Dream or Reality

by wanttobewhipped

26 Jun 2023 3681 readers Score 8.5 (15 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Dream or reality?

My Master wanted to put me, his slave to the test. We had often talked about sessions pushing my limits, but we did not get any further then talking.

At a meeting with other Masters, the topic of sessions pushing my limits was also discussed, during which Master was given quite a few tips and offered assistance in expanding his slave's limits.

I noticed that my Master had become more and more demanding, and it became increasingly difficult to meet my Master's atandards completely. With vacation time nearing, the atmosphere was, well what should I call it more tense. The day before the holiday began, I was given a few assignments, all of which were impossible to carry out completely. When my Master came home and noticed that not all of the tasks had been carried out, he said "Oh, you think you can decides on what have to be done here. You will find out" and left the house.

After He returned, my Master said to me, "Come on, let's go. You don't have to change." My Master brought me to a house where I had never been before.

The hall was completely deserted and my Master ordered me to undress completely and cuffed my hands at my back. We went down a corridor and down a the stairs and entered a large vaulted room, scarcely illuminated. There was still no one to be seen. The space was a well-equipped torture chamber, with many different attributes.

My Master fastened me with my back to the wall and walked away. After half an hour my Master came back and detached me from the wall and placed me in the middle of the room, where the ceiling of room was also the highest, above me a winch could be seen and different eyebolts were placed in the floor. I was fixed to the floor with my feet at least one meter apart. My wrists were loosened from behind my back, but immediately attached to a bar more than 1.50 long. The rod was fixed to the hoist and the rod was slowly lifted. When I was with  my legs widely spread and arms far above my head. Told Master me that He would now make it clear that Master is always in charge, and that I was nothing more than a slave, a piece of meat and that I as a slave had nothing else to do but to obey and please His Master in every way.

The coming days would remind Master me regularly.

Master grabbed a flogger and already walking around me He started beating quietly, first the buttocks, back, then the chest, belly and my thighs.

It was sensitive, but not really painful. After fifteen minutes Master stopped and put on a blindfold on me.

Again the flogger was used on me. this time it was harder. The blows ended up in random places, now my back, then me belly, then my thighs, then my back and occasionally also on my cock. I was tightly secured could not do anything.

The lashes continued to land on me, then again belly, my buttocks, again my belly, my dick, my back.

I started to become quite red and I started to groan, the blows became harder and I started begging for mercy, and said I had learned to obey.

Master did not mind. When the groans and begging became louder, Master grabbed a gag and silenced me that way. And again the lashes fell on me.

Master told me that the lashes were given for the pleasure of the Master. After some time, Master stopped and Master got the gag out of my mouth and Master asked what I had learned. In between sobs, I said he was there to please Master.

I suddenly felt hands wandering over my body, but it was strange that they were not my Master's hands, my cock was not gently grasped and I also felt that someone was sitting on my ass. Master told me that it was his pleasure if also others could abuse and torture me and enjoy the whole event.

Master let me down a little and I could normally stand on the ground. My arms with the 1.50-meter bar dropped in front of him. My ankles were detached from the eyebolts in the ground, but were immediately attached to a spreader bar. My legs therefore remained far apart. Master ordered me to sit down and lie down.

When I was lying on the cold ground, I suddenly felt that a warm jet of piss was being shot over me. And could feel that it came from more than one person.

After a while I was again alone in the room. Well with arms and legs still spread with the spreader bars.

After a while I heard someone coming inside the room. I heard the winch rattling and the winch was attached to the spreader bar where my ankles were secured. My feet were slowly pulled up. Higher and higher. At one point I could only touch the floor with my hands still attached to the other spreader bar.

Suddenly I felt a cock against my face. Suck I heard commanded. When I did not do this fast enough, I only felt a cock, but still could not see anything and it was so hard to orientate. When I finally managed to get the cock in my mouth and sucked on it, the comment was that this was not done quickly enough and well enough, there had to be more conviction and enthusiasm. Master, yes, he was there too, said that I was clearly unwilling. Finally I was there for training and punishment and that this unwillingness now had to be definitively banned and therefore a severe punishment was appropriate.

Despite my denials that it was not true. And that I wanted to do everything to serve Master, this was clearly a wrong answer. Master had said that others could also enjoy me. Master again put a mouth gag, which made speaking (but also moaning and begging) impossible for me.

I heard Master and some other people who were present over there talking that it was basically impossible to teach me anything else. One of those present told me that he had good experience with a so-called single-tail. And that after he had used it on his slave, the slave really did everything he was told to do without any hesitation.

Only then did the discussion really start. How many strokes had to be given, how hard had to be hit. And how many sessions were necessary for such an unwilling slave as they said I was. It was decided that a series of 3 strokes would be given with the single-tail, and that the strokes should not be so hard that bloody stripes would become visible.

I still tried to move the spreader bar  and hard to shake no with my head, but that didn't help. I was fitted with a collar with a pair of eyebolts, and then my hands were removed from the spreader bar and secured to the eyebolts of the collar.

My body could move, but that was limited so upside down.

My Master took the bullwhip in his hand and lashed out at me, the single-tail turned around my body and hit my butt with a slap, a blue strip became visible, the second shot hit my butt and the third hit my back. 

The single-tail was passed on to one of the other attendees. He clearly had a lot of experience with the bullwhip and let it land on my belly about 10 cm from his navel. The second and third blow was given over my chest, with a nipple being hit every time.

Again the bullwhip was passed on, this was not to my Master, so at least three people were present. The blows hit my abdomen, buttocks and back.

Four people appeared to be present, but the fourth turned out to be a real sadist. The first lash turn revolved around me and the end of the whip ended up on my cock and my belly. despite the gag, one could heard my roaring. My cock became at least twice as thick and turned purple from the stroke, the second stroke, was forcefully thrown over my lower abdomen, blood was not drawn, but a deep purple strip became visible. The third was really very special. The stroke was given overhead, from top to bottom, focusing on my asshole (anus). The fourth man succeeded perfectly. The end of the whip landed with precision on my buttock seam and the tip exactly on my asshole. this was really a perfect stroke (for the masters, but not for me)

I was lowered and released. The gag went out and I sobbed that I had really learned it and would obey Master and others in everything. Obviously Master did not respond to this. I was taken to a cell and put there and was left alone.

The next morning my whole body hurt, but Master who came in didn't mind at all. He said a slave wasn't supposed to complain. The mouth gag was put back in and I was brought back to the vaulted room.

This time I was secured backwards on a rack. Also again so that my body was put under stress to the utmost. This time it was the turn of candle wax, the hot wax dripping slowly over my body.  First on my nipples, then on my belly, then again on my chest, also my cock and my balls were not forgotten. Master knows that only the first drop of wax is felt really hurt, the next drop in the same spot has considerably less effect. Master ensured that my body was properly covered with a layer of candle wax.

After I had been lying like this for some time, Master said it was time to get rid of all that wax.

For that my Master had a special way and also a special instrument. What my Master meant was that the candle wax had to be removed from me and that my Master had a special of whip for that, of about nine tails of leather. (Cat o 9 tails). With that whip, my Master tried to whip away the candle wax from me. I

As the candle wax had to be whipped off my skin, the blows had to be given hard to enable that. The whip hit all over my chest and yes here and there, where the tails touched, the candle wax was removed. My Master continued to hit my chest, making sure that all the candle wax from my nipples and chest had disappeared, quite a few stripes were visible. I moaned and tried to make something clear, but the gag prevented x from doing that. Master knew no mercy for me. My Master slowly descended to my abdomen and my navel and there too, he cut off the candle wax from me cm by cm. This coulored my skin even redder than it was because of the hot candle wax. His attention now to further down and now it was the turn of my lower abdomen, cock and balls. My Master did not mind my abused and painful cock. Master saw that I was crying because of the pain, but he did not finish till he removed even the last candle wax from my legs.

My Master turned the pulleys of the rack a little, so that I was less stressed and walked away.

In the afternoon, Master came back with some of his colleagues and detached me from the rack. "this was the exercise," said Master, "and now the continuation of the punishment."

With the help of the other masters, I was once again placed under the hoist, my feet were again placed wide apart on the ground and my hands were fixed on the spreader bar, which was then lifted upwards.

I was again as tight as it could be, my feet just touching the ground and I was available on all sides for Master and his friends.

Master did not respond to my moaning, or shaking . It was also not possible to say something intelligible because of the gag.

Master told his friends that I had complained that morning despite the punishment and the lessons from yesterday and if the gag had not been placed, I would certainly complain again and make comments and that I learned nothing.

But because I had already been worked over reasonably well in the morning, my master would not provide all those present with a single tail, but limit it to one single tail and the others could use the flogger and  the cat o nine tails. The strokes could be given in series of five strokes, and again this time it was determined that the whips could be used at will, but with the single-tail should not be drawn and that the strokes should not be so hard that bloody stripes are visible would be. There were no restrictions for the flogger and the whip. The duration of the punishment would be determined by the use of the single-tail, if everyone had had a turn and dealt his blows, the punishment for that day would be over. My already painful skin was put to the test, blue and purple stripes appeared on my back, buttocks, belly and chest. In between the blows of the bullwhip, the others were able to use their whips to their heart's content. With the other whips it was sometimes hit right on time both at my front  and my back. 

Upward blows were also given between my legs, so that my buttock, balls and cock received their blows.

When the last hit with the single-tail was given, I hung slack (as far as this was possible) in his shackles.

My skin was a pattern of stripes, bruises, from neck to knees, and where strokes of the single tail were crossed, some blood could also be seen.

My Master let me hang like this for an hour, then the pulley was lowered and the buoys were released.

Blindfolded I was taken to another room. My blindfold was taken off, but I still saw nothing. I did notice that he was dumped in a room with a good number of extremely horny people. I had to suck and was fucked, had to jerk off but was also jerked off. I was abused by all people present and I did not get the sperm from all those present.

Afterwards I was returned to my cell and fixed. i was totally exhausted and fell asleep.

The next morning, my Master cheerfully came in and shouted "time for class" and dragged me to the vaulted room. raised up. "All good things in three," said my Master.

My Master attached a long, thin rope at my cock. this he led to the other side of the room where he led the rope through an eyebolt at the end of the rope he hung a weight. My cock stood straight ahead.

With the remark practicable art Master grabbed a strip whip and methodically started beating his still painful slave from below (back and chest) slowly upwards (abdomen, lower abdomen, and buttocks. Finally He said with a grin that He had attached the weight to my cock for a good reason and started to gently slap the cock, the strokes slowly became harder. When my cock was twice as thick from the blows that were given, Master stopped.

And now it's time for the grand finale.

That was time again for the single-tail. This time no series and no restrictions. My Master let the bullwhip circle on the floor, stretched his arm back and pulled out. A stifled cry came from behind my gag, when a purple stripe appeared on my back. The second and third strokes marked my chest with a strip that rolled up like a cord, also my nipples swelled from the stroke. The fourth stroke came over my belly and left behind a deep purple strip that ran over my navel. The fifth stroke left a line on my left buttock and the sixth on my right buttock. the seventh and eighth blow ended up again on my lower abdomen just next to the marks that were already there from the previous sessions. The ninth and tenth stroke curled around my thighs. The eleventh stroke was given from behind exactly on my buttock seam (asshole), the twelfth was given from the front between my legs and hit the same spot. Thirteen and fourteen ended up in my groin and the fifteenth and final stroke was curled around my cock, I screamed in pain despite the gag.

After an hour, Master released my cock and lowered me to the floor. I was stripped of his shackles and Master removed the toggle.

After that treatment Master had no more problems with me. He no longer even had to refer to the treatment.

At least the first half year ............

by wanttobewhipped

Email: [email protected]

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