The Lawnboys

by LaidBackCoolGuy

28 Dec 2020 2690 readers Score 9.2 (43 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Checking In On O'Shaughnessey

Just after lunch, Tuesday 1:05 pm

O’Shaughnessey was another of Grandad’s old friends, in fact probably his best friend. He lost his wife about a year ago and until that time, seemed to be doing just fine. Though he had had his eightieth birthday some years ago, he was “as fit as a fiddle,” his words. With Gracie gone, however, all the spirit blew right out of him. Now, of all Grandad’s old friends, John was the one Collins made sure he visited at least twice a week. The visits seemed to brighten up his day, at least for a little while. When Collins arrived, John always shared a shot of Jameson waiting. Sharing good whiskey always sweetened the pot for Collins, making his visits a little easier after a long day, hard at work.

On this particular Tuesday, Collins seemed to have run over a nail near a construction site on his way to one of his client’s homes. He walked the rest of the way and was able to use Mrs. Deardon’s phone to get a hold of Kev, through Gert at the store, asking him to go over to O’Shaughnessey’s house and explain why he wouldn’t be there this afternoon. He needed to get this tire fixed.

Kev didn’t mind. He knew of Mr. O’Shaughnessey through his older brothers. They all worked for the O’Shaughnessey Construction Company as younger men. Each had his own hilarious story to tell about some antics they got involved in and how John managed it. He was a strong authority figure but he also had a great sense of humor. And a love of his alcohol.

During the school year, Kev coached several sports at the high school. But during the summers, he was one of Collins' Lawnboys. He loved being outdoors and he also loved hanging around with his former students who got the coveted jobs working for Collins. He and another fellow teacher and coach, Colin, each had two or three guys helping out as they took care of their clients' lawns.

Kev dropped off the two guys, who were working with him today, so they could get started on the next lawn and told them he’d be back after he delivered Collins’ message to Mr. O’Shaughnessey. He pulled up in front of the big Victorian house on the North Side and hustled up to the front porch. He rang the bell and waited.

Soon a loud voice bellowed out from inside, “What are you doing ringing my doorbell?”

This shook Kev up a little. ‘What the hell?’ he wondered.

Then another bellow, “Get your ass in here, Collins!”

‘Ah,’ thought Kev, ‘he thinks I’m the boss.’

Kev reached for the screen door handle and pulled it open. As he stepped into the front hallway he hollered, “Hiya, Mr. O'Shaughnessey. It's me, Kevin O'Leary. Collins asked me to drop by and give you a message."

There was some movement at the top of the staircase leading down into the main hallway. A few loud creaks more and Kev saw a slippered foot descending the steps until there was a bare calf, then the bottom of a robe, and finally there stood Mr. O’Shaughnessey, looking like he just came out of the shower.

“Who are you young man?” asked O’Shaughnessey.

“I’m Kevin O’Leary. I work for Collins’ Lawncare. Collins had a flat tire on his truck this morning. He asked me to drop by and let you know he wouldn’t be coming by this afternoon.”

“Ah, I see now.” Mr. O’Shaughnessey looked disappointed, but only momentarily. He brightened up and grinned down at Kev’s face. Then he turned and started back up the stairs. Calling out over his shoulder he said, “Well you better come on up here, then young man.” And he disappeared upstairs.

Kev was confused. ‘What’s he want with me upstairs? I’ve got three more lawns to mow.’ But knowing Mr. O’Shaughnessey was a long time, wealthy client, he figured he'd best do what the man said. He kicked off his boots, like every Minnesotan does before entering someone’s house, and hurried up the stairs after him.

At the top of the stairs, there was a huge palladium window looking out over the backyard gardens. Kev was taken by how beautiful they were. “In here, my boy,” came Mr. O’Shaughnessey’s booming voice. Kev turned to see him standing in a large oak door frame. Then he vanished inside.

The room was a large, beautifully appointed men's study. Along the entire wall to his left was floor to ceiling bookshelves, chock full of books, framed photos, and the odd bric-a-brac. Straight ahead was a huge oak desk. Kev had never seen a piece so large before. And to his right were three large windows, all looking out over the splendid backyard gardens. In front of these windows were three leather copper-colored chesterfield loveseats, each with stunning gold jacquard pillows with gold, burgundy, and deep orange colored tassels. Kev had never seen a room like this and was quite nervous about stepping inside, given his grass-stained work clothes.

“Oh don’t be shy. Come right in,” said a smiling O'Shaughnessey.

“But I’m all dirty from working,” Kev apologized.

“Nonsense. With Collins not here, who’s going to share my afternoon imbibements?” He held up two old fashioned glasses each with about an inch worth of something golden in it.

Kev didn’t move. He wasn’t convinced this was a good idea, no matter what the man said. “I’ve still got three more lawns to take care of and my crew…”

O'Shaughnessey, “Here you are, my boy, a little something to help the afternoon go by a whole lot better.” He handed Kev the glass, clinked it with his own, and said, “Drink up there Kev, especially if you have work to get back to.”

Kev took a sip and coughed. ‘Man oh man, what is this stuff?’

Almost like he heard Kev’s thought, O'Shaughnessey commented, “The finest Irish whiskey of course.”

Kev looked back stunned. ‘O my god, I’ll be drunk in no time.’

Grabbing Kev’s elbow, O'Shaughnessey led him to the loveseat directly facing the backyard. “Sit here.” When he saw Kev’s hesitation he added, “You’re not going to hurt anything. What’s a little dirt, eh?”

O'Shaughnessey sat, pulling Kev down next to him. He turned to face Kev and as he did, his loosely tied robe opened, revealing his naked body beneath. He scooted his right leg up, resting it on the sofa, and began asking Kev all kinds of questions. "How long have you been working for Collins?" "Just the summers?" "What do you do otherwise?" "You like coaching, don't you?" "What sports did you play in school?" "Looks like you could play anything you wanted, eh?" "Are you married?" "Kids yet?" "How do you like the whiskey?”

Kev was overwhelmed by non-stop questions. He answered as quickly as he could, not wanting to waste time with too much detail. He tried to be polite by sipping his drink between questions. O'Shaughnessey seemed to have already finished his. ‘O god, he can’t want another one, can he?’

And with that thought, O'Shaughnessey said, "I see you're still nursing your first one. I'm ready for a second." With that, he stood. His robe opened fully and whirled around him as he turned toward the cocktail cart next to the window. He dropped a couple of ice cubes in his empty glass and poured a generous shot of whiskey over. He glanced over his shoulder and said, "You said you played football, correct?”

Kev looked up and blurted, “Yes, sir, I did.”

“Come here,” called O'Shaughnessey. “Let me show you something.”

Slowly Kev got up and walked toward O'Shaughnessey who had moved to a glass-encased etagere, filled with trophies, ribbons, and framed pictures of various sports teams.

“I, too, played football as a young man. Though of course there wasn’t much competition back then, the schools all being so small. But my sons played and did quite well for themselves. Here’s Junior at St. Thomas. They beat the Johnnies that year, well every year that he was there.”

Kev stepped to look at the photo O'Shaughnessey was referring to. Next to it were four championship trophies backing up his story. “Looks like he did pretty good.”

O'Shaughnessey stepped up closely next to Kev and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "He certainly did, my boy. He certainly did." He patted Kev's shoulders, feeling the muscles beneath his t-shirt. "I bet you did too, now didn't you?"

“We won regionals, then conference when I was a junior at U of M. I was a tight end,” Kev said with pride.

O'Shaughnessey muttered softly, “I bet you were.”

Struck by that comment, Kev turned to look at O'Shaughnessey’s grinning face. When he did, he saw that the older man's robe was still open, and poking out from it was a fat, semi-erect prick. He tried to step away, but O'Shaughnessey’s grip tightened, held him in place. Before Kev could do anything else, he felt a hand caress his crotch, squeezing gently, obviously assessing what was behind the zipper of his shorts.

Again he tried to wriggle and shove O'Shaughnessey away, but he was found out quickly enough. O'Shaughnessey could tell he was aroused, his hard prick now held tightly in his hand. Kev looked down at the hand that stroked him through his shorts and at the same time noticed, that that semi-erect penis was now fully erect and pointing up at him. He didn’t know a man his age still got it up. He always assumed, at least that’s what his grandfather and great uncles always said after a few too many beers, that “their plumbing” no longer worked very well. If that was the case, O'Shaughnessey was certainly an exception.

Kev heard a ‘zzzzzzzzzt’ as O'Shaughnessey lowered the zipper of his shorts. Once all the way down his shorts fell to his ankles with a thud. Before he knew it, O'Shaughnessey had released him from his too-tight briefs and wrapped his fist firmly around his prick. Kev wanted to object. He wasn’t into this, at least that’s what he always said whenever something close to this happened before, but today he couldn’t ignore the pleasure building between his legs.

Next to the display case, there was a small ladder back cane chair. O'Shaughnessey pulled it over and sat down. Then he pulled Kev by the dick making him stand closer to him. With that, he bent forward and sucked that engorged cock down, holding it deep in his mouth, savoring its taste and feel, and that pulsing sensation in his mouth which drove his own gratification.

Kev could feel himself getting closer and closer to his ejaculation. He didn’t want to hold back. He wanted to cum. He wanted it now. Get this over with. But as it built, closer and closer, O'Shaughnessey slowed down, plateauing the pleasure, obviously not wanting to make it end too soon.

Kev was helpless. Here he was, his shorts on the floor, his bare ass hanging out, and his cock in some old man's mouth. This old man? Ha! He was as hard as a rock himself, with a bigger cock than most men, at least Ken guessed that. He hadn’t seen too many erect penises in his thirty years. But this old guy? He had a big one. All these thoughts racing through his head while he couldn’t believe the sensations O'Shaughnessey made with his mouth. ‘Is this why Collins comes to visit him so often?’

But suddenly, O'Shaughnessey intensified whatever his mouth was doing and Kev knew it was going to happen. And happen it did. Whoa! He hollered out a loud groan from his balls up. His orgasm exploded like none he’d had in a long time, well, maybe ever. He quivered all over, knees shaking and belly contracting. O'Shaughnessey swallowed every last drop of seed, vacuuming up whatever might be left in those balls of Kev’s.

Finally, Kev could stand it no longer and yanked back, pulling his cock out of that hoover-mouth. “Shit man! Oh my god!” squealed Kev as he jerked his body back. As fast as he could, he bent down and pulled up his shorts. He didn’t even bother to fasten them as he ran out of the room. He hustled down those stairs as fast as he could. Nope, he didn’t pull on his boots either. He just grabbed them and ran out of the house. He jumped into his truck, got it started, and flew down the street as fast as he could manage. He figured he could get himself dressed before pulling up to the house where the guys would be waiting for him.

As Kev approached the house, he slowed down and pulled over. He buttoned up his shorts first, then opened the door and pulled on his boots. In no time, Ryan, one of the young Lawnboys, was standing next to the truck with his head shoved into the passenger side window. “Where you been, Coach? That must have been some message you had to deliver. We’ve been waiting here for twenty minutes. We’ve got to get over to the Petersen’s place. She ain’t going to be too happy we’re so late. What gives?”

Choosing not to answer the questions, Kev replied, “Let’s get the equipment all packed away then and get outa here. Ok, Ryan?” Kev figured he’d focus on getting the job done and forget about what just happened.

By the time he got himself out of the truck and walked to the rear to help the guys load up, they had already loaded the mowers and the tools. Ryan was closing the gate. He smiled and said, “All set. Let’s get out of here, eh boss?”

“Sure thing, Ryan.” Then Kev hollered over his shoulder, “Hop in you guys.” And off he drove to the Petersen’s.


Collins’ barn out at the farm, after work, about 5:20 pm

When Kev pulled the truck into the barn at the end of the day, he saw Collins’ truck parked in its usual spot. The guys had unloaded everything and were out by the lake having a swim. He decided not to join them today, but to go ahead shower up, and head home. 'What a weird day,' he thought to himself.

As he approached the back door of the barn he saw Collins heading toward him. He turned and smiled at his boss, trying to stay casual and nonchalant. “How’s it going, boss? You get your tire taken care of?”

Collins didn’t look too happy. He said, “Yeah I did, but don’t ask me what was wrong with it. I couldn’t understand what Terry was talking about. Anyway, he patched it up and got it back on there." Collins had a frustrated look on his face. Then he must have thought of something and a smile came across his face. "Did you let O'Shaughnessey know I wasn't coming over today?"

"Yeah, I did." Now it was Kev's face that changed expression.

Collins noticed right away. “Something wrong? I thought you’d get along with John pretty well. Right on his wavelength.”

“Well, I don’t know about that.” Kev was trying to figure out how to ask his question without giving too much away. “He was fine. Uh…” He hesitated, then asked, “Do you guys always have Irish in the middle of the day? I'm sure, not used to it."

Collins laughed. “You mean he made you stay and join him?”


"Well, I'll be. I didn’t think he would. Guess I should've warned you. He must have been in the mood today then if he insisted. Usually, I go at the end of the day so it's no big deal."

“I nursed it along, not wanting to insult him. I’m not used to hard alcohol, doncha know. And I still had three more laws to do and the boys were waiting.”

“I’m sorry. I should have called him myself and took care of it. As it turned out, Terry wasn’t busy and I couldn’t have been over there at the end of the day." Collins went to pat Kev's shoulder but Kev turned to the door leading to the showers so his hand missed.

Things still didn’t look right to Collins. ‘Something’s still buggin’ him. I know it is.’ So he followed Kev into the hallway beyond the door. “Looks like something’s buggin’ you, man. What’s up?”

"Oh… nothing," Kev said quietly. He pulled off his t-shirt and threw it into the dirty laundry pile. He started to unbuckle his shorts but stopped. He looked up at Collins and said, “Why do you go and visit Mr. O’Shaughnessey every week?”

Collins replied, “He was one of my Grandad’s best friends. Now that he’s alone, I want to be sure he’s OK. I noticed he wasn’t taking care of himself after his wife passed last year. So, like several other friends of Grandad’s, I visit him at least once a week.”

Kev nodded, then gave a huge sigh. “Look I don’t know if I should be telling you this, but… well, he wanted more than company to drink with him.”

Collins perked up at this. When Kev didn't continue he asked, "Oh yeah? What do you mean?"

Kev stepped closer to Collins, and with a bowed head he leaned in and whispered, “He wanted to suck my dick!”

Collins knew nothing about Kev’s play activities, or even if there were any. It was clear whatever O’Shaughnessey did, it was unexpected. “What happened?”

Kev slowly told the story. He described how O’Shaughnessey came down to meet him in his robe, then insisting on having a shot of whiskey, then the awards and trophies, then… “Well… then he grabbed me and pulled down my shorts!”

Collins tried not to laugh as he pictured an already drunk O’Shaughnessey fondling poor Kev.

Kev looked up, all red-faced and embarrassed, “Look, I like a mouth on my dick just as well as the next guy, but him? It scared the shit out of me! I wasn’t ready for that.”

That last statement made Collins bust. He couldn’t help it anymore. “So he did you.” Not a question, but a statement. “And you’re feeling guilty because you let him. But it was good for you and you had an orgasm. Am I right?”

“Yeah.” Kev shook his head. “It was so weird. We’re clinking glasses and sipping whiskey as he’s telling me all about his athlete son and the next thing I know my shorts are around my ankles and my dick’s in his mouth. I’ve never seen a guy move so fast.” Once Kev realized Collins wasn’t upset, his voice got excited, “Fuck. You know he made me cum like nobody’s business.” Collins nodded, grinning back at him. “And man oh man, I sure needed that.”

Kev gave a deep sigh. He turned back toward the changing area and the bench along the wall. He kicked off his boots and socks, then lowered his shorts, leaving only his BVD’s covering him. As he stood and faced Collins again, a strange look came over his face as he remembered the scene at O’Shaughnessey’s. He burst out with, "But in the middle of a workday? With three more lawns to do and the guys waiting for me? What was I supposed to tell them? How did that look?”

“So what did you tell them and how did it look?” Collins teased.

"Ryan was all up in my face about it when I finally got there to pick them up. But I just told him to load up the equipment and we'd be on our way. He did. And that was that. Not another word about it."

Collins smiled and said, “But you can’t stop thinking about it, can you?” He gave a nod down to Kev’s crotch where his dick tried its darnedest to poke out of those stretched out tighty whities.

Swiftly, Kev swung around and walked into the shower area. When he got to the archway leading into the showers, he bent down and flipped off his briefs, tossing them over to his pile of clothes. Collins chuckled and called out, “You need a hand in there, Kev? I’d be glad to help you out?” He couldn’t stop laughing.

Kev thought he’d call Collins’ bluff and said, “Sure thing, boss. I can always use a hand. Or two.” He started laughing now too.

But Collins was one of those guys that take you at your word. So he quickly peeled off his t-shirt, chinos, and boots and sauntered into the showers to give Kev the hand he asked for.

When Kev saw Collins out of the corner of his eye, all naked and everything, and heading straight for him, he cried out, “Now Collins, I was only kidding around. I don’t need nothing from you.”

Pointing down at the boner Kev had been stroking before Collins walked in, Collins said, “Sure looks like he could use some attention. You certainly aren’t taking care of him very well, now, are you?”

Before Kev could say anything else, Collins reached down and grabbed Kev’s dick and pulled. That shut Kev up. Collins leaned over and put the head of it in his mouth and sucked that nice knob he had. Kev let out a groan. Then Collins got down on his knees and took it all the way in. Kev was astonished at how good this felt, to be so uninhibited, and just do it. Here he was, standing there, letting a guy, his boss, by the way, suck on his needy prick. He hadn’t ever had two bj’s in one day!

While Collins was enjoying himself down on his knees slurping all over Kev’s willy, BJ and Eddie walked in ready to take their showers. They poked each other and chuckled at the sight of the boss down there taking care of Kev. They walked over to Kev, who had his eyes closed, and stood on either side of him. It wasn’t until BJ finally said, “Having fun there, Kev?” that Kev opened his eyes to the shock of seeing Eddie and BJ standing next to him. They both had full-blown boners now too. Eddie put his arms around Kev's waist and started humping his side, rubbing his erection up against Kev's thigh. BJ got behind him. He was an ass man himself. He pulled Kev in tight, caressing his chest, rubbing his nipples, and sliding his own erection up and down the crack of his ass.

That did it. Kev was a goner. He came in Collins' willing mouth, splashing squirt after squirt down the man's throat. He had to push Collins' mouth off him because he always got real sensitive after an orgasm.

Seeing that Collins was done with Kev, BJ pushed Kev by the shoulders down in front of Eddie. “You take care of my man now, won’t you, Kev? Go on. Take care of that boner he’s giving you.”

Before Kev even knew what was happening, Eddie shoved his cock in his mouth and demanded, “Suck it, Kev. That’s it. Be a good boy. Suck on your Eddie’s dick.”

Once they were going at it, BJ wasted no time in gets his dick worked on too. He shifted to stand in front of Collins and said, “Could you do me next, boss?”

Eddie and BJ didn’t last too long. They never did at the end of the day. But man, what a nice way to relax after a hard day at work. The younger guys would be coming in soon after they'd had their fill of swimming. None of the men wanted them to see what had just been going on, even though everyone knew everybody got up to it, one way or another.

The four men were toweling off when the rest of the crew came in, horsing around and teasing each other for one thing or another. And so ends another workday for “The Lawnboys.” 

Eddie and BJ stayed behind. They needed to be sure all the guys knew what was happening the next day. Collins and Kev got dressed and headed out.

Ken had parked his car next to Collins’ truck. When they got out to their vehicles, Collins called over to Kev as he opened his car door to get in. “Hey, Kev!”

Kev paused and looked up. “Yeah, boss?”

“Just in case you’re wondering,” Collins started with a mischievous grin on his face and a teasing tone to his voice, “When I go to visit O’Shaughnessey? He never does any of that stuff to me, doncha know.”

Kev’s eyes popped out of his head. He sure wasn’t expecting Collins to yell something like that out here where other guys might hear. “Just so you know.” Kev nodded. Collins gave a wave and said, “Have a good night. I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.”

Kev decided to pretend everything was fine. You know, normal. “Thanks, boss. See you tomorrow.” He got in his car, backed up, and drove home.