Becoming Wesker's Experiment

by Layla

5 Aug 2022 4593 readers Score 8.2 (37 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Disclaimer: This story is a fantasy. Appreciate the feedback, including how you'd like the story to continue!

Chris Redfield never thought he would ever see the day that he will need to cooperate with Wesker, let alone subjecting himself as the subject of his archnemesis's live experiment.

But alas, there he was.

It all began when he saw Wesker's diabolical experiment bearing fruit with his own eyes. 

Wesker believed that the key to T-virus antidote lies in human semen. His preliminary experiment showed that if enough 'potent' semen is injected into the zombie's blood system, it will help to reverse the virus infection and turn them back to humans - at least temporarily.

Wesker had hypothesised that the higher quality the semen is, the more potent the cure will be. And the higher quality sperm can only be extracted from a stronger and more muscular man - which makes Chris the perfect donor, thanks to the years of training at the academy.

At first, Chris wasn't entertaining the idea at all and even scoffed that Wesker even asked. But after having seen these experiments progressing, he was willing to see past through Wesker's vices and let go of his pride in his bid to once and for all find the cure, even if it meant for him to humiliate himself and offer his body for Wesker's experiment.

The day marked the hundredth day that the hunky policeman agreed to participate in Wesker's mission. 

Together with Wesker, Chris was close to concoct a near perfect 'cure' after the tenth zombies showed signs of longer hours of consciousness following injection of a combination of chemicals, which only Wesker knew, and Chris's very own semen. 

The process to get where they are, nevertheless, was a brutal and taxing one for Chris. 

Wesker had subjected his former nemesis to series of intense progressive overload exercise since day one, that aims to max out the muscle gains in Chris's body for at least 3 hours per day. The idea was to push the limit of the level of testosterone so that the semen extracted was of the highest quality.

The series of demanding workout routine had not only boosted the policeman testosterone but also transformed Chris's already ripped physique into a body that no Greek gods could ever compare. 

Beyond the gruelling physical demand, the process was also mentally draining. Chris had to endure many forceful back to back ejaculations to fill up the 50 ml tube - which is the minimal level of semen required for every test - post every workout. That usually meant more than 10 ejaculations in a row for the stud. The pleasant sensation of an orgasm would usually quicky turn into aching pain by the fifth ejaculation as the hunk forced his body to excrete his manjuice into the tube. He effectively had to accept his fate as nothing but a muscle meat. 

On that day, Chris, however, had not been subjected to the extraction for at least three days. 

It was all intentional, of course. Wesker had ordered the stud to traverse through desecrated city to complete a mission.

After few hours of travel, Chris finally found himself standing in front of a rundown building where his next target supposedly incubated.

"You are close. You should be able to see them from where you are at." Wesker said over the earphone.

Chris had his back against a wall when he tried to take a peek at the target. He gulped when he witnessed the sight of three zombies seemingly devouring a body of a dead man, who didn't look like as if he has been gone for long. 

"That's a good sign" Wesker reassured the growingly anxious hunk who was equipped with a mere handgun that did not even have enough bullets to kill them all. 

"...that means that they will not be feasting anytime soon." The former captain continued before he ordered Chris to drop his only defensive gear.

"Start to take off your shirt as well but keep your pants on." 

Had he heard these words a few months ago, the ruggedly handsome cop would have been insulted. But after hearing them for the countless times since he submitted himself to this experiment, he knew well enough that this was the only way to go to complete the mission.

As he removed his shirt and looked down on his sinewy and muscular torso, Chris began to have flashback of the last failed mission which involved the same zombies a couple of weeks back. He started to breathe more heavily and felt much more anxious.

Through the microdrones hovering around the then heaving man, Wesker could sense the creeping anxiety in Chris's face.

He smiled, before he started to sooth the grimacing hunk.

"It's going to be different this time, Chris. I know it. You've trained hard enough for this" 

Wesker then leaned back on his sofa and grabbed on his hardening cock as he studied very intently Chris's sculpted pectoral and abdominal muscles undulating in motion through his HD monitors.

Even in his rest state, the demarcation between Chris's abdominals was so deep that you could slid your finger in between them. His pecs were massive and shoulders were bulging out, with traces of veins, while remaining proportionate - just the way Wesker liked his muscular men.

The lewd man licked his lips as he savored the sight of his former enemy simply existing in his screens. His cock hardened at the thought of what will happen next to Chris.

Back in the scene, Chris managed to finally muster enough mental courage to overcome his fear and unsavory memories. As per the usual routine, he then moved his left hand into the pocket of his army cargo pants and grabbed onto the two syringes, which contain what Wesker would call 'Muscle stimulants'.

The studly policeman proceeded to inject the liquid into both of his arms. He then heaved as he waited for the liquid to take effect.

After waiting for thirty seconds, Chris finally felt a growing and burning sensation inside him, causing his heart to beat much faster.

"Mmmmrrrggghhh!" Chris tried his best to mask his grunt and closed his eyes as he felt every fibre of his muscles rapidly contracting. He started to sweat profusely as he fell on his knees when the sensation became overwhelming.

His eyes widened as he witnessed his biceps and pectoral muscles bulging and growing in size by the seconds. His abdominals and shoulder transformation quickly followed through. It was as if he was forced into doing thousands of reps within seconds.

When it was all over, Chris was on all fours, heaving and sweating like a pig. His arms trembled as he carried on the new weight of his transformed body. He could also feel that every part of his skin and muscles becoming highly sensitive to the point it was aching to move or flex a muscle. 

Chris continued to breathe laboriously as he attempted to adjust to his new physical conditions.

"The stats look good, Chris. You're ready to go" Wesker said as he zoomed further to savor the view of Chris's heaving muscles.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here"

The reeling hunk was startled when he heard the voice from his left side, enough to make him jump into a defensive standing position, with his gun pointing at where the voice came from.

His eyes widened when he saw the three zombies standing on the corner of the building. 

"I thought I smelled a fresh meat and my my, was I not wrong" 

One of them continued to talk and had a devilish smile on his face.

All three zombies looked almost like a human but with their own peculiarities and gruesomeness. Wesker and Chris had referred the more intelligent one as Alpha.

They are all lanky and short, with their heads no higher than Chris's chests. 

But despite the puny figure, they appeared among the most menacing zombies that Chris have ever seen.

Their eyes were black and teeth sharp, resembling that of a dog. Chris noticed that only two of them possessed a tentacle-like tongue whose tips look like scaly suction tubes. Alpha had tongue like a normal human, but it was no less disgusting, with trails of slime all over it. He also had multiple tentacles hovering above him from his back that looked more ready to attack than ever.

The hunk gulped in terror as he tried to maintain his composure.

"Lower your gun, Chris" Wesker then ordered.

It took a while for the policeman to do as he was told.

His arms shuddered when he finally lowered his gun and let his arms fall on his sides. He then dropped the gun to the floor as he slightly puffed his chest out and contract his eight packed abdominals, which rippled beautifully every time he breathes.

His heart was beating faster by the second.

The zombie in t smiled when Chris let down his defenses.

"You look more astonishing than ever…" The menacing creature then resumed talking as he eyed Chris's fully transformed and sweaty torso like a meat. "Hasn't it only been less than a month since we last saw you?" 

Alpha then started to walk slowly towards Chris, followed by his comrades by his sides. They stopped their advances when they circled the hunk, who was increasingly becoming more anxious as he stood there still like a helpless man despite professing the strength to retaliate.

"Tell them why you're there, Chris" Wesker then said.

Chris gulped before mustering enough courage  to speak.

"I came here to offer my body for you…" Chris recalled the words that Wesker asked him to say in his mind " exchange for the safety of the remaining humankind"

Alpha raised his eyebrows and grinned in response. 

"What an interesting proposition…." 

Without hesitation, he then extended both of his hands to feel Chris's bulging pecs.

The police stud shuddered when he felt the slimy hands seductively traced the contour of his pectoral muscles. He moaned and his cock jumped when the zombie tried to pinch on Chris's highly sensitive nipples.

The hands then made their way to explore Chris's canyon-like abs, slithering in between the crevices and feeling how firm they are as Chris contracted them in his bid to awe the depraved zombies.

"Impressive… more impressive than I remembered them to be," the zombie said as his fingers continued to caress Chris's bodyparts like a plaything.

The rugged cop froze in place throughout the humiliating session. He watched the hands slither, tweak and rub on his hard-earned muscles with disgust. But at the same time, he also couldn't help but to moan intermittently as the hands intensified their caressing motion given how sensitive his skin and muscles were at the time.

He was so consumed by the sensation that his own cock had hardened, which the zombies noticed even through the baggy army pants.

One of them tried to tear Chris's pants apart but he was eventually stopped.

"We'll have all night for this. Let's take him to the chamber first" Alpha said as he then ordered his minions to secure the half naked muscular cop, who didn't resist at all to the manhandling.

With his hands behind his back, Chris was then made to walk in his half naked state, leaving his gun behind. 

"Good job, Chris." Wesker then said over the earphone as he watched the zombies forced his former nemesis to walk into the dark alley. 

"First step of the mission cleared"