Caleb Goes to College

by P.J.

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Reader discretion is adviced, this story contain graphic content depicting violence and rape which may not be suitable to all readers. This is a fictional story and do not portray real events or real persons.

Freshman Year - Dorm Room Domination

It is Saturday morning, and I am trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. Maybe I didn’t need to drink the large, iced coffee, as my nerves were already bad enough without the caffeine coursing through my veins. I look up at the brick façade of the dorm building that looms over me and take a deep breath.

“Caleb, turn around! I want to get a picture of you out front before we head in!” My mom shouts at me from the bottom of the steps. I turn and try not to look too annoyed as everyone watches my mom fumble with her phone, trying to figure out why the camera won’t work. Dad helps her figure it out, mostly because of the second-hand embarrassment, I think.

“David!” I shout across the parking lot, seeing my best friend and soon-to-be roommate getting out of his parents’ car. He waves to me as they all make their way toward us, and I already feel more at ease than before. David always made me feel more comfortable, even as kids growing up together. There was just an air about him that I always appreciated, with his scrawny build and his shy quietness, but perceptive and analytical personality.

“Oh good,” mom comments. “Now I can get a picture of the two of you together out here as well!”

After some hellos and our photoshoot, David and I check in at the front desk together. Then, a resident assistant gives us a fake chipper “Welcome to Foxbury!” before parading us and our parents up to the room. We step inside and get the grand tour! We’re living in a suite, which sounds fancy enough, until you realize it is simply a cramped living area with cramped bedrooms on either side of it. The living area has a small kitchenette with room for a mini-fridge and microwave. The restrooms and showers are communal and are just a few doors down the hall. I was bummed out that we didn’t get one of the rooms with our own bathroom, but David told me when we were picking the room online a few weeks ago, that it would be worth having the larger living room instead of the attached bathroom. The bedrooms on either side of our allegedly larger living room, each have a set of bunk beds and two desks squeezed into them. David and I are living in one of the rooms, while two strangers will live in the other bedroom. It looks like our mystery roommates are not here yet, as the room is still empty.

Our parents help us carry all of our things up to the room, and then we start the long goodbye. After an eternity, our parents leave, and we have the place to ourselves. Our roommates haven’t shown up yet, so we wait to unpack anything for the living room, but we spend about an hour filling up our bedroom with our things. David’s stomach growls, and we decide to take a break and grab some lunch. While walking to the local taco place near campus, I get a text from mom.

Already missing you, love you lots! xoxo - Mom

I rolled my eyes at her signing her text ‘Mom’ like it was an email, which I’ve told her a million times she doesn’t have to do. She also sent a few of the photos she took. I looked at the one of David and myself out in front of the dorm building. I stand six-foot one inch tall and am not ripped by any means but doing sports in high school kept me muscular and toned. David enjoyed brainier activities throughout school and didn’t do any sports, so he is much smaller than me. He has little muscle and is very slender, and he is about four inches shorter than me as well.

Miss you too, mom! I reply, before shoving my phone back in my pocket and entering the taco shop.

After lunch, David and I walk back to the dorm, and head up the elevator. David tells me to go on ahead, as he veers off into the restroom. Tacos must not have agreed with him, I joke, and he chuckles. When I get to the dorm room, I hear chatter; our suitemates must have arrived.

“What did I fucking tell ya, James?” One of them says to the other as I walk through the door. I don’t even have time to say hello before both boys stand up and come toward me. I’m sure I look visibly confused.

“No shit, I guess I owe you twenty bucks.” James responds. I immediately notice that the boys are twins. They both have the same blond haircut and piercing blue eyes. Each of them is built like a brick house, just muscle piled on muscle, and they are tall too. Probably six foot three.

“Uh, hi. What are you talking about?” I ask, trying not to sound annoyed, even though they’re talking like I’m not even here.

“Ah, Jake here thought for sure we’d be living with a faggot this year, and I had my doubts, but here you are.”

“I’m not gay, though,” I replied, making sure I sounded annoyed now. I wasn’t lying either. I had a girlfriend in high school who I broke up with before coming to college so I could fuck around with other girls up here. Also, are you kidding me? Twins whose names are James and Jake? That’s not confusing at all.

“Nice try, faggot, but my gaydar is never wrong.”

And with that, before I could even process what was happening, Jake and James had shut the door behind me, thrown me to the floor, and pulled my shorts down to my knees exposing my pale ass. Jake, or maybe James (it doesn’t really matter anyway), climbed on top of me and pulled his dick out of his own shorts. He quickly spat in his hand and wiped it on his cock. I wriggled around, trying to get out from under him, but Jake (maybe) grabbed hold of my wrists and pinned them to the floor over my head. I started yelling, but that was quickly muffled as James took one of his socks off his foot and shoved it in my mouth, before holding it in place with his hand.

I looked up at him, pleading with my eyes, to not go through with this. That only seemed to encourage James, though, and I felt him press the tip of his fat cock against my tight, virgin hole. I screamed into my sock gag, in pain as my ass got invaded for the first time. James greedily buried his cock deeper into me until his hips pressed against my ass cheeks, preventing him from raping me deeper. I groaned as he pulled his cock back out, and then we repeated the whole process again. He picked up the pace, and both boys laughed as they watched my face contort into different grimaces from the painful sensations. I could see Jake’s bulge in his shorts as he knelt over me, holding me in place, and I dreaded what would come next. I wasn’t just getting fucked this afternoon, they were going to run a train on my ass.

“Nice tight pussy…” James moaned in my ear.

After what felt like an eternity, I felt it. I knew immediately that James was cumming inside me. I could feel his cock pulse and his jizz splash against my insides. He wore no condom and had just pumped my guts full of his baby makers. I didn’t even have the energy or willpower to fight it when James stood up and made room for Jake to take his turn. I felt violated, degraded, and humiliated. I was soaked in my own sweat and my hole was on fire. Jake knelt over me, and I heard him spit in his hand, exactly as James had done before him. Then, my saving grace!

I heard the door opening and looked over to see the shock on David’s face as he walked in on the rape of his best friend. I don’t know what I expected my scrawny friend to do against these beefcakes attacking me, but I wanted nothing more than for him to help me in this moment.

“Hey, you our fourth?” James asked, sitting down on the futon the twins had brought. David nodded slowly.

“I got dibs, but you can have him after,” Jake said to David. “Unless you’re a fairy too and want to get down here and join this fag?”

“Nope,” David replied, sheepishly. I couldn’t believe this! Help me, goddamnit! James patted the futon next to him and David stepped over me to take a seat, introducing himself to the twins.

“So, you’re his bunky, right? You know the fag?” Jake asked David.

“No, just met him earlier today. I let them randomly assign me my room.” David was lying through his teeth, I’m sure to save his own ass from getting fucked too. I was pissed. Why wouldn’t he help me anyway? After all the times I stuck up for him. Then I noticed it, the swelling of David’s crotch in his shorts. Was he enjoying this?!

James continued chatting with David while Jake laid into me. I continued groaning into my gag while staring directly at David, hoping he would sympathize with me. He wouldn’t even look me in the eye. After another eternity, I felt Jake’s semen filling me up before he pulled out.

“Alright, he’s all yours!” Jake said to David as he stood up and made his way to a bean bag chair nearby. I laid there on the living room floor, staring directly into David’s soul, silently begging him not to let this continue. “What are you waiting for? I can see the tent in your shorts. You’re one of us, aren’t ya?” Jake continued egging David on.

David stood up and walked over to me. I watched as he slowly unbuttoned his shorts and shimmied out of them, revealing his massive cock. It had to be at least eight, maybe nine inches long. The twins’ cock had only been about six. The twins literally gasped when they saw it, obviously impressed with their new friend’s meat. I, on the other hand, was terrified.

I groaned and squirmed some more as David sat down on my thighs, preparing to fuck his former best friend. He didn’t even have to spit on his dick, as I was already gaping and leaking cum, so he just aimed the tip of his torpedo cock at my wrecked asshole, and dove in. It was even more painful than the first cock, as he was so much longer and thicker. It was like my hole hadn’t even just been warmed up for the past thirty minutes by the twins. My groans turned to screams and the twins’ encouragements turned into cheers as David laid into me. Once he got into the groove fucking me, the twins chatted like there was nothing unusual going on around them. They talked about workouts and the Foxbury baseball team, which they were apparently on. Thankfully, David brought himself to orgasm quickly, and hopped off of me. He still would not look me in the eye.

“Fuck yeah, man. You said your name’s David, right?” Jake said. David nodded.

“Well, c’mon Davey boy. We were just gonna go get some lunch. Come with us, our treat!” James invited. I watched David’s face to see the rage that usually washes over it when someone calls him Davey. It had been a staple of his all through elementary school. No rage. Just a shy smile and an ‘okay’, even though he had just eaten with me. The three boys all quickly shuffled around the room, toweling off their cock and putting their shoes on. The whole time, they stepped over me, as I felt unable to move a muscle. It didn’t seem to bother them in the slightest, it was like I wasn’t even here.

Once the boys filed out of the room, and I had come back down from my out-of-body experience, I waddled to my room, trying not to spill the three loads inside me everywhere. I gathered all my shower stuff and made a beeline down the hall. I passed a couple of guys, and I couldn’t help but feel like they knew. Like they could tell that I had just been ass fucked by my new roommates and my best friend. I felt exposed and having to strip down in the communal showers did not help that feeling. Luckily, there were individual shower stalls, and nobody was in there at this time. I took a long, hot shower, washing away all the disgusting feelings, until the hot water ran out and I had to leave. I toweled off and got dressed, returned to my room, and crawled into my uncomfortable bed.

I didn’t move all night, and my roommates didn’t return until one in the morning. They must have found people to party with. Thankfully, when they did all return, the twins did not try to come in my room, they stayed out in the living room. David came in and I remained still, laying under my covers, staring at the spring holding up David’s mattress above me. He also stayed silent as he got undressed and climbed into the top bunk. You could cut the tension in the room with a spoon, there is no way you’d need a knife. It took about thirty minutes for David to break the silence. He leaned over the railing and finally looked me in the eye.

“I’m sorry, Caleb. I was scared they’d fuck me too and I panicked.” He whispered so the twins would not hear him. He waited for a response that I was not going to give him. “I know I fucked up but I’m sorry, Caleb. Talk to me. You’re my best friend, man.” I just rolled onto my side away from him, facing the wall next to me, then I listened to the bed squeak as he laid down as well. Neither of us slept well that first night.

* * *

The following morning, I got up super early, before anyone else in the room. I quickly dressed myself and then headed out for campus. David and I were going to go hunt for our classrooms together, but I decided to go on my own instead. I tried to put yesterday out of my mind as I wandered around campus, getting the lay of the land. Putting yesterday out of my mind was difficult, though, as my asshole was throbbing with pain. It did not take long, though, to tour campus and I needed to kill more time before going back to the dorm. I got lunch, I wandered more, I got dinner, I wandered more. It was a really awful day, and my feet were sore by the end of it, but I was glad to have avoided David, Jake, and James through all of it. Finally, though, I had to go home.

“There’s our faggot!” Jake said as I walked through the door. The three of them were all sitting on the futon, playing some shooter video game. David hates video games.

“Get naked, my balls are fucking full,” Jake said, leaning forward, trying to spank me. I was able to get away from him, though. He didn’t like that and jumped up and grabbed me before wrestling me to the floor and laying me across the coffee table. He pulled my shorts down with a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.

“Please, please. I’m so fucking sore,” I begged Jake not to fuck me again, which only encouraged him.

“Oh, c’mon,” David piped up. Finally. “He’s obviously been through a lot. Give his pussy a rest.” Neither twin liked the idea. “Uh, I don’t know, just make him blow you instead.”

Jake seemed annoyed but satisfied with David’s compromise and flipped me around and sat me against the wall. I had never sucked a dick either, but I honestly didn’t mind if it meant my hole got more time to recover. Jake grabbed a fist full of my hair and pressed my head against the wall behind me. I opened my mouth up to get this over with.

“Oh, the fag is eager to taste my cock. Huh?” Jake chuckled at his own comment before sliding his cock across my tongue and into my mouth. He fucked my face and made me gag every time he touched the back of my throat. I had no clue how the porn stars did this without gagging. My jaw was incredibly sore by the time Jake brought himself to orgasm, and I tasted semen for the first time in my life. I tried to spit it out on the floor next to me, but Jake noticed, and clamped my mouth shut with his hands before I could, forcing me to swallow. “Good fag.”

James took my mouth for a spin next, trading places on the futon with Jake. I feel like I did a better job on his cock, as he came quicker than Jake had. His load tasted better too.

“Alright, Davey, you’re up.”

“Oh, I don’t think I can get hard again yet. I jerked off a while ago.” Thank you, I guess. I wonder if that was true, or if he was just saving me from more jaw pain.

“Well, shit, Davey. You ain’t gotta fuck your hand anymore. We have a Grade A, prime beef, pussy fag right here in our room. He’s how you jerk off, now.”

“Oh, uh yeah. I’ll remember that. Old habits die hard, I guess.”

* * *

The following day, classes started. James woke me up before my alarm clock could, by coming into the room, pulling my covers off, pulling my boxers down, and sliding his already-lubed cock into my hole. I jumped at the sudden pain and howled, but I could not get away. I buried my face in my pillow and took it the best I could. Luckily, he was the only one that needed his morning wood addressed that day.

Over the next few days, I learned the general schedules of everyone and my duties as the designated dorm faggot. Sometimes, the twins would make me blow them or bottom for them before class, but usually, they just slept in and skipped classes. I had class until the early afternoon, and then I had a few peaceful hours in the room by myself. Next, David got done with class, and we spent a few hours together, always in an awkward silence. After dinnertime, the twins would be done with their workouts, and they would come home, always amped from whatever lifting or cardio they had done. This is when the real action heated up.

Every evening before they would go bar hopping or partying, both twins fucked me. It was awful, but at least they were letting me lay in bed instead of on the floor at this point. Teenage horniness meant that without fail, they would both want my hole every day. There was no stopping them. For the first couple days, they asked David to join them. The first day, he just said no, but they didn’t like that. The next two days, he told them that he had already fucked me before they got here. They were happy to hear that, but then they caught on to the lie, as my hole was never full of cum when they started fucking. I appreciated the effort to avoid violating me, I guess, but the deed had already been done last weekend. With no other excuse, starting on Thursday of our first week, David joined in the daily fuckings and I started getting three loads in me per day instead of two.

On Friday, I thought I was actually going to get a break. When the boys got home from the workout, Jake was frantically gathering his shower stuff, as he did not have long before he had to take some girl he picked up on their date. I heard James, from the other room, shout “where’s my fuck sleeve?”, and I actually thought that he was talking about some kind of pocket pussy or something. I actually thought he might not want to fuck my ass for once. Then he came in the room, and I realized. I’m the fuck sleeve. But hey, I only took two loads that night instead of three, so that’s something.

On Saturday morning, Jake had not returned from his date yet, so I assumed it was him knocking on the door. James answered, though, and the RA for our floor walked in. Oh! Had he finally figured out that one of his residents was getting called a fag and fucked against his will? Was he actually putting a stop to it? The answer to those questions is yes, and no.

“Here he is, Matt. He’ll do whatever the fuck you want, and he won’t bitch like your girlfriend.” James said to the RA, pointing at me.

“So, what,” I asked. “You’re a pimp now?”

“No, of course not. Just a little back scratching is all that’s going on. Jake and I are throwing a party in here tonight, and Matt agreed to look the other way when he hears the noise. As long as you hold up your end of the bargain.”

“Bend over, my girl never lets me do butt stuff,” my RA growled at me.

I couldn’t help but notice how much easier it was to take Matt’s cock than it had been to take James’s just a week ago. Of course, I’m still straight, and of course, I don’t want this, but I couldn’t help but notice how quickly my hole had adjusted to being stuffed every day. Matt didn’t even use lube or spit or anything, and it’s not like he has a micro dick. But I just took it so easily.

After getting home from dinner, I walked into my room to find Jake sitting on my bed. He said nothing, but had a wide, devilish smile plastered across his face when he saw me. He told me to strip, which I did without arguing. It’s just easier to go along with them at this point. He then sat me down on the floor at the foot of the bed and pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his pocket.

“Hey, what the fuck?!” I finally interjected.

“You didn’t think you were gonna get to party with us, did ya?”

I scowled as Jake raised my arms up and cuffed them together, over the bedframe so I couldn’t lower them. Next, he took his already-hard cock out of his shorts and made me suck him off. Before cumming, he pulled out of my mouth and let his jizz splatter across my face. Without a word, he turned the light out and left the room. I waited for about two hours and then heard some activity out there. I listened from my bedroom floor as the party started. My ass was falling asleep having to sit on the hard floor, and my wrists were getting extremely sore. I felt ridiculous, but at least I was not getting actively harassed right now.

As if he had sensed that I was getting too comfortable, James flung the door open, and light from the living room poured into the room and onto me. I squinted, as it had been pitch black before, but could make out that he was not alone. I heard cheers and giggles as James’s friends saw me, and as my eyes adjusted, I saw that it was a sea of people around him, all trying to get a glimpse at me like I was an exotic zoo animal. I saw a girl’s hand hold her phone in a pink case above everyone’s head. She had to be recording me. As quickly as James had let everyone in, he shut the door and I was alone again, for the rest of the evening.

The following days felt different. Not only was I being dominated by my roommates, but now the whole floor knew about. The RA knew about it. It felt like everyone would look at me, point at me, and whisper about me. I had only been in college a week, and I had the reputation of degraded bottom faggot bitch. The feelings continued the following week. As I walked between classes, and even as I sat in classes, I felt like everybody knew. I even got a piece of paper thrown at me during a lecture and when I uncrumpled it, it had a crude drawing of me sitting in handcuffs, just like the other night.

The next two weeks were fairly consistent, as I adjusted to the twins’ domination and David’s assistance. I was still bothered by the rumors surrounding him that followed me everywhere, but I could not do anything about them, so I tried not to pay attention to them. The fuckings got easier as well. My asshole had fully adjusted to being stuffed by cock regularly, and there was no longer any pain in bottoming. I still did not enjoy them at all though and would stop them if I could. But I couldn’t.

The twins took things to the next level the weekend before the fourth week of classes. While sitting at my desk working on some homework, I watched as James and Jake dragged their massive hampers of dirty clothes into my room.

“We’re both about out of clothes. You’re probably going to have to spend all weekend getting them cleaned up and put back away in our room.” James said, matter-of-factly.

So here I was, in the laundry room in the basement of the dorm building. Doing my roommates’ laundry. As I loaded the dryer, I noticed someone else come in. He said nothing but started loading his washer. I listened as he started the machine, and then I felt him watching me. I looked back at him as he glanced between me and the door. Then, without a word, he rushed over to me, and bent me over the dryer in front of me. He fucked me quickly as we were in public, and he came hard. He left without a word, and I pulled my shorts back up, trying to hold the semen inside me until I could made it to the bathroom.

When I tried to return the laundry hampers to Jake, he told me to keep them, as I would need them more than he did. The next day, when I came home from class, both boys had left their clothes from yesterday on my bed. I noticed David’s on there as well, and when I looked at him, he made a grimace slash smile that told me “They made me do it.” So, now I am not only a faggot, a fuck sleeve, a toy for my roommates’ amusement, I’m their maid as well.

* * *

It was the Friday before Thanksgiving, and the twins were packing up their things to head home for the holiday. We technically had class on Monday and Tuesday, only getting Wednesday through Friday as a break, but lots of people left early, to have the entire week off. I was not able to do this, as one of my engineering professors decided to have a midterm next Tuesday. He was an asshole. David got extra credit in one of his classes on Tuesday, so he was going to stay at school as well, and we’d go home Tuesday night with another girl from our high school whose parents let her have a car freshman year, unlike ours.

“Here you go, faggot,” Jake said, handing me a stack of crumpled papers. “Our prof said any assignments from class so far that weren’t turned in by Tuesday would get a zero, so get cracking, and get it in his drop box for us.”

I looked at the mess of papers, which looked like they had been floating around out of a folder in Jake’s backpack all semester. It was easy stuff, trigonometry. I was doing this in middle school. I looked at the header on the first sheet. Homework #1, due August 20th. Only three months late. Shit, had I been James and Jake’s faggot for three months already?

On Sunday, I studied for my midterm for a while, but I was not worried about it. I looked at the stack of the twins’ assignments and grabbed Homework #1. I breezed through it and began working my way through the pile. About twenty minutes later, David came back from his shower. He threw on some clothes, and I ignored him, as was the arrangement we had been living with. Then, he sat down at his desk next to mine, and grabbed half of the stack of homework, and began helping me. I glanced over at him, and he glanced back at me, giving me a soft smile, one that had calmed me and put me at ease many times over the course of our friendship. I smiled back. We went back to working. It took us about two hours to get through the homework, which I felt was decently fast.

“I really am sorry, Caleb,” David said, as I was putting my calculator away. I looked at him and could see tears welling in his eyes.

“I know,” I said softly. I stood up and gave David a hug. We embraced for a long time before moving to my bed and sitting beside one another.

“I just, it was so abrupt, and they were so aggressive. You looked like you were in so much pain, and I was selfish and didn’t want to be in that same pain.”

“I’m glad they didn’t hurt you too, David.”

“I was just so scared of getting fucked like that. I’m gay, Caleb. But I was still a virgin back then, and I didn’t want to lose my virginity like that. I couldn’t.”

“I know you’re gay, David. I’ve known for years now. Probably as long as you’ve known. I get that you didn’t want to bottom for them. Like hell I wanted to. But I’m not angry with you anymore. I’ve missed my friend. I’ve wanted to do college with you.”

“I’ve missed you too, Caleb.”

“Let me tell you, now that I have become an expert of getting shit shoved up my ass, you’re gonna be able to make some guy really happy come day with that tool between your legs. Holy fuck you’re huge!” We both chuckled.

“Thanks, Caleb. To be honest, though, I am much more partial to bottoming. Fucking you is fun, but I always fantasized about you being the one fucking me.”

“You thought about me in your gay sex dreams? Not, like, Jake Gyllenhaal?”

“Always you, Caleb, to be honest.” I blushed and shifted in my seat. “You know? I’ve been fooling around with some other guys on campus and have learned a thing or two about bottoming that make it better. If James and Jake are gonna fuck you anyway, you might as well enjoy it as much as you can.”

“Oh yeah? And how do you think you’re gonna show me? A hands-on demonstration?” I teased, pinching David’s nipples through his shirt.

He swatted me away and giggled. Then, he leaned over and crawled on top of me, rubbing his hands through my hair. Gently, not like he was about to grab a fist full of it like the twins normally do. He leaned in and kissed my neck softly, and I used my finger on his chin to guide his lips to mine. We kissed passionately, something I hadn’t done with anyone in months. Our hands explored each other’s bodies in a more intimate way than we had ever interacted with each other in all these years of friendship. This was more than friendship.

I reached into David’s shorts and groped his ass. It felt so thick and juicy in my hands. He reached into my shorts and gripped my erect cock with one hand while he fondled my balls with his other. I knew he wanted me to fuck him, and I wanted it too. I pushed David off of me and climbed on top of him. I pulled his shorts off and then my own, before kneeling between his legs and kissing him once more. I spat in my hand, like the twins had done before they fucked me, and then I pressed into David’s tight, pink pucker. I went slow and gentle, until David begged me to fuck him harder. I picked up the pace and relished the feeling of someone else’s skin on my cock. I had hardly even wanted to jerk off lately, I’ve been so repressed sexually, but David made my come alive again.

David pulled away and turned over, getting on his hands and knees. His hole was glistening with my pre cum, and I dove right back in. He arched his back and stuck his ass in the air and moaned loud.

“You’ve got to arch your back when you get fucked, it won’t hurt if you do that.” David taught me. I made a mental note to try that next time I was taking cock. “Oh fuck, pull out, pull out,” David moaned, suddenly pulling off of my cock.

“What? Did I hurt you?”

“No, you’re gonna make me fucking come.”

“You’re not even stroking off, what do you mean?”

“You can orgasm hands free, without touching your dick, if you play with your hole right. You’ve just got to massage your prostate.”

“Your prostate? That thing in your ass that gets cancer?”

“Let me show you.”

David laid me on my back and began giving me a soft, slow blowjob. Then, he stuck a finger in my ass. Then a second finger. He poked and prodded and then it hit me. A wave of euphoria washed over me as he rubbed his fingers across my prostate. How the fuck had the guys not been hitting this before?! David continued sucking and finger-banging me until I was moaning “I’m close, I’m close,” in breathy whispers. David pulled his mouth off my cock but continued massaging my prostate. I felt the orgasm well up inside me, and then watched as semen shot out of my penis and across my stomach. I panted heavily and looked at David in awe.

“Now do me,” David ordered.

* * *

“They’d go wild if you actually had a load in you when they came back,” David told me, from his bunk above me.

“Oh yeah? Why don’t you come breed me then?”

David fucked a load into me quickly, as we didn’t have much time before the twins came back from Thanksgiving break. I took it like a champ if I might pat myself on the back. I even arched my back and felt my prostate, like David taught me. As David pulled out, the twins barged in the door.

“Alright, fuck fag, we saved all our loads just for you!” James shouted as he entered the room. He wasted not time climbing on top of me and then gasped when he noticed my loose, cummy hole. “No fucking, shit, Davey, you cunted the bitch for real this time? Didn’t even have to be told. You’re turning into a real alpha, now!”

“The faggot practically begged me for my cock when we got back,” David bantered along with the doms, same as he always did lately. It used to piss me off, but now I found it adorable.

James buried his cock into me immediately, pounding me rough and getting all sweaty. I pushed back against him and grinded my hips, arched my back, and moaned a little.

“Fucking hell, you’re really getting into it, you must have really missed daddy James, huh?”

“Yessir,” I played along. I might as well make the best of my situation.

“No fucking way, he’s actually hard this time!” Jake shouted as he entered the room to watch us while he waited for his turn.

“Fuck yeah, fag boy, do we make you horny now? Have you finally accepted that you’re our good little boy?”

“Yessir,” I played along again, but this time he made a decent point. I was actually starting to enjoy sex, now that David has shown me how good it can feel. It just made me think of him, now, which made me hornier.

James pumped his massive load into me, and Jake quickly slid into position to take his place. I kept up my arching and grinding and moaning for Jake as well, as I didn’t want him to feel left out, and he shot his wad in me quickly. Luckily, the boys couldn’t stay and chat, as they had some fraternity function to get to.

* * *

The rest of year stayed pretty good. At the semester break, David and I spent a lot of time together back home. I was happy that we had made up at this point, because Christmas would have been really lonely if I had to spend the whole break with my parents instead of hanging out with David. When we returned to school, the twins gave me another rough fucking, but I took it like a champ. I was fairly immune to their dominance at this point, and once I got on their level, there were few surprises from that point on. I spent the spring semester similar to the fall. I got fucked on the regular, although less often than before, as the twins now had baseball to worry about, and thus had less time to spend raping their faggot bitch. I still did the laundry, and I still did a lot of the twins’ homework for them.

One morning in April, I opened up my e-mail and saw a message from the office of the provost. The provost was the second highest person in the school’s administration, behind the chancellor. I have no idea why he would want to speak with me, but I was nervous for some reason. The e-mail was pretty vague, but it asked me to make an appointment with the provost, so I sent a message back and set up a time.

When I walked into the provost’s office, I told the assistant my name, and I asked if she knew what my meeting was about. She gave me an awkward look, but said nothing, just pointed to the chair in the corner of the room. So, I went and sat. Finally, she told me I could go in.

The provost’s office was huge and very ornate. He sat at a huge, dark wooden desk, in a nicely tailored suit. He had blond hair and piercing blue eyes. I looked at his name plate and then it hit me. Johnathan Cartwright. James and Jake’s last name was Cartwright. Their dad is the provost! No wonder they were always so cocky and not worried about getting in trouble.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Hanson. Please have a seat.”

“Hi, Sir. Um, I actually do not know what this is about, so I was…”

“I see. So, I wanted to check in with you about an incident that was reported to the office a while ago. We are launching an investigation into the incident surrounding this video.”

Mr. Cartwright turned the laptop in front of him around and showed me the video on the screen. It was me, and I was handcuffed to the bunk bed in my room during the party from way back in the fall. I was reminded of the girl who held up her phone when James showed me to everyone.

“It seems very clear to me that this is you in the video, am I correct?”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied, my cheeks blushing. He seemed so nonchalant about it all.

“The video was brought to our attention by your parents, who say that a friend of theirs found the video online. Lucky for Foxbury, there is no identifying paraphernalia in the frame of the video. We would have flagged it and gotten it taken down much sooner if it did. Your parents seemed concerned, rightfully so, and I told them I would open a full investigation into the incident with swift punishment, most likely expulsion. Tell me, how has your living situation with your roommate, Mr. David Monroe, been?”

Oh, my fucking God, this bastard. He knew full well that his sons were responsible for this, and he was going to pin it on my friend to make it go away.

“Your parents tell me that Mr. Monroe is a ‘little gay boy’, their words, not mine. Has he forced himself on you?”

“No! Of course not!” I said angrily, before realizing that David had, in fact, forced himself on me. What the hell did my parents have against David, anyway? He’s basically been a part of the family our whole lives.

“Caleb, we have investigated the situation and Mr. Monroe is the only person we suspect at this time. Do you mean to tell me that someone else is responsible for this?”

“I did it. I did it to myself.” I couldn’t believe what I was saying but I couldn’t blame the twins and I couldn’t let them punish David however they were planning on doing so. That’s my best friend. “I did it. I handcuffed myself to the bed during the party.”

“Now, Mr. Hanson, it seems unlikely…”

“Well, it’s not. I did it, Sir.”

“Caleb, there’s semen on your face.”

“Yeah, I, uh, it’s mine. I just came, uh, I mean ejaculated into a condom and put it on my own face. It was all me. Does that mean I’m going to get suspended?”

“Hm, I see. Well, if all this was just a cry for attention, you definitely got out there. It is not grounds for suspension if you did it to yourself. I will warn you, though, that this video has thousands of views and has only gotten more popular since people around campus have started to recognize you in it. But if you did this to yourself, Foxbury is in no position to help you. We cannot remove the video for you unless you have been harassed. You haven’t been harassed?”

“No, Sir. I haven’t”

“Okay, then, I’ll just need your help filling out a bit of paperwork, then. Crossing our t’s and such to verify that the school is not liable, and then you’re free to go.”

As I walked home after the meeting, I couldn’t believe what I had just done. I had just let James and Jake get away with sexually harassing me, all because their dad is handing the harassment. Trying to pin it on David, though, hah! He doesn’t deserve that shit. He’s a million times more of a man than any of those Cartwrights. Or my parents for that matter. What the fuck did Johnathan mean when he said my parents called David a ‘little gay boy’ with that inflection? I couldn’t stop thinking about my parents, stewing about them. I had to know the truth, so I called mom. Sher was more likely to answer than dad.

“Hiiii sweetie!” Mom sang into the phone. “How’s everything going?! You never talk to me anymore!” She jokingly nagged. I was not in the mood.

“Why are you homophobic to David?” I shouted into the phone, my voice cracking from all the emotions welling up in me.

Coming up…

Sophomore Year - The Fraternity Faggot

After spending the summer recovering from his freshman year as his dorm mates’ faggot, Caleb is excited for the fresh start he hopes to get during his sophomore year. His expectations fade, though, when James and Jake force him to join their fraternity.

by P.J.

Email: [email protected]

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