
by Redouant

11 Dec 2020 764 readers Score 9.2 (7 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

On the prowl for crime


With tears in my eyes, I make my way through the forest, swatting branches left and right. I could probably lift my arm towards the sky and blast off so I would not have to walk all the way back to the car. But every inch off my body feels uncomfortable in this skintight supersuit. I have never been more self-aware in my life before. And all of a sudden, I realize what I have been doing for the past weeks. I am not a superhero and I never wanted to, my girlfriend has broken up with me because I am a muscled hero freak.

The closer I get to the edge of the forest the more careful I am to not walk into anybody. How am I going to get home without people seeing me this way? I reach the street where our car is parked when I realize I do not have my keys with me as I left without my clothing. There are no pockets in this damn skintight suit. For a while I scout the street till no one is in sight and then I make my way to the sidewalk. There is no other way but to just walk home. Like a walk of shame.

For a good while I am able to walk by myself without people spotting me. I hold my head down and keep a low profile, at least as far as I can. When I hear a car behind me drive slowly. I start walking faster like I have a stalker behind me, but the car soon reaches me. I do not look to my left to avoid contact but the guy inside thinks differently.

“Hey there superman, going to save the day?”

A guy who seems to be in his forties, dark hair with some grey, A nice tint in his skin tone, and quite a charming smile winks at me when I look at him.

“I… was just coming from a party”

“A party huh. A costume party? That party must have some pretty good-looking people”

Is he flirting with me? What the hell is going on. All I can do is awkwardly smile back at him.

“I guess. I do feel quite silly walking around like this tough. They hid my clothes as a prank”

“Oh, don’t be ashamed man. You look great in that suit. you certainly have the body for it. Do you need a ride home?”

A ride home from a stranger might not be the best idea. But it is better than walking around like this on the street.

“That would be great!”

“Hop in bud!”

He opens the door for me, and I do not hesitate to sit down next to him.

“You have some killer workout routine I guess” he says while starting his car again.

“No not really, I guess I just am lucky with my genes”

“Oh man don’t lie to me! You at least are on some sport”

“I… do tennis”

“TENNIS” he laughs but does not go further.

“That’s quite a good quality superhero suit you got there. Must have been expensive”

“I found it somewhere in a costume section of some local store. It was not that expensive”

“Oh you really are a lucky guy aren’t you!”

“I guess… I am not the showoff kind of guy tough. So, I don’t think I will wear this again”

“You won’t? That's a shame man. I know a ton of guys who would want that suit. not only cosplayers wear them. Bodybuilders love them too”

“I can imagine” for a while we drive silently. When I take a closer look at him. He is not skinny himself. Clearly having some well divined strong arms. But he seems to have neglected it a bit. Having a small belly. Yet he still does extrude some kind of nice guy confidence.

“well how rude of me to not say my name. I am Pedro by the way. What’s yours?”

“Robin, people mostly call me Rob”

“well Rob, those people at that party clearly did you dirty. If you want to, I can buy that pretty suit of yours from you”

Buy my supersuit? That's a weird offer, but he says it with a friendly reassuring tone. But I can’t give it to him. The suit acts and feels like it is bound to me. The way it almost changed the way I behave and am. The way it changed my body. I could not just give that away.

“I don’t think you would want it. I have worn it for some time already”

“Oh, don’t worry. I have a washing machine. You can tell your friends you threw it away”

My friends… Sven and Rupert… would never let me throw it out. They would hate me for it. They hate me already though. And I know what I want. They have shown that quite clearly today.

“You know what! Fuck it, you can have this damn suit. I really don’t care for it anymore”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I am sure!”

When we arrive at my apartment I rush inside and ask Pedro to wait out. I pull the white and red lycra off me like it was some sort of leach draining me dry. And I quickly put on some normal clothing and start folding the suit nicely. The pants, upper part, the cape and the boots. When putting them inside a bag I look at them one more time. Am I making the right choice? I have never felt better in my life then while wearing these. And I know my love for Sven is real… but… I know I am not gay… it was just some sort of magic.

Pedro smiles at me as I walk towards him with the neatly packed suit in my hands.

“Have fun with it. I am done pretending to be a hero”

“Thank you so much. You are quite kind Rob. I am sure you were a great pretend hero”

I smile and nod. “I guess”

I watch as Pedro returns to his car. Before he drives off he rolls down the window.

“I will be a better hero tough” he says as he winks and drives off.

My heart skips a beat as he says it. What did he mean with that? Why did he look so content? Who did I just give the suit too?


Robin seemed off after I returned home. I was expecting him to be mad, to voice his feelings towards Rupert or even me. But he was oddly silent about all of what had happened in the forest. He just told me not to worry about it, he would think about it and figure out what he wanted. But it was not only about being a hero. When I would try to kiss him, he would either back off or do it quickly and go. It was tiring and I did not want to force him into anything. So, I decided to keep my distance. This lasted for two days as Rupert and I continued to plan our first outing as heroes. Both of us very excited and stoked to show the world our powers.

Till this evening, it is time. I kept working in the office for a good while till most people were gone. Robin was nowhere to be found anyway so I thought he would have gone home earlier. I could feel the suit beneath my clothing press against my skin ready to be exposed. It gave me a great feeling. Like the suit knew what I was about to do. When the last person was gone, I texted Rupert that I was ready. Within no time he sprinted upstairs fully excited.

“My boy Sven ready to kick some butt?!”

“Sure am! I feel stoked, man!”

“Alright let me help you get into it!”

Rupert carefully took off my blouse while I opened my belt and lowered my pants down. Like a cage being taken off of me the lycra was finally lose today. I did the same with Rupert helping him out as I stroked my hand over his bare thick belly after taking his blouse off. It kind of felt like undressing before sex. We carefully secured our boots and capes and were ready for blastoff.

“Just one second, I need a mirror” I said.

Rupert scoffed. But he followed me to the mirror in the small kitchen. I got a good look at myself ready to fight some criminals. I could not help but smirk at my reflection. My neat blonde hair with a nicely trimmed beard. My deep blue eyes are coloring nicely with my black blue supersuit. And every perky solid muscle pressing against the suit like it is my own skin.

“I do look fine… If I would say so myself” I say.

“You look incredible, super Sven. Just one more thing” He lifts his arms over my shoulders as he lays a blue mask over my eyes.

“Do you really think this is needed” I say as I turn around towards him. Rupert has put on a dark yellow mask himself.

“Do you want to be recognized like, tomorrow? We aren’t superman! He had the most terrible disguise ever!”

“You got a point there, luckily, I still look good like this”

We go stand in the open window, raise our arms and blast off to the sky. our capes flapping violently in the wind. And we make our way to the city center to find a high building to position ourselves on.

We start lowering our speed as the highest building in the city looms out in front of us. I look down while flying to watch the city beneath me. Cars, city lights and tiny people making their way through the streets. And as I look closely, I spot some heads going up towards us. I cannot see their expressions from here, but I can imagine their reaction. We graciously land on top of the roof ready to heroically scout over the city.

“Do the pose, do the pose man!” Rupert shouts at me.

And as a hero should I spread my legs, raise my chest and put my balled-up hands in my sides.

“Raise your chin up!” Rupert Shouts

I do and Rupert out of nowhere grabs his phone to take a picture of me.

“where did you leave that thing! You are barely wearing pants!”

“Hero secret! I will leave it here for now”

We make our way to the edge of the building to start scouting the streets. For a moment Rupert holds me at my side and smiles.

“I am so grateful bud”

“Me too… I do wish Robin was here with us”

“Yeah, He belongs here with us. We will get through to him, I promise you bud. I know how much you care for him”

“He is like a brother to me…”

Before I could continue, we hear a very loud bang a few streets away from us. I honestly did not expect for anything to actually happen, but I guess I was wrong. Rupert immediately goes to serious mode.

“Two Blocks from here. Sounds like a gun…Ready?”

I nod and he nods back. Without hesitation we make the jump, freefalling for a bit but then after raising our hand we blast off into the direction of the loud sound. As it is close by we quickly make our landing.

We land in a narrow street with quite dim streetlights. No one seems to be around just some Stray cat quickly running cross the street as we land.

“This is not a main street. people could be hiding behind cars… Be prepared”

“Are you sure you weren’t a cop in your past life Rup?”

“Shut up. We need to focus”

We slowly make our way forward, ducking behind cars and scouting for hiding people. When passing a few rows of cars a car alarm goes of for a few seconds and we see two guys running off in the distance.

“They are holding weapons… They must be..”


Another shot, this time behind us. Still in the same street.

“What do we do?” I say.

“They might be coming towards us from both sides. You should go ahead. I will go back. You got this bud!”

I nod at him and we shake each other’s hand for good luck. I start making my way forward alone without hesitation. I feel confident enough to just walk standing straight. As I feel like no bullet could pierce through my solid skin.

I suddenly hear laughing from behind me.

“Earl, look at this guy! A superhero!”

A slender sickly looking skinny man with black hair and a brown cap is standing in front of me. He has quite a big gun in his hands which he is pointing towards me. The bags under his eyes seem enormous. Another guy appears next to him from behind a car. A black dude with shaking hands, also pointing a gun towards me.

“Did you roll out of your fetish porn studio boy, wearing that spandex?” the sickly guy asks mocklingly.

“Do I look like I do porn to you? Have you never seen a superhero?” I respond.

“They do not wear that tight shit in the movies nowadays boy. Makes you look like a fag” The sickly man starts laughing again.

“A fag who looks amazing and is about to put you in your damn place!”

“Oh you are serious!? Damn… I guess we are going to have a casualty tonight Earl”

The sickly man signs at his friend to draw his gun. They are about to shoot but before their bullets can hit me I leap several meters into the sky. Both of the two guys look amazed as I fly towards them. I land with a bang forcing them to back off.

The sickly man punches me with his gun with all his might, but it barely makes me move an inch. Before he can do it again, I grab his jacket and pull him off the ground.

“What are you guys doing out on the streets with guns!” I shout

“none of your damn business” he says

“Please just tell me, there is no need to be tough”

“I cannot tell…”

I sigh, roll my eyes and out of nowhere punch him in his stomach which makes him fly off several meters.

A big rush of adrenaline shoots trough me after the punch making me ready for action. And after that something else starts happening. My suits seems to warm up a bit and then tighten around my body, tighter than it already is. Like the lycra wants to give me a hug of appreciation for punching the guy. It feels amazing…

The guy wants to get up and grab his gun, but my boot is quicker. I smirk at him.

“Oh no my man, no more shooting. Just punching”

I punch him again, this time in his face knocking him unconscious. It does not take long before the tightening comes back again hugging my body all over. this time it lingers, concentrating at my crotch as the lycra seems to form around my dick. I can’t help but get a little hard down there as I feel my dick grow inside the suit.

“hmm Amazing…” I say softly.

I turn around as the black guy was still standing there, too scared to attack me or help his friend. I slowly start strutting towards him while smirking as I softly brush my hand through my luscious blond hair to straighten it. He quickly but clumsily grasps to his gun as his eyes go from the gun to my dick which starts to pulse underneath the suit every time I take a step. Before he is able to shoot, I grasp the end of his gun. And with a powerful crush it breaks to pieces. His face goes from scared to terrified. The tightening is hugging my body making it tense all over. I cannot help but constantly flex and show how strong I am to the guy in front of me. The lycra wrapping around my dick making it quiver and pulse with precum.

“You are a bag guy aren’t you, what’s your name again…”

“Earl” he responds, shivering.

“Well Earl, do you know what bad guys deserve?”

He shakes his head.

“I am going to give you a choice… you either get your head slammed in like your friend, or you worship my hero dick…”

His eyes go down to my rock-hard dick again as a drop of sweat drips down from his forehead.

“Do I need to repeat myself bud?” I say.

He shakes his head again and lowers to his knees. His hands are shaking as he seems to doubt whether to touch me or not.

“You can touch me bud. Hold me here, let me help you ease into it” I say as I grab both of his hands as I place them at my sides.

“Don’t be scared… A hero is there to safe people, you too bud”

His mouth slowly moves to my rock-hard lycra dick. His tongue making the first move. I feel his tongue going up my shaft. I roll my head back as the suit lets me tremble in enjoyment as it tightens around my body. The lycra seems to transform and mold around my dick wrapping it fully, making my cock flop out. It keeps swelling and hardening like there is no end to it. Earl seems overwhelmed by it but accepts his treat as he lets the member inside his mouth. His expressions seem to change as soon as he tastes my member. Stroke after stroke, his mouth tightens and loosens as I feel him starting to enjoy it more and more. I grab his head to give him some extra support.

“See bud… no need to be scared. I’m here to help”

Earl lets go off my big member for a second to catch his breath.

“FUCK, what is going on with your dick… I… can’t stop”

He continues and I can’t help but smile cockily at the power I have over him. He seems to be a natural as my member and balls start to contract. I feel his hands grasping my ass tightly. my cape is slamming against me because of our motion. I flex my chest and biceps as I feel my balls burst. The lycra lets go off the tip off my dick and a huge superload fills Earls mouth to the brim. For a few moments I hold his head forcing him to taste it.

Earl grasps for air as I let him go. Big drips of cum splatter out of his mouth. He seems overwhelmed, like he is getting back to his normal senses.

“Thank you bud. Now I hope you have learned of our encounter here. Be a good citizen and you will be rewarded!” I say.

The lycra around my crotch seems to transform and shape back to normal wrapping my dick back inside.  I leave Earl behind 

Not long after that Rupert lands next to me, with several guns in his arms.

“I see you did good here, Sven. Got everyone who was hiding?”

“yeah, I think I did. This was amazing, Rup. I have never felt more heroic!”

“Me too man. We kick ass”

I look down at Rupert's crotch to check for signs of action. But there seem to be none.

“I got so much adrenaline I got hot. Did you get any weird side effects” I say

“Adrenaline, sure! But I don’t know what you are talking about”

So it is only me… I guess this shows who the real alpha hero is huh.

To be continued with a new chapter

by Redouant

Email: [email protected]

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