Daddy's Summer Submissive

by Scott Sauce

4 Aug 2022 9905 readers Score 9.3 (88 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

My legs were trembling and I doubted I would be able to stand if it wasn’t for the new kitchen worktop. I knew I was going to be bruised again from being pushed up against it.  Daddy’s hand tightened over my mouth, a sure sign he was almost ready to finish.  

Daddy’s body went taught and he thrust his pelvis against me. I felt him expand inside me and then pulsate as he came. “Mmmmmm-mmmmmm”. It was the only sound I could make with his meaty hand covering my mouth; the only acknowledgment I could give him.

Daddy leaned over me. He was hot and sweating, breathing heavily in my ear. “Phew!” he eventually exclaimed. He took his hand away, gently caressing my neck before he kissed my cheek from behind. He adjusted his hips and his dick slid out of me allowing a trickle of his salty juices to leak and run down my quivering inner thigh.

Daddy stepped away and took the camera from the other the guy, Mister Martin. “You don’t mind, do you son?”

Honestly, I’d have preferred not to take yet another load right now, but Mister Martin had been patient and Daddy would have told him how good I was. He’d be expecting to have me too. And I knew Daddy liked to watch. And I wanted to please Daddy. I always wanted to please Daddy.

I leaned a little further forward over the kitchen worktop and stuck my ass out. I know they all preferred it when I stayed quiet, so I didn’t speak. I think they liked to play make-believe about how young I was, and it spoiled the illusion if I spoke. They liked me to be entirely subservient and if I was honest, I liked that too.

Suddenly Mister Martin was there. He had his dick in his hand and he was feeding it into my already slick and gaping hole. I whimpered a little as he pushed inside me. I bent at the waist and leaned over the kitchen counter as the man took hold of my hips and began thrusting deeply into me. I closed my eyes and focussed on the by-now familiar sensation of a grown man’s hard cock sliding into my rectum.

But I’m ahead of myself. You want to hear how I got here. How I became Daddy’s submissive fuck boy. It’s a good story, I think.

Let me start with some background. I’m James. My parents both work in archaeology. It’s their job and their passion, so they work away for as much of the year as they can. I guess I have always known that I was something of an accident. Since I was a baby I had been spending time in boarding schools and summer holidays with my grandparents in a sleepy village in southern England.

At first it was pretty cool. School was okay, if boring. It was a very small all-boys school where the most exciting thing to happen was when the caretaker dropped a piano while unloading it from a truck. As a kid I loved school holidays with grandma and grandpa. They’d go out of their way to make sure I was occupied. We do loads of stuff outdoors and I really didn’t miss my mom and dad too much. This was just how life was for me. I didn’t know any different. And I really didn’t want for anything.

When I was 14 grandma died suddenly and grandpa slowly became a shadow of his former self. Now I’m almost 18 and these days grandpa spends most of his time sitting in his favourite chair in front of the TV with a blanket over his knees. He brightens when I enter the room, but he’s not interested in doing anything now. He just sits there and watches as the world goes past. He aged quickly after grandma passed.

I always thought that was a shame. I was sorry for grandpa, because he had been so active and bright and a positive presence in my life before grandma died. But I was ashamed to admit that I had an ulterior motive for being sorry about it. You see, we would often visit grandpa’s friends and neighbours and it was on one of those visits that I realised something about myself.

We had been with a couple of grandpa’s friends, just hiking and passing the time. We decided to go down to the seafront and take a dip in the ocean to cool off before returning home. It’s something we often did. The sunshine and warmth was already fermenting with my teenage hormones, so I was horny and I’d been daydreaming about jerking off as we walked along. When we got to the beach grandpa stripped down to his shorts and ran into the waves along with one of the other men. The last man was a little slower getting his clothing off and I was free to watch as I slowly kicked off my sneakers and started to undress. This man was broader and he seemed a bit younger than the others. When he peeled his off his shirt revealing defined pecks, broad shoulders, chest hair that trailed down to a reasonably flat stomach and then disappeared beneath his waistband, I almost came in my pants.

I remember him looking over at me, probably curious as to why I had stopped undressing. I was stood staring with an open mouth. My little teenage dick was a stiff as a board and poking out, making a tent in my shorts. I realised I had been caught and I flushed bright red. He smiled, removed his shorts and very obviously adjusted himself in his boxers. He winked at me and before he ran off to join the others, he said “Shame you’re not a bit older, kid.”

The memory of my abject embarrassment and of the incredible, electric thrill his words gave me were seared into my mind from then on. There could be no doubting what he meant. I guess I had been questioning my sexuality for a while, but it was never at the front of my mind, never something to dwell on. I was too busy and maybe too immature to be that bothered. I guess I just wasn’t there yet, whatever that meant. But there, on that beach and on that day, I was hit with the realisation that I was into older guys. And I mean hit, like a ton of bricks.

I remember my asshole puckering up in my underwear and my dick leaking. I flushed red again with the realisation that I didn’t want to fuck. Oh no. I wanted to be fucked.

I missed hanging out with men who I liked to fantasise about, and I missed grandpa’s ever present company, too.

So, as I’m just about an adult I figured it was time I got out on my own. The last holiday, last year, had been incredibly boring for the first time ever and I had vowed to make the most of this one. I started by offering to go fetch groceries for the old lady next door, Mrs Morrow. I’d known her all my life but these days she was finding it difficult to get around. She liked fresh groceries, so I offered to go the supermarket for her every afternoon. It seemed like the least I could do. That’s how I met Mister Roberts. I had met him before, when I was younger, when I had been out walking with grandpa. He was somewhere between my father’s age and grandpa’s. He was a big guy, tall, well built but not really fat. Just big. He had a kind face and bright eyes and he smiled a lot.

As I was delivering groceries to Mrs Morrow he was there. He had stopped by to check on something that was broken in the house. Mrs Morrow told Mister Roberts how good I was, helping her out. They struck up a conversation about how I must be bored to death, with nothing to do. How my grandpa didn’t get out much any more, that kind of thing. Mister Roberts asked if I would like to come over to his place. He was working on lots of projects around his house and garden and could use a hand. I readily agreed. It sounded like it might be fun. I might even learn something useful.

So, the next day I made sure grandpa had everything he needed and headed over to Mister Roberts place. It was a twenty minute walk. He lived in a big cottage in a secluded spot on the edge of the village.

Mister Roberts seemed delighted to see me. He gave me his grand tour, as he put it. He’d taken on this old abandoned place as a renovation project. He showed me around the huge gardens first. Everything was overgrown to a crazy extent and I could see there was a lot of work to do. There were a few structures that needed work too, a large double-door brick garage, a smaller shed, and what must once have been a luxury kids playhouse. Inside was no better. Mister Roberts had finished work on the lounge and main bedroom, but the rest of the cottage needed…. Well, it needed everything!

“So, you up for some hard labour son?” He asked, grinning.

“Sure!” I replied. “I don’t mind hard work, but I have to admit I don’t really know anything about fixing up a house. I can fetch and carry and stuff like that, but anything else and you’ll have to show me, if that’s okay?”

Mister Roberts chuckled. “That’s not a problem. I can do that. I was half-way through fixing up the kitchen but as the weather is so nice I was going to spend some time outside for a change. See if I can’t make a dent out there. You good with that?”

“Sure, Mister Roberts” I said. That sounded great. The weather was wonderful, a rarity even in summer in the UK. The sky was blue, with just a few small fluffy white clouds drifting listlessly overhead. It was warm and bright and I figured I could work on getting a summer tan while I worked.

We got started right away. We began by clearing a patch of overgrown shrubs and bushes and debris. It was tough going and it was’t long before we were both hot and sweating. I was wearing my walking boots and shorts and I had taken my t-shirt off an hour ago. Mister Roberts glanced over at me a few times. Eventually he came over to me. He turned me around and ran his big rough hand over my shoulders and down my back. It sent a thrill down my spine. The heat always made me horny, and this was the first time anyone outside of family had touched me.

“You don’t have any sun protection on, do you?” It was more of a statement than a question.

I blushed. “Er….. no.” I said, a little embarrassed.

Mister Roberts told me to wait there while he went to fetch some. When he came back he squirted copious amounts of cream into his hands. “Put your chin up” he said. I looked up and Mister Roberts smeared the sun protection over my chest and shoulders. His hands were big and strong and his skin was rough even through the lotion. He massaged the cream into my chest, my pecks, and down to my stomach. He squirted some more cream out of the bottle and stepped behind me, repeating the process. I could hear his deep breaths as he worked. I could feel his presence and his touch was thrilling. Finally he wiped his hands just under the waistband of my shorts, just low enough to touch the waistband of my underwear, all around from front to back. It surprised me, kinda tickled me, but man it felt nice.

“There you go son” he said. “I’ll leave this here and you can put some on your face.” He stepped back and looked me up and down. I suddenly realised that I had a bulge in the front of my shorts, just like that day on the beach all those years ago. I blushed furiously. I wasn’t sure if he noticed. He just smiled at me and returned to where he had been working without saying anything about it.

After a hard day Mister Roberts thanked me and I walked home, stopping to grab groceries from the supermarket on my way. Throughout the walk and into the evening I couldn’t get Mister Roberts out of my mind. When I thought of him my mind wandered to that moment when he touched the waistband of my underwear and the thrill that gave me. I touched myself that night, but in my mind it wasn’t my hand wrapped around my cock.

The next day was more of the same. By around 11 o’clock the sun was high in the sky and Mister Roberts appeared with juice and the sun cream. I didn’t offer to do it myself. I let him. This time his hand sank a little lower, just under the waistband of my briefs. There was no hiding my erection this time, but Mister Roberts either didn’t care or was expert at ignoring it. I found myself closing my eyes and wondering if his hand would sink lower, but it didn’t.

The third day was the same, his hand dropping slightly lower again, I thought. By now I really wanted him to go further, or at least I think I wanted that. I was suddenly thinking about sex all the time.

By the fourth day I was looking forward to the sun cream ritual. I closed my eyes and I know I was getting hard before he even touched me. This time he commented “Looks like you’re catching the sun around the top of your shorts where I can’t rub the cream in properly. Why don’t you drop those shorts and I’ll make sure you don’t get burned.”

I hesitated and heart rate doubled. Was he into me, or was this just an older guy looking out for a young kid? I figured that if he was just being a good guy, we were both men and there was nothing to be ashamed of. I unfastened my shorts and let them drop to my ankles. I stood there in front of Mister Roberts in just my underwear, an old pair of light blue briefs that were a little too small and a little too tight.

“Gosh, you’re a skinny thing, aren’t you?” He said as he looked me up and down. I was, I knew it. I was shorter than average and slim built and I knew that made me look a little younger than I was. I had a mop of brown hair, but none on my chest and very little on my arms or legs. It had never bothered me even when I was teased at school. I didn’t mind being called “baby face”. It didn’t really mean much to me.

Mister Roberts went to work, taking his time as he smeared cream into my body. I closed my eyes again. I couldn’t help it. His touch brought me out in goosebumps and I could feel the blood rushing to my groin. There was no way Mister Roberts couldn’t see that. He eventually moved behind me, standing close to me as he massaged. Then came the final part. He took a little more cream from the bottle and rubbed his hands together before sliding his fingers under the elastic of my briefs. He slid his whole hand down, so that he was touching the top of my ass crack. I took a sharp intake of breath, my heart in my mouth, but I remained still. He worked his hand around the front, still in my briefs. His hand nudged the tip of my erection and he must have felt my pubic hair with his finger tips. I thought he made a “huh” noise, but I couldn’t be sure.

I was so embarrassed. Embarrassed and turned on and rock fucking hard.

And then it was finished.

“I’ll put the cream over here on the bench.” He said. “You fancy a cold drink? I’ll go fetch us something while you pull those shorts up and rearrange yourself.” He smiled and he disappeared through the bushes. I looked down at the fabric of my briefs, straining to hold in my obvious erection. There could be no doubt that Mister Roberts saw that. What was it he’d said about rearranging myself…..? I quickly pulled up my shorts and wondered what tomorrow would bring. I touched myself that night to the thought of Mister Roberts hand touching me near my cock. I came so hard.

The next day dawned with blue skies but the clouds were grey. Throughout the morning the sky became more and more overcast. I kept hoping it would clear up, because we’d already gone past that time when Mister Roberts usually lathered me up in suncream.

We were loading stones and rocks that we had taken from out back into a dumpster in the front garden when there was a deep rumble from up above and the heavens opened. The rain came down in waves and then there was a bright flash of lightning and a nearby rumble of rolling thunder. We scrambled into an old caravan that was stationed in the front garden. It was nearer than the front door of the cottage.

We were both giggling as we slammed the door shut, both dripping wet despite having been out in the rain for only a few seconds.

“This is where I lived before I got my bedroom in the cottage fixed up.” Mister Roberts explained. It seemed pretty cool to me, with everything anyone could need. The main bed was still made up. It was a double, with shiny-looking red sheets that seemed exotic to me.

Mister Roberts saw me looking and chuckled. “Silk sheets” he said by way of explanation. “So amazingly comfortable. I tried them and I’ll never go back.”

“Seems fancy!” I said with a laugh. The thunder was rolling overhead and the rain was loud on the metal roof.

“You want to try them out?” He said with a grin. It seemed like an innocent suggestion. Before I could even nod, he stepped forward, lifted my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. “Let’s get these wet things off first.” He said. “You’re soaked through!”

That seemed perfectly logical to me. I unfastened my boots and kicked them off and then I dropped my shorts as they were wet too. Mister Roberts had seen me in my underwear already and there wasn’t anything sexual about this situation, not to my mind at least. Not yet.

I stood facing Mister Roberts in just my briefs, a white pair this time. He had removed his boots too, and his wet shirt. He had a nice torso that already gave me a little thrill. He turned away from me and climbed up on the bed. He beckoned me over and patted the bed. “Jump up” he said as another flash lit up the sky.

I felt like a kid playing dens with my friend, sheltering from the weather. It was so innocent. I had no hesitation. I climbed up too. The sheets were smooth and cool against my skin and I loved the bright red colour, so different to anything I had owned. Mister Roberts suggested I lay down, and I did. He grabbed the covers and pulled them over us with a giggle. I lay on my side facing into the caravan, away from him, feeling the silk on my skin and suddenly feeling this was a weird thing to be doing.

Then Mister Roberts snuggled into me, spooning me from behind. My heart rate went crazy as I realised where I was and what I was doing. I wasn’t scared, not of Mister Roberts anyway. I was anxious and nervous and apprehensive. I had no experience of anything sexual, but I knew this was sexual. I wasn’t stupid.

Under the covers he put his arm over me, pulled me tightly into him. I felt warm and safe here under these silk sheets. Surely Mister Roberts could hear my heart beat? I started to breath more heavily, too. Even my skin seemed more sensitive than usual.

We lay that way for several long minutes getting hotter under the covers, breathing deeply and heavily. Mister Roberts started to grind gently against me and my heart was thumping now. I could feel a bulge in his shorts pushing against my underwear, against my bottom, and I was getting harder and harder down there.

“OK?” He asked in low, husky voice.

I thought just a split second. I didn’t want to speak because I might break the spell. I just made a small, positive noise. I hoped he wouldn’t ask me anything again because I didn’t trust my voice and I didn’t want to have to think.

Mister Roberts seemed to take my little mewl as his cue to proceed. I could feel him reach down between us and unfasten his shorts and I could hear and feel him pulling them down. He spooned me again, his erection now much more obvious as it pushed from his own underwear and into my mine. I flexed my back a little, pushing back, just tentatively. The sexual energy was crackling around us.

The rain was still tipping from the sky onto the caravan roof and thunder was rumbling away, a little more distant now. It heightened the sense that we were in our own cocoon. We were safe from the weather in here, and safe from any interruptions.

Mister Roberts reach down. He took hold of my briefs and pulled them down to mid thigh, leaving me exposed. I gulped. No-one had touched my underwear since I was a very small boy and mom used to get me dressed. I felt so inexperienced, maybe a little shy, but with my pulse racing and my breath coming in ragged gasps, I knew what this was and I wasn’t yet willing to call a stop to it.

He ground into me more overtly now, pushing his hard cock against me. I pushed back in a more obvious way too, enjoying the feeling of my rushing heart beat, the mounting heat under the covers. I was breathing so heavily now. I was so unbearably horny.

Mister Roberts pulled away a little. He slowly ran his hand down to my bottom where he cupped my buttock. He worked his hand between us, between my cheeks, and he touched my hole. I took a sharp intake of breath. This was a brand new feeling and it was wonderful. His rough hands were so gentle. I almost came right there.

Over the next few minutes Mister Roberts brought his fingers to his mouth and then down to my anus, making my hole slick and wet with his saliva. I pushed back, loving the feeling of his rough fingers against my skin and touching me in a place that no-one had touched me before. Then, slowly and delicately and gently, he pushed his middle finger inside me. I breathed so deeply.

Then two fingers. I whimpered. I pushed my bottom back to let him get them further inside me. It felt good. He kinda wiggled them around and touched me on the inside which sent a wave of sensations through me that were all new and totally wonderful. I began to wonder if he would stop, like with the suncream. I hoped he didn’t. I wanted to cum.

I realised that somehow as we played he had pulled his own underwear down. His cock was free and hard and pushing against me. He removed his fingers, leaving my anus slick and a little stretched and open from the fingering I had taken, and I knew there could be only one outcome from this point.

Now I was nervous. I was a little scared. A bit of me wanted to chicken out now but the rest of me wanted to test the waters, to see how far I could go. It was confusing and energising and, god it was everything all at once!

Before I could make any decision for myself, Mister Roberts pulled me close again, wrapping those strong arms around me. He almost crushed me with his bear hug. I pushed my bottom back as he pushed forward with his hips. It was like an automatic reaction, like my body knew I was to be submissive and show my availability.

He was looking for me, looking for the right place to thrust. His big cock slipped between my cheeks several times as we ground together, his naked flesh on my naked flesh. Then, suddenly, the head of his cock was right there, right in the correct spot. Right in the middle. He knew it too. I could tell.

I froze, suddenly unsure again. All of this was new to me and I admit it, I was scared now. I don’t know how, but even through my fear I was horny. I had never felt so sexual, so incredibly sexually charged. Even through my fear there was a quiet voice in my head whispering “Oh god. Fuck it into me. I’ll let you do anything”.

My heart rate slowed to a powerful thump, thump thump. Time seemed to have slowed down.

Mister Roberts flexed his hips and pushed forward, slowly but inexorably. The head of his cock pushed against my slick and quivering anus. I felt it open, a foreign object thrusting its way through the ring of muscle. I was shaking with excitement and I whimpered involuntarily. He kept up the pressure and I could feel the head pop inside me. It gave me a slight stinging sensation as I was stretched out and then I felt the shaft sliding in. He stopped after an inch or two, allowing me time to get used to these new sensations, to relax and stop clenching. It kinda hurt, but it was a hurt that felt good and I didn’t understand how that could be.

I had never felt so submissive. I felt like I would do anything Mister Roberts asked in that moment, like he had unlocked a part of me that I never even knew existed. He was the boss, totally in control. I was his. It was such a wonderful, incredible, exciting feeling.

And that wasn’t all. These waves of submissive delight were one thing, but I found I adored the feeling of this man pushing into my tight, virgin passage. This was better than any time I had touched myself. Better than any time I had jerked off or put a finger in my ass. There wasn’t any comparison. The sensations in my groin, in my ass, my hole, and flashing out from my testicles…. My god everything was so incredible. I loved it already.

I let out my breath and tried to force myself to breathe normally. I began to relax, to explore how I could clench or slacken my sphincter if I tried. He began pushing again. Sliding that real man’s shaft inside me, filling my passage with his meat. I felt dirty in the best way possible.

Then he was fucking me, holding me tight while he thrust in, flexed out, and repeated. He built a steady rhythm as he took my virginity from me. In and out, in and out. I found myself moaning in time with his thrusts. I noticed my cock had gone soft and that I didn’t mind at all. It was leaking like crazy, with long strands of my goo oozing from my pee hole and smearing on the red silk sheets.

He got a little faster, but not too fast. He made love into me and I felt his orgasm overtake him. I smiled to myself as I realised that this older, experienced man had seen my body and he’d coveted it. His desire for me had made him want to take my cherry. The lust and passion that my body awoke in him had made him hard, made him thrust into me. And now, my young, tight hole and hot passage was bringing him to the brink. I felt so sexy. I felt so wanted. It made me want to please him so much and I was desperate for him to show his desire by shooting his load inside me. I had never wanted anything more in my life.

His body went rigid and he pushed forward, hard, and his hugged me even more tightly. I felt his cock grow inside me until my eyes were wide at the sensation. I felt it give one massive pulse and then I felt it spasm over and over. I felt a weird wet feeling inside me. I was feeling him cum inside me, in my ass, deep inside my passage. He grunted and I moaned softly.

We lay there a while until our breathing had returned to normal and the rain had stopped. His cock slowly went soft inside me until after what might have been ten or fifteen minutes it slid out of my hole.

I hadn’t cum in the conventional sense, but my cock had leaked out so much stuff that I sort of felt like I had. It didn’t matter to me, though. My virginity had been taken. I had been fucked - fucked by a handsome older man!

As I lay there I wondered what would happen next. This wasn’t a sly erection in my underwear that we could ignore, that we could pretend never happened. This was full blown sex. This was Mister Roberts salty cum leaking out of my stretched-out hole. We were both under the sheets with our underpants pulled down!

Mister Roberts flexed his arms to hug me close again and I wiggled, trying to snuggle back into him. It was hot and sweaty, but I just wanted to be held right now.

“Just listen” he said, his voice low and quiet so that I had to strain to hear him. I was glad he had spoken and told me to listen. I had no idea what to say or do after giving my little boy pussy up to an older guy. This was my first time!

“I am glad you let me do that. Your body….you….you’re just amazing and I have been undressing you with my eyes since I first saw you.”

I remained completely still. I could still feel his cock inside me even though it wasn’t there any more. I found myself hoping, begging even, for him to tell me he wanted more.

“I hope that was okay, that I didn’t hurt you. I know it was your first time. It was wonderful for me and I hope it was wonderful for you, too.”

I made a soft noise, an affirmative whimper. I couldn’t let him ask that and not acknowledge. Did I enjoy that? Fuck, yeah!

“You don’t have to, but if you want we can do that all the time. I really want to.” He said, and I melted inside. It was one of those time in life when you get exactly what you want even if you thought it could never work out this way. If he wanted to roll me over right there and fuck me again, I was totally up for it.

“But listen, I want to ask you something.”

I was a little worried now. I didn’t want to speak.

“You were very submissive there. That’s ok! I like that. I have to be honest, I really like it. I really like you. I wondered if you like to be submissive, because if you do I want to be your daddy. I want to have you all through the summer. I can show you things that I am sure you will love. I promise I won’t hurt you. I just want you to be mine.”

I flushed red all over. I was partly embarrassed at the idea he was putting in my head, partly shocked, and partly surprised that I wanted it too. I couldn’t speak yet, so I just snuggled back a bit and hoped that was a positive response.

“You don’t have to of course. But if you want to, I’d really love for you to come here every day and let me do whatever I like with your body.”

I quivered at that and I knew he felt it. I hadn’t meant to. It was like an involuntary shudder down my spine. When he said “let me do whatever I like” my body just seemed to agree before I could think about it.

“Sometimes, maybe I can invite a friend to come and have a play date…..”

I took a sharp intake of breath. This was getting very close to my fantasy of having a few big, older guys touch me all over. In a crazy moment I wondered if he could read my mind.

“… treat you like our little princess. It could be a summer of real awakening for you. No strings attached. And I promise you’ll be okay, that I’ll look after you.”

As he said that he loosened his grip on me and with one hand he reached around my body. He straightened me up from my curled up position and railed his fingers over my thighs and around my scrotum. I was instantly hard again. His words were echoing through my mind while he touched me, and I could still feel the warming sensation in my bottom.

I would love to tell you that I was considering his words, weighing up his proposal, but I wasn’t. My body had taken control, my instincts now firmly in command. I was already his. I already wanted him to just pin me on this bed and take me. Rape my hole. Kiss me and touch me. Tell me what to do. Show me how my body works. Force it to respond. Maybe everyone felt like this after their first time. Maybe I was just flooded with more hormones that I could handle. Maybe I had just unlocked a submissive side of me that I hadn’t fully realised existed, but that had clearly been there in the background. Whatever it was, there was no going back.

As I came from his ministrations, my cock twitching and sending the most massive spurts of salty juices that I had ever produced, I signed the contract: “Yes daddy” I said.

He pulled me close again and we hugged. As if to be sure I knew what he meant by submission, he raised his cummy fingers to my mouth. I opened wide like a little bird and allowed him to clean them on my tongue.

From that point, Mister Roberts was Daddy unless we were out in public. And I was his boy. I had no doubts. I was gay. I craved sex. Suddenly years of repressed teenage sexuality was free and I had a whole summer to experiment, to fly, and it was the most liberating feeling.

I had got up and dressed after our first sex and gone straight home while daddy remained in bed, watching me. I had showered and jerked off again and then again, reliving that wonderful experience in my head. I spent that evening like a cat on a hot tin roof, often leaving grandpa in the living room on his own while I went off to touch my little pink hole. It couldn’t keep my fingers out of my underwear and eventually and went to bed early so I could play around.

Grandpa asked if I was okay and I had to lie, to say I had a headache and just needed sleep it off.

The next day I rushed to get up, eat breakfast and shower and get ready. I chose old underwear that was slightly too small because it made me look boyish and for some reason I found that made me feel even more submissive. I wore tight shorts, too, and a tight fitting t-shirt. I made sure grandpa was okay and then I hurried from the house bound for my daddy’s cottage.

I realised as I walked that I was not afraid, even if I was slightly apprehensive. I figured we’d probably work through the day and then maybe he’d find a time to touch my body and if I was lucky, maybe he would make love to me again. It quickened my pulse to think of that, but it didn’t make me pause. After yesterday I just wanted more. I wanted my body on display for someone who obviously really appreciated it. The idea that I made daddy horny, that he wanted what I had even though I had no experience and didn’t know what I was doing, that just made me so happy.

I got to the door of his cottage and I knocked as usual. The door was flung open and there he was, all man, a broad grin on his face. “You came back!” He exclaimed as if he wasn’t sure that I would.

I nodded. “I said I would” I replied, perhaps a little hurt that he thought I might not. didn’t he trust me?

He must have seen my face change expression, because he pulled me into the house. And slammed the door shut behind us. “I know you did. I guess I just can’t believe my luck.”

I grinned at that. I couldn’t believe mine either. It was nice to know he wasn’t taking me for granted, too.

“Are you….okay after….” He asked, unable finish the sentence.

I nodded. “Great” I said, with a massive grin.

He pulled me in for a big hug and I hugged him back. Suddenly he was ushering me into the lounge. He pushed me onto the big, fluffy rug in the centre of the room and he pulled my t-shirt over my head. I blushed. I wasn’t expecting to be stripped off so soon, but I wasn’t complaining. If I had any doubts, that maybe yesterday was a fluke, they were gone now.

He pulled my shorts down to my ankles and stopped to admire me in my underwear. It was an old white pair of plain briefs I thought had looked sexy and I was gratified to find that he did, too. He touched me through the fabric, turned me, touched my bottom too. I was hard inside my underwear. God, his touch was doing things to my insides!

He took hold of the front of my waistband and pulled it outwards, freeing my stiff cock. Then he pulled down, pulling my underwear to my knees.

“Kneel down” he said, his voice soft but clearly instructing me. I dropped to my knees, feeling sexy with no top, my underpants pulled down, my shorts around my ankles. I still had my sneakers on, too, and I found I liked that. It was weirdly sexy.

He pushed me, bent me over so that my face was in the rug, my ass pushed out behind me. He was looking at it, at my special place, the place where only he had been.

He gently ran a thumb over it. It was sensitive, but not sore. I wondered if he would finger me again, and then fuck me. I was ready for that. I arched my back.

He bent over and kissed my right bottom cheek, and then my left, and then he kissed me right in the centre. He paused, and then he licked me there. Goosebumps flashed across my exposed skin. That felt wonderful. He did it again. There was a pause and then he pushed his face forward and his gave my hole a French kiss.

I moaned. I wasn’t really intending to, but it slipped out.

He have a little chuckle and he pulled away. He pulled me upright on my knees and he touched my balls and my cock.

“You have a wonderful body, James.” He said. “When you come here every day, I’m going to inspect you. No sex until we’ve done some work. If you’re a very good boy you might earn more than one turn. For now though, that will keep me going.”

He reached down and roughly pulled up my underwear, covering my throbbing teen dick. My pulse was racing. He was going to make me earn it? For a second I felt hard done to, but then I felt like it was making me feel even more sexy. He’d examined me, turned me on, and now he was sending me to do chores until I earned his dick. Oh god, such a tease!

I adjusted my underwear and stood, pulling up my shorts. He handed me my t-shirt.

“All okay?” He asked with a warm smile, his eyes flicking from my face to my body.

I was dripping with sex but I wasn’t mad at him. “Yes, daddy. Let’s get started. I hope I can do a very, very good job today!”

He grinned at me. He knew I wanted it badly. I guessed he wanted it badly, too, but he was more experienced than me and he knew that prolonging the wait would just heighten the sex at the end of it.

So we worked, and we worked hard, too. After some initial embarrassment on my part we got right back into the old pattern, getting things done and messing about as we worked. Today we were clearing out the old kitchen, breaking up old cupboards and stripping wallpaper that must have been hanging here since the 1960’s.

By lunch time we were both hot, sticky with sweat, and filthy. As I dumped my final load of broken boards and scrap into the dumpster out front, Mister Roberts took hold of my hand and led me back into the house.

My guts turned to jelly. I knew this was it. I went from tired and ready for some food to being wired on adrenaline and horny throughout every inch of my teenage body. He led me inside and up the old staircase, being careful to avoid the broken steps. We picked our way along the hall at the top of the stairs to the one room up here that was finished, his bedroom.

Mister Roberts opened the door and pulled me inside. There was a dust sheet on the carpet and he had me stand on it. “Strip off” he said to me. I hesitated, but the memory of what we had done together yesterday and my need to do that again quickly started my engines again. I peeled off my dirt clothes until I was standing on the dust sheet in my underpants. I feel a little foolish, a little nervous. It all added to the subservience that Mister Roberts was aiming for. Even with almost no experience, I could see that clearly. It was quite thrilling.

“Those too” he said, pointing at my underwear. I took a deep breath and pulled them down around my ankles, then I stood up straight and stepped out of them. Now I was naked as the day I was born. It honestly took everything I had to not get on my hands and knees and beg him to fill me up.

To my surprise he took my hand again and led me through another door. We stepped into his ensuite bathroom, which had a large shower cubicle, a toilet and basin. It was nice, tastefully decorated.

Mister Roberts pushed me into the shower. Was I so dirty that he didn’t want to be with me until I got cleaned up? I was a bit stung, but I guessed if he wanted to watch me shower, I was okay with that.

There were two showers in here. One was set up high in the ceiling. It was a huge square that looked like it produced a waterfall. The other was hanging up on the wall. It was the latter that Mister Roberts handed to me.

“You ever douched?” He asked.

I didn’t even know what that was. I shook my had and ask “What’s that?”He smiled at me. It wasn’t a patronising smile. It was warm and made me feel cute.

“When you want to have sex, you might want to make sure you are clean on the inside, okay?” He said.

I suddenly realised. I had heard people talking about something like this at school. I just didn’t know the name or how to do it.

“This is a special shower head. See…..” He took it back off me and held it up. It was a thin nozzle that was rounded at the end. I already guessed where that went!

“Just push it inside and use a little bit of water. You’re not trying to hose yourself out, just get rid of any stuff you don’t want in there. When you have some water inside you, you push it out and you keep going until the water runs clear. It’s mostly as simple as that. It takes a bit of practice and if you eat a lot of fibre and get a lot of exercise, you might not even need to do it.”

I looked at the nozzle and I admit, the thought of pushing it inside me made me feel even more horny. I realised I was already hard, standing to attention for daddy.

“You want some time to have a go on your own?” He asked.

I thought quickly. Actually, I did want to do this alone. I desperately longed for his touch again, but I wasn’t sure I wanted him to see me like this. It was embarrassing. I nodded, red faced. He smiled, cupped my face and left, closing the door behind him.

It didn’t take me long to get the hang of it and I guess my diet and exercise regime was pretty good, because the process was nothing to write home about. I stepped out of the shower cubicle after a few tries, my cock stubbornly big and hard and throbbing.

I walked through his bedroom and into the hallway, stepping from plush carpet onto rough floorboards in my bare feet. Mister Roberts wasn’t anywhere to be seen, so I decided to walk downstairs naked and surprise him. I felt naughty, like I shouldn’t be out here in the middle of the day with no clothes on. The fact that the rest of the house was bare boards and dust and stuff made it even more naughty, somehow. The feelings that I was dong something taboo were making me even more desperate for some action. Teenage hormones were coursing through my veins and I could feel my little pink hole pulsing with my heartbeat. I wondered briefly if I was becoming a sex maniac, but I figured I didn’t care right now.

I guessed that Mister Roberts must have gone into the garden, because I couldn’t hear him anywhere in the house. I tip-toed down the hallway to the back door, careful not to tread on anything that might cut me, but I found the door wouldn’t open. It must have been stuck, or maybe locked from the outside or something. As I turned to scamper back along the hallway and return upstairs, the front door opened and Mister Roberts came inside. He was talking and he didn’t notice me and my throbbing cock at the other end of the hallway. That’s probably why he held the door open for the other guy to step inside.

The other guy did notice me. Right away. Obviously.

He was staring right at me. I couldn’t move, caught in his gaze like a deer in the headlights of a car. I flushed red all over my face and down my neck. I turned over a thousand excuses in my mind, reasons why I might be standing here completely naked, my cock still standing tall like nothing was wrong here. I absentmindedly moved my hands to cover myself, the gentle brushing of my hand on my cock reminding me of how desperate I was for some naughty action.

The other guy chuckled and didn’t miss a beat. “New house boy?” He said with a grin, totally taking the whole thing in his stride.

Mister Roberts turned quickly and saw me there. I expected him to be angry or to stammer out an excuse or something like that, but he took the whole thing in his stride, too.

“Ha ha!” He laughed. “He’s a kid from the old part of the village. Stays with his grandpa through the Summer. James. He’s a good kid, been helping me out around here. Cute as a button. I’m fucking him, too. Will you look at that body, for Chrissake?”

I blushed once more and I couldn’t help but give a shy smile. Being described as a good kid with a great body was awesome. The way he casually dropped “I’m fucking him” made my spine shiver.

The other guy tilted his head to one side and looked me up and down like he was drinking me through his eyes. He had a thatch of grey, almost white hair and a big bushy beard that matched. He was wearing an old shirt, dirty work pants and boots, and he had skin like old leather. I guessed he’d had a life of working outdoors.

“He’s a beauty alright. I love ‘em like that. Smooth and milky and tight. You’re a lucky bastard, Roberts. But you might want to let the poor lad have some clothes when you have visitors!” And with that he laughed too.

I squeezed my hands over my junk to protect my modesty, but I was amazed that these two seemed to find nothing wrong here and were talking about sex stuff like it was all perfectly normal.

“James” Mister Roberts said. “Come here”. He beckoned me to him and I found I was unable to resist. I shuffled up the hallway to him.

“This is Tom. He is the best guy I know for removing tree stumps like the one we can’t shift in the garden?”

Okay, yeah, I remembered.

“He’s an old friend. Known him for years.” There was a pause while they both looked me over now I was up close. Mister Roberts said “Did you get finished upstairs…..?”

I nodded vigorously. Yeah, I was ready. So ready that my cock will not go down! But what did that matter now….?

“Say…..” He started, and I suddenly knew where this was going from just that one word. A part of me screamed inside, but while I stood there, naked, their eyes all over my body, I realised they both wanted me. I was making them both horny, and that did something to me. Maybe I wanted them. I definitely wanted to play.

“Yes…… daddy” I said in what I figured was my most demure voice. I don’t even know where that came from. I blushed again.

Mister Roberts looked at Tom and Tom looked at Mister Roberts. “You got time for some fun, before we work?”

Tom glanced at me. “Play with you or play with him?” He asked with a broad grin. “I have time, not much, but enough for that!”

Mister Roberts smiled too. “Well, I figure we could both play with young James here, if James doesn’t mind a little tag-team play. Or we could just skewer him…..?”

My legs almost gave way there and then. It was like they were the hungry predators and I was the prey. The only difference was that, despite nerves and all of that, I wanted to be caught. And eaten.

I didn’t trust my voice. This was all so new to me and I had thought we’d just do what we had done the day before, a repeat of me laying down on my side while we hugged and then daddy put his cock in me. That would have been enough, but maybe I’d join in some more this time. Now, it seemed there were two men who wanted to do that and I wasn’t so naive that I didn’t understand what “skewered” meant. My mind raced to this morning, when I had been stripped and touched. I had that image in my mind, and I suddenly decided that was the best way to answer Mister Roberts.

I plucked up some courage from somewhere and pushed past these two horny older guys. I walked into the lounge and I took a deep breath and dropped to the floor on my knees. I pushed my bottom out behind me with my knees spread apart and I put my face down on the rug. If this didn’t signal my intentions, I didn’t know what would.

I hope it did, anyway, because I found it easier to do this than to speak. I was feeling a little embarrassed and maybe anxious and that always caught my tongue. But my body was fizzing with sex. I was major league horny and I figured I might as well let them do what they wanted. I knew Mister Roberts would be gentle like he was yesterday and I was young and I figured I could do whatever I wanted.

I giggled to myself. I could feel the air around my nude hole and scrotum. I felt so naughty again. That’s the only word I have to describe it. My mind strayed to yesterday, to feeling daddy’s big, hard penis pushing inside me. God, I was horny!

It took less than twenty seconds for the two men to come into the room. There was no talking, but I heard belts being unbuckled and pants dropping to the floor before one man knelt in front of me, and the other placed a warm, rough hand on my smooth bottom.

I kept my eyes squeezed tight shut against my embarrassment and lack of confidence, so I wasn’t completely sure which of them picked my face up from the rug by a couple of fingers under my chin and then slid his penis into my waiting mouth.

I had never sucked on another guy’s dick before. I often wondered what it would be like. It didn’t really taste of anything. It was just like having a thumb in my mouth, but bigger, somehow meatier. I wrapped my tongue around it, careful to keep my teeth out of the way. I sucked and licked and did what I thought I might like, using saliva to make the experience more pleasurable. I got a tiny shock when the tip started to leak a salty liquid. I wondered if he was coming in my mouth, but I soon realised it was just precum. That made me try even harder, knowing that you only leaked precum if you were enjoying it. I made a little tunnel with my tongue and lips and mouth and let him fuck my face.

The guy behind me touched me and played with me. He gripped my buttocks with leathery fingers, pulling my hole open and I was sure he blew on it, sending goosebumps right up my spine and making my cock twitch. He took hold of my cock and scrotum and examined them, pulling them, jerking my cock just a small amount until a strand of precum drooled from the tip all the way down to the rug. I moaned a little around the cock in my mouth.

Then his thumbs pulled my cheeks apart and he fixed his mouth over my hole. If I wasn’t sure before now, I knew it was Tom from the tickle of his bushy beard on my scrotum and perineum. When he started to French kiss me like Mister Roberts had done earlier, my eyes rolled back in my head. I pushed back with my hips to get more. I could never have enough of a hot, wet, flexible tongue around my anus and pushing right in the middle, while big hands gripped by buttocks and pulled and squeezed….. God almighty, I was in blissful heaven!

I continued to suck and have my entrance rimmed to the point where my legs were trembling. Then the cock was being pulled out of my mouth and Mister Roberts put his mouth on mine, sliding his tongue against my tongue, kissing me in a way that I had never been kissed. It felt so grown-up, and it was melting me.

At that same time Tom’s mouth went away. I wanted it back, but he replaced it quickly with a stubby, leathery middle finger. He rubbed the saliva around to wet the tip before he pushed gently, pushing it right into me.

I moaned loudly now, right into daddy’s mouth. I had reached that point where I think I would have done anything. These new sensations and feelings of sexual energy were incredible to me. The long, passionate kissing and the incredible, wonderful finger that I could feel moving around inside me…. I was totally submissive.

Tom added a second finger, stretching my hole. It was slightly uncomfortable for a just a few seconds before I relaxed into it. He began to twist them around just as daddy broke our kiss and put his throbbing cock back in my mouth. I sucked him as best. Could, but I admit my mind was on the amazing finger action in my rear. I had never done this kind of thing and I never knew how wonderful it could feel.

Then the atmosphere changed and I knew I was going to be fucked again. My insides turned to jelly. Daddy took his cock away and he pushed my head right down into the rug, and he shuffled forwards so that he was almost sitting on my head, keeping it down. He leaned over me and took hold of my buttocks, the fingers of each hand close to my wet hole. He pulled, spreading my cheeks apart and gaping my well-fingered hole.

Tom withdrew his fingers and shuffled forwards on his knees. I held my breath. He pushed a big, fleshy object again my bottom. I could already feel that his dick was stubby like his fingers. I pictured it in my mind’s eye, short, suntanned, but broad with a big head.

Daddy pulled me open and Tom pushed relentlessly forward. It began to hurt a little, nothing I couldn’t handle, but a lot of pressure and a weird sensation like I wasn’t open enough for him. I couldn’t move though, caught as I was between daddy’s legs, my face pushed into the carpet.

The rim of my hole started to sting as I was opened up, as Tom’s mushroom head was forced forwards. The pressure built and built and so did the stinging sensation and the usual inside pain and I was almost ready to ask them to stop, because it felt too big. Then daddy pressed his fingertips close around my entrance and Tom adjusted his angle slightly. There was a pop, and the cock was inside me. I felt my ring close around his thick shaft and I heard him spit down, felt the saliva running around where his cock was buried inside my bottom.

Daddy using his fingers to lube the area and Tom thrust forward, shoving the whole damn thing right into me. It took my breath away, but it was already starting to feel less painful. The size of it! I felt so full, so spread wide. I sank bank and relaxed, knowing that the worst part was done. My embarrassment faded too. After all, they were both watching a thick cock push into my upturned bottom…what was left to feel embarrassed about?

Daddy took his hands away and Tom started to grind into me, just gently, letting me open up and get used to his girth. Daddy took my face in his hands and lifted my head again. He kissed me like before which seemed to flick a relaxation switch inside me. As our tongues twirled around and out mouths, now wide open, squished together, I could literally feel my muscles relax giving Tom more room to move.

“That’s better” Tom said softly, pulling his cock out part of the way, then pushing back into me.

I moaned again. That felt so good. It only got better when Tom did it again and my muscles relaxed even further.

Daddy gave me his cock again, made me suck him while he stroked my hair and my face. I felt like a little fuck toy and I wondered what my friends at school would say if they could see me like this. For some reason, that thought made me even more aroused. My skin started to tingle.

The next few minutes were blissful. Tom started to properly fuck me. It surprised me that he could slide his cock in and out, fucking me like I was a girl. Thanks to a very sexually sheltered experience I hadn’t even known that was possible. Daddy started to fuck into my mouth too, and I found myself enjoying the feeling of his penis sliding along my tongue right to the back of my throat, then out again. I loved the salty taste I was getting from him.

It was over all too quickly though. Tom started to fuck into me in an unchanging thrusting rhythm and I guessed he was close to coming. Suddenly he pulled out really quickly and I felt hot spurts of his cum splash onto my back. I wished he would have come inside me. I wanted to see what it would be like when his already fat dick expanded and gushed.

I head him blow out a breath and sigh. “What an amazing passage!” He said. Daddy just chuckled. “I really appreciate you both letting me have a turn. Young James, I’d love to go again if that’s possible, maybe when I have more time? I don’t feel like I do your body justice somehow!”

I couldn’t speak as I still had a mouth full of daddy’s cock. Daddy answered though, so it was okay. “I reckon that was our pleasure, Tom. Great to see you in action and we’ll talk later about getting together. I’m gonna finish here and I’ll join you out back in five?”

Tom started to get dressed while daddy pushed me down onto my side. He crawled behind me and as Tom’s now cool sperm began to slide over the skin on my back, daddy’s hard wet cock pushed effortlessly inside me. It was longer than Tom’s, if not as thick, so it pushed much further up. I groaned and whimpered as daddy went to town. He really fucked me, hard and fast, while gripping onto my buttock and thigh. I guess watching Tom had driven him crazy with lust.

This was new. Yesterday daddy had been slow and gentle as he took my v-card. It had been sensuous, hot and steamy. Tom had fucked me in a more traditional sense, with proper in and out movements, but not hard or rough. Now I was getting a proper fucking. Daddy seemed like he was in a frenzy, ramming it up me, allowing it to pull all the way out so that my hole started to wink shut, then fucking it right back into me.

I was breathing heavily, sweating like crazy, and my cock was leaking like it had never leaked before, even though it was now soft and shrivelled like a good submissive boy.

All I can say is, I wanted it. Every hard, rough thrust turned me on even more. Every exit and re-entry made my hole hotter and my balls tighter until they hurt. My nipples were on fire. My neck felt super-sensitive.

Suddenly, from nowhere, I had a massive orgasm. I went from this amazing blend of totally new, sexy feelings to that amazing sensation when you know you’re going to blow. There was none of the usual build up and I wasn’t even hard. I just spewed cum over and over, gripping daddy’s cock with my ring every time my scrotum tightened and pulsed to release more and more of my salty juices.

“Oh….oh……oh….oh….” I exclaimed, shocked and not knowing what was happening, feeling wonderful but then worrying about making a mess on the carpet.

I had no time to gather my thoughts or anything. Daddy took his cock from my hole and shuffled up my body and knelt over me, pushing me onto my back. My cupped the back of my head with his hand and he pushed the head of his dick into my mouth.

I was still in a state of shock, even more so that I was now being forced to suck this dick that had been inside my rectum. Again, I had no time to adjust as daddy pumped his cum all along his shaft to the back of my throat. I coughed a little, choked as I tried to swallow it down. It was salty and sour, and I felt dirty, and I adored that feeling so much.

Daddy moaned and sighed and released my head, letting his softening cock slide from my mouth. I lay back, trapped under his weight, his junk right in front of my face. I looked up at him and he was grinning. I recovered from my shock and I grinned too, that sour taste at the back of my throat. It was weird, but I didn’t hate it. Maybe even liked it. I had something tricking out of the side of my mouth and I used my tongue to lick it up. It was more cum. I swallowed it down. I pushed my head up and sucked on the tip of daddy’s cock. I wanted the last drops. I wanted to try the taste some more. I was enjoying the feeling of being naughty again, eating daddy’s cum. Licking the cock that had just fucked me.

Daddy shuffled back and bent down to kiss me again and I let him do it to me. It was an amazing kiss, especially after what we had just done. I found that I was exhausted, sleepy, with wonderful warm sensations in my balls and a hot, sticky hole. As I lay there, I wondered if life got more amazingly brilliant than this.

Daddy ran a lazy hand down my body. “You’re all sticky” he said with a sloppy smile. “And I like it when you’re all sticky. It’s so sexy.”

I blushed and smiled. I was such an approval junkie.

“Was that your second time ever?” He asked. I nodded, still not really wanting to speak. Yeah, my second time ever and I was fucked by two guys, sucked cock for the first time, ate cum, and had the most incredible, ball-emptying orgasm.

“Wow…. You’re really good. I can hardly believe it’s taken this long before someone stripped you naked and made sweet love to you” he said, his fingertips dancing around my navel. “I wish I’d known you last year, or the year before.”

My eyes went wide. My first thought was that wouldn’t have been completely legal, but almost instantly the thought of being stripped by this guy as a younger teen…. well, it was making me hard again.

“I guess we’ll just have to make up for lost time this summer” he said, his smile broadening to a grin. “I am sure I have some other friends who would be happy to treat you like a young lover, if you’re up for that?”

I nodded again. No hesitation. I’d do whatever daddy wanted. Especially when I was basking in the afterglow of amazing sex, laying naked on my back while he touched my body.

“Go and get a quick shower. Cool off. I’ll make you some lunch. You must be hungry.”

I realised I was. I had been hungry ages ago and I had used up the last of my energy reserves in the last hour or however long it had been.

“Then we have work to do my sexy boy.” He said, his voice returning to normal and losing that husky edge. It snapped me out of my sleepy trance. I had better get up, I thought, get showered and get back to work.

As I started to sit up, he pushed me back down and planted another of those hot, soft, wet, tongue-filled kisses on me. I knew that if he ever did that to me in future, I’d be his toy and do anything he wanted. It was like my kryptonite. I lost all control of my body and mind. It was such a glorious feeling.

“Maybe after we get all sweaty in the garden, before you go home, I’ll push you down on the grass and we can fuck one last time today. Fill your hole with cream so that you have something to remember me by tonight when you’re laying in bed, naked, alone, and touching that pretty little boy cock of yours?”

I whimpered totally involuntarily. I didn’t know how I would get any work done now with that thought in my head. I found my voice, my confidence coming purely from my desire.

“You had better” I said, and I knew that if he didn’t instigate things I would simply strip naked and lay down for him, spread my legs open for him, put my hands back and finger my hole so that it was ready for him. I had that picture in my mind, my daddy lowering himself onto me, pushing his dick inside me, pumping me full of his cum while I lay whimpering on the ground like his little teenage slut.

“Oh, I will” he said. “I will.”

To be continued...

by Scott Sauce

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024