Drop and Give Me 50

by Tradd St. Croix

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Chapter 7: Go 2, 3, 4

Once the sports physical was over, we went down the hall to observe any changes to my urination pattern.

Dr. Grant: Not noticeably different, but it’s only been two days. Remember, I told you you might start to see results in a month. So, don’t get disappointed. Clean up, and when you return to the room, it’s time to drop and give me fifty.

When I entered the room, he had already changed into his gym clothes. The sight put a turbo charge on my erection. He tapped the screen on his phone, and suddenly I could hear repetitious tones.

Dr. Grant: You remember the Kegel exercises. Let’s get a baseline on where you are at. Sit back, and when I say go, flex you dick up and hold it. When I say relax, well, that’s pretty self-explanatory. Ready?

Me: I only practiced a few times. It’s harder than it sounds.

Dr. Grant: OK. Go, 2, 3, oh come on. Hold it. Keep going. Push. OK. Relax.

Me: That wasn’t so good.

Dr. Grant: You gotta start somewhere. Go, 2, 3, 4, more, keep going, don’t give up. Now, relax.

Me: You’re worse than my coach!

Dr. Grant: That was only two. And again, 2, 3, 4, 5, there you go. Keep going. Don’t stop. Rest.

We didn’t make it to 50. I was gasping for air. My body and my dick were exhausted. He was maniacal. A little freakin’ dick Hitler. I was like, this better help. But I wanted to do well. I somehow wanted to show him I could do it. Somewhere in the back of my head I thought, if he had to drop and do 50, he wouldn’t even break a sweat.

Dr. Grant: Not bad for a first run at it. But you are going to need to practice more at home. That was 12. And most of the reps were interrupted. The goal for next time is 15 with at least the first 10 holding strong through the entire ten seconds.

Me: Yes sir.

Dr. Grant: Alright. Sit back. Let’s see how the dilation goes today. We are going to pick up where we left off and repeat the last one.

Me: After the Kegel exercises, I’m hard as a rock.

Dr. Grant: I’ll go slow. Remember, if there is any pain, you have to say something.

The routine didn’t scare me as much this time. The gloves, the alcohol swabs, the strangeness of the sensation. In fact, I was looking forward to it in a way that one is not supposed to look forward to a medical procedure. I had to wonder if it was more about the idea of a man holding onto my dick. Or this man in particular. The sound went in without a problem. Once it was firmly inserted, he let go, and it slid slowly into my dick. Except for the chill of the steel, the sensation was amazing. He wiggled the bent end up against my prostate, and I motioned for him to slow down.

Dr. Grant: The prostate stimulation certainly produces copious amounts of pre-cum. It kinda feels more like you need to pee than cum. But the pleasure is still there.

Me: It feels better than last time. I guess I’m just not as apprehensive today.

He held my dick a little more firmly and began a fluid up and down motion with the sound. I looked down at his gym shorts and must have gasped a bit.

Dr. Grant: Like I said last time. Empathy. Does it make you uncomfortable?

Me: Strangely, no.

Dr. Grant: Good. But why do you say strangely?

Me: Well, this is kinda the most sexual experience I have ever had. Watching porn with Brent would be a distant second compared to this.

Dr. Grant: The treatment is certainly sexual in nature. But trust me, this is strictly for medical purposes. I wouldn’t be doing this if not for your condition. I just want you to get better and be as happy and fulfilled in your sexuality as possible. OK. Do you think you could move up to the next one?

Me: Sure. I’m not feeling any pain. So, why not? I guess that is the strange part. As a virgin, I’ve never been really fulfilled in my sexuality. I’m starting to question what that means for me.

Dr. Grant: How so?

Me: I guess I never thought about being touched by a guy. I realize you are my doctor, but the treatment certainly has me wondering if guys might actually be my thing.

Dr. Grant: I’m flattered. But you must know. I’m a married man. My husband and I got married right before we moved to Baltimore for me to start med school.

Me: That’s cool. I don’t know that I’ve ever met a gay guy before. Much less a married one.

Dr. Grant: Most straight doctors wouldn’t be willing to do this. Plus, they make more money from surgery. As such, they push their patients into it, which is unethical in my view. As a gay man, I’m just not scared of dick. By the way, how’s that feeling?

Me: Good. I think I could do another one.

Dr. Grant: I don’t want to push it. Are you sure?

Me: I’ll let you know if it hurts.

The next sound was just one step up. But it felt much bigger than the last. When it was time for it to slide down, it just didn’t really move. We abandoned ship and moved on to the prostate stimulation.

Dr. Grant: Alright. Up in the stirrups. Let’s see if there is any change from the last time.

As Dr. Grant’s fingers were shadow boxing my prostate gland, I looked up at him. He had a knowing smile, as if he knew exactly the pleasure of the sensation he was pulsing through my body. We locked eyes, and as we did, he leaned back, stopped moving his fingers, and pressed firmly up with no mercy. In the last visit, he jacked my cock with the other hand. There was no need. Without so much as touching my dick, I let out a torrent of cum. It didn’t fly. It didn’t go far. But it just kept coming. Flowing out of me like an endless spring. He didn’t move a muscle. He just maintained the pressure. I could feel the warm cum rolling down my sides. My body convulsed with an orgasmic power I had never felt before. Finally, he let off the pressure and slowly pulled his fingers from my ass. I finally started to come to.

Me: Dr. Grant. You aren’t going to the gym in those shorts today.

Dr. Grant: Yeah, that stain is a little too obvious isn’t it.

Me: Sorry about that.

Dr. Grant: Don’t worry. I bring a week’s worth of gym cloths to the office at a time. I’ve got an extra pair. OK, so that didn’t really volley any further than the last time. But what you lacked in distance, you certainly made up for with volume. If we get this thing working right, you will not only be able to write your name in the snow, you’ll be able to put out a raging house fire with your ejaculant. Go get cleaned up. I’ll grab a mop for the cum puddles you made. Meet you out front.

I showered as quickly as I could knowing that mom had likely texted me already. But I was literally weak in the knees from the experience. I got dressed and headed to the lobby.

Dr. Grant: I don’t work weekends. I had enough of that during my residency. There’s gotta be some advantage in private practice. And I think you need treatments three-days a week. Can you shift to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday?

Me: Sure. That works.

Dr. Grant: And look. No stain.

Me: But you’re still erect.

Dr. Grant: See ya Monday sport.

by Tradd St. Croix

Email: [email protected]

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