Coming Out: An after-school job leads to a sexual awakening

by WriterS456

22 Sep 2023 4494 readers Score 9.7 (76 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

My head was spinning all day Saturday with emotions. Did I really just fuck a hot football star in the locker room after a big game? And did I really do that less than a week after I was fucked by the guy I long considered the cutest in Grand Valley? I laugh at myself for having tried so hard to repress my feelings about guys. 

I head to work at Taco Casa on Sunday night. Sebastian is the manager, taking the place of Chris as he undergoes re-training. As I check in, Amber passes by and whispers that I need to check out the huge hickey on Ryan’s neck. She says Ryan won’t tell anyone who gave it to him. I smile at the memory that it was my doing as part of revenge sex at the Y for his role in Chris’ mistreatment of me. 

Ryan avoids me his whole shift, but Andrew has yet to realize the fucked-up world that Chris created has ended. 

Early in the evening, he comes up to me when I’m alone in the kitchen area. “Just because Chris isn’t here doesn’t mean you don’t have a job to do. My dick needs sucking, faggot.” I push him away, and he adds, “I’m expecting that mouth to be wrapped around my cock later.” 

The evening rush is hectic. A lot of people from nearby rural areas are stocking up for Thanksgiving. When the store quiets down, Sebastian calls me to the office and asks how the night’s going. 

I tell him Ryan is leaving me alone, but Andrew still is a jerk. He says he’s working on a plan for that and promises another surprise for me.

We hadn’t talked since the Friday night game so I tell him about Grant and me in the locker room. He laughs. He said Jamie and he went on a date Saturday night and that she told him about her suspicions. He asks if I thought more about asking Shawn out.

“I’ve never asked anyone out, Sebastian. It’s scary,” I reply. 

He says, “Welcome to real life, Matt. Dating can be scary. If you get rejected, you get back up. You and Shawn are closing with me so you have all night to work up the courage.” 

I change the subject. “So, you’re dating Jamie?” I ask. “Is she more talented than I am?”

Sebastian rolls his eyes. “It was a first date, Matt. In the straight world, you’re lucky if that ends in kissing. And, yes, we kissed. She’s very sweet. I always liked her. We just were never single at the same time before.” He smacks my ass and tells me to get back to work. 

Shawn and I are stocking the back shelves later, and I decide to go for it. 

“Hey, Shawn,” I start. “Would you like to go out Tuesday night? We could go to the mall, check out the arcade, grab something to eat and hang out." I remind him that with no school Wednesday as part of  Thanksgiving break, it’s basically a weekend night.

“Are you asking me on a date?” Shawn asks. I blush and reply: “I was thinking so … if you’re up for it.” 

Our date is set. 

As we leave the back of the store, we pass Andrew. “Fags,” he mutters. “Where’s that blowjob, Matty?” 

I push him aside and say, “I think you’re the fag. You’re the one always asking guys for sex.” 

On Tuesday, I pick up Shawn at the home of his host family. You may remember: He’s 16, a junior and an exchange student from Australia. He’s 5’8’’ with a beefy build, kind of a gymnast build, — broad in the shoulders and chest with big arms and legs. He has shaggy, sandy brown hair that hangs somewhat long.

The weatherman is predicting a frigid Thanksgiving and the front is beginning to move in. I’m in a thick hoodie, and Shawn is wearing a knit sweater. 

He jumps in my car with a wide grin and squeezes my thigh. “Hey, Matt. This is so rad. You know this is the first time anyone has asked me out?” I tell him that he looks cute in the sweater and say it’s my first date ever as well. 

We head to Midland Mall and its arcade room. We play our way through Galaga, Ms. Pac-Man, Donkey Kong and Centipede. Shawn sees the pinball machines in back, and we move to those. We’re pretty evenly matched and laughing at each other’s mistakes and good plays.  

Shawn and I have had only small conversations at work since he started, except for the discussion about what Chris forced us into doing. So as we talk and play, I’m finding Shawn’s accent endearing. To his dislike, torment and horror, I start trying to mimic it. 

“At least you aren’t calling that horrible nickname Chris gave me,” Shawn says. I look at him mischievously. “You don’t want me to call you ‘Roo?” Shawn punches me in the arm. “Don’t you dare or I’m leaving right now,” he replies. 

We head out of the arcade toward the food court. We stop at Camelot Records and flip through some of the latest albums. He points out a new INXS album and says he really likes them and that they’re from Australia. I say don’t recognize their name. He expresses dismay and begins singing Original Sin as we walk through the mall. 

You might know of the original sin

And you might know how to play with fire

But did you know of the murder committed

In the name of love? Yeah, you thought, what a pity

“You’ve never heard that?” Shawn asks. I shake my head so he keeps singing. People passing us are staring at the shaggy-haired kid with an Australian accent walking backward, loudly singing and pretending to hold a microphone. 

Dream on white boy (white boy)

Dream on black girl (black girl)

And wake up to a brand new day

To find your dreams are washed away

“Shawn!” I exclaim. “People are looking. Stop. Maybe I heard it.” The comment has the opposite effect and encourages him to keep it up.

There was a time when I did not care

And there was a time when the facts did stare

There is a dream and held by many

Well, I'm sure you had to see it's open arms

“You’re going to have to do better than 'I think I have heard it' if you expect a second date. It’s one of their most popular songs!” 

I groan, grab his hand and spin us back toward Camelot. I buy the tape. 

“Good boy,” Shawn says. “Now do you know INXS' “The One Thing?” He starts singing again as we make our second walk toward the food court. 

Well you know just what you do to me

The way you move soft and slippery

Cut the night just like a razor

Rarely talk and that's the danger 

“Shawn! I can’t buy another tape. I won’t have money for dinner.” He smiles and says, “Fine, I can keep singing it for you.” Before he can start again, I see we’re coming to Waldenbooks, and suggest we go in. “You’re just trying to get me to stop singing,” Shawn says. 

We walk a couple of the aisles. I talk about how I like mysteries, while Shawn says he’s more into adventure stories. A picture book on the U.S. gymnastic team from the summer Olympics catches both of our attention. We pick it up and flip through it. I say a photo of Mitch Gaylord on the rings is really hot. He chooses a picture of Bart Conner doing splits at the end of a floor exercise. 

We head on to the food court and agree on Nathan’s. We both order hot dogs, fries and Cokes. I tell Shawn that I’ll buy. He furtively reaches down and squeezes my hand as I pay the cashier.   

As we eat, I ask Shawn to tell me more about growing up in Australia. 

I learn Shawn’s family lives in a suburb of Sydney, both of his parents are teachers, and he has an older sister in college. His parents are very liberal and took him and his sister to Mardi Gras in the gay district once. He said he and his best friend experimented some — they jerked each other off a couple times and then they blew each other once, shortly before he left for his semester in the U.S. I ask if he thought his parents took him to Mardi Gras because they suspected he might be gay. He said he wondered that too. 

“Was it crazy?” I ask. 

“Matt, you wouldn’t believe the costumes and floats and the bodies,” he says. “It was beyond crazy!”

We finish our food and look at each other. 

“Can we go somewhere and you know — make out and stuff?” Shawn asks. 

“Fuck!” I respond. “I didn’t think this through. I don’t know where we can go.”

Shawn asks where straight teens go. I say they go to an embankment along the river south of town, but I add that it would be risky for us. We run through everything from the mall bathroom (disgusting) to an out-of-the-way corner of a city park (too cold). 

I ask about a sleepover at his sponsors’ home. Shawn says they have two kids. The boy is a sophomore at our school and has the room next to Shawn’s. Shawn says he can hear him masturbate at night so the walls are pretty thin. He said he was so mortified that he rarely jerks off as a result. 

“Your house?” Shawn asks. 

I was dreading this. It technically works. Dad built a bedroom in the otherwise unfinished basement for me. It’s private since it’s out of the way of the rest of the house. The first problem is my overly doting mother. The second problem is my dad, a Midwest version of Archie Bunker. 

I sigh. 

“OK, but I got to warn you of my parents. My mom is going to grill you with questions about school and dating. And she’s going to tell you how the world revolves around me. My dad is pretty quiet, but who knows what can come out of his mouth. He’s very blue-collar. He used to be a ranch hand and now works for a company that repairs underground pipes in small towns nearby. They also are a lot older than you’d assume. I was a late, unexpected edition to the family. Some people think my sister is my mom. She’s 10 years older than me. Dad is 64. Mom is 52.”

“I’ll be fine, Matt,” Shawn says. “My family can be mortifying, too.” 

We go to a nearby payphone. Shawn’s host family asks a lot of questions, but agree to the sleepover. Mom is overly excited. If she only knew what was going to be happening in her basement. 

We pull up at my house at about 8:30. Dad’s reading one of his Western novels, and mom is in the kitchen cleaning. We get trapped in the living room, where Shawn must tell mom his life story. Dad perks up at the mention of Australia. Oh shit, how could I forget. 

“I’ve been there,” Dad starts. “During the war, the BIG war. President Roosevelt sent me my draft notice in ’42, and I went to the Pacific to fight the Japs.” 

I interrupt, “The Japanese, dad.” 

He ignores my correction. “That’s what I said, the Japs. The Army sent me to Brisbane to mobilize and fight the Japs in New Guinea. Seen Brisbane. Also, had leave in Sydney and Melbourne. Ended up in your hoosegow a couple times. But them Aussie women are something else.”

Shawn and I are on the sofa, and he leans over and whispers, “What’s a hoosegow?” “Old-time slang for a jail,” I reply. 

Mom interrupts dad. “Now, Allen. I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to tell Shawn those sort of adventures. Shawn, I want to know more about you. Are you seeing any girls? What are you doing for college? Matt is going to study business.” 

Dad grunts, “Hell’s bells, ma. I was just trying to tell the boy that I know about Australia. There was this one night in Brisbane that you got to hear about…” 

With that, I manage to make excuses that we bought a new music album at the mall and want to listen to it. I quickly stop in the kitchen for some Cokes and rush Shawn down the basement stairs before either mom or dad can start again. 

“Hell’s bells, Matt!” Shawn says as we reach my room. “Don’t push me. I want to go back and hear how your dad ended up in the Brisbane hoosegow.” 

I put the INXS tape into my stereo. “No, you don’t. Even if you do, he will be more than willing to tell it to you tomorrow and the next time you see him and the next time you see after that. And if you really want to hear the story that badly, I can tell it to you verbatim because this would have been the 2,357th time I’ve heard it.” 

Shawn smiles at me and shoves me backward onto my bed and climbs on top of me. He begins kissing me as we caress each other. He is very passionate as a kisser. 

He looks down at me and says, “I thought you were hot since I first saw you in the back room at Taco Casa. When Chris made me strip in front of you and try on those uniforms, I was so embarrassed. I worried that I would get hard because you were watching.”

I laugh as I run my hands up his back underneath his sweater. “I guess you weren’t watching me closely because I did get hard. You looked adorable. I hated how he was tormenting you.”

Shawn squats atop my legs and starts to unzip my jeans. I stop him and say we should just make out for a while. 

Shawn looks at me worriedly. “Why?” he asks. “I know I did a horrible job sucking Chris’ dick, but I found him to be disgusting. I promise I can do better if you let me.”

I smile and reply, “No, it’s not that. Let’s just kiss for right now.”

He rolls back next to me and we start a long, deep kiss as we rub our hands through each other’s hair. As we kiss, I notice other things that make Shawn so sweet and innocent looking — his big brown eyes and thick, full eye lashes. 

Don’t get the impression that I didn’t want the blowjob, but I suspected what would happen next. 

There is a knock on my bedroom door at the top of the basement stairs and it swings open without waiting for me to answer. I quickly push Shawn off of me. Mom comes down the stairs to find us sitting and talking to each other. “Boys, I made some popcorn. I thought you might be hungry.” She sits the bowl on my bookcase.

I tell her thanks. “Don’t stay up too late,” she says. “Shawn, there’s a blanket and a pillow in Matt’s closet for you. I’m sure he has some shorts you can sleep in, too. Love you, Matt. See you both in the morning.”

Shawn stares at me in surprise. “Wow, can you tell the future or something? I would have been sucking you off if you hadn’t stopped me.” 

I sigh as I stretch back out on my bed. 

“It’s been 17 years of that. She is very loving and very possessive. But we’re in the clear now. They’ll watch the 10 o’clock news and Johnny Carson’s monologue and go to bed.” 

I give Shawn a flirtatious grin. His grin back is mischievous. 

He jumps atop me and undoes my pants and quickly pulls them and my underwear off. He throws them across the room. He takes my hardening dick in his hand, exploring its feel and shape softly with his thumb. As he watches himself rub the head of my cock, he says, “Mmmm. Matt. I already am in love with your dick.”

I take off my shirt and throw it to the floor, as he tosses to the side his knit sweater. 

He begins the most amazing blowjob ever. He starts by licking and kissing up and down my shaft and twirling his tongue around my cock head. He’s next bobbing up and down on it, alternating the strength of his grasp, the depth and the amount of tongue. 

I wrap my legs around his chest and am moaning. Sebastian said he thought I gave great blowjobs, but I think Shawn is far and away beating anything I ever did to Sebastian.

Although I try to suppress it to prevent mom from reappearing, I squeal in delight. I try to pull Shawn off. I don’t want to cum yet -- I want to pleasure him and thought we'd fuck too. He pushes me back down. 

“Matt, stop!,” Shawn says. “Let me do this. You don’t understand. You were all that got me through that time at Taco Casa. I would have called my parents and asked to go home early if it weren’t for you. I knew I could survive because of you.”

I’m in shock. I’m no hero. I caved and let Chris and his friends do whatever. How is that heroic? I relent and lay back. Shawn picks back up where he stopped, literally Hoovering my cock with his mouth. 

I’m right at the precipice. I can feel the cum flowing into my dick and preparing to squirt out. I arch my back and tighten my legs around Shawn. He doubles his effort as I begin to shoot. It seems like he’s yanking as much cum as possible out of my body, pulling it straight from my balls. He never stops drilling his mouth with my dick. 

I stifle a scream, but he doesn’t let up. He keeps milking me for more. My cock is aching and my head hyper-sensitive. Still, I keep cumming under his unrelenting effort. It seems that each additional dribble motivates him to continue. I am twisting and turning in throws of agony and ecstasy as he forces another drop out and then another drop out.

There is nothing more left. My cock quivers as it flexes and flexes only to ejaculate nothing. I let out another stifled scream as I thrust my hips upward into his mouth and clutch my bedspread underneath me tightly. Shawn stops, smiles and swirls his tongue one last time around my now-very-red head as I look up, panting. 

Shawn’s shaggy hair is disheveled, and his breathing is hard, too. “How did I do?” he asks. 

I look at him in astonishment. “I think you broke my cock. Wow!!! That was more than just good. Maybe exquisite!”

He smiles. “I wanted to show my appreciation.” 

I reply, “You have nothing to thank me for.” 

Shawn scoots up and begins nibbling on my left nipple as he continues to play with my cock, which surprisingly is still hard despite being drained. “Want to fuck me?” Shawn asks. 

I look at him sheepishly and reply, “I was really hoping you’d fuck me.” 

He grasps my nipple tightly in his teeth and tugs at it hard, making me yelp and moan. “Does it have to be one or the other?” he asks. “Can’t we fuck each other? I want you to be the first guy in me.” He takes another hard tug at my nipple to emphasize his point. 

“I guess it will be a long night,” I reply. “Dad is up at 6. He likes catching the early farm and ranch report on TV. Don’t ask.”

I grab Shawn around his chest and roll him over in my small twin-size bed. I look down at his broad, hairless chest. As much as I was turned on by Sebastian’s growth of chest hair and his hairy arms and legs, I’m also turned on by Shawn who has yet to have even a hint of a treasure trail. 

I lean down and kiss him as I grope his cock through his pants. I pin his arms above his head and lick his pits with their wisps of brown hair. I can taste the salt from the sweat he produced during his aggressive blowjob. I moan in satisfaction. Shawn giggles slightly. 

I let go of his hands and run mine over his chest, abs and arms, exploring the feel of his body. We kiss more. I grasp an ear lobe in my mouth and tug at it and then run my tongue around and into his ear. Shawn lets a moan. “Ohh, Matt, this is so hot,” he says. “I want you in me.”

I pull off his pants, briefs and socks. His huge balls hang low. His hard cock, freed from its confinement, flops against his belly. 

I gasp. “Jesus, I forgot,” I say. 

“Forgot what?” Shawn asks. “Forgot that I’m uncut?”

“No,” I reply. “I remembered that. I forgot your size.” Shawn and I have similar lengths at 7 1/2 inches, but his is massive in its girth. Even Reggie with his super-sized 9-inches wasn’t this thick. I wonder how I managed to suck it before and how I will be able to take it up my ass.

“You don’t like it?” Shawn asks with a hint of worry. 

I reply, “I love it. You are definitely going to have to go slow when you start to fuck me.” 

Shawn rubs my hair and replies, “I would never hurt you, just guide me. I haven’t … you know … done this before … either way.” 

I smile and promise.

His reddish cock head is fully exposed from its hood and glistening with pre-cum. I run my tongue lightly up his shaft several times and then suck on his nuts. I begin to finger his hairless asshole and ask him to hand me the lube from my nightstand. I add lube to my fingers and so I can prepare Shawn for his first experience of being fucked. 

Meanwhile, I’m deciding about how to address the challenge of his cock. I didn’t have time to think that night at Taco Casa as Chris barked orders at me to perform for him. 

I first begin slowly bobbing up and down on the upper portion of his dick with light pressure. I keep in mind how Shawn said his head is very sensitive when exposed. 

Shawn sights in satisfaction. 

I open wide and take in his cock until my nose is buried in the tufts of Shawn’s light brown pubes. I reflexively gag. I hold there for a moment, still gagging as I want to see how I adjust, but then I pull off some. I find that my gag reflex is really triggered about 3/4 quarters of the way down the thick shaft. His cock is covered in copious amount of saliva from my gagging. 

Using my tongue and lips in tandem, I begin rhythmically sucking up and down the length from the head to the mark I reached before gagging. Shawn is playing with my hair, running his feet up and down my legs and encouraging me on. My cock is hard and ready.

I stop and ask if I can lick and suck his head. He agrees. I grip the shaft and very lightly run the tip of my tongue first around the edge of the head and then over its under side before I flick it against the glands itself. I then wet my lips and lightly bob down on the head. 

“Ohh, Matt,” he says. “Yes! Yes!”

With my other hand, I’ve managed to coax two fingers inside his hole, loosen up the sphincter muscles and rub against his prostate. I ask if he’s ready. “Please,” he says. “Yes. Take me.”

We talk for a minute about how to do it as I lube my cock. He spreads his thighs and wraps his legs around my waist. We kiss as the tip of my head presses against his virgin entrance. Shawn lets out a deep breath and sighs as I push myself into him. He rakes his fingers down my back as I pause to allow him adjust. 

“Wow, Matt,” he says. “Wow. You feel so good inside me!” 

We kiss more as I slowly fuck him. He lets out a long, deep moan. The INXS tape ran out long ago and the stereo switched to a music station. It should drown out our noise, and my parents shouldn’t hear anyway from their bedroom upstairs at the other end of the house. 

I slowly, rhythmically plow in and out of Shawn. His hole is tight and feels so good squeezed around my dick. The two of us have never stopped kissing. Shawn is such a great kisser. 

“Oh, Matt,” he moans. “This is more than I ever imagined. What you are doing to me … my body is feeling something new and special.”

I take his legs and move them to my shoulders. I pick up my pace slightly, but it’s still not a hard-core fuck. I run my hands from his ankles up to his knees, feeling his calves and the fine, light hair that covers them. 

I notice a puddle of pre-cum has developed around his navel as his cock leaks in excitement. I scoop it up and have him lick it off my finger. I let his legs drop back around my hips and lean in to kiss more. I tell him that I’m close to cumming again. I ask what he wants me to do. 

“Cum in me, Matt,” he says. “I want to feel you cum in me.”

I press forward deeply and let out a loud grunt as I shoot. I quiver as I fire several times into Shawn. I pull out and collapse on his chest. Shawn runs his hands over my sweaty back and is nuzzling my neck with his lips. We lie still and collect ourselves. 

“I don’t know of anyone I’d rather have lost my virginity to, Matt,” Shawn says as he traces his fingers over my chest. “You felt so good in me. You were so gentle.” 

“You were so incredible, too, Shawn,” I reply. 

“Do you really want me to fuck you, Matt?” Shawn asks. “I’ve never done it.”

I blush. “I’m barely more experienced than you. The first time I did anything other than jerk off was less than two months ago.” I pause and then add, “Mom always said I’m a fast learner.” We laugh.

“You’re going to have to teach me to top just like you taught me take your dick,” Shawn says as he plays with my now-limp dick and balls. 

I squeeze some lube onto a couple of my fingers and scoot between his legs. As I suck his cock again, I finger my own hole with the lube. I think I’ve sufficiently loosened myself and squeeze more lube into my hand and coat his dick with it. 

I decide the best way to start might be with me in control. I sit astride Shawn’s hips, looking down into his face as I position his cock to impale me. I let out a deep breath and push myself downward. My hole gives a little but not enough, and I’m in pain. I back up, let out another deep breath and try again to the same effect. 

Shawn is looking up at me puzzled, and I’m mortified. 

“I need some help, Shawn,” I say and roll off him. He asks me what he can do, and I explain that I need him to loosen me up more I did on my own. I tell him how to take the lube and massage my hole with his fingers. 

“Why didn’t you ask me to start with?” Shawn asks. I reply, “I guess I was embarrassed to suggest that you finger my asshole.” Shawn messes up my hair. “That was silly.”

He follows my instructions with the lube while also fondling my nuts. I’m trying to concentrate on breathing control of my sphincter, but am also enthralled with the feel of his fingers loosening my ass. 

We get back into position. I again place his dick at the entrance to my ass and push myself down onto it. I won’t say it was easy. It felt like I was shoving a thick vegetable into me. But I manage. I’m sitting on top of Shawn and can feel his pubes brush against my ass, the thick cock deep inside me. 

Using my leg and hips, I begin riding up and down on his dick with it stretching and tugging at my hole with each movement. Shawn and I are moaning in unison. Shawn rubs my chest and thighs and watches my dick and balls bounce in front of him. Despite the two mind-blowing orgasms I’ve already had, my dick is getting hard again as a result of the stimulation of my prostate. 

I stop for a moment and lean forward to brace my hands against the wall behind my bed, angling myself over Shawn. I start up again, thrusting myself down up and on his dick rapidly. “Oh, fuck!” I scream. We exchange a worried look and stop so we can listen if we awakened my parents. 

Before I pick back up, I tell Shawn I want him to do something. “Figure out my pattern and thrust yourself upward with your hips as you feel me thrusting downward. It will hammer your dick into me harder.”

We start. Damn, it’s hot. My ass is being brutalized. I’m biting my lip to suppress my loud moans.

Shawn is whispering, “Oh, my God. Oh, my God.” We keep going and going with me slamming myself downward and Shawn thrusting upward until he announces he is getting close. 

I want more, though, and tell him so. I pull off and rest next to him. We kiss and I ask if he’d like to try a different position. He jumps at the chance and asks what. I suggest I bend over the end of the bed and that he take charge from behind. 

We get up, and I position my butt at the end of the mattress with my legs spread slightly. Shawn lines up behind me and pushes his cock into my ass. It slides it with little difficulty given the pounding my ass has already taken. 

“Ohh, Matt,” Shawn exclaims. “The feel of my dick going into you!” 

Shawn takes hold of my hips and begins a slow fuck along the lines of how I earlier fucked him. I look back and say, “Shawn, harder. Fuck me hard.” He replies, “Are you sure?” I respond, “Yes. Pound my ass!”

He says OK and begins fast, strong, deep thrusts into my ass. I stifle what was about to be a loud moan or scream and reach over the side of the bed and grab a pair of underwear. They’re Shawn’s. I shove them into my mouth so I keep quiet. 

Shawn is grunting and picking up both speed and power in his efforts. He leans over my back, laces his fingers in mine and nibbles at my neck as he assaults my ass. 

I can’t believe what is about to happen. My dick has long been fully back to life and I feel a hands-free ejaculation building. I growl and grunt into Shawn’s underwear and fire off my third load of the night onto the blanket underneath me. 

My sphincter reflexively tightens around Shawn’s cock as I shoot. Shawn breathlessly whispers “Oh, fuck!” into my ear as he feels the tight grip on his shaft. He grunts and thrusts quickly forward. I feel my insides bathed in his cum. That’s followed by another grunt and thrust and another and another as he launches more and more of his seed into me. 

Shawn collapses atop me and then pulls us off the bed so we fall to the floor beside each other. We rest there, kissing, wrapped in each other’s bodies. 

“How was I as a top?” Shawn asks. 

“The absolute worse!” I exclaim. 

Shawn lightly slaps my face. “And, I think you’re a bad liar.”

I pull him up off the floor and give him a kiss. “Shawn, you were fantastic.” 

We take a quick shower to clean up and then climb into my bed naked. Since it’s a small twin, we basically intertwine ourselves looking at each. We talk and talk — movies, music, school, Australia, the United States, our future dreams, and replays of our favorite moments of the night. We eventually fall asleep in each other’s arms. 

by WriterS456

Email: [email protected]

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