Boy Bonding Cave Dungeon

by Mr.X

18 Apr 2024 594 readers Score 9.8 (9 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

We all woke up after several minutes; GJ exited the dungeon with a knock at the front door upstairs. Wow--- it was Wednesday morning; we had all passed out in the dungeon on the 2 queen foldable leather beds, one surrounded with our Little Red Racer cut-out, so much Fun!

 All could barely move; we were so sore and exhausted from the extreme and extensive fisting and toy pounding. Our cock cages and cum tubes were still in us; each of us had the collection bags on and approaching near fullness. It was incredible that we excited the prostate and seminal vesicle so much, that we continued to ooze semen all night long, just a GJ has been doing for us for a month+ now, or so it seemed.

 We could hear Josh coming down the stairs saying, “GJ what took you so long? We were getting worried. You need to give us a key and the alarm codes.” The 4 guys undressed as was the rule at the bottom of the stairs: their cocks to a full hard erection.

 GJ answered, “Well Master’s, the House Masters and I had an extreme and extensive play session, but in a role reversal way. You can see I am back to my regular character and presentations; my caged penis, semen collection bags, my leather, lingerie, and makeup. However, I really enjoyed the role reversal as I dominated the masters in pairs over…. wow…I think we played for 18 hours. You will see they are still worn out and in their sub role appearance, but I do need this weekly; I think Saturdays are best to keep me in balance emotionally, mentally, and sexually.” We heard and saw them walk through the BBCD Shower.

 Ethan saw the 36+ semen bags first on top of the ½ empty piss tank and said, “Jesus Fucking Christ, GJ did you make all that cum there; why are the boys not eating?”

 GJ answered, “Oh no master Ethan, that was collected from Master Dylan and the BBCD Collective Erotica boys over our 18-hour session.”

Nicky said, “But GJ without multiple doms here to use multiple arms and fists, the only way you could have gotten that much semen out of them was to…”

 Ethan said, “OH GJ please tell me that you did not do the ultimate full circle fist with them; we were going to train on that this week starting today!”

Danny said, “Well look at them in here in the dungeon; the place is a Fist and Dildo Fest Fucking Disaster…. Heavenly though!”

 GJ responded, “Master’s Joshua, Ethan, Nicky & Danny, I did take it upon myself in this role reversal session to train them in the ultimate full-circle fist art technique. With all due respect to you all, I thought it only wise and appropriate, that one intimately familiar, as a key part of the household, and a high-value BBCD Collective erotica member (I hope anyways) introduce and train them in the ultimate fisting art. I think I did pretty darn good!”

 Cole sat up and replied, “GJ you did more than pretty darn good, that was so gentle and wonderful; it was glorious, and we came and came and are still cumming. Josh, I need your cum right now; most of ours we bagged; we ate very little cum off each other in the last 18 hours.” Josh presented his dripping cock to Cole and Cole began to feed. Boy was he hungry. He took Josh’s massive cock almost 11 inches out of over 13, up and down, slurped and sucked. God, he was so beautiful especially sucking cock!

 I sat up and said, “I am feeling really shaky; I need some right now.” Ethan presented his cock to me, and I sucked and swallowed, as his cum squirted out of his 12” member with my lips almost 11 inches to his base.

 Nicky said, “Alan & Stan come to feed and Danny Will do Brayden & Tyler; try to share boys, before we leave you can get topped up from Josh & Ethan.”

 Danny said, “While you guys are feeding here, I guess GJ better set up the kiddie pool so you may have the cum bath this morning. Another beautiful day so outside would be fun!

 GJ Answered, “What a splendid Idea Master Danny, I shall attend to the preparations forthwith!” GJ left and worked on moving our 36-liter bags+ of cum to the kiddie pool outside.

 Josh said, “I know you guys can’t converse (With deep-throating our squirting cocks), but our plan was to 3 of us ultimately full circle-fist three of you and then let the other 3 try on you, and then vice versa. Nicky was hoping to do GJ the entire time while you guys watched as a turn-on; after you feed and have Cum-Fested in the bath, let's try to get back to the plan; it is not easy, and one of the riskiest things to do if you do it wrong!”

Cole pulled off Josh’s cock and said, “Ok Thanks Josh, that is such great apple pie cum! Our cunt’s are sore, but I am sure after this feed and the cum bath, we will be healed and ready for more training. We all do want to learn safely how to do the FULL-CIRCLE FIST that is for Fist-Fucking sure!” We all nodded in agreement; moaned as the rest of us continued to suck their cocks, feeding on the God breakfast cum.

 The other 4 Boys and I finished our feed in about another 5 minutes. We just needed enough to be able to get upstairs to the cum bath. We all still had our cock cages on so we were approaching 24 hours and were not sure when Josh & crew wanted to do more Full-Circle Fisting, or if we would be caged or uncaged.  We took off our leather and BDSM attire, so just the cock cages on.

 We all got outside as Josh and the crew helped us all get into the blow-up pool and released our current full cum bags. It looked like we had about 40+ liters between the 7 of us. GJ was trying to walk away when Josh grabbed him planted him in the middle of the circle and sat him down as we all looked at each other with great smiles.

 Josh said, “Seeing as GJ helped extract all this from you boys, I think it only fitting that each bag will be emptied into the pool over GJ’s head, face, and body; then you may all lick and eat up as much as you can.” GJ was very excited about this, threw his head back, and opened his mouth wide. I was a little worried that the Irish Fuck just might try to drink all 40 liters himself; then I recalled, he had already had a lot of our cum in him from the previous night's Fisting Fest.

 Josh and the 3 crew pulled the table over with the 40+ or so cum liter bags. 4 at a time were un-tubed, and the release valve opened and squeezed by the crew with still hot thick streams of beautiful white cum spewing from the squeezing bags. GJ gulped almost a full liter, and some dribbled out all over his red flame locks; we started to tongue-wash his body 360 degrees around. For the second batch, he sat there smiling away as the cum and hot white semen layered down his entire head and face. Naturally, he lapped in what hit around his lips. The rest of us were like a pack of ravenous wolves as we licked and slurped and sucked all over GJ’s cum covered body. This was incredible fun; after 30 minutes the last of the bags were emptied. We ended with about 3 inches of cum in the entire bottom of the pool, so I think we had swallowed about ½ or 20 liters.

Josh and crew sat down naked and hard on the Adirondack deck chairs and just gawked at us. I overheard Danny ask Josh,

 “Have you ever seen anything like this!?!”

 Josh replied, “No Never!! Just like the scat party they had…they are an un-real bunch; worthy of God Status; absolutely off-the-fucking charts incredible!!”

 Nicky said, “Are you sure we should not run the tests again? Maybe get Andreas to expand into other database mainframes as he did record all the DNA results…like what if they were pretending, to pretend to be Vampires?”

 Josh said, “Oh for Fuck-Sake Nicky Stop!!”

 Nicky replied, ‘Well I know Ethan has the Math smarts part of the family brain, but statistically what are the odds of them all cumming together over the years and decades; 3 acquainted from school; 3 random bumped into at work and pizza delivery boy. All of it with them to get to this point is extremely remote unless we added to it?”

 Ethan said, “You know he is right, but if you factor in our influence, it almost seems plausibly repeatable that we could take another group of 6 or 7 Twinks; some acquainted, and some strangers, and give them all these tools and instructions/guides and see what happens. I think Dr. Andreas would love from a mental emotional and neurological standpoint, to see if we have just uncovered something deep in the male physiology/sexuality, in all males.”

 Danny said, “That makes sense: the idea was born from Dylan’s first experience and introduction to Gay BDSM and fucking from a TTW Graduate; our Andy, his piano Teacher & fellow Twink-Trans Wife Liam/Lisa. In Andy’s building, by chance bumps into School chum Alan, whose Grandma lives on a lower floor.  Alan sees he has returned for more sex with Andy with gloves and lube in tow. They start as a gay couple. Then he discovers our porn site for his decision to build a Gay Twink Sex Dungeon in his basement. His mom comes out as a Dyke and offers to pay for all of it; to keep him so stoned on Gay Twink sex, that he does not end up on drugs and booze like his brothers and no good Father.

 Dylan goes to work; by chance, a new hire named Cole, the 2nd most gorgeous boy on the planet (after our Josh) falls for Dylan and Vice-versa. Stan, another school chum moves into the neighborhood to be closer to college. They meet while Dylan is outside with Alan and Cole starting the Dungeon-Shower-studio reno work. They all come out to each other; now it is a foursome gangbang.

 They order Pizza after a Fuck-Fist-Dildo Fest Marathon; the hot gay twink delivery boy (Brayden) who lives on the street in his car,(due to homophobe fucktard parents), pops wood in his pants as they answer the door naked to pay for the pizza. They take him in and it’s a 5 Boy Gang Bang.

 They start renovation work and at the same time have inspectors come. They pop into Faggot Femboy Fight Club and meet Josh (As discovered on our website FFFAS, and Andy -piano teacher & Lisa, our grads).

 Josh is intrigued and impressed and blows a big load hearing their Dungeon Build; lots of grads have BDSM Twink Fuck parties, but none so far has invested over $100K+ in a Gay Twink Dungeon.

 The city inspector happens to be Tyler, also a former Grad from TTW. Now it’s a 6 Boy Fuck & Fist giant Toy dildo fest with 1 Grad in the group. Dylan and the boys become Obsessed with the Giant cocks as we all have on the FFFAS website. Grad Tyler now in the 6 Boy group, gives more info; the connection with Josh is bridged solid and rock hard bigger.

 After our first Fuck Fist and Dildo BDSM session visit, we sign them up as future porn-star members on FFFAS. We ask them to dedicate themselves to penis growth and anal expansion - fisting cum like never before!

 They quit their jobs; in the process, another former worker of Dylan and Cole, Jordan, is devastated; he knows he is a major Femboy down deep and wants desperately to be fuck friends with Cole & Dylan; so he can get out of his Irish Catholic homophobic abusive parents hell, who seem to lie about his age.

 They (6 BBCD Boys) take him in as Houseboy/Femboy cum backup extraordinaire, with an ass the size of a 747.  We insist they go through crazy daily training with cum eating; continuous orgasms; Fucking; fisting; toys bigger deeper and longer. We insisted they embrace all bodily fluids as part of their dedication to the BBCD Collective Erotica. They scare the shit out of us with their abilities, and BDSM skit; we insist on making them Gods of Gay Erotica!”

 A long silence hangs over Josh and crew; they keep watching us splash, laugh, giggle moan, groan, drink, slurp; eating slowly decreasing cum all over us in the kiddie pool.

 Finally, Josh spoke, “Yeah,…I dare say we created them; sort of feels like Dr. Frankenstein, but in a good Twink-en-stein way.

 Ethan said, “The only way to prove that either: A) We caused this great crazy uninhibited wild feral sex coven, by giving them the tools and the program design. This means all boys can do this deep into their sexuality. Or, B) If they are uniquely exceptional and did it all on their own; or some other power we have not found. So we must repeat the experiment with 7 different boys.

 Josh said, “Hum…that would be interesting. What if we asked these 7, to guide and chaperone the next 7? What if we bought a property like this, had a similar setup and same amenities, and invited 7 boys from the Nov 1 special 3 days TTW, when these 7 are being revealed; we say we will choose 7 out of the 120 boys to be trained by the BBCD Collective Erotica, in an extensive paid and supportive program for 6 months; like a Twink-Training-Sebatical?

 Nicky said, “But how do we control their need to train the new 7, without over-influence this 7 sort of forcing the next 7 to do the same crazy events, then we have proved nothing  because these 7 would have influenced and skewed the future results, right?”

 Danny said, “Nicky for the less intelligent bother, you are pretty fucking smart!” They all laughed.

Josh said, “Let's discuss it with Taylor and Logan and the rest of our crew and Andreas. We still want these 7 to make endless crazy porn starting in January and spring next year. We do not want to overtax their routine; they will be done the cock growth and fully trained in all the Gay Arts, and will have Erotes God Status and abilities; they should be able to juggle it all. Before I forget while we watch this, I want us to build a 30-boy ceramic  cum pond at the 3rd floor TTW center, and change the cum consumption.

 Maybe it would be best to find a property nearby like in the neighbourhood. It is too bad we could not house them here in the empty upstairs, but that would be hard again not to be influenced by these incredible crazies…God look at them guys, they are so beautiful, innocent, and uninhibited- so perfect!

 Sorry…just daydreaming- It is a great point, Nicky! We have to have these BBCD 7 do exactly the things we did to them, but not the events and acts they came up with on their own, otherwise, we have manipulated the experiment resulting in copied clones proving nothing other than we can recreate them.

 Nicky replied, “Would it not be best to just set the new 7 up in the house with the same everything, pay them each $30K a-month for a full year (12 Month) program? Give them all the BDSM tools & training guides, manuals, videos, posters, etc. All the amenities & porn access…same daily program except no additional 3rd party feeding or influence (So not us or these boys, just them on their own for 6 months to start).

 For the first 6 months, they must try to produce as much semen from each other as possible and must eat it all up, not one drop wasted, and rule #2, they must almost continuously Fuck & Fist and toy ride and do the BDSM acts on their own. So not quite house arrest, but we observe them for the first 6 months and see what they execute on their own un-influenced; then for the next 6 months, we introduce these 7 with special additional training. Then we have results of 0 influence, other than tools and training materials; then also results from direct influence and manipulation and see the end of each semi-year results to compare with and without.”

 Ethan responded, “I think I just lost the brilliant brother title!” They all laughed.

 Danny said, “That is really brilliant Nicky! It would prove everything; we can gauge what Twink Sexuality does with tools resources and amenities on their own; then what they do with 3rd party additional intense training for the 2nd half year. That would also prove if our semen had the penile growth effect, we think it does, or if any boy's semen will work, and, just how much of the cock can one pull out from the extreme fisting and toy riding without the 3rd party professional daily training.

 Josh said, ‘Sounds like a plan! We will talk with the others; say nothing to these 7 as they will not be needed until July 1st of next year. The 7 boys we choose on Nov 1, would have to start the program Jan 1st of next year. Let’s chat with our team later today because we need to look for a place in the neighborhood and start the reno, so it will be ready by Jan 1st.  Again, do not mention these guys yet, we will do so later in the summer or fall when necessary. (Little did they know that I have exceptional hearing and was closest to them in the pool! - the idea intrigues me; I start to cycle our actions and their influence…no matter what they prove, Fuck! It has been a blast of Pleasure and CUM CUM CUM!

 Josh approached the cum pool and spoke, “OK BBCD Collective Erotica, I dare say all the cum is gone and you are starting to burn in the sun. Also, you have had those inverted cock cages on for over 24 hours, so time to come off for a bit anyways and have a good piss to flush your urethra. GJ, I assume you do take yours off for some time each day, and had some good pisses?”

 GJ replied, “Yes master Joshua, usually about 2 hours on every 12, so I wear the cage and tube for 20/24 hours a day. I am careful not to waste any cum and semen though!”

 We all got out and headed for the BBCD showers. We took off our cock cages, and placed them in the composite sinks, for cleansing by GJ later; we all thoroughly washed head to toe, cock, balls, and ass. GJ knelt in the middle of the shower, so we knew he wanted to be covered in piss. All 6 of us circled him and unloaded a good liter of piss from each of us. It does feel good to flush the urethra after such as long wear. Glad he is caring for his hygiene and relieving his bonds a few times daily.

Josh and his 3 crew came into the shower all rock hard, dripping,

 “Ok BBCD Twinks, please shower the piss off all of you; then let's have Dylan, Alan, and Brayden in slings, best put on your ankle and wrist cuffs only; we can secure you all in. Cole, Stan & Tyler, you will ride shotgun so to speak; I, Danny & Ethan Fist Dylan, Alan & Brayden respectively. Let’s get some fresh lube pots. GJ, you please get up on the Spanking bench, and Nicky is going to full circle fist you from Behind in Doggie Style; the other 6 boys can watch and learn; it's hard to say which way is easier. In case you are all too stoned by the time we are done, apart from doing this to each other once a  day, we want you all to start working on more than 3 fists and arms, or 2 toys  in your cunts  and more cock-caged than not.”

 I asked, “Josh by the time October rolls around for the Special extended Nov 1 Twink Training Workshop, just how many fists and arms do you think we all will or should be able to do?”

 Josh replied, “Well at least 8 and possibly 9, but I think that is as wide as your boy-cunts need to go, even as Erotes. I can go up to 12 and take Taylor’s entire head and upper body, but never again, that was my limit. 12 is Ethan's limit also; most of the other crew is 8 or 10.”

 Danny said, “Although I have the record for longest continuous fisting and cum and piss output and consumption, I still someday would like to get to 12 myself. You 6 being a little younger and arms a little smaller, I just might stop in by myself some night for a special bottom Danny fisting marathon.”

 Alan said looking at Danny as he was lubing his bare hands and arms, “I would really enjoy that Danny; You are all so gorgeous, but I will have you know, I have a crush on you; so cute like me!” We all roared in laughter!

 Stan said, “Well that is true, and I would love it also; maybe next week when Dylan's Mom is home, that would be a special surprise!” We all laughed, and GJ hit the Videos and music.

 Josh spoke, “OK boys let us get started; trainees pay attention; you felt last night it is tricky and can be a bit risky.” Josh and the 3 crew all well-lubed entered our cunts in the duck beak formation. We were all rock hard and dripping cum on our bellies already. Slowly the fisters’ proceeded deeper as we all moaned and groaned. Nicky was enjoying GJ doing him doggie fist style; Alan smiling away as Danny grinned and pressed through his sigmoid, (Especially now knowing the mutual crush). Brayden was the loudest as he had Master Ethan. Brayden was so hot; I was anxious for Cole and me to have a private threesome with him again.

 Josh spoke, “Not to digress, but maybe even more of a turn-on, I am sure by Friday am, you each have gained well over ½ an inch in length and likely a ¼ inch in circumference.  

 Dylan, by the time your mom is home in like 10 days or so, let's try to get all of you guys over 11 inches long. I hope your mom will watch some of your sex down here. I got a call from her last night, and we chatted for hours about her opening a “Dyke Training Workshop." I hope you guys are not embarrassed about letting Cathy watch and learn. I have invited her to Dylan's TTW & the Special Nov 1 session!”

 I replied as Josh was navigating my sigmoid, “Oh Fuck! My mom is going to see my rock hard dripping cumming cock and giant toys and fists up my ass, while I squirt cum; sort of sick, but I am cool with that!”

 Alan said, “I love it! I like Cathy a lot! She is so fucking hot; she can fuck my ass with a strap-on and fist me anytime; think I would love to fuck her ass too!” (If my hands were not latched to the sling chains, I would plug my ears! Where is the Fucking Vodka!)

Josh replied, “Well that is pretty much what will happen; she wants to be trained in all the Gay Anal Arts; there is little difference between boys and girls; like their penis is sort of inside; their nuts/ovaries just higher; our prostate is their G-spot.  All in the ass/cunt we hit the same parts, and we all regardless of gender blow big cum.”

 Brayden said barely able to talk from his moaning and groaning, “Yes…..BBBBUUUUYTTTT Thhheir cccuuuummm is so like gaaassssssoooliiiiinnnne!” We all roared!

 Josh said, “OK we will chat more later; looks like we are all in your ballrooms. So here we go; slowly we curve the hand down to the hepatic flexure and we can all see and feel that the fister's elbow is midway up the descending colon. The trick is to slowly venture deeper so that the elbow is locked into the higher bend at the splenic flexure; we will go deep and down now; you bottoms will feel a lot of pressure; do not worry, we will not hurt you!”

 Slowly Josh’s hand proceeded down my ascending colon. The sensations again were astronomical! I never imagined us venturing past the transverse. God this was so incredible! It appeared a bit easier for GJ; he in the doggie style likely had this many times from Ethan.

 Nicky seemed to be very good at it also. I was moaning and groaning incredibly as were Alan and Brayden. Us and I 3 bottoms all at the same time felt the fister elbows slide up into place and the hand go lower right to the cecum and rub the prostate.

 I cried out in greatest pleasure, “Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck! Yes! Yes! Josh Fucking curve now in and out a bit; work my prostate through the ascending colon. Josh did exactly that….like I needed to tell him at all. I screamed some more, as did Alan, Brayden, and GJ. We all said, “OH God Yes! I am going to cum! Oh Fuck! Yes! Oh God! Oh FFFFFFUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKk!!!!!

 The 4 of us power bottoms, power shot all over the back and side walls, and ceiling with such stream force and volume, that it bounced off the mirrors and leather stations. We continued to scream and ejaculate for over 20 minutes many liters. We were spraying the walls and ceiling much to the other Hurrahs and Wows! We knew we would all have to lick and slurp it up later. GJ had a cum pool the size of the kiddie pool on the floor as Nicky went total apeshit on his Ginger Boy-cunt and removed his cum collection tubes and bags; he sprayed like a carwash nozzle all down the back of the bench and floor!

 Josh said, “OK you boys are spent; I think Cole, Stan, and Tyler, get in the slings, and let’s see if all 6 of you were paying attention.” We switched places after the tremendous cum.

 Cole gave me a big hug and kiss and said, “Do me, deep Lover!” Alan, Stan, Brayden & Tyler had similar exchanges. We 3 former fistees, were still quite shaky on our feet. We just let our cunts and cocks continue to drip on the tight-sealed foam tile floor. Josh, Danny & Ethan looked on while Nicky was now double-fisting GJ and had already loaded up 2 more collection bags of cum from his caged cock tubes since he was standing in a pond of GJ's cum. GJ looked to be in absolute bliss; many times when Nicky fully withdrew both hands, he would give those large barred and bolted balls on GJ a hard slap and bash causing GJ great pleasure being the pain slut that he is; one could see squirts of cum into the bag a few seconds after each impact. Nicky went back in with clenched double fists, fist-punching the Houseboy in the doggie position on the spanking bench like a machine piston; it was beautiful! We all looked forward to doing it later in the week.

 Once my Gorgeous, Beautiful Cole was up in the sling and latched in, I pulled his hips and ass down over the edge more. I said,

 “Lover, I am going as deep to my shoulder and armpit as I can. I will swallow your loads as best without overflow.”

 Josh stated and smiled, “Don’t worry about the overflow, I will suck that up no problem; you boys have all developed wonderful-tasting cum!”

I continued and re-soaked both my arms and hands in the lube pot. Slowly with one fist in the duck form, I enter Cole. A great sigh and relief poured out from him and all the new subs; Stan and Tyler also. It is the most beautiful feeling when the hand gets sucked into the anal canal and rectum; it sends absolute shock waves through the entire body like a full-body orgasm. I continued my thrusting and plunging as Cole was faucet cum running as I leaned over and sucked some up. I navigated and pierced his sigmoid. Doing this is like entering the anus and rectum all over again, but even more intense, with endorphins blasting throughout the body-so incredible!

 Josh said, “I want you to try with Cole; he has the biggest cunt so far, other than GJ. Once you are rounding into the ballroom transverse, I want you Dylan to slip your other hand (Left) and arm in, and just rub crazy his prostate and seminal vesicle, as your other hand very slowly navigates the Hepatic Flexure; with your elbow socks into the splenic flexure. Then cover his huge cock with your mouth, and fist until he sprays volcanically.

 I slowly proceeded to do this; my cock raging and dripping so hard and turned on doing this to my primary lover. The gasps, moans, and cries from Cole, Stan, and Tyler were even louder, aggressive than what we experienced. Alan and Brayden followed suit by also putting their other hand in the boy's cunts; working prostates and seminal vesicles; sucking boys cock’s.

 We continued on a few more minutes; l I was blown away as my right hand started to come lower in Cole’s ascending colon, to the point where my right elbow was locked into the left side of Cole’s bend from the descending to his transverse; both my hands were able to touch each other, and massage and work his prostate and seminal vesical; the entire pelvic floor of Cole start to quiver and shake like a storm.

 Cole (And the other 2 boys also) cried out and screamed, “OH MY GOD, it can be this Fantastic! Holy Fuck!! God, I am cumming! Holy Shit, it feels like golf balls about to blast out! Get ready Dylan, this is fucking huge. OH FFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK YYYYYYEEEESSSSS   GGGGGGOOOOOOODDDDDD!

 With that, my mouth and the other boys also were blasted, I mean blasted!! Our mouths were full of boiling boy cum, the likes of which had rarely been seen; we swallowed and gulped frantically, but the pressure and volume were so much, it almost came out my nose. I had to let some seep out and down Cole’s Balls, Ass, and my arms. Josh was there; he licked and sucked it all up even licking my Cole ass juice and lube-covered arms. After the 3 boys were done with much panting, and sweating screams,  we all withdrew.

 Josh said, “OK let’s eat all their cunts Rosebuds now, and clean all the lube and cunt juice up, guys.”

 Josh and I started to rim and suck Cole’s beautiful rosebud. He pushed out; it was almost 5” wide, and out about an inch. God so Gorgeous! Josh and I ate and lapped for 10 minutes, as did the other boys on their bottom Boys-cunts.

 GJ was so in bliss! He was asleep latched into the spanking bench. Many bags of cum had been filled by Nicky, but Nicky had also let some squirt out from his cage as Nicky was licking cum up from the bench and rimming GJ’s massive cunt still surrounded by a lake of GJ cum. Myself, Alan & Brayden proceeded to lick and suck up all our cum that had dripped down the walls, and ceiling and pooled on the floor. We then tackled GJ’s pool…fuck it was a lot of cum to eat!!

 Well into mid-afternoon now; GJ started to clean and lightly wash down the dungeon. I and the other boys all went out to the Studio apartment. Alan, Stan, and Tyler fed off of Josh, Danny & Ethan; each 3 rotating so that the suckers tasted and ate some of each of their cum. Nicky came over to me and presented his almost 12” Cock. I was stuffed, but could not resist, I needed to eat his cum at all costs!

 Nicky said, “Feed Dylan; we have to get you to 13” s first, and I do not think you have sucked me yet, so please get to it.” Nicky stood in front of me while I sat on the couch. God, he has a gorgeous cock and tasted so sweet like maple syrup. He and Ethan are those hot blondes (CK-model -Travis Fimmel-like twins). Cole got behind Nicky and started to eat his boy-cunt; Brayden got up on the couch edge and offered his cock to Nicky. Everybody was either sucking, getting sucked, or rimming. In another few minutes, the room erupted into more cum. The rimmers got so excited; they fed their cocks into each other; no hot white boy-cum was wasted.

 GJ walked in and said, “Masters, the Dungeon and Showers are spotless; the cages, dildos, leather, and BDSM equipment and instruments are also cleaned. I am plugging my cock tube and going for a swim!” We all followed suit, including Josh, Danny, Nicky, and Ethan. They (Josh & Crew) dried off and departed until tomorrow (Thursday).

 We went light the rest of the day, eating a bit; tanking up on tones of water; taking our supplements, and working out some. Close to bed, in the late evening and night, we had group anal sex. Pretty much all of us Fucking each other at one point or another; many times, double and triple penetrations. Some cum went in our boy-cunts; some down our throats. GJ filled his cum bags several times, and we had GJ cum Slurpee for a bedtime snack.

 I was amazed at the volume of Boy-cum that we were making and eating each day. Likely close to 4 liters each…almost 4X our original goal. All 7 of us crashed in our double King bed and almost fell asleep…but Brayden, (God bless him)! started to rim GJ; in another 30 minutes, we all had our Rosebuds blooming and had a boy-cunt rosebud-eating fest for another hour. Last, I remember, I fell asleep with my tongue up Stan’s hot Colombian boy-cunt…who knows where the rest of the boys ended up…till morning anyways!