Extreme BoyCunt Island

by HugeBoyCunt

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«Extreme BoyCunt Island»

The story contains scenes of BDSM, fisting, medical procedures, extreme modifications, incontinence, ultimate humiliation, helplessness, Ass Play, dildo, Public Sex, Rough Sex, Forced, Slut, Cum Dump, Gangbang, Exhibitionism, Anal sex,

The story tells the case of a guy who ended up on the island of an unknown billionaire, who eliminated an old competition called "the biggest hole»

Part 1

I will tell you one real story that happened to me several years ago and completely changed my whole life.

I am a tough, muscular guy, 25 years old, height 195, weight 120 kg of pure muscle mass. I regularly go to the gym and build muscle mass. Taking steroids dramatically increases sexual desire and sometimes just blows your head off from the intolerable desire for sex. Recently I began to practice fisting and dildos and realized that I definitely like this fetish. Although it is still quite difficult for me to take a fist and it requires a good warm-up and preparation of asshole.

Once I met a guy on the fetish of fisting, we had great sex and he said that if I was interested in developing in the fisting, then I could even, in time, take part in a fisting competition called “the biggest BoyCunt”.

“With your physique,” he said to me, “you could be a winner,” if, of course, you stretch your hole well.

- “curious” - I answered .

- “This is a fairly closed competition, in which only athletic tough guys under 40 are accepted,” Michael told me, “but, most importantly, there is a crazy prize fund: 1 million dollars. It is sponsored by some unknown billionaire and takes place on his own island in the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, there is a completely confidential atmosphere and at the same time complete freedom and paradise. "

- "I should say!", I exclaimed, "the prize fund is even more than in a bodybuilding competition"

“Yes, but it is only awarded to the guy with the biggest BoyCunt, which is, believe me, extreme dimensions that you cannot even imagine.

- "Yes! What was the size of the asshole of the last winner ?!

- "You will not believe! It’s not just ordinary guys who love fisting, it would be too simple and easy. These are really well trained and specially trained athletes. There, on the island, before the competition, they are trained for about a year according to a special program. There are doctors and various staff there. There is a gym and not one. Excellent sports nutrition, lots of fun. You live like in paradise. "

- "How do you know all this?"

- "One guy who lived there told me," though he doesn't have any photos and videos, of course, everything is confidential, you are given a phone on which there is no camera and there is nothing at all except the "call" function, so you don't know your geolocation and you can't capture anything. "

- "Well, I'm not sure that I can break the records of such "professional", about which you told ..." I remarked ironically.

- "... it's up to you to decide, and by the way, if you pass the preliminary selection and you are taken to the island to prepare for the competition, then this training period during the year is paid, like with professional athletes."

- "Tempting offer", I replied, "I would try"


A friend of mine said he would find out how to contact a representative of this "competition" and call me. A week later, I had a contact with this representative, we phoned via videocall, he looked at my physical data and said that I was suitable for participation in the competition. That I will be assigned a decent payment for a monthly stay, subject to the "specially" sports-preparatory schedule of classes. And you will need to sign a contract. In order to comply with all the legal nuances, the contract stipulated, among other things, that I would undergo treatment for some kind of disease associated with the sphincter, and I agree to physiotherapy procedures and injections. The contract was completely transparent and very competent, I could terminate it at any time and receive my payment for the past months. The only thing that I didn’t like about this contract was some of the side effects of the "treatment" that I’m familiar with, which means I have no complaints about them. Among others, such a side effect as "incontinence" was noted ..., I did not look for this definition in reference books, realizing that any "treatment" has side effects and there is nothing particularly terrible about it.

In general, I signed a contract and a month later I was already on the island, which my friend, who recommended this adventure to me, called the island "BoyCunt". Where this island was located, I had no idea, I was taken there by a private plane. But the first impression was really that you were in heaven: palm trees, incredibly beautiful flowers and trees, heat, sun, sea, etc. I was told that the first period of preparation for the competition is held individually, that is, I will live separately and will not meet with other participants. The main residence of the "Organizer" of the competition is located on the other side of the island, it is a few hours away by car. For the time being, I was accommodated in a well-equipped large villa on the seashore with a bunch of staff, who were mostly Indians.

Before I arrived, they invited me to the doctor's office and prescribed the first procedure: they washed me out (made an enema), then smeared my anus with some kind of anesthetic and relaxing cream and inserted a small anal tunnel. l, which was well fixed inside the anus due to a round expansion from the inside. The neck of the tunnel was about 3 cm, so my anus was constantly open by these 3 cm. The tunnel was asshole and closed with a plug. They explained to me that if I want to go to the restroom, I need to remove the plug or the tunnel itself, then do an enema, lubricate the anus with cream and insert the tunnel back. That's almost all the procedures for the next week. The feeling was a little unusual, I had never walked with a cork or a tunnel in a spectacle before, but there was no particular discomfort, apparently the cream was doing its job and well relaxed the sphincter muscles. In addition to wearing the anal tunnel, in the evening, in the doctor's office, they did a pump for me: they inserted an inflating dildo into the hole and inflated it with the wash to the maximum possible size for 5-10 minutes. When inflated, the dildo was about 6-7 cm in diameter. I had a feeling of wild swelling and fullness at these moments, 6-7 cm seemed to me prohibitively huge, it seemed the anus was bursting at the seams, but at the same time there was an incredible feeling of buzz and sports excitement that I could withstand such a size. In addition, any procedure was carried out using a large amount of cream, which acted as a muscle relaxant and a mild anesthetic, thus the anus muscles were more easily stretched and the procedure seemed less painful.

Otherwise, life on the island was a fairy tale. I had the Internet, I was taking an online training course, which I wanted to take for a long time, but in everyday life there was always not enough time. I trained from the gym almost every day. Protein-rich sports food was in abundance. I had a boat at my disposal and I could swim in the sea, swim and catch fish and lobsters. I talked with my friends by the Internet, though they could not see me, the video camera was specially damaged on the computer, but they could hear me. I told everyone that I was going to study at an intensive training camp - and it was almost true.

A week later, the plug was replaced by a diameter of 4 cm. And although the increase of 1 cm seems not significant to the eye, it was still quite noticeable for the anus. Although daily pumping to 6-7 cm worked well for the anus, wearing the tunnel 24 hours a day was completely different. The tunnel not only stretched, but to a greater extent forced the muscles of the anus to get used to this position, which later, as it turned out, was also a very important factor for the dishes in the competition and receiving the main prize of 1 million dollars. It was necessary to adapt to life with a plug, since it was not very comfortable to sit in the usual position. Knowing this well, all the chairs and armchairs from the house were produced in such a way that they had a cutout or recess in the center, thus preventing the anal tunnel from touching the seat and creating discomfort. It was more difficult in the gym. During the exercises, the tunnel strove to jump out of the anus, so it was fixed with special belts to the hips. The tunnel was made of titanium and of course it held the anus open firmly without the slightest deformation. During squats in the gym, I felt the sphincter tense and want to close during the exercises, but the strong metal of the tunnel did its job and the anus always remained open.

After just 2 weeks on the island, I was completely used to wearing my anal toy and barely noticed it. Only restroom training required more time and skill, but there were no problems with time on the island, therefore, these procedures have also become quite commonplace. For 3 weeks, the tunnel was again replaced with a larger one - 5 cm in diameter. At the same time, Doctor replaced the cream with which I had to lubricate the anus, he said that it contains a high concentration of the active substance and would better relax the muscles of the anus. The 5 cm tunnel, despite all the creams, was already quite well felt in the hole. I even began to walk a little differently, slightly spreading my legs to relieve pressure on the anus. In the gym, squats became even more difficult, as the the anus was tense and wanted to shrink, and it was hampered by a powerful and durable metal tunnel. Pumping in the doctor office, also became a little larger, the dildo was already inflated to 8 cm. The first time, when the dildo was inflated to 8 cm, I thought that I would burst ... But for the second and third times they passed more calmly and the anus stretched easier. After the pumping, the doctor brought a speculum to my anus and showed it to me. The hole was wide open and gaped in all its glory. I was surprised by the size of my anus, I could not even imagine that in such a short time my ass would become so big. Seeing my surprise, the doctor said: "This is just the start, that by the beginning of the competition, the progress of my hole will be so huge that today's size will seem childish to me." I could not believe it, because in the end there are quite anatomical and physiological limits of the body ... But the doctor explained that Olympic champions also achieve results that an ordinary person cannot even imagine, it's all about regular and persistent training and competent experienced trainer. In general, despite all the doctor's explanations, I nevertheless left his office in some amazement and shock, thinking: what awaits me ahead ...

Ahead of me was a new life ... one that I both feared and longed for. Such a huge hole already now, probably, cannot be felt by any real cock ..., and only a fist can satisfy this hole. Of course, I am not against the fist, but what kind of "progress" still awaits me, I could not imagine. In the end, after the competition and all these "procedures", I can return home, give my anus a good rest and return to its normal state. At the same time, already has a decent fee for the rest of my life. Well, even if I didn't win the competition, all the same, the monthly payment for preparing for the competition and living on that island more than paid for all doubts and fears.

Since the tunnel 5 cm in diameter was already so large and not necessary to removed it in the restroom. Everything that was needed fell out of it almost freely when I took out the plug that closed the anal tunnel. Then I inserted a hose with water into the same tunnel and cleaned the rectum and the tunnel itself. After a daily pumping in the doctor's office, as usual, my anus was generously lubricated with a special cream and the tunnel was inserted back. After the cream, the anus always felt much more comfortable and relaxed.

One of the gyms was located right on the garden overlooking the sea. In the morning or evening, I liked to train there when it was not very hot. If the heat was unbearable, then I did workouts in the gym located in the basement of the villa, with air conditioning and a swimming pool. One of the Indians helped me do the exercises, insured me and in general he was like a page (servant), always near and ready to fulfill any of my requests. In the open-air gym, I trained naked while sunbathing. I didn't even wear swimming trunks so that my buttocks would also sunbathe. The Indian worked here for a long time, and said that many dozen guys have passed through him and of course he knew and saw many times what was happening with the anuses of all these strong guys. Therefore, apart from the first few workouts naked, I was not ashamed of the Indian, who clearly saw my big plug in my anus. The only accessory on me, apart from the tunnel, was the belt that fixed the tunnel, preventing it from falling out. Once, during training, I apparently did not properly attach the tunnel to the fixing belt, and during one exercise the tunnel popped out ... well, the entire contents of the intestine, popped out too, since the anus was relaxed and well stretched. I was at a loss and with a feeling of infinite humiliation looked at the Indian boy, by the way his name was Shekhar. Shekhar was surprisingly not outraged. He immediately took out a hose with water from somewhere, walked over and in a matter of seconds washed everything into the nearest drain. Then he rinsed the tunnel itself with water, then washed my ass and said that he would help me put the tunnel back. He went to get some cream, oiled my asshole well and inserted the tunnel into its usual place, then fastened it to the belt at my hips. I was still looking at the Indian in confusion and humiliation.

- "Sorry" - I muttered, "somehow it turned out awkwardly .., I probably did not attach the tunnel to the belt ... ... ..",

- “This is nothing,” Shekhar replied calmly, “this happens regularly, and here everything is provided for the same situations: everywhere there are many hoses with water and a bunch of drains. You have nothing to worry about. "

Nevertheless, I was left with a feeling of some kind of humiliation for the rest of the day. Until now, I have not had to find myself in such situations in front of people. I felt emotionally helpless and weak….

After another 2 weeks, it was time to replace the tunnel again. 6 cm. In fact, everything was exactly the same, only doctor added tea with Indian herbs to my diet, which helps to relax even more muscles and falls off with a slight pain relieving effect. Despite the fact that it was only tea, the herbs in it were apparently strong enough. The first days the relaxation was so strong that I couldn't even train in gym. But the sensation of a new plug in the hole was bearable, albeit very noticeable. In the mirror, the ass with the tunnel looked very impressive, pulling the plug out of the tunnel and bending over the rectum was perfectly visible. Yet it was hard to believe that it was really my anus, and that it was so wide open and gaping. It was both exciting and frightening at the same time. But I loved overcoming and, like any athlete, I wanted to reach the maximum and see where all this could lead me.

With the new tunnels, my gait changed even more, I protruded my ass even more and spread my legs so that my buttocks pressed less on the tunnel. Shehar said that now my tunnel is visible from the other end of the garden and looks very impressive.

The doctor increased the inflation of the dildo to 10 cm. I asked him to what extent a person can generally reach in these "competitions" and if it is harmful to the body.

- “The limits of man are enormous, just few people reach them. We're not even half way to your limits yet. " - answered the doctor, “and as for harmlessness, it’s with completely harmless and safe, as everything is done under the supervision of a professional proctologist, according to an already well-developed program and using the most modern medicines and ointments. "

- "Yes, but what will happen to my anus after the competition, will it return to its previous state and will it not interfere with my normal life?" I asked.

- the doctor looked at me with a slightly noticeable smile and replied: "Maybe you will like your «new» life so much that the "normal" life will no longer matter ..."

The doctor said nothing more. I thought about his answer, but could not understand the full depth and meaning of his words.

New level

It took 3 months of my stay on the island. Happier months in my life it was not. Of course, I had to periodically overcome myself and endure the discomfort from the new size of the tunnel. But all these were temporary difficulties to which the body quickly adapted. Three months later, the doctor said that I am making great progress, my sphincter becomes very elastic and pliable, and I have a good chance of winning the competition. But now we need to move to a new level of procedures. Firstly, you will need to make a series of injections directly into the sphincter, this is completely painless, since the anus is thoroughly moistened with anesthetics before the injections. Secondly, the pump will also take place under local anesthesia. This will allow me to reach a new level of stretching of the anus, which is not available without the use of these tools. The doctor asked if I was ready and got a positive answer, proceeded to the procedure. An anesthetic was injected into the spinal cord in the lumbar region, this is the so-called spinal anesthesia, that is, you are fully conscious and awake, you just do not feel anything at all below the lumbar back. The same anesthesia is given to women in labor, so that it would not hurt them to give birth. The action of anesthesia lasts about 3 hours. After 15 minutes, when the anesthesia took effect, the doctor inserted a cylindrical balloon 6 cm in diameter into my anus. Of course, all the tunnels were removed before this procedure. Since I felt absolutely nothing, this procedure seemed like a complete trifle. The doctor said if I wanted to see how this procedure was going in the mirror. I agreed. A cylinder 6 cm in diameter seems impressive in itself, but when it began to expand, I realized that, indeed, human capabilities are endless. The doctor said that this procedure is used everywhere in the treatment of spasm of the sphincter and for more than half a century this procedure has been used by all proctologists in the world.

In our case, we just went a little further. We have been preparing and stretching the sphincter for several months, so this procedure will be more effective. In science, this procedure is called pneumodivulsion. The doctor turned the toggle switch, and the cylinder began to expand slowly…. Within 10 minutes the cylinder expanded until it became 15 cm in diameter. The doctor said that it was enough for the first time. My eyes went out to my forehead. 15 cm is the diameter of the domestic sewer pipe, and this pipe has now been inserted into my anus and the anus will be stretched pliantly to that size. The sight was not for the faint of heart, but I perfectly saw that the anus was safe and sound, yes, it was stretched to the limit, but it was perfectly fine, without the slightest cracks or bruises. The doctor knew his business. After 15 minutes, the cylinder began to deflate and when the doctor took it out, I saw that the anus remained open by about 9 cm .... The huge gaping hole my anus turned into was incredible. And most importantly, this hole remained open and did not close. Doc said that in the absence of nerve impulses from the spinal cord (under the action of anesthesia), the muscles of the anus do not work, so there is nothing that makes the anus close. And the extreme stretching of the sphincter and muscles of the anus makes it possible to make it so huge.

The doctor took the cream and carefully lubricated the asshole inside and out. “This is a special healing cream that regenerates and heals all microcracks in the anus literally in a day,” he said, “while you lie down and admire your asshole, and I will prepare injections right now.”

I was simultaneously frightened and aroused by this huge gaping hole. Nevertheless, I was, as it always seemed to me, a completely sane person, but what I saw with my own eyes now made me doubt about my adequacy and sanity.

- "Why are these injections, doctor" - I asked, "I'm already under anesthesia?"

“This is not anesthesia, these are special muscle relaxants of prolonged action. Now you will have a tunnel 8 cm in diameter, it can no longer be worn without these relaxants. With this size of the sphincter opening, commands from the brain will constantly come to it to closes it and the nervous system will constantly strain all the muscles of the anus. This cannot be sustained for more than 30 minutes. Therefore, in order to block nerve impulses, a special neurotoxin is injected, which blocks any muscle innervation for 6 months. Thus, we deceive the body and the sphincter remains relaxed and open, and the tunnel can be painless. It stays in the anus for a long time».

I listened with fear, horror and excitement. I wanted to ask something ... but at that moment the doctor inserted a syringe into the anus and began to give injections. It was a series of small injections along the entire perimeter of the sphincter. “Well, that's all,” the doctor said, and with a rare satisfied face looked at me, “welcome to the BoyCunt island, now you are our resident”. I didn’t understand why he said it right now, but I didn’t ask again. The doctor inserted a new 8 cm tunnel into my anus, fastened it to the belt. “That's all for today, Shekhar will take you wherever you want, the anesthesia will last another hour, and then you shouldn't get out of the wheelchair all evening. There is a special opening at the bottom of the wheelchair, so you can go to the restroom without getting into it, ”the doctor called the Indian and left the office. Shekhar helped me transfer from the treatment table to the wheelchair, he saw the new size of the tunnel in my anus and a slight sly smile ran across his face. Looks like he liked his work and what he saw on it.

Shekhar gave me a special tea and said that today he would have to drink it every hour. I asked him to take me to the shore, not a lot rolled me along the edge of the sea. When the anesthesia began to recede, I began to feel this huge tunnel in my ass. There was no pain, but there was an unusual feeling of something huge inside me. On the wheelchair, I was in a reclining state, there was a cutout on the bottom of the seat and nothing pressed on the anus. Nevertheless, the sense of the schedule was decent. But the tea and the injections did the trick. It was just a sense of bursting without pain and discomfort. He gave me sleeping pills for the night and I slept soundly all night.

In the morning I was already healthy and functional. The sense of the bursting didn't go anywhere, but it was quite bearable. Approaching the mirror, I saw this tunnel and could not believe that it was me and my anus, this hole seemed so huge. I went to breakfast. Shekhar served an omelet, some tropical cereal with fruit, fried bacon, and something else. After breakfast, the Indian said: "The doctor asked me to remind you that after yesterday's injections you may not feel when you need to go to the restroom, and therefore you need to wash your intestines 2 times a day, I can help you with this." I thought it was strange how I could "not feel", but agreed. The 8 cm tunnel was so big that when I took out the plug, everything that should fall out instantly fell out of it, and then a light anal shower and everything was ready.

I began to walk even more bizarrely, spreading my legs even more apart when walking. In training, it was very difficult to do squats, since the legs had to be set wider than usual and the pressure of the neighboring muscles on the tunnel was not much of a habit. But now any other exercise made me feel a foreign body in my asshole. Even with exercises for biceps, I felt a huge tunnel and my large expanding anus. Another week passed in standard mode. A week later, the pneumodevulsion procedure was repeated. Bill, my doctor, pulled out a tunnel and showed me anus in the mirror. Despite the fact that I saw this tunnel every day in my asshole, the sight of a gaping asshole without a tunnel led me to panic and bewilderment. The doctor seemed to enjoy my fright, but said nothing. "Today we'll see how much further we can go, do you want to see it?" - he asked. "YES" - I answered shortly. This time the cylinder expanded to 16 cm. Let me remind you that this whole procedure was carried out under anesthesia, and was just a sight for me, in which I was both a performer and a participant and a spectator at the same time. “Bill, will my anus ever open to this size without anesthesia,” I asked anxiously. The doctor looked at me with a smile, pondered and replied: "we'll see."

The fifth month of my stay on the island has gone. I told friends and family that I have extended my studies and will stay here until the end of the year. Bill performed the Pneumatic Pulse Procedure 4 more times. Each time the diameter increased by 1 cm, until it reached 20 cm. “Further,” the doctor said, “the pelvic bones interfere with the expansion, although they also have a certain mobility, but this requires more time and training.” An innovative regenerative lubricating cream was applied to the anus every evening and this greatly facilitated and accelerated the entire "training". The sight of a 20 cm expanded pneumatic cylinder shocked me. I was speechless for a while. I just looked and couldn't believe my eyes. The doctor said that many surprises awaited me and that soon I would be moved to the base residence, where many more guys like me live - with huge dilated anuses. And there it will be much more fun for me. Most of them live there permanently, exercise both their body and anus. But the main emphasis of course is on the anus. Some of the guys who have already undergone such "training" come only to the competition. Only guys who have passed this training and approved by the Organizer can participate in the competition. Moreover, the winner of the previous year cannot compete in the next year, but can participate in a year. This gives the new guys a chance to win a prize.


On another visit to the doctor, he told me: “You are almost ready to move to the main residence, and your anus is already decently stretched and prepared for the competition, but there is still one thing to practice. The "organizer" loves to make the guys look natural, without any tunnels in the ass. Therefore, all preparation takes place here, in a remote villa. Therefore, from this day on you will walk without a tunnel. Of course, we keep all the evening pumping procedures and continue to stretch and prepare your asshole further, but wearing a tunnel is no longer necessary, since your anus is almost stretched to the limit. There is only one nuance in this…. after half a year of inactivity and stretching, as well as the introduction of certain medications, your anus has lost the ability to close and you will have to get used to it and practice living with this feature. "

I listened to the doctor, but still could not fully understand or rather believe what he was saying. Of course, I thought before that such an anus procedure would not pass without a trace, but I was sure that I would be able to control this process. "Wait doctor," I interrupted him, "how much has my anus lost the ability to close?" "We'll see now," said the doctor. He pulled out the tunnel and asked me to squeeze the anus. I tried, I strained all my strength and muscles ... but the sphincter did not stir …., in the mirror I saw a huge gaping asshole without the slightest sign of contraction or twitching of the sphincter. I tried again and again to squeeze the sphincter ... but no commands from the brain reached the anus at all and it remained unwaveringly open and motionless. “Doctor, how can this be?” I asked, frightened and alarmed. “Remember those injections, they completely block the innervation of the sphincter by blocking nerve cells and the anus becomes completely paralyzed and not functional. You just couldn't check it when you had the tunnel inserted. This clause is spelled out in the contract as a side effect of the treatment you signed up for. " - answered the doctor.

I was shocked. I was not ready for such a scenario, despite all the "procedures" and preparation for unusual competitions. Completely shocked, I got up from the couch. There was no tunnel in the anus, there was not the slightest discomfort, not a feeling of fullness. If not for the view in the mirror of my anus, which turned into a huge gaping cave, then everything seemed as before. I even felt some unprecedented lightness and freedom. Movement and gait became normal. I could sit on a chair in any position, nothing bothers me from the inside. "Think about the main prize and the competition," said the doctor, "you have every chance to take first place." He called the Indian and he accompanied me to the room. Shekhar, gave me the following instructions: before going to bed, you need to do a deep cleansing enema so that nothing falls out of me on the bed at night. In the daytime, in this villa and in the main residence, everything is provided so that everything is extremely clean and comfortable for guys with such destroyed anuses as mine. He left the room. And I fell asleep with great difficulty.

So that I do not think and feel, this will not change anything, I decided to see how tomorrow will pass in my new helpless and extremely humiliating state with a completely disabled sphincter. Shekhar came to me in the morning and said that breakfast was ready. He said that I had better not wear any clothes as it would only make the situation worse. "It is very warm in the villa and on the whole island, you can continue to walk naked all the time", the Indian advised, "and believe me it will be better." I went out for breakfast. Glancing at my anus in the mirror, I was once again convinced that it still looks like a huge gaping cave. For the hundredth time I tried to squeeze the anus and strained everything that was possible in my body ... but the anus was treacherously motionless. I went down to the living room and saw that now there was a beautiful amphora under my chair, I immediately understood its purpose. A large hole was cut in the center of the chair and before it prevented pressure on the tunnel in the anus, now its purpose was much more obvious. I ate breakfast without any "incident" And went to training. Shekhar helped me train, and everything went as usual. Soon I completely forgot about everything, as always concentrated on the exercises. I was almost finishing my workout and was doing the last exercise "deadlift" and suddenly I, not so much felt, how much I heard, as something plopped to the ground .... I looked down at the ground, then immediately at Shekhar…. A sense of shame and humiliation pierced me again. Strange, but I really didn't feel at all how it happened ... The Indian almost instantly, like the first time, took out a hose with water and immediately washed everything into the drain, then poured it down my asshole from the hose, then onto my feet, and said that everything is fine and I can continue to exercise. And yet despite his equanimity, the expression of pleasure on his face was again visible. In the meantime, I was burning with shame and humiliation. I finished my workout and went swimming, trying not to think about what had happened.

Lunch today was almost festive in terms of the abundance and variety of dishes. Shekhar said that the last days in the villa will be all like that, and at the end of the week I will be transferred to the main residence. At the end of dinner I got up from the table and went to my room. I took a few steps and then again there was this treacherous sound "slap", as if something fell to the floor. Then this sound was repeated a couple of times: "slap" "slap". The Indian, already as if waiting for this, jumped up with a scoop, a mop and large wet towels. First of all, he rubbed my anus and legs with damp towels, then scooped up everything that lay on the floor with a scoop and left. All this was done with amazing speed, dexterity and accuracy. And in this one felt a great experience, it was clear that he had worked out this procedure a thousand times before me. I went to my room to get some rest. In the evening, during the pumping procedure, the doctor asked me: "How was my first day without a tunnel in the ass, do I like these sensations ?!" I do not understand whether he is mocking or seriously asking. The expression on his face was quite calm and serious, and I decided to answer the purity: “It seems that you know yourself how my day could go, everything falls down at every step .... and there is no way to control or prevent it ... ”. The doctor smiled and looked at me: "Well, this is a small side effect on the path to victory in competitions and a big prize."


On Sunday, after another festive dinner, they put me on a jeep with all my things and drove to the main residence. We drove for about 2 hours and I realized that the island is big enough to go by car for so long. The splendor of the place where we arrived was amazing. Luxurious huge residence immersed in flowers and greenery, many different artificial fountains, waterfalls and streams cut through the marvelous garden in all directions. About two dozen handsome, muscular guys and men were in sight, someone was swimming in the pool, someone was training, someone was playing badminton or beach volleyball, someone was sunbathing in the sun. All the guys were naked and it was perfectly possible to see that they were all perfectly "prepared" and their anuses looked like huge open caves. As far as I could see with a quick glance from far away: some guys had anus a lot more open than others. probably these are the most experienced and "trained" guys here, I thought. The sight was fascinating. So many muscular guys with such big ruined holes gathered in one place - it was extremely exciting. Many Hindu servants were also scattered throughout the garden. I was brought to the bungalow in which I will live before the competition, and maybe after it. Shekhar arrived with me and he accompanied me and brought my things to the hut. Each guy had his own bungalows on the island, which were located around the main building of the residence - the luxurious palace of the "Organizer", which stayed here when he came to the Island. Around the central pool was a large dining area with tables for 4-6 people. Shekhar told me to settle down and that in an hour there would be an acquaintance with everyone and a festive dinner dedicated to the arrival of a new participant in the competition.

Hour later, an Indian took me to the dining area, where everyone had already gathered, the tables were set, and at a distance from each table there were Indian servants. When I arrived, everyone applauded and shouted different greetings. Then the head waiter took me to each of the guys, said his name, we greeted each other, clapped each other on the shoulder and went to the next one. After meeting, he sat me down at a table with four guys. Live music sounded and dinner began. We talked at ease, ate, they asked me where I came from, how I got to these unusual "competitions" and so on. There was a lot of change of dishes, all the dishes were striking in their originality and were very tasty. The supper lasted long enough, during the conversation the time flew by imperceptibly, especially since I missed live human communication so much and craved it like no one else here. They was told that in an 2 hour there will be an evening concert in which the participants themselves will participate, and that everyone is waiting for me in the amphitheater at the appointed time. I got up and went to my room, but before I had time to take a few steps, the same treacherous "slap" sound came to my ears. I froze. I was in the very center of this crowd of lovely guys ... They all looked at me at the moment I left the table and maybe even waited for this moment .... therefore, a moment after the sound of "slap", I heard an explosion of exclamations and applause, which I did not hear at the beginning of dinner. It was a kind of initiation. I was ready to sink into the ground. I could not imagine greater shame and humiliation. And those ovations in my ears sounded like mockery, like confirmation and acknowledgment of my public disgrace. The whistle, shouting and clapping of hands continued ... I continued on my way ... and I heard another series of "slaps" "slaps" during my movement. For each "slaps" the audience exploded with louder shouts and applause. I could not resist and ran, and I heard a few more “slaps” “slaps” behind my back, a plentiful long supper made itself felt. Joyful exclamations continued behind my back for a long time when I ran into my bungalow. Soon Shekhar came, he took me to the shower, washed me thoroughly from a hose with warm water, not forgetting to direct the stream into my asshole. Now the concept of "enema" turned into the concept of "a stream of water from a hose at a distance of 1 meter", this was now enough to clear my rectum. I burst into tears, my nerves were on edge. Monstrous humiliation and even met with such glee - worse could not be imagined. The Indian said that all these guys are in exactly the same position and that I greatly exaggerate my feelings. He explained that in the evening it is customary to wear jockeys so that the anus is open, and you can put on a light toga or tunic on the upper body. And that I have to go to the concert, otherwise they will consider me a weakling and no longer respect me.

On the advice of the servant, I got dressed and we went to the amphitheater. My appearance was again greeted with loud applause. I could not help but be embarrassed, but restrained my emotions and went down to the audience, taking my place on the spectators' benches. The action began. It was a very original performance that I had never seen before. Historical drama, eroticism, and sadomasochistic scenes stylized as ancient torture were intertwined here. The action was as follows: first there was a tribunal over the ancient Roman captive, the Moor, the sentence was read to him and the punishment was passed, then this punishment was carried out. All the guys are beautiful and muscular in themselves, and even dressed in beautiful ancient Roman clothes, they looked like gods. Moor was probably the most muscular guy among all the guys on this island, with dark almost black skin. He was stripped, tied to some kind of machine and slightly bent in half, and the machine was turned with its anus towards the audience. And, oh God, what I saw, no, it was not a human asshole, it was a giant gate the size of my head ... yes yes .. no less .... the asshole was completely open by itself without any devices. Then I was told that it was a matter of special anal plastics (cosmetic and surgical modification of the rectum), which I will talk about later. The sight of these giant "gates" was breathtaking and at first it seemed to me that it was not real, and perhaps it was a fake or an optical illusion. But the Moor was breathing, fidgeting, stirring, screaming, portraying pain and fear. They began to "torture" him, first a huge amount of oil was poured into his anus, then they began to insert various huge balls and clubs. One ball was much larger than the diameter of his anus and the "executioners" had to work hard to push this ball inside. Then the Moor was turned over on the machine with anise down, and the heavy, massive cannonball slowly began to emerge from the "gate" of the convict, and after a few seconds fell with a crash onto the concrete floor of the torture hall. In the end, they brought another captive slave, stripped him, smeared his head with oil and put him under the machine - right in front of the Moor's gigantic anus. The unit was slowly lowered onto the head of this slave. And, incredibly, the head sank with difficulty into this endless cave of the Moor. The Moor screamed, ostensibly in pain, jerked and went limp ... As if giving up his last spirit. Everyone applauded! Then the Moor was doused with cold water and allegedly brought to his senses. They turned it over again to the top with an anus and put 5 large balls there, but smaller than the first one. Then another slave was rolled under the Moor, also with his anus to the top. The Moor was then lifted up and turned over to its normal position, so that Moor's anus was just above the slave's anus. One after another, the balls fell out of the Moor and, under great weight, fell into the rather large hollow of the slave. Everyone applauded again.

Then there was a series of original "tortures". There was no limit to my excitement and surprise. The absence of a sexual partner for six months and now you are immediately such a sight, it is possible to die from spermatoxicosis. Then all the actors got up and bowed. The audience once again burst into applause and then everything began to disperse. I went back to my house and saw four guys - with whom we had dinner at the same table. They were sitting on a bench in front of my house and, apparently, were waiting for me. He brought fruit, special teas and oils, and said that tonight they will show me what heaven is. I noticed that I have never met alcohol on this island. For athletes, this was apparently the correct exception. Nevertheless, the "special" teas on rare Indian herbs, which were grown right there on the island by the Indians, was a much more stunning drink than any alcohol. They made me tea and told me to drink a whole mug, then Shekhar washed me thoroughly in the bathroom, and the most thrilling night in my life began. (I will write about this night in a separate chapter). I will only say that I have never had such a deep orgasm in my life.

Yet at first I could not understand for a long time, on the one hand, the purpose of our stay on the island was competition and everyone is fighting for the main very serious cash prize. On the other hand, the relationship between all the guys on the island was very open and friendly, and often even outright gentle and passionate. But I still had to figure it out.


New day

On the trail The next day I slept until noon, no one woke me up, Shekhar saw that I woke up and said that soon there would be lunch I can get ready. Gathering means taking a shower. I didn't have to dress for dinner and I walked naked to dinner. Still, it's one thing to wander naked alone throughout the villa, where only your personal servant sees you. Another thing is to walk naked among a crowd of cool handsome guys, besides, constantly and impossible to worry about what at any second can happen to your uncontrollable body. At lunch, almost everyone was in their places. There was complete freedom on the island, and the schedule was conditional, anyone could have lunch or a snack at any time. But still, in general, everyone adhered to some unspoken rule, and they all dined together. Perhaps this island life affected people, where there are very few people, and these common meetings at a meal created the impression of a more saturated and full of people territory. There were about 30 guys from 25 to 40 years old on the island. And almost all of them met for lunch. I saw at the next table yesterday's Moor, who for some reason was not present at yesterday's welcome dinner. My breath caught in my throat as I imagined what a huge gaping asshole he had. The chairs were arranged in the same way as mine in the villa, they had a hole in the center and a wide amphora was floating under each chair.

2 hours passed unnoticed for communication and delicious food. Towards the end of dinner at Peter's, who was sitting opposite me, I heard a heavy "slap" sound under the chair, at which moment all the guys at our table gave him a friendly wink. Then a couple more times "splash" "slap" came from under Peter's chair. Then, quickly and almost imperceptibly, an Indian ran up, covered the amphora with a lid and replaced it with a new one, and quickly disappeared from sight. And oh God, after 3 minutes I heard the same sound under my chair. Everyone immediately started winking at me. And again, a feeling of incredible shame and humiliation covered me. I froze and blushed. Peter, when it happened with him, did not react to it, of course he is experienced and has probably been on this island for a long time. I didn't know where I would go from shame at this moment. These winks were pretty confusing to me at first. First, they further increased shame and humiliation, showing that everyone noticed what happened to you now. Secondly, there was some kind of impossible secret pleasure hidden in it when you become an unwitting witness to someone's inevitable shame. Then everyone heard another "slap" "slap" under my chair, and once again I saw friendly winks. The Indian again did his job with lightning speed and replaced the amphora. Then I noticed that Indians with amphorae sometimes run up to other tables. Yo Mavr was sitting just opposite me, I could clearly see his back, a chair and an amphora from below. But nothing happened to the Moor while I was looking at him. I was about to leave, but the Moor was a few seconds ahead of me, he got up and walked past me towards the sea. And then it began, powerful and loud sounds of "slap" "slap" were heard behind the Moor. The Moor did not stop for a second, but continued on his way. It's amazing, I thought, how coldly they take it all: either they have been living on this island for a long time or they weren't particularly worried about it at first. I imagined that the Moor is a big healthy thoroughbred stallion who at any moment can do his job without paying any attention to others and without even controlling it. But why on this island the "Organizer" needed to turn the guys into such humiliated uncontrollable animals ... ?! Maybe that was his goal ?! To watch from the sidelines how healthy strong muscular guys become humiliated helpless slaves in terms of controlling their physiological needs. How their strong, closed functional anuses turn into huge, crafted destroyed holes that are no longer able to hold anything anymore. But, be that as it may, I'm already here, and it seems there is no way back.

One hour after breakfast, I went to workout. Several guys have already trained in the open air gym. On the territory of the residence there were two outdoor gyms and one indoor. One of the guys was doing a stomach curl on a machine. His anus was seductively exposed, and every bend of his legs caused his anus to contract slightly and expand due to the movement of his buttocks. My cock jumped up treacherously and was ready to pounce on this anus immediately. Shekhar warned me that although no one was prohibited from having sex, a number of rules still had to be observed: not to have sex in public places (dining room, amphitheater, gym and other places). Violators were punished by levying fines that were deducted from their monthly fee and there were other punishments that Shekhar did not mention.

I had no choice but to start training with an excited cock. Soon a couple more guys came to the hall. Everyone began to train hard in between sets, communicating and teasing each other. One boy was doing an exercise on the shoulders: a barbell bench press when something fell out of his anus treacherously and humiliatingly ... Moreover, it seemed to me that the guy did not even notice this, he continued to do the exercise as if nothing had happened and when he finished, he put the barbell down on the rack. The Indian was already right there with a hose in his hands, sewers were everywhere where possible, he instantly washed everything into the canal, then washed the guy, wiped him with a dry towel, and left. Everyone saw what was happening, watched it, some even began to swell cocks ... But after a minute pause, everything continued as usual and the guys returned to their exercises. Then, during training, the same thing happened to two more guys. Naturally, training greatly strains the entire body, accelerates all physiological processes, including the work of peristalsis. Therefore, in the gym, such accidents happen more often than anywhere else.

I still did not understand how I should react to all this. I have always been a clean person and don’t like shit at all, and my attitude towards cleanliness has not changed much. But in fact, the island had perfect cleanliness everywhere and in everyone. Absolutely everything was thought out and organized to maintain this purity as much as possible. The only thing is those moments that in a normal society are considered forbidden and intimate, here they simply cannot be physically controlled and therefore take place publicly and for all to see. Indeed, these moments are inevitable. And even if you come up with the idea of wearing clothes, this will not only not hide, but on the contrary, will greatly aggravate the whole task of maintaining cleanliness, and you do not even need to explain why.

One day I started a conversation with Martin, a neighbor at the table, how he got used to all this and how long he has been here. Martin replied that he had arrived half a year before me, and he also felt like a fairly newcomer here. But nevertheless, half a year is already a period, and when you face the situation dozens of times every day, then by will you begin to get used to it. Then it all depends on the point of view. From the point of view of a "normal" society, this is an island full of Gardens and Gomorrah. But if you look from the point of view of nature and human nature, then everything that happens on the island is completely natural: they are like animals in nature, which do not have far-fetched social norms and rules, and which are free and at ease in everything. “But you wondered how you will live with this further, after the competition,” I asked. Martin said that there are different options: “firstly, if these injections blocking the sphincter's work are not repeated every six months, then the sphincter will partially regain its functionality and, at the very least, it will be possible to control this process. But the competition cannot be won without these injections, this has already been tested and proven, since the sphincter stretch after the injection increases significantly and the athlete can accept a much larger dildo. Secondly, if you win the competition, then you can not worry about anything in life at all, but live for your own pleasure. By the way, that Moor - Johnny, he was just the winner of the competition last year, he received a million dollars, but decided to stay here further, the "Organizer" encourages this in every possible way. Thirdly, even if you do not win the competition, you can live here until the next competition, receiving a monthly payment for training and increasing your abilities. Most of the guys on this island are in that category. There are men who have been here for almost 6 years, for example, Joseph and Bertrand. True, the Organizer has a limitation, if you turn 40, then you leave the island. These guys - Joseph and Bertrand - still have five years left. In any case, they have already accumulated not a bad amount of monthly fees and can open their own business on the mainland.

Martin's thoughts seemed to me very sound and realistic and in many ways they put me to rest. But I chose the option for myself: so that it does not become to win the competition.

Johnny is a giant asshole

Martin told me what that giant asshole at Johnny's. Of course, Johnny's asshole was always extremely large, and even before the competition everyone understood that the first place would be his. Rather, there is a combination of different circumstances: good genetics, very elastic sphincter and musculature, enormous endurance and a high pain threshold, and a huge will to win. It was said that when Johnny was training, then after pneumodevulsions under anesthesia, he began to continue these procedures without anesthesia, and so step by step he reached 22 cm stretching the sphincter on the pneumodevulsion. Of course, the doctor used the maximum of cream, relaxants and special "teas", but nevertheless the results shocked even the doctor. After winning the competition, the Organizer suggested that Johnny make an anus plasty, insert specially designed elastic rings throughout the colon into the anus, and an innovative composite material sorghum. These rings hold their forum quite rigidly and compress extremely poorly, while expanding quite well. Moreover, they are biologically inert and can be inserted inside a person and without allergies and other complications. For this modification of the anus, the Organizer offered Johnny a considerable sum in addition to the prize. Johnny agreed. And a month later, his anus turned into a giant gate almost 18 cm in diameter, what you saw at the performance in the amphitheater. And this anus will always be in this state. Given that, if desired, a ball and dildo with a diameter of much more than 18 cm can be inserted into this anus, and the anal rings will easily stretch to this size. Since then Johnny has become the number one star of this island. And he is necessarily the first to be shown at the performance to new participants in the competition. At the same time, Johnny's appearance itself was very impressive: he was almost 2 meters tall, weighed 140 kg, and she had pure muscle mass. Many bodybuilders would envy his musculature. The Moor ate like an elephant, and of course, when something fell out of him, then, too, there was no doubt that these were the remains of a real elephant.

Once I got to training with Johnny, it was a beast. He tore at the iron like a frantic one. After 2 hours of training, we went to lunch. Johnny was served 3 times more food and more often than others. It is clear that with such a mass and such loads, the Moor needs a huge amount of food. I suggested that Johnny go to the beach after lunch and sunbathe and swim. Ginny agreed and we went. Almost reaching the beach, I heard a loud heavy sound "Slap" behind Johnny, but as usual the Moor did not react to it in any way, I had already adopted the habit of winking, and immediately winked at Johnny, he smiled and winked back at me. Then I had to wink at him five more times until we got to the beach. I turned around and realized that here, not much, not a little, a herd of horses ran, and not one person passed. But the Indians were already running up and quickly clearing the path. A minute later, there was no trace of this "herd". A person is attracted by something pretty extraordinary, outstanding. And Johnny's asshole attracted me with indescribable power. after bathing, Johnny's anus was cleared naturally, the water near the shore was exceptionally clean and it was seen how the Moor was enjoying this clean water, which flows freely into his anus like a bucket. Of course, Johnny's rectal mucosa had become coarse enough and lost sensitivity. From an internal organ, the anus was now an external organ, and was open to all winds, waters and objects. The first year after surgery for anus plasty, Johnny several times a day lubricated the anus with various creams and sprayed with antiseptic aerosols. A year later, the doctor examined the Moor's anus and said that the anus was completely epithelized and now he can freely swim in the open sea, walk with an open anus where and when he wants, insert any objects into the anus.

When Johnny came out of the water and lay on his stomach, I could not help but stare at his huge cave. I took the cream with me and began to apply it on his back, rubbing gently into his huge muscular back and gradually descending down to the buttocks. having lubricated the buttocks, I generously smeared my hands with cream and began to stroke them the Moor's anus from the inside. It was like greasing a bucket or a well, as my two hands simply plunged into this hole without even touching the edges. So I turned my palms outward and just rubbed and stroked this cave from the inside. You could see how much Johnny liked it, he almost grumbled with delight. But I wanted to fill this cave to the brim with something. There was nothing under the hands, and the hands themselves were to the toothpicks in the bucket. I remembered the first performance in the amphitheater, when the head was thrust into the Moor. I was extremely excited and did not understand how to do it at all and whether I would succeed. I poured all my Johnny cream into the anus and once again evenly distributed the cream along the walls of the anus, then leaned my head against Johnny's anus and began to slowly press. The anus gave in to pressure quite easily and opened even more, I easily thrust half of my head into this cave. Then my nose started and I took a deep breath and holding my breath, continued to dive. Johnny twisted and whined with pleasure, helped me to push my head into his cave, leaning towards my head. My head was completely inside Johnny, I thought I would cum without hands. Something incredible was happening to me. But it was impossible to stay like this for a long time, and I began to take my head out. Halfway out, I sighed and went back inside Johnny. So I repeated 10 times 10 times Johnny twitched violently and trembled…. I realized that he was cum. I took out my head and barely touching my penis immediately finished Johnny inside his cave, abundantly splashing his walls with streams of thick sperm. For half an hour we lay and came to our senses. Johnny turned to me and kissed me deeply on the lips. Then we took another swim and headed home. On the way, I asked my friend how he decided on an anus surgery and how he thinks to live with such an anus after the island. He, in turn, asked me a rhetorical question, how did I decide to stretch my ass ?! After a little thought, Johnny replied that he always liked playing with the anus and he was not against experiments in this area. “Of course, at first I had no idea how far it could go, but moving further and further along this path, I realized that I like this path more and more,” said my friend. “As for life 'after the island', I don't see any problems here, I have earned a decent amount of money for which I can live anywhere and as I please. Of course, I will not be able to live the life of an ordinary person in the city, visit public beaches, baths and swimming pools, and in general I cannot go to any public places anymore. If, as a last resort, you can still close your asshole with a cork and go out into society for a while, without fear of uncontrolled loss of something from you, then nothing will close my cave now. But, as it turned out, I like this life. Moreover, the world is full of crazy people like our Organizer. I am periodically invited to private parties in the homes of billionaires and oligarchs and pay insane money for shows with my participation. At the moment, I am the largest asshole in the world, and this leads my fans to the strongest excitement and delight. I will tell you about one such private party later, you should have seen the face of this billionaire when he saw my asshole for the first time ... " Johnny laughed. We returned to the residence and said goodbye before dinner.

Now Shekhar himself did the daily pumping procedures for me. He was well trained in this and all the Indians on the island practiced it under the guidance of a doctor. Without spinal anesthesia, I could already expand my anus to 13 cm. Shekhar said that every day you need to extend the pumping session for at least 1 minute, and you need to reach 30 minutes in a state of maximum opening of the anus. After that, you need to slightly increase the diameter of the opening and start again from 5 minutes. After each procedure, the anus remained wide open and I admired it in the mirror. I saw that the Hindu also looks with admiration every time but my maximally open asshole. I asked him how he got to this island, or rather, how he agreed to such a job. A Hindu told me that in his homeland of India, with a billion people, the life of an ordinary guy from a slum is like hell. Dirt, poverty, hunger, humiliation and lack of any prospects. Therefore, when the recruiter asked him to be interviewed for a job as a servant in one of the private clinics, I had no doubts or objections, whatever the job was. The main primary criteria for the recruiters were as follows: a young, handsome, well-built youth, Hindu, under 20 years old. Then the recruiters checked the young man's mental, emotional status and intelligence. Then they underwent about 6 months of training, where they were told that they would need to take care of patients with sphincter incontinence. After the filth in which most of us lived, sphincter incontinence was the least of all evils, and better even said it was not considered an evil at all. Working in such a residence for me is tantamount to working in paradise. And caring for such handsome guys is like caring for and serving the gods.

The Indian story made me think about many things and understand a lot. Now it became clear both the admiration and possibly the excitement of the Indian from all that he sees and does with my anus.

Before the competition rehearsal

Three months before the competition, a final examination and assessment of all participants is made. First, a visual inspection is carried out.

10 participants go on stage, turn their backs to the audience and bend down, lying with their upper body on a special parapet, so their anus is maximally open for viewing by the audience. The doctor and assistant examine the anus for damage, cracks, or other abnormalities. When I saw these guys in this position on stage at the same time, with such big gaping open holes, I instantly became aroused. Looking around, I realized that everyone else had the same reaction. Still, could there be a more seductive sight ?! The size of the anuses was visually more or less the same for everyone, about 8 cm, except for one participant, in whom it was clearly wider than the others and seemed to be about 12 cm.In such a tilted position, the anus of the participants was maximally opened and gave a better idea of their preparation ... The doctor with a flashlight approached each anus, shone into it, felt, massaged, made notes and went to the next. Everyone's excitement was growing. But no matter what the power of arousal, even if sex in public places were allowed, there would be one problem: not a single cock, no matter how large, would even touch the walls of the anus of any athlete. The natural desire to come up and fill this gaping hole with his dick was huge, but as everyone has already seen in practice, it doesn't make any sense, it's like putting a dick in a bucket. Of course there are hands and all the guys use them to the fullest. But the main nuance is precisely that the level of stretching of the anus, which the participants in the competition, is not even close to the most advanced porn actors. Even sex at the same time in 3 cocks was not very effective. The cocks barely touched the walls of the anus and therefore there was no friction.

Then they began to measure the maximum size of the stretching of the anus. On the stage of the amphitheater, they brought out dildaks measuring from 12 to 25 cm in diameter and about 60 cm in height. All the participants were poured into the anus with a glass of lubricant and the participants began to alternately sit on all sizes of the dilodaks. The first participant reached 13 cm and could not sit down by 14 cm. The second one reached 15 cm. Then all the athletes did the same. The ninth participant, Frank, amazed everyone, he reached 20 cm, he slowly sat down on this dildo for about 8 minutes, breathed deeply and continued to move. The result was considered fixed when half of the dildo entered. When Frank reached halfway, the audience applauded and the athlete, pleased with the result, slowly began to rise, releasing this monster from you. When the anus was free, he bent his back to the audience and once again got a standing ovation, the cavern of his anus looked stunningly gigantic.

Then there was the second and third line of athletes, each of 10 people. I was in the last - third stage. My results were not bad, I mastered 15 cm (though with the last bit of strength and at the limit of my capabilities). 15 cm was an average result, and I realized that there was still a lot of work to do on stretching. In the final of the rehearsal came Joni - last year's winner of the competition. He was out of competition (according to the rules of the competition) and he just had demonstration performances. Johnny, apparently already warmed up and pulled his anus backstage, immediately went to the 25 cm dildo. Then I was told that the doctor smeared his anus with a new unique cream, relaxing all the muscles and tissues of the anus to the limit. He also drank 3 cups of special tea. A little popazirovan his cave in front of the public, he began to sit on the largest dildak. After 5 minutes of careful immersion, the dildo was in Johnny's anus by almost 2/3. A thunderous ovation was heard in the hall. From the side it looked like Joni was sitting on a big stump. And if you did not see the whole process of immersion, then it would not be possible to believe in it.

The preliminary rehearsal of the competition helped the athletes understand their real level of achievement, see the achievements of other participants and become more motivated in the remaining 3 months of preparation.

Big AssHole Fuck

Once I was swimming on the beach with Eric and Frank, we went to sunbathe. Eric asked to smear sun cream on his back. I began to apply the cream to his powerful muscular back and buttocks, and of course, I could not ignore this gaping cavern between his buttocks. I also lubricated his anus liberally from the inside, carefully massaging every inch of that inviting flesh. My hand freely entered, almost without touching the walls of the anus. My cock was staked. And although realizing the absurdity of the situation, I lay down on Eric and my penis fell into this endless cave. I just failed and that's it. No matter how I fidgeted and gagged, wherever I turned, my penis dangled in complete emptiness, well, maybe a couple of times slightly hitting the walls. It was a strange sensation. when there was a cool guy under you, but you don't feel him at all. It was at the same time and even more exciting and at the same time it was not clear how to satisfy your passion. Eric said that there are special devices and he will show them to me in the evening. The gadgets were very interesting. These were custom-made, normal-sized silicone anuses that were located inside a large, fat cylinder. These cylinders were of different sizes from 10 to 20 cm. The latter, I think, is only for Johnny's giant cave. Eric chose a cylinder 12 cm in diameter, lubricated it well and inserted it into his anus. Thus, in his asshole, a small ordinary artificial anus was formed, which could already be fucked as usual. But there was another secret in this anus. When a cock was inserted into it and fractions began to be made, the entire cylinder began to swell, due to a special pumping mechanism hidden inside. Moreover, the cylinder was inflated only outward, keeping the size of the inner anus - the hole - unchanged. The longer you fucked the guy or the more you did the amplitude, the more this cylinder swelled. of course he inflated very slowly to give him the opportunity to enjoy sex longer. I began to fuck Eric immediately, after 5 minutes Eric began to groan and moan harder, after 10 minutes he was whining loudly ... I continued to fuck him for about ten minutes. Eric was almost screaming with pain and pleasure when I began to cum. During sex, the cylinder expanded from 12 to 15 cm, which was the ultimate size for him and he had not yet mastered large sizes. After I finished, Eric took his penis in his hands and after 30 seconds he also released huge jets of sperm. I carefully took out this artificial anus from Eric, his asshole stretched even more and opened. I poured the sperm from this device into my partner's asshole and rubbed it carefully into the swollen walls of the anus.

Beach volleyball

The next day, a beach volleyball competition took place. There were 13 teams. The competition was held simultaneously on 3 sites. The athletes, of course, were not professionals in beach volleyball, and their heavy athletic figures also did not contribute to high jumps, but nevertheless, everyone took part in this play with pleasure. The level of skill was about the same for everyone, which made the competition more exciting. And, of course, there were small piquant "features" in this volleyball: periodic inevitable and uncontrollable loss of something from the athletes. The sight was comic and exciting, and exciting and shocking. The competition began at 10 am, an hour after breakfast. And immediately after the start of the game, "drops" began. On the first site, Martin and Bernard competed against Michael and Patrick. After 2 minutes of the game, during the attack, Martin jumped up and hit the ball, at the same time something fell out of it on the sand. Instantly, like boys in tennis, literally in a couple of seconds, an Indian with a scoop flew out like an arrow, grabbed what had fallen out of Martin and ran away. This action was so perfected and swift that it was not even necessary to interrupt the game.

From the stretched and developed anuses, the contents fell out quickly and easily, without getting dirty and often did not even touch the legs. If the Indians with scoops hadn't run out to the site, the players would not have noticed any "incidents" at all. Constant training of the anus, cream and injections, gradually made the anus rougher and it gradually epithelized, that is, it was covered with thicker and coarser skin. Such an anus no longer felt that something was passing through it. Then, a couple of minutes later, Patrick received the ball from below in a half-squat position, the ball bounced and, along with the ball, something bounced off Patrick. Michael made a pass and Patrick hit the ball with a running start, and at that moment something fell down Patrick again. The Indians instantly cleared everything and the game continued. Soon the same thing happened with Martin and Bernard. The same “atmosphere” reigned at other venues.

An interesting case was in match 3 on the second court. There, uncontrollable "surprises" occurred simultaneously for 3 players. It all started with the player serving, after hitting the ball and running to the net, everything that was supposed to fall out of him. Then, after accepting the ball, the contents of the player receiving the ball also spilled out, and immediately hitting the attacking player on the ball, gave a decent portion of "surprise". Here I had to make a short pause, because the Indian had to clean up in three places at once.

The spectacle of beautiful, muscular athletes playing naked volleyball is very sexy in itself. But this piquancy of the situation, which periodically arises with each player, makes this spectacle extremely exciting. You see the complete helplessness of these mighty bodies, which cannot control a completely natural physiological process. They are humiliated by this circumstance, but are unable to change anything. This is the weakness and helplessness of strong athletes, it excites violently, infinitely, deeply. Most of the players on the rest bench: the cocks are extremely excited. They themselves may not fully understand all aspects of their arousal. Although in behavior they seem to clearly express their emotions. The applause and shouts of spectator players accompany not only a successful shot or goal, but also when something falls out of the athlete. This emphasis on attention, there is some kind of crazy passionate energy, transcendent humiliation and a statement of weakness and helplessness, the one who is being applauded. Whether or not to react externally to this humiliation is everyone's business, but it is impossible not to feel shame inside, at the first sounds of applause, which you understand in no way connected with the goal. I experienced it myself. At first you do not understand why the players start clapping, then you see an Indian running with a scoop, and you understand that "this" happened. Willingly or not, you instantly feel the humiliation of this situation, especially so public. For a long time I could not get used to it, and I'm not sure if I got used to it even now.

Sometimes I was attacked by incredible anger at the Organizer and the whole Island. I wanted to control my body and not be exposed to daily multiple shame anywhere and at any time. Approaching the mirror, at times I was completely stupidly reckless and hopeless, I tried to squeeze my anus, I stood for a long time and strained all my will and my whole body ... but all attempts were in vain, the anus was motionless.

When I went to the site, literally at the 3rd reception of the ball, the body threw out its contents. I got into a reception position, took the ball, and ran to the net, and then the sound of applause confused me a little. An Indian immediately flew out and I understood everything. All the feelings that I spoke about above covered me ... but the game continued and I had no choice but to continue playing. A few minutes later, it also happened with Robert, my teammate. But the sight of his humiliation, for some reason pleased me, I even spontaneously patted him about the shoulder after that. In general, this beach volleyball competition was quite unusual, after which almost every player was overwhelmed with excitement and fatigue.

Rest day or new adventures

One of the days on the island was free from any programs and training. Everyone could rest and have fun as they pleased. After breakfast I went for a swim in the pool in the middle of the garden. Water was poured there directly from the ocean, slightly filtered.

In front of the pool there was such a flushing fountain - the invention of this island. The fountain gushed immediately from the ground on which there was a very large grate, under which there was a drainage stream. The pressure of the fountain was regulated by a pedal on the ground. I went to the stream, substituted the anus and pressed the pedal harder, the stream of water hit deep into the anus and quickly cleared it. Then I jumped into the pool and began to swim. By the way, it was impossible to swim in sea water for the first half of the year. The doctor gave an aerosol bandage, which needed to be sprayed on the hollow before immersion in seawater. The aerosol covered the anus with a thin film that protected the walls of the rectum from salt and other irritants. The hollow was well open for everyone, and the sea water freely walked along the anus, as in any other sea lagoons and grottoes. Over time, the skin of the anus hardened and it was possible to swim without using an aerosol. Then Eric and Cruz joined me and we started playing ball on the water.

After swimming we lay down on the sun loungers and began to sunbathe. The sun loungers had holes at the level of the anus, like all the furniture for sitting and lying in the residence. Island sun loungers were much higher than all standard ones, so that an amphora was placed under them and it was convenient for the staff to change them.

Inability to live off the island

An interesting and understandable fact that there were no toilets in the garden and public areas. There were only toilets in every bungalow and in the main palace. There were no toilets - that is why there is no need for them. If you need to pee, there are a million bushes, trees and drainage streams on the territory. The rest of the needs are not reflected, controlled and not managed, therefore, they do not need a special institution. It looks like the Chief Architect of the residence has thought everything through carefully. He created the Island of humiliation and helplessness, where the most beautiful and athletic guys are forced, in certain aspects, to live like cattle, constantly and in public to experience humiliation. At the same time, there was not the slightest violence and restriction of free will. It was all very cleverly thought up. Any participant in the competition could leave the island at any time and return home, no one limited him. Patrick once told me that last year he and a couple of guys, after the competition that Johnny won, decided to return home. At first, Patrick could not even understand how he needs to dress and what to do with the anus to close it. First, he tried the cork tunnel he wore a year ago. But the hollow has since stretched decently and the 8 cm tunnel did not even touch the walls of the anus. New custom tunnels could be ordered on the island, which Patrick did. He ordered 3 sizes at once 12, 14 and 16 cm. But when the tunnels arrived and Patrick tried them on and…. it became clear that with them, you can walk. That is, without tunnels, the large open elastic anus does not interfere with walking or sitting on a chair. But with a tunnel, even 12 mm, it was very difficult to move your legs and it was absolutely impossible to sit down somewhere. And Patrick, in addition, for complete tightness, only fit the largest tunnel - 16 cm. That is, of course, spreading your legs wide apart and somehow cunningly bending you could hobble a few tens of meters ... but this could only be done as an exception or as a circus clown performance. Thus, the option with a plug and a tunnel was eliminated.

Then the guys ordered the biggest adult diapers. When they arrived, and the guys put them on, it became clear that one more number could be added to the circus program of clowns. It was easier to walk in these diapers than with a huge tunnel, but still, quite uncomfortable. And then it was absolutely not clear how to hide it under clothes. The guys remained at a loss for a while. Then Patrick made up his mind. She put on a diaper and widest wide trousers (also made to order). These pants didn't really solve the situation, but at least they looked socially acceptable. And trying to walk with his usual gait, which, to be honest, he was not very good at, went home. He was taken by private plane to the nearest public airport and then he got home on his own. The first thing Patrick ran into was the need for a diaper change and washing. The second is that almost everyone around him looked at him very strangely, seeing his swelling under his pants and a strange gait. Thirdly, he did not understand when he needed to change the diaper at all, he had to check it regularly somehow. Well, and many more different difficulties and difficulties Patrick met on his way home. I will not describe here everything that my friend told me then. I will only say that at the end of the way to the house, Patrick was so exhausted that he decided to return back to the Island. In addition, it was not clear how generally to go in this form in front of old friends and family. The other guys returned to the Island after 2 and 3 months. And it seems the "Chief Architect" also knew this very well and planned. Patrick said that they are now prisoners without the chains and shackles of this Ostrava. And although life on the Island was quite worthy, rich and interesting, but it became the only place where such helpless guys can comfortably exist.

After Patrick's story I felt uneasy, but I also remembered Johnny's story. Our biggest athlete traveled the world, on "special" tours, where he lived and stayed. And it seems he did not mention any special difficulties associated with our general helplessness. I decided to talk to Johnny about it sometime later.

First night at the residence

It's time to tell you what happened on the first night of my arrival at the residence. Martin, Eric, Ethan and Cruz came to see me that night. I was given a special Indian tea with intoxicating herbs to drink, washed and laid on the bed. From the large bag that my guests brought, various huge dildos, balls and other things began to get out. A glass of fragrant oil was poured into my anus. Two hands, without resistance, entering the anus, began to rub oil into the walls of the intestine. Considering that for half a year there was not a single living object in my anus, I felt incredibly blissful and excited. Two living human palms, not a metal cylinder, gently rubbed my already well-stretched hole. Hands entered my anus completely freely, or rather, they just fell into it. At first I didn't even realize that it was 2 hands. Soon I felt a little pressure and another hand joined the first two. “It can't be truth,” I thought, “there are three hands inside me, but I can hardly feel them ... maybe this tea works like that?! or maybe I just didn’t realize how wide my anus was stretched out by the doctor ....?! ” In any case, I had exactly three hands inside me and they gave me great pleasure. Then another, fourth hand, squeezed into my hole. It already entered with little resistance, I felt the anus bursting from the inside. Four hands began slowly and gently stretch my anus in different directions. At some point, they hands pulled hard enough in different directions and I felt the maximum stretching of anus and a wave of anal orgasm covered me. I started shaking, moaning, whining…. Hands a little weakened their onslaught .., but after half a minute already again moved into battle. Soon I felt even stronger pressure, and realized that the fifth hand was squeezing into me. It hurt a little, but bearable. On hands over They poured more oil and the fifth hand, making the last effort, entered my hole. I was shaking all over again…. It was another anal orgasm. I looked in the mirror ... incredible ... it just can't be truth ... It can't be my anus. I couldn't believe my eyes. Five hands at the same time ... Damn, what a giant cave my ass has now become.

New participants in the competition appear on the island quite rarely, and the appearance of new fresh "meat" is always an event on the island. In addition, everyone understands that "meat" was half a year without sex and was ready to do anything for it. Five hands remained in me for about half an hour. They pulled my asshole, turned, stroked the anus from the inside, giving me indescribable pleasure. Then I felt all hands move out at the same time. Slowly but moderately, all hands more and more came out of my anus and stretched it wider and wider. I felt that they would tear me in half… .but, a little more effort…. the anus is stretched to chaos .... Eeeee! Fuh !!! They hands are finally leaving the anus. A feeling of indescribable relief covers me. The hole is open wider than ever. I see it reflections in the mirror, and freeze in horror and delight. Truly, there is no limit to human perfection.

Cruz takes a huge ball, 15 cm in diameter, lubricates it with oil and puts it on my anus. Then he presses hard on him ... the anus slowly begins to accept this giant cannonball. Unlike fisting, which I practiced «before the Island", now I did not have to relax and open the muscles of the anus in order to put any hands or dildo inside me. All the muscles of the anus were completely disconnected from the control of the brain, the sphincter was destroyed, all tissues were well stretched. Therefore, anything could be shoved into my anus without the slightest opportunity for me to resist. Anus took this large ball as a natural and taken for granted accessory. Then two guys lift me into their arms, holding my hips. They turn my ass to the ground and the ball begins to crawl out of my anus. The ball is so large that the anus cannot release it immediately. The ball sags down, stretching down the tissue. With every second, the ball pulls down the anus lower and lower ... Not much more ... and the maximally stretched and destroyed anus releases the ball and it falls on the bed.

Then, they was laid me on the bed with the anus up. Cruz, Martin and Eric, in a cunning way arranged themselves in a circle, inserted their cock inside me. Although "inserted" is not the right word, they just put their dicks in the cave of my anus. Ethan took a 12cm diameter dildo and shoved it into my hole. Thus, I ended up with three dicks and a giant dildo. The guys started fucking me furiously. Ethan, continuing to support the dildo in my anus, put his dick in my mouth. A stormy and passionate fucking began. The anus was cracking at the seams and it brought me great pleasure. The fucking did not last so long, all the guys were extremely excited. After 10 minutes, the guys began to cum in my hole, and Ethan plentifully and deeply cum in my mouth.

After 5 minutes of rest, they turned me over on my back, bent my legs and Martin inserted a strap-on, 13 cm in diameter. The 13 cm dildo slipped easily enough in my broken-up hole. Ethan fucked me wildly with it while the rest of the athletes sucked my cock. I was aroused to the limit and after 3 minutes began to cum. The sperm was like a breeding bull. My juices were enough for all the guys. They eagerly swallowed every last drop. During the night, the guys fucked me several times in different ways, and in the end each came three times. It was the most unforgettable night in my life, which, fortunately, has repeated more than once.


Once a week, I went to the Doctor for an examination and procedure for extreme pneumatic evulsion. Today, as usual, I was at the doctor at the appointed time. The doctors at the main residence were named Nikolos. He examined my anus and said that the epithelialization was going very well and soon I would be able to swim in seawater without using a protective aerosol. And he also noted that I have an extremely elastic sphincter and other tissues of the anus, and that he did not remember such a fast and steady progress for a long time. “Today, half a year has passed since the first anal injections and we need to repeat them,” the doctor said. "Why are they being repeated, Doc," I asked. “The innervation of the nerve fibers may recover slightly over time, and then this will drastically reduce the progress and the possibility of stretching the anus. To get the main prize, you need to give your best and without these injections - you won't see the prize. " Nikolos explained. "That is, if these injections are no longer done, the anus will restore its function?" - I asked with naive hope in my voice. The doctor smiled and after a short pause replied: “Look at your hollow in the mirror, Adrian. There is a chance that it will ever close and work ?! " the doctor asked. My hollow was 9 centimeters open and gaped like a large cave. Of course, my question was extremely naive, but I could not help but ask. "Injections are needed to win the competition and continue progress," the doctor repeated once again, "with the complete absence of nerve signals in the sphincter, it becomes as soft and elastic as possible." I remembered Martin told me that without injections the sphincter could recover slightly, and it would be possible to somehow manage the toilet. But he did not give real examples. Therefore, even if the doctor didn’t tell the whole truth, I didn’t say or ask anything about this issue, since in any case I was aimed at competition and first place.

Nikolos, smeared my anus with an anesthetic, waited until it worked, and made a series of small injections around the entire perimeter of the sphincter. Although this time it is better to say: “around the entire perimeter of a huge cave”, since the sphincter could no longer be found, it was destroyed and stretched so much that the anus became a single solid tube without any special constrictions. Then the doctor heavily lubricated the entire anus with cream and began the pneumodevulsion procedure. This time we got to the size 17 cm. It was another record. Nikolos said that in a week they will do this procedure with spinal anesthesia and see my new possibilities. After the pneumodevulsion, my anus remained open by 12 cm.When I returned to the bungalow, Shekhar immediately notice that my anus has become noticeably larger and in this state is equal to Patrick's anus, who is still the leader among all the guys in the visual size of the hollow (not counting, of course, Johnny) ... But it is clear that the effect of pneumatic evulsion disappears significantly after a couple of days.

(to be continued)

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by HugeBoyCunt

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