
by Draven Moorcock

28 Dec 2022 1390 readers Score 9.3 (22 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

As I always come back and edit my stories again shortly after I drop, it's a good idea to read a recently dropped story the next day before you read the next one. I wouldn't want you to miss an elaborations or corrections, however small or large.

And please do comment on my chapters. I love reading your reactions to every sexy twist and turn!

Chapter 17


I was still reeling from the scene with Dean at my hotel, both of us in growing heat as I introduced him to staff, showed him the pool, the equipment room. Then in the spa, leaning over him to open the cabinets where massage oil, towels, and other tools of that trade were kept.

I’d been half hard the whole time, and from the looks of his speedos, so was he. What happened later in my office had been inevitable, but I could not get out of my mind that I had finally really cheated on Jake.

The guilt had mounted, and now I felt pressed to head home and make it up to my man anyway I could, even if I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that not only had I put Dean up at my hotel office suite, but that I had fucked him.

That last bit might be just a tad too much to tell, I thought. I knew I could trust Dean not to blab about it, and I told myself that would be it, but… I had cheated on Jake. No matter which way I turned, I had cheated.

God, I almost hoped Jake would have cheated with Alex, just I could put things back in some sort of even keel. I got home, walked in and found Jake with a coffee cup headed toward the kitchen, one hand casually holding down an erection that looked like it would split the skimpy briefs he was wearing.

“Alex put on some porn, and I was just getting more coffee, baby. You want to join us?” Jake said.

I laughed. From the looks of things, it almost looked as if my almost wish about them cheating had nearly come true. Perhaps I should have waited another ten minutes before getting home. But I hadn’t and as far as I knew, they hadn’t. I didn’t know whether to be relieved or cry.  “Oh hell,” I said,
“No. Alex looks ready to rape someone.”

Alex was sitting back stroking his cock, looking incredibly delicious, his eyes hot on me as if telling me to “fuck him”.

In spite of the fact that I had already gotten off with Dean a little while ago, I found my cock responding in my jeans.

“Were being good, Dan, honest.” Alex said with a giggle.

I arched a Spock like brow of skepticism. I couldn’t help the smile inside. Alex had that effect on me. I rolled my eyes at him and said, “I suppose as good as you can be.”

I decided to change the subject. I hadn’t caught them, or they weren’t doing anything but giving each other a tease, so time to move on. “I just came back for some lunch. Dean seems to be getting the hang of things, so I decided to come home and take the rest of the day off.”

Jake came toward me from the kitchen, and I swallowed. Those briefs were so revealing, and his big cock stretched across to the hip, clearly more than a little stirred up. “That’s what I wanted to hear, baby,” he said. “Why don’t we go out to lunch? Alex and I have been stuck here all morning.

Was I wrong or did Jake sound a little too eager to get out of the house away from Alex and his endless horny come-ons?

I smiled at Jake, proud of him for resisting my “bestie” scamp, yet oddly frustrated that he had. I was a mess! “Sure, why not? I need to take a piss. You guys get dressed and we’ll go have some brunch at the Grill.”

I let my sexy man go after giving him a smooch, spanked his ass in passing and headed to bathroom. When I got there, I called out, “Don’t wear any underwear, babe. I love looking at your cock through your pants when your commando.” Hah, what I wanted was for Jake to look so sexy he could not avoid cheating with SOMEONE. Anyone! Anything to ease my guilt over dreamy Dean!


When I was done pissing, I took a very quick shower just to scrub off the sweat of work, dried off and changed into white draw string lounge pants, the linen of them thin and cool, and nicely revealing with no underwear. The lounge pants were a size too small, because I loved the way that showed off my assets, and so did Jake. A cut off mesh T, sandals, a moment to run a brush through my hair, and I was ready.

Jake had already dressed and was ready, wearing white spandex tights that hugged every vein of his huge cock where it was tucked down one thigh. Fuck! Talk about flaunting it! I loved it and I swallowed with the surge of lust as I beheld his daring. Over the tights he wore a gauzy loosely hanging purple deep cut tank top you could see right through, his large dime sized nipples making quite a show.

Alex appeared last, wearing one of his many skintight faded blue cutoff shorts, that always seemed to be borderline indecently short., his own package clearly defined. He wore a white polo shirt over the shorts that helped draw the look back from the edge of slutty, though the shirt was extremely tight, drawing he eye to his fine build.

These two men were way sexy. We were a bunch of exhibitionists, is what we were. I loved it. Alex gawped at my man’s package.

“Eyes above my man’s waist, Alex, above the waist.” I said, with mock sternness.

He and Jake both flushed, and Alex giggled.

“We’d better go before we jump one another’s bones,” Jake chuckled.

I wanted to tell him, he could only jump MY bones, except my conscience got me at that point. Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean!

The Grill was tucked back a few blocks from the beach near the gay end of the boardwalk, not far from my hotel. The clientele was mostly gay as it was very gay friendly, and run by our friends, Lonie and Hammond Fricks a married gay couple in their late thirties. Jake and I had had our wedding reception on the Grill’s roof top deck two years before.

We went in my car and this time; I made sure Alex sat in back. Jake took the front passenger seat, getting in and kissing my cheek before doing his seat belt.

I gave Jake’s big cock bulge a proprietary glance before putting the car in reverse and backing out.

It only took us about five minutes to get to the Grill. One of the highlights of the grill were the wait staff. The male waiters all wore black spandex shorts and white net Tees, and were all good looking and apparently nicely hung, and encouraged to be flirty. There were two female waitresses, who wore black shorts and white halter tops, but our eyes were all on the male cuties.

We were shown to a booth in the back corner. Alex slid right in, so Jake took the far side of Alex and I the near side, sandwiching my bestie.

Our waiter turned out to be a very handsome long-haired blond, who beamed brightly at Jake.

“Jake! Good to see you.” He said sweetly, with a knowing look in his eyes. I was diverted from this by the suggestion he was wearing makeup. No mascara, but more concealing makeup.

“Hey Patrick, this is my husband, Dan, and our friend, Alex, guys, Patrick.”

Patrick’s smile for Jake seemed to falter for just a moment, but he then flashed Alex and I a bright smile, before wincing and raising a hand to his jaw.

“How's that coming? You see a doctor?”

I looked at Jake inquiringly and he grinned. “I rescued Patrick on the beach. He was having a bit of a row with his boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend no longer. I won’t put up with abuse. I am staying at the motel 6 for a few days until I find an apartment I can afford. Anyway, good to meet you guys. How can I serve you today?”

Alex was drooling over Patrick, and he piped up, “I just broke up with my boyfriend too. I am staying at their place for now.”

Patrick’s head cocked as he took Alex in and he said, “You’re gorgeous, maybe we should talk sometime. Compare notes on x boyfriends.”

“I’d like that.” Alex said, his light baritone, a purr.

Jake and I looked at one another with amusement.

Patrick took our orders, but his eyes kept coming back to Alex, who in turn openly ogled Patrick licking his lips whenever he gazed at the substantial bulge in Patrick’s black spandex shorts.

We were enjoying lunch, and I think Jake and I were enjoying a respite from Alex’s focused attentions. I only noticed Alex’s forearm angle toward Jake’s lap a few times and then not long enough to do much of anything. He was incorrigible.

Jake for his part, appeared to keep both hands in view.

When Patrick came back to take dessert orders, I had an idea. “Patrick, were having a small get together at our house for the new Lifeguard Captain, Lt. Mike, and Jake who is now Lt. of the North Patrol,” I said proudly. We’ll have just a few friends over. Why don’t you come over too?”

“Oh, I, … I shouldn’t impose. What time is the party?”

“Tomorrow night, actually, a dinner party and then a hang out at our pool in back. And it’s not an imposition. We were going to be an odd number. Now we’ll be even, which is always better, anyway, and I am sure Alex would love to get the chance to get to know you better.

Alex and Patrick both blushed, and…was Jake looking a little flushed? That was interesting, but I put the thought to one side.

Alex looked at Patrick. “Would you like to get off? I mean! What time do you get off today?”

Patrick laughed and said, “Actually my shift is over in twenty minutes at 2pm.”

“Well, we could hang in here till then, but no dessert for me. Maybe another iced tea.” I said.

Jake coughed and put in, “If you two would like to hang out together, you could bring Alex home if you like.”

Alex just looked up into Patrick’s eyes and I thought they would both moan, the way they looked at one another.

“That would be great. Wanna hang with me, Alex?” Patrick offered.

“Lick you.” Alex said softly and then started and said, “Love to!”

We all laughed, even Alex, looking adorably embarrassed.

I found a knot of jealousy wanting to appear in my stomach and stamped on it. This was the best thing that could have happened!

Jake then asked something I wish he hadn’t. “You said you're staying at the Motel 6? You can’t do that. Why don’t you and Alex get your stuff and you can come stay with us? Alex is using the guest room, but the bed is a King size. Plenty of room for a roomy.” Jake flashed a sexy smile.

Alex gawked, Patrick gawked, and I gawked. We needed less temptation in our home, not more, but of course I couldn’t say that.

“I … um let me get these other tables ... finish up and... I’d be happy to talk about that some more.” Patrick moved away to deal with another table, getting their bill. He was back with our iced tea refill and then left us our bill, which I paid. Jake might be a Lifeguard Lieutenant now, but I knew his pay would not increase all that much. Jake had learned to let me do some things like paying restaurant tabs, and I appreciated that about him. We’d had a discussion about that early on, and both agreed that a general proportionate division of expense to income was not only practical but less stressful for both of us.

While we were waiting for the bill, Alex chose that moment to blurt out, “How come you're so opposed to three-way relationships, Jake?” Leave it to my bestie to speak his mind and leave no embarrassing stone unturned.

I looked at Jake and he looked at me, both of us with brows lifted.

“What brought this on?” Jake asked Alex a little nervously.

Alex shrugged. “I love you both. Ok I have Tommy now, and it looks like you're setting me up with Patrick, not that I mind.” Alex said, with an infectious giggle, and we all chuckled.

“But I could so easily be IN love with you both and I think you both know it. So why not, Jake? Why not let me in?”

Jake looked at me, then at Alex, and a tender softening of his features came over him. He leaned into Alex and kissed him softly. “It’s complicated. “Dan knows the reasons, but ok, let me see if I can put it in a nutshell.”

Jake took a deep breath. “When I was in the service, as a Seal, I got involved with two mates who were already a couple. They wanted to branch out and they sort of pulled me in. At first it was just some sexy flirting, then some dates and three-way sex, but then… they asked me to join them in a full three-way relationship. After a few months though, maybe because the relationship was interrupted by missions, one of them drifted away from the other. They both wanted me, but somehow, they began to lose much of a drive toward each other. I found myself trying to repair the problem, but it only got worse. Both of them wanted me and began to fight over who got to be with me. I finally cut it off with both of them. I had joined them as a trio, and if I could not have that with them, I wanted out. The last I heard, they eventually got back together, at least until one of them was killed while on a mission. The surviving partner cut me off, and I learned later he blamed me somehow for his partner’s death. That makes no sense, but maybe to him it does, I don’t know. I just know this. In a one-on-one relationship, you only have to worry about your relationship with your partner. In a three way, you worry about your partner, you worry about the other partner, you worry about how they get along together, and finally you worry about how the three of you get along together. It’s a lot of worrying, Alex.”

Jake continued, after a pause. “Some three-way marriages work, but it’s not easy. And then… there is Dan.”

Jake looked across the table at me, only me and I felt my heart thud. “I love Dan, Alex. I love him in every way I can think to love another man. I know, he and I are tempted. Your one of our temptations, you, cutie-sex-fucker, you.”

Alex giggled, blushing.

“And we love you as our best friend. But Alex, I am so in love with Dan, no matter what else happens, “that I will never, ever let him go, no matter what. He knows that…” Jake looked across at me. “At least I hope you do, baby.”

I felt tears welling up. “Oh yeah.” I said softly and Jake gave me a big wide smile with his heart in his eyes. I wanted to leap over the table and crush him to me, but I held back and just stared into his pale blue loving eyes from those black lush lashes that had always slayed me.

I was so going to top him tonight, oh yes!

But then Jake really floored me. “Dan, baby, I am glad you said that, because I have to tell you something…”