
by Furball

16 May 2020 1222 readers Score 9.6 (22 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

House Guests

The boys followed me home in their old Toyota. As we approached my building, I called them to let them know that I hadn’t sensed any shadows, so it seemed safe to follow me into the parking garage. They had packed light, so I suggested we use the stairs. “It’s only two flights, and it does wonders for a tight ass,” I joked. They followed me up the stairs, and I could feel their eyes on my butt. I could also hear them whispering and making little kissy noises. It was going to be an interesting visit.

The apartment was a one bedroom, and it was fairly open concept. The entrance was in the living room, which was central to the apartment. The bedroom was the only room with windows. It was toward the front of the building and was separated from the living room by a large arch and some curtains. On the other side of the living room was the kitchen. It was defined by an island of cupboards that included a breakfast bar. Behind the kitchen there was a walk-through pantry that led to the emergency exit. The bathroom was off the bedroom and contained the only internal door in the apartment. Since I lived alone, I never tended to close it, and it was currently buried behind a chair covered with clothes.

I invited the boys to put their stuff down anywhere and make themselves at home. The grand tour took all of two minutes. I pointed out the sofa sleeper and the recliner in the living room as sleeping options and suggested that I could hang a curtain in the pantry if one of them wanted more privacy. They looked at each other and laughed. “Privacy for what?” Twinkle-Toes asked. “We’ve all seen each other naked, and we’ve all seen each other cum.”

“We…we have?” I stuttered. “I know we’ve all seen each other naked, but cumming? When?”

“Sunday morning at the sun circle.” Grinned starlight.

“Ah…yes,” I hesitated. “I don’t actually remember seeing either of you cum.”

Starlight laughed. I’d be surprised if you did.”

“Yeah,” Twinkle-Toes chimed in. “You were pretty busy yourself that morning. But we saw you.”

“Everyone saw him,” Starlight said to his friend. “It was hot.”

“Oh, um…I suppose…” I was a little embarrassed and didn’t know what to say.

“Don’t worry,” Starlight added, “I’m sure you’ll have a chance to see each of us cum.” He winked at me and gave his friend a knowing look.

They had about an hour before they had to be at work. They helped me clean up the food I had left out in the kitchen when I left in such a panic yesterday, and I told them to help themselves to anything they wanted to eat before they had to leave.

After they left, I did a quick clean of the apartment. I hadn’t expected to have house-guests, but the place wasn’t too messy, mostly just a few dirty clothes and some dishes in the living room that had never made it back to the kitchen. I pulled out the sofa sleeper and put fresh sheets on it, then I took a break and gave Sniff a call to let him know we had arrived without incident. I did the dishes and was just finishing up the bathroom when the boys called from work. It was almost eleven and they wanted to know if I had sensed any shadows. I hadn’t, so they set off. When they arrived a few minutes later, though the place wasn’t spotless, it was noticeably cleaner.

“Oh my god!” Starlight stood in the doorway and marveled. “I feel like I need to take off my shoes.”

From behind him I could hear Twinkle-Toes getting frustrated. “What? What is it? Move that fat ass of yours and let me see.” As he stepped inside, he ooh-ed and ahh-ed appropriately, before stepping forward and handing me a small bag from the porn store. “We got you a gift.”

“What?” I was taken by surprise.

“It’s a kind of thank you,” Starlight explained, “for letting us stay with you.”

“I should be thanking you,” I protested. “I already feel safer just knowing someone else is here.”

Inside the bag was a deck of playing cards. I took the little box out and turned it over a couple of times, looking at the packaging.

“They’re not regular cards,” Twinkle-Toes volunteered. “It’s a kind of truth or dare game where you have to choose between one side of the card or the other.”

“They’ve carried it at the store for quite a while and we were just curious about what kinds of actions or questions were involved.” Starlight seemed particularly excited about it even though he was trying to hide it.

“Well then, let’s find out.” I removed the cellophane and opened the box, pouring the cards into my hand. We sat down and I began to search the deck. “So, do you want to just read through them, or do you want to actually play a game?”

Starlight betrayed his excitement when he immediately responded, “Let’s play!” then catching himself, “I mean, What’s the fun in just reading through it? What are the rules?”

Looking at the box, I confirmed, “The rules are simple. As you said, it is essentially truth or dare. But it looks like it’s intended for straight folks. We’ll probably have to do some creative interpretation as we go along.”

“Fine by me,” Said Twinkle-Toes.

“Me too,” followed Starlight.

So began our first night together. The card game turned out to be rather inane. The questions were not personal enough and the dares were very tame. Starlight suggested that we come up with our own version and the two of them began fantasizing about who they would like to dare and what they would like to make them do. Needless to say, their version was much more exciting than the original. After an hour or so we began to think about bed. I had cleaned the chair off and moved it away from the bathroom door, but neither of them bothered to close it. I suppose living in a communal space will do that to you. I decided to follow their lead.

The apartment never really got dark. The third floor was low enough to catch a lot of light from the streetlights and the open concept allowed the glow to stretch all the way into the kitchen. Even though we had turned all the lights off I could still see the two boys lying next to each other on the sleeper. They had stripped down before bed and were lying naked under the sheets. Starlight explained that they always slept naked at the retreat center and asked if that would bother me. “You can run around the apartment naked all you want,” I responded. “I may do the same if I feel like it. Like you said, we’ve already seen it.” In the end I decided to sleep in some boxers, since I tended to throw the covers off during the night.

As I watched them sleep, I realized that they always seemed to be together and I wondered if they were a couple. I had never asked, but they looked so comfortable together I imagined they were. Even though he was a few inches shorter, Twinkle-Toes was playing big spoon to Starlight’s little spoon. The sight of them pressed up against each other made me happy. I envied them the comfort they offered each other.

They changed positions and Twinkle-Toes ended up with his head resting on Starlight’s chest. He had thrown one leg over Starlight’s hips, getting tangled in the sheets as they shifted. When he rolled off of Starlight, he took the sheets with him, exposing Starlight’s smooth lanky body to the dim light. I sat up slightly to get a better view, being careful not to rustle the sheets too much. We stayed like this for a long time. Soon I could hear Twinkle-Toes’ rhythmic breathing begin to border on snoring. It seemed the most peaceful night the apartment had ever seen.

I could tell I wasn’t going to get to sleep anytime soon, and it didn’t matter, tomorrow was Sunday. I could stay in bed all day if I wanted. By now it was two. I got up to pee and get some water. I sat in the chair in the bedroom for a few minutes, again watching the boys. While I had been in the bathroom Twinkle-Toes had freed himself from the tangled sheets and was once again draped over his friend. Despite his name, Twinkle-Toes was not a twink. He had enough body hair to be woofy and fell about halfway between a cub and an otter. While Starlight was lanky, Twinkle-Toes was solid, bordering on thick.

The thought of that beautiful hairy chest pressed against his friend’s smooth skin was exciting. I allowed myself to imagine what it would be like to be sandwiched between them. I imagined how it would feel to have one of their dicks pressed against my ass while the other pressed his ass against my cock. Without realizing I was doing it, I began rubbing my dick slowly, just running my hand over it without grasping it. My breath was becoming more rhythmic and deep, as my massaging hand kept my hard dick from poking out from my shorts.

I was just thinking about climbing back into bed when I noticed some movement. It was subtle and slow, but Starlight was definitely getting a boner. I didn’t move. As I watched his dick slowly slid up his belly, pointing first to his chest, then to the ceiling. He was rock hard. I had to apply a little more force to keep my dick from following his lead. After a minute Twinkle-Toes rolled onto his back and nestled his shoulder into Starlight’s armpit. He was hard too. He absently ran his hand across his hairy chest as he settled himself against his friend’s body, following this up by rubbing his belly and letting his hand come to rest at the base of his cock.

The scene was so delicious I almost had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Once again without realizing it, I pulled my dick out of my shorts and was stroking it slowly. If this was a dream I didn’t want to wake up. Twinkle-Toes rolled a little more towards Starlight, until his thick boner was lying on his friend’s smooth thigh. He draped his arm over Starlight, this time bringing his hand to rest at the base of Starlight’s cock. It was sticking up between two of his fingers. It didn’t look like a natural position for his arm, but I suppose different people adopt various sleep positions. Then, without warning, Starlight’s dick started to move. Twinkle-Toes was moving his had in such a way to make it dance in circles. I heard one of them giggle and the jig was up. They had been putting on a show for me.

I leaned forward, straining to see if their eyes were open. They were both smiling and looking straight at me. “Fuckers!” I picked up a pillow and threw it at them. They both burst out in gales of laughter.

“It work’s both ways, you know,” Starlight said. If you can see us, we can see you.”

I looked down at the rigid pole in my hand. “fair enough,” I chuckled. “Fair enough.”

“Besides,” he added, “I did promise you that you could see us cum if you wanted.”

“You did? Oh, um... I thought you were just joking.

“Only a little,” Twinkle-Toes teased. “I always find a good orgasm before bed helps me sleep.

Starlight agreed. “Yeah, how about a little boner bating before bed?”

With that they both grabbed their dicks and sat up on the sleeper, patting the empty space between them.

Now it was my turn to tease them. I wandered around to the other side of the bed slowly rubbing my now throbbing dick and hopped into the middle. “I don’t know, the bed is probably softer,” and I took a turn at patting the spaces on either side of me.

They did not need to be invited twice. Within a minute we were sitting shoulder to shoulder, pumping our dicks furiously. None of us lasted long and within five minutes we were all playing with the pool of cum that had somehow appeared on each of our bellies.

“I’ll get a towel,” I suggested, but Twinkle-Toes stopped me.

“I have a better idea.” He scooped the cum off of his belly with one hand, then reached over me to scoop up Starlight’s cum. He then mixed them together with the cum on my belly. He was softly growling as he did this. “I love being covered in cum. Especially when it comes from multiple sources.” He then proceeded to spread the mixture across all our chests. “Better than Vic's!”

He was right. As we snuggled down into a three-way spoon, I fell asleep almost instantly.

by Furball

Email: [email protected]

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