Cigars and Balloons

by Rex

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As a teenager I grew up on a tobacco farm in Tennessee. Our family made our living raising tobacco and each fall when we went to market I was amazed the money my grandpa and my dad was paid in cash. My mom strongly advised me not to smoke, dip, chew etc.... Every now and then I’d sneak off and dip especially when I was fishing with my cousin Owen.

I had a part time job at a local drugstore. My family knew the pharmacists and I had expressed an interest in going to college to major in biology and eventually go to pharmacy school.

One day I waited on a customer who was dressed in a leather bikers jacket, chain on his jeans that attached to his wallet. I knew at an early age I liked men. The Marlboro man was my secret stud crush. This guy approached the counter and asked for Don. Don was the owner and was a great guy. I knew he liked scotch, cigars and he looked at Playboy and Penthouse magazines in the restroom in the back for just employees. Don came around from the back counter and spoke to the guy in leather. I was introduced to Fred, the man in leather. He reached in his vest pocket and handed Don a couple of cigars. This was 1974 so drug stores sold cigarettes, cigars, etc...I sold White Owl cigars to many customers. Fred handed Don a cigar that was thicker than anything I had ever seen or what we sold at the drug store. Don told me Fred was ex military and had lots of connections from friends who traveled. I later learned that a Churchill was referring to Winston Churchill. The more I was around these men I learned a great deal about cigars. Babe Ruth enjoyed cigars. Red Auerbach smoked cigars as victory cigars. I went to the public library and searched information about President Kennedy...Fidel Castro and Cuban cigars. Every time Fred was around I’d share what I had read about cigars, tobacco and was interested in powerful men who enjoyed cigars. One day my uncle noticed some of my notes, pictures, and research. As I was putting my books away and getting ready to wash up he told me I needed to smoke a good cigar with him on Saturday and learn how to have fun with a cigar. I had no clue what he was referring to but my uncle was a stud and I was eager to learn. On Saturday I got permission to go fishing with my uncle. I told him about Don liking cigars and that Fred always smelled like cigar smoke. My uncle Albert had three cigars in his truck. He showed me how to cut the tip about the size of a dime, how to light a cigar in a circular motion using matches not a lighter. He also showed me how to puff and make smoke rings. I was loving everything. He stood close to me....demonstrating how to pinch a cigar with my index finger and thumb. He stressed not to pinch too tight to restrict the air flow. During this time we were sitting on the tailgate of his Dodger pickup. He sat should to shoulder to beside me. Handed me a PBR and we just had a relaxing afternoon. Albert jumped up, unzipped his jeans and started to piss. I wanted to look but i wasn’t sure. He winked at me and have looked at my crotch all afternoon. I blushed. He smiled and said get over here. He commanded me to take out his balls and hold his cock while he pissed. While I was holding his dick he continued to puff on his cigar. He turned his head facing me and blew the smoke in my face. As he did this he directed me to start stroking his dick. He had a thick uncut pecker and damn it felt good in my hand. He positioned his cigar to the corner of his mouth and continued puffing. He reached over and put his large hand on the back of my neck. He looked at me...with a stern voice he said....”put my cock in your mouth, now!” I immediately did as I was told. I had jacked off with buddies in high school and my cousin who lived with us on the farm who had returned from Vietnam. However, an older man had never expressed a need , want, desire to fuck my face. Damn...I loved it. His semi-hard dick grew in my mouth. He placed both hands on my head and held my head and fucked my face. His low hanging balls slapped up against my chin that was wet from slobbering spit. Eventually he shot his load down my throat. I stalled every drop. The next thing that happened was he unzipped my jeans...put my ass on the back of his trucks tailgate and he was licking my balls. He was still puffing on his cigar and told me to puff mine and blow smoke rings. Fuck....I shot my load in no time. As we finished up he gave me some mouthwash to rinse my mouth. He was worried my mom would be upset if she smelled beer or tobacco on my breathe. I was on cloud nine loving everything I had done with my uncle.

A couple of weeks later Fred, the leather guy came to the pharmacy. I will stocking shelves and he stood and talked to me. I told him my uncle had given me a cigar, taught me how to cut it and how to puff on it to keep a continuous draw while smoking a cigar. I was trying to act more grown up and he looked at me and winked. He walked in the back and told Don about my big talk and they had a talk......Don called me back to the office and said Fred wants to take you for a ride on his motorcycle and offer me a really good cigar. I was excited like a kid at Christmas. I took off my work apron and followed Fred to his bike. He rode a Harley Fatboy. He gave me a helmet, strapped it on ...making sure the strap under my chin wasn’t too tight. Holy hell between the leather and his Brut cologne I was started to get hard. As I climbed on his bike he turned and in a very authoritative voice told me to hold on to him tight. Fuck...I loved it. We rode through the country and pulled into a side gravel road. He slowed down while on the gravel driveway. The vibrating sensation of his motorcycle underneath my dick hard pressing against his ass I was in trouble. When he stopped the motorcycle and tuned it off he stood near as I got off the bike. He undid the chin strap and took the helmet off my head. He looked at me and said...I could tell you enjoyed riding my hog. I just about shot my load in my white fruit of the loom briefs.

We entered his home though a side barn door. He had restored a small barn and created a big open space that was very unique. He had a cool jukebox, an old fashion barber shop chair. He went to the room off to the back and returned with a box of items. He poured me shot glass of Jack Daniels and handed me a coke out of his fridge. The next thing he did surprised me...he handed me a plastic bag of balloons. Now keep in 1974 there were no party supply stores such as Party City. He asked me to blow up three balloons. A red one, a yellow one and a green one. The colors of a stop light. I did thinking...maybe he’s going to have a party later. Little did I know....I would be attending his party. As we talked he was kind, gentle and calm with his voice. We cut our cigars and he used a torch to fire up our cigars. He lit his cigar and handed it to me. Damn...what a sexy image. Fred talked about his career in the service. He had served as an FBI agent and was secret service to President Johnson after Kennedy was killed. I was so intrigued with his home, story, his strong body. He then changed the conversation and asked me if loud noises bothered me. Asked me if like to hunt., reply was no...I was raised hunting, firing a rifle, etc... I though we were going to go outside and have target practice. Fred walked over to me. Handed me a ballon and told me to hold it in front of my jeans. He placed it at my crotch. He got down on one knee puffing on his cigar and slowly positioned his cigar inches from the balloon. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Slowly he puffed in a drag of his cigar and leaned toward me and his cigar touched the balloon was it was a loud sound and the sensation of the pop at my crotch was interesting. He stood up and Jonathan you do the exact same thing to me. I didn’t think anything of it, however, I turned and Fred had unzipped his jeans aNd pulled down his boxers. His cock was hard and he positioned the balloon tight against his cock. Holy mother of god I was in a trance. His dick was thick, uncut, as big as a flashlight....and leaking. I did exactly as I recalled what he had done when he popped my balloon with his cigar. Fred told me red, yellow and green were safe words. Anytime I wanted to stop...say the word. As I got my balloon close to his dick he took my hands and rubbed the Balloon over his cockhead. I could hear the squeaking sound of the latex and see the slick precum from his dick on the balloon. As I was on my knees holding the balloon Fred moved the balloon and rubbed his cockhead on my lips and I tasted his precum. He then raised the ballon to his mouth and licked his precum off the balloon. I was my turn to use a cigar to burst his balloon. I swear I jumped and he chuckled because I was startled. We took a break. Enjoyed out cigar and our drinks. As he continued to tell me stories about how he leaned to play with balloons and sex it was when he was on assignment with the secret service. He went to his room and came out with a large balloon bigger than a beach ball. I had never seen a balloon like that. He placed the balloon in the seat of the barber chair. He placed my ass over the balloon and rubbed his cock over my hole. He told me if he fucked me on the balloon and the balloon didn’t pop I would be rewarded. It was exciting, a challenge and an amazing challenge. He rimmed my ass with the balloon under me. My dick and balls felt good under the large balloon. He used baby oil to lube my ass. The dripping baby oil felt phenomenal around my balls and dick. As he fucked me and I was sliding my junk against the balloon I shot a thick creamy load on the balloon. Once he realized I had cum he fucked me deeper. He pulled out and shot his load over my balls. He then placed the cum covered balloon between our bellies and he popped the balloon. God almighty. As a seventeen year old boy I was totally speechless. He took me by the hand...lead me to his bathroom and we took a shower together. Afterward I offered to clean up...however, he refused. He said he wanted to see it on the floor, chair for a couple of days. When I got home that night my mom told me Don came by. He told her I forgot my paycheck. I opened the envelope. Apparently Fred added to my payday. I typically earned sixty dollars every two weeks for working part time at the drug store. Fred had given Don a separate envelope to put in my pay. I was shocked to discover three one hundred dollar bills. Each bill had a word on it with a note. Red, yellow and green. Three days later when I stopped by the drug store Don asked me if I had a good time with Fred. I told him I definitely enjoyed myself. Don winked and said next time he was going to join us. I played with Fred many times. After a couple of sessions of Don watching I told Fred I only wanted our balloon-cigar fetish to be just between us. To this day when I smell a cigar or see balloons at a party my mind goes back to those years between high school and college when Fred trained me to explore my own fetish. I’ve discovered feet and enjoy being toe fucked. Sometimes I’ll tie a balloon to my cock and just watch it float around while my submissive is licking my balls as I‘m smoking a Romeo y Julietas. For my fifth birthday I received a package from an Alexandra, Virginia address. It was bottle of bourbon, a cutter and an engraved lighter and a travel humidor. I definitely enjoy these gifts and being afforded these indulgences.