Bennie and Adam Plan a Wedding

by Lee Obrien

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Chapter 10


I was shocked at seeing the Camaro sitting in our driveway, then when Bennie told me that he bought it for me I was overwhelmed. I started it up and felt like a teenager that had just gotten his first car, Bennie climbed in the passenger seat, I leaned over and gave him a kiss. I backed out of the driveway and punched the gas, damn I bet this thing was tuned better than the day it rolled off the assembly line. Keith was a great mechanic, and I am sure Bennie told him to check over everything before he delivered it.

After we got back to the house, we made room for my new car in the garage. I didn’t want to leave, I just wanted to sit there and stare at the Camaro.

Bennie laughed, “come on, breakfast is still on the stove, you can come back out after we eat.”

I said, “yeah, I guess I am acting like a little kid at Christmas. Can I sleep in it tonight?”

Bennie shook his head, “oh my God, I have created a monster.”

I gave him a kiss, “thank you, I love it, and I love you.”

He smiled, “I love you too, and I’m glad you like it. Now I’m glad you caught me looking at the cars that day, I was leaning more toward the Corvette.”

I took his hand as we walked back to the house, “I would have been just as happy with that, but I do like this one better.”

After we ate breakfast, I took Bennie back into the bedroom and pulled his pants down and gave him the best blow job that he ever had. Those were his words, not mine.

He said, “Holy shit, I’m going to go order the Corvette right now.”

I laughed, “no need, any time you want me to do that, just say Camaro, and I’ll be on my knees.”

He kissed me, “good to know.”

We went for several more drives over the weekend, I was loving all the looks we got as we drove down the street.

Monday morning rolled around, we walked out the door and Bennie headed toward his BMW. I paused, “would it be ok if I drove today?”

He said “sure.” He held out his keys.

I smiled, “no, the Camaro.”

He laughed, “fine, anything for you.”

I felt my face lit up as I crawled into the car. I found a parking spot right in front of the office so that I could watch the car all day. We sat at our desks and started our computers, getting to work on the new contract that we got last week.

Dallas walked in, “morning guys.”

Bennie kept typing, “Hey Laredo, how was your weekend?”

Dallas rolled his eyes, “it was good, Travis is home, so I was able to give him a bath, that was fun.”

Bennie laughed, “oh, isn’t that the best, I loved it when Adam washed me.”

I looked out the window again, “hey Dallas, did you see the Camaro, I drove the Camaro today.”

Dallas sighed, “yes Adam, I saw the Camaro, just like the two times this weekend when you came over to show it to me and Travis, it’s very nice.”

Bennie shook his head, “sorry Dallas, I never guessed he would act like this.”

I realized how silly I was acting, “sorry guys, but I really like that car.”

Thankfully Heather walked in, “morning guys, how was your weekend?”

Dallas said, “oh no you don’t, you go first.”

Bennie joined in, “yeah, how was your date with Jordan?”

She lit up, “he is great, we had a very nice dinner at that new restaurant, then yesterday we spent the day at the park, there was small music festival there.”

Dallas grinned, “see, aren’t you glad we embarrassed you now?”

She chuckled, “yes, I guess so, and good news for you clowns, he said he thinks you’re funny and he was glad you all butted in.”

Bennie asked, “so are you bringing him to our wedding?”

She nodded, “I think so, we are going out again this weekend.”

I said, “that’s great Heather, we are so happy for you. Hey, did you see what Bennie got me?”

Dallas and Bennie, in unison, “oh, God.”

I took Heather out and showed her the car, just as we were going back inside Dan pulled up. I, of course, had to show him the Camaro. After I was sure that Dan was sufficiently jealous, we went back inside.

Bennie asked, “hey Dan, what’s the news on Wilcox and the other shooter?”

Dan said, “well, we are charging the shooter with attempted murder, he goes to trial in a few months. Wilcox is going to be extradited back to DC, they decided he would get more prison time if they charged him with the murder of Charlie Jenkins. The most we could charge him with out here was attempted vehicular homicide for forcing Dallas off the road.”

Dallas asked, “what about hiring a hitman, can’t he be charged with that?”

Dan said, “we don’t have much proof of that, it’s not like they signed a contract, it’s just his word against the shooter’s word. Because he violated his parole out east, and killed another guy, he won’t see the sunlight again until he is at least 80.”

We spent the rest of the week finishing up the work on the Bay City Industries project, we were going to install the software on the following Monday. Dallas and Bennie went to do the installation, Heather and I stayed in the office catching up on all the little things that we had been neglecting the last couple weeks. With the break in, Dallas and Travis getting hurt and the presentation, there were a lot of administrative things we needed to finish.

They had the installation and training done by Wednesday, we deposited a nice check on Thursday and had gotten things caught up. The wedding was on Saturday, so we all took Friday off. Dallas and Travis both had follow-up appointments at their doctors, Bennie and I had to pick up our suits and a few other things for the wedding and Heather’s parents were coming to town for the weekend.

She asked, “so would it be ok if my parents did come to your wedding?”

Bennie said, “of course, we would love to meet them and show them that we aren’t completely nuts.”

I added, “yes, we will have more than enough food.”

We stopped by to get our suits, Chad and Jacob smiled as we walked in to try them on. I think Jacob was disappointed when he saw that we were wearing underwear. Chad winked at us and said, “congratulations and we hope you come back again.”

Jacob grinned, “it’s been a pleasure guys, see you next time.”

Bennie was chuckling as we left, “I really like those guys.”

I shook my head, “yes, they are good at their jobs. Hey, can I give you a ride in this sweet car that my soon-to-be husband gave me?”

He rolled his eyes, “your soon-to-be husband must be a great guy.”

I gave him a kiss as I opened his door, “oh, he is.”

We got up the next morning, I said, “morning, in just a few hours you will be my husband, are you excited?”

Bennie grabbed his morning wood, “of course I am, can’t you tell?”

I followed him to the shower, we were somehow able to control our urges, we wanted to save ourselves for after the wedding.

We got things set and the caterer delivered and set up the food. We changed into our suits, when Bennie pulled on his coat, I stopped and stared at him.

“You look adorable.”

He grinned, “I know.”

I gave him a kiss and pulled my coat on.

He said, “you don’t look adorable.”

I gave him a look, “well thanks a lot asshole.”

He stepped toward me, “you look fucking sexy as hell. I’m not going to make it through the ceremony without ripping that suit off you.”

I gave him another kiss, “I'll make you a deal, you don’t rip my clothes off until we are alone, and I won’t talk about the Camaro today.”

He smiled, “you're on.”

Another kiss and we headed out to the back yard to finish our prep. Dallas and Travis arrived, Dallas now had a walking cast and Travis’s arm was in a sling.

Dallas gave us both a hug, “how’s the happy couple, still want to do this?”

Bennie gave Travis a hug, “of course, I couldn’t be more sure.”

I hugged Travis, “how did your doctor’s visit go yesterday?”

Travis said, “great, Dallas got rid of his crutches and I can go back to work in three weeks.”

Dallas took his hand, “just part time and only for desk work, no field work for a few weeks after that.”

Travis rolled his eyes, “yes dear.”

Gavin and Sierra arrived next, they were such a cute couple.

Bennie greeted them, “Sierra, your dress is beautiful, and Gavin you look almost as adorable as I do.”

I shook my head, “thanks for coming you two, you do look very nice.”

They all helped with the last few details, and we were soon waiting for the rest of our guests to show up.

Heather and Jordan, with her parents came into the back yard, we greeted them with smiles.

Heather introduced us, “mom, dad, this is Adam, and this is Bennie. Guys this is Leo and Marge Carr, my parents.”

We shook hands, I said, “it’s so nice to meet you, your daughter has been wonderful help for us in the office.”

Leo said, “thank you she talks very highly of you too.” Heather’s mom still seemed to be unsure of us.

Bennie chimed in, “well, once you get to know us, I am sure you will love us too.”

They both smiled, still not looking too sure about us.

Jordan said, “thanks for letting me come along, congratulations guys.”

“Thanks Jordan, we are glad you could make it.”

John and Darcie Cabot, Dan Winter and his wife, Beth and Fred Tucker and their spouses all made their way to our back yard. We all made the needed introductions and were getting ready to start seating them to begin the ceremony. I still hadn’t seen Claire and Dave. I saw Bennie watching the street.

I walked up to him, “do you think she is coming?”

He smiled at me, “I’m not sure if I will be more disappointed if she doesn’t show or if she does.”

I took his hand, “I know what you mean, Claire isn’t here either.”

He looked at me and nodded his head, “yes, she is.”

I turned to see Emily and Noah, Claire’s kids running to me. “Uncle Adam.” They screamed as they jumped into my arms.

Claire gave me a hug as I set the kids down, I said, “thanks for coming Claire.”

She forced herself to give Bennie a hug, “well, you’re my brother, where else would I be?”

Dave shook our hands and they headed to the back yard to join the rest. Travis came out to say that we should be getting started, I took Bennie’s hand.

“Are you ready?”

He looked into my eyes, “I am so ready.”

Just as we started to walk toward the back yard, another car pulled up.

We stood there as she opened the car door, Bennie went and helped her out of the car.

“Mother, thank you for coming.”

She said, “well, Fred told me that I might regret it if I didn’t, besides, I guess I should get better acquainted with the person that my son is going to spend the rest of his life with.”

Bennie took her hand as they walked toward me, “I’ll be sure to thank Fred as well.”

“Mother, this is Adam Edwards, the man I love. Adam, this my mother Victoria Harlow.”

I took her hand, “it’s very nice to meet you Ms. Harlow.”

She looked me up and down, “yes Mr. Edwards, nice to meet you as well.”

I took Bennies arm, “please, call me Adam. Shall we join the others.”

She took Bennie’s other arm, and he took her to her seat.

Bennie and I stood at the back of the chairs we had set up, I smiled when I saw Travis standing in front of the crowd with Gavin and Dallas standing at his side.

I turned to Bennie, took his arm, and smiled, “are you ready?”

He returned my smile, “absolutely!”

Travis nodded and we walked down the aisle. He did a super job with vows and everyone except Claire and Bennie’s mother cheered and clapped when he said, “you may kiss your spouse.”

The rest of the party went off without a hitch and all our guests seemed to have a good time. I thought Dave was going to die laughing when Bennie went to the kitchen and came out with a hot dog and a bottle of Bud Light and gave it to Claire. We even managed to charm Heather's parents, her mom even invited us to their house for their annual Labor Day party.

A few hours later and after many hugs and congratulations we were finally alone.

I pulled Bennie in for a kiss, “well, that went very well, don’t you think, Hubby?”

He chuckled, “yes I do, my mother shocked me when she gave both of us a hug before she left.”

I said, “yeah, I was a little surprised by that too.”

He said, “maybe she is mellowing in her old age.”

We kissed again and soon our new suits were lying in a pile on the floor, our naked bodies rubbing against each other. We rotated around and had our cocks in each other’s mouths, I think this blow job was even better than the one I gave Bennie to thank him for my car. Bennie gave me one of his famous rim jobs, just when I thought I would pass out from ecstasy, he replaced his tongue with that dick that I have come to crave. We locked lips as his cock worked in and out of my welcoming hole. Every nerve in my body was being stimulated, we spent the next two hours in every position possible. Our cocks explored every hole that each of us had, him fucking me, me fucking him. We finally came as Bennie was fucking me as we lay on our sides, he was stroking me, and we both exploded at the same time.

We held each other as our heart beats finally returned to a normal rate.

Bennie said, “damn, we should get married more often.”

I said, “that was pretty good, wasn’t it?”

He laughed, “the best. Give me a while and I think I will be ready to go again.”

I pulled him tight to me, “we will have plenty of time for that, we should get some rest.”

He turned to me, “why, we don’t have to get up early, we can stay up as late as we want.”

I reached into the nightstand drawer, “no, we do have to get up in the morning.” I handed him an envelope.

He looked at me, “what’s this?”

I said, “it’s not as good as a Camaro, but this is my wedding gift to you.”

I watched as he opened the envelope, his eyes widened when he saw the contents.

He asked, “Are you kidding me?”

I shook my head, “nope, just and me for two full weeks. I have already set things up so Dallas and Heather can run the office.”

He gave me a kiss, “thank you, I can’t wait to make love to you on every beach in Hawaii.”


The End.

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024