California Dreaming

by Lee Obrien

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Chapter 3

I continued to seek refuge in the movie house, for that couple of hours, the gloom of the world around me disappeared. I sat in my usual seat waiting for the movie to start, I saw Henry enter the theater and walk toward me. A smile came across my face and a warm feeling flooded my body. I had other friends and schoolmates that I enjoyed spending time with, but this was different, I was truly excited to see him, not just happy, like I was with my other friends. He smiled as he sat next to me, we exchanged small talk as we waited for the movie to begin. Once the lights went down, Henry moved his hand and placed it on my knee, causing a stir in my trousers, I placed my hand on top of his. I was both disappointed and glad when the movie ended. Disappointed that the physical contact between us had come to an end, but glad that we could now go to our secluded spot in the park.

I was hoping for a repeat of our last time together, and from the bulge in Henry’s trousers, he was too. I was a little taken aback when as soon as we were in the clearing, Henry pulled me close and started to kiss me. It felt so natural, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed back, our erect members rubbing together through the fabric of our trousers.

I smiled as we broke our kiss and looked deep into his eyes, “that was nice.”

He smiled back at me, “yes, yes it was.”

Other than the unexpected kiss, I had already played this out in my mind a hundred times. I was going to give him the same pleasure he gave me last time, or at least try. I went to my knees as a wide grin spread across Henry’s face, I unbuttoned his trousers and let them fall to the ground. His hard cock flopped out and fell across my face, I took a deep breath and wrapped my lips around his thick member. The salty, sweet taste of the drop of liquid that had formed on the slit of his head was a pleasant surprise. I sucked his cock deeper, working my tongue up and down the shaft and under the loose foreskin. While his cock was rock hard, the skin was soft and warm, and the feeling that I was pleasing him was causing my heart to race. The slight moans coming from Henry’s mouth only encouraged me to continue my exploration, I reached up and began to fondle his plump nuts, causing another round of moans. My efforts were soon rewarded when Henry gasped, “oh Ivan” then flooded my mouth with his warm creamy seed. I swallowed hard trying to keep all of his semen in my mouth, not wanting to waste a drop. I smiled up at Henry as his body spasmed one last time, I started to stroke my cock. He quickly pulled me up and pushed my hand away, he said, “no, let me take care of that for you.”

He went to his knees and immediately engulfed my shaft, sending jolts of pleasure through my entire body. It only took moments until I was filling his mouth with my own semen. Once my body was done convulsing, Henry stood and we shared another deep passionate kiss, each of us tasting our own semen. Our deflating cocks rubbing together, this time without the heavy fabric of our trousers between them. We broke our kiss and pulled our clothes back on. We shared another quick kiss then made our way out of the clearing and back into the park. We said our goodbyes and headed to our respective homes.

As I walked home, I still had a feeling of guilt, but this time it was much smaller. It had been replaced with a feeling of euphoria, and something else that I couldn’t quite place, but it was pleasant. I didn’t have the same dread that my parents would find out what I had done. Like the last time, when they arrived home from work that day, the conversation was simply about the day at their jobs.

Over the last months, much of the talk around the dinner table concerned the downturn in the economy and what was now being called a depression. I could see the concern in my mother and father’s face as they discussed such matters. Father had said that they had just started a contract for several new ships and felt confident that he wasn’t in danger of losing his job, but when the contract was complete, he wasn’t sure what would happen.

To add to the uncertainty, my brother announced that he was now expecting his third child, our already crowded apartment was about to get even more cramped. Father was clearly upset and was threatening to kick him out on the street. Mother was always the voice of reason and the only one that could talk back to my father, she always had the last say in most matters affecting the family. She told my father that now was not a good time to put my brother and his young family out on the street, but she also made it clear to my brother that he and his wife needed to control their urges.

Henry and I continued to watch movies and spend time with each other in the park. During the cold weather of a New York winter, we needed to find another location for our after-movie fun. With the economy in the state that it was, we were able to find an abandoned building that worked for us. We found an unlocked door in the back of the building and were careful not to leave any evidence behind that we were using the building. Our time together was something I always looked forward to, not only the escaping into the make believe world of the movies, but our intimate time together after.

All the pressures would return as I walked home from my time with Henry. How long would this depression last? How would it affect my family? Then there was the whole relationship between Henry and I, was I really a queer? My father would certainly kick me out of the house if he were to find out, and I don’t think mother would be able to stop him, like she did with Mikhail. Added to all of this, my 16th birthday was only 4 months away. Father was still talking about me coming to work at the shipyard, but so far, they have not added any new employees, and weren’t planning to in the near future. I felt my only hope was that this would continue, I needed to come up with a plan, and soon.

Henry and I had talked about this many times, he was in the same situation. He was the only person I had that I could talk to about this. I knew I couldn’t talk to my parents, I would usually talk to my brother or even my sister about such things, but I didn’t want to put them in an awkward position where they may have to tell our parents about our talk.

Henry said, “yes, I understand, my parents would not understand either.”

I sighed, “I just wish I could leave and go live the life that I want, not what father thinks is best for me.”

He asked, “where would you go?

I thought for a moment, “California. Hollywood.”

Henry chuckled, “what would you do there?”

I sat up straight, “I want to act in the movies.”

His smile faded, “you’re serious, aren’t you?”

I slowly nodded, “yes, very serious.”

He asked, “what makes you think you could act in any movie?”

I was staring up at the sky as if I was lost in a daydream, I said, “I just put myself into every one of those movies we watch together. For days after I see a movie, I replay every scene with me as the lead, I think of ways to make them better. I know if I had the chance, I could do just as well as any actor out there.”

Henry laughed, “you are crazy.”

I shrugged, “maybe, but everyone needs a dream.”

We both headed home for the day. The next week was more of the same, father worried about losing his job when their current contract was filled. They only had about one or two months left. He came home from work in a good mood that Friday night, we sat down to eat our dinner.

Father said, “we got a bit of good news today.”

Mother smiled, “that’s great dear, what was it?”

He replied, “the defense department is concerned with what is going on in Germany right now. It seems this guy Hitler and his National Socialist Worker’s Party are starting to make some noise and gain support. You know there has been a lot of unrest since they lost the war, I suppose the U.S. is trying to be prepared in case things get more serious. They have ordered two new Cruiser Warships.”

Mother asked, “so does that means your job is still safe for another couple years?”

He smiled, “yes, it does. We need to have the USS Houston finished this year, and the USS Chicago launched by the end of 1931.”

My heart sank as father continued, “Ivan, this is good news for you too, Mr. Hargrove told me that he may have a spot for you by the first of August.”

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach, I dropped my fork on my plate, “but father, I do not want to work at the shipyard, I have told you that.”

He scowled at me, “and I have told you that you will work at the shipyard as soon as there is a position for you. You need to learn a trade.”

I stood up quickly, sending my chair flying across the room, “I will never work at that shipyard, and you cannot make me.”

My family sat there in shock, no one had ever spoken to father that way. Once I realized what I had done, I grabbed my coat and ran out of the apartment. I heard mother yelling for me to come back, I ignored her and left the building. I walked quickly in case anyone was following me, once I knew that they weren’t, I slowed down to start to think about what had just happened. I found myself in the park, I sat on a bench and just broke down, not sure what to do next. Thankfully the weather had turned warmer, I went to the clearing that Henry and I called our own and tried to get a little sleep. The next morning, I walked back to the apartment and waited out of sight until my parents left for work. I snuck in before my siblings woke up and gathered my clothes, I found an old suitcase and quietly left.

I still didn’t know where I was going to go or what I was going to do. I knew I wanted to talk to Henry, I hid my suitcase in the clearing and waited at the theater for him to arrive. As soon as I saw him walking toward me, I felt the tears start to stream down my face. His smile faded as he saw that I was upset.

He looked concerned as he asked, “what’s the matter Ivan?”

I explained what had happened the night before, we decided to skip the movie and walked to the park to talk.

He asked, “what are you going to do now?”

I shook my head, “I’m not sure, I just know I can’t go back to my parent’s apartment.”

He said, “but Ivan, you have no place to stay, do you have any money?”

I nodded, “yes, I have some saved from working at the theatre for the last two years.”

He asked, “ok, so where are you going to stay? I would ask you to come stay with me, but you know my parents would insist on talking to your parents to make sure it was ok with them.”

I sighed, “yes, I know, but if I go back, my father will probably teach me a lesson with his belt and then still make me go to work at that damned shipyard.”

He looked at me, “but, what will they do if you never come home?”

I shrugged, “they will probably just be relieved that they have one less mouth to feed.”

Henry pulled me in for a hug, I started to sob as he held me tight against his chest. He made me feel so safe, it was as if nothing else in the world mattered when I was in his arms. I relaxed as we began to kiss, I reached down and unbuttoned his trousers, he did the same to mine. Our pants fell to the ground as we continued to kiss. We both started to stroke each other’s already hard cocks.

Just as I was getting ready to go to my knees in front of Henry, I heard a rustling in the bushes surrounding us. I turned as two guys came through the opening.

The first one said, “oh look, we found us a couple of faggots.”

The second one added, “I know the one on his knees, that’s Ivan. My old man works with his old man, I’m sure he would like to know his kid is queer.”


To be continued…

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

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