D’Kass Black Presents Jail’s Bait: Chains & Cuffs (Book 3)

by Phaggotry

22 Aug 2023 435 readers Score 9.0 (8 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“Yeah nigga, knock my pussy out…!”

“Ahhhh baby-baby, take this big black dick, you like this shit, don’t you baby…”

Boochie Warrington groaned and twisted underneath Peanut’s dark-skinned 11-inch monster African dick, digging deep into her throbbing, hairy, twitching pussy.  Each grind of that long big thick ass shaft made wet splashes of hot pussy juice coat the bed underneath them which squealed like an old door that needed oil.

The tall, extremely skinny Peanut straddled her, wrapped his scrawny arms around the back of her shoulders to keep her rooted, and picked up the pace, his hairy balls (the largest thing on him) slapping against her the underside of her clit, smack!SMACKSMACKSMACK!

Boochie’s eyes were closed tight, Peanut’s bushy afro buried in her chest, his teeth nibbling on her jiggling tittes, one then the other as he smashed that pussy out… but in her mind’s eye, Peanut wasn’t the one digging her out.  She chose him for his hair-style, which reminded her of another afro-headed nigga who fucked her brains out one afternoon behind the high school gym.  That was the one who was REALLY slinging his big black juicy ass dick deep in her pussy, claiming her as his for once and for all time…

She arched up as that phat dick struck her g-spot one too many times.  A wild passion rose from her wet snatch and shook her like she had a seizure… all the while her mind’s eye was screaming out, DANNNNNEEEEEEEEEEE…..

A low, masculine moan filled the room then-


That thrusting, 11 inch, thick cut hairy dick stiffened up and hot, wet sperm flushed out her box, gobs of thick white liquid spraying in her, coating and mixing with her own gushing pussy juice.  She seized up and her legs wrapped tight around his back, a harsh scream of orgasmic lust ripping from her throat…  The tensed up afro-headed kat joined her in rocking from spasms of lust, the sheets beneath them becoming drenched like they were dipped in hot water as they kept cumming, on and on…

And then it was over, Boochie falling back on the bed, drained and suddenly hoping Peanut would sense that she wanted him off of her as he snuggled in between her now-sensitive titties.  Peanut, who had no psychic ability, did not notice her stiff response.

“Yo baby,” he drawled in his post-1977 Barry-White Shaft vibe, “how come every time I groove with you, you callin out some other fat kat’s name?”  He snuggled in her neck, biting on her collarbone.  “Who’s Danny, anyway, baby..?”

“Get off me, Peanut,” Boochie growled, pushing the naked nuzzling man off her chest.

He tumbled to the floor, yelling as he banged his shin against the side railing.  “You bitch!” he snapped.  “Don’t be mad cause you can't have the real dick you want up in yo tyred pussy, fuckin slut..!  I’M ALL YOU GOT!!!”

“Then I aint got NUTHIN,” Boochie said, keeping her cool.  “Get the FUCK outta my house,” she added then, reaching over and picking up a mini-vase from her nightstand.

The sullen man got to his feet, stumbling around and grumbling under his breath as he got dressed.  “See ya next time, baby,” Peanut drawled with a half-smile as he headed for the door- and ducked as the vase smashed into the doorway a few inches from his head.

“BITCH!!” He yelled as he darted out the bedroom door, slamming it behind him.  a couple of seconds later, the echoing slam of the front door shook the house.

Boochie smiled, stretching out in her bed and turning over.  He’d be back when she needed to use him to fill-in for Danny again.  He was quite ugly, but the dick was big enough that it helped make her larger-than-life memories of Officer Danny Clark an occasional reality.

She looked over her pillows out at the lightning sky.  It was still very early in the morning, the sunlight rising through the treetops.  A couple hours of sleep would hit the spot.  She snuggled back in bed under the sodden covers, absently wondering when she was going to get to the gym again- and then her head whipped up, a terror seizing her like nothing she’d felt before- but wait, that wasn’t true.

The last time she felt that kind of irrational terror was when her son Malik was locked upstate, and afterwards she found out that he had almost gotten stabbed in an altercation in the showers.  Malik got away without a scratch, but that was the scariest moment her mother’s intuition had ever given her… until now.

Without missing a beat, Boochie jumped up and hurriedly got dressed.  Whatever was happening, or about to happen, she knew where Malik would be at this time of day- at his best friend Lamar Clark’s house, Lamar, the son of her old love Danny Clark..!  As anxious to see Danny again as well as getting to her son, she intensified her efforts to get dressed.  Something was wrong, her mother’s intuition screamed across her brain- and she couldn’t be there for Malik the last time she felt this way.

But not this time- she would get to her boy and help him, defend him- by any means necessary.


Trey pulled up behind Joe's Excursion, which was parked right outside of Robbie’s front door.  A squad car with flashing light illuminated the officers who were questioning Robbie’s mother in front of her open door, my worst fears confirmed- the call was about Lamar and Malik, I just KNEW it.

I reached for the door handle, but Trey reached for my arm.  I turned to him, my look questioning.  “I’m sure everything’s going to be ok in there,” he said with an encouraging smile.  “Don’t go looking for trouble where there may be none.”

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.  I got out of the car and, with Trey dogging my heels, went up to where Joe was speaking to the on the scene Officer, Phillip Petruso- I’d worked with him before.

Joe saw us coming.  For a moment his face darkened when he saw Trey beside me, then he regained his composure.  “Listen, there seems to have been some form of  struggle in the house,” Joe was saying.

“My partner, Mancuso, is inside collecting evidence,” Petruso chimed in.  “He’s got the portable crime unit upstairs.”

“The new one, with the DNA evidence attachments?”  I asked, the law enforcement official in me coming out.

“One and the same,” Petruso grinned.  “If anything happened in there that wasn’t supposed to, we’ll find it.”

I smiled back, secretly hoping that Robbie didn’t smoke marijuana in the house, like Lamar and Malik did when they thought Joe and I couldn’t smell it… to keep the worry off my face I looked around.

Off to the side I saw Robbie’s mother, Rena- I remembered her from the few occasions we shared small talk when Lamar and Robbie were still in the same grade school.  Even after all these years she still looked the same; she was a medium-skinned, small, lithe woman, and presently she looked very tired and harassed.  “Rena!” I called to her.

She looked up and smiled.  “Dan..?  Dan Clark?”  She gave a wisp of a smile.  “I haven’t seen you since our kids were school age..!”

“That’s right, good to see you,” I said, coming over to stand with her.  “I’m on the force as a PO, I also double as a lawyer.  So you can tell me what’s going on, right?”

“I-I’m not sure,” she began, shaking her head with worry.  “I came home early from a road trip to Las Vegas with some friends and when I got home I saw the kitchen door standing open.  I called out for Robbie but there was no answer.  Since I’m no fool, I called the police on my cell- and that’s when one of my neighbors came over and said they saw someone messing around the house while they were putting out the trash.”

“You did the right thing,” I said seriously.  “We’ll get to the bottom of this; I wouldn’t think anything bad happened to Robbie, if I were you.  Lamar wasn’t home, either- maybe they’ve gotten caught up in …whatever they may be doing and just lost track of time.  It’s not like they’re kids anymore and have to report home,” I added with a nervous laugh.

She seemed to calm down some after she thought through what I said.  “I-I guess you’re right,” Rena nodded.  “He didn’t know I’d be home early- maybe it was a prowler… I just hope they didn’t take my mother’s china.”

Joe called over to me.  “Could you come over here a sec?”

I looked up.  Joe appeared slightly anxious.  I turned back to Rena.  “Try to relax,” I said, “everything will be fine.”

“Good to see you again, Dan,” she said, the red flashing lights from the squad car casting her forlorn frame in a shade not unlike blood in the early morning light.

I returned to Trey and Joe.  Petruso was standing with his partner, Mancuso, who had come out of the house, and they were conferring with one another over some digitized evidence on the DNA kit the partner had taken into the house.  The introductions were quickly made.  “What is it..?”  I asked then.

Petruso looked at me with a quizzical grin.  “Were you here earlier..?” he asked.

“I was at home all night,” I said.  “Why do you ask?”

“The DNA kit picked up traces of blood on the son’s bed,” Mancuso said.  “There seems to be a match in the police database- but it’s fuzzy.”

“Fuzzy?’  Trey said, rather protectively.  My heart began to race- good god, Trey, no PDA, not right now, I thought nervously.

“The DNA signature of the blood on the sheets was run and matched- to YOU, Dan,” Petruso said.  “A 97% match.”

“And that’s what’s funny about it,” the partner said.  “If it WAS your blood, it would be a 100% match in the kit, with the blood-type we have on file for you at the station.  This blood-type- well, it almost seems to belong to a close family relative, instead of yourself.”

My OWN blood drained from my face.  Joe appeared stunned, but it was Trey who grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him.  “You don’t think-” he began.

I looked at Mancuso.  “How old is this sample,” I asked.

“Well, the blood was still… wet, the sheets still damp with it,” he replied.

“Lamar…” I sputtered, turning and racing back to the Lexus, Joe and Trey hot on my heels.  “Where are you going???” Joe yelled behind me.

I didn’t have a clue where to start looking for my son, this was true… but I knew Malik might know where to look.  “I’m going home,” I said, getting in and tossing the keys to Trey, who had jumped in the driver’s side.

Without me having to say it, Trey pealed the Lexus out of the parking spot and with a rubbery squeal, whipped the car around and sped back towards my house.


I was about to follow the speeding Lexus away when Mancuso grabbed my arm.  “Joe, before you leave, he said seriously, “there’s something else you should know.”

“I’m in kind of a hurry,” I said, fumbling around for my keys.  “I have to go check on my son and his-”

“This IS about your son,” Mancuso said.  “They call him ‘Joop’ on the street, isn’t that right?”

“Well, yes, that is his ‘quote-unquote’ hood-name,” I said, flustered, “but what does that have to do with-”

“There were some papers hidden under a loose floorboard in the son Robbie’s room,” Mancuso went on.  Petruso came in closer.  “What did you find, Manny?”  Petruso asked him.

There was an old newspaper clipping of when your son was arrested for a robbery up near Nordstroms on Pine Street,” Mancuso said.  I remembered reviewing the case when Malik was first assigned to my prison from King County Correctional, it was my practice to at least read something on every inmate’s situation.  Malik’s story stuck out simply because he was so young.  I made sure I kept a record of all the youngest inmates there, just to be on the safe side; WA State Prison wasn’t the safest place for young boys…

“There was a small notebook the clipping was attached to,” Mancuso was saying, snapping me out of my reverie.  “It was kept as a journal, from the same year Malik was arrested.  In it was a detailing of the crime your son was accused of committing- a detailing that no one would have known so much about unless they were there, and- and a couple of pages later, a sort of…admission.”

“Admission; what do you mean,” I said then, a dark pit of horror growing in my gut.

“Well, according to the journal, it appears that your son was set up to be caught by the police during that robbery; Robbie writes later on in the journal how happy he was that Joop got locked up, that way he could have Joop’s shorty all to himself…  Did Malik have a girlfriend that this Robbie wanted to get him out of the way for?  Where is she now?” Mancuso was asking me, but a numb, burning feeling had settled right in the pit of my stomach.

Yes, my son had a ‘shorty’… but not a girl… not a girl.

“I-I have to go,” I stammered, leaving Mancuso and Petruso with shocked looks on their faces as I fled towards my car.  If I didn’t miss my warden’s instinct, my son AND his lover- my lover’s son- were both in deadly danger…


Without a word Rah-Rah pointed the gun at Joop’s sleeping face and pulled the trigger.

‘Clik’ went the gun, but no bullet fired off.

Rah-Rah frowned.  He held the gun before him, its belly gleaming silver, pointing it at Joop once more.


Nothing happened.

This was incredible to Rah-Rah, he KNEW for a fact that there were bullets in the chamber- he had loaded three into the gun after he settled down in Lamar’s closet and pulled the closet door just so, for him to have the perfect view of the bed.

He had managed to come to when Joop had locked him in his own car trunk, with a killer headache- and a cramp in his shoulder blades.  At first he was disoriented and his claustrophobia acted up, but when he realized that he was in his OWN car, of which he had child-proofed the trunk, the rest was easy.

Popping the trunk while not knowing exactly WHEN Joop would show up to stop him was risky, but he managed to slip out of the car without notice, jumping behind a clump of bushes as Joop came back out of the house.  He closed the door and got in his car and drove away with Lamar, while Rah-Rah hid behind some bushes and watched it all happen.

Once the car was gone Rah-Rah crept out from behind the bushes and tried to get into the house, then realized that the keys were on the key-ring that Joop had taken when he stoke the car.  He finally had to wind up breaking a window, praying that the security alarm wasn’t automatically set, and crawled in just in time to hide from his neighbor who had come outside to take out the trash.

‘Nosy bitch,’ Rah-Rah had thought at the time; ‘who puts out the trash at 4 am..?’

Once the neighbor had vanished inside their home Rah-Rah crept upstairs, grabbed his gun from the hiding place, took three bullets from his stash and then crept back outside the house, going not the way of the route the car had gone- but towards Lamar’s house.  There he would wait, for they would come back, both of them- Joop and Lamar- probably laughing at him, thanking god that he was dead.

Well, he’d show them all- if Joop wants him dead, he’ll be happy to help- as long as he gets to take Joop and Lamar WITH him when he goes…

So he’d waited a very long time, thinking about how to kill Joop, Lamar and himself off.  A bullet each, right between the eyes… it seemed the best way.  So he waited- and then when Lamar and Joop came into the bedroom and silently made love, tears of bitter, bitter anger rolled down his face.  Lamar was HIS, after all- and there he was, slutting himself for a bitch-ass nigga like Joop.  This time, with each stroke of passion between Lamar and Joop, a knife of pain cut right through Rah-Rah’s broken heart, shattering his sanity into pieces, bit by monotonous bit.

Now he had them right where he wanted them, and the got-damn gun wouldn’t go off like it was supposed to…

Rah-Rah turned his back on the bed, clearly confused as to why no bullet was lodged in the middle of Joop’s head right now.  He swirled open the chamber to check the bullet number…

“Ya know, if you had da sense ta stop an check WHICH chamber dem bullets was in, you mighta BEEN moped me out, DUMB ASS,” a snarling voice said behind Rah-Rah’s back, a whiff or a scent of musk-and-fruit in the air.

Stunned, Rah-Rah whipped around- to meet a heavy fist cold-cocked into his jaw.

He flew back into the wall behind him, striking it hard and falling to the floor, the gun flying out of his hand.

Joop had simultaneously slipped into his boxers as he jumped over the bedframe to reach Rah-Rah, murder in his eyes- yet quick as a flash, Rah-Rah had jumped up from the floor, the last vestiges of sanity slipping away as he hurled his sizable frame at Joop, who had drawn his fist back to strike once more.

“YOU PLAYD YOSELF SHOWIN UP HURR U PUNK ASS NIGGA,” Joop yelled as his fist swung in a downward arc. 

“FUCK YOUU!!!” Rah-Rah screamed as he grabbed the struggling Joop by his outstretched arm and with a grunt, twisted it in mid-air.  Joop crumpled to the floor with a yell, the pain making him freeze up as Rah-Rah jumped on top of him, straddled his frame and smashed a meaty fist in his jaw.

Blood burst from Joop’s mouth as his face flew to the side- then he slowly looked back at Rah-Rah, smiling.  “Dat da best ya got, you BITCH???” Joop snarled at him with a sneer, blood-flecked spittle hitting Rah-Rah in the face.

Rah-Rah howled with an animal-like roar, his reason finally fled as he raised both his arms to bring them down on Joop’s head- but Joop brought up a knee right into the underside of Rah-Rah’s groin, crushing the balls lodged there.

Rah-Rah’s howl of insane rage turned into a scream of pain as Joop got his arms free and swung a roundhouse against Rah-Rah’s face.  He slid off of Joop to the floor as Joop jumped up and straddled Rah-Rah instead, raining heavy blows down on Rah-Rah’s face and upper body.

“Dis is how it’s done upstate, NIGGA,” Joop grunted with each smash to the face, each crunch to the chest.  “Specially if you fuck with a nicca shorty,” Joop added, hawking up and spitting a wad of red-tinged phlegm in Rah-Rah’s face as he continued to pound him, again and again.

Rah-Rah, momentarily stunned, regained something of himself and reached out, grabbing a discarded shoe inches from where he lay and brought it up hard, smacking Joop against the side of his temple.

Joop fell like a pole-axed cow, dazed and semi-conscious.  “MAR IS MINE, JOOP, YA HEAR ME???” Rah-Rah screamed into the air, panting and wheezing, a horror-mix of his blood and tears cascading down his cheeks as he sobbed.  “MINE!!!  YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!!!  I’LL KILL YOU-”

‘clik’- the sound came right behind Rah-Rah’s head.

There was enough reason still within Rah-Rah even then to realize two things:  one- he had dropped his gun during the fight, and two- that sound was exactly how his gun sounded when it cocked… he turned around and-


Trey screeched the car to a halt, barely jumping out of the way of (?) Jeanie Warrington’s car, which pulled up to the house and jumped out of the car just as the report from the gun sounded in the morning air, so loud it could have been a cannon shot.

We froze in our tracks, looking at each other in fright.  Seconds later we heard the Gray Excursion come skidding to a halt, Joe jumping out and searching the skies above the house…

“Was that a gunshot I heard..?”  Joe yelled incredulously.

I looked over at him, stunned.  “It sounded like it came from-” I couldn’t finish that statement.

Trey had drawn his service piece, looking cautious.

Boochie said, “Dat gunshot… it came from yo house, Danny.” she turned fear filled eyes towards the second floor windows.

“What are you doin here, Jeanie,” Joe said, looking over at Boochie.  “Did Malik call you over..?”

“No,” she said, almost in a whisper, looking at Joe.  “I felt dat somethin was wrong wit him,” she explained.  “Mama’s intiuition.  And I’m ‘fraid ta say dat I was rite…” and then she was sprinting up to the front door.

“Boochie, wait!!” I yelled after her, as she burst into the house, crying out Malik’s name.

“Ah, shit,” Joe cursed as he scrambled over the front of his car, heading towards us.

I ran then, Trey and then Joe at my heels.  My heart was in my throat as she raced up the stairs and down the hall to Lamar’s room.  My cop’s brain was against this heedless charge- yet the father in me knew how she felt; a parent’s irrational fear for their child’s life erases all logical thought.  Yet still I tried- “Boochie, calm down,” I thundered.

Yet Boochie was too far gone.  She reached Lamar’s room and threw open the door open…


I hurd dat shot, an after realizing I wasn’t hit I struggled to wake up all da way.  Opening my eyez was hard but I finally did it an eerything was blurred up.  I saw two shapes in front of me- then my sight cleard up.

Rah-Rah was standin over me, facin Mar- who had grabbd up Rah-Rah gun an put a bullet into da ceiling, tryin to stop Rah-Rah from finishin me off, I guessd.  For a sec neither of em moved, Mar in his own boxers, still pointin da gun in da air.

“Yo Mar, we could be good tagether,” Rah-Rah was sayin, shakin from head ta foot.  “Jus lemme have da gun, I’ll finish off Joop an we could get rid of da body.  We could bury it in da backyard,” Rah-Rah was sayin wit a high pitch to his voice- he sounded like he had lost his fukkin mind.

“Yo Rah-Rah, you lost yo fukkin mind,” Mar yelled out my thoughts.  “You… r-r-did what you did ta me and you got da nerve to actually plan murderin my nicca and expect me to go along wit it…?”  Mar shook his head as he lowered da heat an pointed it at Rah-Rah face.  “Da only place you goin, punk-ass nicca, is cellblock D- or maybe da psych ward at Ridgeview,” Mar added, “cause you SEE dat I got yo gun in my hand an you STILL thought dat shyt was a good idea. You GOTTA be fukkin CRAZY.”

Jus den da door flew open.  I was stunnd to see my moms come chargin into Mar bedroom...!

“MA, WHAT U DOIN HURR???”  I shouted, an den was stunnd all over again to see Officer Dan come runnin into da room shoutin “Who’s hurt?” an a tall dude wit a badge on his belt comin in rite behind him.

My Dad was da last thru da door, an for a anotha second no one moved- me on da ground, Rah-Rah standin over me lookin back at Mar who was holdin a smokin gun, two po-po, a prison warden an a hysterical lookin momz.

Den Rah-Rah tried to break for da doorway, but got trippd (thanks to my leg catchin his monkey ass) an fell rite into da arms of dat tall-ass po-po.  Quick as lite Officer Dan whippd out a pair of cuffs and slappd em on Rah-Rah while da other po-po started reading him his rites.  “I’ll take him down to wait for some uniforms ta show up,” he said, takin Rah-Rah out da room.  He lookd kinda familiar to me tho, but I aint have time to think about dat.

Moms came over to me an helpd me to my feet, den crushed da life outta me wit a hug.  “Nigga don’t you worry my ass no more like dis,” she said while squeezin me almost cuttin off my air.

Pops came over too.  “Are you okay, son,” he said.

I was still surprised.  “Why are yall two here- and how did yall know sumthin was up..?” I said, frownin.

Pops explained how they got da call to investigate a break-in at Rah-Rah crib while da man himself was bein led downstairs by what lookd like Officer Dan’s partna.  “We saw evidence that you two might have been at the house, so we came here- and met up with your mother,” Pops said, lookin surprised himself at dat one.

“I was already awake an I jus felt a …chill,” she tried to explain her part.  “Da last time I felt dat was when you was up in prison an I knew it hadda be about you, so I hot-footed it over here, and jus in da nick of time,” she said, huggin me again.

I pulled away as Officer Dan came back in da room and went over to Mar.  He was still standin there wit da gun in his hand.

Officer Dan said, “Lamar, give me the gun.”

Lamar didn’t move at first.  He looked at his pops with a dazed look on his face.

Officer Dan went around until he got rite up in Mar face an started to speak real soft.  “Son, I-I know what happened at the house.  Nobody blames you, and I understand that this may be hard for you to deal with right now but we need to get you to a hospital, to check you out, get you tested for …anything.”

Mar's eyes got wide.  “Pop, you-you KNOW..?” And he started shakin da hand dat was holdin da gun- hard.

Moms startd ta say “Wha happened-” and my pops shushed her.

Mar was startin ta shake harder.  “You-YOU ALL know bout Rah-Rah an what he-what he-” but before he could make another move Officer Dan had snatched da gun outta Mar hand.

Mar lookd shockd dat his pops got da gun from him, den he sank to da floor an hid his face.

I pulld away from my moms and went over to him, got down on da floor next to him an put my arms around his shoulder.  “Officer Dan, we took care of it,” I said.

“Malik, I get that you guys THINK you took care of it, but you aren’t doctors,” Officer Dan said.  “We have to take him to the hospital.”

I lookd over at my moms den.  She was about to hear sum shyt that I wanted to talk to her bout in my own way but dat aint matter now- I hadda defend Mar, he wasn’t ready to face dat shyt wit no one else but me rite now.  “Look,” I said, takin a deep breaf, “yall aint gonna find no evidence noway.  Me an Mar wuz tagether this mornin… it wuz important. I hadda let him know dat sex-makin love- wuz still iight, no matter whut dat punk ass nicca did.”

Officer Dan an my pops jumpd in shock, an I was like, “I know yall think dat we los evidence an all dat to charge Rah-Rah wit rape but-” an den I stoppd.

They was lookin at my moms.  She had this …look on her face.

“What u mean by it, boy,” she said, “dat you hadda let Mar know makin love was still iight..?  What u mean dat yall was ‘tagether’ this mornin..?”

Da room was madd silent.  Een Mar got shook outta his trance an turned his head up to me when she askd dat.

I swallowd an lookd her dead in her face.  “Yeah ma, it’s wat u thinkin,” I said. “Jus don’t say nuthin til I’m finishd, I know how u are an I can’t get nuthin out once you start naggin.”

“Yo baby boy, I don’t nag-” she startd, but I gave her my ‘ma shut up an lemme talk’ look- I only used dat on emergencies cause I'm still scurred she’ll backslap da shyt outta me.  I gotz a ghetto moms, you see.

I went on.  “Long story short, me an Mar is tagether.  I been meanin ta tell you but I aint get round to it.  An naw you didn’t fail me an shyt so don’t start thinkin dat neither,” I threatened her.  “Its jus dat we was always feelin dis way, we been tagether for two years an shyt- we aint think no one knew bout us but I guess Rah-Rah figured it out.  So las nite our so-calld boy Rah-Rah slippd Mar a drug an raped him after me an Mar had a fight.  I found em in da middle of it an jumpd on dis nicca an I thought I strangled him ta deaf.  I took Rah-Rah body out to da car to dump him in da woods- we drove all da way down I-90 an dats when we found out dat no body was in da trunk so we figgurd he got out.  We came back hurr an I tried to help erase what Rah-Rah did by makin love wit my nicca and it helpd him get better a lil.  We fell asleep, woke up an Rah-Rah had followed us all da way back hurr an was tryin to kill me wit his gun.  We threw blows an Mar got da gun from him an jus befo he was gonna buss a cap in his faggot ass yall bust up in hurr and dats da whole story.”  An I rubbd Mar's back as he laid his head on my shoulder.  I lookd down at him an gave him a smile, dat said he was gonna be iight, we both was from now on.  I lookd up again.

Da room was still silent.  Officer Dan den turnd madd quick round ta my pops.  “Okay, Joe, just stay calm,” he said.

My pops was turnin red in da face, an he startd stranglin.  “Did you just HEAR what my SON said to his mother..?”  Pops was askin Officer Dan, an his chest started to move hard up an down.  Ma dukes jus stood there, she still aint said nuthin yet.

“Joe, you have to remember they’re young, and not too much in the know about the law,” Officer Dan was sayin.  He turnd back to me while pops sat on da bed, tryin to catch his breaf.  “As an Officer of the court and as your parole Officer, normally I would have to report what you just said to the proper authorities, seeing as you just confessed to attempted murder and planning unlawful disposal of human remains,” he said to me.

I gulpd.  “Seriously?”  I asked.

“Seriously,” Officer Dan said.  “Add to that your accusation of Lamar’s attempted murder and aiding and abetting you, and you BOTH would be looking at about 7 years apiece upstate.”

“But- but you’re not gonna send us up?  Not after all dat shyt we dune been thru tonight wit Rah-Rah???”  I yelled.

Naw, nicca, he’s tryin to say watch what you say to cops, Mar said weakly, smilin at me as he got to his feet an put on his clothes.  I jumpd up beside him, got dressd an put my arm round his waist.  I needed to be close to my nicca rite den.

“We mean that too, Lamar, but I think you’ve done enough unlawful time, son,” Pops said then from da bed, and then he tol me an Mar how the officers that searched Rah-Rah crib found a journal dat Rah-Rah wrote two years ago, and da written confession where he admitted settin me up to get lockd down- all to keep my shorty all to hisself.  When Pops was finishd me an Mar jus slowly lookd at each other.

…In da back of my mind I heard Officer Dan askin my pops if he was sure bout what he had been told.  My moms had finally broke her silence an was yellin in da background bout how she knew all along I was innocent.  But all I could see was da look in Mar's face which was like my own.  A red haze was creepin over my sight, and I could see dat Mar's eyez was gettin dark too.  He was thinkin da same thing I was…

(Rah-Rah- we ate wit dis nicca, slept as his crib, playd ball wit him, rolld down da street in his whip hollerin at females wit him, hung wit him for most of our lives… an all da time of all people RAH-RAH was da one who kept me from Mar a whole YEAR… by settin me up to be chargd wit robbery- I mean I knew I did it but Rah-Rah knew about it too, I remember tellin him bout my planz befo I went an he said he couldn’t go cause no one could watch his kid dat nite- he tol Mar dat his kid needed medicine from da hospital an got him to go pick up da prescript- and all dat was a LIE- so dat I’d be all by myself an he could send da cops to arrest me..!)

I saw da same in Mar's eyez, da fury was growin in us both.

I slowly lookd around.  Officer Dan had sat down on da bed by my pops getting mo details about dat set-up by Rah-Rah, an moms had reachd for sum tissue off da dresser ta wipe off her face from all da cryin.  So they was all distracted.

Me an Mar aint even think about it- we reacted as one man, movin toward da door so fast it lookd like we had jus disappeared in smoke.  Befo my parents or Officer Dan could say anything we had ran outta da room an I slammd da door behind me ta give us mo time as Mar went on down da stairs two at a time.  I slid down da banister an reachd da ground jus as Mar went tearin round da hallway to da kitchen where Rah-Rah hadda be waitin for a squad car to come get him- but not if we could get to him first.

Da red haze was stabbin thru my head, makin me hurry up an find Rah-Rah.  Da door upstairs had slammd open an our parents was yellin fo us as they started runnin down da stairs, but fuk all dat.  If Rah-Rah was goin upstate den he was goin in a body bag, cause he wasn’t leavin da house alive.

We got to da kitchen an I almost bumpd into Mar who had stoppd short, his face in madd shock.  I lookd over his shoulder an almost went into shock myself.

Officer Dan's tall-ass partna was layin on da floor, knocked out.  A lump lookin like an egg was growin on da back of his head.  A breeze hit me an I lookd up.  I didn’t need da see da back door in da kitchen standin open in da morning sunlight ta tell me dat da punk-ass nicca had escaped- AGAIN.

by Phaggotry

Email: [email protected]

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