Farm-Raised Beef

by Phillip

14 Aug 2023 5515 readers Score 8.1 (81 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“This just doesn’t add up, Martha. With the loan due on the tractor and the feed bill, I don’t see how we’ll make ends meet.”

“Earl, won’t we get through this, like before?” asked his wife.

“At this rate, we’ll lose the farm, he said.”

There was silence for a moment, then Earl said, “I talked to Hank Williams at the wrestling match the other day. He asked me about Luke.”

“Now Earl, I thought we decided not to go that route.”

“We did, but in desperate times….” 

“Oh dear,” Martha said, “I don’t want to use our son for that. If you insist, that’ll be your call.”

“Hank said with Luke putting on more muscle, we’d earn more than before…maybe, $60 a pound or so.” Earl added.

“Well, he has put on more muscle. It must be the chores he’s been doing,” said Martha.

“And the wrestling,” added Earl. “He’s wrestling at 182 lbs now…we can fatten him up to 185 or more.”

“I’ll ask Hank to come over to have a look at him. He said he liked what he saw at the match…you know, at wrestling Luke pulls down his singlet and lets the crowd see his strapping torso. They love it.”

“And those singlets don’t disguise much anyway,” Martha added. “Not that Luke cares to hide his assets,” she laughed.

The next day Martha heard a truck pull up. It was Hank Williams, who ran the local farm auction. “Hi Hank, Earl and Luke are in the barn,” she said.

Hank greeted Earl and Luke with firm handshakes. He admired Luke’s magnificent torso, hardly concealed under his clinging, sweat-soaked beater.

“Luke, hop on the scale so Hank can take your weight.”

Luke obeyed, despite the unusual order.

“184 with your clothes on, let’s see without the shirt.”  Hank said.

He tugged up Luke’s shirt, taking in the aroma of a young 17-year old boy in his prime. Hank patted Luke’s chest and said, “nice set of pecs on you, is it the weightlifting or chores?”

“Don’t know, replied Luke with pride. But coach said he likes what I’m doing.” 

“What’s your win/loss record, son?” Hank asked. He knew the answer, but wanted to make small talk as he assessed Luke for the market.

“12 wins, 4 losses,” Luke beamed with pride, hardly noticing that Hank’s coarse hand was squeezing his plump pecs before taking a tape measure to the teen’s robust chest.

“Nice abs on you, too,” Hank noted, gliding his finger on the smooth lad’s belly. “I’ll bet the girls go for you.”

“Good taper on your boy,” Hank noted as he continued to handle the young hunk. “Broad shoulders, narrow waist, wide lats - complete package.”

Luke was too flattered to ask what was going on. He liked being fondled.

“Let’s take your weight without the jeans,” Hank said as he unzipped Luke’s jeans and pulled them down. Hank’s hands fondled the thick hams and quads before another tape measurement.

Luke had no modesty standing in his white briefs, which Hank pulled down and fondled the lad’s white bubble butt. Luke enjoyed being handled and soon had a full woody in Hank’s face. “I used to get those alla time when I was your age. Let’s not waste this one.” 

Hank began fondling Luke’s eager cock as his father looked on appreciatively. Earl knew his son would fetch top dollar at auction.

Hank lapped up Luke’s cum, and took a few photos of the stud, front and back, before concluding his lusty inspection.

“Son, I want you to go with Hank for a little while. He can use some help on his farm, said Earl.”

“Sure, Pa, I’d be glad to help out.” Luke hoped Hank would continue to fondle and masturbate him.  Luke pulled on his clothes and he and Hank drove off.

Hank and his wife treated Luke well, especially at mealtime. “More ham?” Elsie Williams offered. “Have some apple pie - made just today.”

Hank massaged, measured and weighed his new charge often, and Luke’s seemingly chronic erections were not ignored. By the time the next auction came around, Luke weighed 186 pounds.

“Auction today,” Hank said. Come with me.” They drove to the arena where the county fair was held, and a gaggle of farmers came to get a good price on farm equipment, a cow, or whatever was on market.

“Do as I say, son, and everything’ll be alright. First, walk this beef cattle around for all to see.”. Hank rapidly called out the cow’s age, weight and managed to make a profit for the owner and himself.

“Those of you who are fans of wrestling - or wrestlers - will have noticed this strapping teen,” Hank said in introducing Luke. “Boy,” strip to the waist so everyone can take a look at you.”

Luke stripped off his shirt and was proud to show his development, clueless as to why he was even posing. The crowd broke into applause.

“This strapping jock is 17 years old and weighs in at 186 pounds of pure Grade AAA beef.  His flesh is firm but tender. Luke, how ‘bout a flex for the folks. 

He’s as strong as he looks and whether you need another hand on the farm or maybe something fresh for a barbeque, he’s worth every cent. Now Luke, show the folks the rest of your body. Strip down for us to see your meaty legs."

Luke pulled down his jeans, leaving his white briefs on. More applause. Hank moved close and pointed out Luke’s full pecs by squeezing them and rubbing his sleek belly. “Folks, wouldn’t you like to have him in your hands?” Then Hank quickly pulled down Luke’s briefs, and the teen stood naked before the bidders.

“Now what am I bid for this fine young man?” Hank called as the bidding inched up. “Did you see his bubble butt? These thick hams? His flesh is smooth and tender. Lotta good eatin’ on this ‘un.”

When one rancher bid with a finger to his hat, the man next to him said, “I didn’t know you need an extra hand on the ranch.”

“Maybe I do and maybe I need something for the rack. Can’t go wrong with this boy.”

"Just look at the meat on that body. Sure looks like a tasty one to me, but can’t afford ‘im.