Cruel Revenge

by StraightForMen

11 Aug 2023 10655 readers Score 9.5 (119 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

When I got home, without even watching the video I had made of Tom Evans humiliating himself, I downloaded it to my computer and from there to the Cloud and sent it to all my email boxes. It was my treasure and I was going to guard it like a lioness guards her cubs. Only when I had the feeling that no force would discover all the places where I had hidden the video, I could watch it in peace. As soon as I saw the clearly recognizable Tom on his knees performing an energetic handjob, I calmed down and started masturbating with the knowledge of the power I had gained over him. I was very excited. I came almost simultaneously in reality as in the video, watching Tom's face flooded with my cum.

I wiped myself with a tissue but was looking forward to the time when I didn't need tissues because I would make Tom my personal cum dumpster. I was sitting there dreaming when my friend Jonathan called me that he got my email with the first video of Tom I recorded. The one where he bought drugs.

"What is this?" he asked, clearly excited. "Don't tell me you have dirt on Tom Evans!"

Did Jonathan watch the video or did he infer it from the email? It didn't really matter. He, too, was a victim of Tom Evans' bullying, so he deserved revenge like me.

"Dirt? I own his ass. He'll kiss my feet if I tell him to," I said laughing.

"Dude, I'm begging you, I need to see this!" he was as delighted as I was.

"Sure. He will crawl in front of you too, but be patient. I have to explain his situation to him first and break him properly. Keep your fingers crossed".

We ended the phone call, laughing at how perverse fate can be. Without waiting any longer, I started writing an e-mail to Tom (I didn't have his number, but I had all the e-mails of my classmates), which I sent from my anonymous mailbox:

Hi faggot,

I'm sending you two videos I made yesterday. Yes, two. One to end your sport career that I can send to the principal and your coach. The second one that will ruin your relationship with Chloe and your popularity at school that I can send to your teammates and your girlfriend. They should know what you do in the evenings at the pool ;) If you want me to keep these videos to myself, then come to my house tomorrow at 5 pm. You know where I live. We'll be alone, so you'll have plenty of time to convince me to keep these videos to myself.

Your GAY Master

PS My friend has copies of the videos so don't try anything stupid ;)


All I had to do was wait in suspense to see if Tom would follow my instructions. I didn't go to school the next day on purpose, so as not to see him and his buddies before the appointed meeting time. I lived with my mother, but she traveled a lot to earn some extra money, so I had the house to myself until Sunday.

I spent most of Thursday wondering if Tom had any chance of escaping, but it seemed to me that he would have to murder Jonathan and me to keep the videos secret. The only rational option Tom had was to do as he was told, however humiliating it might be. Any other choice would turn his life totally upside down.

I had been craving to jerk off all day, but held back, wanting to treat my new slave with as much cum as possible. So I just touched myself a little, held myself in constant tension, imagining the look on Tom's face as he has to swallow the entire load of cum of his former victim he despised so much.

Finally, it was 5 in the afternoon. I was supposed to start a boss raid with my guild in World of Warcraft in half an hour, but I took that into account in my revenge. For now, I just hoped Tom would come and not be late.

I heard knocking almost on time. I opened the door, checking first through the peephole that there was no group in masks with baseball bats behind them. Standing in front of me was about six inches taller than me and much better built Tom. He was wearing a white tank top - showing his wide, perfectly muscular shoulders - shorts, and sneakers (I was barefoot and wearing a Naruto T-shirt). He looked troubled, which made me very happy. His eyes burned with anger at the sight of me, but those sparks were extinguished just as quickly.

"I'm here," he said and looked briefly around the street as if he was ashamed to be seen at my door.

"Very good. Come on in.” I let him in and he bit his lip trying to say something. I saw him fidget and nervously glance around my house. So I asked: "Do you want to communicate something to me or should I get to the point?"

"Look, Oliver," he called me by name for the first time in his life, but he avoided my gaze. “I wanted to apologize to you for those few years ... I was... I behaved unacceptable. I promise I will never say a bad word about you again. I will protect you and your friends from people like me. You have my word. Just please delete these videos. These are not jokes. They can ruin my life."

So this was his tactic. I wonder how long he thought about it and how much effort it took him not to threaten me again. The problem is, I knew him, and I knew that apology wasn't sincere. And even if it was, it couldn't compensate for the humiliation I'd suffered over the years because of him.

"And you think that's enough? One minute of humility for my years of trauma? No, Tom. You'll apologize to me in a way that I like. Now get undressed."

"What?" he finally looked at me surprised. "You think I'll do it? Because you have some videos? I'll say you made me do this handjob!"

I burst out laughing.

“There are only few things I want more than the whole school telling how Oliver Nicholls forced Tom Evans to take a juicy jizz on his face. Everyone will be watching your face flooded with nerd’s cum. You must try very hard to make me prefer to keep it a secret."

I was amused to watch Tom's face, who must have imagined the entire school's reaction to the video going viral, because he turned quite pale. His hand clenched into a fist again. He could easily knock me down and beat me, I wouldn't stand a chance against him, but it would end up worse for him than for me.

"Okay, perv. Let's get this over with. I will undress. You will laugh. But that's the end of it, okay?" he tried to be firm and menacing, but his voice trembled with uncertainty.

"No, this is just the beginning. You have 10 seconds to be naked like the day you were born or I'm sending our tasty video to your girlfriend. On your marks, get set, go!”

Already at the pool, giving him a short time to complete the task worked great, so I tried it again and was satisfied to make sure that Tom was terrified of disseminating the recordings throughout the school. In a panic, he began to undress, and before I counted ten seconds, he was completely naked in front of me. His body was perfectly built, as if it had been sculpted by Michelangelo. I silently admired his chiseled abs and toned thighs. It was obvious that sport was his whole life, which explained why he was so afraid of my threats. Interestingly, as a swimmer, he shaved his body, so he was perfect bitch boy material. His face was red with embarrassment, even though his hands were covering his crotch.

"Hands behind head" I ordered, eager to finally see his cock.

"Please, Oliver..." he started begging me, which I liked, but I had to emphasize the new hierarchy between us.

"Now, twat!" I ordered, surprised myself that I could be so strict and using the word he called me the day before. To my surprise, it worked because Tom bared his crotch and put his hands on the nape of his neck. He wasn't pale anymore, because his cheeks were burning with shame, and I could admire his big cock, which even while flaccid seemed very impressive.

"You won't get away with it..." he muttered.

"From now on, if you want to say something, you call me Sir," I said with a cynical smile.

"Are you crazy?!” he asked in shock.

"You don't remember, do you? One time when you caught me with your buddies, you made me call you all Sirs too. Well, now the roles have reversed. I own you. You may be the popular leader in school, but when you're with me, you're my bitch. And if you care about your career, don't move." With that said, I walked over to him and placed my hand on his hot, bare chest. I slowly slid my hand down his abs to finally grab firmly his beautiful cock.

Tom shivered and stared at me as if he couldn't decide whether to punch me or ask me to leave his manhood alone. But he didn't dare put his hands down.

"Fuck! Please, Sir! I am not gay! I'm 100% straight!"

Satisfied with his reaction, I started to play with his cock, which, to my delight, began to grow to a size that I could only envy.

"Interesting. You're not gay but you're getting hard from my touch," I teased him, feeling more and more at ease dominating him.

"Because that's how it works, you idio…" he started insulting me, but then stopped himself. Too late. I flicked him right on the tip of his dick and he yelped in pain. "Sorry, Sir!"

I felt my own cock harden as well. It was right time for my slave to learn his new duties. So I released his dick, slapped his bare, toned ass like some whore and showed him to follow me to my bedroom. Oh, I had so much fun getting revenge on this homophobic asshole!

I sat down in my gaming chair at the computer and showed him the spot under the desk.

"Get in there, bitch.”

Tom stared in horror at the space between my legs and shook his head.

"I'm begging you, Oliv... Sir. You've proven right. You won. I'll pay you cash. I'll tell good things about you at school. You do not have to do this." there was nothing of my former bully in his voice. No cruel sense of superiority. He sounded like a loser who had completely lost control of the situation.

“Of course I don't have to. But I want. You called me a faggot, so now I'm going to call you a faggot. Have you heard the saying – karma is a bitch? Don't test my patience and get under the desk.” The triumphant smile I wanted to tease my victim didn't disappear from my face even for a moment.

Tom was devastated, but having no other choice, he dropped to his knees and crawled into the niche between my legs and the wall. He was tall and muscular, so he barely fit in there. To Tom's dismay I took off my pants and boxers, sitting up again with my legs apart, naked from the waist down.

"Put your hands on my feet," I ordered, glancing at him from above, what he did with some hesitation. "All right. You must not take your hands from my feet under any circumstances. Your career depends on it, understood?”

"Yes, Sir," he sighed.

"Good. Now start sniffing my balls while I log into the game server."

"What?!" his voice trembled in horror.

"Are you deaf, fag?" I asked and grabbed his blond hair brutally, pulling his face to my crotch until his nose buried in my sweaty scrotum. "Sniff. My. Balls. Through your nose, loud and deep, so I can hear”.

It was music to my ears. His loud breaths were trembling with anguish as he reluctantly inhaled the musky scent of my ball sack. I could see by his face that he was deeply disgusted, but he had no choice. During this time, I logged into the World of Warcraft server where I was supposed to meet my guild. As I did, I pressed Tom's face even harder to my balls and decided to make him realize something:

“Mmm, remember how you used to make me smell sweaty jockstraps in the locker room after PE? As a special thanks to you, I haven't showered since yesterday so you can smell even more masculine scent than you gave me."

He made a pitiful whimper in response, but continued to sniff my balls, afraid to disobey me. Meanwhile, my hardening penis rested on his forehead so he began to helplessly shake his head in vain. The day turned out even better than I imagined.

I saw that my guild in WoW was slowly gathering, so I had to plug in with a microphone and headphones, but first I wanted to give Tom a task during the boss raid.

"Good boy," I praised him, looking into his suffering eyes, between which my cock was slowly getting wet and throbbing on his forehead with excitement. "Now I'm going to play an MMORPG with the mic turned on, so you need to be quiet. You don't want anyone to hear your whines. I can't orgasm while gaming, so I won't make you give me a blowjob just yet, but you'll take my dick in your mouth anyway. Are you familiar with the concept of cock warming?”

Tom's horrified look was priceless. He peeled his face off my scrotum and tried to beg me again, "Sir, I'll do anything but that! It's too much! Please, I'll keep sniffing!"

I grinned.

"I'm glad you're so eager to offer to sniff my nerd balls, I'll be sure to remember that, but you're not in a position to negotiate. Here’s the deal. Until I'm done playing, you don't take your hands off my feet and you hold my cock in your mouth. If you let it out of your faggot mouth even for a moment, I'm sending the videos. Now do what I told you to. I'm counting to three. One…"

Tom was shaking all over, but defiantly he opened his mouth and wrapped it around my shaft. I just pushed his head a little to show him how deep I expect him to hold me in his mouth. I moaned in pleasure as I felt the wet warmth on my stiffening manhood. I thanked fate for this turn of events. Normally, no one this amazingly handsome would give me head, and now I had him on his knees between my legs. His wide opened eyes betrayed that every second of the act was torture for him, but his humiliation turned me on as much as the physical sensations.

Still staring into his eyes, I started taunting him:

"You see? Just yesterday you said you'd never take a dick, especially mine, in your mouth and look. Who’s the loser now? Get used to the taste and keep my delish dick warm while I start playing. It shouldn't take more than two hours."

Hearing about two hours, Tom with his mouth full could only make a loud noise of protest, but I showed him to keep quiet. Then I put on my headphones and turned on the microphone.

"Hi everyone! All there? No problem. I have time."

by StraightForMen

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024