Before Blue Monday

by Baryon

3 Dec 2023 1921 readers Score 6.7 (20 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

My driver had picked them up. When we arrived back at my country house from my law firm’s cocktail party, they were waiting. Three fit lads, from 19-21. Caucasian English street thugs. Shaven headed louts. Two blonde, one dark. All pretty as fuck, but well 'ard too. Exactly what was ordered.

I had brought two rookies of my firm back home. Sean and Karl. Men in their early thirties. Pretty cute too, but definitely my side of the past-our-prime hill. I’m Ronan, 45, still attractive enough despite my creeping age. But I don’t really care. I’m minted. Fuck handsome, rich wins. I’ve taken my two juniors back to really bond with them. To ensure they’re properly acquainted. To make sure they’ll fit in. They don’t disappoint.

The lads have been free with the mini-bar in our absence while they waited. They’re well on when we arrive. So are we of course after the party. We get a few drinks in anyway before getting down to it. The lads are Geoff, Wayne and Will. Will is the youngest, the dark haired twink of the trio. He’s the prize for us. Who will be first to get a taste of his gorgeous boy pussy? I’m itching to make sure it’s me. Sean and Karl look similarly stricken. I can see their tenting through their suit trousers.

Geoff takes charge-

“right! Let’s see you old bastards out of those suits. C’mon! Get ‘em off”

We hurriedly obey

“Get on your hands and knees pigs!”-bawls Geoff when we’re down to our jocks “jaysus, you might be hot shit in a boardroom but you’re just plump middle aged fags to me. You!” he strides over to Karl “I’d say you were alright back in the day – better looking than these two sad pricks” he gestures to me and Sean.

He’s right of course. Karl must have been a bit of a stunner when he was 20. He’s 32 now. Still attractive, if somewhat pudgy.

“Tell me you want to smell my sweaty jock hole. Tell me how you’re a pathetic fag who has to pay to get a whiff of a young jock’s arse. Tell me now” Geoff grabs Karl by his strawberry blonde crop and wafts his beautiful, pert, young arse- still under his trakkies- teasingly before Karl’s face.

Karl’s expression is one of pain and desperate desire. Me and Sean are salivating too, but my mind is also wandering towards Will’s hole. I’ll do anything to get at that first.

“I want it. I want it, man! Yeah. Let me get a whiff!” growls Karl through heavy breath.

Geoff peels down his trakkies, revealing a black jock-strapped lad-package and pearly white pair of young ass-cheeks.

“Oi! Wait!”- shouts young Wayne in my direction- “you’re not getting a free floorshow dad. Get over here and clean my dick you sick ol’ fuck”

I crawl towards Wayne as he slips down his jocks. He’s a fucking monster! He waggles a giant meaty schlong at me as I approach, tongue already out, ready to savour this young gods tackle. I’m just there when....

agghh!” a jet of hot acrid piss fills my mouth

“ha!” laughs Wayne “that’s what you get pig. You think you’re so fucking flash with your big fuckin house and car and your fucking suits. But you’re really just a pathetic middle aged pig, man! You have to fucking beg for it from fit lads like us. Don’t you now? Cmon, I’m waiting!

He grabs me by the hair and pulls me towards his hanging donkey dick, now beginning to ascend in a semi

“cmon, tell us !” he insists

“I’m a sad fat old pig who has to pay for it! Yes! Please! I’ll do what you want, just let me get a taste of your hot young dong!”- I’m only half-play acting when I say this.

We’re all getting into it now. The lads have stripped off to their jockstraps. Will is standing aside watching the fun. I see his immaculately fresh and pert cherry twink ass. God, I want that!

Meanwhile Karl is revealing himself to be a total pig. Geoff is squatting over his face, letting ghastly farts right into Karl’s expectant visage as Karl furiously works his 32year old man-donger between his legs. He’s set up with Geoff’s arse for the evening then. It’s just between me and Sean to see who’ll get first crack at Will’s crack!

Sean has tasty looking junk too. At 35, he’s nearer my own vintage. I don’t fancy him; not when such ravishing young meat is on offer.

“let me see the pigs service each other then.” mocks Wayne  “go on, taste his ass.”

I shuffle over to Sean who presents me with his big 35year old asshole. I dive in with my tongue. Ugh! It’s not my first choice this evening. Thirty five year-old ass-pussy isn’t my thing, no matter how good looking Sean is or might have once been. But if it means I’ll soon be savouring the 19year old bussy, I’m game. Sean moans. At least he’s getting his boss to rim his crack for him. Not bad for a rookie to the firm.

Finally, I can take no more of his smelly middle aged ass. I pull my face away and head straight towards Will. He giggles mockingly. Before I can reach him, he lunges forward and grabs my hair. I wail pitiably!

Will has gotten his hands on some of my sex-toys. He brandishes a riding-crop and a rubber doggy-tail butt plug. The latter is unceremoniously stuffed into my own middle aged butthole.

“c’mon you dirty old perv! Let’s hear you yelp!”- laughs Will as he delivers a series of stinging smacks across my sagging arse.

I comply with gusto. I’m enjoying this humiliation at the hands of this gorgeous 19year old stud.

“alright granddad. If you want my bussy, you’re gonna be my jax first” snickers Will

I’m not into scat. Not at all. But this twink’s arse is just too much a prize. I need it. I’ll do anything.

Luckily he hadn’t anything as extreme in mind. He just squats right down on my face. I taste heaven! Oh the musky taste and aroma of youthful twink bussy!

He twists my nipples as I work away on his sweaty boyhole. Bliss!

The lads get their kicks too. They have great fun humiliating us older dudes and our saggy bodies.

We climax together like a Parisian fountain.

Monday back at the office is a pantomime of nervous smiles and giggles

by Baryon

Email: [email protected]

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