Col and Andri: The Vanna Stallions

by Voron Forest

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A Night for Love

An evening camp by a freshwater lagoon on the High Plateau provided a welcome resting place for the small company of five. The horse groom, Keven, felt a barely suppressed excitement. He glanced beside him at his new friend, Gethen, the younger of their two guards. After a lifetime of being heterosexual, Keven was finally embracing another part of himself: one that was highly attracted to Gethen.

“Are you ready to do it tonight?” Gethen asked as they walked towards Col, Horsemaster and leader in their journey.

“Yes. I admit I’m nervous, Gethen, but so far, we have only pleasured each other with our mouths and hands. Tonight, I really want you to take my ass.”

Gethen laughed. “Anticipation makes it sweeter.”

Col was filing a slight tear in the hoof of a tall, gleaming black horse. Her name was Kalo, and she belonged to Andri, Col’s lover. The two men approached and waited patiently until Col was finished. He straightened and wiped his hands on a cloth.

“So you’ve come for some assistance, Keven?”

“Yes. Gethen and I have decided tonight is the right time for me to lose my virginity, so to speak. You said you would help us prepare.”

“Of course, Kev. Come on to the fire, and I will get some gear. Gethen, did you bring your squeeze bottle?”

The guard reached into a shoulder bag, pulled out a leather bladder with a bone nozzle, and silently held it up.

“Good. And I have a spare one for you, Keven.”

Andri was seated at the fire and helped Col fill a collapsible bucket with hot water, adding a little liquid from a small bottle. “Saponica flower extract,” Andri announced. “I’ll fetch more water and heat it. Now that we have a plentiful water source again, Col and I can also wash and prepare for later.”

“Are you always so thorough?” Keven asked curiously.

Andri explained, “It’s Geraint’s teaching of both Col and myself, and now we pass the old Warrior’s habits on to you. He constantly would say, ‘A clean camp is a happy camp.’ Off you go!”

Keven, Col and Gethen walked to a spot where a large boulder sheltered them from the wind.

As the two men stripped, Keven glanced self-consciously at Col, who noticed his hesitation.

“Nothing to be shy about, Kev. You know I won’t tease you about this. Just think of it as animal care, which I guess it is.” Col gave Keven an encouraging smile while filling a squeeze bottle with hot water. “Just bend over, I’ll apply it, and you hold it in as long as you can. Then we repeat the process until you’re clean.”

“Guess it’s time to ‘bite the arrow,’” Keven said, complying. “But next time, Gethen and I can assist each other.”

Col brought out lubricant and poured some on the bottle’s long nozzle before inserting it into Keven’s ass. The expected action ensued, and Col used the bottle again. He noticed Keven’s cock became hard as he pushed the nozzle in for the second time. After a few repeats, he declared that Keven was done. Then it was Gethen’s turn. Afterwards, the three young men walked to the lagoon, where Col fetched a bucket of cold water so Gethen and Keven could wash their bodies.

Keven still felt somewhat embarrassed. “This hardly makes ass-fucking a spontaneous event.”

But Gethen responded, “Let’s think of it as a ritual. I know you will want to have me retake your ass after this first time, and we can make preparation part of the build-up to it.”

“It’s already working,” Keven replied. “My cock is still hard.”

*    *    *

The older guard, Aled, stood at the fire when the three returned. Seeing Gethen’s expression, he said, “Don’t be concerned. It’s quiet out there. I’m just checking in. You have plenty of time before the watch change. Go enjoy yourselves!”

“Come on, Keven. The tent is waiting.” Gethen took the young horse groom by his hand and led him away.

Once inside the tent, the two men undressed again. The evening light was fading, so Gethen set up a small orb, illuminating the tent with a pale, green-white glow.

“I want to see you, and I want you to see me when we fuck. Nervous? Don’t be. I remember my first time, and I will go slow. You can tell me when to pause and when to move. But first, let’s warm up a little. Move closer.”

Keven shifted until Gethen could put his arms around him. They kissed slowly, tasting each other, mouths open and tongues twining lightly. Gethen reached up and stroked Keven’s face.

“You told me you couldn’t stop thinking about sucking my cock. Well, I haven’t stopped anticipating what this night will be like. You really make me aroused, you know that? Feel my cock: it’s getting hard for you.”

Keven reached out and ran his fingers along the rigid member that dripped with pre-cum. Gethen had a handsome cock, with a slight upcurve and a helmet-head. Dipping his fingers in the pre-cum, Keven then grasped the shaft and manipulated it back and forth, sliding the soft skin over the rigid muscle beneath. Gethen moaned and kissed his friend harder, seizing Keven’s loose curls and pressing his head close as his kiss deepened, so he could not escape.

Keven did not stop stroking his new lover as their kissing continued until Gethen pulled back, telling the groom, “Kneel face down. I want to lick you first.”

Slightly puzzled, Keven complied. Was Gethen going to lick his balls? He felt hands grasp his buttocks, and then, to his shock, he felt a very wet, hot tongue tease his anus. It licked him slowly and probed the opening. Keven was immediately captivated by the sensations. No one had ever licked his ass, certainly not the women he had habitually had sex with. He was lucky to get them to suck cock. But this . . .this felt amazing. But the tongue could not probe deep enough: he wanted something more!

“Gethen? I am so ready to have your cock in my ass. Do me, please.”

“You’re absolutely sure? It might hurt at first, though it won’t be so bad if you can just breathe through it and relax your muscles.”

“Just go ahead,” Keven begged.

*    *    *

At the fire, Col and Andri were alone. They were in no rush to retire to their tent. There were things on Col’s mind.

“This is the way I came when I left my family to find you. It’s a good route, and I discovered a shortcut that will bring us close to the Redstone road. We turn off to the cut tomorrow,” said Col.

“Are there any habitations along the way?” Andri asked.

“There are a few crofter’s huts: one place keeps mountain goats, another is a forester’s holding: an older man and his adult relative—son or nephew, I’m not sure which. I stopped there on my journey to find you; they were hospitable. We will stop there again.”

“The five of us, plus animals, would strain anyone’s hospitality,” commented Andri.

“I’ll ask our guards to hunt for us when we’re there. Maybe they can get a deer. Aled, in particular, is an accomplished hunter,” Col mused. “Anyway, how is your shoulder from where the Shadow King touched you?”

Andri shrugged. “There’s no pain in it. But there must be a purpose in Arawn’s action.”

“Maybe we should try to contact Brynnan to find out. If anyone knows the Grey King’s mind, he does,” suggested Col.

“It sounds like Brynnan has withdrawn from active participation in life’s challenges.,” said Andri. “It worries me. Perhaps we should hold off until we meet with Geraint at Redstone Holding. He can tell us about Brynnan. Anyway, let’s change the subject. I wonder how Keven is making out with Gethen?”

*    *    *

Gethen and Keven were indeed ‘making out.’ Keven knelt on all fours, passively waiting for Gethen’s hard cock. He felt the slippery wetness of lubricant dripping over his ass and then the touch of Keven’s finger. It probed the opening and slipped inside without undue difficulty. The young groom’s cock twitched in response, and the sphincter muscles clenched involuntarily around the finger.

“It’s alright, Keven. Just relax. I’m going to use more fingers now . . .”

Two, then three coned fingers penetrated. Keven sighed as they were very slowly thrust in and out.

“Oh . . .That’s starting to feel good,” Keven sighed. Then he uttered an involuntary cry, which he cut off. “Do that again. What did you—?”

“You mean, touch your prostate? Wait ‘till you feel my cock do that!”

Gethen thrust his fingers deeper, gently rotating his wrist, manually fucking Keven’s ass. He added more lubricant until it dripped onto the towel he had placed over the bed roll. He paused long enough to slick up his cock with the lotion. Holding it, he rubbed the glans over the opening of the pink, fresh hole. Then he pushed.

“Open up to me, Kev. I’ll pause once I’m in.”

Keven consciously relaxed. As the head moved into the opening, he felt a sharp ache. Before he could protest, the restriction eased, and the cock was in.

Gethen held it there to allow Keven time to process the new sensations. He felt the rectal passage ease open, and he pushed again. This time, his cock slid in deep. Again he paused and held still, feeling Keven’s muscles flex and then convulse tightly. Keven gasped, then suddenly, he was able to relax.

“I’m ready, Gethen. Move in me, take me,” he pled.

And Gethen did. Slowly, he thrust in and out, then his pacing increased, and he began to fuck his new lover with true purpose. Soon, his hips battered against Kevin’s ass, and his cock reamed into him hard.

“Cum in me!” Keven groaned in the lust and the ecstasy that was consuming him.

“You want my seed inside you?” Gethen reaffirmed.


“It’s cumming now!”

Gethen’s hands bruised Keven’s ass with their tight grip as the guard ejaculated, his cum surging into the passage he claimed as his. They collapsed onto the bedding together, with Gethen draped over the young groom’s back. Breathing slowed, heartbeats quieted, and muscles relaxed. But Gethen was not done.

“Roll over, Keven. Let me at your cock, and I’ll finish you!”

Keven wordlessly complied, then once again sank into lust and longing. Gethen moved down on him and took Keven’s cock in his mouth, sucking with intense sensuality. It didn’t take long for the groom to cum. Keven bucked and pressed Gethen’s head into his groin as the hot cream spurted into the mouth of the man loving him so passionately. Then they could rest together.

*    *    *

Aled rode into the camp. His watch was over, but Gethen wasn’t waiting to take his place. He approached Andri and Col, and Col spoke to him.

“I believe they have just finished,” he said. “Spirits of Night! Are Andri and I that noisy?”

“Occasionally,” Aled said as his usually sober expression lapsed into a smile. “I had better go and rouse him.”

Col looked Aled in the eye with a deliberate expression. “I helped Keven get prepared for this night’s event. And Gethen got washed out, too. Why don’t I look after your horse? I'll saddle Gethen’s horse for him and take a quick turn around camp while we wait.”

Understanding dawned in Aled’s eyes. “I’d be grateful if you could do that for me. I’ll take that bucket of water with me, so Gethen and I both can have a quick wash.”

“Go ahead, but send the bucket back with Gethen when you’re finished, and he can fill it.  Andri and I still have to get a quick clean-out and bath. We feel somewhat inspired!” he grinned.

But Andri picked up his lap harp and began to play an overly-romantic ballad called, ‘A Night for Love.’ Col hit him.

Shaking his head but smiling, Aled walked off to his and Gethen’s tent. When he drew open the tent flap, he was met with the sight of his fellow guard embracing a sleeping Keven.

“I’m sorry, Aled. Looks like I got carried away!” Gethen explained. “I’ll be out directly.”

“Hold your horses! No need to hurry. Col is standing in for us, so we have a little time. I brought water so we can wipe off.”

Gethen gently disentangled himself from Keven and slipped out of the tent, where he submitted to a wet washcloth, then did the same for Aled.

Back inside the tent, Keven had awakened. He started as he saw Aled and attempted to cover his nakedness; then he realized how foolish it was. His eyes widened as he noticed Aled was naked, too.


“Relax,” said Gethen. “Aled has come to join us. Col is taking over for me for a little while. Will it bother you if Aled and I indulge ourselves? I need to have my own ass fucked, but I think you and I should wait until I teach you to do it to me.”

“No, please go ahead. You have been so good to me. Naturally, I want you to be satisfied. Besides, it will be instructive for me to watch.”

So Keven got to see firsthand how Aled and Gethen aroused each other before Gethen lay on his back, raising his legs over his new partner’s shoulders. Now it was Aled that poured the lubricant on the younger guard’s waiting rectum. Keven saw how Aled used his fingers, then gasped as the older guard’s whole hand slowly pushed inside.

Aled gently rotated his wrist as he thrust his hand deeper in and out, making Gethen moan in desire. He was fucking Gethen with his fist! Then he withdrew his hand, taking its place with his hard cock. This was larger and thicker than Gethen’s, straight and patterned with pronounced veins, the head of it large and darker than the shaft. Aled grasped it, pulling the foreskin back. He smoothly pushed it directly into Gethen’s waiting ass.

As Aled began to thrust, Keven moved close and reached out to take hold of Gethen’s cock, which was now hard again and dripping copiously with pre-cum. Aled glanced at the young groom with approval as Keven began to squeeze and manipulate the cock.

“Both of you: don’t stop!” moaned Gethen, stroking Keven’s face with his hand and pushing his fingers in the groom’s mouth.

Keven sucked on the fingers as he jerked off Gethen’s cock. He could feel his own cock getting hard again, overwhelmed by the sensuality of it all.

Gethen was also overwhelmed. As Aled pounded his ass, he cried out, “I’m cumming!” and ejaculated forcefully over his chest and stomach, strands of milky semen weaving their unique pattern on his skin.

The sight triggered Aled’s orgasm. He groaned as he shoved in hard and tensed, muscles tightening, buttocks clenching as he, too, shot his load.

 But they were not able to rest. Aled slapped Gethen’s ass as he pushed him away. “Now get dressed, you, and go take your turn at watch,” he growled.

Gethen kissed Keven, then Aled, as he stood and picked up his clothing. “Don’t behave yourselves, you two,” he said and winked at Keven before leaving the tent.

Aled regarded Keven, who lay on his side, still sporting a substantial erection. “Now, lad: do you want me to suck you off and give you some release? Gethen wouldn’t want to leave you suffering. Or do you want to sleep?”

Keven was cast into a dilemma. He and Gethen had not yet pledged to each other as lovers, but he didn’t want to appear ungrateful.

“I want to sleep,” he announced. “But I don’t think I will object if someone sucks my cock in the night . . .”

Aled laughed. “Then relax, and I’ll warm your back while I wait for you to fall asleep. But I’m not going to wait for too long!”

*    *    *

Andri took note when Gethen came out of the tent and walked into the darkness, carrying a small orb for light. In a short time, he returned, newly dressed and walking beside Col, who was riding Gethen’s horse.

Col dismounted, handing the reins to Gethen and taking the bucket. They had quiet words together, and Gethen laughed. Then he rode into the night.

“Now it’s our turn,” Col announced to Andri. “I still have our orb light. Let’s go wash.”

Afterwards, in their tent, they stripped. After some initial kissing and fondling, Col asked Andri what he would like to do next. In response, Andri dramatically placed a hand over his heart and began to sing the ballad, ‘A Night for Love,’ in a deep, rich voice while gazing soulfully into Col’s eyes.

This time, Col didn’t hit him: his expression turned lascivious, and he smiled.

*    *    *

To be continued . . .