Better than a free holiday

by Scott Sauce

15 Jun 2022 8706 readers Score 9.3 (170 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I got off the bus. School had been shit, as usual, and made all the worse for the unusually hot temperature. How anyone was supposed to concentrate on science or maths in this heat, without even so much as a window open, was beyond me. It didn’t take much for me to get lost in sexual fantasies, and the heat did it to me every time.

It was early July, almost the end of the school year. I was so ready for a break.

I had almost missed my stop, too. I was staying with a friend of my mom and dad’s while they took a trip to Australia. It was something they had won from a competition in a newspaper. They never won anything, so we were all super excited about it. However, my excitement was short lived when I realised I wasn’t going with them. And their excuses for not taking me were lame.

Apparently, in no particular order: I needed to focus on my exams. I couldn’t afford this much time off school. They hadn’t been away together since before I was born. It was too expensive. The competition was only for two people…

I’m sure there was other stuff, but I stopped listening. I got it. I was dropped from the party. I was to finish school like a boy boy, and don’t mess “Uncle Geoff” around. Not that I ever called him uncle. It was just something my mom did to make him seem normal.

So, I was stuck with Geoff. Weird Geoff. He always looked at me funny, always had. Always seemed to be alone, never with a girlfriend. Always a bit weird in a way I can’t really describe. He never seemed to work either, but he always had money. He had daddy vibes, though, which meant he was occasionally the guy who railed me in my depraved fantasies. I liked to fantasise about weird older guys. I hated myself for it, but it always got me off. Sometimes it was Geoff. Sometimes it was Mister Blake, the Drama teacher. Sometimes the guy who ran the newsagent near where we lived. They were my secret gay boy fantasies that I didn’t dare share with anyone, not ever.

And could I stay at my house in my room and have Geoff come over from time to time to look in on me? No. I had to pack my shit and live in Geoff’s place for two weeks, maybe three, depending on whether mom and dad could tag an extra week on. It was a fucking liberty, that was for sure. I wasn’t a kid. I was old enough to look after myself.

I got to Geoff’s place feeling hot and frustrated. I was grinding my teeth in annoyance as I opened the door and slammed it behind me, inviting complaint and looking to start an argument. No complaint came, though. I could hear voices. Geoff must have people over, I thought, which was odd because he never had people over. I felt a bit silly for slamming the door.

Geoff’s place was quite big. It was an older house at the end of the lane with large rooms and a solid feel. It was expensively decorated, too. The entrance hall was fairly grand, a big square with doors leading off to the rooms on the ground floor, with stairs winding up one wall and then around to the first floor and a galleried landing. It was a nice place. The only reason I didn’t want to be here was that it made me feel like I was being treated like a fucking kid.

The door to the living room opened and Geoff appeared with a smile on his face. He closed the door behind him which muffled the noise of men talking and laughing.

“Hey kid” he said to me. I fucking hated it when he called me kid. My name was Callum, which is what my mom called me. Everyone else called me Cal.

“It’s Cal” I said, stroppy. “Hey.” I added the ‘hey’ grudgingly. I was trying hard to be nice.

Geoff sniggered at me. “Okay then, Cal…..” He said, emphasising my name. He was taking the piss out of me. I rolled my eyes. I was too hot and too knackered from school for his shit, but if I pissed him off mom and dad would probably kill me, so I let it slide.

To my surprise Geoff nodded toward the stairs with his head. “Come on” he said, and started toward them. I frowned. What now? I followed him, curious, as he led me upstairs to my temporary bedroom.

As we went in and he shut my door behind us, I wondered where this was going. Had he found the cummy Kleenex I had left on the floor, maybe? Or worse, the vintage gay magazine I had under my pillow. Jesus, so much for privacy!

“Sit your ass down, kid” he said. I was about to protest again but I thought better of it. I thought I had better see how much trouble I was in before I kicked off. I sat on the edge of my bed and waited patiently. This was odd. Geoff never spent time talking to me.

Geoff leaned back against the bedroom door, his hands behind his back. He was looking at me. Smiling. It was weird, but it was kind of sexual in a way. I told myself to get a grip. The heat must be getting to me, I thought.

“Good day at school?” He asked. It was a starter question. That much was obvious. He didn’t care if I had a good day at School, that was obvious too.

“Not really” I said. “Detention again, for not concentrating.” I shrugged. Whatever. What are you going to be about it?

Geoff grinned like that was a good thing. I frowned. Was he going to tell mom?

“You enjoying it here while your folks are away?” He asked. That came across a bit more sincerely, I’ll give him that.

I shrugged again. “It’s okay.” I said. “It’s not a free trip to Australia.” I added. Take that.

Geoff really grinned now. Yeah, because that was so hilarious. Really funny being left behind by your parents.

“I reckon we can can make your visit better than a free trip to Oz” he said, his grin fixed in place like he had special needs or something. I frowned. What was this?

He shuffled in place, adjusted his feet. “I’m gonna get right to the point” he said. He was a bit more serious now, but still smiling. I was curious. Get to the point about what?

“You’re a cute little fucker” he said, and then he paused. My eyes went wide. What was that? Cute? Fucker? Was I hearing this right….?

“You’re a cute little gay fucker, I should say” he said, with serious underlining of the word ‘gay’. I went cold. What did he know? I slid my hand under my pillow in a way I hoped wasn’t obvious. Was my sex mag still there? My fingers touched the well-thumbed paper and I sighed in relief.

“Don’t worry, I put your dirty magazine back after I jerked off earlier” he said, his smile as broad as ever. I flushed bright red. What the fuck….?

“Listen, I know you’re a little slut. I have heard you moaning in here at three o’cock in the morning when you think I’m asleep. I have heard you whispering “fuck me daddy” into your pillow as you jerk yourself off, your finger in your asshole.”

I started to protest. I’d better deny something pretty quick before this all went too far. But he held up his finger to his lips. He was grinning again, delighted with himself obviously. “Shhhush” he said.

I stopped. What could I do?

“So, look…..” He continued. “You’re of legal age to consent, which is great, because while you’re here with me you’re gonna consent. You’re gonna bend over when I ask and you’re gonna take whatever I wanna shove into your tight little boy hole.”

Geoff went from goofy weird uncle type with a stupid grin, to sex dungeon master with lust in his eyes in about half a second. Or less. I flushed bright red again. I shifted where I sat. My insides squirmed. What the fuck….? Was this a joke….?

I started to speak again, but again he shushed me. My heart raced and I felt my palms getting sweaty.

“I know you want it, so let’s not wast time denying it or talking about it. I was just the same at your age: a filthy little whore who couldn’t get enough. Well, you’re going to get enough over the next few days.” He said.

“B..b…but…..” I stammered. “I have never…… I’m not ga…….”

Geoff laughed and I stopped. “Virgin is it?” He asked. “Even better. I love to fuck a tight little ring that’s never seen a cock before. Nice. As for not gay….. tell yourself whatever you like. Whatever helps you sleep at night, kid. You can be the first truly straight guy who just happens to like it when his sugar daddy dumps salty jizz in his asshole.”

By this time my mouth was hanging open. On one hand, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My entire universe had just been turned up-side-down and shaken around and I didn’t know what the fuck was going on. On the other hand, something about Geoff’s voice, the language he was using, the fact that he was so sure of himself…. My god was it actually turning me on?

I studied Geoff as he just stood there, nonchalantly leaning against the bedroom door having told me in no uncertain terms that he wanted to - no, that he was going to - fuck my cute gay ass. He was so casual about it, about the one thing that really tore me up inside. Sure, deep down I knew I was gay and I had been dreaming of being railed since I knew what an erection was, but it was something I hid and kept secret. There were guys at school who were out and at least two of them were openly fucking on a regular basis. I was jealous as hell, but I was still so far in the closet I was technically in Narnia half the time. And now this. A guy who knew, who’d guessed, who didn’t give a fuck, who just saunters in and says hey kid, get ready for some cock. I was hot, bothered, speechless, afraid, excited…. Fuck, I didn’t know what I was.

“So, no, it’s not a free holiday” he said, staring into my eyes. “But I am going to make sure you see enough dick over the next few days that we really bring out the little twink slut in you. In no time at all you’ll be begging to suck the cum out of me for breakfast before you go to school.” He grinned again. The look on his face was incredible. To him, this was all perfectly normal. Nothing weird here at all. Just telling my mate’s kid that he was gonna get railed a lot for a week while his parents were on holiday. Nothing to see here.

I cursed myself as I felt my cock getting hard. Jesus, not now!

I was about to speak again but I was still in shock. How did I say say no, that I wasn’t gay? How did I say thanks but no thanks? Or did I negotiate and ask him to go slow because I didn’t know what I was doing. Maybe let me have some time to think about it? A voice in my head was telling me to fucking go for it, telling me not to be a pussy, to take this opportunity and run with it. But most of me was scared to death; scared of being outed, scared of sex, scared of being hurt… god, just terrified.

Geoff smiled at me, a warm smile now, not amused and not taking the piss. “I want you to get changed into those grey joggers and a t-shirt. Come downstairs and into the living room. I’m going to introduce you to a few of my friends. They’re going to strip you naked and they’re gonna show you things that you never thought was possible. Don’t worry, they’ll look after you and they won’t hurt you. But they will fuck you, lick you, suck you, jerk you off… you name it.” He looked at me. I looked back. “Okay?” He said.

Okay….? Okay…..? What the fuck. No, that was not okay! What the fuck!!??

My eyes never broke away fromhis as I nodded once, slowly. Even as I did it my brain was screaming at me. Why are you nodding? Say no! Get out of there! What the fuck are you doing?

Geoff winked at me. “You’re gonna love it” he said as he left, leaving my door open. I could hear him trotting down the stairs and going back into the living room.

I sat on the bed, my legs and arms like jelly and my insides spinning around like a washing machine. I’d had a perfectly normal day until now. Crappy lessons, longing looks at the boy I liked, detention for not paying attention. Suddenly normal was a long way away. I looked down at the bulge in my school trousers. I used my hand to move it, to make it more comfortable. That touch sent a massive thrill through me. God, I was horny. Horny and excited.

I don’t know how long I sat there. I guess it was no more than a few minutes but it felt like hours while I played scenarios through my mind. I found myself standing. I stripped off my school uniform and left it where it dropped. I had absolutely no energy to bend and picking it up. My whole body was flooded with endorphins and god knows what. I stood at looked at myself in the full length mirror on the wall.

I was slim, dark brown hair, a bit short for my age. I had tried to build up some muscle but that wasn’t working so well. I had made some cash recently though. I sold some pics to a few old guys via social media. They told me I looked young and hot. That I had a cute butt. One of them offered to pay good money to meet me, but I chickened out and blocked him. Sending pics was one thing….

Taking the pics had made me so horny. Pics for cash. I had loved it. And they had loved me.

I was on autopilot. I grabbed a fresh t-shirt, a baggy old white one. I grabbed the joggers that I had been instructed to wear. Not because Geoff told me. No, it because I was gonna wear them anyway.

Yeah, tell yourself that, I thought to myself.

I didn’t wear any socks. I rarely did. It was too hot anyway.

I padded with bare feet to the top of the stairs. I paused there for ages. My cock was in a constant state of semi-arousal. My trunks were keeping it contained, but to me it was a massive, obvious bulge.

I found myself walking downstairs. Slowly. One at a time. Pausing often. What was I doing?

I got to the bottom of the stairs. I could hear the men laughing. Geoff and his mates. I decided I would go in there and tell Geoff that I wasn’t gay, that I wasn’t playing. I had homework to do. That’s what I would do. I half convinced myself that he was kidding around with me anyway and that I’d go in there and he’d just ask me to get everyone drinks or something. Yeah, that’s what this was. This was Geoff taking the piss as usual.

But he’d mentioned the magazine. Talked about jerking off….

That was just to wind me up, I thought. He’d found the mag and decided to wind me up. That was it. He realised I was getting off on gay stuff and he decided to poke fun at me.

But he talked about me moaning in the early hours. Fuck me daddy….

The sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach wouldn’t go away. I felt like I was walking to the headmaster’s office. Actually that’s not true. This wasn’t the same feeling as “I’m in trouble”. This was a feeling of deep anticipation. A swirling combination of fear, of desire and longing, of sexual tension, of doubt…. God my legs felt like they would give way at any moment. I felt kinda sick, kinda elated. I was sweating.

I took a deep breath and put my hand on the door handle. I was somewhere between pushing down and opening the door and running back upstairs to my room when it opened. It was Geoff.

“Come on” he said and he ushered me in. I stepped into the room and he closed the door and leaned on it just like he had in my room. He had that same grin, too. I was trapped. No way back now. So was this real, or was he going to get me to run some mindless errand?

Everyone stopped talking and laughing and they were all staring in my direction. I flushed red and I knew it was spreading down my neck. How embarrassing. Could they see my cock? Did they know it was almost hard?

I looked around, my mouth dry as the desert and heart thumping in my chest. There were five of them in total, plus Geoff. Geoff was the slim daddy type. There were two overweight, red faced guys. The other three were older, almost grandad types, I thought. But fit grandaddies…

I turned back, doubting myself. I’d just go back to my room. I couldn’t speak. I felt like I was on display, like an exhibit in a museum. I was hot. Maybe I was dreaming. Maybe I was sickening for something. What was I even doing here…?

Geoff smiled at me, not moving, barring the door with his body.

My legs and my arms were numb now. I had a lump in my throat. I could feel my heart pumping blood like these were my last moments. I couldn’t swallow. I had never been this nervous. Anxiety was taking control. Surely I was having a panic attack or something?

“Welcome” Geoff said. “Callum, these are some of my horny friends. Guys, this is Cal. He’s going to be our fuck toy for the afternoon.” He grinned.

There was a chorus of “hey Cal” and similar greetings. I wasn’t really listening. I was trying to pretend they weren’t there. I must have gone pale. I felt pale. Oh god, this was real. He’d just said I was their fuck toy. Out loud. To everyone.

My cock twitched.

“Pull your joggers down, Cal” Geoff said. He waited. I couldn’t move. Apparently this wasn’t some kind of practical joke. He was waiting for me. They all were. I was supposed to pull down my joggers. Like, for real.

Geoff couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. He looked me in the eye and his gaze felt warm, like he was my friend in this room. I clung onto that. A stared at him with big eyes and I wondered if I might cry like some kid, but he winked at me. “It’s okay. We’re all friends here, Cal.” He said. He never called me Cal. I made my heart skip a beat. I didn’t understand why. “No-one here’s gonna hurt you Cal. We just want to see you. We’ll look after you.”

My heart went from thudding like crazy to overdrive. I felt dizzy. But I couldn’t stop myself as I put both hands on my hips, pulled up under the hem of my t-shirt. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband. I paused. I gulped as best I could with a dry mouth. Then I pushed them down, sliding them over my ass. I didn’t trust myself to bend over. I pushed them just as far as I could reach.

Oh god, I’d done it.

I took a deep breath. What was I doing? I had just dropped my pants in front of these pervy old men. Why did it give me such a fucking hot thrill? My legs and arms still felt like jelly and they were getting worse, but the feeling up and down my spine was electric bliss.

Geoff’s smile broadened. “Good lad” he said warmly. There was another chorus of approval. “Well done.” I head and “Really beautiful” and things like that. It made my heart flutter. Was I really this much of an approval junky?

Geoff stepped forward. Apparently I was no longer a flight risk, standing here with my joggers pulled down. That’s what it felt like. He stepped right into my personal space. He was taller than me. He bent down, his lips on the way to mine. I looked up. I closed my eyes. I let my lips go loose and like a little bird waiting to be fed by mommy bird, I waited for his kiss.

When it came it was electric. His mouth on mine. A real live older guy, Geoff who I’d known most of my life, was pressing his lips onto mine. I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears. I was kissing a guy. In front of other guys. With my joggers pulled down.

It was a quick kiss. I stumbled a bit as he pulled away. I was leaning into it. Did I want this….? Oh god, what was happening to me? I was sure I wanted it.

Geoff took hold of my t-shirt. His eyes locked onto mine as he pulled the hem up, sliding it slowly up my body and eventually pulling it over my head. My arms were pulled up by the fabric. I couldn’t move them. They were still jelly. They fell back to my side as the garment came free.

I took a deep breath. I was standing naked from the waist up. My slim fit dark grey joggers were down below my ass. My light blue trunks, my underwear, were on display. My cock was standing out in front, poking at the material. I shivered, but it wasn’t cold.

Geoff tossed the t-shirt to one of the guys who brought it up to his face and inhaled deeply. “Lovely” he said. The guy next to him on the sofa shuffled and pulled his cock out of the fly of his shorts. It was big, hard, with a mushroom shaped head that seemed too big for the shaft. He ran his hand up and down the shaft.

This was the first grown man’s dick I had see in real life. I felt like it was huge. It was thick and veiny. I could seen hairs along the underside and poking through the fly of his shorts. The head was purple and shiny and it seemed to throb as I stared. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. More than anything, more than standing here like this, having a daddy cock standing hard in front of my young eyes made all this very real.

I slumped down to my knees. I couldn’t stand any more. My legs were too weak. I kind of collapsed.

Geoff patted my head softly, his fingers in my hair. “Go and take him in your mouth, Cal” he said to me.

I looked up at Geoff and back to the cock. Back at Geoff. Back to the cock. Could I just do that? In front of all these people? Could I go over there and just suck it, like I had seen in porn? I wanted to, I think. I wanted it in my mouth. I had a funny feeling at the base of my spine. My balls tingled. My hole puckered up a bit.

Geoff tousled my hair with his hand. “Go on. Just lick and suck. It’s easy.”

I found myself crawling forward. I crawled across the rug and in between the man’s knees. I got closer and closer to that big, mushroom dick and I felt like I was almost drooling. I couldn’t tear my eyes from it. New details became clearer as I got closer. New veins and the curve and the way the light shone on the head. And then I was there. I had my hands in his lap supporting my weight. He was pushing that big thing forward toward me.

Was I really about to do this? The room was still. It was silent. It felt like this was a test. Like if I did this, I’d do anything. It felt like this was the point at which I was either going to consent or stop. I wondered what they would do with me if I failed, but that was a fleeting thought. I knew now that I couldn’t fail. I didn’t want to fail. I badly wanted that cock in my mouth. I knew taking it between my lips would be the start of something. I understood that if I kept moving forward, I’d have to suck them all. My anus twitched again and it reminded me that they would probably take my virginity. Maybe all of them would. I have a flash forward of the orgy that would ensue, like a scene from PornHub as these daddies parted my cheeks and pushed their big, hard cocks inside me. I had never done that, but I found myself pushing my ass out as I thought of it.

I close my eyes as my mouth opened wide. I felt the man’s hands, both of them, on my head, his fingers in my hair, as he gently guided my head down onto his erection. I felt the head of his dick on my lips, felt it sliding along my tongue, felt myself respond as I licked and sucked him.

Someone got behind me. I ignored them, put them out of my mind. I felt hands, maybe more than one set of hands, removing my joggers, lifting my legs to get them past my knees. I felt the material slide down my calves. The cuffs were pulled over my ankles and feet. Finally they were gone.

Then Geoff was there, leaning over me, his body pushing against mine. I felt the bulge in his pants pushing at my ass. His mouth was close to my ear and he said “Well done” in a quiet voice. It made me feel great. I was doing a good job and Geoff was pleased with me. My cock was hard as rock and my balls were tight and cold.

Geoff’s hand was suddenly between my legs, gently stroking my inner thighs, my scrotum, reaching through the legs to my my shaft, all through my underwear. It made my entire body tingle. Someone else, a guy, an older man, was groping me.

Then I felt hands on the elastic of my trunks. I knew they were coming off. It was just something about the way his hands were placed. Before I had thought much about it, the fabric was sliding down slowly over my bottom and exposing me. I knew my asshole was on display now. My most precious area. No-one had seen that before, not like this.

He left my underwear below my ass. He put his hand in between my thighs again, cupping my balls and just touching me. I took a breath. I’d fooled around a bit with boys when I was much younger, but nothing had felt like this grown man’s hand touching me, skin on skin. I felt his warmth. I knew instinctively that he’d done this before. He knew what he was doing. His touch wasn’t some boy’s fumble, it was hitting all the right notes.

I was still scared half to death, but the balance was shifting. I was horny, and horny was getting into the driving seat and getting ready to set off on the trip of a lifetime.

Precum literally drooled from the end of my cock, soaking my underwear. I wondered if he would make me come like this. I was right on the edge already.

Then something happened that I never expected. It made my eyes roll back in my head and I moaned involuntarily with the most amazing pleasure.

Geoff placed his hands on my skinny butt cheeks. He pushed them apart and I responded by pushing my ass back. I felt the air on my hole which made me twitch with pleasure. Showing off my pucker made me feel slutty in a way I had never felt before. Then his face was there. His stubble beard on my soft skin. His mouth and tongue over my hole kissing it like lovers kissed. The heat, the wetness, the new sensations in my most private, most sensitive area.

Oh. My. God.

I sucked harder, licked more. I pushed back with my ass as much as I could. I needed more of this feeling.

Geoff took my junk in his hand and pulled it back. He licked from the tip of my cock, the underside, to my scrotum, to my perineum and then back to my anus. I shuddered with delight. I never knew anything could feel like this. How did I not know? How come this was so fucking wonderful?

I moaned again, the noise barely escaping around the hard penis in my mouth. I couldn’t help it.

Then, just as I thought things couldn’t feel any more incredible, I felt his thumb at my entrance. There was pressure and I clenched. I had put stuff up there, of course, but no-one else had been near my hole and I was nervous. Geoff gently rubbed his thumb around down there as he continued to lick and suck at my anus. I relaxed and he applied pressure again. This time I remained relaxed and I felt the tip slide inside me.

It felt… new. I was too anxious for it to feel great immediately, but it didn’t hurt or feel bad. I kind of wanted more. I was ready for more.

Lubricated by saliva, his thumb pushed into me, first to one knuckle, then all the way in. As the thumb made it all the way in, the man I was sucking shuffled. He moved and the guy next to him kind of edged over to replace him. Here was a smaller, stubbier cock. He was uncut and he pulled the foreskin down over the head before guiding my head to take him. I sucked eagerly.

Geoff began to fuck me gently with his thumb while he licked with his tongue. I felt myself relax and it started to become enjoyable. It started to feel like it was slipping in easier. He ran his thumb around my inner rim, relaxing the muscles of my sphincter and pulling me open gently.

He leaned forward and whispered into my ear “I’m going to fuck you soon. I want to be the one to take your virginity. I’m going to slide my cock all the way in and then stop, let you get used to me.” He said.

I kind of whimpered. I wanted it, but I was scared. My body was flooded with all kinds of chemicals, a ridiculous mix of fear and anxiety and longing and desire. I couldn’t move though. I was kind of paralysed.

His thumb was gone. His tongue was gone. My hole felt open and the cock in my mouth started to taste salty as precum leaked out. Then I felt a large, hot, fleshy object resting on my hole. My heart rate doubled. I felt sweat beading on my temples. This was it. This was how my virginity was going to be fucked away.

I was so close to stopping, to being a chicken and wimping out. But the moment passed. Everything went so quickly that I had no time. No, I was getting fucked today.

There was pressure. It was irresistible. I felt my hole open, felt my ring stretch out more than I had ever made it stretch with my fingers. It stung a little at the top and the bottom, but I was surprised that it didn’t really hurt. I started to feel full as the head pushed inside. I felt the hard flesh of his shaft sliding in. I could feel it moving. I experienced it in a kind of detached, curious way.

It was slow, but it wasn’t stopping. I played with my muscles back there trying hard to relax and let him in. I had mixed success. Sometimes I got it just right and it felt good, other times I got it wrong and felt…. not painful, but maybe uncomfortable is the right word.

Then he was in. My ring was gripped around his shaft in a way that felt tight and hot. I had stopped sucking, but was prompted to start again by the man. I felt Geoff’s hands on my ass, caressing me, relaxing me. He took one of my hands and brought it back, took my fingers so that I touched his shaft, touched where his cock was lodged in my hole. My little boy pussy. I felt around very gently. I could feel my own anus, stretched out and accommodating of Geoff’s big hard dick. I grinned as I sucked. Virgin, no more.

“There we go boys” Geoff said. There was some kind of jeering, some comments like “Fuck that looks tight mate” and “I can’t wait to get in there”.

“Everyone can have a turn” Geoff said. “And he’s here for long enough that we’ll get to try everything with him. We’re gonna make him our little cock slut. He’s gonna take it whenever wherever and however we want. Isn’t that right, boy?”

I felt a shiver of excitement run up my back. They were talking about me. I was to be their slut. Their play thing. If I hadn’t been on my knees, bent over the sofa in some strangers lap with a cock in my mouth and another in my cunt, I’d have been scared or worried. As it was, I just felt like I was already their slut. My worst fear was the pain of being fucked in my rear, but it hadn’t really hurt. And it was feeling better and better by the second. Now I was focussed on the feeling I got deep inside when I realised they all wanted me. That I was their fantasy just like older guys had been mine. It thrilled me. Really thrilled me.

“Yes” I answered, not thinking any more, just doing. There was no going back from that. Oh god, I had had gone from being a hot and frustrated school boy to their fuck toy in like twenty minutes. How had this happened. Fuck it, I thought. Who cares how. Just be gentle with me daddy!

On cue Geoff pulled back little. It felt weird, but good weird. I was still trying to relax when he pushed back. Then out again. Then back. Each time further. A little faster. As minutes ticked by the length of his stroke was greater and I found I could keep my hole poised on that point between clenching and fully opening. It started to feel good. Good started to become great.

A few minutes had passed. I don’t know how many. If felt like the longest time but I knew it couldn’t be. Suddenly I realised I was being fucked. Not a slow in an out any more but fucked properly. Geoff was using long strokes to really hammer me. I was moaning. Where had that come from? I couldn’t stop as breath was pushed from my lungs. All I knew was the pounding of that cock into my hole. Into my fuck hole. My boy pussy. My cunt. That’s what it was now. It was Geoff’s hole.

I was Geoff’s hole.

Things moved quickly from there and I lost track of time. Everything happened around me, to me, as if my body was some kind of sex doll and I was watching from the sidelines. I guess my body had been flooded with so many chemicals, so many emotions, that by now I was numb. Don’t get me wrong, it was fucking awesome. It was just too much for me to get my head around in the moment.

In some ways I felt used, but it wasn’t “used” in a bad sense. I quickly found myself slipping into the role of total submissive. I wasn’t being raped, I was allowing these men to do whatever they wanted to me. I was living within my most depraved fantasy. I did all this in full awareness of the fact that if I allowed it this once, they would come back for more whenever they felt like it. I was giving myself to them wrapped up with a bow and I knew what I was doing. I never lost my feeling of anxiety about what I was doing, nor my fear of being hurt or abused, but I gradually, slowly, fell into it. Into my new role. It was thrilling.

Geoff leaned forward again, bent over my body as he humped me like a dog. I could feel his cock shift inside me. I could feel it pushing all the way up, going further than anything I had used up there. And god, I was so full. Full of big, hard dick.

“As I’m your first I’ll finish inside you. You should know what it’s like to feel a man come in your guts.” He said. His voice was thick with lust. I push back on him. I couldn’t suck the cock that was in front of me right now, I was too preoccupied with the cock in my rear. The cock in front of me kept hitting me in the face as I was rocked forward, but I hardly noticed.

Geoff humped away, my breathing getting faster and faster until he held it. I could feel him tense. He lurched forward one final time. He went stiff all over, his hands grasping the flesh of my buttocks. I felt his cock physically grow inside me. It took my breath away until it pulsed, pulsed, pulsed, shooting hot wetness inside me. I could feel it. Geoff moaned as he came and I moaned quietly too at these new sensations. It was a feeling like no other.

Then people were moving. The guy sitting in front of me moved away and I was hoisted by strong hands, pulled off Geoff’s dick and turned onto my back on the seat of the sofa. I felt my gaping hole closing up and I knew a trickle of cum juice had leaked out and was running down my thigh.

My knees were pushed back and I was practically folded in half. Multiple hands smeared lube around my hole where it mixed with Geoff’s spit and cum. Fingers explored me, entered me, pulled my hole open and made gape. Someone took pictures on a mobile phone. I turned my head to one side to see what was going on, but a cock was rammed into my mouth and shoved down the back of my throat.

I almost gagged, but the sensation was lost when another cock started to shove into me. Whoever was there was fucking it into me hard, in and out, deeper with every thrust. The lube made kind of squelching noises as he pumped back and forth. I felt full up again, but this cock wasn’t as big as Geoff’s. It felt like it was going in easier, a combination of proper lubrication and the fact that this was number two.

Hands were all over me now. Someone was stroking my cock, which was so hard it ached. The cock in my mouth was leaking precum and I licking my tongue around his pee-hole to taste it better. Someone else was playing with my nipples. And all the while a cock was being pumped into me.

I felt my balls tighten. I got that familiar tingle. I knew I was going to come if they didn’t stop. I’d never come before in front of someone else and I was embarrassed. I tried to move, to squirm, but they kept on going, holding me still. Someone grabbed one knee, and someone else grabbed the other. The pulled my legs open so whoever was playing with my cock had full access. I whimpered with the cock in my mouth but then I hit that point where you know you can’t stop. I pushed upward with my hips, trying to fuck the guy’s hand. I needed to come badly. Fuck embarrassment.

I shot great spurts of teenage boy juice. It arced high up to land on my chest and face and on the sofa. Someone commented, someone else praised me, and I was still shooting. I had never come this much before, not ever.

It started a chain reaction. The guy in my ass, gripped by my pulsating ring, shot his load into me and then, with no warning, the other guy came in my mouth. I almost choked as wads of salty, thick cream was shot right down my tongue to the back of my throat. I’d never tasted cum before, not even my own.

“That’s it lad” someone said. “Swallow it down like a good boy”.

I wanted so badly to be a good boy. I swallowed and I got most of it. Some had already leaked out of the side of my mouth when I choked. It was salty and bitter. I wasn’t sure I liked it, but I didn’t hate it. I used to think that it would make me sick, but it didn’t. Maybe it was just that I had no time to think.

The cock, now softening quickly, was pulled from my hole, making me moan out loud. More cum dribbled out. Another cock was there immediately, thrusting right into me without any pause. It was shoved all the way up in one motion, forcing the breath from my lungs. They twisted my hips, turning me onto my side. The new guy grabbed my hip and thigh and fucked into me. It was another smaller cock, but it was big enough.

Then someone was kissing me. A big open mouthed kiss with a fat tongue that licked up the dribbling of salty cream and kissed it back into me. I opened wide and responded as best I could.

Hands were everywhere still. My flesh was on fire. My heart was beating like crazy and even though I had just come like a maniac, my cock was getting hard again. I was sweating too, like I’d run a marathon or something.

The guy in my ass pulled out and I felt him shoot cum onto my anus. I felt the shock of heat and felt it dissipate almost immediately after it splattered on my soft flesh. I felt it running away down over my buttock.

My hole felt hot and used now, the ring not really sore, but certainly well fucked. Now I was really theirs. I had no strength to move or protest or adjust myself and my fears were just about gone. Hands lifted me again, turned me. I didn’t know what to do so I just let it happen. I was held over one of the fat guys who was sitting on the sofa, now nude. They lowered me onto his cock. It was huge. A big, fat headed thing. As my weight bore down on him I could feel my already stretched hole being widened. I felt a stinging sensation as I reached breaking point, sure I was being split in two. My eyes went wide and then suddenly it was done and the head popped inside me and I slid down on his shaft. I could feel that thing rearranging my insides. And then I was bounced up and down by strong hands, my tight ass gripping this monster penis as the men lifted me, then allowed me to fall, lifted me, then let me go. I was moaning loudly with every thrust. I could hear myself, but I couldn’t stop it. I was so noisy. That seemed to spur them on. They loved it.

That massive cock head was hitting something inside me that made me feel like I needed to pee. Pre-cum started to ooze from my cock like never before. It was literally just flowing out of me in long gooey strands.

My eyes were wide. I could feel another orgasm building. My balls ached, and my cock was so hard again that it ached too. But I couldn’t stop it. It was coming. Every time that huge cock head rubbing my insides as it ploughed into me, the sensation ratcheted up another notch. I had never felt like this. I was scared again, scared at what was happening to me.

“He likes big dick” someone said.

“Aye, he’s going shoot again” someone else. “Such a fucking good boy, this one”

Yes, I was a good boy. I wanted to be their good boy so badly. I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. Everything felt so unbelievably amazing I started to doubt I was even awake.

Then, when I thought these new sensations would have to end soon, someone forced his head in between my man’s fat belly and my slim frame. He took my cock in his mouth and sucked. That was it. I cried out. I shot cum again, hands-free, the cock inside me rubbing me in a place I didn’t know existed and the warm, wet mouth enough to push me over the edge and finish me off.

I came and came and came. I never knew I could come so much, and so soon after coming already. God, it ached, but it felt so wonderful. It shook my entire body.

Men were cheering and laughing and speaking but I was out of it. My eyes rolled back in my head and I think I might even have blacked out, but either way I wasn’t paying any attention to anything other than that hot feeling in my hole and the unceasing orgasm that just wouldn’t quit.

I felt the big man come in me. His dick swelled up and spat out hot spurts like it was a cartoon. I whimpered. It was all I could do.

Then I was hoisted off him. I was held up and another guy fucked me. I was turned over and my legs were legs out, and I was fucked some more. These men turned me every which way they could and I took every one of their cocks. Some of them came deep inside me, others came on me. Some of them must surely have been inside me twice, but I lost count and I just didn’t know any more.

Then finally I was on the floor, on my back on the rug. Geoff was there again. He hooked my legs over his shoulders and he lined up and surged forward, burying himself inside me again. He placed his mouth on mine and forced his tongue in. I kissed him back, my mouth wide and my tongue swirling around his. It was a filthy wet kiss that made me so horny I can’t even tell you.

Geoff pumped me like a mad man, his hands grabbing at my face and his tongue half way down my throat. I was in some kind of ecstasy. I was loudly moaning and whimpering and rocking back and forth while the other guys stood around cheering us on.

From literally nowhere I came. It just arrived suddenly, no hands, brought on entirely by Geoff’s big dick fucking into me like a porn star. I cried out from surprise and pain. But it was a good pain. I don’t know. I can’t describe it.

Then Geoff grunted a few times and he came too. He came a lot, pumping and pumping. He obviously liked it up my ass.

Geoff rolled off me. My hole was gaping, leaking cum like crazy. I was panting. I was covered in my own cum and sweat and everyone else’s cum too. I couldn’t move. I just lay there, my feet brought up and my knees spread wide. My teenage dick was somehow both shrivelled up and swollen. My muscles ached. I was thoroughly, totally exhausted in every possible sense.

Geoff touched my belly and rubbed my cum over me. It was a sensuous and loving touch.

“I think we can agree you’re not a virgin any more” he said and the other guys all laughed. “And I think we can all agree that you were wonderful today. The most amazing little slut we’ve ever had, I would say.”

There was a round of agreement. Phrases like “amazing body” and “wonderful passage” and “so cute” and more. I smiled as much as I could. I loved it. I was the best they’d had.

Geoff stood and looked down at me. I was barely conscious. I heard him tell the guys that he was going to get name tucked in and then he’d be back to help clean up. He lifted me in arms that felt stronger than I thought they would be. He carried me easily, one arm under my knees and the other under my shoulders. He carried me all the way upstairs and placed me gently on my bed. I was sure cum had leaked from my hole as we went, but I didn’t have the strength to care much.

Geoff smoothed my matted hair and wiped his hand over my brow.

“You were awesome today. Such a cutie. Such a hot fuck” he said as I began to doze off. “No school tomorrow. You can stay home. I’ll show you some things before I make you my bitch again……”

I drifted away into an exhausted sleep. It was bliss. I was hot and sore and achy but in ways I had never imaged were possible. Everything felt great, but I just needed to close my eyes for a little while…..

I slept. But even as I slept, I wondered what might come next. 

To be continued, maybe......

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by Scott Sauce

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024