Extreme Gay Thailand, 1978

by Habu

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Matthew Morris, the blond Columbia University drama student wrapping up his summer internship on the filming of The Deer Hunter in Bangkok flew into Chiang Mai on the Wednesday afternoon a week and a half after the party at Burt Blackmore’s Thai-style compound in the capital city. He had been invited to attend and speak to students at the Chiang Mai University American playwrights English-language one-act play festival by drama professor Krit Thanawat. Featured would be plays by Willa Cather (“The Sculptor’s Funeral”), Robert Frost (“The Bond” and “Death of the Hired Man”), Edna Ferber (“Sun Dried”), and Eugene O’Neill (“Thirst”). Matthew had played in the O’Neill and one of the Frost plays and studied the rest before he came up to Chiang Mai. As anxious as he was to see Krit again, who had bedded him quite expertly in Bangkok, Matthew looked forward to discussing American drama with Thai college students.

He’d only half expected Krit Thanawat to meet him at the airport—Krit had messaged that he’d be met and taken where he needed to go—but he was surprised that he was met by a young Thai man in enough of a uniform to mark him as a chauffeur in an old, but large and elegant Mercedes saloon car. The chauffeur, who identified himself as Amphon, wore a Thai-style tunic, made popular in the States as a Nehru jacket, over bloomer-type pants Matthew understood were made out of one piece of material. Krit had worn an elegant silk version of this outfit to Burt Blackmore’s party and had looked quite handsome in it—and he’d stood over Matthew and showed him how the pants quickly unwound in one piece, quickly freeing a significant element of a man’s anatomy, as desired.

Amphon was a handsome, small young man who knew very little English, so Matthew didn’t really know where he was being taken until he saw the landscaped grounds of imposing mixed Thai and modern Western buildings that he understood to be the campus of Chiang Mai University. Matthew had started to get into the front seat of the Mercedes at the airport, but Amphon made clear that he was to be driven in style—in the voluminous and cushy backseat. It was from this vantage point that Matthew saw that the chauffeur was wearing one pierced earring, a silver and black enamel disk with three Ying-Yang style sections, a symbol Matthew knew was one of BDSM submission. He wondered if Amphon knew it was a symbol for that. And, by projection, he wondered just what sexual fetishes Krit was into beyond those he’d hinted to Matthew when he’d fucked the young man. And he wondered if Krit’s domination extended over his household servants.

When Matthew was being honest with himself, he recognized that he had taken up Krit Thanawat’s invitation to the play festival in Chiang Mai as much for the opportunity to writhe under the Thai-Chinese sex master as to pursue his interests in drama.

As they pulled up to the drama building, Matthew saw a familiar figure getting off a fancy new motorbike. He had been told that Intorn, a drama student at this university who had been brought to Burt Blackmore’s party by the older movie actor, Vince Burnett, would be Matthew’s guide during the festival, and here he was.

They greeted each other before going into the theater. Intorn said the plays would be given in continuous rotation through the day, that they probably had already started, and that Professor Krit probably would be fully occupied in hosting the event. They would be going to his house afterward, though, and that’s where Matthew would spend the three nights of the festival. If Intorn knew that it was likely that Krit would bed Matthew frequently in those three nights, he didn’t reveal that.

As they talked before going into the theater building, Matthew noted that Intorn, like the chauffeur Amphon, was wearing one of the BDSM symbol disk silver and black enamel earrings. He wondered if he’d just missed that observation at the Blackmore party. Matthew also had his right ear pierced that he usually had a diamond stud in, but he was wearing nothing in the ear now as he hadn’t know what the etiquette about that would be here in upcountry Thailand. At least here, with those subservient to Krit, it seemed to be a mark of the man’s possession.

Intorn was right that Krit had no more opportunity to give Matthew attention that afternoon while the plays were being run, but he did greet Matthew with a handshake that included Krit rubbing Matthew’s palm with his thumb, establishing the sexual bond and intent between them, and he gave Matthew a prominent place at the front of the auditorium and in the group that discussed the play and playwrights on the stage after the performances. Matthew thoroughly enjoyed both the performances and the discussions after each one.

He was glowing with enthusiasm and the feeling of having been honored when Amphon drove him and Krit to Krit’s Thai-style mansion later in the evening. Intorn followed on his motorbike, which he proudly said he’d just bought out of a windfall inheritance he’d received. Krit pulled Matthew into a kiss and a few minutes of fondling in the backseat of the Mercedes as they drove to his house, but he held off on more explicit sex until after they’d had dinner, the three of them, around a low teak table in an open pavilion of Krit’s rambling series of raised wood pavilions, connected by wood terraces.

The first fucking was there, on cushions by the low table after the coffee and port had been served. Intorn didn’t leave, but he drew off to the side and watched, as Krit, sitting close beside Matthew, embraced the young man, took his mouth into a long, lingering kiss and as he did so, he twisted Matthew’s body around and laid him down on his back on the cushions. Producing a red silk scarf, Krit pushed Matthew’s arms over his head and tied his wrists together. Matthew gave him no resistance.

As Matthew panted and mewed, Krit unbuttoned, unzipped, and brushed the young American’s clothing aside and worked his mouth down the young man’s body until he reached Matthew’s cock and balls and nether entrance, which Krit worked with his mouth and fingers until Matthew was babbling and begging for the cock. Krit teased the young man’s legs apart and positioned them spread and bent, with Matthew’s feet on the cushions. A cushion went under Matthew’s lower back to raise his pelvis, and Krit moved over the young American, entered and entered and entered him with a long, thin cock, and fucked him to heaven.

When Krit was finished for the first time, he lay beside Matthew while Intorn came forward with a bubble pipe and drugs, whether hashish or opium was not made clear, but the Thai-Chinese professor and the American drama student shared the pipe until Matthew, unused to the practice, lay there, open and vulnerable and purring, his eyes glazing over. Krit rolled over on top of him and fucked him again. Later he carried Matthew to the bed in the guest room assigned to the young man. Intorn no longer was there, and Matthew had very little idea that he was there either.

Krit untied Matthew’s wrists, but produced three other red silk scarves and spread-eagled and tied off the young man’s extremities to purpose-made hooks in the intricate carving of the four-poster bed so that Matthew’s arms were raised and spread above his head, and his legs were raised and spread and tied off high on the posts at the corners of the foot of the bed.

Krit brought out a thick green jade phallus with raised black veining, the glans of which was oversized; a green jade bowl; and a flask of scented oil. He poured oil in the bowl, thickly oiled the phallus and Matthew’s channel, and spent nearly an hour playing “hide the phallus” in Matthew’s passage as the drugged young man moaned and groaned and cried out in pain-passion without fully understanding what was happening to him. When Krit was fully erect and aroused, he extracted the phallus, crouched over the young man, and fucked him again.

Krit left the bed, Matthew exhausted and still bound spread-eagled on the bed and panting softly, but the man returned immediately. He brought a small ring box with him. When he opened it, it revealed not ring, but a yin-yang patterned earing, like the one Intorn and Amphon wore. He inserted this in Matthew’s right earlobe and, with that gesture, Matthew became marked as another one of Krit’s sex slaves. Krit slipped the bonds off Matthew before joining Intorn in the corridor outside the guest room and padding toward his own bed chamber with an arm around the young Thai drama student.

Later, Matthew woke sore and groggy. He knew he’d been taken several times by Krit, but that was fine with him. He just wished he could remember the particulars of what they had done. He knew Krit was into kinky sex, and Matthew was game for some of that, but he wanted to know what it was and to have some control over whether he went with it. The man had nearly fisted him in Bangkok, and Matthew was both interested and afraid of that. He felt he’d been stretched this evening, but he didn’t think he’d been fisted. He didn’t know if he’d ever want to go that far or even if he could manage it.

He reached up and touched the earing in his right ear. Whatever else he had to think about, he now knew he was slaved to Krit—and to whatever Krit desired of him sexually.

He struggled out of bed, having the urge to piss, but, in the darkness, he headed in the wrong direction. He hadn’t been to the guest room until Krit had carried him there, an event that Matthew only half remembered, although it had aroused him to be carried to bed—and even to be bound, which he sort of remembered too. And then Krit had been huge inside him. He’d remembered Krit as long, but not necessarily as thick. Matthew half remembered being stretched wide though.

He stumbled into the corridor and down the passage, not realizing that if he’d gone in another direction from his bed, he would have discovered that there was a bathroom en suite with the guest bedroom.

Somehow he made it to outside the door to the master bedroom suite. Three figures were writhing on the bed as picked out by the moonlight streaming into the wall-less pavilion, where the drapes were fastened open on the teak columns. Both the chauffeur Amphon and Intorn, naked, were spread-eagled on the bed, face down, with Intorn lying on top of Amphon. They were tied off to the four corner posts of the bed. Krit was on top of them, riding them both, moving his cock from penetrating one to the other. As Matthew watched, Krit rolled off of them to the side, crouching next to them. He greased up both of his hands with oil from a green jade bowl.

Matthew gasped, as Krit started working his hands into the passages of the two, writhing, small Thai young men, one hand into Amphon and the other into Intorn. The American watched in both horror and fascination, as Krit’s knuckles breached the rims of both youths and he went in to the wrist and fist fucked both of them at the same time. Matthew finally managed to pull his head around and lurch over to the railing of the wooden walkway outside Krit’s bedroom door. He only then became aware that he had gone on the nighttime journey because he had to piss. He also fully realized for the first time that he was naked. It was dark, he was on a balcony walkway, with lush, exotic foliage below him. He took his cock in hand and pissed out over the balcony railing. Then he struggled back to his room and his bed, collapsed there, and zonked off into sleep.

The next morning he’d remember snatches of what had happened that evening but it was all a whirl in his head and he wasn’t able to put it all together in a coherent, believable chronology. He touched the earing in his ear, though, and quite clearly knew what that meant.

* * * *

Matthew was going through an inventory of his body the next morning, determining where the pains would be when he rolled out of bed and trying to make sense of why some of the pains and aches even were there, including the slight pounding in his head, from the effects of drugs he wasn’t used to taking, when Krit came into the room. The man was naked, and he climbed into bed, pulled Matthew back into a reclining position on the bed, stretched out beside him, and drew the young man into an embrace, with a familiarity that told Matthew that whatever stress his body had been put in the previous night had been administered by Krit.

Krit wrapped a hand around Matthew’s cock and stroked the young man into a pant, Matthew opening his stance ready and willing to receive Krit’s attention, but Krit was just making a point of control. He stopped working Matthew and sat up on the side of the bed. “You need to start thinking about getting up,” he said. “We need to be at the university for today’s program by 10:00 a.m.”

“What time is it now?” Matthew asked.

“A little after 8:00. I’ve already called New York to start the arrangements.”

“The arrangements?”

“Yes, if you are agreeable and if you wish to continue to be enlightened by me in the art of Kama Sutra copulation.”

“Kama Sutra what?” Matthew asked.

“Copulation. You know what that is, don’t you?”

“Yes, fucking.”

“Fucking, but Kama Sutra style—artfully, exotically. As we have been doing. Don’t you think we’ve been fucking exotically?”


“Isn’t that really why you came to Chiang Mai—for the sex I can give you more than to attend a drama festival?”

“Yes,” Matthew answered honestly, only now acknowledging to himself how true that was. The man fucked like a god and he had some of the most interesting and demanding positions and practices. Matthew had a lot to learn from him. “What arrangements are you talking about, though?”

“You made quite an impression on the drama students yesterday. Many of them said they wished you could stay around longer. I agree. I’ve called the drama department at Columbia this morning and talked with your faculty adviser and the head of the department. If you telegram your agreement to them, you can stay here for a semester, earn credits, have your tuition covered, and receive a stipend as well. Of course, you would have to live with me, here in the house, eat at my table, and satisfy my desires, and learn new ways to take a man’s cock—not that I discussed that with your faculty advisers.”

“That sounds like the best part,” Matthew said, and not just to flatter the man. It did sound good, but so did the semester of study here and the opportunity to look at American drama from a totally foreign perspective.

“Do you have possessions in Bangkok—at Mr. Blackmore’s house or the movie studio offices—that you need to have gathered up and sent here?”

“No. Mr. Blackmore and Brad need to be told I’m staying on here rather than returning to the States, but I have nothing there that needs to be sent here.”

“So, should we stop at the telegraph office before driving to the school?” Krit asked. His hands were moving on Matthew’s body, putting the young man in heat again, showing Matthew he could make Matthew receptive whenever he wanted.

“Do we have time?” Matthew asked, breathlessly, wishing there was time for sex before they went.

“Time waits for me,” Krit said. “It’s my festival and my department. There is time for whatever we want to do before we go.”

And there was time. Krit fucked Matthew in what he said was a Kama Sutra copulation position—Matthew’s shoulders and the back of his head pressed into the floor at the foot of the bed, his torso rising up to where Krit crouched over him, steadying his buttocks on the foot of the bed, and the young man’s legs being stretched out from his body in the grip of Krit’s hands, while the Thai-Chinese glorious tormentor fucked down into Matthew’s passage.

Intorn was at the breakfast table when Krit and Matthew appeared and Amphon was serving up dishes. No one mentioned what had transpired either in the dining room or the bedrooms the previous night. It was as if the exotic sex was separated off from the rest of Chiang Mai life.

Matthew knew that both of them saw that he was wearing the “slaved to Krit” earing, but neither said anything about that. He sensed there was a change in both of them, though, like they weren’t reacting to him as a guest but rather more like another submissive Krit owned—one of them.

When they drove to the university, stopping off at the telegraph office en route, Amphon and Intorn sat in the front seat of the Mercedes and Krit and Matthew were in back. Matthew’s attention once more went to the identical BDSM symbol silver and black enamel disks in the right ears of the two young Thai men. He reached up and touched the identical one in his ear and felt a kinship with the other two young men.

In that vein, unbeknownst to Matthew, while he was sending a telegram to New York delaying his return to Columbia for a semester, Krit was sending a telegram to Bangkok, informing the Blackmores that Matthew was returning directly to New York from Chiang Mai and would not be returning to Bangkok to link up with his fellow drama students to fly home. He did not broach with those at Columbia an arrangement for Matthew to remain in Thailand for any extra time.

* * * *

Krit Thanawat was demonstrating a position of the technique he termed Kama Sutra copulation on Matthew Morris on Krit’s bed. They were sitting on the bed, facing each other, both of them naked except for the soft-leather black gloves Krit was wearing. The legs of each of them were wrapped around the lower backs of the other, Matthew settled on Krit’s thighs. Krit’s long, snake-like cock was fully sheathed in Matthew’s passage. His gloved hands were gripping, squeezing, separating the young man’s butt cheeks and pulling and releasing. Matthew was getting the deepest and thickest fuck of his life, because Krit was wearing a cock extender cage, with an oversized glans at the tip and silver nobs along the leather sides. Matthew’s torso was arched back, with Krit’s face buried in his chest, the older man’s mouth and tongue working Matthew’s nipples. Matthew’s fingernails gripped Krit’s biceps, digging in and releasing to the rhythm of the fuck. The caged cock was gliding from deep to deeper in a slow, sensual fuck.

Earlier, they had had another good day at the Chiang Mai University one-act drama festival. The Thai students had shown delight that Matthew might be joining them for a semester as a student and professor’s aide. Krit and Matthew had had a quiet, candlelit dinner alone in which the young American was fawned over and fondled, embraced and kiss, and, as the dessert plates were taken away, laid along the cushions being used for seating at the low teak table. Intorn came out only long enough to deliver two bubble pipes, attached brown opium balls to them, Matthew’s stronger than Krit’s, and light them up.

Krit had a waterpipe at his disposal, but he only occasionally took a drag on it. He coaxed Matthew to take deep drags on his, though. As Matthew smoked and was transported to a floating world of dreamy confusion and heightened sensations, Krit ran his gloved hands all over the young man’s body. Matthew lay on his back, fully open, legs spread and arms extended, as the gloved hands glided over every inch of him.

While they had been eating before, the thick green jade phallus, with raised black veining, that Krit had opened Matthew up with the previous evening, along with the green jade bowl and flask of scented oil, had sat on the dinner table, facing Matthew’s place setting. Throughout the meal, it had been there in front of Matthew, reminding the young man what was to come.

Now, as Matthew lay there, fully open, totally docile to Krit’s touch, a red silk scarf was pulled out from under one of the cushions and Krit bound Matthew’s wrists together over his head. Krit poured oil into the green jade bowl and lathered up the phallus and his gloves. He ran his gloved hands up Matthew’s inner thighs, coaxing the young man, his eyes glazing over now, to spread them and lift his tail up, leveraged by the balls of his feet. Matthew accommodated him. The gloved hands became intimate and concentrated on working the young man’s cock and balls. The gloved fingers then flicked the rim of his passage and darted in and out.

“Yes, yes, fuck me,” Matthew murmured. He cried out when the overlarge glans of the phallus was pressed inside him, but it was a weak, dreamy exclamation, and he settled right down as the knobby, thick shaft of the phallus pushed in, opening him up. Krit knelt by the cushions, legs bent underneath him, sitting on his heels, as he pulled Matthew’s pelvis over onto his thighs. The young man’s drug-induced semicomitose body reclined onto the cushions, his bound arms raised over his head. Wrapping one arm around the young man’s back to hold him steady, Krit worked Matthew’s entrance with an oiled, gloved hand, working one finger in and then two.

Matthew was murmuring, “Yes, yes, put it in me. Take me,” as the two fingers became three and then four, up to the knuckles. The young man probably was thinking of Krit’s cock, not his fist. But Krit was working Matthew with his fist. Mellowed out and numbed as he was, Matthew had hardly felt the breaching of his sphincter with the heel of the hand and the sinking in to the wrist. He wasn’t fully aware that the man was working him with his hand. The entirety of the fist was inside. Matthew tensed, jerked, and came; tensed, jerked, and came again, his eyes closed, probably unaware he was being fisted.

Krit pulled his hand out, rolled over on top of the young man, penetrated him with a long, thin, but flexible even when hard cock, and fucked Matthew raw to his own release.

He let Matthew sober up a bit before carrying him into the bedroom pavilions and to his bed, where he began instructing the young man in positions of Kama Sutra copulation, with the session culminating in what Krit called the yoga mastery leg wrapped position, with the extender cage in deep and thick.

When they’d both come in this position, Intorn reappeared, bringing the bubble pipes in. Krit and Matthew stretched out on the bed beside each other, each with a pipe beside him. This time they both smoked, although, once again, Matthew’s opium ball was stronger than Krit’s was.

Krit fisted Matthew again, this time the young man aware what was happening, putting Matthew in the position where he could watch Krit’s fist buried up to the wrist. The young man struggled weakly against it at first, thinking this was the first time he’d been taken this way. But he finally gave in and lay there and whimpered as, penetrating higher than his wrist, Krit worked the yielding young man with the fist.

Intorn left the room when Matthew produced a weak ejaculation and Krit pulled his hand out. Krit was working with some metal instruments over on a nearby bureau when Matthew drifted off into a smoke-filled haze.

When Matthew woke it was day again and he was in his own bed. As the previous morning, he was sore all over, especially in his passage. Despite having been drugged the previous evening, he hadn’t zoned out before knowing that Krit had used the big-headed green jade phallus on him. That explained the stretched passage, he reasoned. But now, as he was doing an inventory of his body, he realized that the passage wasn’t where the sharp pain was. That pain was at his left ear. He put his hand up to his left nipple and winced at the flash of hurt. Then he felt it.

“What the hell?” he said. He jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom, where there was a mirror over the basin. There was a pierced earring in his left nipple—a silver and black enamel BDSM symbol disk, the same as the one in his right earlobe.

* * * *

Krit, dressed in the sartorial splendor that marked his dominant life in the Chiang Mai University drama department, was standing in Matthew’s bedroom when Matthew returned from the bathroom. “We leave for the university in forty-five minutes,” he said in a calm, somewhat cold voice, making no reference to the two nights previously in which he had ravished Matthew’s body with increasing extreme fetish. “You have just enough time to dress and catch some breakfast. I wish you to read from one of the Frost plays this morning.”

“What is this? Why was this done?” Matthew said, touching his now-pierced left nipple to bring Krit’s attention to the BDSM symbol disk. “I wasn’t asked if I wanted my ear pierced or this. What else do you—”

Krit reached over and slapped Matthew hard across the face. “You belong to me know. I’ll mark you how and where I wish.” Then he stepped back and gave the young man a smile as if the slap had never happed. “It was time for that,” Krit continued. “I’ve received a response back from Columbia College. Your semester sabbatical at Chiang Mai University, with me as your faculty adviser, has been approved. They do not expect you to return to New York until late in January. We have plenty of time before then for you to become fully versed in Kama Sutra copulation. There are so many more levels of fetish pleasure and service for you to reach. We have sufficient time to go through the phases.”

“This is the same symbol on the earrings Intorn and Amphon wear,” Matthew challenged. “I recognize this symbol. This is for sexual BDSM.”

“Yes, it is, and Intorn and Amphon are moving up the levels to Kama Sutra copulation nirvana. You shall too.”

“I’ve seen what you do to them. You are their master and they are your slaves. That’s not what I have agreed to—not what I want.”

Krit reached over and slapped Matthew twice, sending the young man to his knees. Standing over him Krit said, “Enough. Say it before I let you rise again. Say that I am your master.”

“You are my master,” Matthew said, his voice trembling.

“You are my sex slave. Say it.”

“I am your sex slave.”

“Good. Now, no more arguing.” Krit pull Matthew up to his feet. “For every practical purpose you are my slave in all aspects and I am your master for the next five months,” Krit answered, his voice hard edged. “We will see how you feel about it in January. In the meantime we have work to do. Get dressed and eat some breakfast.”

“I’m not going.”

“You do have that option,” Krit answered with a sneery smile. “You can stay here today and contemplate tonight. Tonight we move to a new level—and without the opium that has smoothed your way for the last two nights. Tonight you feel the pain and passion. Passion cannot be fully appreciated without going through pain to get to it. It’s your choice whether you experience it after a day of sitting around here and contemplating my making you come for me with my flexing fist in your gut or if you spend the day furthering your education and that of your fellow drama students. It will always be your choice what you do by day and mine what you do by night. Choose wisely. The car leaves at 9:45.”

With that, the Thai-Chinese master turned and left the room. After a minute, Matthew released a sob and reached for his clothes. His hands were trembling and not just in fear of the night. They were trembling involuntarily on glorious sexual experiences of the night, as well. The fingers of his right hand went to touch the piercing in his left nipple.

* * * *

Krit, naked save for soft-leather black gloves on his hands and in a drug-enhanced erection that he had maintained for the last two hours of green jade phallus opening and yoga-position sex with Matthew, Intorn, and Amphon and would maintain for the next two hours of taking Matthew to a new level in Kama Sutra copulation, entered a pavilion in his Chiang Mai house compound that Matthew hadn’t seen before. The sides of the pavilion were open to the night sky. Candles flickered in various positions about the pavilion. The only furniture in the pavilion was a heavily carved wood altar table in the center.

Two middle-aged, slightly corpulent men, one Thai-Chinese, the other Lao, stood in the shadows at separate corners of the pavilion, each only in a loincloth, each having paid through the Chiang Mai male brothel, Yù Fǎ Lè Sī Gōng, Jade Phallus Palace, to watch, and, later, to obtain their own pleasure.

Krit carried a purring, naked Matthew over his shoulder, the young man’s torso hanging down Krit’s back, his wrists bound together by a red silk scarf, and his legs dangling in front, his ankles bound also with red silk. The sex had been good. Any time Krit wanted to demonstrate these yoga sex positions with Matthew was just fine with Matthew. The master’s cock had been ever hard and had caressed and made love to Matthew deep in his soft inner core, making him come repeatedly. If moving up the levels of Kama Sutra copulation was all like this, it would be a pleasurable five months.

But Kama Sutra copulation wasn’t going to be all like this, and it wasn’t just Krit Thanawat and his magic cock that were going to be involved. Krit was going to make Matthew’s semester with him pay dividends.

Krit gently laid Matthew on his back on the carved wood altar and leaned over and kissed the young man deeply on the mouth. Matthew opened his mouth to the man’s tongue. Krit moved Matthew’s body down to where the young man’s head fell over the end of the altar, and the master’s tongue was replaced by his cock, which probed Matthew’s mouth cavity and down into his throat and the man master stroked the slave’s throat to coax more of the shaft into the young man’s throat. Matthew gagged but he took a good portion of the shaft.

The cock came out and Matthew was turned onto his belly. A wedge of wood under his stomach inclined his pelvis up. The bindings came off, only to be replaced by others, his wrists bound to the altar legs on either flank on the side of the altar his head was turned to and his ankles to the altar legs on either flank of the opposite side of the altar.

Matthew was neither gagged nor drugged. Everything he was to experience on this altar moved from his mellow condition of having been well and long fucked to pain and terror and, finally, sobbing surrender.

The green jade bowl of scented oil came up from a shelf below the altar and Krit lathered his gloved hands and Matthew’s already well-open passage with the oil. Matthew panted and whined and begged as Krit worked his channel with his fingers, up to the knuckles and then the fingers of both hands. The young man writhed and cried out in pain and passion as the knuckles of one hand breached his sphincter muscle and sank in to the wrist. Matthew blubbered and screamed in decreasing volume, sinking into heavy panting and moaning, as Krit’s fist flexed and opened and closed inside the young man’s channel. The hand sank further.

Matthew cried out in aroused passion as, having already been well opened before he was brought to the altar, he accommodated to the first and Krit began stroking Matthew’s prostate with his fingertips, taking the young man to new heights of sexual arousal and sensitivity. Krit punched the buried fist in a ever-more-rapid motion, fucking Matthew with his arm. Matthew rocked with the hand fuck, moaning and groaning. He tensed and jerked and came. And came and came in a long flow pouring out into a depression carved into the top of the altar.

The young man’s eyes were glazed over, his mouth was slack, and he was murmuring nonsense and moaning low when Krit climbed on top of him on the altar, mounted his ass, penetrated him deep, and began to pump.

After the master had finished with the slave and glided out of the pavilion, the two watchers from the corners slid forward, unbound the young man, and, between them, carried him over to a couch on a wooden raised terrace outside of the pavilion. Matthew, completely exhausted and cowed, gave them no opposition as one heavy figure lay on his back on the couch and, with the help of the other one, positioned Matthew on his hard cock, above him and facing his legs. The other man straddled the first man’s legs and, holding Matthew’s head between his hands, brought the young man’s mouth down and onto his cock. The first man gripped Matthew’s waist and raised and lower the young man’s pelvis on his shaft.

After several minutes of this, the first man wrapped his arms around Matthew’s chest, pulling the young blond’s shoulder blades down onto his chest. The second man moved up the first man’s thighs, pushed his cock in above that of the first man into Matthew’s passage, and the two double fucked the exhausted young man. The first man took Matthew’s nipple stud into his mouth and sucked on the BDSM symbol disk while he fucked the young man.

It wasn’t that taxing for Matthew. He’d been well-opened and stretched already. He was well beyond struggling against two men taking their pleasure inside him at once. Krit had already told him that there would be more and more of this to come over the next five months. They had paid Krit well for the experience.

The two almost simultaneously flooded Matthew’s passage with their cum, as he moaned and received their homage.

* * * *

They were in a private “special” room at the Jade Phallus Palace two weeks later. As a small, handsome, blond, blue-eyed Westerner, Matthew was in high demand. He was in even more demand considering the list of sexual acts Krit Thanawat provided that Matthew could be used in and that Krit took a commission from.

Matthew was kneeling on a padded bench with his back to a frame with stocks. His chest was arched back, his head and wrists imprisoned in the openings in the stocks of the apparatus. His head was arched back and one burly patron was face fucking the young man with his cock. Another patron was kneeling on the floor in front of Matthew’s bent-back body, sucking on the young man’s ball sac and fingering Matthew’s hole. The young man was moaning, but he was taking it. It was no more taxing than Krit would do when he came by after a day at the Chiang Mai University drama department to pick Matthew up and take him home for more sessions of moving up the Kama Sutra copulation levels.

The man sucking Matthew’s ball sac withdrew, rose up on his feet, gripped Matthew’s thighs, and raised them. He raised Matthew’s hips to the level of his own pelvis, thrust up inside Matthew’s hole, and began pumping him. With his cock still in Matthew’s throat, the other patron leaned over the stocks, ran his hands over the young man’s pecs, and tweaked Matthew’s nipples with his fingers, paying particular attention to the nipple stud.

At some point the two patrons exchanged positions. When they’d both come and had been satisfied, they withdrew and left the room, leaving it to the brothel attendants to free Matthew from the stocks, help him to the en suite bathroom to shower and make himself presentable again, and then help him to the couch in the room to lie on his back.

Poet kha khong khun. Chait opai ming ai yai,” one of the attendants said, and then, when Matthew gave him a blank look, another attendant translated.

“Mong said to open your legs to prepare yourself. The next man has a huge cock.”

“The next man?” Matthew moaned. They were coming too close together for him. His sin was being a handsome blond American and being capable now of taking a quick succession of dicks. With a sigh of resignation, though, Matthew lay on his back; spread and bent his legs, placing his feet flat on the surface of the couch; and placed a pillow under his lower back to raise his pelvis and give this huge dick he had been told was coming an angle of approach he could be open enough to take.

When the patron strode into the room, already naked, with an attendant beside him carrying his folded clothes, Matthew gasped. The man indeed was horse hung—one of the largest cocks Matthew had ever seen and he was in proud erection. The man himself was huge, muscular and built like a god. And he was black.

“Major,” Matthew started to form on his lips in surprise, but the American JUSMAG major, Mike LeBeau, lifted a finger to his lips to silence the young man and Matthew managed to stifle his exclamation of surprise.

The Major strode over to couch, went down on his knees between Matthew’s spread thighs, and positioned his cock head at Matthew’s hole. His mouth went to Matthew’s right ear, and he acted like he was nibbling on the BDSM symbol earring.

“Sorry,” The Major murmured, “but we have to be convincing about this. Samui will signal when it’s safe for us to get out of here. He has a jeep waiting outside.”

“Samui? Get out of here?” Matthew murmured in confusion. He didn’t mind the other part, though. His hands went down to grip The Major’s massive cock and he rubbed the huge purple head against the rim of his hole, feeling himself hungrily expanding to take the cock—wanting it. Matthew gasped, arched his back, and groaned as the cock entered him. He grasped The Major’s biceps and turned his face to the side, yawning at the filling of the cock, and they didn’t speak for a few minutes as The Major slow pumped him.

The Major held on the pumping and whispered in Matthew’s ear, “When Brad Blackmore got back to New York, he was suspicious about your not returning and contacted his father. Blackmore is a friend of Krit Thanawat’s, but he knows of the man’s proclivities as well. He notified me. Samui Tamruang is in the Royal Thai Air Force and has access to planes. There’s a Royal Thai air base up here. He and I flew in. We’ll take you to the Bachelor Officer’s Quarters at the base. Krit won’t think to look for you. Tomorrow we’ll fly you back to Bangkok and then you can fly home—if you want to. All we ask . . .”

“Yes, yes. I want to go home. But tomorrow? Not tonight back to Bangkok?”

“Samui wants something from you for the trouble. I wouldn’t mind it too. I’m going to fuck you well now to serve the escape plan, and I want more later, but . . .”

“But what?”

“Tonight. We know Krit has been training you. Tonight Samui wants to double you with me. I’m sorry, but . . .”

“Yes, yes,” Matthew moaned. “And now, now. Finish me now.”

And The Major did, plunging up into Matthew’s channel, going directly into the young man’s soft core, and caressing, punishing, plundering, ravishing him there, as Matthew wrapped his legs around the black bull’s plump buttocks, dug his fingernails into The Major’s beefy shoulder blades, and rocked with the fuck, joining the rhythm of the deep, thick taking.

When the attendants came back into the room, they found it empty—except for two silver and black enamel disks lying in the center of a cum slick on the couch.


by Habu

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024