast and his prostate was swelling to softball size although so thin, he was going to be an impressive cum.

“Ok so I am using our special custom coco anal lube blend and first I will rim your ass some more to relax you. “The music played, and it was beautiful. Josh knew how to open his ass with his tongue. A steady thick white stream of cum started to pour out of Trevor’s cock as Josh ate his ass teaching the 99 boys glued to the scene, many in the back standing. You could have heard a pin drop; all heart rates must have been well over 150. So much heavy breathing as the 99 watched. After 5 minutes and so much moaning from Trevor, Josh fingered his anus with some lube. Trevor gave up some moans and crying squirts just from this. Then 2 fingers…then three and then four. This boy was so turned on and hungry, that I think Josh could have even double-fisted him to his ballroom with his gorgeous mouth full open gasping in extreme pleasure. Josh was making circular expanding motions twisting and turning. He withdrew his fingers after Trevor was gaping and starving for his cock. Slowly he entered the boy’s anus as a great sigh, smile, and nod escaped the boy’s mouth. Trevor’s blue eyes and facial expression said it all…he was in heaven on his 18th birthday! We do not think we have ever seen Josh go so slow or gentle. He kept rubbing Trevor’s ass and back and leaning forward and kissing his ears, neck, and face. He was not only going to breed the birthday boy, but I could also tell he was going to make love to him, and I loved it!

He kept whispering in his ear and the look of ecstasy and bliss on Trevor’s face was priceless. Finally, after 15 minutes Josh was balls deep and Trevor nodded in approval. The 99 others were transfixed like watching a rocket take off all dripping and pumping each other. Slowly Josh started to pump. Great gasps and moans and groans not only escaped Trevor but many of the boys were going to hands-free cum watching this. Josh got into a faster rhythm as Trevor was now eating his cock with his ass starting to push back, and Trevor now pounding his ass into Josh’s 12” thick balls deep giant cock and rode it on his birthday. With a huge smiling mouth open, you've never seen a boy so happy! Josh leaned forward and asked him something and Trevor smiled so big and gave thumbs up!

Josh announced, “OK Birthday boy Trevor now you will get bred!” Josh grabbed the Red studded belt around the boy’s waist and also the 15-inch short leash to Trevor’s studded Red neck Collar.

Suddenly Josh went full boar and started pounding Trevor’s ass crazy fast and Trevor cried out, “Yes! Yes! Josh harder, deeper, faster!” Trevor’s mouth open in so much pleasure and agony like childbirth. Josh did just that as the 99 others were so panting, I saw at least 30 of them squirt cum not even touching their cocks. Josh kept up the speed and throttle on the belt and collar as Trevor leaned his head back and tears rolled down his eyes. Great hands-free squirts started to fly from Trevor’s cocks with great thick torrents as he screamed in pleasure, but this was just the beginning. Josh grabbed the Boy, lifted him up while keeping balls deep his huge 12” cock in him, and stood up with Trevor in front of the 99 boys, as they all cheered, and went nuts as Josh grabbed Trevor’s thighs and ass. Trevor reached up and held onto Josh's neck and Collar with one hand and the other on Josh’s forearm. Josh continued to pound Trevor’s ass relentlessly on his monolith as the boy's 7” perfect cock bobbed up and down violently and all around and more tears streamed. I was so impressed. Trevor screamed and cried out, “Oh Fuck, Oh My God, Holy shit Fuck Yes! Yes! Yes! Yeaaaaaahhhhhh!”

It was Josh’s magic as his eyes turned aqua blue all he could do was hold off the thunder and lightning and not drown the boy in cum. Trevor came not just ounces but spraying cups of cum almost 20 feet hitting many boys in front, as boys ran up and opened their mouths and licked the floor as Josh continued to pound his ass, as Trevor's cum hit the ceiling.  Now as Josh started to moan and groan and announce he was cumming, the 99 boys could not fathom the volume firing out of Trevor’s ass as the boy continued to scream and pant in extreme joy and rapture with his cock erupting even more some 15 feet all over. After 10 minutes and liters of Josh's cum on the floor with almost 20 boys sucking it all mixed up and swallowing, Josh pulled Trevor off. He gently lowered the boy to his knees covered in his cum, and turned him to the side so all 99 boys could watch. Josh pumped and jerked his massive cock.

He said, “Trevor open, and swallow as much as you can if you want a big cock like me!” Trevor opened so wide Josh squirted deep thick hot cum down his throat, pinching his cock every few minutes as the boy struggled to swallow. I spied Ethan smiling and sending guidance vibes, as we all knew he was the real volume eater. After Trevor was full with about 3 liters of cum, Josh pulled away and pumped about another 3 liters all over the boy's hair, face, head and chest, and back.

Finally, he lifted Trevor Up, and they kissed and swapped all that cum. 40 boys were all around eating and licking every part of Trevor and all the cum on the floor was being sucked up. The other 59 boys had also had to eat their own cum up off the mat as so many blew good loads just watching! They hugged kissed and held, with all the other 99 boys applauding and dozens licking more cum off Trevor.

Josh said, “OK guys I hoped you all learned just how to breed a boy!” They all are cheering incredibly, hooting and hollering! Let's take a 10-minute quick break, and Trevor you can come shower with me, and the rest of you guys come get some water as you need to make more cum! Trevor gave him another big kiss and they bounced to the master shower.

Trevor came out 10 minutes later with Josh all smiling and clean-washed.

Trevor yelled, “Best Fucking Birthday Ever!!, I have no idea where all that cum came from in me. You all saw, and I have never had sensations in my ass while cummings like that. You guys are going to love this, it takes your breath away, and it feels so incredibly great! Trevor sits down and I dare say he not only has 99 new friends, but he also has 99 fuck buddies!

Josh continues, “OK, well Happy Birthday Trevor and we are all going to have a lot more fun now!” The kids all cheer more!

“Ok, so if I recall from the website apps, only a few of you have ever worn a cock cage so this will feel in your penis similar to the urethral sound, but not quite as deep as the cum tube in your penis is 5 inches in so just barely less than an inch from the prostates main pipe that heads to your cock slit. Now guys why we do this, (and all of you will love the look and sensation), as the focus of this training, is the fact that the prostate and seminal vesicle and all the glands and pipes in our boy's plumbing all lie right against the anal, rectal and colon wall. So, if God had not wanted boys to take shit up their ass to cum free without touching their cock, then he sure as fuck should not have put all the pleasure centers in our ass! (They all roared!) Now what the inverted cock cage does apart from exciting the penis, is it draws one's focus away from the penis and testicles so you can solely concentrate on the anus, rectum, and sigmoid penetration and pleasure. Every boy and man can have massive hands-free cum without an erection or touching balls or cock. In 4 hours, some of you might decide this is the only sex you want to do, and that is fine and enjoy it. I want you all to relax and think about your beautiful anal, rectal, and sigmoid and all those nerves ending so rich and plentiful. It is a boy’s cunt and vagina and love tunnel waiting to be filled and stimulated, the prostate Is our G-Spot so embrace it!

So, all take out your inverted cock cages it is the non-penis-shaped one with the flat head and cum tube. Now the shepherds will come around and unlock the slide cylinder locks for each of your inverted cages in their corral flock. While they are doing that, I want you guys to take the same lube squirt bottle we used for sounding and lube up your balls and cock all around.

Great doing good, now with the cage in 2 sections and the cylinder lock in front on your mat, take the base of the cage and slide one testicle through and then the other. Now guys you must get your erections down so think of something sad. Ok now slowly push your penis into your body so that it is inverted. Once that is done, push the flaccid penis out through the interior of the cage base ring. Good awesome guys most of you getting there excellent.

Now again when the penis is down, slowly slide the lubricated cum tube into your penis until the flat base head of the cage is at your glans. All continue to watch the TV and Ethan and Nicky demonstrating at the front here. BTW yes, they are brother, they just found out a few months ago last year. Yes, they both are so hot and gorgeous, but wait till you see them suck, fuck and fist each other, it is beautiful. The kids erupt into euphoria!

Ok, now as the hot Twinks up here are demonstrating, keep pushing your penis back into your body with the cum tube up it. Once the flat shield head is lined up with the peg slot holes and the 3 cylinder lock sections are all aligned, hold it in place and put your other hand up and your Shephard will come and insert the cylinder lock. You will all be amazed that although your balls look pancaked, it does not hurt, but the weight and pressure are enough for many guys to ejaculate walking around so let it happen but just eat it all up. Great guys, you are all looking so hot and almost all caged up. Let us take 15 minutes and you guys can all walk down the hall and into the playroom and look in there at all our gear and equipment and check yourselves out in the wall of mirrors once you are all caged and locked.

I swear about 80 of them just about ran down the hall to the playroom all prancing around and looking at each other's caged cock and balls like newborn stallions.

Josh came down also all locked and they were in awe that he could squeeze that cock down there in him.

Josh continued, “Now guys you can all play with each others’ balls and pull on the cage a bit, but go back to your mats when done check you and all out, as we have to put on the support snap belts. Good ok now pull out the 1 cm thick elasticized colored belt with the adjustable locking male and female metal snaps. Now slip the snaps in around each side of the cock cage base and voila, this belt helps keep the cage in place and on. You are all wondering how it could fall off when it feels so snug around our balls…well just wait and see how violent you all get when you start to ride those fucking machines. Now Nicky and Ethan are on the TV streaming from the playroom, they are going to Fuck machine ride the largest Seahorse, the XXL, it goes 16 inches deep and has a 9” in circumference head and almost 16 inches at the base. When Ethan first joined us he secretly had been bottoming out on this beast and this is nothing for him, wait till you see him take 2 or 3 at once balls deep. (Ethan smiled and waved) 

Ok, now we are going to random draw numbers, but I have decided to deviate just for one Boy. Trevor, grab your XL Seahorse dildo, your lube pot, and the Red Frisby, get your ass back up on that kitchen island with the nice mats all secured down on it. Taylor Gerhard, can we bring out one of the spare Fuck machines from The Play Palace and plug it in the Island GFI. We did so in a few minutes.

Josh continues, “Ok so before we start the rest of you, you can all see Trevor all beautifully caged up and cum dripping in anticipation. Now Trevor, turn around and slide the dildo hole onto the vacu-lock peg in whatever position you want to try, as you can stop and move it during your machine fuck. Good, you are starting the doggie position. Now unscrew your lube can and slather a shit tone all over the dildo so it is very thoroughly coated. There is no such thing here guys as too much lube and we will safely do refills of lube pots with fresh gloves from our main barrels anytime.

Now Trevor grab a good handful and put as much up and around your ass as you can. Perfect…now get into doggie position and wiggle your ass back until the tip of the dildo is just entering your anus and move your knees back a little more so the dildo is just maybe 3 inches in your ass.” Trevor does perfect and a big smile and moan and groan and eyebrow lift escapes his sweet boy face.

Josh says, “Does it feel good?” Trevor replies, “I am going to cum so much I can feel my ass is starving!” The crowd cheers!

Josh commands, “Good boy, now turn on the fuck machine green button and as you turn the one dial, it will speed up and stroke speed and the other dial will increase the penetration with the maximum stroke being a full 12 glorious inches. Ok Trevor, away you go and make as much noise as you want, enjoy! The rest of you can come closer and watch or watch Nicky and Ethan on the TV.”

Trevor was moaning and groaning and the look of sheer rapture on his face as he quickly in minutes was 2/3rd deep or about 10 inches deep and 11.5 inches wide around his asshole. In another few minutes the kids were blown away as they saw squirting milking streams of boy cum shoot several feet out of the cock cage tube entrance. Trevor was screaming so loud in fucking rapture as he wiggled back after another 5 minutes.

Josh said, “Ok Trevor very very Good! Now you are just knocking at the entrance young man to your sigmoid, and as my Taylor told me 4 years ago when I was in this very same position, once through and into the sigmoid, this is a whole new ball game so guys watch and learn. Trevor any pain?”

Trevor replies, “No Josh I want more, If feel like a chamber opening and I want to push in …the pleasure is out of this world…should I now?”

Josh yells, “Now Trevor push back as hard as you can and eat that dildo to its base now! Trevor did perfectly and all we heard, and saw were screams of the biggest cum this boy has ever had.

“Oh Fuck, Oh My God, Fuck more Deeper Faster…Josh, I want more, bigger deeper fuck Oh God more cum Oh Fuck Yes! Yes! Fuuuccckkkk!! Trevor sprayed almost as much as I did that first time. It was several feet away off the kitchen island as other boys slurped it all up so wildly. I dare say as he kept riding this was his second full-gallon eruption in 4 hours after Josh fucked him. Trevor’s Frisby was now overflowing, and boys lined up to drink from it like a eucharist chalice.

Josh said, “OK Trevor as that is our spare fuck machine you are going to keep riding for the full 3 hours birthday boy! And I will keep you lubed and hydrated.

Ok the rest of you get your dildos out and we will start the first 25 random to go to their machines and start the same as Trevor did, again all you need is the dildo the lube pot, and the Frisbee. Those waiting for you guys can also start to play with your ass and ride your lubed dildo, but keep in mind you need to carry it up to the Fuck machine corral and slide it onto the peg and they do get very very slick, and slippery with our special coco lube blend recipe which we will give to all of you hot Twinks.” We called the numbers and again boys came running up from all different corral colors so horny and anxious with their beautiful inverted caged cocks. Many boys maybe 50 said they wanted to drink everybody’s cum if any boy was too full to eat their own. These twinks were cum addicts!  

I came up to Josh as the first 25 were underway, and the moaning and groaning and cries of ecstasy were unfucking real, and almost all the other 70 plus were on their mats playing with their assholes and dildos.

I said to Josh quietly, “Holy Fuck Lover this is unfathomable, these boys are breaking out into cum crazed animals, and just think about all the others begging for this. We will build and open your Faggot Femboy Fight club, but on the second floor there will be a large gymnasium with dozens of showers, and we will do this every weekend once built. Kids will have to fly here, and we will pay as part of an annual website membership, but again we will restrict to 18 only at the time of hosting and to kids who have relationship challenges.”

Josh teared up, “Taylor look at the friends and lovers they are all forming. These boys after leaving here will have the greatest sex life. We all know it may cure their mental and emotional health so they can concentrate on all the other pleasures that life has to offer with success as well. Fuck, I am so in Love with you!” We kissed passionately hugging as the kids all cheered!

After 45 minutes, it was time to call the next lot. They all ran up and almost had to pull the other boys off the machines as they were all cumming so much screaming and filling their Frisbees overflowing with cum. Cum was also flowing off the mats and squirting all around the dining room floor. Trevor was in heaven, he just kept panting and moaning as Josh kept lubing his dildo, I think apart from the liters of cum he splashed off the island, his Frisbee had been emptied 3x put at the end of the Island as boys lined up and for a cum drink.

Josh went over to his corral as Twink Michael and Jonathan were riding their XL Seahorse smiling and said, “I know you 2 boys are older and are the only other ones without any anal or oral experience.”

Jonathan replied, “Well I am still an anal virgin right now, but I have cum 2x in a boy's throat and sucked and swallowed 3 guys already. Twink Michael replied, “I have done similar at 2 and 2, this is so much fun, and boy cum tastes so good.”   

Josh brought them close together, “Awesome guys, but I want to breed you after supper before we start fisting, OK?”

They both were so happy and gave me the biggest hug!

“Ok Guys we are now at our last 24 so grab those dildos and go get machine fucked for 45 minutes. The rest of you should tank up on water as we will soon be pissing!” The final 24 moaned and groaned and we were blown away that almost all of them even after filling their frisbees, and some multiple times, came back to their mats, lubed up, and kept riding their dildos. Many of them formed circle groups and held hands as support. It was beautiful male bonding at its finest ever, all-boy group dildo riding!

Josh continued, “Ok Fuck machines boys, it's time to stop, you can all reserve for an hour later tonight, so please pull off and drink your Frisbee dry and lick it all up. That goes for all of you fucking Twink ass sluts in this room, oh and if you guys think you came a lot, check out the 2 Gallon paint cans worth on TV from Ethan and Nicky! They all gasped as Ethan and Nickey pulled off the XXL Seahorse smiling away covered in a sea of cum.

Josh commanded, “There is far too much boy cum all over the mats and the fuck machine stations, so we are not continuing with any activity until you guys stop riding your dildos and everybody go and slurp up and lick up cum everywhere now please!” You never saw so many worried boys' faces go crazy, and the slurping swallowing sounds they all looked like aardvarks, it was fucking hilarious. They loved every drop as more dripped from their cock cages.

Josh continued, “OK pretty good. Now your corral shepherd leader is going to come around and unlock your cock cages. Yes, we can latch you up again later but it’s been 3 hours so they should come off. When unlocked, please slowly pull the cock tube and the shield out and then put that end in your mouth and suck all your remaining cum out of the Tube.  Your Shepherd leader will lock the cylinder back in the base once you have the shield and tube off.” This took 15 minutes.

“Ok so we realize we have to tweak the schedule here a bit, and sort of kill 2 birds with one stone. Firstly, we have the 2 kitchen sinks full of vodka…no we are not serving you alcohol, at least not a lot, but starting at #1 Jonathan here through to 100 come up and (Josh looks back) …. Oh fuck…Trevor, I forgot you are still riding that fucking dildo Fuck Machine for almost 4 hours!” Trevor gets a standing ovation and the loudest cheers!

Josh goes over and there is a little pink blood in the lube but all ok, nothing serious. He shuts the dildo off and pulls Trevor off the Table. The poor kid is more than ok but can barely walk grinning from ear to ear. Josh carries him to his mat and unlatches and pulls off his cock cage and puts the tube in his mouth and says, “Suck” Trevor smiles and does so.

Josh continues, “Trevor birthday boy, you just rest as I want to fist you in a few hours, her have some bottled water, ok?”

Trevor replies, “You Fucking better!! Because my ass is hungry again, the vacant pain is unbearable!”

Josh replies, “Yes you guys will all experience this sensation, and it's why we say starving and hungry ass, as once you expand the anal canal, the rectum, and sigmoid, it gets so turned on and happy to be stretched, that when the full expansion plug is gone, the empty void is literally painful and makes you feel like you need to fill it up, but don’t worry, anal fisting is in a few hours. The average anal expansion is for most like 20 inches in circumference or 6 inches wide in diameter. I hold the world record at 34 inches in circumference and over 14” wide. I will tell more later during the fisting!

Now leave your lube and ass juice-soaked dildo on your mats and bring the ventilated colored pencil case with the urethral sound, and put your cock cage parts, base with locking cylinder locked in it, and the flat glans shield with the attached cum tube. Put them in a vented pencil case and come and dip them quickly in the vodka-filled kitchen sinks, give the case a shake and drain upside down with the vent to the floor and then just let it air dry and put in Ziploc till you want it again. Ok Numbers 1,2 and 3, come on up start just quick dip it all in, shake and go. I will do Trevor’s.”

We all felt pretty stupid because what they all ended up doing, as we laughed at ourselves, was dipping the case in the vodka and then emptying the vodka dripping out into their mouths as they walked away each getting a few ounces. We laughed and just went with it. Gerhard unlocked the bar and had to refill the sinks 2X as we just burned through 6 40oz bottles, but their cock cage and sound and cum tube were clean and sterile so the mission was accomplished.

Josh announces laughing, “Well that was funny, not what was intended but it's all good, and it might loosen you all up for the next Pissing part. (They cheered and hooted). Ok so I hope you all really need to piss very badly and have drunk lots of water, so your piss is not too strong.” They cheered yeah, we are tanked!

Josh continued, “OK so killing 2 birds with one stone we will usher in 10 boys at a time in each bathroom with your lube-soaked dildo in hand. 2 rows of 5 you will all face each other once in the 8x8 showers and over the drain. All will place their dildo in front of them. One row of 5 will kneel and one will stand. The kneeling ones will get pissed on from the other 5 and all pissers can piss on all of the 5 kneeling. Make sure to piss all over their face, hair chest, and ass and on their ass if they want, and of course in their open mouth and down their throat. Now boys kneeling and I know some of you are apprehensive of this and you are not forced to swallow it, but every guy I have ever met that thought this was gross, once doing it got so turned on actually hands-free ejaculated. Seeing as you have all drank liters of water over the last 6 hours, it will not be strong. Piss has a lot of vitamins and minerals and yes there are bacteria, but in order to have harmful effects you would have to drink nothing but piss constantly for days and days. We guys here have been swallowing each other piss for years now many times a week and never any issues. Firstly, take off all your leather attire and the anti-slip socks and choose your 10 boy groups you do not have to stay in your color code but must be 2 rows 5X5 in the shower. You all must be fully nude nothing on and just take your dildo and towel. When each group and all have alternated and pissed on the former pissers, then all take the dildo in the shower with you and use the anti-bacterial soap and wash the dildo and your entire body in and out. Do not wash inside your asshole as we want to keep as much lube in there for fisting, you can squat excess out but no douching at this time. After fisting play you can douche play or not.  Questions?

The #1 Jonathan boy from Josh’s RED corral asks, “Can we suck each other's cocks after pissing or can we ask for a cock to piss down our throats as we suck them?”

Josh replied, “Yes absolutely, some of you are thinking this is gross, but just try it and we shepherds will all be in there guiding and helping the flow, so taste it, swallow it, or let it run out of your mouth and rub it all over your body. As I said, many of you will cum hands-free from the eroticism and feral male animalistic environment so piss away. Make sure to wash your dildo and your entire body with soap, each 10 boy group has 20 minutes, so 5 minutes to piss one way, and 5 minutes to piss the other, then each has 2 minutes under the 2 shower heads to wash your body and dildo with the anti-bacterial soap. So dildo, towels, get in a group of 10, and go piss and wash up for supper!”

Josh whispered to me, “I can’t believe that Jonathan, 18yo 145lbs ripped with 8” cut cock super hot, and so cute, has never done anything with a guy until today. He came really nicely during Fuck machine times and also got to the base. I noticed he was absolutely crazy when we did the rimming, so he likes the dirty taboo shit, so I want to make sure he has a great piss time.”

We decided to have 2 co-ordinator/guide Shepherd leaders in each bathroom, Josh & I in our master bath, Ethan and his mom Kristina in the Ruby bath, and Logan and Nicky in their bath. All other corral leaders would ensure groups proceeded from the hall nicely and that when they left the kids and dildos looked and smelled clean and dry and the towels correct as well. Many of the boys were rock-hard erections, so we fetched some ice to help them piss through their hard cock. I would say about 60 were really excited to do this for the first time and the other 40 were very nervous but all were proceeding well. The first 10 came in and 5 started to piss on the other 5. As I suspected consistently, all the boys that were anxious nervous, and flaccid once another boy’s clear hot piss started to hit their chest and face, they immediately went to a massive erection. When those same boys opened their mouths and tasted that nice hot boy piss, there was no going back. I had to laugh at the nerves as they washed away and once any scared apprehensive tasted a few ounces and swallowed, they could not get enough, they wanted buckets of piss down their throats, and sure as shit, every single fucking one had a huge cum fly out of their cock without even touching it.

Finally, in walks the final group for our bath, and it was ½ of Josh's corral flock and 1/2 of mine.  In this group of 10 was Trevor all smiling, Johnathan, and the Twink Michael. Both Josh and I had to piss very badly, so we pulled the 3 boys a bit away from the others and pushed them to the floor. Jonathan actually ejaculated through his raging hard cock hitting our faces as soon as our clear hot piss hit his face. He opened it immediately and swallowed so much he could not get enough. Josh stopped, grabbed his head, and slowly put his cock deep in the boy's throat and let loose his piss. When Trevor and Michael saw this, they ejaculated also very powerfully all up in the air. The other 7 boys went nuts and started to suck each other off with a mix of piss and cum down their throats. Josh's piss started to pour out of Jonathan’s mouth. I could tell from the look and color of Josh’s eyes that he had telepathically connected with the boy, and read his thoughts. From that read, Josh grabbed the back of Jonathan’s head and faced fucked him hard while still pissing done his throat. The boy actually started to cum hands-free even more as it flew up to the ceiling in a thick torrent and the other 2 followed again with another cum. Josh and I both pulled out of their mouths and covered their face and hair in our final piss.  All 10 boys got up and kissed us both and said that was the most exciting horny thing they had ever done, and one of their best cums ever. We all showered and ensured all were cleaned and the dildo washed!

We all got back out to the great room and all 100 were grinning away.

Josh asked, “Ok guys so, who did NOT ejaculate and cum big during piss play?” No one raised their hand.

“So those of you who were scared, apprehensive, nervous, or thought it gross, please tell me what you think now?”

1 boy stood up and said, “I was actually thinking about leaving this workshop as I thought this was just too disgusting, but I thought the same about the ass-eating, and now it is all I want. But the pissing, I was all shriveled up and when Jake's hot clear piss hit my face and I just opened my mouth a bit, my cock went straight to max hard, and in 20 seconds I came all over Jake's stomach with me kneeling, I could not believe it. Now all I wasn’t to do is eat ass and piss!”

Boy after boy after boy all said the same thing all 100 loved it and those that thought it gross, now it is all they want.

Josh said, “So guys, just so you know, only real boys and men eat ass and swallow Piss, all the others are fucking pussies!” The group cheered and hollered.

“Ok, guys it is 5 pm so a bit behind please put on all your leather gear collars and leashes, cock rings, and your ant-slip socks cuffs and garters and ankle cuffs too. The pizzas are here, and supper is assembled so drink lots of liquid, but don’t overeat as fisting will press up to the stomach! We will start with the lowest numbers in each color corral and as a color mate comes back the next higher number heads up, so grab a plate, bottled water, pop or juice, and the vegan veggie pizza. Coffee, cum, and sweets to follow, and a special show before fisting.

We will try to finish by 6 or 630 PM. After you eat, until we start the anal fisting lessons, you are free to engage in any sex openly.

Don’t forget, when fisting is done, next is an ala carte buffet from 10:30 PM to 2:30 AM you can select to come book and sign up for:

the 1-hour Fuck Machine and select if you want cock caging; or sign up for the sounding’ or ass eating or piss play; or circle jerk and shared cum drinking challenge; or open oral and anal sex, ass to mouth with any of us and amongst yourselves; or advanced anal fisting with Ethan, myself, Alex and Taylor!

 Lube refills are available in the front hall, enjoy! They all get re-dressed in the leather socks and start for the food & drink. So many huge smiles and looks to future lovers!