
by Mr B Queer

5 Jun 2023 1939 readers Score 9.0 (19 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I didn’t believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. And by the time anyone would listen it was already too late. I warned as many people as I could but I’m out of places to run, they’ve turned me into a monster. But don’t believe whatever they say about me. I fear I will soon be found and I write this in the hopes that some of you reading this will get a chance to run before they come for you and semen too.

* * *

It all started 6 months ago, I was training for a charity half-marathon I’d been cornered into doing. The thing is I didn’t really care about groin baldness but my boss’s roided out fiance had lost most of his pubes in a matter of years and it was now completely gone. I figured if I showed my support I might get a raise or at least a blowjob from my boss, Nick. So I set up a fundraiser account and made a tik-tok video with pictures of twinks, muscle-Marys and the more tragically affected groups otters and bears- all of them bald in the crotch. 

Once I got over my prejudice it was heartbreaking to see cubs, bears and otters covered in beautiful thick hair everywhere except their pubes which were smooth as their sheens. I suddenly became lost in this cause. Groin baldness could affect anyone, and no cures existed, some people had tried hair implants but that didn’t work. 

I met with my boss’s fiance Ricky to share my progress with the charity. He was a proper nutjob and seriously needed to get some help. I didn’t know that everything would change that night. 

“You want a hit bro?” Ricky said as he offered me a label-free vial he was siphoning liquid out of into what looked like an overused syringe. He didn’t even offer me a fresh needle.

I shook my head trying to hide my disbelief.

“You gotta protect your nutt bro?” explained, he was a short guy but ripped. Even his cheeks had zero percent fat. I could see the fibres of his muscles through his skin. All of them bulged, he was like a human muscle anatomy diagram.

“Want to see how much hair I’ve lost?”

“Not really, Ricky. I’m just here about the fundraiser. You said you’d help me with the fundraiser page.” 

But Ricky had already decided I had to experience the tragedy of groin baldness first-hand. He pulled up his vest then pulled down his black sweats and showed me everything.

“Look at that. See all the way down my abs, hair, hair, hair then bang- nada! Isn’t that wild.”

“Feel that,” he yanked my hand and placed on his sweaty balls. “Have you ever felt balls that smooth? Even the roots of the hairs are gone. Nothing” 

Ricky’s finance, Nick, who was also my boss, walked in then. He wasn’t in the least bit surprised.

“Isn’t it sad? Literally not a single hair. Give me your hand Chris.”

I groaned, this was going to be a long night. 

My boss placed my hand into his pants.

“Feel my balls, Chris. Can you feel the difference, Chris?”

“Your, uhm, dick’s in the way boss.”

“Well move it over to one side Chris. Come on, you’ve handled dick and balls before, surely?”

There was a huge difference. Nick’s balls were much, much bigger and I could feel they were low-hangers because when I lowered my hand down, they stayed in my hand for quite some time and there was plenty of loose skin around. I found myself squeezing and releasing my boss’s balls. 

“Holy shit, Chris, you’re really good at that.”

“Nah, I just have warm hands.”

“Chris, we talked about this, you have to take a compliment. Ok? Don’t explain away or diminish your skills.”

“Yes boss. Ok, I just complimented you, so what do you say, Chris?”

“Thank you, boss. You’re right. I’m very good at handling your balls.” Honestly that made me feel special. “And I have to say your balls are truly amazing.”

“Thanks Chris, better give them back now,” Nick said and he took my hand out of his pants. I couldn’t help but take a sniff. I took my hands out of Ricky’s too but I didn’t dare sniff his.

“You can lick if you want, Ricky says I have the best tasting dick and balls.”

“Yeah, I bet you do, boss.”

“Come on Chris, you’ve touched my balls, I think you can call me Nick.”

“Thanks, Nick.”

“Did you notice the difference, Chris?”


“My balls and Ricky’s. Mine are a lot hairier.”

“Oh yeah. Listen, I’m getting a lot of support for the groin baldness. I’ve got over 8 people signed up to sponsor my half-marathon.”

“Oh Chris, you’re a star.” Ricky said and hugged me so tightly I could feel his heartbeat which was beating so fast and loud through his chest. 

“Alright, Chris. Leave some Ricky for me,” Nick said and he pulled me away from Ricky. “Why don’t I take you home. It’s getting late.”

“Nick, I live just across the road, it’s just a 15-minute walk, don’t go through all the  trouble.”

“Come on, a cute guy like you walking alone this time. I wouldn’t want someone taking advantage of you.” 

We lived in a quiet village but being walked home by Nick would be a dream come true.

“Ok, you can be my knight in shining armour.” 

We walked out into the early, breezy evening. There was still some light but just enough that I felt like Nick and I were the only two people in the world.

We walked quietly for some time until we passed the last house on the main road. I lived a few farms down the road and I was starting to panic that my stroll with Nick was almost over and I still hadn’t said anything. I just couldn’t find anything to say that didn’t sound dumb.

“You know, I meant what I said,” Nick finally broke the silence.

“About what?”

“Chris, you’re really good at handling my big balls. I swear you have the softest hands I’ve ever had around my balls.”

“I moisturise,” I said quietly.

“Yeah, so fucking soft. I can’t stop thinking about your hands.”

We both walked in silence for a bit.

“But I bet Ricky has great hands too.”

“Chris, Ricky is insane.”

I couldn’t think of an appropriate response.  

“Can you hold me, Chris. I just need someone to hold me.”

“Oh you poor thing,” I said as I gave him a big hug.

“No, I mean, hold me down there. Chris. Hold my balls in your hands.”

“Umm, I don’t know. You’re my boss. And Ricky is going through the whole groin baldness thing. It just feels icky.”

“Yeah, but I need to cum, Chris.”

“Oh boy.”

“I want you to make me cum, Chris. I need to show you something.”

“Wait, what?”

“In my cum. There’s something I want to show you.”

“In your cum?” 

“Yes, Chris. I have special cum. I want to show it to you.”

“Well, I’m home now. That’s my front door there.”

“Ok, bye Chris. See you at work, tomorrow. Maybe you can wear those blue shorts, you look real cute in those.”

“Ok, Nick. And I’m sorry about the balls thing. It’s just-”

“Can I tell you a secret? But you have to promise not to tell anyone.”

“OK, what?”

“I think the aliens are after my cum.”

“Aliens? Cum? The fuck?”

“If you don’t believe me, come to my house at midnight tonight. Stay hidden so they don’t see you.”

I honestly didn’t know what to say. So I agreed and walked off to the farmhouse and had dinner with my uncle. At 10 I left to do my practice run for the charity. But this time, I planned to stay out a little longer so that when the clock struck midnight I would just happen to be near Nick and Ricky’s house. Nick’s story was so insane, but something about the way he’d said “cum” made me think there was truth to it 

“The aliens are after my cum.” I kept hearing those words over and over. Aliens. Cum. Aliens. After. Cum. Nothing about that made sense. But I had to find out with my own eyes. I didn’t know it at the time but that decision to be at Nick’s house at midnight would end up changing everything.