Buck Stops Here

by Jack Parker

15 Oct 2021 17141 readers Score 9.3 (278 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This story is dedicated to the incredibly talented writer Stimle. He has written some of the best stories in porn and in my opinion, doesn’t get the credit he deserves. If you like this story, read some of his..

They say God makes no mistakes, that everything is part of His plan.

If anyone doubted that statement, they would have to look no further than Lucas Maxwell as proof. Lucas, or Buck to his friends, had a body that was obviously made by God. If not God himself then someone God-adjacent for rarely does one find such perfection in the male form as they did with Buck.

At 18 he stood 6’3” in bare feet, 189 with 5.3% body fat, lean, smooth, cut muscle that was covered with unblemished skin tanned by hours and hours of swimming under a Kansas sun. Though born to a farmer, Buck had taken to water as if he was part fish at a young age. His strong form and endless energy had slowly transformed the boy from a large, midwestern bull to a lean, dangerous creature in the water. He had joined the high school water polo team as a freshman and was made varsity that same year. Since then, he had broken record after record with points scored, passes made and sprints won across the state.

His blond hair, blue eyed face adorned banners in the crowd as people cheered the Bishop Carroll Catholic Eagles on to win after win his senior year, his name being yelled loudest by the female fans. He was a looker alright and everyone, but Buck seemed to know it. Buck’s parents were devoutly religious folks and had raised the boy to not care about things carnal and to devote his life to being the best person he could be.

Sure, he liked girls, even had a steady one. He wore her promise ring and had made out with her night after night in the back of his pickup truck looking up at the moon. They had talked about getting married and finally being able to have sex, he weas hoping for a scholarship to Pepperdine or Gannon, both great faith-based colleges and she could move closer and be his wife.

God willing of course.

As God would have it though, Buck was destined for much more than he expected when UCLA came calling and offered him a free ride to one the nest water polo programs in the world. The offer was far beyond what he and his parents had expected, and they had little choice but to expect. They thanked God and the church had a huge sending off party for him. His girl would have to wait for him, there was simply no way for her to afford California and he was going to be pretty busy with the team.

He felt dizzy when he walked off the plane at LAX, the sheer amount of people rushing by the concourse was more than he had seen in one place ever! He found a guy with a carboard sign that said his name standing there looking around.

“Hey!” he said walking over, “I reckon that’s me.”

 The guy looked Buck’s age, maybe a little younger, he was skinny but in a toned way, like you could tell there was some muscles under the baggy clothes. His hair was wild, darkish blond with streaks of gold in it…he looked like a surfer guy dressing up in normal clothes.

He looked up and down Lucas, taking the whole sight in, “You’re Lucas Maxwell?” he asked, awe in his voice.

“One and only, my friends call me Buck.”

He held out a paw of a hand the surfer took it, “Matty, I’m one of the equipment managers for the team. They had me come and make sure you didn’t get lost…you play Wopo?”

Buck nodded and smiled, “I hope so or they’re gonna ship me back.”

Matty chuckled, “Ok then,” he looked him up and down again, “Wow…alright, let’s go find your stuff.”

Buck followed behind him, eager to start his new life.


Los Angels is a big ass place!

I mean I know that makes me sound like some kind of yokel but shucks, there are too many darned people here. If this Matty guy wasn’t here I would have most likely wandered off and fell into a well or something. I mean everyone walked so fast, they talked like they were in an auction and once we got into his car things went nuts!

The freeway was just a bunch of loops and he drove like he was on fire! Everyone was just zooming by, and I held on to my John Deere cap for all I had, pretty sure I was about to meet my maker sooner than later.

Matty thought it was funny the way I held on to the handle as we screamed through yellow lights, I really thought I was gonna piss my undies there for a moment.

We screeched to a halt in front of the swim center, my stomach doing back flips as we came to stop.

“And here,” he said with a huge smile.

I glanced over at him, eyes wide, “Were we being chased?”

He laughed and got out, “Come on, let’s meet the team.”

The place was huge, the pool itself was amazing, there were a dozen guys, all in perfect shape walking around the place, diving, swimming, just being. They were all in Speedos, something we didn’t wear back home.

“Um, are those mandatory?” I asked Matty as we walked by.

“What?” he looked, trying to see what I was talking about. I glanced at one of the Speedos and he laughed, “You mean the banana hammock? Yeah don’t stress the team provides them.”

That’s not what I was worried about.

I was introduced to the coach; he wasn’t as old as my dad and looked like he was a world class swimmer as well. He explained the program to me, but I wasn’t pay all that much attention, all I could see was the fact that even he was wearing a Speedo as he talked, I felt myself get more and more concerned.

“Anyways, I’m sure you’re beat. Matty, we put him in the freshman dorm, you wanna get him settled?”

Matty nodded, “We have a whole dorm to ourselves, we have a room for freshmen, you’re the only one so you got it solo for the semester!”

“On nice,” I said, dreading the eventual conversation that was coming.

It was a nice room, for one person it was roomy, plenty of space. I put my stuff down and looked around, this would do just fine I reckoned.

“So, what you do for fun?” Matty asked as I started to put my clothes away, “Tip cows? Chew tobacco? Chase sheep?”

“You forgot marrying my sister and moonshine,” I joked.

He nodded, “My bad, I was going for the classics.”

“Me and my friends we hung out at the DQ, go shooting, the county fair was always fun…you know normal stuff.”

He laughed, “Nothing you just said sounds normal…but it’s all good. We’ll teach you how to party west coast style.”

I raised an eyebrow, “And what does that include?”

He started counting off on his fingers, “Drinking, sex, surfing, you know the holy trinity.” I must have made a face cause he backtracked, “Oh sorry, you’re a religious guy?”

I nodded and showed him my crucifix, “Born again.”

He nodded, “Cool, cool. I worship at the feet of Huey, God of surfing and no other. So, respect.”

I wanted to point out there was only one God, but I think he was joking, and I just met the guy, so I shut up and kept unpacking. This was gonna take some getting used to.

The next two days were nuts, getting my classes then learning my schedule, it was three days before I showed up for my first practice.

And was instantly overwhelmed.

One, there were triple the guys that were on my old team so the locker room was packed. Second, they were all in such good shape! I mean I was fit but man, these guys looked like super models. And third, there was a pecking order, and I was on the bottom.

A guy with reddish brown hair and a body that looked like it was designed by engineers to live underwater, came walking at me wearing only a Bruins blue speedo on. He had a cocky grin that would have looked like a douchebag on anyone else, but I had to admit, he was a handsome guy, he must have a pretty steady girlfriend.

“Heyseed,” he said raising a hand, “Get over here.”

I was still in jeans and t-shirt, I hadn’t been given a locker yet.

“My name is Lucas,” I said putting my hand out.

He just smiled, “Nope, Hayseed. I’m Dane and this is my team. You any good?”


He laughed, “Um yeah…ok. Not the confidence I was looking for, but we’ll see. Matty what’s his locker?”

Matty came jogging over, “72, that one boss.”

“Go change out and let’s see what we’re working with,” he said looking me up and down, “Hopefully more than those jeans are showing.”

He walked out before I could respond.

“Don’t mind him, he’s paid to be a professional asshole. He’ll come around.”

He showed me to my locker and there was everything laid out…and my Speedo.

“So,” I said picking them up, “I have to wear these?”

Matty nodded, “It’s uniform, why?” he looked down at my crotch, “You ashamed of something?”

I felt my face redden as my hands covered my front automatically, “No, it’s just…we didn’t use these back home.”

“Well, you’re not in Kansas any more Toto, let me know if you need anything,” he said walking away, leaving me with a strip of cloth that was just going to be my own personal hell.

I walked out into the pool area and was met with stunned looks and then an explosion of howls.

“HOLY SHIT!” one of the guys screamed, “That kid is smuggling a snake!”

“Whoa watch out!” one of them called out as they ducked, “You’re gonna take an eye out!”

I really had thought I was over this stuff.

You see, my folks liked to say I was born half fish by the way I swim, but my pals back home insisted I was half horse because of…my…well you know, my thing. It was big, I can’t deny it. It’s always been a thing but over the last year it got bigger, a lot bigger, so much so I took to wearing trunks when I swam to not…well to not be obscene.

But here I was in a Speedo that was barely holding together and a dozen guys staring and pointing.

“Well now,” Dane said walking over to me, his eyes locked on my junk, “That’s something huh?”

I nodded, not sure what to say.

“Ok then,” he said reaching out and grabbing it, “Pleasure to meet you Hayseed.”

I gasped as I jumped back, no one had ever touched me there before…I felt it twitch slightly as I covered myself.

He laughed, “So you look fit, how do you swim?”

“I can swim,” I said, sounding like a little kid.

“Ok then, prove it.”

And I did.

I spent the next two hours showing them what I had, we did laps, scrimmaged and finally ended up in a sprint between Dane and me. He won but not by much, I could tell by the end he was impressed enough.

“Not bad Hayseed, I didn’t know they had real pools in Hicksville. You’re gonna need some work on your left side and your passing needs help but you got it. Get with Matty to take care of that ok?”

He looked down and I wondered what he was talking about.

“Just go show Matty, he’ll know what to do.”

He walked away, ending the conversation, leaving me wonder what the hell I had to do now,

I walked in and found Matty by the coach’s office talking to one of the guys, he saw me and his eyes got wide. “Holy shit!” he said looking at my bulge, “What the fuck they feed you in Kansas?”

As always I felt my face grow red as my hands moved in front of it, “Dane said you’d know what I need.”

He was still just staring and nodding, “Yeah, I know what you need.”

He didn’t elaborate so I asked, “What’s that?”

His eyes met mine, “Yeah you need to shave, all of that has to go.”

He was talking about the hair that used to be covered by my trunks that were exposed by the Speedo now. I shaved my legs to help with flow but I had never gone to my pubes before.

“Ok, I got em.”

He shook his head, “Nope, we have a way here,” he said, moving towards me, “And first shave is a tradition.”

“I can shave my…” I stopped as he grabbed my bugle and declared, “New meat coming though! New meat coming through!”

He began to pull me through the locker room by my bulge, I was so shocked I walked a few steps before pulling back. “Don’t!” I snapped.

He looked back confused but it was Dane who was in my face.

“Problem rook?”

“I don’t like guys touching my junk,” I said, not sure why he was involved.

“Oh?” He asked, grabbing it himself, “Is that so?”

“Stop,” I said and began to pull back, but he squeezed.

“This is a team thing,” he said softly, “You too good for the team? Everyone else had it done…why not you?”

My thing was getting hard…I never touched it unless I had to pee. Ma had said masturbating was self-harm so I left it alone…his hand was making it wake up something fast. I shook my head.

“So then let Matty do what he is going to do and stop being such a bitch, got it?”

I nodded.

“Great,” he gave it one last squeeze and stepped back, “All yours Matty.”

Matty walked up and grabbed my now hard penis through my speedos, “New meat coming through! New meat coming through!”

I followed him miserably, my face feeling like it was going to burst into flames I was so embarrassed. We got to the shower area and there was a bench and some shaving equipment set up.

“I’ll make this as painless as possible ok?” he said kindly and I nodded. “Ok. So, drop em and stand under a shower for a minute or so and them come back and sit down.”

Taking a deep breath, I slid them off, the sound my thing slapping against my abs sounded way too loud in my ears. I head him gasp as I walked over to a shower, my pride and joy bobbing the whole way.

“You remind me of my friend Archie,” he said as I rinsed off, “He had the same problem as you. Just too big.”

“Really?’ I asked, rinsing my hair, “What did he do about it?”

“Had a lot of sex.”

That made me smile, “I wish,” I held up my promise ring, “I already got a gal.”

“Engaged?” he asked.

“Promise ring, it’s more important.”

“Promise? Promise to what?”

I turned the water off, “Promise to wait for each other, not to…you know…until we’re married.”

His mouth dropped, “Hold up, you look like that, and have that…and you’re a virgin?”

I nodded as I sat down on the bench, “Yeah, nothing wrong with that.”

He looked me up and down, “Dude there is so much wrong with that. Ok, lay back on the bench, keep your legs spread, and don’t fight me.”

I laid back, my heart pounding like a bass drum.

I felt his hands touch between my thighs and I jumped.

“Whoa there boy…” he said softly, “Relax…it’s ok…”

I took a deep breath as he spread lather on my upper thighs, the feel of someone touching me there was all new and I felt my thing throb in response.

“Oh…” I moaned, “This is wrong…”

“Shh…” he said as he kept rubbing the lather on, “Just close your eyes…it’s ok…”

I did as he said and the world went black as he stopped and I felt something hard touch my skin, “Don’t move,” he warned, and I felt him begin to shave me. The razor was cold s it slid up the inside of my thigh, but it felt good…not ticklish but…exciting. I felt gooseflesh form on my legs as he moved up beneath my balls and then stopped and went back down.

“Ah…” I whimpered, feeling him nudge my nutsack.

“See? Simple enough…” he said sliding up again, making my whole body shake. Oh my god…this had to be a sin! It felt so good…

“Yeah see? Doesn’t feel bad, does it?” he asked and I shook my head. “Yeah just lay there…it’ll be ok.”

He moved to the other leg and I felt myself spread it out wider, getting into the feeling.

“There you go, good boy…you got this.”

The razor moved up and down and my abs were covered with…with stuff as my penis leaked like it never had before. He touched my ballsac and I gasped as he moved it aside, “Stay still…” he warned.

He had a ball in his hand, oh my god…he was moving it aside so he could shave next to it but jeez…

“Ok other side,” he said, grabbing the other one and a small moan slipped out of my mouth all by itself. “Yeah it’s ok bud…you got it…”

He moved my balls around, making sure he got every inch of skin he could and then patted my thighs, “Ok, turn over, all fours.”

I looked up at him, my thing just sticking straight up, “What?”

“Need to get your ass, trust me, you’ll love it when I’m done.”

I slowly got up, “I don’t need my ass done…”

He nodded, “Come on man, it’s tradition.”

Sighing I turned over, and got on all fours, straddling the bench.

“Yeah, you’re a swimmer alright,” he said, his hands moving over my cheeks, “You got those perfect mounds of muscle that only swimming can make.”

I shivered as he moved over my ass, “T-thanks…”

I felt the razor move over my buns and I tried to will my thing to go down, but it was no use. In this position the head was rubbing against my eight pack and…oh gosh it felt good…so good…

I jumped when he spread my cheeks and began to shave down the middle, he was quick, his movements were sure but no one had ever touched me like this…my whole body was reacting and oh…oh…it felt too good!

This was a sin, I just knew it!

He rinsed my crack and moved a hand between it, “Ok…hmmm…”

“W-what?” I asked, afraid to look back.

“Shit…hold on…I think some fell in.”


“Shhh…” he snapped, and I closed my mouth, “Some of the hair fell in, if we don’t get it out now it will drive you nuts.”

“Get it out?”

“Face forward, mouth shut.”

I did as he said, trying not to panic.

“Ok…relax…don’t freak…”

His finger poked at my hole and I freaked.

“NOOO!” I cried, trying to stand up but his hand pushed in my lower back and stopped me.

“Chill, BUCK! Chill. Now.”

I stopped struggling but my breathing was coming like I had been running a marathon.

“Look bud, trust me, if it dries in there you are going to be miserable. Just chill the fuck out and let me get it now…or you will be crying all night. You trust me?”

I nodded.

“Then get back down and relax.”

I slowly laid back down on all fours, closing my eyes.

“Ok, deep breath,” he said, his finger touching my hole.

I forced myself not to jump as I felt his fingertip push into me. He began to wiggle it around and my thing began to harden again, the tip smearing more stuff against my abs.

“Fuck you’re tight…” he said as he forced more into me, “Little more…just a little…”

Oh god! Oh god he was in me…I could feel him start to fill me up…why was my thing so hard…oh no….

“Yeah almost,” he said, standing up behind me, “You need to relax man or I’m never gonna get it…”

“I’m trying,” I whimpered, feeling my body tingle from the new sensations.

“Ok, let’s try this…”

His hand moved around my dick and my eyes flew open, “What?”

“Shh…it’s ok..it’s ok…” he said as he slowly stroked me, “You need to relax…”

Shit! His hand…I tried to pull away but al I did was force more of his finger into me, I pushed off and now I was just moving my dick in his hand!

“Yeah see…you got it…” he said as I tried to find a way out of this but just continued to use his hand to jerk me off, this was wrong!

“We-we can’t do this…” I panted.

“Shhh, it’s ok big guy, we’re just looking for a hair…nothing wrong…”

“Ohhh…” I groaned as his first knuckle entered me, “Matty…”

“I gotcha…I gotcha…” he said, sliding his finger slightly then pushing it back in.

“OH!” I gasped as he began to slowly side it in and out of me…my leaking dick in his hand loving every second, “No…no…no…” I chanted as I felt him start to slowly side his hand over my length.

“Yeah, come on big guy…we’re almost there…” he said, sliding his finger out and then replacing it with two!

“OH GOD!” I cried out as my head went down to the bench, his hand speeding up on my cock. I was pushing back onto him now as I felt my weeping dick leak everywhere. I was rutting back like a pig in heat and there was nothing I could do to stop it!

“Yeah, come on Buck…come on…you can do it…”

I don’t know what he was talking about, but I was sliding back and forth now, shoving his two fingers into my virgin ass as his hand stroked my massive cock the whole time. Squeaks and whimpers were all I could make as I felt my swollen balls begin to tingle.

“Oh lord…close…oh fuck…” I intoned.

“Yeah, we almost there? We almost got it?”

“So close...so close…” I panted…

“Come on Buck…one…last…”

He shoved his fingers all the way in and my cock exploded.

My mouth was open in a silence scream as I unloaded all over my abs. Cum dripped down on the bench as my ass spasmed around his fingers, fireworks went off in my head as I rammed his fingers deeper and deeper in me as I came. My whole brain was on fire as my cock wouldn’t stop cumming. After a minute of this I felt my dick start to slow and he slipped his fingers out, making me gasp as they left.

“And got it…” he said, slapping my ass, “See? Not so bad.”

I still had my eyes closed, hunched over the bench as cum dripped from my eight pack onto the wood below. All I could do was nod.

“Ok, rinse up and you’re good,” he said collecting all the stuff, “Oh and don’t worry,” he said getting close to my ear, “Next time we can do it back in your room so it isn’t out in the open.”

I nodded and he walked away, whistling a happy tune.

I slowly got up and looked at the mess on my abs and chest and walked over to the shower…feeling as guilty as all heck. As I turned on the water I began to rinse off and began to pray for forgiveness…

Wait? Did he say next time?


Thank you for reading my stories. If you'd like to tip my venmo is @jack-parker-109 every tip helps buy me more time to write and bring more stories to you.

by Jack Parker

Email: [email protected]

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