Demoted Brother

by rasun

17 May 2024 1310 readers Score 7.5 (15 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Setting: The somber atmosphere of the family home persists as the scene transitions to the next phase of Rohan's punishment. The dimly lit room casts long shadows against the walls, reflecting the weight of the impending discipline. A sense of anticipation hangs heavy in the air, as Aryan prepares to carry out his role as the enforcer of justice.


Aryan: The younger brother, now tasked with the responsibility of administering Rohan's punishment. Despite the gravity of the situation, a sense of vindication colors his actions as he prepares to assert his newfound authority over his older brother.

Rohan: The eldest son, stripped of his usual bravado and forced to confront the consequences of his actions. Though reluctant to submit to the humiliation of his punishment, he knows that defiance will only prolong his suffering.

Father: Though not physically present in the scene, his influence looms large as Aryan prepares to carry out the disciplinary measures prescribed for Rohan's transgressions.

Aryan's POV:

As I stand before Rohan, the weight of my newfound authority presses down upon me like a heavy cloak. Today marks the beginning of a new era in our household, one in which Rohan will be forced to confront the consequences of his actions head-on. With each step I take towards him, I can feel the tension in the air crackling with anticipation, mirroring the simmering anger that still burns within me.

"Rohan," I address him sternly, my voice laced with authority. "It's time to begin your punishment."

Rohan meets my gaze with a mixture of defiance and resignation, his usual swagger replaced by a palpable sense of vulnerability. Though I can see the reluctance in his eyes, I know that he understands the necessity of what is to come.

"First, you must remove your shorts," I command, gesturing towards the garment that serves as a symbol of Rohan's academic failures. With a reluctant sigh, Rohan complies, stripping away the last vestiges of his dignity as he stands before me in nothing but his skin-tight black shorts.

Next, I instruct him to fetch the stick that will serve as the instrument of his punishment, a tangible reminder of the consequences of his actions. With each step he takes towards the corner of the room where the stick awaits, I can see the weight of his shame bearing down upon him, the gravity of his situation finally sinking in.

Returning to my side, Rohan kneels before me, a silent plea for mercy written across his face. Yet, I know that true mercy can only be found through accountability and repentance. With a sense of grim determination, I command him to beg for the spankings he knows he deserves.

"Please, Aryan," Rohan's voice trembles with emotion as he bows his head in submission. "I beg of you, administer my punishment and grant me the opportunity to atone for my mistakes."

Though his words are tinged with desperation, I know that they ring hollow without true contrition. And so, I demand that he take one final step towards accepting the consequences of his actions.

"Permission to lie across your lap, sir," Rohan's voice is barely above a whisper as he awaits my response. With a nod of approval, I signal for him to assume the position, a physical manifestation of his submission to my authority.

As Rohan braces himself for the impending punishment, I take a moment to reflect on the gravity of the situation. Though I had initially relished the opportunity to assert my dominance over my older brother, I now find myself grappling with the weight of the responsibility that rests upon my shoulders. Yet, I know that it is a burden I must bear if Rohan is ever to learn the value of humility and accountability.

With a steady hand, I raise the stick high above my head, each blow landing with a resounding crack against Rohan's bare skin. Though the sound echoes throughout the room, it is drowned out by the rhythmic count of Rohan's voice as he tallies each spank, a stark reminder of the consequences of his actions.

"Thank you for your mercy, sir," Rohan's words are barely audible amidst the sting of his punishment, yet they serve as a testament to his willingness to accept the consequences of his actions. And as the last echo of the final spank fades into the silence of the room, I know that a small seed of redemption has been planted within him, a seed that will hopefully blossom into a newfound sense of humility and accountability.