
by novicewritter1994

4 Aug 2022 2334 readers Score 8.9 (31 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The priest stirs from a restless sleep. Drenched in sweat after another restless night in the thick humidity of the summer. Well, if I’m up I may as well get the day prepare for the day. He makes his way to the shower and looks down at his erect cock, half-regretting his vow of celibacy. The priest forgets his sexual urges as the warmth of the shower envelops him.


The priest’s heart jumps into his mouth as he hears something fall and shatter in the church. Could it have been one of the local boys, feeling rebellious or proving to his friends (or himself) that he was a badass? Whatever it was it sounded like it created a hell of a mess. The priest dried himself off and put on a pair of loose boxers and went to investigate.

As the priest made his way through the church, he saw a hole through one of the stained glass windows. With a sigh, he went to check on the damage. As he approached the window he saw a trail of thick, slimy fluid leading to the pews. The priest crouch down to investigate. The slime was thick, yet surprisingly slippery and made the priests fingers warm and tingly.  Just as he began to rise the priest saw something move out the corner of his eye. The priest spun around, but in his haste, took an ill-advised step backwards and slipped on the slime. The priest crashed to the floor of the church with a thud hitting his head. As his vision blurred and consciousness faded the priest saw a small white figure slowly approaching.

The priest regained consciousness as the sun shone on his face through the hole in the window. He staggered  to his feet as his head throbbed. He took a step forward and stopped in his tracks. The priest felt a slickness between his cheeks. Fearing he soiled himself he nervously looked down his leg. His boxers were soaked with the thick, slimy fluid and it left streams down his legs. “it must be nothing” the priest thought, trying to reassure himself “I must have slipped and landed in a puddle of it.” In his shock the priest didn’t notice the slight tingling sensation building from his anus and radiating inside him.

The priest hopped back in the shower hoping to wash off the slime and start the his day preparing for Sunday’s sermon. The heat of the shower felt good against his skin. The hot water falling on his nipples making his cock tingle. The stream flowing between his cheeks tickling his hole and making the priest moan. The priest’s cock harder than it had ever been before begging him to just give it a little stroke.

The priest turned off the water just as his resistance was about to break. What was going with him. He had never felt so horny in the shower before. And he absolutely never felt that feeling in his anus, and it worried him how much he like it. Just the he felt a voice from inside him say “FEED”.  It felt like it came from deep in his gut or … lower.

The priest tried to ignore the feeling building inside him. The priest felt an unquenchable hunger. Whatever was calling to him needed to feed, but it wasn’t food it needed. The priest tried everything. He ate all the food he had, drank water, tried prayer, but nothing seemed to rid him of the feeling of hunger. As he reentered the church, he saw one of the newer members of the community. A young man, in his early twenties. The priest had seen him come in fidget for a few moments and leave, but the priest had never noticed how beautiful he was until this exact moment. The stranger had deep blue eyes that one could swim in forever and never tire. He had beautifully thick, pouty lips. Dirty blond hair that fell effortlessly to his shoulders. As he sat at the back of the church, he seemed a heaven sent from God to bless this holy place. The priest approached the young man as he got up to leave.

“I’ve seen you here before, but you never stay very long, may I ask why that is?” the priest asked with a smile he hoped would disarm the young man and help him open up.

“I have a complicated relationship with the church. They haven’t been too great with people like me.” The young man responded with a voice that made the priest’s cock twitch

“I see… maybe you can confess any sins you may have and we can help you re-consider your feelings towards the man upstairs. I’m sure you’ll find our practices to be more tolerant than we were before.”

“Umm, I’m not-“

“I insist” the priest said with an aggressive tone that even surprised him a little

As the priest followed the young man as trudged reluctantly toward the confessional, he could feel the hunger growing deep inside him, but threatening to break through to the surface. The young man sat in the confessional, and as he turned to shut the door he saw the priest standing right in front of him.

“Aren’t you supposed to be on the other side?”

“Not this time?” the priest replied in a voice not his own.

Before the young man could react, the priest pushed him back into the chair and entered the confessional shutting the door behind him. The priest consumed by his hunger and lust kissed the young man as he got on top of him. The young man resisted at first, but soon was kissing the priest back. The priest’s tongue twisting around that of the young man. Exploring each other while locked in and embrace. The priest moved his tongue down the man’s face onto his soft neck, licking the sweat and taking in his scent. The priest moaned as he felt the young man’s hand caress his bulge. The priest slowly moved his head up and whispered in the young man’s ear while unbuttoning his pants “Fuck me and be with God.”

“Yes, Father” as the young man pushed down his pants letting his throbbing, rock hard 9 inch cock stand to attention.

The priest looked down at the beautiful man’s hard cock with the eyes of an animal ready to attack its prey. The priest kneeled on top of the young man, and leaned in to kiss him as he adjusted the cock onto his hungry hole.

The young man looked up at the priest confused and asked “How is your hole already lube-“

The priest sat down taking all 9 inches of the young man’s cock all once, interrupting him and taking the thought out of his mind as he moaned with pleasure. The priest rose and fell on the young man’s cock with a speed and ferocity of a man drinking water after being lost in a barren desert. The young man moaned loudly with intense pleasure as he filled the warm hole of the priest.

“I’m close….I’m going to cum” moaned the young man.

“Feed” the voice within the priest called.


“FEED!” the voice and the priest moaned in unison

Screams of ecstasy filled the church as the young man and the priest orgasmed together, filling the priest with his hot semen. Filling the hole inside him. Satiating the hunger that drive him. The priest shut his eyes as he came down from the unbelievable high of his orgasm. The shame and guilt of his actions settling in. How could he break his vow?! And with some strange young man he didn’t even know or care for. As he moved to get up, remembering where he was, he opened his eyes and once more the church was filled with the screams of the priest. Only this time it was a scream of pure terror, as the young man, so beautiful and young only moments before lay dead below the priest. The man looked like all the blood had been sucked out of him. He looked like a pile of bones wrapped loosely by a bag of skin. Those once beautiful blue eyes hanging slack in their sockets, with all the color gone from them. The priest trembled in terror and confusion as he looked down at the young man’s corpse.

The thing that terrified the priest most, more than the dead young man he lay on top of, more than his broken vow, more than anything, was the feeling from deep inside him. The slow tinge of hunger returning. That little voice calling, pleading. 


by novicewritter1994

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